Fall 2022: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2022: Other Significant Articles

“The Rise of the Pentecostal Fusionists: They’re uniting Spirit-led worship with the riches of historic church tradition, says a leading charismatic bishop” Christianity Today (October 3, 2022). Pentecostal Theological Seminary (Church of God) professor Dale Coulter interviews Emilio Alvarez, presiding bishop of the Union of Charismatic Orthodox Churches, about what has often been called the […]

Is Jesus giving the Holy Spirit in John 20:22?

Is Jesus giving the Holy Spirit in John 20:22?

After the resurrection in John’s gospel, Jesus appears to the disciples and in John 20:22 he breathes on them and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” What is happening here? Is Jesus giving them the Holy Spirit by breathing on them?

Edit: Ma…

No Free Healthcare For Straight White People 

No Free Healthcare For Straight White People 

More than 520 people injured after M5.6 earthquake hits Iran  More than 520 people were injured after M5.6 earthquake hit West Azerbaijan Province, northwestern Iran at 00:21 UTC on October 5, 2022. The USGS is reporting a depth of 15 km (9 miles). EMSC is reporting M5.6 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), IRSC M5.4 at a depth of […]

The post 6 Oct 2022 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

2022 In Review: Pandemic Rampant Delusion :: By John Hamilton

2022 In Review: Pandemic Rampant Delusion :: By John Hamilton

Each point that follows merits a book-length treatment, and some are receiving that, but in as few words as possible, here’s 2022-in-review: 1. Fauci (“I am the science”) continues perpetrating greatest crime against humanity in history by non-stop pushing his experimental vaccine for all, forbidding use of therapeutics. 2. His history of malfeasance had been […]

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Why Is the Rapture Index So Higher Than Others?

Why Is the Rapture Index So Higher Than Others?

Why Is the Rapture Index Not Higher? One of the most common questions Terry and I get about the site is people wanting to know why the Rapture Index doesn’t go any higher. It has peaked in the upper 180s for several years. The general thinking is that as we get closer to the tribulation […]

The post 10 Oct 2022 appeared first on Rapture Ready.

9 Nov 2022

9 Nov 2022

Mount Sinai preparing to host climate summit – a new global ‘religion’ Egypt’s Mount Sinai – just a hop, skip and a jump from Israel – is the site most commonly known as the place where God appeared to Moses to give him the Ten Commandments – the primary covenant in Judaism, as well as […]

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24 Oct 2022

24 Oct 2022

The Creeping Avalanche of Absurdity Now, all avalanches involve an event that is over in a few seconds. Some earth movements take place over a very long period of time. They are very hard to manage because most normally involve a vast area of land. I think we are in a prophetic creeping avalanche of […]

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15 Dec 2022

15 Dec 2022

Severe floods and landslides hit Kinshasa, leaving more than 140 people dead, DR Congo At least 141 people died in floods and landslides caused by heavy rains that hit several outlying districts of the capital Kinshasa (population 15 million), Democratic Republic of the Congo, on December 13, 2022. 5 people killed, 15 injured after large […]

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25 Dec 2022

25 Dec 2022

CACOPHONOUS CADENCE FROM COLLABORATORS OF CHAOS We are called to expose the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Iniquity Shall Abound 5 leftist Georgia protesters charged with domestic terrorism after attacking police. Explosives were found at their campsite, the same site planned for the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, which the protestors dubbed “Cop City.” 3 […]

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