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How Founding Fathers Who Loved the God of Liberty
How Founding Fathers Who Loved the God of Liberty
Lee Hall-Perkins
But they denied liberty to women, slaves, and the poor? ?
Varnel Watson
Brady Hall its true you know and they were all masons too
Russ Taft
Nationalism is sin.
Tim Anderson
Russ Taft scripture please. Paul loved Israel and would have given his soul for his kin. God loves Israel – I love America the land of my forefathers, even with nb its flaws. Yet I dont worship it.
Russ Taft
Tim Anderson and saints in other countries should show allegiance to their country? Iran? China? Libya?
Tim Anderson
Russ Taft only as they follow Christ. Where our laws deny the proclamation of Jesus, we work to obey God rather than man. Saints in other countries are the salt and light to their world, it doesnt mean they love the type of Govt. but will naturally love thier people and heritage.
Any scripture that disputes that?
Russ Taft
Tim Anderson no, but I am weary of the trend in recent years to hold up patriotism and nationalism on a level with God and His Kingdom
Tim Anderson
Russ Taft none of my friends esteem our country or President as our Savior, but I still Love America for the good it has done. Its why we are told to pray for Leaders and those in power rather they are despots or godly like Gearge Washinton.
Kyle Williams
I think many are quick these days to ascribe the title of sin to many things they dont agree with or understand. I’m not sure scripture speaks expressly on this issue so I would be afraid of leading others to one side or the other of an issue that scripture doesn’t address. I think extreme nationalism is not sound practice for a Christian. That is a personal conviction and not a bible doctrine. We’ve got to distinguish that fact when adressing any matter. Having said that I love my country very much and I have a certain sense of duty to it but my Duty to God is of higher importance.
Varnel Watson
I would agree with Russ Taft are you more American than you are Christian
Varnel Watson
and they were all masons too