A Word from Pastor Hagee

A Word from Pastor Hagee

Since the publication of The Three Heavens: Angels, Demons, and What Lies Ahead, I have received numerous requests for a companion guide from those…

The Liberal Churches are in Decline

The Liberal Churches are in Decline

Do churches decline without reason as though captive to impersonal forces of nature? Perhaps so. At least according to a recent article in Minneapolis Star-Tribune.It reviews dying…

Autopsy of a Dead Church

Autopsy of a Dead Church

Church revitalization is a popular topic today, and that is appropriate. Various writers and researches estimate that between 70 and 90 percent of the…

One is your Heavenly Father

Marc Jackson Here we go bro. Randal Dan Joseph D. AbsherText, context, pre-text, subtext, podtext and the Greek text. Complete discussion  with all the…