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This classic, which provides insightful answers to the question, is available again. This book presents evidence of what God is doing in the Church today. Basham covers topics such as: The Difference Between Affliction and Possession, Doctrine vs. Experience, Man’s Innate Fear of Satan & Demons, Demons vs. Carnal Nature, and more! And find specific Testimonies of Deliverance from Lust, Grief, Sorrow, Rejection, Self-Pity, Loss of Memory, Suicide, Spite, Migraine Headaches, among others. “This book has opened the eyes and understanding of thousands of pastors and individuals to a new dimensions of the Truth. This book may change your life.”
Marvin Elliott [02/20/2015 2:27 PM]
Byron Benefield [03/14/2015 1:48 PM]
Demons abide in the flesh working inward to gain control of the soul while The Holy Spirit abides in the regenerated spirit working outward to manifest Christ in the soul. The soul is the self that has to be crossed out (denied daily). The flesh is still the embodiment of sin. The embodiment of sin personified is Satan. That’s why Paul could say there is a spiritual war in his members. Not a war between merely flesh and spirit. But the demonic in the flesh battling God in the spirit of man over control of the soul of man.
Charles Page [03/14/2015 2:05 PM]
Derek Prince (Assemblies of God), Don Basham (Disciples of Christ), Ern Baxter (Charismatic), Charles Simpson (Southern Baptist) and Bob Mumford (Pentecostal) all were exorcising demons from Christians in the 70s.
Charles Page [03/14/2015 2:13 PM]
Nouthetic christian counseling has replaced the outdated (middle ages) exorcisms and this is the discipleship movement in Evangelical circles today.
Byron Benefield [03/14/2015 2:14 PM]
Charles Page [03/14/2015 2:27 PM]
back in the day anyone could cast out demons all you needed was an extra 3 or 4 hours after church and two or three boxes of Kleenex. The demons leave due to exhaustion.
Varnel Watson
Jim Price If a person does not need to be filled with the Holy Spirit so they can be led by the spirit, they dont need to be possessed by a demon to be led by that demon. Makes no Biblical sense to me at all
Al Green
A believer in Christ can not be possessed but can be oppressed when that person makes decisions that allow that spirit to gain some control
John Ruffle
Don Bashham … one of the infamous Florida Five (or was it 6?) led by “apostle” so-called Bob Mumford.
Varnel Watson
Al Green Can a believer backslide and be possessed?