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John Walters | PentecostalTheology.com


Tim Anderson [04/25/2015 4:10 PM]
As a young boy, my dad went to a church that later in life I came to know as “cessationist” in doctrine (CoC), non-instruments. After struggling with the scriptures that I found contrary I knew I could never go there, 1) they would not receive me as a Brother, 2) I would be lying to myself by attending there and disobedient to what the Holy Spirit spoke. Yes Pray for them, but if Leadership is set in their ways, traditions of man make the Word of God of no-affect. Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (KJV)

Lettico Christman [04/25/2015 4:23 PM]
Lettico Christman liked this on Facebook.

John Kissinger [04/25/2015 6:29 PM]
Great testimonies in this discussion…

[04/26/2015 4:16 AM]
all congregations do not emphasize any specific point. when in question look in THE BIBLE

Paul Ray Mitchell [04/26/2015 12:39 PM]
Paul Ray Mitchell liked this on Facebook.

1 Comment

  • Mary Ellen Nissley
    Reply June 29, 2016

    Mary Ellen Nissley

    I am convinced that churches vary so much within denominations that you really need to just pray and follow the leading of the Lord.

    When I was being led out of the Mennonites, I didn’t know WHERE to go! I felt so desperate! All I wanted was a place where the Holy Spirit was allowed to move and use me… and a place where I would feel I could bring other people.

    I would never have chosen a Church of God, especially had I known their officially-stated polity, and had I known the overall flavor of worship in the denomination.

    I detest scripted dance and entertainment in church. I love services that go as long as possible, flowing in the Holy Ghost! And above all, I love to feel His presence like a heavy weight of glory.

    And, amazingly, this little mountain church has all the above, and more love and acceptance than I thought could be possible.

    I was led here simply by prayer and listening to those around me. God was faithful to lead me, and I know he will lead you, too.

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