
Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

AUTHOR’S NOTE Fully realizing that most Rapture Ready family folks don’t generally prefer fiction, I nonetheless implore you to embrace this novel. I’m particularly doing so because of my concern for the young adults who have been largely ensnared by this perverse culture that Satan and his minions have managed to inflict and afflict. This […]

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Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released!

New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Coming Rebirth of Liberty We witness today the relentless tearing down of America at every level. The globalist elite must bring this once great republic into compliance with the Ephesians 6:12 minions’ anti-God blueprint to establish the Antichrist beast regime of Revelation chapter 13. The authors look […]

The post Powerful New book by Terry James and Pete Garcia just released! appeared first on Rapture Ready.

New Book: Imagining the Future.

New Book: Imagining the Future.

I am excited that my dissertation on the history of Assemblies of God eschatology is now available from ORU Press. Since the Assemblies of God began in 1914, a great importance was placed on the belief in the second coming of Christ. However, in recent…

Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae

AUTHOR’S NOTE Fully realizing that most Rapture Ready family folks don’t generally prefer fiction, I nonetheless implore you to embrace this novel. I’m particularly doing so because of my concern for the young adults who have been largely ensnared by this perverse culture that Satan and his minions have managed to inflict and afflict. This […]

The post Book: The Final Remnant :: By Terry James and Heather Renae appeared first on Rapture Ready.