Bro. Paul Washer, is Sinners Prayer really sending people to hell?

Bro. Paul Washer, is Sinners Prayer really sending people to hell?

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David N Laura Aragon |


Bro. Paul Washer, is Sinners Prayer really sending people to hell?

Recently I attended a wonderful concert with one of my favorite praise and worship bands. It was an awesome experience of worshiping with thousands of saints, singing and making a joyful noise to our God. I was loving every minute of it until after one of the sets, one of the worship leaders proceeded to do an invitation for salvation. Immediately it reminded me of a man by the name of Paul Washer.

Its been a couple of years since I first listened to a sermon by  someone who is now one of my favorite preachers, Paul Washer. Anyone who has listened to Paul Washer knows that he has a passion for the gospel, a passion for souls, a passion for truth. Another observation that anyone who’s listened to Washer will note, is that he hates the “sinner’s prayer”. I must admit that I do not hate the sinners prayer, but I do think it is totally abused, misused and misunderstood concept.

The sinner’s prayer, for those of you not familiar is a prayer that someone usually a teacher, preacher, or maybe friend leads someone to repeat in order to become “saved”, or a christian. It usually goes something like this:

“God I know that I have sinned, I believe that you sent Jesus to die for my sins. I want you to come into my life. Amen”

After this, the leader, teacher or preacher who usually leads the prayer says “If you prayed this sincerely you are saved.” Usually but not always, the preacher will recommend to those who prayed the prayer, to tell someone about their decision , to start reading the Bible and then find a Bible believing church.

So what’s the problem with this you may ask?

First, where is the sinner’s prayer in the Bible?  I think the closest thing that comes to it is Romans 10:9-10 which says

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Case closed right? This scripture clearly says that we need to say with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe and we will be saved. I would say this is only part of the picture. In all Biblical gospel presentations there are at least three basic elements that need to explicitly be stated, and one that should be implicitly understood and communicated


1.The need to acknowledge and repent of sins

2. To believe that God has saved us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and not through any work of our own. 

3. The implicitly understood principal that true salvation should be accompanied by evidence or fruit.

Here’s some scriptures that provide evidence

Mark 1:15, Matthew 4:17, Luke 5:32, Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19-21, Acts 17:29-31.

So here is my beef, and its not so much with the sinners prayer but with how it is used. Most of the time this prayer is kind of a thrown in at the end of a church service or in a counseling room with no real teaching or explanation of repentance, why Jesus died, and how we are saved.

Even worse is the pronouncing that those who prayed the prayer are now immediately saved. What usually happens most of the time unintentionally is that those who pray the prayer thinking that “well because I prayed the prayer I’m good with God”. There are many people who think they are going to heaven just because they said “the prayer”. You will have seen this thinking frequently if you’ve ever been witnessing and asked someone “How do they know they are saved? or Why should they go to heaven?

One of my pet peeves that irks me even more is when the pastor will say the prayer for those who go forward to get saved and then asks the whole congregation to repeat the prayer as sort of a safety net or magic wand to save those who may not have said the prayer. I know as a kid I would frequently repeat the prayer, just to be safe. I figured if I prayed the prayer seven or eight times I would be super saved.

As we investigate the issue however we will notice that a fundamental doctrine has failed to be properly taught in many circumstances and that is Assurance of Salvation. In other words the doctrine of How do we know we are saved?

There are many people who sincerely believe because they prayed a prayer sincerely during one time of their life they will go to heaven. There are people who are going to hell partly because they have a misunderstanding of biblical repentance, and have understood the prayer as the one work they need to do to be saved.

We as believers, pastors, teachers, parents need to stress the fact that one of the fruits of salvation is a continued lifestyle of conviction and repentance of sins. There should be an inward witness that both convicts and assures people when they are in sin, but that they are also forgiven.

I think one of the biggest issues that we need to address is that we need to get over the drive through mentality when it comes to counseling for salvation. I know at times we feel that if people have to wait another 30 minutes for counseling they will not want to be saved, but if a person is serious about committing their life to God why wouldn’t they wait 30 minutes. We are consistently trying to eliminate hurdles to coming to Christ and make it as easy as possible. People should come to the altar with everyone’s eyes closed, they just need to repeat a prayer, and then go to a five minute counseling session. They don’t need to make any commitments to church. Here’s the thing Jesus wants people to count the cost, he wants people to give their whole lives  to him, so if a person cannot give five minutes, how do we expect them to take up their cross and give up their lives. This is one of the reasons that there are so many goats in our churches. There is no challenge. We have changed the narrow road into a comfy escalator ride with a latte in hand; one simple prayer escorts us smoothly into a paradise in the sky.

I realize that we don’t always have time allotted to give a 30 minute counseling session, but if I had to explain salvation to someone quickly I would say the following.

God has offered us the wonderful gift of salvation through his son Jesus Christ. He sent his son to pay the penalty for our sins, so that we wouldn’t have to suffer wrath in Hell. Christ proved he was the Son of God by rising from the dead, and promised us that if we repent of our sins and believe in him we could be saved.

Christ tells us to count the cost, because following him will be hard, it will require our willingness to give up everything even our lives. The good thing is that when there are times where we have doubt, or fall into sin, or problems, he promises to be right there and to give us the strength to overcome them. If you are serious about following him Christ asks us to be baptized in his name and calls us to be apart of a local church where we will learn more about how to live and follow him. You can begin this process by  praying with me. This prayer does not save you but is a confession to God of your intent to follow him and your initial repentance for sins.

Here I then could lead them in a prayer very similar to  or even use the “sinners prayer”, get his information and let him know that I would help him in his commitment to follow Christ or connect him with someone who could help him.

So does the sinner’s prayer lead people to hell? No. Their sins do, but when we tell someone that they are saved simply because they prayed a prayer we have aided and abetted them in their sin.The point that we need to emphasize is that following Christ will be hard, salvation is not something we do by praying, but Christ does and  we accept by believing and obeying him. This involves  being accountable and connected to other believers in a local bible believing church.

I’m so glad that God often works despite our own shortcoming and failures. God has saved many people despite us using a prayer, because that is what he does; he saves. Our responsibility is to faithfully communicate how to come to God and prevent any misunderstanding of salvation. I’m hopeful that this may help you and that we all may begin to think more critically about how we lead others to Christ.


Corey Forsyth [11/03/2015 2:53 PM]
So I have to hear the explanation as to why the sinners prayer is such a sin. I have always seen it as nothing more than a structure to help unbelievers accept Christ. It seems like a potentially fiery debate based on your post so just for clarity, I am not looking for a fight but for an explanation for your stance. Thanks!

David N Laura Aragon [11/03/2015 3:02 PM]

Corey Forsyth [11/03/2015 3:12 PM]
So salvation is a process?

Corey Forsyth [11/03/2015 3:15 PM]
And stop shouting! I can hear you. LOL

David N Laura Aragon [11/03/2015 3:26 PM]
LUKE 13:3,- MARK 16:16, ACTS 10:48, ACTS 2:38, OBEY THIS PROCESS,

Eric Shonebarger [11/03/2015 4:01 PM]
So David N Laura Aragon, how do you communicate that to someone that is lost? Pretend that I need to be saved.

John Kissinger [11/03/2015 4:10 PM]
Eric Shonebarger what is “Hebrews Cafe”?

Corey Forsyth [11/03/2015 5:22 PM]
I would really like an explanation like Eric requested. How do you present that to an unbeliever? Sending an unbeliever to a list of scriptures certainly isn’t going be beneficial since they are almost guaranteed to never look them up in the first place

John Kissinger [11/03/2015 5:24 PM]
You may be the Only Bible Some People Read. This quote is mentioned in AJ Tomlinson’s 1902 issue of “Samson’s Foxes”

David N Laura Aragon [11/03/2015 5:32 PM]

Corey Forsyth [11/03/2015 6:07 PM]
That’s a cop out. Jesus didn’t refer people to the scrolls to give His message. Neither did any of the apostles. They used… Wait for it… Their words to spread the Gospel. Based on what you just said, people weren’t able to accept and form of salvation until we had Scripture in book form.

Corey Forsyth [11/03/2015 6:10 PM]
Also, John 1:1 talks an awful lot about the “Word.” If words don’t have power to spread the Gospel, why such emphasis on the Word? If God used His Words to speak the world into existence and He created us in His image, why would our words be insufficient for spreading the Gospel. Especially when we are speaking Scripture (regardless of translation).

David N Laura Aragon [11/03/2015 6:18 PM]

Corey Forsyth [11/03/2015 6:33 PM]
But your words have no power. You have said this. I am by no means estranged from salvation. I asked you for your method of sharing your salvation speech with an unbeliever. You haven’t done it here but you want me to call you? I am utterly confused at how my words have no power because they aren’t God’s words but yours are good enough for a phone call? This is actually a MAJOR reason I left the apostolic church. Every time I asked a question, it was answered with nothing but cliche and quick bible quotes but no one willing to explain anything to support their belief.

Eric Shonebarger [11/03/2015 6:35 PM]
In the context of Acts 2, Peter definitely explained Joel 2 to get the salvation message out did he not?

David N Laura Aragon [11/03/2015 6:45 PM]

Link Hudson [11/03/2015 10:07 PM]
I do see a problem with preachers acting like if you rush a crowdthrough a sinner’s prayer without even preaching the Gospel to them, that they are saved because they went through the ritual of repeating a prayer. If repeating a prayer saves people, why would we think that people who go to churches where they recite the apostle’s creed aren’t saved? The apostles’ creed is a lot better than some of the ‘sinner’s prayers’ I’ve heard for explaining the gospel to people.

John Kissinger [11/04/2015 6:54 AM]
David are you saying that the SINNER’S PRAYER is fruit OF FALSE PROPHETS?

John Kissinger [11/04/2015 9:17 AM]
that’s kind of calvinistic isnt it? David

David N Laura Aragon [11/04/2015 9:24 AM]

David M. Hinsen [11/04/2015 9:33 AM]
Interesting convo

John Kissinger [11/04/2015 9:42 AM]
yeah, I’m not too sure about it either but there’s a calvinist preacher preaching that from time to time

John Kissinger [11/04/2015 10:17 AM]
Corey Forsyth this is a very calvinistic approach toward conversion

David N Laura Aragon [11/04/2015 10:19 AM]

Corey Forsyth [11/04/2015 10:23 AM]
To be perfectly honest, I am very unfamiliar with Calvinism. I simply believe that there should be change in someone when they come to Christ. Many alter calls I have seen in my little corner of the world seem to be interested in numbers games and making salvation a light experience. I am not anti sinners prayer but I do agree with Washer that salvation has become too light of an affair. Every one that encountered Christ throughout my study of Scripture experienced change. I remember growing up in the baptist and church of God churches and seeing people accept Christ through true conviction resulting in change. Maybe I am better served to say that I think to more modern “you’re fine the way you are but better with Jesus” mentality rubs me the wrong way.


  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Jerry Eicher

    I said the sinners prayer when I got saved, but I have to admit that brother Paul does make some good points.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    But does make any theological sense? Confessing sins is the very foundation of being protestant Evangelical since Luther? Washer negates the very foundation of the Reformation sola fide? Not to mention the ministry and the legacy of Billy Graham and many other evangelist. How else would one be saved? Street Preacherz would such claim reflect on the pelegian heresy supported by some in this group? Walter Polasik

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Street Preacherz

    It is a very practical point. I don’t think anyone should take the liberty to convince someone they are saved. It might be as simple as “packaging” I often pray with people to get right with God. Something like, God I’m sorry for the things I’ve done wrong. I accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for my sin. I don’t want to sin any more. I want to do the right thing. Please help me.” Along those lines a few times. If they are in their right mind. Not everyone is willing to admit wrong doing. Or repent, turn from sin, and ask God for help, and trust in Jesus Christ. I don’t think it’s wrong to get a man praying and confessing sin and asking God for help in Jesus name. Obviously there is much more to living a life that is pleasing to God and honors God than a single prayer but it is a start. Sometimes there is new birth sometimes they get a miracle. The spirit that was dead in sin comes alive to God by faith in Jesus Christ, they are born again. But at no time do I ever give the impression that’s all there is.
    I think Paul washer has a valid point. Doesn’t mean we stop praying with people asking God to help them turn from sin and trust wholly in the Lamb of God.
    These can be tough waters to navigate. Praying with men. Has to happen. In matters of the heart and soul and conscience of a man we must trust God and Jesus Christ. He doeth all things well. Planting and watering. I don’t think anyone should be an evangelist that isn’t willing to stand before God with blood on their hands.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    How can one be saved without prayer? Jerry Eicher

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Jerry Eicher

      I never said that people get saved without prayer. What we have though is a lot of people who said a prayer, and there isn’t any evidence that anything happened. When I got said, the next day after I prayed the sinners prayer, I felt a change. I read the Gospel of John that was given to me. The next week I saw the guy who led me to Christ. I told him that I had read the Gospel of John. He said, “You did?” paused for half a second, and said, “Oh, I have something else I would like to give you.” It was shortly have that he gave me an NIV Bible, and I read through the New Testament in about 4 or 5 months. And, I wanted to live a life pleasing to God.
      Most people just say that there was a time and a place where they prayed the sinner’s prayer, and that’s all there is to there testimony. Ray Comfort does a good job of explaining things in his messages: “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” and “True and False Conversion.” People can find these messages on YouTube if they are interested.

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      My point is these false preachers claim that how we believe is more important than what we believe. The Progressive types are getting to be just as nauseating as their conservative fundamentalist counterparts. I suspect this is the case because these progressives were once conservative fundamentalists themselves.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Jerry Eicher

    There’s nothing wrong with the prayer. The problem is that many people think that they have assurance simply because they said a prayer. I know I got saved when I did not because I said a prayer but because that’s when God came into my life and started working in my life.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Is this what Washer says? Isnt he eternal security ?

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Friar Rodney Burnap

    This man is anti Pentecostal. .. .he is also a Calvinist…

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Friar I;ve been trying to tell this for a while HOWEVER he astrays from hyper calvinism it seams because includes works. He does have a video or two talking about recognizing charismtics but I dont think he really knows enough about Pentecostalism to be able to make a sound judgment

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Friar Rodney Burnap

    Isn’t this what a Calvinist teach you don’t make a decision it’s predestined for you ….saying a prayer of repentance doesn’t matter if your not one of God’s e·lect…I believe in Whosoever Will you make a decision and pray a prayer of repentance. .. .

    Romans 10:9-10…

    I am not a calvinist… I prayed and I asked Jesus to be the Lord of My Life. . . in prayer. 1John 1:9 (70×7) I am Sanctified I am being Sanctified and I will be Sanctified in the end. Them that endure to the end the same shall be saved. . .Matthew 24:13

    A. Admit your a sinner…and your need for a saver.

    B. Believe Jesus die for your sins…take Jesus by faith to be your Lord and Savior

    C.Confess your sins and forsake them. . .

    Whosoever Will!


    What is the sinner’s prayer?
    The sinners prayer is a Christian term for a prayer that is said when someone wants to repent of their sin, ask God for forgiveness and state belief in the life, death, and saving resurrection of Jesus Christ. Romans 10:9-10 says that “if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
    Millions have come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through church services, friends, and family leading them in a salvation prayer. However it is not words in a prayer that save. Jesus Christ alone has the power to save through faith. J.D Greerer explains it well – “It’s not the prayer that saves; it’s the repentance and faith behind the prayer that lays hold of salvation. My concern is that over-emphasizing the prayer has often (though unintentionally) obscured the primary instruments for laying hold of salvation: repentance and faith.”
    The four examples below of the sinners prayer can help you communicate with God that you repent of your sin, accept His forgiveness, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
    The Sinner’s Prayer (by Dr. Ray Pritchard)
    Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen.
    If you have prayed this prayer in sincere faith, you may want to put your initials by the prayer along with today’s date as a reminder that you have come to Christ in faith, trusting him as your Lord and Savior.

    Sinner’s Prayer From Scripture – (Psalm 51, King David)
    “Have mercy on me, O God,
    according to Your unfailing love;
    according to Your great compassion
    blot out my transgressions.
    Wash away all my iniquity
    and cleanse me from my sin.
    For I know my transgressions,
    and my sin is always before me.
    Against You, You only, have I sinned
    and done what is evil in Your sight,
    so that You are proved right when You speak
    and justified when You judge.
    Surely I have been a sinner from birth,
    sinful from the time my mother conceived me…
    Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
    wash me and I will be whiter than snow…
    Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
    Do not cast me from Your presence
    or take Your Holy Spirit from me.
    Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.
    Then will I teach transgressors Your ways,
    and sinners will turn back to You.
    salvation sinner prayer
    The Sinners Prayer (by John Barnett)
    The following prayer expresses the desire to transfer trust to Christ alone for eternal salvation. If its words speak of your own heart’s desire, praying them can be the link that will connect you to God.
    Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin or to work my way to heaven. At this moment I trust Christ alone as the One who bore my sin when He died on the cross. I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection. As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him. I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. Father, I take you at your word. I thank you that I can face death now that you are my Savior. Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley. Thank you for hearing this prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Isn’t this what a Calvinist teach you don’t make a decision it’s predestined for you ….saying a prayer of repentance doesn’t matter if your not one of God’s e·lect – yap yet Washer diviates from Calvinism some

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Friar Rodney Burnap

    Yes and Calvinism is not what a Pentecostal. all about…he is also very anti Pentecostal.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Friar Rodney Burnap

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Friar Your attachment cannot be seen because of your privacy settings. What do you think about Washer’s view on holy living whereas Calvinism rejects free will and sanctification as second work of grace?

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    James L Alldredge

    There is no biblical example of a “sinner’s prayer” unless one refers to the moneylender who was looked down upon by the Pharisee who beat his chest and cried “God be merciful to me a sinner”. When Peter was asked “What must we do to be saved?” His response was not repeat after me…

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Friar Rodney Burnap

      Isn’t this what a Calvinist teach you don’t make a decision it’s predestined for you ….saying a prayer of repentance doesn’t matter if your not one of God’s e·lect…I believe in Whosoever Will you make a decision and pray a prayer of repentance. .. .

      Romans 10:9-10…

      I am not a calvinist… I prayed and I asked Jesus to be the Lord of My Life. . . in prayer. 1John 1:9 (70×7) I am Sanctified I am being Sanctified and I will be Sanctified in the end. Them that endure to the end the same shall be saved. . .Matthew 24:13

      A. Admit your a sinner…and your need for a saver.

      B. Believe Jesus die for your sins…take Jesus by faith to be your Lord and Savior

      C.Confess your sins and forsake them. . .

      Whosoever Will!


      What is the sinner’s prayer?
      The sinners prayer is a Christian term for a prayer that is said when someone wants to repent of their sin, ask God for forgiveness and state belief in the life, death, and saving resurrection of Jesus Christ. Romans 10:9-10 says that “if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
      Millions have come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through church services, friends, and family leading them in a salvation prayer. However it is not words in a prayer that save. Jesus Christ alone has the power to save through faith. J.D Greerer explains it well – “It’s not the prayer that saves; it’s the repentance and faith behind the prayer that lays hold of salvation. My concern is that over-emphasizing the prayer has often (though unintentionally) obscured the primary instruments for laying hold of salvation: repentance and faith.”
      The four examples below of the sinners prayer can help you communicate with God that you repent of your sin, accept His forgiveness, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
      The Sinner’s Prayer (by Dr. Ray Pritchard)
      Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen.
      If you have prayed this prayer in sincere faith, you may want to put your initials by the prayer along with today’s date as a reminder that you have come to Christ in faith, trusting him as your Lord and Savior.

      Sinner’s Prayer From Scripture – (Psalm 51, King David)
      “Have mercy on me, O God,
      according to Your unfailing love;
      according to Your great compassion
      blot out my transgressions.
      Wash away all my iniquity
      and cleanse me from my sin.
      For I know my transgressions,
      and my sin is always before me.
      Against You, You only, have I sinned
      and done what is evil in Your sight,
      so that You are proved right when You speak
      and justified when You judge.
      Surely I have been a sinner from birth,
      sinful from the time my mother conceived me…
      Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
      wash me and I will be whiter than snow…
      Create in me a pure heart, O God,
      and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
      Do not cast me from Your presence
      or take Your Holy Spirit from me.
      Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
      and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.
      Then will I teach transgressors Your ways,
      and sinners will turn back to You.
      salvation sinner prayer
      The Sinners Prayer (by John Barnett)
      The following prayer expresses the desire to transfer trust to Christ alone for eternal salvation. If its words speak of your own heart’s desire, praying them can be the link that will connect you to God.
      Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin or to work my way to heaven. At this moment I trust Christ alone as the One who bore my sin when He died on the cross. I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection. As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him. I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. Father, I take you at your word. I thank you that I can face death now that you are my Savior. Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley. Thank you for hearing this prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      James L Alldredge There is Paul in Romans – with a mouth confesses We call this an example of sinners prayer from the Bible

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      James L Alldredge

      Salvation is not a matter what we pray but rather how we live, the modern concept of a “making a decision” for Christ is foreign to the New Testament. One was to “bring forth the fruits” of salvation, namely, repentance from sin and faith toward God that manifested in a “newness of life”. Salvation is an internal regeneration of the soul and spirit that manifests outwardly in becoming like Christ, hence the name “Christian”. Paul’s admonition to confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus Christ is not a call to pray but rather to declare openly to all that He is Lord…

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Now that here is true pelegianism Street Preacherz If it was by our life and works we’d still be in sins

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      James L Alldredge

      Not our “life and works” but His life and works, not pelegianism, just New Testament truth. No one in the New Testament would have understood salvation to be possible without a fundamental change of life

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Actually you said “Salvation is …a matter … rather how we live” I beg to differ and so do all protestant evangelicals

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      James L Alldredge

      To tell someone that all they have to do to be saved is to pray a canned prayer is spiritual malpractice.

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Paul said it – believe and confess

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      James L Alldredge

      Any salvation that does not manifest in a changed life is not worth preaching

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      That is not what you said above… but oh well

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      James L Alldredge

      You can be as disingenuous as you like, but all protestant evangelicals who read this would recognize that I am referring to the effect of salvation not the means, there is no way to judge the sincerity of a “sinner’s prayer” but by the effect it produces in the person’s life

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      James L Alldredge So because you wrote something that does not fit any evangelical theology, now you call me names?

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      James L Alldredge

      What name brother? I called you nothing, I identified the little twist of meaning you used is all. As a matter of record you implied I was teaching pelegianism which is offensive to me but I decided not to take it personally. It is easy to get defensive when one’s cherished traditions are challenged. But to set your mind at ease I believe salvation is by grace through faith and not of works, I just don’t see any biblical support for the “sinner’s prayer” as it is currently applied in the evangelical world.

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      You used the word “disingenuous” I am sorry but I do not resort to name calling. Thank you for your comments

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      James L Alldredge

      Disingenuous is not name, it is a description of the act of deliberately misconstruing or misrepresenting the views of another, which is what you did. You could have simply asked for clarification of what I meant instead of resorting to the charge of heresy which would have avoided the whole issue. But since I gave offense I apologize and ask your forgiveness, I in no way wish to offend anyone and will diligently try to be clearer in conveying my meaning in the future…peace

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Friar Rodney Burnap

      Sinner’s Prayer From Scripture – (Psalm 51, King David)
      “Have mercy on me, O God,
      according to Your unfailing love;
      according to Your great compassion
      blot out my transgressions.
      Wash away all my iniquity
      and cleanse me from my sin.
      For I know my transgressions,
      and my sin is always before me.
      Against You, You only, have I sinned
      and done what is evil in Your sight,
      so that You are proved right when You speak
      and justified when You judge.
      Surely I have been a sinner from birth,
      sinful from the time my mother conceived me…
      Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
      wash me and I will be whiter than snow…
      Create in me a pure heart, O God,
      and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
      Do not cast me from Your presence
      or take Your Holy Spirit from me.
      Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
      and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.
      Then will I teach transgressors Your ways,
      and sinners will turn back to You.
      salvation sinner prayer
      The Sinners Prayer (by John Barnett)
      The following prayer expresses the desire to transfer trust to Christ alone for eternal salvation. If its words speak of your own heart’s desire, praying them can be the link that will connect you to God.
      Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin or to work my way to heaven. At this moment I trust Christ alone as the One who bore my sin when He died on the cross. I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection. As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him. I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. Father, I take you at your word. I thank you that I can face death now that you are my Savior. Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley. Thank you for hearing this prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      A Biblical example of “sinner’s prayer” from Romans 10:10 ►

      For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

    • Reply December 30, 2017

      Friar Rodney Burnap

      However it is not words in a prayer that save. Jesus Christ alone has the power to save through faith. J.D Greerer explains it well – “It’s not the prayer that saves; it’s the repentance and faith behind the prayer that lays hold of salvation.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    A Biblical example of “sinner’s prayer” from Romans 10:10 ►

    For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Friar Rodney Burnap

  • Reply December 30, 2017

    Friar Rodney Burnap

  • Reply December 31, 2017

    Friar Rodney Burnap

    Yes he is anti Pentecostal

  • Reply December 31, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Is there a video or sermon to prove it? In most cases he says he is pro-pentecostals

  • Reply February 23, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Emanuel Rodriguez I think David N Laura Aragon and Corey Forsyth are right. The guy is nuts and just sent all Billy Graham converts away ‎

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Emanuel Rodriguez

      Well Troy if I can share a little bit about my life, I too said the sinners prayer many times but nothing happened to me. It wasn’t until one day I heard a sermon and my heart wanted to explode and it was like day and night and I felt like I was made new.

      It isn’t that the sinners prayer is sinful, but false conversion is dangerous. Many people say the sinners prayer and are false converts because they never repent, they say a sinners prayer and live however that want with no evidence of salvation.

      We should think about that, false conversion

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      mhm this is where second work of grace comes in – entire sanctification – ever heard of it 🙂

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Emanuel Rodriguez

      The same is true for many “calvinists” who think because salvation is by election that they can do anything they’d like without evidence of salvation, this too is false conversion. It’s heresy

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Again second work of grace. Many Calvinists are NOT saved Calvinism has sent more people to hell than the Lords prayer

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Emanuel Rodriguez

      Troy Day sanctification is part of salvation but not exclusive, where there is true salvation, there will be sanctification. If we say we have salvation but there is no sanctification we are liars

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Emanuel Rodriguez

      Troy Day many arminians are NOT saved as well. Salvation isn’t about what you believe concerning the doctrine of election

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      sanctification is only part of salvation as post-salvation second work of grace. Many people dont make difference between salvation and ordo solutis IF any arminians are saved or not saved it is only by their choice 🙂

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Emanuel Rodriguez

      There is indeed an Ordo Solutis, but this is an organic order we see in the life of a true Christian according to the gospel I.e. epistles of Paul.

      Where there is one link missing in the chain, salvation is not present. There is much more to salvation I agree, but when there are missing pieces, we must conclude that salvation isn’t there

    • Reply February 23, 2018

      Emanuel Rodriguez

      It isn’t a “7 step program” to be completed. It is an organic process of the Holy Spirit working at the heart of the believer

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Joe Absher not sure if anyone in this group even believes that Link was brought on old discussion about teaching them how to get saved

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Larry Dale Steele

    I have a cousin that is deep into thinking sinners prayers and a lot of church traditions are sending folks to hell

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Joe Absher

    How can you be against praying? Maybe the abuses is by over eager folks saying things God didn’t say. Let God tell a man if he heard him or not. Let God give the assurances. I still tell God I’m sorry. I still let the Lord know he’s my Saviour. I very aware apart from Jesus Christ and his cross we’re all doomed and damned.
    To be honest though I did hear of a pastor tell a man, “no, you gotta pray for yourself” and he did. Surrendered to God right there in the street, worked just fine. Sometimes people get saved just by believing the preaching. I think God honors prayers and sincerity and believing on Jesus Christ his Son. Contrition and believing and asking can happen in a moment, can take years. God knows.

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Timothy K. Wiebe

    The sinners prayer must begin with the sinners heart

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Joe Absher

    And gospel preaching

  • Reply May 23, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Timothy K. Wiebe the question was specifically about Washers statement Please re-visit and then address it again

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      I addressed it with a video

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      You mean about the sinners prayer?

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Help me out

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Sorry for the delayed responae bro Timothy K. Wiebe As a minister I am not of the habit of posting on social media during church service times and do not respond to facebook while in service

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Troy Day I hear you, I was at church myself

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      That video sermon is great

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Where is the link I shared? Not seeing it now

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Joe Absher

      In the video the good Pastor says, “the cross isn’t about sin, it’s about restoring my destiny” it’s only one of his statements. I’ll have to think about it. I get his point about salvation isn’t just a prayer to go to heaven. On that we agree. Don’t think the sinners prayer was dealt with in this limited presentation though. Joking about running off with a young woman not his wife seemed a little loose. Sorry.

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Joe Absher no, he didn’t joke about that in any sense of the word. This was a very powerful sermon

    • Reply May 23, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Troy Day Where is the link I shared? Not seeing it now

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Joe Absher

      I’m sure he’s a very godly man. I mean that. But it’s called adultery in the Bible. It’s not being “a jerk”. So I’m wary about dealing lightly with sin. Sorry about that. Hope you can forgive me? Seems like he threw the sinners prayer under the bus too. So I have to ask, ‘it was a great sermon at what cost?”

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Joe Absher bye Joe, and goodbye (so called) Pentecostal Theology)

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Troy Day, deleting sincere posts for whatever is going through your head? Sorry, I’m out

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Joe Absher

      Timothy K. Wiebe
      I’m sure it was a great service and God moved in a mighty way. But to the point fo you think I’m being mean?

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Timothy K. Wiebe you are wrong on this one I have been mainly out in the past week or so. Facebook is doing a new thing reporting and deleting posts. I have several of mine deleted too Which one is gone this time? Pls read before you direct your anger

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Timothy K. Wiebe

      Troy Day ok, sorry

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Timothy K. Wiebe pls PM me the link that got deleted if you can pls

  • Reply May 24, 2018

    Roger Lewis

    The sinners prayer is NOT sending anyone to hell.

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Decreeing people saved after they have not heard the Gospel because tjey repeated a prayer can be harmful. Some might say an innoculation against the Gospel. They can say been there done that. They can say they are born again on Barna surveys about doctrinal beliefs or who is sleeping around.

      In my experience it seems fairly typical of Pentecostal preachers in the US who do the repeat this prayer thing to make no mention of the resurrection prior to or during the prayer and often they do not mention the cross either.

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Why have they not heard Link Hudson ?

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day e.g the preacher preacges on tithing or marriage etc then has people repeat a prayer at the end, assuming they know stuff he did not just preach to them, or hitting on vuzz phrases evangelicals associate with salvation that the Bible does not present as the way to get saved, e.g. ask Jesus into your heart, personal Savior, not a religion but personal relationship. That instead of Christ dying for their sins and rising from the dead.

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Link Hudson This could be true of course. I shared few weeks ago being at revival. They sang for about 30-40 min at first, during which before no one has preached, 8-9 people came to the altar and got saved Just like that

    • Reply May 24, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day maybe they had heard the gospel before. But does it make any sense to lead people in a prayer and declare them saved if you haven’t even mentioned the cross or the resurrection. Some people need tobe told who God is. Rush a Hindu through a sinner’s prayer and he might add a Roman Catholic statue to his idol shelf.

  • Reply May 24, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    I agree with that Roger Lewis

  • Reply May 24, 2018

    Link Hudson

    What about not explaining how to get saved then calling people to the altar to get saved, and letting them just pray alone to get right with God?

  • Reply January 13, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    this asked by David N Laura Aragon many many moons ago in 2015 So what’s the problem with this you may ask?

    First, where is the sinner’s prayer in the Bible? I think the closest thing that comes to it is Romans 10:9-10 which says

    9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

    Case closed right? This scripture clearly says that we need to say with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe and we will be saved. I would say this is only part of the picture. In all Biblical gospel presentations there are at least three basic elements that need to explicitly be stated, and one that should be implicitly understood and communicated

    • Reply January 14, 2019

      Louise Cummings

      I get you meaning on saying the sinners prayer now. Romans 10: 8-9. It is clear on how to pray to be saved or born again. That is correct. I thought you meant someone was praying was sending people to hell. I wonder how could a sinner praying , could send people to hell. When I didn’t know they prayed. But some might. I don’t w. But I understand you are talking about the prayer a sinner prayed to be save. I believe if they are sorrowful for their sins and really wants to be saved. If they confess that with their mouth. And believe they will be saved. I think if we know them or the church around them. It would be good if they would follow up on those that prayed. And follow up on them to be sure they find a good church to go to. Sorry I misunderstood what was being said. It seems I’m doing that to often lately.

  • Reply January 13, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    How could sinners prayer send people to hell because the Bible says it in some fashion. God doesn’t heat a sinners prayer , except a prayer of Repentance. If sinners are praying, that’s a lot more than some Christians are doing. Or it seems that way. But Lord forgive me. I’m not their judge. But I’ll say it like this. We need a lot more praying going on. Me included first.

  • Reply January 14, 2019

    Nora Neel-Toney


  • Reply January 14, 2019

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth

    I heard the arguments before, and I know from my own experience that you can be saved praying the sinners prayer.

  • Reply January 14, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    Oh yes. People on their death bed. I try to get to them and ask them would say that prayer and mean it in their heart. That’s better to get them to do that than not pray at all. Sorry I misunderstood.

  • Reply January 15, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    not sure what paul washer is trying to do with all this

    • Reply January 15, 2019

      Jerome Herrick Weymouth

      Troy Day
      One of the cult watch sites went all off on the sinners prayer and gave their answer to every verse we used… I get that they are calvinist but ‘oh brother!’ saying that the example we use from the gospels “God be merciful to me a sinner” doesn’t count or aid us in getting saved.

    • Reply January 15, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      what is a cult watch sites
      what answers did they give?

  • Reply January 15, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    I hope it was me answering things I wasn’t suppose to. Because I had misunderstood some things. If I ever answer where I’m not suppose to. If there is a way you can take out. Take it out. If you can’t erase it. Let me know. And l will try erasing it out. If it won’t erase your questions with it. I hope it wasn’t me.

  • Reply February 7, 2019

    Bernie Wade

    Wonderful article. Bible based. Thank you!

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    I decided to bring this post back because of mention by Link Hudson Isara Mo and several others It was originally posted by someone appalled by the video in the post and reacted

    FIRST OFF the VIDEO is by PAUL Washer – sworn Calvinist who does not believe the sinner to make choice or decide to accept JESUS – God saves some and others were created to go straight to hell as per Calvinism I disagree with this humanistic liberal mess

    If Washer’s Calvinism is right – then no one was saved under the ministry of Billy Graham who heavily promoted the sinners prayer in all his crusades and TV programs

    Sorry to put it bluntly Gerardo de Dominicis Angel Ruiz but Washers statement is about as bad as MacArthur saying no latin american is truly saved

    Jim Price this may be right down your ally too but Link claimed in the 90s people preached on other subjects then ppl got saved as he says without hearing about Jesus – I dont see how this is even possible

    Also – what about the sovereign GOD – does he need my so special sermon words to save a person – not hardly After speaking much with Michael Ellis Carter Jr. about preaching, even the best sermon and preacher STILL NEEDS GOD to save the sinner #amen

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I don’t think people were truly saved without hearing the gospels. Since the 1900s at least until know, I have heard preachers–plenty of them in Pentecostal denominations– supposedly getting people saved by ask them to repeat a prayer without first preaching the gospel to them.

      My post about how to get people ‘saved’ without preaching the gospel was meant to expose the error in practice of some evangelicals.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Link Hudson the sinner part is very good information!

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day btw, i think you go a little further than MacArthur did in your auote of him. I also think you are falsely portraying Washer’s Calvinism. There are Calvinists whobelieve people are saved by believing the gospel when or after they hear it and are saved–but that this was foreordained.

      Did Washer say no one was saved in Graham’s crusades. I have jeard several of his sermons and it seems unlikely to me that he believes these things. Do you have quotes from him to back these things up?

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Washer is ultra Calivinist
      He says it himself in his sermons

      He even goes into preaching holiness without any need for sanctification I think you are once again falsely interpreting due to lack of deeper observation

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Troy Day oh yes because many of our sermons may be helping usher people to… well never mind lol

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Nora Neel-Toney

    Something to think about

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Lyndon Conn

    The sinners prayer doesn’t have the power to save anyone or to send anyone to hell. Only a true or false confession through it does. And that is an individual heart issue. However, nobody should ever tell people that they are saved eternally bad unconditionally just because they said a prayer!

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson I thin people were truly saved

    God loos upon the heart – Paul says it
    We believe with the heart
    Everything else is just confession and recognition of salvation through faith that has already occurred in the heart of a man

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    oh Link Hudson I got ya brother – you again assumed I was the author and addressed me on the content You should address your corrections on the text to the actual author listed on the top of the article David N Laura Aragon Thank you

    BTW washer is dead wrong on pryaer and sanctification He is a great ultra Calvinist though – oh well So does the sinner’s prayer lead people to hell? No. Their sins do, but when we tell someone that they are saved simply because they prayed a prayer we have aided and abetted them in their sin.The point that we need to emphasize is that following Christ will be hard, salvation is not something we do by praying, but Christ does and we accept by believing and obeying him. This involves being accountable and connected to other believers in a local bible believing church.

  • Reply February 10, 2019

    Link Hudson

    I think Paul Washer does make some valid points. Repeating a prayer without faith doesn’t save, though some evangelicals treat the ritual as if it saves. Why would repeating a prayer save if repeating the Apostle’s Creed did not? That makes no sense.

    My ‘campaign’ on the sinner’s prayer is about something more basic. Many preachers have people repeat some kind of prayer without first explaining the Gospel– mentioning the atonement on the cross and/or the resurrection.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      not sure how you gather this from what I said – Paul says
      WITH HEART – God knows the heart
      from that point on, Washer got no case

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I was clarifying my stance on the issue, not commenting on your beliefs on the apostle’s creed, etc.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      as long as the heart is repenting
      The repetition of the tradition has no admonition
      This time Washer got no case

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I also do not get how your point that God knows the heart disproves what Washer said. I haven’t memorized all of his sermons. I get the impression from his concern is with people who have not had a heart-transformation who are declared to be saved just for repeating words. Confession does not save without faith.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      disproves what Washers saying about the sinners prayer – plain and simple Not so Calvinist though

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I am not aware of Paul Washer teaching that someone who has genuine faith and repentence cannot be saved by repeating a prayer. If you have a video with a minute marker, feel free to share. I think it has been about a year since I watched one of his videos.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Washer has several videos claiming that even a MILD Calvinist dont need sinners prayer because God saves by grace As a baptist you may agree – I Dont agree with it

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day If you have a quote, that might be helpful.

      As a matter of orthopraxy, why would we want to replace the role of water baptism with a ‘sinner’s prayer’ ritual that is a hundred years old or less? Shouldn’t we follow apostolic practice and baptized?

      But this also needs to be done in faith. If we call people up who are suffering emotional pain who want some help from Jesus to get baptized as some preachers do with the prayer, and don’t preach about the cross and resurrection, wetting them may not accomplish much.

      I’ve taken to emailing some of the preachers if I witness them doing this sort o fthing, pointing out if they have people repeat prayers without mentioning the cross and/or the resurrection.

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      The quote is in the article + video You should not comment before actually reviewing them Do yo agree with Washer that the sinners prayer sends people to hell? #hello

    • Reply February 10, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day The clip of Washer in the post does not support what you are saying. Your argument seems to be a bit of a strawman. Do you object to the idea that real Christians bear fruit?

      It seems to me he sees the issue as one of thinking one has made a sincere decision as opposed to real transformation of the heart that comes through faith.

      I think Washer skips over a bigger issue– giving people the sinner’s prayer ritual to follow without ever preaching the gospel to them. It is all too common.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Lyndon Conn

      It is a false repentance that keeps people on the the path to hell. It doesn’t send people there since they were already heading there.
      The fact is that many sinners really have no idea how to pray or what to say if they do. The sinners prayer was designed to help with that. The problem is not the sinners prayer. The problem is the preaching that leads up to it and the faith that many out in the prayer alone. I have seen MANY people saved through the sinners prayer. Who here claims to have been saved without a prayer? The key is simply to mean what you are praying. And if a sinner is convicted of sin and brought to a place of faith, then they will have a real salvation experience as they repeat the words. I know I did!
      It is only critical that we do not put faith in a prayer as if it magically saves people. It is only through a heart that believes and is moved by godly sorrow that anyone can be saved – regardless of what they say in a prayer. The choice to abandon the sinners prayer can be just as dangerous, as many I know stopped calling sinning to an altar to pray and repent. So sinners continue to go to church with a confession of Jesus, but without a true conversion and dying to sin. The altar experience today is much like the baptism experience of the first churches, as people humble themselves to go forward, admitting they are sinners in need of a savior, and showing their repentance before men as the Holy Ghost meets them at the altar. Too many people in churches have not had that experience-whether they have said the sinners prayer of not. The sinners prayer is not the problem! The problem is with the hearts of men and the lack of preachers who will preach the uncompromised truth.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Lyndon Conn Why don’t we have the baptism experience of the first churches then?

      The Bible doesn’t say to get saved through a prayer. The ‘sinner’s prayer’ can be a tool to get people to confess as Romans 10 says, but Romans 10 does not say confessing Jesus as Lord has to be done in a prayer.

      I heard one man preach, “If you haven’t prayed that prayer, you aren’t saved.” If he was right, those poor apostles and other early Christians must have been in trouble. They never repeated the prayer after Billy Graham or a modern pastor.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      WHAT is a false repentance ?

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Lyndon Conn

      Link Hudson, it is not “that prayer” that saves anyone. It is a prayer of repentance and a confession of faith that saves. That can happen through a sinners prayer. But it does not have to happen through a sinners prayer.
      The Apostles didn’t need to do anything to be saved at the start of the church. They were already believers and followers of Jesus. But the early Christians made their confession in the water. Water baptism was more than just a showing of what was already done for them. It was the actual place of repentance and confession of Jesus. If someone wanted to become a Christian they were taken straight to the water. In the water they made confession of faith in Jesus before men in public. It is for this reason that Peter said in 1 Peter 3: 21 “The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us…”.
      The entire Early church has been accused of teaching baptismal regeneration by water, when in fact what they taught is that in baptism where repentance took place and showing of faith in Christ is what saves – and not the act of going into the water alone. The modern church changed the baptism experience into an altar call for sinners. God still honors the altar call because of modern changes. The main point is that men show their faith in humility without shame. Water baptism did that in the first centuries. But today people go into the water and just get wet, without the true experience of salvation. There is no threat of persecution for going into the water today, so people can make false confessions today, when they wouldn’t take the chance in the first centuries unless they really meant it.

      The sinners prayer can still be useful if the preceding preaching is right, bold, and teaches people the seriousness of praying it. I have used it before and told people not to pray it unless they really were serious about repentance, confession, and the desire to change. I also tell them that the prayer cannot save them, unless it comes from their heart in truth, honesty, and serious desire to commit to Him. If they go against that instruction then they are not saved by any prayer.
      We are told to “Confess with our mouth and believe in our heart…with the mouth confession is made into salvation” in Romans 10:9,10

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Lyndon Conn

      Troy Day a false repentance is simply repeating the words of any prayer, saying “I am sorry for my sins”, when in fact they are really only sorry they got caught in sin, sin has been exposed, that they realize they have to give up their sins, or that they realize their sin cannot be continued in if they want to be saved. But there really isn’t true godly sorrow for sin or a deep desire for change. They go through the motions and take the so-called steps in order to be saved. But they really are not saved at all. They have appeared to repent and confess Jesus, when in fact they only put on a show. They know they have to change, but there hasn’t been a true heart transformation.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Lyndon Conn why don’t we just baptize the way the apostles did.

      I have led people in prayers to. In recent decades though I do not guarantee salvation for saying the words. I exhort them to be baptized. I have also baptized or prayed with them before they got in the creek or stream.

      My biggest concern about the sinner’s prayer is when it is done without preaching the gospel.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Lyndon Conn

      Link Hudson, I agree. But unfortunately people just don’t understand the true purpose of baptism. So they have to be taught before they even go into the water today. The act of going into the water has no power without understanding it. It is then no different at all from praying a sinners prayer. Both can be powerful and life changing. And both can be powerless with no change.
      I think that reaching the goal that both baptism and the modern altar call shoot for is the what really matters. If the truth is preached and people truly understand what they are doing and really want it, then they have the promise of it is scripture and they will have it. But it is unfortunate that both the sinners prayer/altar call and water baptism have become pointless and powerless through the teachings from false gospels like “faith alone” through a single prayer or because they were baptized. The answer isn’t to eliminate either one. But rather to use them properly and to teach the truth to people concerning them. We have false Christianity in most churches in America because of the hearts of people. All of which have said a prayer and been baptized. All of which say they trust in Jesus and love Him. Many will tell of how God has done so much for them – while they live in fornication, a homosexual lifestyle, drunkenness, smoking pot, cussing like a sailor, and no different than any other God dejecting sinner in lifestyle.
      The real issue is twofold.
      1. What are they being told? Is the truth being preached to them?
      2. Is there heart truly accepting the truth and willing to receive it?

      I had a Facebook friend I had to unfriend because he not only taught the lie of easy believism; but he would go into the streets all the time and them try to make others feel bad who didn’t. Then he would boast of several people “getting saved” on his outings. The problem was that he would simply get sinners to confess a belief in Jesus and to say that they believe He is the Son of God who died and rose again. Then by that confession he would say they got saved because they “confessed with their mouth the Lord Jesus”. He even posted videos of these events, in which it was abundantly clear that these sinners did not get saved at all. There was no desire to change in them at all. I corrected him and he came unhinged.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day Has Paul Washer explained how he got “saved”?
      Was the gospel preached to him and got convicted of his ” sins” and, like the 3000 at Pentecost, asked his preacher”What should I do?:
      It seems he did not come into salvation thru the ” sinners prayer” but some other methodology….which we ought to know so that when we argue we can see why he says the sinners prayer sends people to hell..
      Passion for music doesn’t make one a musician neither is passion for soccer make one a footballer: equally passion0 for gospel doesn’t guarantee you are preacher unless there is truth in what one says..

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Isara Mo He’s a cessationist, but his salvation testimony isn’t. He was in his apartment in college contemplating suicide thinking “I am so miserable”. Washer lifted weights and used steroids. It has one or two in the morning. A guy knocked on his door and said he didn’t care if Washer beat him up or not, but God wanted him to tell him he would be miserable until….I think he said until he gave his life to Christ. Washer started reading the Bible and I think he was spending time with Christians. One day he said he was not going to do some activities because he was a Christian. He realized he believed the gospel. My vaugue recollection if his testimony which you can find on youtube.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Lyndon Conn When the whole of Judea went to the Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist there were no sermons or lengthy teaching on why they NEEDED to be baptized…
      The Bible says John preached this short sermon”Repent for the Kingdom of heaven has come near.” And guess what?
      “People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan…CONFESSING THEIR SINS THEY WERE BAPTIZED BY HIM IN THE JORDAN”..
      Is faith in the head or in the heart?

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Link Hudson
      If that is a background then I dont think he has any solid proof that the sinners prayer sends people to hell.
      I think if you ask people how they got ” saved” you won’t find no rigid standard method…but everyone will.tell you their stories….differently.
      There are those who heard the message in a crusade and stepped forward to accept the Lord Jesus ..whether willingly or out of fear of men I don’t know and they uttered a ” sinners prayer”
      Some are still born again today with powerful ministries…bringing more people to Jesus…
      Others met the Lord in crises in their lives and prayed a prayer of anguish even.when they knew not the Lord and the Lord directed them to a person or place(As he did to Saul…) That was a personal encounter, alone in the wilderness.
      Then there are those who heard a friend and relative tell them.about Jesus..and either they chose to give their lives to Jesus..
      Yes, the Bible doesn’t show a standard prayer on salvation nor does it give any standard prayers for anything(except for the model prayer of our Father in Heaven)
      Most deliverance ministers will tell tou they use the sinners prayer with a believer or back sliding one to kind of give the believer a legal right to be prayed for ….
      I have done it many times.
      I remember about seven years ago we went to visit a certain church member who had a Catholic baby sitter .While we were having a conversation with the lady of the house I asked the girl this question; “Are you saved? And she said “No” and I asked her “Would you like to give your life to Jesus?”And she said “Yes”
      I asked my wife to lead into the sinners prayer…and immediately she finished the prayer, she began to scream and try to tear off her clothes: the demons began to shriek and fight…
      That was the effect of the sinners prayer…
      I really have reservation about Paul Washers views…

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Lyndon Conn

      Isara Mo, to teach on repentance was the foundation of his baptism. Certainly people understood what they were doing. Yet they had to learn it from somewhere. It was effective because people understood what they were doing. And unless you were there I don’t think I you can assuming what he did not teach. They had to get the understanding from somewhere. Yet it doesn’t matter if Hohn taught it to them or not, but only that they understood. It would be a bit pointless to lead people into the water to repent if they don’t even know why they are doing it. Yet today people blindly go into the water just because the Bible says to be baptized. So they can say they have been baptized even though they don’t know why. This is a fact and a reality of people today concerning baptism. But in bible times they knew exactly what they were doing.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Isara Mo I think you need to look at that statement in context. Just saying a sinner’s prayer is not going to send someone to Hell. I certainly don’t think that is what Washer intends to say.

      But I suspect we have a lot of people who call themselves ‘born again’ on Barna surveys in the US who believe unbiblical things, who will tell you that they have repeated a prayer after a preacher somewhere who told them they were born again, without a change of the heart.

      Something I have not heard Washer focus on is how common it is for preachers to lead people in prayers after NOT preaching the gospel to them.

      Telling people they are saved because they went through a ritual of repeating a prayer can give them a false sense of security. I’d agree with that, especially if they have not even heard the Gospel. That is very possible with the way some churches do it.

      Washer seems to favor praying through to salvation. He gave an example of that. But he also gave an example of a man who was dying of cancer who he studied the Bible with until the man realized that he understood and believed.

      Churches that believe in ‘praying through’ to salvation can have their own problems. This viewpoint probably lost out to the sinner’s prayer approach with Baptists in the last century, though pockets of it still exist. There have been churches in the Baptist movement and elsewhere, where people in the pew get the idea that you aren’t saved unless you have some kind of emotional life-changing experience at the altar, and they don’t experience that and don’t know if they are saved. There have probably been Pentecostals who think the same way. And there have probably been plenty of Pentecostals in the Holiness side of the movement who have had the same experience with seeking a sanctification experience, too, or the baptism of the Holy Ghost, who go up to the front and pray and don’t think they got it.

      There is something to be said for just believing God–whether there is an emotional experience or not– putting one’s faith in Christ and being baptized in faith.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Isara Mo He baptized them for the remission of sins, so there might have been some explanation of at least that.

  • Reply February 11, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    WHAT is a false repentance ?
    You either repent OR you dont

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day someone could pretend.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy 100% accurate. Many like Washer, need to defend their doctrines and have fodder for their sermons.

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Link Hudson consider what you said. If you pretend, you have not actually repented. So where is the false repentance because there never was any. Oxymoron at best, not thought out party doctrinal politics at worse. You can go through motions perhaps but that is not repenting. I understand what Washer, Johnny Mac and their crowd have been spouting for years. It is the church (cult) of Johnny Mac.

      Would you consider their teaching on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and gifts to be true or false teaching. They claim the only prophecy is forth telling . If that is correct, but they are wrong about the Baptism then the Bible is clear that they are false prophets.
      Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4

      Eating the chicken and throwing away the bones is not biblical. This is:

      A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Gal. 5:9

      Jesus said to them, “Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Matt 16:6

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day A false repentance is when
      you utter another mans’ words whose meaning you don’t even know nor care to know…because the words are his, not yours!

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Isara Mo – if you don’t know what repentance is, how can you say that you are doing it falsely. You are just mumbling words and not repenting. In order to falsely repent you must know what you are doing and choosing to fake the repentance. What you are actually talking about is this: Jesus said to them, “Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Matt 15:14

  • Reply February 11, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Isara Mo
    A false repentance is when
    you utter another mans’ words whose meaning you don’t even know nor care to know…

    No – when you utter another mans’ words whose meaning you don’t even know nor care to know… thats called uttering another mans’ words NOT repentance

    Paul says the WORDS only come from a repented heart that believes You can repeat the Words of Jesus Himself if your heart aint right you aint repenting

    Dont Let Calvinism mess you up
    Washer says all this on the premise that one DOES NOT need to pray and repent because God will save or not save regardless
    I dont believe that for a second

    • Reply February 11, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day where does Washer say that. I think your depiction of Calvinism in this case is just a charactiture.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      are you saying Washer is not Calvinist?

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day No I am saying your charictature of Calvinism probably does not accurately portray Washer’s or other Calvinists view.

      I suspect most Calvinists believe God foreordains genuine repentence and faith after hearing the gospel, and perserverence. Perseverence is the P in TULIP.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      you are saying based on what? – show a reference that shows Washer’s form of Calvinism to prove it please

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day you are the one making the strange accusation. If you claim a preacher teaches bizarre doctrine the burden of proof is on you. Can you show an example of any of the new Calvinist types in theUS who believe God saves apart from the preacjing of and faith in the Gospel. Calvinism does not mean rejecting salvation by faith.

      I have heard or read people describe Calvinism the way you did but Inever talked with one who said he believed that. It’s like people sayin Pentecostal meetings always have snake handling and swinging on chandeliers.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I dont claim a preacher teaches – the preacher himself claims he teaches Calvinism 🙂 There – proven Now its up to you to debunk that Washer does NOT teach Calvinism which sill be hard for you since he says he does

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day you prove your own definition of Calvinism. I edited my last post btw.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Have you ever met a Calvinist who did not say salvation is by faith. Your version of Calvinism is a strawman.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I dont have a definition in order to prove it or to make it a strawman As a matter of fact I never defined Calvinism and you are simply putting words in my mouth I simply repeated what Washer says about his Calvinism

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day we don’t need to do the repeat the prayer thing yo either pray or repent. The Bible doesnot teach us to evangelize people by getting them to pray. Romans 10 says to confess. Some versions of the sinner’s prayer are attempts to apply that.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day where does Washer say God saves people who do not repent?

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      this video is one example among too many others to list

      – Paul Washer puts the Doctrines of Grace into practice and refutes here the Arminian doctrine

      – Washer’s a Calvinistic SBC missionary.

      – saved in grace, not by what you know of reformed theology. We are not saved by works

      – Not only is he a Southern Baptist, but he graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a M.Div

      – heard someplace a criticism on this message someplace that said he was preaching salvation by works.

      – His preaching is often mistaken as a Wesleyan approach to holiness but he is Reformed Calvinist

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day its not really repenting… ie false repentence?

  • Reply February 12, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson you’ve once again lost the main point by your many strawmen The OP is not about Washer himself but about his claim on the sinners prayer which is false – we all should know SO:

    Do you feel Washer is RIGHT that sinners prayer send ppl to hell? He says that in the video with no doubt – I disagree

    After getting you on this one, we will get you on your false premise of Paul’s words on the parousia

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day if he means saying it damns someone no. He does not mean that. I agree with him that telling people to repeat some words and presto they are saved forever without regard to what is going on in their hearts — that can lead people to a false sense of security that hinders salvation and encourages them to stay on the path to Hell. I think that is his point. Not that saying the prayer damns. Combined with OSAS it can be especially deadly.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      oh well – you saw the comments and what others are saying along the line Seems like you are the only one seeing it this way but you have the right to do so oh well

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day i heard at least two or three sermons of his on this, probably more.

    • Reply February 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      OK – since you are an expert on Washer too now

    • Reply February 13, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day no mention of salvation withput repentence there.

    • Reply February 13, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      yeah your strawman goes without saying

  • Reply February 12, 2019

    Joe Absher

    Gospel work should be heartfelt and considered with fear and trembling.

  • Reply February 12, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    this video is one example among too many others to list

    – Paul Washer puts the Doctrines of Grace into practice and refutes here the Arminian doctrine

    – Washer’s a Calvinistic SBC missionary.

    – saved in grace, not by what you know of reformed theology. We are not saved by works

    – Not only is he a Southern Baptist, but he graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a M.Div

    – heard someplace a criticism on this message someplace that said he was preaching salvation by works.

    – His preaching is often mistaken as a Wesleyan approach to holiness but he is Reformed Calvinist

  • Reply May 20, 2020

    Jim Maxwell

    Yes…. just saying it doesnt make you a new creation…

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Dean Woods

      Troy Day confession is NOT “accepting”… One IS biblical the other heterodox.

  • Reply May 20, 2020

    Brontë Hauptmann

    there is no sinners prayer in the bible

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      lots of sinners prayed in the BIBLE to repent

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Brontë Hauptmann

      all of us are sinners and some of us pray so what?

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Brontë Hauptmann that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Brontë Hauptmann

      ok, thats no sinners prayer, you make it sound like some occult chant calling anything a sinners prayer like its a formal title

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Anthony Gilbert

      John 9:31

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Brontë Hauptmann

      Troy Day Bravo! truth!

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Brontë Hauptmann little big the BIBLE is clear

      if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Brontë Hauptmann

      True but not so simple taking scritpure out of context can lead to fatal errors in interpretation. The entire Bible must be taken into account in order to understand what has been said

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Brontë Hauptmann you talk good BUT have no BIBLE to back it up Just pretty talk – oh well

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Brontë Hauptmann

      Troy Day ?!

  • Reply May 20, 2020

    Brandon Krause

    I think I did the “Sinners prayer” when I was young probably at church. I was still sinning left and right and even proud of it. I think the prayer at least brings it to your attention but whether it’s done with sincerity is another matter.

  • Reply May 20, 2020

    Billy Hughes

    It is the change in your heart, that is accomplished only by the Holy Spirit, not the words which you say that saves you. Then you’ll gladly confess your sins and share your testimony with others, because of salvation.

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      the Spirit is clear in the BIBLE you believe and you confess

  • Reply May 20, 2020

    Carlos Sotelo

    I did a “sinner’s prayer” back in 2012. Since that year my main interest has always been the Word of God and anything pertaining to it. Jesus is my Lord and savior and wouldn’t have it any other way. Ever since I first said that prayer my life has become full of convictions about my fallen broken character before that day in 2012. When I’ve sinned after saying that prayer I have never been able to feel good or not care about sinning, in otherwords my heart and mindset had changed. Whether you call it a sinner’s prayer or pray or repent in any way if you have no conviction about sin in your life upon the day you first received salvation and you still continue to live in or practice sin with no guilty conscience, your salvation was not genuine and therefore you’re not actually saved.

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      praise GOD

  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Carol Shockett

    For most yes.

  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Danae Place

    Sinners prayer was my first step from agnostic to Christian. I think my church did a great job giving me next steps. Personally it was natural after that to say “now what?” In my mind and follow the instruction given since it was all so new. I don’t remember exactly what was said after since this was many years ago but… worked for me!

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      AMEN and AMEN

  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Ash Kotecha


  • Reply May 21, 2020

    John Shelby Roll

    When the Gospel is faithfully proclaimed the Holy Spirit will engender life to some. This regeneration happens according to the working of the Holy Spirit and if the person’s heart is changed and his eyes are opened he very well may respond to an invitation. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but CANST NOT TELL whence it cometh, and WHITHER IT GOETH: so is EVERY ONE that is born of the Spirit.
    John 3:8 KJV
    If ever sinners prayer unquestionably resulted in a real conversion then this passage would be meaningless. Many years ago I listened for what must have been hours of a friend quoting scripture to me. At one point my heart started changing. I realized the scriptures were true and then I heard “That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit. In those moments I knew something amazing had occurred. Then I, again was told I needed to ask Jesus to come into my heart, but I knew the Spirits work had already been done. The problem was, from that point and for years following my assurance rested not in the Gospel, but in an invitation done in a moment of time. Now, by the Grace of God my hope and confidence rest in Christ and Him Crucified and not in a past invitation.

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      John Shelby Roll

      Troy Day I agree

  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    BIBLE PLS I gave a very relevant verse that cannot be ignored It matters little what we say about the sinners prayer IF the BIBLE says we get saved by that we believe and confess in prayer It is what it is

    if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Vicki Mobrey Johns

    Yes, when they are lead to believe that saying a prayer is all that is required. No repentance, obedience, etc.

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Craig Danner

      That;s the issue though, the heart is tricky, the real problem is not the sinner’s prayer, but afterward the preacher telling them they are saved. That is God’s job to do!

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Vicki Mobrey Johns

      Craig Danner and there is no preacher sometimes, like the billy Graham crusades. Charles Finney came up with the sinners prayer back in the fifties.

    • Reply May 21, 2020

      Craig Danner


  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Dean Woods

    Yes… Yes it is. There I said it.?

  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Joseph Luten

    Has anyone here taken a trip to hell ?

  • Reply May 21, 2020

    Ben Sizemore

    If everyone in prison was told that they would be freed if they simply stated that they were sorry for their crimes, how many do you suppose would do so?

    And how many do you think would actually mean it and cease all illegal activity once released?

    Unfortunately, statistics show a high return rate among convicts, but there would no doubt be a few that would be so grateful and moved by their new-found freedom, that they would walk in the newness of life offered them.

    A ‘sinners prayer’ can open the door to being born-again… or it can be the unfulfilled and ‘dangerously simple’ point of religious deception that would likely lead many to hell… If the Holy Spirit is not upon the hearer, then the ritualistic repeating of simple words will, most likely, only lead to destruction.

    I’ve never used the sinners prayer in witnessing, and never will.

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    DiAndre Richardson

    It’s dangerous because it goes on the path of making false converts

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Joshua Jenkins

      DiAndre Richardson yup, a lot of people feel right with God, because they prayed a prayer once as a kid.

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Larry Dale Steele

    This is a tuff one I think there is people that say the sinners prayer and don’t mean it but there are many that mean it and I believe are born again

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      well HOW tricky could ti be?

      you believe with your heart
      you confess with your mouth

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Larry Dale Steele

      Troy Day exactly

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Jack Johnston

    What?! I thought the sinners prayers was in the Bible!

    Say it ain’t so, Joe!

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Ray Hilmus

    Trey Whitten you should see a teaching on this it will make you think for sure

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    If you could lose your Salvation what sin would you have to commit to lose it?
    When would you know that you have lost it?
    When would you know that you have received it back again?

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Larry Dale Steele

      I don’t think it would be about a sin it would totally turn your back on God You know when Jesus comes in your life it’s kinda like Mary you begin to Show and if Jesus ain’t showing you probably don’t have him

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Richie Porter

    Sinners prayer is not biblical ..

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      sinners getting saved without prayer is not Biblical either Especially when Washer speaks of some sort of holiness but does NOT recognize entire sanctification

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Richie Porter

      Troy Day i dont know Washer. I know what the bible teaches about being saved biblicaliy.

    • Reply May 27, 2020

      Mark D. Calacala

      When a person is given faith he will call and pray. But, praying the sinners prayer just to be saved is works, therefore does not save.

    • Reply May 27, 2020

      Richie Porter

      Mark D. Calacala who got saved with the sinners prayer in the bible?

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Jason Edward Miller

    That was my first solid encounter with Christ. But with more formation as a Christian I would call it a subjective experience where God may have actually made me born again. But it is not an objective experience nor is it exactly the viable way

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Bobby Gonzalez

    Nothing wrong with a sinners prayer said in faith, when it’s coupled with genuine repentance. It’s not the prayer that is saving you. It’s Christ.

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    I agree Bobby Gonzalez but ppl wanna be on CBD and say sinners prayers and then see some things and some

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Susan Moore

    If you are new to a Christian Church from an RC background, you say the sinner’s prayer and then what. No one helps you or tells you what you need to do now! Find a Biblical church, how are you supposed to do this when you do not know any? The sinner’s prayer is not in the Bible therefore it should not be said.

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Deacon James

    The Sinner’s Prayer attempts to do what Baptism already is.

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Noah Edmonds

    I think the sinners prayer fails to take into account that salvation is a process, not a moment. The moment you decide to follow Christ is incredibly important yes, but that’s not the moment you’re “eternally saved forever and ever”.

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Jesus opened up my mind 30 years ago

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Philemon Mokwena

      We say grace over food, can I stop because the bible does not lead me verbatim??? The sinners prayer is a public confession that you may or may not says…faith in Christ and regeneration precede confession… Do we have a dedication prayer for children?? If your spirit does not testify to a thing don’t do it as long as you don’t violate doctrine… Or does the sinners prayer do??

  • When I was a preschooler, we attended a church that really outline the way of salvation. Schematically, I understood it, and even understood that it was something that you should not miss. At around the age of six, I began, occasionally, to come under conviction about needing salvation, but, for the most part, it was still more of a mental understanding. One day, since I thought of it mainly as something I would do, I remembered that prayer from the Bible stories, where the publican prayed, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner,” and that seemed pretty good, so I said to myself, “It’s time to get saved,” and I stood in the front yard and prayed that. Within an instant, afterwards, I knew, in my heart of hearts, that NOTHING had happened, at all. It had been merely a mental exercise. A year or so later, I had listened to a Child Evangelism presentation, had repeated the narrative to my older brother, saying that the boy in the story had “got saved.” My brother asked me, “Are you saved?” and I lied that I was. However, that evening, late at night, I came under conviction of my personal need of salvation, and asked for my father and brother to come and explain to me. My father tried to ascertain if I really understood that I was lost — that I was a sinner NEEDING salvation — and I certainly did, at that point. The Holy Spirit had made that real to me during those evening hours. SO, then, my father said, “Well, Jesus has already paid the price to save you. Why don’t you thank Him for that? ” And I did. And the words were not as perfect as in that first episode where I used the very words of Scripture. Where lay the difference? In the first instance, I was DOING A RELIGIOUS EXERCISE that I thought would result in salvation. Of course, I was very young, and beginning to understand things. However, while I am sure there have been thousands of people who might have prayed a “sinner’s prayer,” and been immediately saved, I think that Paul Washer is wise to caution us. The “Sinner’s Prayer” is so well-known that unbelievers may think, as I did about my first prayer, that it is THE PRAYER that makes you right with God. That’s really kind of a works-based salvation. Or, someone else may think, because it is common, that going down the aisle make you right with God. But, the Lord Jesus emphasized that we BELIEVE. That second time I prayed, I BELIEVED in and TRUSTED him for salvation. It had been provided — I accepted the gift. So, that’s the part: yes, they have prayed a prayer, but, first of all, have they realized their moral bankruptcy, that they cannot DO something such as a prayer, to be right with God? Then, have they believed that He has made sufficient provision — have they, personally, ACCEPTED HIS GIFT?

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Sheila Anne

      Beverley Webster Ghezzi When i was a little girl of 5 or 6 in Vacation Bible school. I bowed my head and asked Jesus into my heart. I remember loving him as a child.

    • Yes, I often reference the time when I was saved. Bells did not ring at that moment, and I had no special emotional experience, but, still, when I woke the next day, I KNEW that I had eternal life, and I remember, just like you said, loving Jesus and, to this day, there is no song like one about Him. Thanks for your remarks!!

    • Reply May 26, 2020

      Sheila Anne

      Beverley Webster Ghezzi I have loved him all of my life. I think just the fact of loving him was a change in my heart as a child. I have never in my life doubted the God we serve. As others doubt. I am glad I came to know him as a child.

    • Yes!!

  • Did the thief beside Jesus say the sinner’s prayer. “Remember me whe you come into Your kingdom” told Jesus that the man believed. Jesus accepted his statement of faith.

  • Yes, the PRAYER in itself is correct and wonderful. But, the thief was not like me, trusting in THE PRAYER as such. He was appealing to the LORD. I was not criticizing his prayer, or even the prayer of anyone else calling on the Lord. I was not so much calling on the Lord as doing an act that would, I thought, net me salvation. I know, it’s kind of a funny thing to explain what I mean, but, I think you will understand that it was not the words of the prayer that I was criticizing. No doubt, a thousand people have prayed such a prayer or something like it, and have been saved. At that time, the whole salvation thing was a kind of mental construct — well, you have to start thinking somewhere, right? I understood it kind of like I had heard about people “getting saved,” and they had often prayed at that time. So, I thought, “So, that’s what you do. You pray. Then, you get salvation.” There was no thought of my condition, that I was lost, that I needed salvation. It was more like, “This is the next thing to do, and it is necessary, so let’s not leave it.” I think, if you remember your own salvation experience, that it wasn’t some kind of drive-through pray a prayer event. It was a real transaction. So, that’s why I sort of get it really quickly when Paul Washer takes up that issue. Yes, a ton of people have been saved praying exactly that. But, there was a transaction that happened. They were under conviction; they felt their need; they accepted His gift. They didn’t just decide, “Well, hmm, I’m seventeen, now; it’s maybe time I went down the aisle or prayed the prayer or something like that….” It’s not some kind of “thing that you do.” I know there are areas in life where, if you say the words, it is done, whether you mean them or not. Marriage, for example. If you go up with someone and say the “I do,” and sign the papers, it is done, regardless of what you may think or whatever. However, in the BIble, it says, “Believe in your heart,” which indicates something is happening from the core of you. The act is you, not just the repetition of words. Anyway, I’m getting long, here, right? Thanks for your input. I guess it is that heart thing that I am stressing.

  • Reply May 26, 2020

    Gabe Cannon

    The sinners prayer won’t save you… Only repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus-Calling on his name

  • Well, it was not only the WORDS of the publican that were correct — we know that there was something INWARD going on: he was CONTRITE, knew he was morally bankrupt and was calling out to God == he wasn’t just uttering words. I was a child trying to figure it out, and, at that point, it had seemed to me that people got saved by prayer, maybe, so I uttered the prayer. The words were wonderful, but it was more of a DEED or an ACT than anything INWARD, at that point. I was starting to understand, and knew immediately that this was not like the testimonies I had heard, where night had turned to day and the person had been changed. I immediately knew that. So, I am thinking that there may be other persons who confuse a prayer or an act of going down an aisle as a method of getting saved. Those things may well be involved, but, in themselves, they are mere outward acts. We have to realize our moral bankruptcy, and the Holy Spirit will aid us in this, and, then, we will definitely come as contrite, helpless and lost sinners, not as someone doing an act to get salvation.

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Kristen Park

    I just can’t handle Paul Washer anymore

    • I kind of bear in mind that he will tend to say something in a fairly dramatic sentence, perhaps because others have said approximately the same thing and nobody has paid attention, at all. I just look for the core message, if you know what I mean.

    • Reply May 27, 2020

      Kristen Park

      Beverley Webster Ghezzi I can’t even handle his core message anymore. The gospel is that God has saved us single handedly. ❤️❤️❤️

    • Well, Kristen, I rather suspect that you have heard a lot more of his messages than I have. I have pretty much only heard, you know, less than six, I’d say, and they were ones that I chose off YouTube: that one to the college kids in 2001 or something like that; the one mentioned above, and a couple of others. So, I have no idea about the rest of the messages! Maybe I’d like them; maybe I’d not, eh? If by singlehandedly, you mean that “salvation is of the LORD,” then I wholeheartedly agree!

    • Reply May 27, 2020

      Kristen Park

      Beverley Webster Ghezzi you’re lovely ❤️❤️❤️

    • You’re very kind, Kristen Park!

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Mark D. Calacala

    When a person is given faith he will call and pray. But, praying the sinners prayer just to be saved is works, therefore does not save.

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Grace Williams

    Not if a person believed Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again. ,

    • In a personal sense, for him. for her. I think we were talking more about a kind of rote, almost mechanical “formula.”

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    The so called sinners prayer is NOT set on stone Neil Steven Lawrence I’ve heard ppl pray in many ways The thief on the cross DID pray to JESUS Therefore a prayer to Jesus does save the believing in heart I understand Washer may thin he has a prayer here by saying ppl just say a prayer not pray a prayer BUT such difference is FAR fetched anyway you look at it Larry Dale Steele After all the BIBLE does say

    hear believe
    mouth confesses

    • Troy Day
      I understand the objection that people are raising concerning the sinners prayer, that it is like push button religion, causing people to think if they just confess to prayer that their religion and acceptance into heaven is complete.

      Name one thing in life that works like that.

      So the real issue is not a requirement to, But what happens after the confession what kind of lifestyle do you live, what is your commitment level, what about daily confession.

      Therefore the genuine Christian life is not based on a one time confession but on a lifestyle of repentance and transformation.

      That’s the sinners prayer is valid and required to publicly show repentance and change of life; but as those who are protesting against it emphasize, it should not be an excuse for an un-transformed life.

    • Neil Steven Lawrence I get you totally, and yet, in a way, I differ a bit. I believe that if one has actually accepted that he or she IS, in fact, that lost sinner, and has come in repentance and accepted His great salvation, that, in fact, that change WILL happen in the life and the person WILL continue in that “lifestyle of repentance and transformation” that you cite.

    • Well, it could be far-fetched if we apply it too widely, right? However, I think that a couple of examples will give you the kind of situation where a person might merely “say” a prayer. Outside of salvation, remember when we had prayer in schools and everyone prayed out loud together? Well, do you think that it is possible that on some days, some kids might have been thinking about, say, recess, or something else, at the moment their mouths were saying the prayer? Or, some kids just knew that’s what you said at that point and, really, whether it was about or to God didn’t really come into the equation? I think you’ll agree that a person could just say words without it going through even their mind, let alone through their spirit. All right, so that’s a bit far out, as an example, right? However, two example, close to home, come to mind. My father was, in his daily life, very much of a personal evangelist, although he was not at all in fulltime vocational ministry. He led numerous people to the Lord. When he was at a retirement age, a major gospel campaign came to our city and, you know, there was the counselor training and so on and he was one of the counselors and I was later told by the supervisor there that he was valued in that work. Although he enjoyed very much the counseling, he was alarmed at one thing that occurred amongst counselors. They had been trained to go through a succession of things — something about the plan of salvation and so on, and they would possibly end up with the prayer asking God for salvation. The progression did not bother him, but the fact that the counselors rushed to that prayer without ascertaining whether the people understood the earlier parts did bother him. He said that they failed to distinguish between people who were pretty much at the very early inquiry stage and were only beginning to fathom things and had come down thinking it was the right thing to do, but hadn’t got the message, really, from people who were truly convicted of sin and ready to accept God’s salvation. He felt that they were rushed into saying a prayer that they did not understand. My other example: I was teaching in a Christian school a couple of decades ago, and a student, about 13 years old, said to me that he wished that the principal would not call on him and his friends to lead in the morning prayer because “some of us are NOT Christians yet.” Prior to that, I had once asked him, “Are you a CHristian, or are you still thinking about it?” and he had said, “Still thinking about it.” Anyway, I mentioned that to the principal and another teacher, and that teacher INSISTED that that boy was, in fact, a Christian believer, because he had prayed the prayer in second grade. Well, as a person saved at the end of first grade, I am not one to doubt young kids’ salvation, BUT this lady had a very strong personality, and if she suggested one pray a prayer, one might well have also done it to please the nice lady. I think that all of us are cautious about that with kids, right? So, those are two examples in which people COULD kind of get hastened into a prayer that they were not quite ready to understand or make. Then, sometimes, there is the crowd thing: if all one’s friends are going down to the front, et cetera. So, yes, although it may not be the rule, it is possible to say without praying. After all, the man in the temple “prayed with himself, ” whereas the publican was contrite and prayed to God, right?

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Neil Steven Lawrence Larry Dale Steele Steve Losee Let me just put it plainly AS per the BIBLE one can NOT get saved without prayer It just doesnt happen in the NT Christ’s sacrifice has to be accepted legally in a verbal form and aint no other way around it From that point on Washer can say what ever he wants about sinners prayer or other prayer but bottom line is – A believing heart confesses sins in prayer before the Savior

    • Reply May 27, 2020

      Steve Losee

      While it’s not what saves a person, making salvation an “event” helps people when the world, flesh & devil start attacking.

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    ppl dont wanna pray to GOD to be saved – oh OK

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Ann Smit

    receive His truth and be converted

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Larry Dale Steele

    I say it worked for me and I’m going to continue to use it if praying don’t work we might as well just hang it up

    • Reply May 27, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      worked for thousands saved under our ministry in the past 30 years alone Before that not even counted Glad I knew nothing of Washers theoretix to stop me from practicing soul saving evangelism and discipleship

    • Reply May 27, 2020

      Larry Dale Steele

      He has a pretty good size following I have a couple cousins that are really into him from my understanding it’s the people telling people if they say the prayer they are saved but also thinks the only way to be saved is to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus and that puts you on the journey of salvation

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      I just saw this and was gonna say The SAME thing So what IF his followers DONT pray to be saved and end up in hell?

  • Reply May 27, 2020

    Glenn Vitko

    We are to believe.. confess our sins and call upon the Lord to save us.. Why can’t a person do this through prayer when they actually talk to God directly? I can’t think of a more personal and meaningful way.. The prayer is NOT what saves you.. it’s God’s grace that saves you and the work He did on the cross..

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Larry Dale Steele I still cant understand WHY ppl wanna get saved without praying to GOD and repenting

    • Troy Day I don’t think anybody wants that — in my case, I am merely saying that it is possible, when praying, to be merely saying words without understandinf or meaning them:m

    • Sorry — I miss a lot when writing on a cell phone: understandinG

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Beverley Webster Ghezzi wASHEr says plainly ppl who pray the sinners prayer do NOT get saved period

    • Well, I did not listen to the one above — if he said that, it was not correct. I heard one address in which he, I believe, said that many people did, but some did not. Thanks for telling me that, Troy — I’ll check it out with the one I listened to.

  • Reply May 29, 2020

    Eddie Krause

    What a disgusting article:::::

    THE Bible in John 3: 16 say Whoever believe shall have eternal life

    People Wake-up you are spiritually reborn BY THE SPIRIT of GOD in a twinkling of an eye instantaneously
    The rebirth is not a process as taught by some reformers i.e catacism classes and get confirmed these are religious practices

  • Not saying salvation is a process. Just saying that some people are born again instantaneously when they pray — and it is the LORD and not the prayer that saves them, and, yes, they are born from above by the Spirit — but others, who are merely mouthing words to perhaps please someone or to follow the crowd or go on in some tradition or to kind of earn salvation — may mouth those same words and not get saved at all, since there was no spiritual thing that happened, but just some words that got said.

  • The words got said, but they did not believe in their hearts, alas!

  • Reply June 20, 2020

    RichardAnna Boyce

    where in the Bible is there a sinner’s prayer?

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Dean Frabasilio

      RichardAnna Boyce that’s what he’s saying..

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Dean Frabasilio i am trying to keep the comments Biblical.

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      RichardAnna Boyce, Luke 18:13

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Bill Singleton does recognition we are a sinner mean we believe in Jesus to be guaranteed eternal life in heaven?

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      RichardAnna Boyce, God will eventually lead us there. But Luke 18:13 reveals we don’t have to have all the right words. We just have to come to Him understanding we’re sinners and seeking His mercy.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Morris Afidchao

      RichardAnna Boyce where in the Bible is trinity or rapture?

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Morris Afidchao agreed, but unbelievers are guaranteed eternal life by believing in Christ. If they are asked to repeat words, then when promised troubles eventuate, the new believer can lose assurance by asking themselves if their unbiblical sinners prayer was sufficient or whether it included enough sins etc etc. It is simply unbiblical and therefore unnecessary and not reassuring.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Morris Afidchao

      RichardAnna Boyce I was led thru the sinner’s prayer by a person who shared to me the gospel. I understood my sinfulness and the need to repent and believe in Jesus as my Savior. And I believe with all my heart that I am saved according to the Scriptures. So is it possible that I am not saved because I followed the sinner’s prayer?

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce Jesus preached REPENT
      the thief on the cross repented with his sinners prayer

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day Luke 23:40-:43 No call for repentance, the thief only believed with no conditions.
      23:40. Matthew reports that initially both criminals insulted Jesus (Matt 27:44). Perhaps Jesus’ composure, compassion, and regal stateliness persuaded the other criminal regarding his initial misjudgment of the Lord’s person and character.

      23:41. The mocking criminal should have especially measured his words because as the other one argued, they had received the death penalty justly for their deeds. Contrariwise, he protested, Jesus “has done nothing wrong.”

      23:42. After addressing the blasphemous evildoer, the other criminal petitioned the Lord directly. His request presupposes his belief in Jesus as Messiah, the chosen of God—everything that His enemies denied by their taunts. His request also displays his belief in Jesus as a King—the King of the Jews as the superscription read and the mockery echoed. Further, he also surmised that Jesus would somehow establish His kingdom after His death on the Cross. In addition he also knew that Jesus had done nothing wrong and that an insult against Him showed a lack of reverential awe or fear before God.

      23:43. The Lord’s response leaves absolutely no room for doubt. Jesus assures the criminal that they will see each other “in Paradise” that very day. Further, Jesus’ words, “with Me,” imply companionship and proximity.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce YES all verses you said point to repentance Just like the thief repented on the cross It is quite natural for the thief to repent It was the only thing he could do

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day he blasphemed, then believed, with no condition of repentance.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day he repented of his unbelief, but not of his behavioural sin or blasphemy.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Sean O'Conghaile

      Bill Singleton He comes to us. Ephesians2:8,9…nothing to do with “us” accepting or choosing. ” There is ‘no one’s that seeks after God. It’s the shepherd that seeks the sheep. Anything involving us or works is “another gospel”. Dead men don’t make choices. God chose us when we were “dead in sin and trespass”. Brother Paul Washer has got it spot on.??

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Sean O’Conghaile, that’s not my argument.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Sean O'Conghaile

      Morris Afidchao Yes, it’s the hearing of the Gospel of Salvation and the work of God that saves, not some “man made” “easy believism”. You understood because God granted you the gifts of faith and repentance. Obviously you didn’t grant them to yourself! Ephesians 2:8,9, Acts 17:11…..

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Sean O'Conghaile

      Bill Singleton I read your :arguement” Bill,,, : we have to come to Him, understanding that wer’e sinners and seeking His mercy”…So how does that happen Bill? How do those dead in sin and tresspass” do all these things, with “understanding”? I’m not even sure what “your” “arguement” is Bill. I’m merely quoting the Bible
      Sola and Tota Scriptura. Perhaps I’ve missed something?

  • Reply June 20, 2020

    RichardAnna Boyce

    do Pentecostals use a sinner’s prayer?

  • Reply June 20, 2020

    Chert Walker

    Is Hal Lindsey a Pentecostal? He has mentioned a “repeat after me” prayer.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      James Clark

      I had books by Dallas Seminary grad….Hal Lindsey with 3 different wives on the back with him….interesting.

  • Reply June 20, 2020

    Tim Houser

    There is no sinner’s prayer in the Bible. Why did someone make that up? Clearly it’s adding to what the Bible teaches.

    I think the people who made that up recognized the need for a moment of conversion, creating a before and an after. But, the bible provides that moment.

    1) The teacher is commanded to baptize and to teach baptism.

    2) The teacher is commanded to teach those disciples to follow what they have been taught, which includes #1.

    3) The sinner is commanded to be baptized.

    4) Paul tells us how we get into Christ.

    I know this is not a popular point, but I cannot get around these verses.

    Verses referenced above:
    1 & 2) Matt. 28:16
    Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.

    18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

    3) Acts 2:37
    Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”

    38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    4) Romans 6:3
    Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      these baptise and repent verses refer to believers. The only condition of unbelievers being guaranteed eternal life is believing in Christ. Acts 2:38 After they were cut to the heart and believed, Repentance provided the answer to their dilemma. They needed to reestablish their relationship with the Messiah they had just believed in. Peter does not here require additional conditions for eternal life. Belief in Jesus counts as the singular condition for guaranteed eternal life in both the OT and the NT. Apparently in the case of those who had had the privilege of seeing Jesus’ earthly ministry (cf. v 22), and yet disbelieved both Him and John (cf. Luke 7:31-35), God required a public identification with Jesus by baptism (and a corresponding rescinding of participation in the sin of that generation). Much like the way God requires confession of sins in order for Christians to maintain and enjoy fellowship with Him, in these unique cases God required repentance and baptism for the initiation of the Christian life.

      The Gentile Cornelius and those in his household who believed received the Holy Spirit before their baptism (10:43-48; 11:15-18). Palestinian Jews, however, believed in Jesus and received eternal life before receiving the Holy Spirit (2:37-39). The initial Samaritans who believed—after the Crucifixion—also received the Holy Spirit after their baptism as well as the laying on of hands by the apostles Peter and John (cf. 8:14-17). Repentance, although required for fellowship, did not constitute a condition for eternal life, since Peter recommended it to believers in Jesus already. Likewise, baptism was not a condition for eternal life.

      Jesus had likened His own baptism to the death He would suffer (cf. Luke 12:50). Furthermore, the Holy Spirit came upon Him at His baptism (cf. Luke 3:21-22). Now those of that generation who condemned Him would publicly associate themselves with Him and receive the Holy Spirit by whom they would join other believers in the Body of Christ. They did not recant their Jewishness, but rather their role in the crucifixion of the Messiah. Furthermore these conditions do not hold today, since no one of that particular generation remains.

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Tim Houser, yes, there is. Luke 18:13

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Tim Houser

      Bill Singleton Yes, there is what?

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Tim Houser, a sinner’s prayer. See Luke 18:13

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Tim Houser

      Bill Singleton You’ve got quite the challenge in 1) demonstrating that this is an example of someone converting to Christ and 2) in demonstrating that this was after Matt 28 and Acts 2, when the commands about baptism were given, but I’m eager to see what you’ve got.

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Tim Houser, no challenge at all.. Salvation has always been about Christ. But on the road to Christ, one does not need to know everything about Christ. One will eventually discover the Christ, but just as the sinner in Luke 18:13, he merely 1.) Recognizes he’s a sinner and 2.) Cries out to God for mercy. He doesn’t say “Yahweh”. He doesn’t say “Jesus”. He simply says “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” Then, Jesus, the Lord Himself, says the man left JUSTIFIED!
      I don’t have to prove anything. The Lord Jesus already did. 🙂

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Tim Houser

      Bill Singleton nothing you said addresses the questions I posed, that, it seems to me need to be there for this to be a valid example. 1) If the man were already a believer and just asked God to be merciful to him, a sinner, then it’s not a valid “sinner’s prayer” of someone coming to Christ. 2) It’s in the Bible before Jesus’ death and therefore before Matt 28 and Acts 2, so there was no instruction for baptism. 3) Teachers ever since Matt 28 was given have been commanded, with all authority, by Jesus himself, to baptize and teach baptism.

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Tim Houser, look, it’s pretty simple. You said there is no sinner’s prayer in the Bible. I said there is and showed you the passage.
      Now you have all these stipulations as to what constitutes a sinner’s prayer. It doesn’t make any difference WHEN the prayer occurred. Jesus gave an example of how a sinner seeking God’s mercy prays. And He didn’t add, “But this only applies until I go to the cross and rise from the dead.” 😉
      Don’t add to the Word of God by invalidating what Jesus said. It’s pretty clear … if you have ears to hear. 🙂

    • Reply June 20, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Tim Houser, p.s., water baptism doesn’t save anyone. It is simply a mark of obedience. But it has NOTHING to do with salvation. It’s symbolic just as circumcision was.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Tim Houser

      Bill Singleton you seem to be using two definitions of “sinner’s prayer” here. In the article above about declaring war on the “sinner’s prayer” it is defined as, “The sinner’s prayer, for those of you not familiar is a prayer that someone usually a teacher, preacher, or maybe friend leads someone to repeat in order to become “saved.”

      In your reference to Luke 18 you called that a “sinner’s prayer.” So, to be consistent with the above definition it would need to be something that the person was using to become saved. If you meant a different defintion of that term then I clearly missed your definition. I assumed you meant that definition, and my comments were in light of that assumption. If you meant some other definition of a “sinner’s prayer” then I missed your definition.

      For Luke 18 to be talking about a “sinner’s prayer” as defined in the arcicle, and as commonly used today, the points I was making need to be present.

      Sorry if I assumed something that was not there.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      the thief on the cross prayed his sinners prayer

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Tim Houser, I don’t care what the article says. I care what the Scriptures say, and they contain an example of the sinner’s prayer. I showed you the “sinner’s prayer” in the Bible in response to YOUR statement.
      And I showed you where there IS a sinner’s prayer. Whether you receive it is up to you.??‍♂️

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Bill Singleton where is the sinners prayer again? BTW the article is full with and based on scripture you see

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Troy Day Luke 18:13.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Bill Singleton its right there in the BIBLE you see

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Tim Houser

      Bill Singleton – so how do you justify setting aside the commandments in Matt 28 and Acts 2?

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Tim Houser, Jesus said the sinner in Luke 18:13 left justified. If Jesus said it, that’s good enough for me. 🙂

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Tim Houser

      Bill Singleton it was also Jesus who commanded his followers to baptize.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Tim Houser

      RichardAnna Boyce Where was that copied from?

  • Reply June 20, 2020

    Bob Anderson

    Maybe to give someone who know2s little or nothing about God or the Bible. an idea of how to pray for forgiveness. Just as many Christians pray the Lord’s Prayer. No the prayer does not save you. Only the Holy Spirit can do that, but it does one an idea of how we should pray. WHo we to judge if the Holy Spirit will use that prayer to save someone. Just as we preach the word of God to everyone, but only the Holy Spirit can make it effectual to whom he choses.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      this seems a good suggestion here

  • Reply June 20, 2020

    Bill Singleton

    There IS a sinner’s prayer in the Bible – Luke 18:13.
    God can use any prayer if it comes from a sincere and broken heart. “A broken and a contrite heart thou will not despise.” Psalm 51:17

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      also the thief on the cross

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Troy Day, EXACTLY!

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      see? RichardAnna Boyce

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day already given exegesis of thief on cross.

  • Reply June 21, 2020

    Matthew Warburton


    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      is there a rule against yelling here Danny Kircharr calling names when out of arguments is not good

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      Swallow camels and choke on gnats. Sigh. 🙁

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Danny Kircharr

      Troy Day nope not to my knowledge

  • Reply June 21, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    RichardAnna Boyce I think Bill Singleton gave you NOT only example from the BIBLE but proved wrong your stance on repentance The sinner repents in the BIBLE It was the only thing the thief on the cross could do and be saved from eternal hell

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      when Tim Houser stated there is NO sinners prayer in the BIBLE he was of course wrong There are SO MANY prayers of sinners in the BIBLE that I cant even count them yet RichardAnna Boyce and they ALL repented

  • Reply June 21, 2020

    RichardAnna Boyce

    Troy Day Luke 23:40-:43 No call for repentance, the thief only believed with no conditions.
    23:40. Matthew reports that initially both criminals insulted Jesus (Matt 27:44). Perhaps Jesus’ composure, compassion, and regal stateliness persuaded the other criminal regarding his initial misjudgment of the Lord’s person and character.
    23:41. The mocking criminal should have especially measured his words because as the other one argued, they had received the death penalty justly for their deeds. Contrariwise, he protested, Jesus “has done nothing wrong.”
    23:42. After addressing the blasphemous evildoer, the other criminal petitioned the Lord directly. His request presupposes his belief in Jesus as Messiah, the chosen of God—everything that His enemies denied by their taunts. His request also displays his belief in Jesus as a King—the King of the Jews as the superscription read and the mockery echoed. Further, he also surmised that Jesus would somehow establish His kingdom after His death on the Cross. In addition he also knew that Jesus had done nothing wrong and that an insult against Him showed a lack of reverential awe or fear before God.
    23:43. The Lord’s response leaves absolutely no room for doubt. Jesus assures the criminal that they will see each other “in Paradise” that very day. Further, Jesus’ words, “with Me,” imply companionship and proximity.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      RichardAnna Boyce, the thief’s change of attitude was repentance. ??‍♂️

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Bill Singleton repenting of unbelief by changing to belief; but no mention of repenting of behavioural sins.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce REPENT YE ~Jesus

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day to Jewish generation who crucified Him, so that they might avoid AD70 judgement; but not individually repent as a condition of believing in Christ to guarantee them eternal life.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce no Jewish generations He spoke to Gentiles and speaks to us today too

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day 100 times in GJohn (to us today) believe only with no mention of repentance.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce If there is no mention of the word “repent” in the epistles of John, he certainly makes up for it in the Book of Revelation where it is mentioned 12 times!,that%20must%20soon%20take%20place.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day Revelation 2:5
      Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent (emphasis supplied).

      This is part of the first of the seven letters in Revelation 2-3. These were letters from the Lord to seven local churches in Asia Minor.

      Clearly the Lord wanted the members of the church at Ephesus to repent—to change their attitudes regarding their works. “You have left your first love” (v 4b). “Repent and do the first works” (v 5b). Works of love no longer characterized the church at Ephesus.

      The preceding (vv 2-3) and following (v 6) verses make it clear that this church was not totally displeasing to the Lord. He commended the Ephesian church for maintaining doctrinal purity in the face of false teachers in the Ephesian church. However, as Ladd points out, “Doctrinal purity and loyalty can never be a substitute for love.”109

      The question in the verse before us is the identification of the warning which follows the Lord’s command to repent. What did the Lord mean when He spoke of removing the church’s lampstand if it did not repent?

      The removal of the lampstand is clearly figurative language. Does it refer to eternal damnation? Surely not. Nothing in the context supports this. Rather, what is in view is temporal in nature. If the church did not repent the Lord would remove the church’s ability to bear witness for Him. That is, the church at Ephesus would die out, would cease to exist, if the current members did not change their ways.110

      The eternal salvation of the believers at Ephesus is not in view. That salvation they obtained once and for all when they placed their faith in Christ (Eph 2:8-9). What was in view was their temporal well being. The very existence of their church was at stake.

      If a local church backslides today, it too will be in jeopardy of extinction. While eternal salvation is secure forever, local assemblies are not.

      F. Revelation 9:20-21
      But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts” (emphasis supplied).

      These verses deal with the moral response of unbelievers during the Tribulation to the terrible events of the sixth trumpet judgment. Those who survived did not change their thinking about their sinful ways. That is, although the judgments were great and should have led people to abandon their transgressions, the people would not give up their sinful behavior.

      These verses clearly imply that had a significant number of the surviving unbelievers repented of their wicked ways, the horrible judgments of the Tribulation might have been lessened.111

      Temporal judgments are in view. Eternal damnation is not. The passage does not suggest that turning from sins will be a condition of eternal salvation in the Tribulation.112

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Repentance for the Saved in Revelation
      It is striking that eight of John’s twelve references to repentance (all using the Greek verb metanoeō) are found in the letters to the seven churches. There is no good reason to take any of these references to unsaved people, and plenty of reason to refer them to the saved.

      For example, in Rev 3:14-22 our Lord rebukes the church of Laodicea for being spiritually “lukewarm.” Then in v 19 He states: “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.” The reference to chastening here recalls the teaching of Heb 12:3-11 and clearly shows that the Laodiceans are the Savior’s beloved children whom He desires to correct. They can avoid His chastening if they repent!

      To the same effect is Rev 3:3. The Lord has just declared to the Christians of Sardis that “I have not found your works perfect [Greek = complete] before God” (3:2). He then commands them to “remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent.” On its face it is plain that these are Christians who have actually labored for the Lord but whose works for Him are not yet complete. They have been overtaken by a spiritual deadness, or lethargy (cf. 3:1), from which they need to arouse themselves. They need to “be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain” (3:2) and “hold [them] fast” (Greek = “guard” or “keep” [them]). But to do this they need to repent of the deadness of their present experience (cf. James 2!) which was threatening the loss of their previous accomplishments for God (cf. 2 John 8).

      That this is an experience appropriately applied to true Christians alone, is a fact that will probably only be denied by teachers of Lordship Salvation! Very obviously, John is not telling these people that what they really need to do is to believe and be saved. If anyone can find that in this text, he is a magician!

      Basically the same thing can be said of the remaining references to repentance in the letters to the seven churches. The Christians in Ephesus have “left” their “first love” (Rev 2:4). Their original devotion to Christ has died down. So the Lord says to them: “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent” (2:5). The future of the Ephesian church as a witness for her Lord depended on whether the Christians there would repent of their cooling devotion to the Son of God and resume their previous vigorous activity for Him.

      In the church at Pergamos (Rev 2:12-17) there were those who held false doctrine that encouraged compromise with pagan immorality and idolatry (2:14-15). The church is called upon to repent of its toleration for such teaching, and warned that otherwise the Lord will deal with these people Himself (2:16).

      Finally, the female teacher in the church at Thyatira, who called herself a prophetess (Rev 2:20), had been warned to repent of the immoral conduct to which her false teaching led, but she had failed to repent (2:21). For this reason, the woman herself would be disciplined by sickness (2:22; cf. 1 Cor 11:30), and her followers in the church would experience great tribulation, or trouble, “unless they repent[ed] of their deeds” (2:22). No one here was threatened with hell, but simply with severe discipline.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      RichardAnna Boyce, let’s not split hairs. If Jesus said to the thief “Today, you will be with me in paradise” then whatever repentance he had, Christ recognized it. True repentance embodies any repentance we need to satisfy what God is looking for – behavioral or otherwise.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Bill Singleton How do you know when you’ve thoroughly repented? Since you are not conscious of every sin (cf. Lev. 4:2; 5:15), what if some sins are overlooked and not repented of? At what point do you think you’ve adequately repented: When your attitude changes about the sin? When you resolve to change your conduct? When your conduct actually changes? When you make restitution or ask for forgiveness? Or when you are sure that there will be no repetition of the sin? And if repentance is not just a change of attitude but a turning from sins and a change in conduct, then why does Jesus tell people to “bear fruits worthy of repentance” (Luke 3:8)?

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Trevor McNamee

      God repented,did he sin,that he needed to repent of sin?of coarse not.The word repent in NT is metanioa,which means change your mind.Change your mind about what?From trying to save yourself by works or law keeping to Jesus to save you.You are then saved/born again.Justified.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Trevor McNamee exactly, change of mind from unbelief to belief; but not as a condition of believing in Christ to be guaranteed eternal life. Otherwise, when the new believer has promised trials, he will lose his assurance of eternal life because he is asking himself:- How do you know when you’ve thoroughly repented? Since you are not conscious of every sin (cf. Lev. 4:2; 5:15), what if some sins are overlooked and not repented of? At what point do you think you’ve adequately repented: When your attitude changes about the sin? When you resolve to change your conduct? When your conduct actually changes? When you make restitution or ask for forgiveness? Or when you are sure that there will be no repetition of the sin? And if repentance is not just a change of attitude but a turning from sins and a change in conduct, then why does Jesus tell people to “bear fruits worthy of repentance” (Luke 3:8)?

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      RichardAnna Boyce, you know in your heart if you’re sorry for your sins. Sometimes, I think Christians love to make things more difficult than they are.
      All I know is that the Bible gives several examples of people repenting, whether confessing their sins or simply believing. If God included these examples in His Word and He’s not bothered by it, then neither am I.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Bill Singleton repentance is preached to believers to earn a better Christian life now, or rewards in the Millennium. Not to unbelievers as a condition of believing (100 times in GJohn believe only).

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce yeah you know you repented and confessed too Repentance in Revelation is preached so they can get back to their first love and get saved Says it right there

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day to believers.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      RichardAnna Boyce, unbelievers aren’t required to repent??

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Bill Singleton

      RichardAnna Boyce, I believe what seems to be the misunderstanding is the mechanism of salvation.

      Salvation is comprised of several actions that ultimately lead to one’s redemption. It’s more of a process than an event. And this is the danger of rushing belief.
      Salvation involves the drawing of the Holy Spirit, the opening of our spiritual eyes, repentance, belief in Jesus, receiving the Holy Spirit, etc.
      This process may be quicker in one person than it is in another, but, eventually, all will occur. In the case of death bed conversions, all of them may not be seen, but Christ takes care of that in His atonement.
      I’m pretty sure if Jesus revealed more about the sinner in Luke 18:13 or allowed the thief on the cross to live, they would have followed Jesus. But He didn’t. What He did give was enough to let us know that God honors a faith that recognizes we cannot save ourselves. And when we finally recognize that (a recognition that comes from the Holy Spirit) He honors that faith and will bring us to Jesus.

      Again, salvation is a process that may result in an instantaneous act in one person’s life but may be more lengthy in another’s.

      That’s why I don’t sit in judgment of the method, i.e., altar calls or merely sharing the Gospel with people and leaving the results to God.

  • Reply June 21, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    RichardAnna Boyce how did YOU get saved? Did you not repent and pray the sinners prayer? Bill Singleton

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      John 3:16 i believed in Christ to guarantee me eternal life 🙂

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce believe with heart and confess with mouth ROMANS you probably did it too

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      Troy Day YES, AS A BELIEVER !!!!!!! Romans 10:9-13 vv 9-10 reiterate the truth in Deut 9:4 and 30:12-14, which is quoted in vv 5-8, that obeying and calling for divine help (conceptually understood as “salvation”) is available to all who are justified. The theme of salvation (deliverance) from temporal wrath in vv 1,5 and 9-13 is shown here to be available only to those who believe and confess. Although Paul begins v 9 by mentioning confession before belief, the conjunction for in 10:10 explains the correct logical sequence of occurrence, as v 14 explains the correct sequence that leads to a proper interpretation of the kind of salvation in view.

      Therefore, one must first believe in your heart (v 9)—which is parallel with and explained by v 10 as with the heart one believes unto righteousness. When faith occurs, one receives God’s imputed righteousness (dikaiosun¢). Paul normally uses the term dikaiosun¢ in Romans for being declared righteous by faith (1:17; 3:21-4:25; 10:6). But while faith in Christ brings justification and salvation from hell, it does not bring salvation from temporal wrath, which the people of Israel were experiencing at the time of Paul’s writing. Faith alone is not the sole requirement for this kind of deliverance. One must confess (call) with the mouth for salvation (cf. vv 14-15). As with the call in vv 12-13, salvation (deliverance from temporal wrath) is obtained through confessing with the mouth, but justification is obtained by believing with the heart. Though these two events may occur simultaneously (cf. v 8), causing a bit of confusion, they are in a logical sequence, and are not the same event (cf. v 14-15).

      Paul consoles those who believe and publicly confess (or call on divine aid) by quoting part of Isa 28:16. This was written at a time when Jerusalem trusted in other gods to deliver them from the Assyrian invasion. Paul’s quote encourages believers to rely on God for help. “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame” because God is the only One who can provide spiritual and physical salvation. Though chaps. 9-11 primarily address Israel, Paul universalizes the deliverance of vv 9-13 to include Jew and Greek alike.

      The confession of vv 9-10 is picked up again by the phrase call upon him in v 12 and repeated by the phrase in v 13 “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved” which is a quotation from Joel 2:32. In Joel’s context, calling on God expresses a request of deliverance from temporal (Tribulation) wrath by Jewish believers. This is the same type of present wrath that continues throughout Romans (1:18; 2:5,8; 3:5; 5:9; 9:22; 12:19; 13:4-5).

      The various views that see deliverance from hell as conditioned on confession and faith also ignores that in the OT (Gen 4:26; 26:25; 1 Kings 18:24-27; Ps 14:4; 18:3; 31:17; 50:15; 53:4; 79:6; 80:18; 116:2; Isa 55:6; 64:7; Jer 29:12) and the NT calling on the name of the Lord is a practice for believers only (cf. Acts 7:59; 1 Cor 1:2; 2 Tim 2:2; 1 Peter 1:17). This phrase was a way of identifying Christians who invoked the aid of God and were publicly associated with the risen Lord by calling on His name.

      To call on Christ shows Christian submission by coming to Him who is worthy to receive worship and who responds to one’s worries. God never promises to deliver closet Christians. Only believers who confess or call on Him before men will receive aid from heaven (cf. Lev 26:40-42; 1 Kings 8:33-36; 2 Chron 6:24-26; Matt 10:32; Luke 12:8; James 5:16; 1 John 1:9; Rev 3:5).

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Trevor McNamee

      Troy Day did you repent of every single sin you ever committed before you could be saved?
      If you missed just 1,and repenting of sin is required to be saved,then my friend you may not be saved,if you forgot just 1 sin.

  • Reply June 21, 2020

    Trevor McNamee

    Repentance in NT to be saved is change your mind from trying to save yourself,by good works and lawkeeping.
    Repentance in the NT most often in its context is referring to discipleship,fellowship with God and fellow man.
    Repentance of sin to be saved is not in the bible.

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      AMEN brother

    • Reply June 21, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce I still hold Philip Williams that he ought to repent

  • Reply June 21, 2020

    Adrian McNeal

    Dr-Deborah Spear

  • Reply June 21, 2020

    David El Duke Garcia

    It starts there your not saved they must be tought Jesus Christ said teaching them everything I have taught you

  • Reply June 25, 2020

    RichardAnna Boyce

    do Pentecostals have their own sinner’s prayer? Are sinners prayers Biblical?

    • Reply June 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      you cannot be saved without REPENTANCE

  • Reply June 25, 2020

    John Reynolds

    Here’s how to REPENT!


    John 20:21-23 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. IF YOU FORGIVE THE SINS OF ANY, THEY ARE FORGIVEN; IF YOU RETAIN THE SINS OF ANY, THEY ARE RETAINED.”

    2 Corinthians 5:18-21 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself AND GAVE US THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

    1 John 5:16-17 If any one sees his brother committing what is not a mortal sin, he will ask, and God will give him life for those whose sin is not mortal. THERE IS SIN WHICH IS MORTAL; I DO NOT SAY THAT ONE IS TO PRAY FOR THAT. ALL WRONGDOING IS SIN, BUT THERE IS SIN WHICH IS NOT MORTAL.

    • Reply June 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      see RichardAnna Boyce 🙂

  • Reply June 26, 2020

    Ernie Lancaster

    where in the bible is the sinners prayer

    • Reply June 26, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      there are MANY sinners prayers in the BIBLE

  • Reply July 27, 2020

    Troy Day

    Isara Mo this answers your last question And for the most of it David Alan Routien Jr. Kyle Williams dont know how we Pentecostals do it Peter Vandever werent most lead to confession in the FL revivals?

  • Reply July 27, 2020

    Kyle Williams

    I do believe there is alot of lost people who have prayed the sinners prayer because they were told some mumbo jumbo like, ” welcome to the family of God ” and were lead to believe that they are on the Express lane to salvation. Its really a matter of the heart and the choosing to follow Christ after this initial confession of faith. There are many who pray this once and think it is a golden ticket to heaven and stop there and never go on to be baptized, they attend church for a few months and then they learn just enough to dupe themselves into thinking that they “Got it ” not realizing they are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. There is a security to our salvation but alot of churches are bolstering a false confidence in people by preaching a watered down,seeker sensitive, health and wealth “Gospel” and we Get people thinking that God just wants to bless us…. and some churches want to have “Discipleship classes ” when the correct time to teach this is from the pulpit each and every Sunday from now until the end of the age.

    • Reply July 27, 2020

      Troy Day

      what about REPENTANCE you believe they dont need to pray for repentance like RichardAnna Boyce

    • Reply July 27, 2020

      Kyle Williams

      Troy Day absolutely,repentance is to be the lifestyle of a heart changed by the Gospel…alot of churches dont preach the Gospel any more, John the Baptist came preaching repentance,Jesus Preached Repentance, Peter, Paul…I could go on but now we got “Evangelists” and pastors that wanna preach Healing every sunday, gifts of the spirit every Sunday, prophecy every Sunday,at the expense of the Gospel because they believe their agenda is more important than the Lord’s

    • Reply July 27, 2020

      Troy Day

      Kyle Williams Isara Mo the BIBLE tells us to confess to one another

    • Reply July 27, 2020

      Mike Partyka

      I would put it on the same level as Catholics, say these hail marys and our fathers and your sins are forgiven

    • Reply July 27, 2020

      Troy Day

      Mike Partyka what about saying it with faith ?

  • Reply July 28, 2020

    Kyle Williams

    Paul Washer preaches a no frills no nonsense Gospel. Its truly lost on probably 80 percent of the American church. I’ve seen video after video of people whining about Washer’s preaching because “hes a legalist”. If you think Washer is a legalist there’s a good chance its because you shut his sermons off at the 5 minute mark because you have a problem with the Gospel, and if the Gospel offends you, it’s not the messenger you have a problem with but the message.

  • Reply August 16, 2020

    Larry Dale Steele


  • Reply August 16, 2020

    Kyle Williams

    I think it certainly can.,and has sent many to hell.I believe that some people pray this prayer without genuine repentance and leave the way they came, not knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. We do not make Jesus ,Lord.We do not make Jesus, Savior.

    Jesus Christ is Lord and He will save His people from their sins. We do not make the Lord Jesus Christ anything rather it is He that makes us, the children of God.He makes us Holy,He makes us blameless before God, I could go on.

    Rest assured no man has ever made Jesus anything that He wasn’t already.

    I am not against someone praying through to salvation, but dont for a second think that you’re simply making “decision for Christ” or that you’re making Jesus anything that He is not already.

    • Reply August 17, 2020

      Troy Day

      so you pray to GOD and in return he sends you to hell – Make theology great again

    • Reply August 17, 2020

      Kyle Williams

      Troy Day did you even read my full reply?? Do you think that everyone who has ever prayed, the sinners prayer, is in heaven? I’m not against prayer…its a necessity but how many have not because they have asked amiss? Is it true that some pray this prayer and continue in unrighteousness going on to apostasy and complete denial of the faith?? They were never saved! THAT’S great theology!

  • Reply August 16, 2020

    Larry Dale Steele

    Nope the prayer definitely does not send people to hell

  • Reply August 16, 2020

    John Lambert

    It’s the spiritual condition of a person’s heart that gets them sent to hell. Not a prayer.

  • Reply August 16, 2020

    Tony Edwards

    Psalms Chapter 51 is “the sinner’s prayer.” It is not some thought up, man-made prayer. It is written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
    David is praying the greatest “sinner’s prayer” I know of. I use this every time someone responds to the altar call. But even then, according to John 6:44 “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:”

  • Reply August 16, 2020

    Bill Stockham

    For God SO LOVED the world that He gave…..

  • Reply August 16, 2020

    Taylor Bruney

    Repeating a prayer saves no one.

    • Reply August 17, 2020

      Troy Day

      not to pray is a SIN

    • Reply August 17, 2020

      Taylor Bruney

      I never said anything about not praying at all. Repeating a prayer after an evangelist and him declaring someone saved solely because someone repeated the prayer is wrong and very dangerous. No one was saved because they repeated a prayer. They were saved by grace through faith alone.

  • Reply August 18, 2020

    Isara Mo

    I really don’t see how a sinner’s prayer can take one to hell.
    The Bible incidences of people being saved doesnt divulge the procedure of how one one can be saved..
    Incident no 1//
    With many other words he, (Peter) warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
    Acts 2:40‭-‬41 NIV
    The people accepted Peters message and were baptized and about 3000 were ADDED to their number. No verbal rite unto salvation is given by Peter here.
    Incident 2/
    Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
    Acts 9:17 NIV//
    Paul was not lead into a sinner’s prayer but was saved.
    Incident 3//
    But when they believed Philip as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. Simon himself believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw.
    Acts 8:12‭-‬13 NIV//
    Philip preached and Samaria and people believed the message and were baptized..
    No sinner’s prayer
    Incident 4//
    Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.
    John 3:5 NIV//
    Cornelius conversion. No sinner’s prayer.
    Incident 5//
    “Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days.
    Acts 10:47‭-‬48 NIV
    The Nicodemus family invited Peter, heard the message about the Saviour(not a message about tithes and offerings or healing or deliverance..but a simple message about the SAVIOUR) and they were FIRST filled with the Holy Spirit and an “order” for water baptism was issued by Peter. (pundits if salvation without water baptism.. Are you here)..
    Again there is no SINNER’S PRAYER here..
    BUT after listing all these these incidences of conversation I will still quote one verse in defence of the sinner’s prayer.. //
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    Romans 10:9 KJV
    The procedure for conversion here seems reversed from what is sung in the balconies.
    If I CONFESS with my mouth, then BELIEVE I will be saved.
    If I personally invoke the words “Lord Jesus have mercy on me. I am sinner I believe you died for my sins. Today confess you as my Lord and SAVIOUR”
    I am bound by my words in the spirit realm.
    If a person stands before me and leads me in a similar prayer of confession as long as I utter the words with my mouth I believe I’m still bound to Christ.
    Self confession or third party led confession doesnt really matter as long as one utters the confession with their mouths..
    A pastor will stand before a bride and groom and lead them into a confession of a marriage covenant and the confession is honored by all..
    The sinner’s prayer is the easiest way to lead one to a relationship with the Lord. The consequences of heart change is the only way to heaven.
    So Mr Washer plse don’t scare the people..
    Haven’t you read this scripture by Jesus? //

    For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
    Matthew 12:37 KJV
    By our WORDS..

  • Reply August 19, 2020

    Gerardo de Dominicis

    I’ve seen people believe that the sinner prayer saves, like a charming: “Just say the words”… I agree with Washer on this.

    • Reply August 20, 2020

      Troy Day

      and Ive never seen no one saved unless they prayed

    • Reply August 20, 2020

      Gerardo de Dominicis

      Troy Day I prayer from the heart not for repeating a prayer like a parrot.

  • Reply August 19, 2020

    Byron Benefield

    During Finney’s meetings people would come to the mourners bench and spend hours and days repenting of their sins. Now you just say a prayer, sign a card, and join something. Then continue to live life. Nope not born again. You must be born again.

    • Reply August 20, 2020

      Troy Day

      naah you just go to the wrong church

  • Reply July 31, 2023


    “Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously.” Hosea 14:2

  • Reply July 31, 2023


    The sinner’s prayer and the backslider’s prayer is Psalm 51.

  • Reply July 31, 2023


    God be merciful to me a sinner! That is the sinners prayer and. Jesus said that man went home justified. And you calvinist can’t change that !!!

  • Reply August 1, 2023


    The prayer of a sinner does not save them. I dare say that sinners who prayed a conventional confession died and went to hell. This sad reality exists because those sinners weren’t discipled and taught to be strong, committed and dedicated Christians. The prayer of the sinner, when prayed in faith and sincerity, is only the beginning. The responsibility of the strong Christian is to guide the young Christian into the life the Lord would have him to live. The expectation and hope is to “grow in grace and into the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” The prayer is not the end but, hopefully, a means to the greatest end of all—eternal life. So, don’t just criticize the prayer and miss the opportunity to love the sinner and help guide him to heaven!

    • Reply August 1, 2023


      Ben McGlamery The prayer of a sinner does not save them? WHO does then Jerome Herrick Weymouth

  • Reply August 1, 2023


    Ben is caught up in his ways, I seen people pray the sinners prayer and immediately got born again and you see the fruit and growth and them joining the church…if you believe the anti- sinners prayer baloney, you wouldn’t walk to talk to anybody, why waste their time and yours!

  • Reply August 1, 2023


    I personally know a man who prayed the sinners with TBN and today he’s a Pentecostal pastor

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