Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

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New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Coming Rebirth of Liberty

We witness today the relentless tearing down of America at every level. The globalist elite must bring this once great republic into compliance with the Ephesians 6:12 minions’ anti-God blueprint to establish the Antichrist beast regime of Revelation chapter 13.

The authors look in-depth at all the Luciferian madness being perpetrated – the wheres, whys, and hows that prove the end times epic battle between good and evil going on is at full throttle, just as foretold by Jesus and God’s prophets through Bible prophecy.

The tell-tale signs of the impending collapse of Western Civilization are all around us. Out of control national debt. Corruption at every level of governmental bureaucracy. Every major city suffering from rampant crime and lawlessness. General breakdown of Western education systems. Open borders allowing for a tsunami of illegal drugs and human trafficking to flood our nations. Everywhere we look, there is an existential danger just waiting to upend centuries’ worth of civilization building.

But it’s not just the growing potential for nuclear war hanging over everyone’s heads these days that is problematic. It’s the general departure from common sense we see from top to bottom where even things like where life begins, what it means to be human, and how many actual genders there are, which does not bode well for our way of life. In other words, if we can’t get the little common-sense things right, how do we expect to deal with the cataclysmic threats that seem to be multiplying by the day?

Leading the charge are the political left factions of progressives, liberals, and globalists. They are obsessed with merging ancient paganism into modern technology to excise God’s Created Order via the Great Reset. Even the biological order the Creator determined is under assault from the human and demonic powers and principalities of Ephesians 6:12.

The so-called new world order, called for by those who control the World Economic Forum (WEF), is much like the old-world order. It is not essentially different from the antediluvian world order of Genesis chapter 6, about which the Creator-God said He repented that He had made it.

New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Coming Rebirth of Liberty is devoted to pointing to the degree mankind has been deluded, thus has caused the God of Heaven to bring to the end this Age of Grace. He will bring about His Own Great Reset. It will be Magnificent beyond that which is imaginable! The process is about to begin!

To get New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Coming Rebirth of Liberty by Terry James and Pete Garcia, go to your favorite prophecy ministry that offers this powerful book.

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