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Did Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Ask People to Send Her Their January Salaries?
Paula White, a member of President Trump’s evangelical advisory committee, asked her followers to donate their January salaries to her ministry.
Paula White is a televangelist pastor who preaches the “prosperity gospel”, described by the Washington Post as “the theology that God will bless true believers not just with eternal salvation but with material wealth here on Earth.” She has allegedly been close to Donald Trump since well before his 2016 bid for the presidency, and she helped him orchestrate his meeting with hundreds of evangelical leaders during his presidential campaign. She was one of six religious leaders to pray at his January 2017 inauguration.
White is a controversial figure whose sermons compel her followers to give “seed offerings” to White’s ministry. Her followers’ generosity (in giving money directly to White’s ministry), she teaches, will result in God’s blessing and their future prosperity. Her ministry has been investigated by the U.S. Senate, and though they found no wrongdoing, the investigation demonstrated the significant personal wealth White has enjoyed as a result of running her ministry.
A large part of White’s website involves the notion of giving “first fruits.” Citing Deuteronomy 16:16 (“do not stand before the Lord empty-handed”), White implored her followers in January 2019 to donate their first fruit offering directly to her ministry, and she provided a P.O. box number to which they could send checks. One of her suggestions was that followers should send her “a portion of their first month’s salary.”
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson Anointed SOTU Address?
Link Hudson
This is a ministry I do not give money to, and do not plan to. She’s a very talented public speaker. I had heard of her, but I actually listened to a bit of her speak once and she was trying to use the OT to get people to give her organization a firstfruits offering. Firstfrutis were actual real fruits. Honestly, though, her approach to the passage was along the same lines of traditional Pentecostal applications of tithe passages.
I think she’s still too good-looking to be hanging around Trump, btw. I hope they have a Pence rule about a third party, if for nothing else but appearances. The hugging pic doesn’t look good.
Was Trump’s state of the union address ‘anointed’? No comment on that. But I think it was well-crafted and written by someone else other than Trump. He was a bit more wooden than when he speaks off the cuff, and much less entertaining, but he did not say anything brash or uncalled for either. He took a bold stand against baby murder. He did his typical thing of having guests present that Democrats would be socially obligated to clap for. Would you want the camera not showing you clap for the injured police officer or for the girl who got over cancer?
The Dems didn’t clap much for black of disabled unemployment, but he sure got new female senators to clap for themselves getting elected. He and his speech writer were clever in that sense, winning the crowd over, maybe making the Democrats look a little too self-congratulatory, also.
Varnel Watson
She was said to have asked for you JAN pay check
Link Hudson
I can’t figure out why she thought she was entitled.
Varnel Watson
did she said she was “entitled’? or you making this up?
Link Hudson
Troy Day No, but if you are using scripture to get people to send you tithes or firstfruits– especially if you are trying to put a curse on people for not tithing– you ought to have a Biblical case for why they owe it to you, don’t you think?
Varnel Watson
isnt this about the same as the tax reform?
Link Hudson
Does Romans 13 indicate that rulers may tax?
Varnel Watson