
Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

In our culture, it’s become the proverbial fifth wheel of holidays. Really, we don’t even celebrate it anymore. It used to be that we would pause for much of the day—to feast, spend time with our families, and, yes, to watch football … but, most importantly, to worship and give thanks. But sadly, those days […]

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The Extreme Truth – By Steve Schmutzer

The Extreme Truth – By Steve Schmutzer

Biden’s fiery and unhinged speech at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, was missing something. It lacked its original 1940’s German translation. Against a dramatic backdrop of glowing red lights and imposing dark shadows, and flanked by stoic square-shouldered military personnel, Biden unleashed a torrent of venom and anger against those people he called “dangerous threats.” The imagery and […]

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Gerald T. Sheppard: Pentecostals and the Hermeneutics of Dispensationalism: The Anatomy of an Uneasy Relationship

Dispensacionalism – dispensacionalismo revisado y progresivo

POR; BRENT E. PARKER AND RICHARD J. LUCAS. Dispensacionalismo. Además de la teología del pacto, el otro gran sistema teológico evangélico es el dispensacionalismo. El dispensacionalismo es un movimiento evangélico popular, especialmente en Estados Unidos. Muchos seminarios y escuelas dispensacionalistas han prosperado con su énfasis en las profecías bíblicas, la nación de Israel, el rapto … Seguir leyendo Dispensacionalismo, dispensacionalismo revisado y progresivo.

2 Peter 3:3 – "last days" – the 70th week itself? or during the 70th week?

2 Peter 3:3 – "last days"

2 Peter 3:1-4

1This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved. In
both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder,
2that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the
commandment of t…