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Be Not Surprised at the Opposition to Kingdom Advance – Remember, We Win – Ray E Horton
Now more than ever it is the time for Christians to be strong and of good courage. It is a time of awakening and Kingdom advance, but it is also a time of great opposition.
It is the time for Christians to be strong and of good courage in the face of opposition
The Lord is calling, and more and more believers are heeding and coming out of their worldly ways, experiencing the joy of knowing who they are in Him, leaving the lies and condemnation of the enemy behind.
And because of this, the enemy is stirred, and many are being surprised by attacks in every area, caused by the lies and confusion and accusations he uses to try to hinder the work of the Lord.
Take your thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ
But be strong and of good cheer, for we have the victory. Pray and stand your ground, declaring the truth of God’s Word over every situation, taking all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ.
He will empower you to live a constantly realigning life. Every time the enemy gets you off track to worry or lose faith, the Lord is there by His spirit to nudge you back. The joy of the Lord, which comes from living in His presence, in communion with Him, is your strength.
You have His life and light within, and when the darkness tries to encroach, be bold, yield to the Spirit of God, and allow the Light of Christ within to push back that darkness, and you overcome. We win No matter what the deceiver would say or how hard he pushes, we win.
We thank you Lord Jesus and rejoice in you in the face of all opposition. We praise God in the midst of (not for) every situation and put on the full armor of God, using the weapons of our warfare, the Word and Spirit, to stop the enemy in His tracks.
So, step out in faith, and be amazed at the victories, and encourage one another to do the same.