Did Jesus die on Friday?

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John Conger | PentecostalTheology.com


Just saw this posted. How many believe that Jesus died on Friday?

John Kissinger [11/27/2015 5:05 PM]
you should read Dake about this 🙂

Jamie Moore [11/27/2015 5:32 PM]
Yes he died on a Friday you didn’t know that?

John Kissinger [11/27/2015 5:33 PM]
and we are off to the races…

John Conger [11/27/2015 5:34 PM]
So how was he dead 3 days if he rose Sunday?

Ricky Grimsley [11/27/2015 5:41 PM]
No he did not die on friday.

Ricky Grimsley [11/27/2015 5:42 PM]
Dake has great teaching on this.

John Kissinger [11/27/2015 6:21 PM]
There have been many noted believers in a Wednesday crucifixion, from the time of the early church until now. These include Epiphanus, Victorinus of Petau in 307 AD, Lactantius, Wescott, Cassiodorus, and Gregory of Tours. Later, Finis Dake and R.A. Torrey also believed in a Wednesday crucifixion. We now know that the Bible teaches a Wednesday crucifixion, so the reader now must face the facts of the Bible as compared to the traditions of men.

John Kissinger [11/27/2015 6:21 PM]

John Conger [11/27/2015 6:36 PM]
Yeah I’ve heard the argument that it didn’t mean full days, just part of a day justified it bring included but I think that’s a stretch

John Kissinger [11/27/2015 6:39 PM]
No can do – Jesus himself said: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly … Sounds pretty full to me if you’re asking

John Conger [11/27/2015 6:49 PM]
Yeah no doubt. But tons of evidence and common sense doesn’t work to good sometimes

Glynn Brown [11/29/2015 9:38 AM]
Of course it was on Friday. He rose ON the third day.

John Kissinger [11/29/2015 9:42 AM]
so how do you count? Glynn Brown

Glynn Brown [11/29/2015 10:07 AM]
By using the Jewish rekoning of time in the first century, not by the modern method.

A Jewish infant was circumcised on the 8th day,even if he was born at a late hour,it was still considered one whole day.


  • Reply June 22, 2016

    Terry Wiles

    That would be Thursday evening after sunset Jewish time. Which makes Sunday the morning of the third day.

  • Reply June 22, 2016

    Brian Crisp

    Yes correct he was arrested on Wednesday night

  • Reply June 22, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    The Bible says as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights , so shall Jesus be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.

  • Reply June 22, 2016

    Mary Ellen Nissley

    If you look closely, the Bible doesn’t say he rose early in the morning. It says that when the women came early in the morning, while it was yet dark, the tomb was already empty. It is very possible that Jesus rose in the beginning of the first day of the week, at the end of the Sabbath, at nightfall on Saturday evening.

    Thus, if he were crucified on Wednesday, that would allow him three days and three nights in the tomb. Remember, He was laid in the grave hastily, because the sun was about to set. So, Christ’s resurrection at sundown fits the prophecy precisely.

  • Reply June 23, 2016

    Billy Monroe Poff

    Mary Ellen Nissley is correct. Also, the Bible tells us that the day after the crucifixion was a “High Sabbath”. It was NOT the seventh day sabbath. The high sabbath was the first day of unleavened bread in which no work could be done. That was on a Thursday. Then the next day, which was Friday is when the women went and bought the spices cause they couldnt buy them on a sabbath day. Then it says the day after they bought the spices they rested according to the commandment. That was the seventh day (Saturday) sabbath. Then Jesus arose sometime after sundown on Saturday night, fullfilling the three days and three nights prophecy. Its amazing to me that so many Christians still can’t count to three…

  • Reply June 23, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    Doesn’t it say they couldn’t anoint His Body because. They had to get Him in the Tomb before the Sabbath. Because they couldn’t work on the Sabbath Day. Their Day started at 6:pm. Or stopped at 6:00 pm. I’ll need to look this all up. It’s been a while since I studied it all out.

  • Reply June 23, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    I think she is right. I hadn’t read all the comments.

  • Reply June 23, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    I think it’s the High Sabbath is where we get it mixed up. Some people doesn’t know about the High Sabbath. I never heard it like that either until several years ago when Bro. Divas Small was our Camp Meeting Bible Teacher at Camp Meeting. Did he ever do some great teaching. That’s the first time I ever heard of it. And on Easter we still just teach about the Sabbath. That’s why many doesn’t know about the High Sabbath. And even then I didn’t fully understand it. And need to study up on it where it would be plain to people. I’ll have to a nit I didn’t study it out then even though I think we all know every seven years the land was suppose to rest for a year. Even though Jews didn’t follow through with it. That was they were taken captive for seventy years.

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Janne Korhonen

    Nope ! According to your belief . . .he had only an bad weekend . ..

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Janne Korhonen Poppy Thompson come again?

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Troy Day I believe it to be the wedneday, the passover.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      My apologies for seeming Jewish, I have left the group and wish you all the best. Stay safe and Shabbat shalom!

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Poppy Thompson and yet here you are again 🙂

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Troy Day well I guess I’m linked to your comments and this particular story. Don’t worry I will fade into insignificance.

    • Reply April 11, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Poppy Thompson what do you think Doyle Rogers

    • Reply April 11, 2020

      John Moses


  • Reply March 30, 2024

    Troy Day

    so many theories by Robert Cox Billy Monroe Poff Michael Womack and they may be ALL wrong Philip Williams Duane L Burgess

    The Jewish method of counting days was not the same as ours.
    In Esther 4:16, we find Esther exhorting Mordecai to persuade the Jews to fast. “Neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day” (NKJV). This was clearly in preparation for her highly risky attempt to see the king. Yet just two verses later, in Esther 5:1, we read: “Now it happened on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace.” If three days and nights were counted in the same way as we count them today, then Esther could not have seen the king until the fourth day. This is completely analogous to the situation with Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection.
    Jesus died on Good Friday; that was day one. In total, day one includes the day and the previous night, even though Jesus died in the day. So, although only part of Friday was left, that was the first day and night to be counted. Saturday was day two. Jesus rose in the morning of the Sunday. That was day three. Thus, by Jewish counting, we have three days and nights, yet Jesus rose on the third day.
    FRI starts at sundown on Thursday
    FRI ends at sundown
    SAT starts at sundown on Friday
    SAT ends at sundown
    SUN starts at sundown on Saturday
    SUN ends at sundown
    Jesus died on Good Friday; that was day one. In total, day one includes the day and the previous night, even though Jesus died in the day. So, although only part of Friday was left, that was the first day and night to be counted. Saturday was day two. Jesus rose in the morning of the Sunday. That was day three. Thus, by Jewish counting, we have three days and nights, yet Jesus rose on the third day.
    It should not be a surprise to us that a different culture used a different method of counting days. As soon as we adopt this method of counting, all the supposed biblical problems with counting the days disappear.
    You’re welcome. And stop worrying about the little things and trying to make the Bible make sense to you. If your thinking doesn’t fit the Bible, it’s you that’s wrong. Not the Bible. Satan is the one that wants to discredit God’s Word. Stop helping him.
    *I copied some of this from Christian Apologetics page bc it was easier than typing all this out. But see, this is why we have formal training.

    • Reply March 30, 2024

      Troy Day

      to COUNT the days on EASTER Sunday especially in a sermon may be as wrong as projecting DOUBT more than projecting FAITH

    • Reply March 30, 2024

      Billy Monroe Poff

      Troy Day to try to manipulate scriptures in such a way as to attempt to get three days and three nights from Friday evening to Saturday night is laughable at best. Especially using the story of Esther telling the people to fast for three days, where she specifically mentions nights AND days (she puts nights first. Not days). Implying it was already sundown the evening she made this command, so that night would be one night. The following day, one day. The next night 2 nights. The following day, two days. That night is 3 nights. And the last day is 3 days, when she went to the king. 3 days, night and day. To try to twist it any other way in an attempt to get 3 days from sundown Friday evening to just after sundown Saturday evening is ridiculous…..

    • Reply March 30, 2024

      Robert Cox

      I guess y’all are smarter and more spiritual than the folks at the Christian Apologetics Ministry.

      You can claim the “High Sabbath” or the second Passover or whatever you want but I promise you that neither of you have it all perfect even tho you are both convinced in your own minds that you are head and shoulders above the rest of us.

      In the end, it doesn’t really matter does it? What will matter is your pride and haughtiness. Y’all have a great day. Troy Day stop reposting my stuff here or I’ll block you. You know I don’t like dealing with these pompous @sses on your pages.

    • Reply March 30, 2024

      Billy Monroe Poff

      Robert Cox I don’t really know how to reply to this? Because I share the truth of what day Jesus was crucified, you result to an ad hominem of saying I am prideful, haughty and pompous? My personality traits drives me to pursue the truth in all situations. That’s who I am. I don’t accept any blanket statements as fact unless I can see the facts for myself. I was genuinely curious about this subject a few years ago, so I spent a lot of time doing research and came to the only possible conclusion that cannot be refuted Biblically or historically. (All other theories can be refuted in some form or fashion) So knowing this, I like to share these facts when anyone asks questions about the timing of His death, burial and resurrection. It’s sad to see people that refuse to even acknowledge the truth just because 1) they absolutely hate the thought that what they have always believed or been taught might be wrong 2) they would rather hold onto a tradition than to accept the truth. 3) various other reasons that I don’t understand….. I have an entire thesis on this complete with Bible verses and historical references that prove He was crucified on Wednesday and rose Saturday night if you were interested in reading it. But given your ad hominem against even the idea of it, I don’t figure you would be interested in it… I really do not care if anyone wants to celebrate Good Friday or hold onto their beliefs for any reason. I don’t go around condemning anyone that wants to believe these things. I just simply share the knowledge I acquired through my studies and let people make up their own minds. I in no way, ever try to make people feel stupid or belittled in any way. If that’s how you took me sharing what I have found out to be the only logical explanation then I do apologize.

    • Reply March 30, 2024

      Troy Day

      Billy Monroe Poff I dont know how to reply to this either bUT I did give my 2 cents below in my next comment

  • Reply March 30, 2024

    John Mushenhouse

    stop this attempt to seem clever and get to the important thing. Th fact of the resurrection and what it means for our atonement.

  • Reply March 30, 2024

    Troy Day

    well Billy Monroe Poff high WED vs high TH has been a debate ever since the centuries of Orthodoxy and Catholicism in such significance as John Mushenhouse described to our @followers not sure if it was in the days oif NOAH Philip Williams but Link would not know either AND YES Robert Cox quite possibly I may know more than the folks you refer as at least 2 of them are among my older students but we shall see – perhaps in my old age I should get 3 phds to satisfy requirements 🙂

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