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Donald Trump outlines policy plan for first 100 days
President-elect Donald Trump unveiled plans for his first 100 days in office, including proposals related to immigration, trade deals and defense policy, using a video published online to briefly outline his proposals.
- withdraw from negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal
- cancel environmental restrictions put in place by President Barack Obama
- ask his national security team to buttress against infrastructure attacks
- have the Labor Department investigate federal worker visas
- impose broad new bans on lobbying by government employees.
The items Trump detailed Monday are all somewhat easy lifts inside Washington — because they can be done with a simple signature by Trump and do not require congressional approval. But Trump also left out his biggest campaign promises — including promises to
- build a wall along the Mexican border
- establish a “deportation force,”
- place new restrictions on immigration from some majority Muslim countries
- repeal Obamacare
- prosecute Hillary Clinton
- and spend $1 trillion on infrastructure.
Varnel Watson
David Lewayne Porter These bad bad liberal medias President-elect Donald Trump won’t subject Hillary Clinton to a criminal inquiry — instead, he’ll help her heal, his spokeswoman said Tuesday.
David Lewayne Porter
I hear that trump has interviewed Renee Elmers to be part of his cabinet AFTER we Conservatives, Republicans, and people of NC voted her out of office.
I did not care for him, I don’t care for him, I will not care for him.
I was not a pro-trump,
but I was a
It appears that he is going to surround himself with the same ole people and situations (nothing changes).
I have nothing for this man.
All he gets is my prayers for his soul and for the welfare of this nation.
Varnel Watson
Many like you voted against the status quo an got what voted for. We are all about to see and live through the consequences. Like Jon Sellers said the other option’s evilness was known from the beginning of the campaign
David Lewayne Porter
Still better (slower) than the other option.
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
Is it? On Sunday, 60 Minutes aired a post-election interview with Trump in which he explained that his stance on gay marriage is that it is “settled” and that he has no plans to try to overturn the Supreme Court decision legalizing it. According to CNN, this answer “could leave conservatives worried.”
For the first time since winning the election, Donald Trump has weighed in on two of the most controversial social issues the Supreme Court has taken on ever: gay marriage and abortion.
His answers could leave conservatives worried.
Trump indicated he’s “fine” with the high court’s opinion legalizing same-sex marriage and called it “settled,” but committed to appointing justices who want to change the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling affirming abortion rights.
CNN’s article didn’t fully capture the flavor of what Trump actually said. A Mediaite article contained more extended quotes.
“It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court,” Trump said bluntly on 60 Minutes.
“I mean, it’s done…” he continued. “These cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled, and I’m fine with that.”
It is simply not accurate for Trump to say that gay marriage is “settled” while Roe v. Wade is not. In the legal world, nothing is ever really “settled.” And without a doubt, the people who elected him were counting on him to do something about it. But the truth is that he doesn’t want to do something about it.
Donald Trump is “fine” with gay marriage, and so that political battle is now officially over. Now that the election is over, Trump is even calling the Clintons “good people.”
Clinton “did some bad things,” he said, but added that ultimately the Clintons are “good people.”
“I don’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt them,” he said. “They’re, they’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them. And I will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 Minutes together.”
Varnel Watson
RT Nelson Banuchi If Trump really cared about the American people as he claimed, he would divest himself of all his businesses. If he’s that great a businessman as he claims, he can always and surely recoup any losses by his wheeling-dealing expertise after his term is over. Alan N Carla Smith
Street Preacherz
Isn’t that like a red herring or something. “If he really cared…”
Varnel Watson
Well I think Nelson Banuchi hit the nail on the head with this one
Street Preacherz
I like to think it was evangelicals put him in. But I think that could be said of the last one too. Seems like if we had a little influence with God we might be a more willing to let go of some of these earthly concerns. Unless of course that’s a personal calling.
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne Jan Dixon Sykes Carl Murphy Must ask this in the light of current United Nation speech today — FOX NEWS FIRST: Russia probe heats up for Trump Organization lawyer, Trump the ‘star’ at the Emmys
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut Nelson Banuchi I guess I have to admit being wrong? Trump is good for the church with bright feature ahead?
Terry Wiles
Don’t know. We don’t live in a trump state. All we eat is more taxes and tolls.
Varnel Watson
//The Democrats took the House. Some of the oldest, crankiest liberals in Washington will lead important committees. They will try to make President Trump look funny. And he will fail.
Terry Wiles the stay-trib church of Link Hudson cant survive American elections but will survive the Tribulation Tell me another one
It is my desire to follow the Word of God as closely as I can when deciding how I should cast my ballot. I will not vote according to any political party but to God’s Truth, knowing that whoever gets elected will have the power to make policy that agrees with God’s Word or disregards it.
The Biblical Perspective on the Issues:
I will vote for the most pro-life candidate possible, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood. (Proverbs 6:17)
I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate, because God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who do not. (Genesis 12:3)
I will vote for the most pro debt-reduction candidate, because the borrower is the servant to the lender. (Proverbs 22:7)
I will vote for the most pro-work candidate because God says that if the man will not work, let him not eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10)
I will vote for the most pro-marriage candidate because God is for marriage between a man and a woman, as defined in Genesis 2:24.
I will vote for the candidate who most closely believes government’s purpose is to reward good and punish evil. (Romans 13)
I will vote for the candidate who stands up for Christian rights and will not discriminate against Christians, so that we may live a peaceful life in godliness and honesty. (1 Timothy 2:2)
From Dominic Russo
Terry Wiles
WoW! The guy is a republican voter.
Varnel Watson
Brown OR Dominic Russo?
Terry Wiles
And you for posting in agreement. Jajajaja
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut as a Republican I am puzzled Nelson Banuchi
Nelson Banuchi
They should be furious at Trump; it’s about time.
Varnel Watson
well Robert Erwine gas price going down price of products going up Shouldnt be otherwise in basic economy? Link
Robert Erwine
A trade war with China .
Varnel Watson
pulling out of key WAR locales?
Robert Erwine
that will not happen , too much money to be made
Varnel Watson
We have all we can handle with this, that, and the other. So we ponder and try to decide the decisions at hand, so after the grueling task of trying to arrive at a decision to do either this, that, or the other we finally decide it is not worth the effort to try and choose one because if you choose one and not the other then, you will be accused of being biased so, after all this contemplation the day has slipped away and it is time to count sheep so I will close with these words of wisdom, when you think things can’t get any worse, they probably will.
Bob Wizenhut
Looking back at that article from 2016 we now realize that President Trump has not only kept more campaign promises than any President of modern time but he may be the only President who hasn’t drifted from his original priorities.
Border security, fair trade, jobs, judges, NATA pay their fair share, less regulation, repeal Obamacare (now achieved through the courts), energy independence, no stupid wars, criminal justice reform. And the President has achieved all this while also becoming known as the first honest politician to come through Washington in generations.
Not hard to see why his approval ratings exceed any of the previous 5 Presidents at this point in their administration.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi Robert Erwine I am not sure HOW the above message could be made when most obviously America is struggling greatly under Trump especially under the tax regime we’ve discussed with Jim Price
Link Hudson
Troy Day I heard his plan greatly cut the self-employment tax. Is this true? Maybe employees need to start a business on the side.
Varnel Watson
YES – on this one you are right. I’ve been saying it for 300 days now and is also penalizes EIC + child credit though the last one still worked for many this year in 2018
Varnel Watson
Daniel J Hesse did the wALL plan got outdated or something?
Daniel J Hesse
I wonder. I believe the early policy thought centered around stabilizing and creating strong economies to the south thus stifling the mass exodus to the states.
Link Hudson
There is some sense to it. But a lot of Americans probably want to see all that hard-earned money they printed up out of thin air and/or and borrowed spent on us.
If dumping money on these countries can actually stabilize their economies, that might be a good thing.
I wonder why Trump doesn’t figure out some plan where, to get the money, they have to hire US expats or import some materials from the US, do joint ventures, etc. That probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for them, since JVs are actually a way for the disadavantaged party to gain access to new technology.
Daniel J Hesse
Link Hudson we have tried creating military support operations throughout these nations.
Varnel Watson
Link We’ve discussed this with Jim Price before but we can repeat it of course Daniel J Hesse what military – we are withdrawing from most mid. East grounds now
Varnel Watson
went to check my battery the other day – first frost cold crank and all; ol farmer boy we’ve known forever used to work in AutoZone so he can run 2 of his farms #figures Says cant work no more because of age but still comes to help some in the PM when wife takes naps Cant work a job – hence cant run and support his farming SS hardly enough as Jim Price often tells us
Looked around for cheap deal in the store – cheapest bat. $150 Used to be 120 last time I bought it. Says – dont tell them inside but go to TNT – another old friend of ours has run from his home for years. Same bat. + 5yrs warranty $79-90 depending if tax paid Guess where free market choice took me ? – you guessed it – better service cheaper price
Link Hudson Ed Brewer – you still think economy is doing well? ask the common farming man of America; gas price down milk price going up – what’s wrong with the picture here – Average Joe has to work whole day or 2 just to get a battery for his truck and feed his kids with what?
If you cant figure it out, at least you got a good deal on TNT battery
Varnel Watson
Jim Price govt shut down – no pickers
Link Hudson
Troy Day what’s a picker?
Varnel Watson
you dont know yet?
Jared Cheshire
Here is a little verifiable info I found that no media outlet is talking about. At least mainstream media. Take from it what you will.
Varnel Watson
the plan now is to avoid the selfie 🙂 Nelson Banuchi
Varnel Watson
is the selfie verifiable?
Jared Cheshire
a particular sefie or selfies in general?
Varnel Watson
the media talk nowadays has been about the 1
Jared Cheshire
I haven’t paid attention to the media for a long time. I have no idea what selfie they are talking about.
Varnel Watson
Asking this in honor of Presidents day 2019
George Hartwell
God has raised up men to be His instruments before and IMHO He has done it again. The national issue and the international issue is not in the news but going on behind scenes – discovering and destroying strongholds of the enemy in the US and elsewhere. Call it the Deep State or the Swamp it means ending the CIA (built as it was out of the German secret service) which seems to operate as a rogue state unaccountable to the President. It includes ending child trafficking and occult sacrifices. We are in a battle of God’s Kingdom vs those who chose to serve Satan (as they understand him) in order to gain world power and wealth. Trump is our giant killer.
Varnel Watson
WOW Nelson Banuchi you missed it
Varnel Watson
This could happen only under Trump as president
Varnel Watson
Rick Warner this is not you on the picture
Rick Warner
Troy Day i was going to ask if u had a family portrait taken….
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi I think it is thus far
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi President Donald Trump formally launched his 2020 re-election campaign on Tuesday by presenting himself as the same political insurgent who shook up the Washington establishment four years ago and who is now a victim of an attempted ouster by Democrats.
“Together we stared down a broken political establishment and we restored government by and for the people,” Trump said. “As long as you keep this team in place, we have a tremendous way to go. Our future has never looked brighter or sharper.”
Nelson Banuchi
He might be intellectually crafty but he’s intellectually (forgive what others may seem as disrespectful) stupid.
Varnel Watson
We would note quite the pick up after these news on weekly basis The pre-election machine will play like never before Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that
2020 will be a year when the nation will be totally divided. It will be the year that will see the election of your lifetime. —Mario Murillo
American politics is a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened like never before.
RichardAnna Boyce
Trump blackmails evangelicals with conservative justice appointments that last a generation; is being used by God as a Cyrus by God to keep unborn babies alive; all to feed his Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Meanwhile China is overtaking DUA in % of mature born again disciples; and Putin is playing Trump like a puppet.
Charles Page
Trump has Made America Great Again and his reelection will ensure another four years of greatness.Trump haters are praying for a quick recession and economic downfall. The Trump haters care nothing for the American citizens only for their voting constituents.
Nelson Banuchi
Charles Page as Christians, we should refrain from characterizing those who disagree with Trump as haters, it being an unwarranted moral judgment, which h Jesus warns aginst.
Varnel Watson
Trump saved FedEx for Charles Page
Charles Page
I believe you can be a born again Christian and be a “Trump hater” Many Pentecostals are “Trump despisers” (haters)
Varnel Watson
the commitment to love and the increase of the manifestation of the supernatural power of God is what will catapult the church into far greater effectiveness and fruitfulness in the coming decade. Believers will learn to live Spirit-filled lives, and a holy love and devotion to one another will mark their walk with God. I am seeing this love and honor growing among the remnant wherever I go. Ministers are preferring one another before themselves. Local shepherds are reaching out to other local shepherds and cultivating relationship and prayer with them. This is actually a move of the Spirit that will quietly mushroom and affect entire economies as this unity prevails. The true church will be a place of refuge for multitudes who will find true peace and fulfillment within its embrace.
Charles Page
that is taking place now even though Trump is president. I’m not sure how it equates to supernatural power but it is building up an evangelical unity and brotherhood.
Nelson Banuchi
Charles Page That Christians can still be saved is not the point I’m making. I’m suggesting the Christians refrain from calling anyone, especially a fellow believer, or any group of people a “Trump haters” or “Trump despisers.” Again, that is making an unwarranted moral judgment, which is something Jesus warned us not to do.
Just because someone strongly disagrees with Trump and calls him out when he lies does not mean that person hates Trump.
Charles Page
Nelson Banuchi there is no clear evidence of Trump lying it is a continual persistence of the Trump hating crowd. Nearly 40 million dollars have been spent to prove that Trump is a liar warranting investigation. Still no charges have been established.
Robert Erwine
i can’t believe the christian right voted for this man , they already have sunk low and when I think they couldn’t sink lower , Christians used to have some credibility with unbelievers in this nation now I fear its less than none .
Charles Page
Robert Erwine are you a Trump hater? I am a believer who proudly supports President Trump.
Robert Erwine
a what ?
Nelson Banuchi
Charles Page ” there is no clear evidence of Trump lying”?
You’re not serious, are you? It’s been clearly proven he’s a liar; perhaps, I suppose, not to those Christians who are looking the other way.
nut said.
Charles Page
show me the link proving Trump lying, thanks.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi The first order for the church is to be in agreement with God. Sadly, many professing believers are on the devil’s side. You cannot walk in the authority of Christ if you’re living in sin and walking in darkness. Remember that a house or a kingdom divided against itself will not stand (Matt. 12:25-30). The church cannot tacitly approve abortion, same-sex marriage and remain silent against all the evils that have infiltrated and are now dominating American culture. We cannot ignore and live in the politically correct zone concerning the dangers of radical Islam and the anti-Christ agenda in America. Silence in such an evil day is grief to the Holy Spirit and a certain impending judgment.
Nelson Banuchi
I would hope that includes calling out Trump when he lies and admitting he’s a liar.
Robert Erwine
Islam !? the biggest threat to Christianity is the politicized right wing version of it , far deadlier.
Varnel Watson
I wouldnt go as far as that BUT separation of church and state is a MUST; lest we end up with an American pope Philip Williams
Charles Page
Nelson Banuchi do you have proof of Trump lying? You have previously failed to answer this question.
Varnel Watson
Charles Page do you have proof he is not?
Philip Williams
Should our eyes not be on the Lord rather than upon the world? Whatever our opinion, this will certainly defile and divide us if brought into the church.
Yes, we ought to pray for those who God has appointed to rule those who don’t fear God. Whoever is President has a mist difficult job. Presidents age at an accelerated rate the moment they take office. But keep in mind that the present order of this world will certainly tumble as the Lord returns to judge the earth and reward his holy people who must and will become a light for this dark world.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi I very much like what Philip Williams said the other day
Evangelicals however are known to bow down (worship) American Presidents. Chuck Colson was disappointed to observe how Evangelicals did that with Nixon. By contrast, the labor leaders talked straight with the President.
We still see this as Rick Warren and others with Obama and a host of them who are seeing the current office holder as a new Messiah, far more excited about him than they ever were with their former Messiah, Jesus.
GOD forbid Trump gets impeached – it will be the last for evangelicals in America as we know it
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi sounds like a dumb question BUT IS IT? “They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they’re moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can’t we do that?”
Nelson Banuchi
Troy Day it is a dumb question to me…
Joshua A. Humphries
It’s a dumb question, but it’s not an unusual one. Anyone who thinks it would work (after the most basic information on tropical systems) is dumber than a bag of hammers. For one thing, a hurricane is already more powerful than a single atomic weapon. That’s before you even get to the issue of upper air dynamics required to make it even possibly work and once you look at that, you realize that you’d be seeding the stream of moisture for rainfall with radioactive material.
Philip Williams
Cause a little tinkle like that isn’t going to impact a hurricane. But would cause other problems. Why are you getting your news from a British tabloid?
Varnel Watson
I compare things with BBC and RTL at times
Philip Williams
Jeff Bezo’s Washington Post is worse than a tabloid.
Joshua A. Humphries
Philip, I may not agree with you politically, but it’s good to see someone else with scientific and technical common sense!
Charles Page
America is changing and liberals can’t handle that change
Obama tried to make change
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi Trump’s idea of disrupting hurricanes with nuclear weapons — a suggestion he has denied making but almost certainly made — has duplicated some of these stages.
Varnel Watson
YES Nelson Banuchi Peter Vandever
Nelson Banuchi
Not for the better…
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi Joe Absher RichardAnna Boyce Ray E Horton William DeArteaga Their rising discomfort spilled out into the open this week when the founder of the Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson, scolded the president for taking such a belligerent tone as the country erupted in sorrow and anger over the police killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis.
Speaking on his newscast, “The 700 Club,” the televangelist whose relationship with Mr. Trump dates to the 1990s said, “You just don’t do that, Mr. President,” and added, “We’re one race. And we need to love each other.”