Why is Joel Osteen’s Megachurch Still Growing?

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The largest megachurch in North America sits right off of 59 in southwest downtown Houston. Pastor Joel Osteen leads the Lakewood Church – a church he inherited from his father John Osteen in a building that previously served as the Houston Rockets’ home with 52,000 regular attendees each week. That is 7,200 more than in 2010 and five time the size it was when Osteen’s father Pastor John Osteen, who founded it, died in 1999.

Andrew Gabriel of PAOC recently posted two consecutive mini-articles on Joel Osteen  to spark a vivid discussion with the Pentecostal Theology Group; which naturally led to the question: Why is Joel Osteen’s Church Still Growing?

Neither Pastor Joel Osteen, nor the Lakewood Church implement:

  1. multi campus; it is just one big mega-church
  2. CEO leadership strategies like John Maxwell
  3. complicated theology (for which Osteen is often criticized)
  4. overemphasize prophetic or otherwise charismatic gifts
  5. imlpement more media than a regular TV evangelist
  6. belonging to a larger denomination at this time
  7. projects a close type of conduct, but reach to all kind of unbelievers
  8. have an open political preference (like Franklin, Jakes, etc.)
  9. use negativism or criticism of other ministers and churches
  10. purposely ask for money on TV

Yet, it remains the largest and fastest growing church in America today.

So how and why Lakewood Church – Houston keeps on growing under the leadership of Pastor Joel Osteen?


  • Reply July 27, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    not sure that they use a CEO leadership strategies like _John Maxwell_ I have also not heard much overemphasize prophetic or otherwise charismatic gifts with Osteen Peter Vandever

    • Sherry Tilley Armijo
      Reply July 29, 2018

      Sherry Tilley Armijo

      I heard his background growing up was pentecostal..I havent really ever listened to a full sermon so Im not sure what he.believes or preaches.

    • Reply July 29, 2018

      Varnel Watson


    • Sherry Tilley Armijo
      Reply July 29, 2018

      Sherry Tilley Armijo

      Troy Day yes

    • Sherry Tilley Armijo
      Reply July 29, 2018

      Sherry Tilley Armijo

      I think he went to Oral.Roberts University.

    • Sherry Tilley Armijo
      Reply July 29, 2018

      Sherry Tilley Armijo

      I just read this.

    • Sherry Tilley Armijo
      Reply July 29, 2018

      Sherry Tilley Armijo

      And this

    • Reply July 29, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Of course he was brought up His dad was one of the top Pentecostal preachers ever His sister also preaches

    • Sherry Tilley Armijo
      Reply July 29, 2018

      Sherry Tilley Armijo

      Yep, so I cant fault a man of God Unless he preaches in Any other name than Jesus and the salvation message with Repentance

      • Reply October 25, 2020

        Valerie Hancotte-Galan

        Sherry he had no formal training, took over when Dad died. Nice, but only surface message. Not where you will get in-depth teaching.

    • Reply July 29, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      No He preaches. The question is what

  • Isara Mo
    Reply July 28, 2018

    Isara Mo

    Because be inspires but doesnt condemn…
    He parts them.on the back but doesnt pierce their hearts..
    Anywhere where preaching and teaching soothes the heart but doesnt pierce it, growth is imminent..
    The Bible says when Peter preached they were pierced in their hearts and asked “what should we do?
    When Jesus preached they said” this is hard teaching…..and many left him.(John 6:66)
    If the word of God is a sword(Hebrews 4:12) and a fire and a hammerJeremiah 23:29) instruments/ objects that hurt and harm when applied to the flesh, then surely you wont find applause when it is applied but cries..
    But as long there is applause clapping and no conviction in the hearts…it is just another gospel…
    That explains it

  • Reply July 28, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    My point was that John Maxwell are used there. This is quite the wrong assumption

  • Andrew Gabriel
    Reply July 29, 2018

    Andrew Gabriel

    No doubt it is growing in part because he encourages and inspires people. But I’m sure there is much more ministry going on at the church than one can tell from watching Joel teach on t.v.

  • Reply July 29, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Granted – lots of ministry but he did lock the church for the hurricane victims

    • Reply October 25, 2020


      To be fair, the church was not set up to handle thousands of people. Food, medical, security, must be planned in advance.

  • Reply July 25, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    it is not really

  • Isara Mo
    Reply July 25, 2019

    Isara Mo

    Everyone loves to be inspired, but not everyone likes to be rebuked.
    When Jesus taught something new, on hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?”
    Hard teaching doesnt inspire…

  • Brian James
    Reply July 25, 2019

    Brian James

    2 TImothy 4:2 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

  • Reply July 26, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    most ppl love to be misled in the wrong direction

  • Shannel Taylor
    Reply July 26, 2019

    Shannel Taylor

    Broad is the way…

  • Jeremy Watts
    Reply January 24, 2020

    Jeremy Watts

    It’s still growing because he says what they want to hear!!

    • Isara Mo
      Reply January 25, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Jeremy Watts
      There is a great difference between preaching and entertaining.
      If you do the first truthfully as Jesus and the apostles did you risk bring thrown down the cliff flogged in public and thrown into jail and you will remain with a few members..
      But if you do the latter i.e entertain the people, as we see done in most churches today especially “mega churches” then growth is imminent.
      Everyone dislikes rebuke:everyone loves to be entertained.

    • Jeremy Watts
      Reply January 26, 2020

      Jeremy Watts

      Isara Mo absolutely

  • Reply January 24, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    wondering why FB put this thumb instead of Joels

  • Daniel J Hesse
    Reply January 24, 2020

    Daniel J Hesse

    What they need to hear also?

  • Benjamin Freeman Herbest
    Reply January 25, 2020

    Benjamin Freeman Herbest

    So why did the Church in Acts grow daily? Sometimes thousands at a time

    • Jeremy Watts
      Reply January 26, 2020

      Jeremy Watts

      Benjamin Freeman Herbest very different times and very different culture. In America we have become soft and want people to speak easy to us, to motivate us and never rebuke us. By large majority, we don’t seek truth, we seek for those that will agree with us, not challenge us and people that will make us feel good about ourselves. People don’t want to be disciplined, we live in the fattest and laziest country. Joel does exactly what the masses want. Gives them a feel good message and tells them that they are perfect and getting better. He is nothing more than a motivational speaker!

  • Reply January 25, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Benjamin Freeman Herbest you think Joel is Paul and Houston is Jerusalem?

  • Jevan Little
    Reply January 25, 2020

    Jevan Little

    People go there for a positive message, not to grow a relationship with God imo.

    I would not be surprised to find Uniarian Universalists and gays in the congregation.

  • Reply January 26, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    people go there period A LOT

  • Daniel J Hesse
    Reply January 26, 2020

    Daniel J Hesse

    A lot in word and deed.

  • Reply January 27, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    whose word and which deed?

  • Reply February 19, 2020


    The Bible states that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. It also says Judge not that you not be Judged. In Luke 9:49-50 The disciples said “We saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him because he is not one of us. Do not stop him Jesus said, ” for whosoever is not against you is for you. Just because a preacher may not be doing the sermon the way you do or think he should does not mean he is wrong. Let God be his judge.

  • Reply February 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    The Bible states that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. It also says Judge not that you not be Judged. In Luke 9:49-50 The disciples said “We saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him because he is not one of us. Do not stop him Jesus said, ” for whosoever is not against you is for you. Just because a preacher may not be doing the sermon the way you do or think he should does not mean he is wrong. Let God be his judge https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/6yajyi/if_you_want_to_add_an_extra_71_billion_to_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

  • Reply February 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Stephen Hundley just sent this interesting question on OP

    Very interesting persona, it seems like he is blessed with so much, and yet he opens the doors of his heart and wallet to so few. This is the message, that one amass a heavy fortune on the toil of others?

    Is it too early for a discussion of such a topic, or do you take offense to it?

    WHAT do yall think about this under the current OP?

  • Isara Mo
    Reply February 22, 2020

    Isara Mo


  • Reply February 22, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    well there is a lot of preaching too Isara Mo

  • Reply March 19, 2020


    Doesn’t preach about sin either

  • Joseph Reeder
    Reply April 6, 2020

    Joseph Reeder

    Through the preaching of the Gospel

  • Gerardo de Dominicis
    Reply April 6, 2020

    Gerardo de Dominicis

    Because he is a false teacher and false teachers have big audiences.

  • Steve Losee
    Reply April 6, 2020

    Steve Losee

    ignorance & selfishness in church people

  • George Burbank
    Reply April 6, 2020

    George Burbank

    Anyone want to weigh in on whether or not most of these folks are saved? I always hear that he is a false teacher, but the few times I have heard him he hasn’t said anything which I would consider fas lse teaching?

  • Reply April 6, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    I hear it aint growing that much at the moment

  • Reply April 25, 2020

    David Peter

    To gather crowds and keep them coming for 20 years aint easy. He that wins souls is wise. Critics celebrate when our churches are empty! Leave Osteen alone. Even he cant be the judge you know. Peace.

  • Steve Losee
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Steve Losee

    it’s tragic

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      if it wasnt funny

  • Craig Danner
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Craig Danner

    not a church

  • Dave Roberson
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Dave Roberson

    Because it offers salvation at a highly discounted price.

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      how much you talking about?

  • Craig Danner
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Craig Danner

    Right, and the price isn’t up to them

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      tell them Robert Cox Doyle Rogers

  • Vicki Mobrey Johns
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Vicki Mobrey Johns

    It’s easy believism

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      how so?

    • Vicki Mobrey Johns
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Vicki Mobrey Johns

      Troy Day they think they are saved

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Vicki Mobrey Johns you think the are not? how come?

    • Craig Danner
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Craig Danner

      heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts, wanting to have their ears tickled

    • Vicki Mobrey Johns
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Vicki Mobrey Johns

      Troy Day because the gospel is not there. It’s entertainment and a motivational talk. Born again believers don’t treat a holy God that way.

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Vicki Mobrey Johns his daddy preached it straight though

    • Vicki Mobrey Johns
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Vicki Mobrey Johns

      Troy Day possibly, but Joel went off the tracks. Just like andy Stanley.

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Vicki Mobrey Johns I know Andy and he is good

    • Vicki Mobrey Johns
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Vicki Mobrey Johns

      Troy Day no he’s not

    • Vicki Mobrey Johns
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Vicki Mobrey Johns

      Troy Day just search you tube

  • Carlos Sotelo
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Carlos Sotelo

    Tickles ears, that’s why.

  • Curt Siebold
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Curt Siebold

    False teachers have a large audience with itching ears. 2 Timothy 4

    • Reply May 19, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      wouldnt you say if you get anywhere 20 000 people to listen to you preaching you’ve done well and cant get away from having a few itchy ears

    • Curt Siebold
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Curt Siebold

      Troy Day I’m not judging on size alone I am judging by teacher as well.

    • Vicki Mobrey Johns
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Vicki Mobrey Johns

      Troy Day they’re all itchy ears

  • Billy Hughes
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Billy Hughes

    Majority is not the measure of Christianity. Big is not, in this case, better. His church is feeding off of the world’s viewpoint.

  • Terri Roberson
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Terri Roberson

    Because it caters to the selfishness in all of us. As the Bible says, it tickles the ears

  • Lukas Dohnal
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Lukas Dohnal

    I believe it’s because He is giving people exactly what they want, what their unregenerate hearts want. The congregation is NEVER confronted with the true Gospel. the words Hell, Sin, Repentance, sacrifice, serving, commitment, meekness, humbleness, etc, are strictly forbidden in Joels sermons. The things Bible calling “temptation” are presented instead as honorable things. The cross is presented as Christmas tree of abundant life full of gifts. Things such as success, happiness, wealth, easy living, comfort, simply “best life now” Joel has talent to twist the scripture like no one else. It’s so silly. The Lakewood church is, very sadly, no church at all. It is Door to Hell

  • Brad Alger
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Brad Alger

    He tickles their ears

  • Christine Farrar
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Christine Farrar

    People want to hear they are okay, they are good people they want their ears tickled. Most people want a feel good church where they leave feeling better about themselves instead of leaving convicted and challenged to change. Pray for him and all his followers and guard your own heart against the lies of the enemy.

  • Kimberley Johns
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Kimberley Johns

    My doctor was talking about how uplifting his messages are. I kept my mouth shut.

  • Stephanie Jorgensen
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Stephanie Jorgensen

    Because it’s false and for itching ears. Broad is the way and many are on it

  • Nancy Guerrero
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Nancy Guerrero

    I started my Christian life there. I bought my first bible there. I also bought other books that helped me learn more about my faith.
    Then I left to find a church that wouldn’t give me such a “fluffy” message as I described it.
    Somehow I knew his message wasn’t complete.

    • Billy Hughes
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Billy Hughes

      Nancy Guerrero this tells me that He called you out of that darkness just as He called me out of mine (which for me was a self-sufficient intellectualism that was too “smart” to fall for the @gospel). I am so grateful that God chased us down until He caught us! ():0)

  • Curt Stewart
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Curt Stewart

    Don’t preach/teach repentance.

  • Jeremy Russell
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Jeremy Russell

    Why is it still growing? It’s telling people exactly what they want to hear and appeasing their little god ears. Many are caught in a snare, and it’s scary to think that some have been members of that church for many years and have never heard the message of true repentance and the authentic gospel message.

  • John Brock
    Reply May 19, 2020

    John Brock

    LAODICEAN Religious House

  • Darrell Burkhalter
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Darrell Burkhalter

    Because Mr. Gray is preaching there.

  • James Monroe
    Reply May 19, 2020

    James Monroe

    “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”
    ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4:3‬ ‭

    • Billy Hughes
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Billy Hughes

      James Monroe too true, too often!

    • Tim Crow
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Tim Crow

      This scripture came to mind to me also. It’s sad,it’s dangerous to be hearing impaired in a spiritual sense

  • Clint Mason
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Clint Mason

    I was going to say “because he tells people what they want to hear”, but then that’s all of us. Do we all not go to a church where we decided, “ya I like this”?
    Whether it’s this stuff, or a Reformed confessional Church where we hear the Gospel. Dont we like the Gospel? Dont we look forward to hearing about it? There must be more to this ear tickler verse everyone’s quoting.

  • Theodore A. Jones
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Theodore A. Jones

    Why is Joel Osteen’s church still growing? “Men love darkness rather than light.” Jn. 3:19

  • Damian Larcombe
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Damian Larcombe

    He preaches currently that God loves you just the way you are without including the disclaimer by Max Lucado ”but He loves you too much to leave you that way.” people would prefer a convenient lie than an inconvenient truth.

  • Charlie Spine
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Charlie Spine

    A cancerous tumor GROWS and THRIVES at the cost of the host. Growing and expansion is not in and of itself a positive attribute as it consumes that which sustains it. IMHO, the growth of Osteen’s fellowship has every indication of an ever-growing sickness in the modern church body.

    • Billy Hughes
      Reply May 19, 2020

      Billy Hughes

      Charlie Spine in a bank, tellers are taught to diligently study real currency in order to spot counterfeit bills. In the same way, we must diligently study the Word so that we can successfully refute false doctrine such as Joel’s.

  • KT Taylor
    Reply May 19, 2020

    KT Taylor

    This quote by J.C. Ryle also can apply to those falling for Joel Osteen’s feel good teaching which leads people away from sound doctrine:

    There is an Athenian love of novelty abroad, and a morbid distaste for anything old and regular, and in the beaten path of our forefathers. Thousands will crowd to hear a new voice and a new doctrine, without considering for a moment whether what they hear is true!
    There is an incessant craving after any teaching which is sensational, and exciting, and rousing to the feelings. There is an unhealthy appetite for a sort of spasmodic and hysterical Christianity. The religious life of many is little better then spiritual dram-drinking, and the “meek and quiet spirit” which Peter commends, is clean forgotten. (1 Peter 3:4.) Large crowds, and sensationalism, and dramatic singing, and an incessant rousing of the emotions — are the only things which many care for!
    Inability to distinguish differences in doctrine is spreading far and wide, and so long as the preacher is “clever” and “earnest” — hundreds seem to think it must be all right, and call you “dreadfully narrow and uncharitable” if you hint that he is unsound! All preachers seem to be alike in the eyes of such people!
    All this is sad, very sad!
    – J.C. Ryle (Holiness Introduction)

  • Tim Crow
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Tim Crow

    unless we have within us what is above us, we will soon yield to that which is about us

  • Christine H Fowler
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Christine H Fowler


  • Monica Tucker
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Monica Tucker

    Paul’s letter to Timothy explains it: 2 Tim 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

  • Matthew Ward
    Reply May 19, 2020

    Matthew Ward

    Be careful about calling pastors false teachers. Every preacher and every christian in the world has doctrine errors.Your no better. I’ve rarely heard him talk about money, he mostly talks bout Gods love and trusting God through good and bad times according to palm 23. Isn’t that what we’re meant to do? He talks about practical things like being obedient to the lord and getting the junk out of our lives. Whats wrong with that? The bible says to encourage one another and thats what he dose best. If many people are being touched by God through the message, than that’s a good thing. I’ve heard that they do many practical things off television like helping the poor and aiding peoples spiritual growth. Be careful not to throw the baby out with bath water with the prosperity doctrine because it is the the bible. Don’t forget, Jesus healed people, reached out to sinners and had a large following but the religious leaders hated it.The early church also had opposition when they started spreading. Today, the church is opposed wherever the Gospel is spread. Be careful when accusing others who spread the gospel.

    • Nancy Guerrero
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Nancy Guerrero

      Matthew Ward that’s why I always give him church credit where it’s due. Anyone that is there searching for the truth will eventually outgrow the church and need more than just “you are loved”.. “just have faith”… message.

    • Craig Danner
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Craig Danner

      Matthew Ward he’s not spreading the gospel, he never preaches the gospel, people are more worried about saying something negative than they for Gods truth

    • Matthew Ward
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Matthew Ward

      Nancy Guerrero I think people make the mistake of thinking one size fits all. A bit like how a proud persons needs a sermon on humility while a timid person needs one on boldness and confidence. There area lot of hurting people out there that need a Joel Osteen sermon and people don’t understand that.Even Jesus spoke differently to different people group according to where their faith was at. My old church was good for a time when i needed healing, but now I’ve moved onto another church that teaches more meat.

  • Kevin L. Adair
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Kevin L. Adair

    …..itching ears……

  • Ericc Pannonee
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Ericc Pannonee

    Because it is a religion that is based on emotionalism.

  • Tracy Humphrey Grier

    Good question!

  • Ben Sizemore
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Ben Sizemore

    Because ‘smiley boy’ know how to tickle them ears.

  • Michael Connolly
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Michael Connolly

    False teachers exist because false believers exist.

  • Vanessa Martin
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Vanessa Martin

    my daughter in law ask me if i buy her a 200 dollar front row seat ticket to hear this man preach . i told her i know a few good pastor in town . i can take her to hear . preach . and it wont cost 200 hunred . she got upset at me . and you can watch him on tv for free . .

  • Mia Violette
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Mia Violette

    Because it scratches the itch!

  • RichardAnna Boyce
    Reply May 20, 2020

    RichardAnna Boyce

    maybe it is GOOD NEWS that sinners want to hear and not judgement?…. and i am jealous,,, how many comments would i get if the OP was about me ???????????????

    • Gonzalo Ramon
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Gonzalo Ramon

      RichardAnna Boyce the “Good News” is the death, burial and resurrection of Christ but when have you heard him preach about that? The Bible says we are to make righteous judgments not just sit idl and let others be fooled.

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Reply May 20, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Gonzalo Ramon the Good News is to believe in Jesus to guarantee you Eternal Life, and that all your sin’s penalty has been paid for. Jesus is the Lamb of God Who has taken away the sins of the world; so the only sin that sends an unbeliever to hell is unbelief.. Knowing about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ is theology for believers. How much of this theology does an unbeliever need to know and understand to pass your test of being born again ??? When a new believer goes through promised trials and doubts his faith because he wasnt sure he knew enough about DBR as a condition of believing, I hope you will be around to counsel his/her loss of assurance 🙁

    • Gonzalo Ramon
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Gonzalo Ramon

      RichardAnna Boyce according to Paul in 1 Cor.15:1-4 the good news is what I just stated above.

    • Gonzalo Ramon
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Gonzalo Ramon

      RichardAnna Boyce I understand reaching out to the lost about other things about salvation but we can’t base scripture and or theology upon feelings.

    • RichardAnna Boyce
      Reply May 20, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Gonzalo Ramon 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Is written to BELIEVERS teaching them theology as part of their sanctification, to renew their minds.
      It is the gospel in which [believers] stand—the perfect tense suggests continuing results. Christians therefore stand in Christ because of the Gospel (cf. Eph 1:3-14). Furthermore it is the Gospel by which also [believers] are continually being saved (sanctified) , if [they] hold fast that word. This statement stresses the fact that the gospel includes more than justification, which brings forth eternal life; it also includes a daily sanctification (are saved) if believers hold fast (or abide in) the word (cf. John 8:31-32; Rom 1:15; 10:9; 1 Cor 15:2; Gal 2:20; Eph 2:10; James 1:21). This daily sanctification process relates to the quality of life the Christian will spend in eternity (3:9-15; Luke 19:11-27; Rom 8:16-17; 2 Peter 1:10-11). However, if the resurrection of a physical body could not be verified, belief in the gospel would be in vain—having no purpose (cf. 1 Cor 15:12).

      15:3-8. The historical facts of the death, burial, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ validate His offer of eternal life to anyone who believes in Him for it. They first were saved (justified) by believing only; and now Paul teaches them theology of those supportable facts, giving his Gospel of belief to UNBELIEVERS, meaning (theology) to BELIEVERS.

  • JoSe VaZqUeZ
    Reply May 20, 2020

    JoSe VaZqUeZ

    This man is the BIGGEST FRAUD

  • Fred Shaw
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Fred Shaw

    He tells people what they want to hear.

  • Reply May 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    lots of judgment here by ppl who never been to his church

    • Brontë Hauptmann
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Brontë Hauptmann

      Joel Osteen and his wife are both damnable heretics, false prophets, and agents of evil, who masquerade as angels of light.

    • Rob Erto
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Rob Erto

      Troy Day it’s called discernment. And he writes books… and appears on tv… it’s not difficult to see hes a false teacher.

  • Kate Marie Wendi
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Kate Marie Wendi

    The devil loves his particular field and like Hitler likes propoganda films like Triumph of the Will. Osteen’s growing like weeds church?

    • Gonzalo Ramon
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Gonzalo Ramon

      Kate Marie Wendi you just made a judgement right now

    • Kate Marie Wendi
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Kate Marie Wendi

      Gonzalo Ramon Will Arminians accept Triumph of the Will an Arminians greatest accomplishment? Why not accept Goebbels movie made about and for Hitler. Why not accept the sssestment of Joel Osteens health wealth prosperity gospel whose bilked gullible elderly of the tithes and free will offerings going sometimes without food to line that man’s coffers who lives higher on the hog and the dole then you will ever be let led to believe.

    • Gonzalo Ramon
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Gonzalo Ramon

      Sorry I commented on the wrong person lol

    • Kate Marie Wendi
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Kate Marie Wendi

      Gonzo sorry my post was also intended for someone else.

    • Reply October 25, 2020


      He definitely has a positive message that people need. I listen occasionally when I need a lift; however, the message is always the same. ? Very predictable! No in-depth teaching, just selling a lot of books that he did not write. Although, It is a place where non-believers can come to be introduced to God just as they are. Most churches in America are so stuck in religious ways and comfortable, that a new person would not be welcome or accepted.

  • Kate Marie Wendi
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Kate Marie Wendi

    Troy exactly what people were saying after they had been to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin Germany about the Nazi regime. Be careful who you quote.

  • Reply May 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    I have NO answer to the question from OP

    • Rob Erto
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Rob Erto

      Troy Day he’s a great motivational speaker… in a very secular sense. Satan comes as an angel of light. He comes as a pretty boy with a smile and some teachings that fool the biblically illiterate

      • Reply October 25, 2020



  • Dan Schafer
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Dan Schafer

    Matthew 7:13-14

  • Bob Acres
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Bob Acres

    In Joel’s world everything is bright and sunny and happy.
    People respond to that.
    But as Pastor W A Criswell said, and quote him here:

    But remember! The same Book that tells us about good, tells us about the bad.
    The same Revelation that speaks to us about heaven speaks about hell.
    The Bible that presents The Lord Jesus as Savior is the same Bible that presents to us the devil as our enemy and adversary of damnation and destruction.
    The two go together, if there is not anything to be saved from, we do not need a savior.”

  • Brontë Hauptmann
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Brontë Hauptmann

    Because people want money rather than truth

  • Rob Erto
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Rob Erto

    Because people are stupid?

    • Craig Danner
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Craig Danner

      Rob Erto because people are spiritually dead

    • Rob Erto
      Reply May 20, 2020

      Rob Erto

      Craig Danner probably a better way to put it. Thank you.

  • Jo-na Hunt
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Jo-na Hunt


  • Jo-na Hunt
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Jo-na Hunt

    People love a whitewash

  • Jamie Norrisa
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Jamie Norrisa

    Easy. See 2 Timothy 4:3

  • Jason Johnson
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Jason Johnson

    Because people by nature hate the truth .

  • Heidi Nixon
    Reply May 20, 2020

    Heidi Nixon

    Plain and simp. People be Sheeple ?

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