Pentecostal Theology of the State of the Union Address

Pentecostal Theology of the State of the Union Address

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Timothy K. Wiebe |


Nixon’s last State of the Union Address

Presidential Economic Address

Presidential Economic Address

President Trump delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress less than two months after taking office. He reflected…

1969 State of the Union Address

1969 State of the Union Address

President Lyndon Johnson delivered his final State of the Union Address to Congress on January 14, 1969, less than a…

2016 State of the Union Address

2016 State of the Union Address

President Obama delivered his seventh and final State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress, in which he outlined his…

State of the Union Address

State of the Union Address

In his annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama outlined his priorities for legislative…

President Trump will focus on opportunities lifting up all Americans, and review his accomplishments in the first year, the official told reporters. Specifically, Trump’s State of the Union address will focus on five major policy areas:

1. Jobs and the economy

The president will discuss how the economy is faring under his leadership, specifically focusing on deregulation efforts and the tax cuts passed in 2017.

2. Infrastructure

The president has said he wants a $1.7 trillion infrastructure deal — however, the details the White House has laid out so far give no proposal on how to pay for it. The senior administration official called it a trillion-dollar plan, but could not give an exact figure.

3. Immigration

On Thursday, the White House rolled out a bare-bones legislative framework on immigration. The must-have list includes $25 billion for a trust fund for a border wall and other border security measures, a path to citizenship for 1.8 million “Dreamers,” an end to what the White House calls “chain migration,” and an end to the diversity visa lottery system.

4. Trade

The president plans to address his vision of America first on trade. Expect his remarks to reiterate the points he made in his address in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday. There, he promoted the notion of America first — but not America alone. The theme of that speech was “America is open for business.” He invited other countries to invest in in the U.S. and said he wanted to negotiate “mutually beneficial” bilateral trade agreements, and expressed a willingness to revisit the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) “if it is in the interests of all.”

5. National security

The president will emphasize rebuilding the military, and promoting peace through strength. He will also discuss a return to clarity in who America’s friends and adversaries are, the senior administration official said.

Missing from that policy preview list was health care. The senior administration official declined to say whether that would be included in the president’s address. After the GOP failed multiple times to repeal and replace Obamacare last year, Congress appears to be moving on to other matters.


  • Reply December 26, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    shall we compare with his Christmas speech ?

  • Reply January 29, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Jim Price I am fixing to post my comments in a little while

  • Reply January 29, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Nelson Banuchi Jim Price Bob Wizenhut
    – So we have a greatly unusual delay for #SOTU
    – dems have outplayed Trump once again
    – and having played their upper hand they now got time
    – they can also delay again next week b/c of shutdown

    on the other hand we have advisory board most of which fly private jets which have to be cleared ahead of time and have been indeed cleared for 1/29 pre scheduled speech. So why not use them for a sudden unplanned advisory board meeting – which obviously would have NOT been scheduled on the days of SOTU. Let’s talk about the issues SOTU was gonna address and poll some evangelical / GOP voters and then come out and express their concerns – nice save face move. Many in politics would have done the same

    ONLY PROBLEM is the evangelical advisers are NOW drawn into the political stand off ALL and while many of them report to higher denominational bodies or CEOs and most of all to a higher moral standard that is believed to guard the basic principles of separation of church and state Where am I wrong in this Alan Smith

    SO in the light of the above we have a evangelical board member shooting a brief #SeeMe selfie walking toward the security station that could be interpreted in 1 of 2 ways – each of them quite dreadful to repeat with plain words and still remain politically correct

    WHAT is wrong with this picture here?

    • Alan Smith
      Reply January 29, 2019

      Alan Smith

      nothing wrong with WHAT you are pointing out.
      BTW, the JF statement that he made in his church was proving that he didn’t agree with the way Trump put it out there and derogatory comments that he (allegedly) made.
      Even though the selfie may have been a little TOO OVER THE TOP, JF and others who HAVEN’T resigned – maybe trying to look at it, as pushing through and helping Trump follow after God’s will and plan.
      **just my 2 cents**

    • Reply January 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      well I dont disagree I just dont seeing this as much advantage or help to our president. We know where the West Wing is located – dont need a visual. What we do need as Christians in this country is AN actual spiritual direction as of HOW to pray for our president and currently innactive govt.

      To my surprise the speaker of the video whom I’ve met personally and have the greatest respect toward as Spirit-led leader in this nation, appears disoriented in the video; showing us the West Wing, the Masonic Monument (God forgive us all) but hardly any specific direction as of HOW and for WHAT to pray for before GOD

      The Almighty We know the issues well What we dont know is what and how was decided today on our (Christian / Evangelical) behalf and what did we get volunteered for Nelson Banuchi

    • Nelson Banuchi
      Reply January 29, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      Troy Day “What we do need as Christians in this country is AN actual spiritual direction as of HOW to pray for our president and currently inactive govt.”

      Pray Trump is removed from office asap and that evangelical leaders, and Christians in general, would have more sense to vote for a a more mature, competent, wise candidate who genuinely seeks the welfare of the nation to be placed as POTUS.

      Btw, one can pray both for Trump’s salvation and his removal from office.

    • Reply January 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Daniel J Hesse is right They rallied around the man Perhaps for that a man who I respect so much seems tired and confused in a non sense video Nelson Banuchi I intend to beat this horse a bit more – at lest until its dead; if you have the time to discuss it tonight of course #PRAY

    • Daniel J Hesse
      Reply January 29, 2019

      Daniel J Hesse

      Nelson Banuchi is that like the Rapture and the Second Coming-both simultaneous events together?

    • Daniel J Hesse
      Reply January 29, 2019

      Daniel J Hesse

      Troy Day I wonder if he really needs some seasoned leadership in the circle who know the inside the belt felt?

    • Reply January 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      TRUE and I wonder WHO really needs some seasoned leadership in his circle to know how do guide whole denominations how to react / respond / in a certain political favorism way Alan Smith

  • Reply January 29, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Nelson Banuchi Alan Smith I’d like to beat this horse a little bit more – at least until its dead for real. So how come a board member criticizes our president in public in church BUT still gets to go to DC meetings? Is this a double standard or what do we make out of it?

    • Daniel J Hesse
      Reply January 29, 2019

      Daniel J Hesse

      Troy Day is that an Evangelical Executive right of passage? If you have the influence, you have the open door? Curious? Regardless of what you say or beloeve…

    • Reply January 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I dont know but just from watching the video…

  • Neil Steven Lawrence
    Reply February 2, 2020

    Neil Steven Lawrence

    It’s going to be a good one! Trump ain’t gonna hold back!

  • Reply February 2, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    he may want to hold with the vote not until Wednesday Neil Steven Lawrence

  • Jerome Herrick Weymouth
    Reply February 2, 2020

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth

    He needs to take guards with him. I dont trust nancy. At all.

  • Reply February 3, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    done be a negative nancy Jerome Herrick Weymouth

  • Reply February 6, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    WHAT SAY YE William DeArteaga Joe Absher Ray E Horton A SOUT like NEVER before? Cleston Walton RichardAnna Boyce THE MAN just about cried in prayer lifted God what a Glory Divine Right to pray we dont punish prayer BUT not so with prayers of radical Islam – great points made right there all around

    AND prayers answered Senate acquits Trump on abuse of power, obstruction of Congress charges The only party defection was on the abuse of power charge from Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who declared hours before the final vote that Trump had engaged in as “destructive an attack on the oath of office and our Constitution as I can imagine.” Romney voted not guilty on the obstruction charge.

    As Ed Brewer put it The malignancy in our country is not Pelosi, Trump, or any other ‘representative’ – it is us! There are places in today’s America that are all but micro-caliphates. There are places where debauchery in the streets is celebrated as a protected right. The genius of our system is that where those communities exist, they get political representation. We give them a voice so that we can freely use ours! Stark comparison brings specific relief. The failing of the American church comes when we take the bait of putting all our energy into changing the minds of those representatives and abdicate our responsibility to lead the people themselves to a change of heart. The church is reduced to just another special interest group to be courted, and just another voice in the carnal choir. The real battle can only be won at home, not in Washington. If we can somehow rescue the single most important institution in our society from the clutches of lycan profiteers and return it to it’s commissioned purpose, there may yet be hope for our Republic, but as long as the Church continues to speak in that carnal voice, it’s representatives present no real comparison from which to choose. Perhaps the most dangerous threat to our republic is not our disparate voices, but just how much they have in common after all.

  • Ray E Horton
    Reply February 6, 2020

    Ray E Horton

    Ed Brewer’s remarks are interesting and deserve some consideration.

    • Reply February 7, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ed Brewer makes good remarks great to discuss and with plenty of interest BUT fails to follow through and often claims misrepresenting when quoted word for word And open calm and honest approach to these touchy topics is indeed a MUST

    • Ed Brewer
      Reply February 7, 2020

      Ed Brewer

      Ray E Horton ….thank you for your kind comment

    • Ed Brewer
      Reply February 7, 2020

      Ed Brewer

      Troy Day …I appreciate your kind comment, but I’m grieved by your ‘evaluation”. I am a full time pastor with a full slate of responsibilities, and as such do not always have the time to delve into detailed debate. Facebook is a great place to share ideas and reflections, and as such is a blessing. As a medium for productive debate, however, it is sorely lacking. Unfortunately, an attempt to discern demeanor or process rebuttal is fraught with peril absent the personal interaction necessary for making those conclusions well. I wish you well.

    • Reply February 8, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ed Brewer oh come on You are on FB 24/7 🙂 Your posts and comments pop up on my screen all the time But when it comes to a serious theological discussion you check out #justsayin Either do or dont No Trying 10-4

  • William DeArteaga
    Reply February 6, 2020

    William DeArteaga

    Played to theevngelical base. Lied and distorted on may issues, especially health care, his biggist fsilure.

  • Reply February 7, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    William DeArteaga not far from the truth As I told Joe Absher to much of his distaste You simply cannot say all in the same sentence or paragraph we raise hand we pray we … to GOD and 2nd amendment as many Christians do not believe in killing though Isara Mo at one point or another seems to have believed and / or practiced You also cannot say we defend the right for ALL to pray in school BUT not islams – though I am against islamic prayers as well Seems to me @Leonard J. Ransil should have touched on these very themes in his text because these are the reasons for the current evangelical support and approval for otherwise crooked man

  • Joe Absher
    Reply February 7, 2020

    Joe Absher

    Sadly your rhetoric and appetite for scandal has poisoned your influence .

  • Reply February 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    The transactional nature of Trump’s relationship with evangelicals and other religiously motivated voters is a two-way street. He doesn’t live by nor ostensibly even aspire to the values of most of these voters. They see his flaws but support him anyway because he helps advance elements of their policy agenda, namely, anti-abortion judges and legislation.

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