KJV – Jeremiah 34:16 why some KJV says "whom ye" and some KJV says "whom he"?

KJV – Jeremiah 34:16 why some KJV says "whom ye" and some KJV says "whom he"?

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From BibleHub: "whom ye"

From BibleDotCom: "whom he"

From KJV 1611 on Amazon: "whom ye"

From KJV 1611 on Bible Protector: "whom ye"

From Wikipedia (wikisource): "whom he"

I also checked New King James Version

From NKJV on Amazon: "whom he"

From NKJV on BibleDotCom: "whom you"

From NKVJ on BibleHub: "whom you"

On a forum post, they also listed "whom he"/"whom ye" on different KJV versions, the forum only concluded that "whom ye" was right without discussing why there’s "whom he".

So why is there "whom he" and "whom ye"? Is there any good reason for this confusion?

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