
Gathering before Going :: By Terry James

Gathering before Going :: By Terry James

Sensing that we’ve arrived so near that spectacular moment those who are Rapture Ready desire, I present this with Holy Spirit-engendered expectation. The following directive from Heaven should beat profoundly at the spiritual heart of every Christian who views God’s prophetic Word from the perspective of truth it presents: Jesus Christ will call all believers […]

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Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Coming Rebirth of Liberty We witness today the relentless tearing down of America at every level. The globalist elite must bring this once great republic into compliance with the Ephesians 6:12 minions’ anti-God blueprint to establish the Antichrist beast regime of Revelation chapter 13. The authors look […]

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Only On Evil :: By Terry James

Only On Evil :: By Terry James

Those who “watch,” as commanded by the Lord Himself, should ask, at least to themselves: Has this generation reached the times totally saturated by evil as foretold by the Lord? God gave the reason He “repented” that He had created man. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of […]

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Delaying Digital Demonomics :: By Terry James

Delaying Digital Demonomics :: By Terry James

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis seems to be the lone politician/leader of significance who sees clearly through the smog and fog of deception in the issue of digital demonomics. He has called on the Florida legislature to prohibit federal digital impositions upon the citizens of his state. “The Biden administration’s efforts to inject a Centralized Bank […]

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Bringing Back Dave Breese: Part I :: By Terry James

Bringing Back Dave Breese: Part I :: By Terry James

One of my most cherished aspects of the Lord’s bringing me into prophetic ministry is the tremendous teachers, broadcasters, preachers, and Bible scholars I’ve been blessed to know over these many years. None is more beloved, profoundly memorable, or respected in every way than the late Dr. David Breese. Dave was one of the most […]

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Terry James on The Schilling Show: Approaching Tribulation Storm

Approaching Tribulation Storm for post-tribbers

In this exclusive Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast interview, Terry James discusses how COVID-19, technology, racial anarchy, and trans-humanism play into end-times prophecy.
Here is the link to the podcast: https://terryjamesprophecyline.com/2022/10/0…