
CERN LHC – Opening Portal to Hell? Etc. :: By Jim Towers

CERN LHC – Opening Portal to Hell? Etc. :: By Jim Towers

Did I miss the rapture? Judging by the events of recent months, numerous unexplainable anomalies appear to be getting more prevalent as time marches on, thereby causing Christians to wonder if we were in the Tribulation period mentioned in the book of Revelation. In the meantime, some military leaders and the presidential imposter himself are […]

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The Signs of the Times: Part 1 – Assessing the Signs :: By Paul J. Scharf

The Signs of the Times: Part 1 – Assessing the Signs :: By Paul J. Scharf

If you work in a retail environment, you’ve already seen them—maybe as early as July, but certainly in August. Yes, you’ve seen the signs! I am referring, of course, to the signs of Christmas. [i] They’re all around you by now. It started with the arrival of lots of new merchandise—more than you knew what […]

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Matthew 27:46 – forsaken or left behind?

Matthew 27:46 – forsaken or left behind?

On the cross Jesus asked a question:

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
(Matthew 27:46 ESV; also Mark 15:34)

Forsaken her…

Revelation 19:8

Revelation 19:8 – who is speaking when?

In some translations, the second half of the verse is placed outside the quotation mark, while in other translations it is included inside the quotation mark.
For example:
English Standard Version

it was granted her to clothe herself wit…

Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

Signs of the Times: Part 3 – No Signs of the Rapture :: By Paul J. Scharf

In our culture, it’s become the proverbial fifth wheel of holidays. Really, we don’t even celebrate it anymore. It used to be that we would pause for much of the day—to feast, spend time with our families, and, yes, to watch football … but, most importantly, to worship and give thanks. But sadly, those days […]

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