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Major flash flooding hits Death Valley after nearly a year’s worth of rain in a couple of hours, California
Major flash flooding hit Death Valley National Park on Friday, August 5, 2022, closing all roads, burying cars, and stranding around 1 000 people.
Very bright fireball over Sao Paulo, Brazil
A very bright fireball was seen over Brazil at 08:09 UTC on August 3, 2022. Pieces of the meteor are believed to be scattered around the city of Divinolândia.
Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘Something very dangerous is going to happen with the new Flu Jab’
Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘Something very dangerous is going to happen with the new Flu Jab’
Covid Injection Mandates Are Now Illegal in Costa Rica
On Wednesday, the new President of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chaves, and the Minister of Health, Jocelyn Chacón, confirmed that the vaccine against covid-19 will not be mandatory in Costa Rica.
Exclusive: U.S. readies new $1 billion Ukraine weapons package
The Biden administration’s next security assistance package for Ukraine is expected to be $1 billion, one of the largest so far, and include munitions for long-range weapons and armored medical transport vehicles, three sources briefed on the matter told Reuters on Friday.
…We are confused and adrift because our moral guideposts have gone missing, ripped out from under us by the Marxists calling themselves the “Great Reset”. Every parameter of our morals and values, things we have learned in our churches, schools and at our parents’ knees – literally, everything we have held dear – is being destroyed. History is being rewritten. Our bedrock is crumbling into shifting sands, and we are responding with either anger or denial.
FNSEA warns of a possible milk shortage in the coming months, France
French National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA) is warning the country will most likely have a shortage of milk in the coming months as a result of the severe drought affecting the country.
Newest Threat to Medical Freedom—Monkeypox “Emergency”
The World Health Organization declaration of Monkeypox as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), was made by one man, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has no medical training, over the objection of the majority of his own expert committee of medical and scientific advisors. Nine of the committee members thought a PHEIC should not be declared and six supported a declaration.
The culling of humanity is about to accelerate, taking many children and young adults, as the doctors, politicians and preachers remain silent
It’s been a while since I’ve reported on the shocking numbers in the government’s VAERS reporting system and some of the heartbreaking stories contained there, such as the recent death of a 9-year-old California girl two weeks after she was jabbed.
It’s Happening: Here Is A List Of 11 Big Companies That Have Announced Layoffs Within The Last 2 Weeks
When the economy slows down, layoffs inevitably happen. We witnessed this on a very large scale in 2008 and 2009, and now it is happening again. U.S. economic numbers are rapidly getting worse, and companies all across America don’t want to get caught with bloated payrolls as we plunge into a recession.
World Council For Health Calls for Immediate Recall of All COVID-19 Vaccines
At the bottom of the page is a very informative presentation by Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D. Dr. McCullough is an American cardiologist. He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. He is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. He is one of the most highly respected and published cardiologists in the U.S.
Pay attention parents…..parent discovers unpublished 4-h policy bunking by gender identity at overnight camps!!!!!
A parent that was considering sending their child to an overnight 4-H camp run by the N.C. State 4-H Cooperative Extension discovered that campers can be assigned to sleeping accommodations by their preferred gender identity.
Update: conclusive proof that Biden is actively allowing terrorists into America!
Both Obama and Biden have allowed massive amounts of terrorism into the United States. Thanks to the work of a whistleblower, Project Veritas, Senator Howley and Senator Johnson, we have discovered that under Biden’s direction, over 300 Afghans, designated as terrorists have had their biomentric scans deleted so they could gain entrance into the United States. Nearly 70 of these dangerous individuals are unaccounted for. Here is the story:
Supply Chain Problems Will Persist Because The System Is Being Sabotaged
In a recent interview with Bloomberg, the executive vice president of UPS asserted that “regionalization” of the supply chain is critical to economic stability as geopolitcal conflicts expand. The word “regionalization” is basically a code word to describe decentralization, a concept which the UPS representative obviously did not want to dive into directly.
Human Cannibalism Being Pushed by the New Green Movement Agenda Narrative
America’s Food Supply Fertilized With Human Remains And Coated With Nanoparticles
Wayne Root’s story is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to explain if the vaccines are safe
…Wayne Root reported that 33/200 guests at his wedding who are now sick or dead were all vaccinated. The punchline: at least half his guests were unvaccinated. So that’s unexplainable. He wrote: “It’s important to note, I’m a conservative talk show host who has warned LOUDLY of the dangers of the vaccine since day one.
Israel Defense Forces Announce The Start Of ‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ After 200 Rocket Attacks By Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Is Hamas Next?
Israel announced the start of ‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ to deal aggressively with terror threats and rocket attacks from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad which began in earnest yesterday. Over 200 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel, with the IDF responding late into the night, seeing the death of 15 PIJ militants to date. The IDF has reportedly deployed Iron Dome missile defense batteries to central Israel in anticipation of barrages and has called up 25,000 reserve troops.
AFL Calls For Senate and House Investigations Into The CDC For Illegally Accepting $15M Dollar Gift From Facebook Used to Promote COVID-19 Propaganda Against the American People
America First Legal (AFL) has sent a formal request to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Oversight and Reform investigate the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for violating federal law that forbids the use of appropriated funds to pay a “publicity expert…
Pride Event in Pennsylvania Taught Children How to Pole Dance
A pride event in Pennsylvania that reportedly taught children how to pole dance received a $10,000 grant championed by Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) administration.
The Faith Destruction Wrought by ‘Catholic’ Youth Ministry, Guitar Mass
ince Vatican II we have seen the introduction of deviant innovations that have served to profane the Church and destroy the Faith. Among these farcical inventions is today’s Youth Ministry that promotes the contemporary “Youth Mass” or “Guitar Mass.” These aberrations were carefully planned by the Church’s enemies before Vatican II, as we will point out shortly.
Now Even The Human Voice Is Being Transgendered
In a world where we are now a pronoun rather than a person, we can scream in any voice we like, but no matter how loud we scream, authoritarian governments will never hear you.
The post 7 Aug 2022 appeared first on Rapture Ready.