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John Walters | PentecostalTheology.com


John Kissinger [04/23/2015 5:58 PM]
Hey brother, Pentecostalism is an experience. You have to jump in it before you are able to analyze it fully 🙂

Charles Page [04/23/2015 6:12 PM]
That is like Pelosi’s statement:

John Walters [04/24/2015 4:36 AM]
I have a lot of respect for David Wilkinson and I’ve heard of Derek Prince but never listened to his sermons, I will download a few now. Thanks alot, this is the church we are on about going too http://www.havenchurch.org.uk/

Jon Sellers [04/25/2015 1:02 AM]
There is a lot of variety in the beliefsand practices of AOG churches. I suggest visiting it, reading their statement of faith, listening to some sermons by the pastor online if they have them and getting to know some people. We don’t have to agree 100% with everything for God to bless us in a church fellowship.

Jon Sellers [04/25/2015 1:15 AM]
John Walters, a bit of encouragement. When you visit a church pray for the Lord to reveal His presence in the people, the worship service and the Word. Pray the Holy Spirit show you his work in their midst. Be open to Him working in many ways, not just according to your expectations. He is Lord…;) Also, when you join, present yourself to God as one who is there to be a blessing, to share the life of Chris in you with others and as one who is ready to learn, serve, give, and receive. Joining a church is engaging with the Lord Jesus as part of his Body. He will fit you in so that His gifting in you will add to that body.

Tim Anderson [04/25/2015 7:23 AM]
If anyone does leave a fellowship, after they have gotten to know fellow christians, leave on good terms. When decision is made, speak w/ pastor or elders and let them know what the Lord is doing. Never burn the bridges, leave as though you want the opportunity to visit at times.

John Walters [04/25/2015 10:42 AM]
I agree Tim, I feel really torn because I seen our elder this morning and he has made it a difficult choice to make, I feel like I’m betraying our church. However with the Brethren roots the church does not express the Holy Spirit in any way never mind being active within the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but both me and my wife feel we need the empowerment of God and to have a freedom from the Holy Spirit in church life as well as our own so we are really torn as what to do now.

Tim Anderson [04/25/2015 10:48 AM]
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would come to be our counselor. Just rely on him Brother. As you pray, ask him to reveal the answer to both your wife and your family. Great time to pray as a family and watch how the Lord shows up.

John Kissinger [04/25/2015 10:49 AM]
or pray for the Brethren to be filled with the Holy Ghost!

1 Comment

  • Mary Ellen Nissley
    Reply June 29, 2016

    Mary Ellen Nissley

    I am convinced that churches vary so much within denominations that you really need to just pray and follow the leading of the Lord.

    When I was being led out of the Mennonites, I didn’t know WHERE to go! I felt so desperate! All I wanted was a place where the Holy Spirit was allowed to move and use me… and a place where I would feel I could bring other people.

    I would never have chosen a Church of God, especially had I known their officially-stated polity, and had I known the overall flavor of worship in the denomination.

    I detest scripted dance and entertainment in church. I love services that go as long as possible, flowing in the Holy Ghost! And above all, I love to feel His presence like a heavy weight of glory.

    And, amazingly, this little mountain church has all the above, and more love and acceptance than I thought could be possible.

    I was led here simply by prayer and listening to those around me. God was faithful to lead me, and I know he will lead you, too.

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