What would Jesus brew?

What would Jesus brew?

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Ricky Grimsley [12/21/2015 3:32 PM]
The real problem may be that the spirit isnt moving in a lot of churches so people need a substitute. We’ve done it with fog, lights, coffee, and pretty stories etc. might as well take it to the next level.

John Kissinger [12/21/2015 3:34 PM]
Link says charismatics get way too excited after drinking

Link Hudson [12/21/2015 3:36 PM]
I never said that.

John Kissinger [12/21/2015 3:37 PM]
Link you never said charismatics get way too excited?

John Conger [12/21/2015 3:37 PM]
Men and brethren these are drunk as ye supposed

John Kissinger [12/21/2015 3:38 PM]
you get a drinking spirit, a mason spirit, a gossip spirit and some other spirits of personal choice – how much time do you have left for the Holy Spirit?

Link Hudson [12/21/2015 3:38 PM]
I don’t think I ever said that. I have said something along the lines that we need to be careful not to confuse enthusiasm and emotion with spirituality and the move of the Holy Ghost. It is possible have an empty shell of enthusiasm without much move of the Holy Ghost. And the Spirit of God can work on very calm people, too.

I never said that about drinking.


  • Reply December 11, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    look here Alan Smith Melvin Harter 5am local time one texan Earl is up wake and busy inviting all pastors to juice up on the Sabbath before getting up and preaching on Sunday

    it is an interested proposal – get the pastor drunk so he is not sober Sunday AM and blabs nonsense from the pulpit What’s new in the devils game? Joe Absher Isara Mo

    Most heresies of our day in the church were born during theology on tap meetings where ministers intoxicate each other with spirits

    They claim the first miracle of JESUS YET none of them can pour water in the glass pray and produce wine Seems those spirits produce NO miracles just hangovers Now then I would very much join ol Earl in TX and bring Ricky Grimsley along IF they can produce wine out of water Even the pope may join to watch but do they have the power?

    naah – most of such theology on tap members are not even in the ministry … #noughsaid

    • Reply December 11, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      When God is not around people make golden. calfs..
      Am very sure that all drinking pastors do that because to them the BOSS is not around.
      If Jesus appears today these beer lickers and wine sippers ministers of gold.. oh sorry, ministers of God will all be teetollers.

  • Reply December 11, 2019

    Earl Jensen

    no one want a drunk. One pint of beer will never make a healthy person drunk. One glass of wine with dinner aid digestion and will not make a person drunk. Some people can not consume any and it is best for those people not to drink.

    • Reply December 11, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      ANY recovering alcoholic in your church would beg to differ BUT hold on – do you even pastor?

    • Reply December 11, 2019

      Earl Jensen

      I am a member not a pastor. yes friends of Bill W should never drink. I do not have a problem of anyone that vows to never consume any beverage or food. I do have a problem anyone that claims Christ plus to be a Christian. I do believe Christ alone saves sinners like me. my favorite prayer. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me a sinner”

    • Reply December 11, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Earl Jensen it is pretty clear you are not in the ministry

    • Reply December 11, 2019

      Earl Jensen

      Troy Day do you preach Christ crucified . Jesus conquered death by His death,By His Resurrection we are saved

  • Reply December 11, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Ken Van Horn you seem to know about wine about as much as ministry The process you described will produce vinegar sooner than wine Are you trying to equate this process with what Jesus did at his first miracle? – – – did he plant grape, squeeze and wait OR just turned it into wine in a second or two at the wedding?

  • Reply December 11, 2019


    The govt needs revenue.
    If pastors can change water into wine a lot of people in breweries will be redundant and the govt will miss revenue.
    And considering that there are a lot of guzzlers out there lakes and rivers might dry up..

  • Reply December 11, 2019

    Isara Mo

    Seems to be an offensive question.
    A dishouring one to the name of the Lord

  • Reply December 11, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Isara Mo the ken van dam and the texan feller didnt even read the article Just posting while intoxicated i guess

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