Hebrew semantics of the drink of the beast (Rev. 17:4)

Hebrew semantics of the drink of the beast  (Rev. 17:4)

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This post first posted in PENTECOSTALTHEOLOGY.com on JUNE 1, 2016

June 16 at 8:53pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Jan B Drayer Smh
June 16 at 9:30pm · Like

Loranette Baker I’d never heard this, but it does make sense.
June 17 at 10:34pm · Like

Amos Matalbert Ohh Lord im so in LOVE with that Word thank you Jesus
June 20 at 1:30am · Like

Rick Wadholm Jr I used this video in a class last year to demonstrate terrible logic and faulty hermeneutics. ?
June 22 at 11:25am · Like · 1

Roger Wilkinson We will know and it will be a deliberate choice of yes or no if we are to take the mark etc, it will not be hidden or underpinned. If we choice no everyone will know that and we can expect persecution for that choice, if we chose yes then we have handed our soul to satan!
The makers of this drink may have some occult influence but so do most people in power because the god of this world is satan and he runs it – till Jesus comes back and sets up a Kingdom run by Christian governments for a 1000 years!!
June 22 at 11:46am · Like

Pentecostal Theology Rick Wadholm Jr numerology is the science of heaven…
June 23 at 6:04pm · Like

Rick Wadholm Jr Haha…or hell.
June 23 at 6:05pm · Like

Rick Wadholm Jr They used to have a required course in numerology at Trinity in the 70s.
June 23 at 6:05pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology too bad there’s no numerology in this video (or is there?)
June 23 at 6:05pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology seems Trinity was heaven-bound … in the 70s
June 23 at 6:06pm · Like

Rick Wadholm Jr Not proper numerology. (And I can’t believe I’m even saying that. Haha)
June 23 at 6:06pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology Mark Lärmer, in his book “The circle of Veckner”, points out that the number of the Beast is also found in the numerical structure of the usual electronic keyboards, such as calculators, recording cases, remote controls, telephones keyboard, etc. By concatenation, the result gives four times the number 666 in each directions. Like observed by Mark Lärmer, this numerical structure which allows us to calculate, to program, to buy, to sell and to withdraw money
June 23 at 6:10pm · Edited · Like

Pentecostal Theology Not sure if this news made it but while iWatch was being presented, numerologists around the world were unveiling their own numerological (not neurological) watch
Pentecostal Theology’s photo.
June 23 at 6:12pm · Like

Rick Wadholm Jr The lengths to which folks will go to prove silliness.
June 23 at 6:12pm · Like · 1

Pentecostal Theology 1+2+3=6
June 23 at 6:13pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology 4+5+6=15 i.e. 1+5 = 6
June 23 at 6:14pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology 7+8+9 = 24 i.e. 2+4 = 6
June 23 at 6:14pm · Like

Rick Wadholm Jr
June 23 at 6:15pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology wait – there’s an exception ” and by taking care to eliminate summations 1+4+7 and 3+6+9 of orientations NORTH-SOUTH)”
June 23 at 6:17pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology makes sense to the people to whom it makes sense
June 23 at 6:17pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology Guess only one vertical line ads up to 6, b/c hermetically there could be only one way to heaven 8+5+2 = 15 i.e. 1+5 = 6
June 23 at 6:19pm · Edited · Like

Pentecostal Theology 8 is for heaven – the new beginning, 5 for grace that gets you there and 2 is for the family ( male + female ) brought to heaven by grace (from the 1970s hermeneutical numerology class offered @ 3N1T1)
June 23 at 6:22pm · Edited · Like

Barry G. Carpenter This is ridiculous. The major issue (of the many issues) is that Revelation is written in GREEK not Hebrew- so the comparison to Hebrew is irrelevant. Secondly, this “secret code” type stuff denies the literal nature of the Scripture (that the verses have a literal meaning). (3) Such an approach denies that we are a “priesthood of believers” -which means we all have the Holy Spirit and do not need a special group of people to interpret Scriptures for us. (I could go on…)
June 23 at 6:22pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology Oh Barry G. Carpenter we got you covered – There are 22 chapters in the Book of Revelation and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet smile emoticon
June 23 at 6:23pm · Like · 1

Barry G. Carpenter Unfortunately there were no chapter divisions until 1551 (Stephanus Greek NT) frown emoticon
June 23 at 6:25pm · Like

Pentecostal Theology That’s why we use NA28/UBS4 and now UBS 5
June 23 at 6:28pm · Like · 1

Pentecostal Theology It is important in this connection to note the Hebraisms of the whole of this part of the book, which prove that the writer or—if he himself originally wrote Hebrew or Aramaic—the translator could neither write nor speak Greek correctly. As to the relation of this to the apocalypse which follows see below. http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/…/12712-revelation…
REVELATION (BOOK OF) – JewishEncyclopedia.com
Complete contents the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia.
June 23 at 6:28pm · Like · Remove Preview

Pentecostal Theology Rick Wadholm Jr after carefully examining the 1972 3NiTi catalog it seems the price of the class was $666 and was taken over the course of 3 1/2 years or 1260 days (no J-terms) Basic Numerology YEAR OF STUDY: MED-2, M-2, CMS-2
June 23 at 6:32pm · Edited · Like · 1

Barry G. Carpenter LOL
June 23 at 7:14pm · Like

Joe Collins [06/27/2015 10:50 AM]
Grasping at straws are we?

Glynn Brown [06/28/2015 8:47 AM]
Looks like a conspiracy theory similar to the back of the dollar bill.

Nathan [07/07/2015 2:12 PM]
Christine Weick, who originally came up with this drivel, is nothing more than a trouble maker! In my opinion, she should be filed under “don’t believe a word she says”… It actually frustrates me that this site would post something this stupid…

Joe Collins [07/22/2015 8:39 AM]
This is just a stretch. Didn’t you post something about its a sin to talk bout conspiracies earlier????

Pentecostal Theology [07/22/2015 7:04 PM]
sure did – sure did

Joe Collins [07/22/2015 8:35 PM]


  • Joseph Reeder
    Reply April 18, 2020

    Joseph Reeder

    The Mark is the Beast is not a drink, it is not a vaccine, it is not microchip(although could be one day). The Mark of the Beast is a religious mark of loyalty to the Antichrist received on the right hand or forehead. It is received to demonstrate faith and worship toward “the beast”. When mentioned in scripture, the Mark of the Beast is always mentioned in connection with worshipping the “image of the beast”. The Mark or the Beast is instituted and forced upon people by the False Prophet, who is a religious leader like a pastor, Imam, or pope. NOT a drink company, pharmaceutical company, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, etc.

  • Cameron C Smith
    Reply April 18, 2020

    Cameron C Smith


  • Jeanette Elizondo
    Reply April 18, 2020

    Jeanette Elizondo


  • Christopher Lance Dart
    Reply April 18, 2020

    Christopher Lance Dart


  • Reply April 18, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Joshua Remington dont loose heart pls

  • Reply April 29, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Neil Steven Lawrence dont have too much time to read your 666 post right now But this one brings some memories indeed Riccos Herodotou Dake (who has it right). your point 1 pictures the second coming not the rapture
    Notes For Verse 14 a [white cloud] Seven kinds of clouds in Scripture: White (Rev. 14:14) Black (1Ki. 18:45) Dark (Job 22:13) Bright (Mt. 17:5) Thick (Ex. 19:9) Great (Ezek. 1:4) Swift (Isa. 19:1) b [Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle] Ps. 8:4; Dan. 7:13-14 Jn. 1:51, note. Notes For Verse 15 a [temple] There is a temple in heaven (Rev. 14:15,17; 3:12; 7:15; 11:19; 15:5-8; 16:1,17; Isa. 6:1), so Rev. 21:22-23 must be understood in this light. See notes there. b [Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe] This is symbolic of the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 14:15-16 Joel 3:12-16 The rapture is after the promises to the church
    Rev. 4 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter

    • Neil Steven Lawrence
      Reply April 30, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day I tried to keep as many of my scripture quotations for each point to come from Revelation.

      The different types of clouds you just showed is pretty cool.

      Harvesting of the earth is not involving destruction but a removal of the grain (to put into the barn) Revelation 14:14–16
      This is the rapture.

      In the context of the passage the very next scripture is talking about the battle of Armageddon.

      Grapes are gathered and trampled and blood flows up to the horses bridal for a distance of 1600 stadia. Revelation 14:17–20
      This is the battle of Armageddon.

    • Riccos Herodotou
      Reply April 30, 2020

      Riccos Herodotou

      Neil Steven Lawrence Dakes Notes For chap 13 Verse 30 a [Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn] Both tares and wheat must grow together until the end of the age (Mt. 13:39-43,49-50). Then they will be separated (Mt. 24:29-51; 25:31-46).

  • Reply April 30, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    whats your take Chris Westerman Doyle Rogers

  • Riccos Herodotou
    Reply April 30, 2020

    Riccos Herodotou

    • Reply April 30, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      snopes is basically fake news on AMP

    • Riccos Herodotou
      Reply April 30, 2020

      Riccos Herodotou

      Troy Day i thought fake news comes from state tv, not snopes 🙂


      Ultimately, the claim involving a 666 on Monster energy drink cans relies on the incorrect assumption the three claw marks comprising the logo represent three iterations of the Hebrew symbol “Vav,” resulting in a Hebrew equivalent of “666.” But “666” in Hebrew would be written “Tav Resh Samech Vav,” or “six hundred sixty-six.”

      At the end of the clip, the woman points to a “cross” in the Monster logo, which is inverted when the can is tipped for drinking. However, the symbol to which the woman refers is phi, a pre-Christian Greek character that has nothing to do with Christianity, witchcraft, or Satanic messaging.

    • Reply May 1, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Riccos Herodotou snopes is state sponsored if you come to think about it NOW the 3 bar thingies ARE indeed hebrew 6s Kabbalah Masonry ARE systems of symbols so come to think about it the 666 here is NOT too far Isara Mo Neil Steven Lawrence

  • Reply April 30, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Peter Vandever how many of these do you take daily

  • Reply February 1, 2023


    met the lady @ fall fest in TN last year Brett Dobbs Duane L Burgess she had just authored a book on Revelation – JUST GREAT 🙂

  • Reply February 1, 2023


    Haha, yeah I remember this being a big deal years ago.

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Brett Dobbs she is still a very very big deal as an author
      NO one paid her att – everyone drunk it
      and then the pandemic happened 🙂

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day you think covid came because of people or Christians drinking monster energy drink? Or is that her opinion

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Brett Dobbs hahaha look under our COVID discussions
      Do you think AIDS came because of homo-sex?

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day honestly I think we were plagued for a multitude of reasons. But I don’t think it was because of monster energy. Or at least not the single cause.

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Troy Day conspiracy theories!!!

  • Reply February 1, 2023


    Rediculous!!! You guys use Hebrew when you want to and not in the scripture where it counts.

    Let’s not forget your popes title in Latin or Greek

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Bary Allan actually there is SOLID evidence it refers to Hebrew in REV

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day Foolish and unlearned questions avoid. Don’t drink it. Simple.

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Evelyn Gardiner we are talking about the Hebrew vav vav vav – do you have something to add to the discussion? pls do

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day The discussion is based on a nonsensical premise. I understand the topic. Have completed my Hebrew grammar, but it seems like we are trying to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle. So what are your goals? Get people to stop drinking the beverage? We are in the last days. So what? Get ready, stay ready, encourage others to get ready. Preach the gospel. Saved people don’t have to worry about tge the Mark of the Beast. We won’t be here.

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Evelyn Gardiner 3 vavS = 666 is a very BIBLIECAL and NOT a nonsensical premise. If you get to watch this lady more she actually makes a LOT of sense in what she is saying – did the DRINK purposefully put satanic anti-Christian symbols on its can, you can see for yourself in ANY given store. Since this drink was released back in the day it has also become available with alcohol in it nowadays Brett Dobbs Len Sterling NOW to the reason of this discussion being here – back to the Hebrew in it – yeah or neah ?

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day
      I’m Jewish and have a Jewish Bible. It’s your and others choice to use a King jimmy English from Latin and Greek Bible.

      I suppose Wolverine in the comics is the devil cause he leaves three claw marks like on the Monster can.

      Half the symbols in Christianity can be traced to paganism especially at Easter and Christmas and you pick on a company that has am M for monster claw marks and add the Hebrew religion to it.

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Bary Allan I actually use KJV only as reference but it cannot be argued the vav is a hebrew letter If you watch the video she explains it NOW as a jew who has a Jewish Bible I hope you read it and you can shed some more light on this one and another topic we just started

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day
      Sure I will add something. Use your own religion to attack a company you don’t like leave the Hebrew religion and letters out of it

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Troy Day
      I know the Hebrew letter thanks but it’s just a coincidence that the claw marks or the M for monster looks like the Hebrew letter.

      As usual your one of those Christians who thinks they know the hearts of the people that created the Monster drink. Only God knows there heart.

      Besides all energy drinks are bad for you and you pick on the logo of just one of them !!!!

      Just as bad as the yahoos who said the proctor and gamble symbol represents evil as well back in the 80’s. Satanic Panic
      Yet McDonald’s did a moon man and stars commercials for years and no one attacked it. It’s Mac tonight LoL

      Like I said stick to your own hypocritical pagan Christianity symbols and leave Hebrew alone.

  • Reply February 1, 2023


    Drinking a monster now lol u people are nuts

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Joshua Morris imagine when the BEAST shows up Ricky Grimsley

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day blessed be to all of you

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      BTW Joshua Morris member since 2017 first post in the group congrats 🙂
      With demonic sirens queen of the seas on the profile picture Isara Mo William DeArteaga Robert Borders

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day blessed be and I’m a follower of Odin and Freya

    • Reply February 1, 2023


      Troy Day and no thats a picture of Atlantis .

  • Reply February 2, 2023


    Still taste better than rock ⭐

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Jerome Herrick Weymouth no way, rockstar is way better.

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Brett Dobbs diet rock star taste like perfume

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Jerome Herrick Weymouth most things diet flavored does.

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Brett Dobbs this one is not diet 🙂

  • Reply February 2, 2023


    It’s 3 monster fingernail scratches

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Jevan Little its where it started in apparel
      but there is MORE symbolism
      like the address for contact
      the fake CROSS of CHRIST and much much more

  • Reply February 2, 2023


    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Troy Day people always look at things as a conspiracy theory. They always look at everything in the natural and have spiritual blindness.Well they are baptized into salvation But are not baptized into the Holy Spirit that brings knowledge. The Word says for my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Ken Allen well when you add 2+2 and it turns to 666 🙂 But I met the lady from the video and she is spot on with her book and all

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Thanks ! I’ll check it out . Keep up the good work.  Some Christians even reject the daemonic things that go on during the Super Bowl halftime shows,  I’m sure this year won’t be any different

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Ken Allen whatS there NOT to reject /

    • Reply February 2, 2023


      Troy Day Amen to that ! If the rapture doesn’t happen soon I’ll be shocked . When 2Tim 3 is here and now .

  • Reply February 2, 2023



    “ … the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.” (Revelation 13:5–18)

    ……“Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.” And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying, “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, who is and who was, for you have taken your great power and begun to reign. The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.”” (Revelation 11:15–18) …………

    “Change your hearts and lives and be baptized, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away. It is for everyone the Lord our God calls to himself.” ACTS 2


  • Reply April 23, 2023


    What a wonderful presentation of the Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This lady is educated, filled with the Spirit and bold to share her message. She does it much better and more conveniently than many male preachers out there. I wish more preachers would go in the world so boldly. She pays her ways to fairs and festivals. She invests in spreading the Word. I’ve spoken with her on several occasions. She’s got a clear Biblical message. The 3 vav’s pictogram is undisputable. Her interpretation is Biblically sound. The devil is out to get whoever he can, and the BIBLE tells us he does it using drinks and possessions (farmakia) too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntfUA6TmLs

    • Reply April 23, 2023


      Troy Day do you think one can become demonized by drinking this drink?

    • Reply April 23, 2023


      JOHN the Rev calls for all ppl to PERCIEVE the mark
      calculate, interpret Duane L Burgess 666 would be the number, only its not just a number – 666 represents human systems. WHICH early manuscript showing 616 would you say its relevant to this? John Digsby John Mushenhouse

    • Reply April 23, 2023


      Brett Dobbs 1 can certainly have a very demonic heart attack

    • Reply April 23, 2023


      Troy Day it would appear that way.
      We got people on meds for mental health but imagine a city, town, country, world, that doesnt have meds, also, lets look at medical injuries, open sores: if Tent City looks like it full of ruffians
      Matthew 17:15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

      Classic Vertigo

    • Reply April 23, 2023


      how do you mean Brett Dobbs seems like John Digsby is a mason or vexed of some sort. He uses all the wrong psy-forum tactics to his own deuce

  • Reply April 23, 2023


    You are looking in all the wrong places.

    • Reply April 23, 2023


      Taylor D Barrett no not really – do you know MORE than all the church fathers?

    • Reply April 23, 2023


      Troy Day I’ve got St. Augustine sitting here next to me and he tells me that back in his day Monster energy drink was his favorite

  • Reply April 23, 2023


    Duane L Burgess Philip Williams before Gutenberg created his printing press and its “moveable type,” all Bibles that existed were written by hand. The problem with people copying the Bible by hand is that inevitably “variations” would occur. An “O” might get replaced with a “Θ,” or an “Ο” might get replaced with an “Ω” (O and Ω sound similar) etc. etc. Consequently, no two biblical manuscripts are identical. The place where two manuscripts diverge is called a “unit of variation” or a “textual variant.” Red arrow points to χιϛ (616), “number of the beast” in P115

  • Reply May 5, 2023


    she is STILL #1 on the topic Brett Dobbs Jevan Little Ricky Grimsley Jerome Herrick Weymouth Darnell Henson Jr. Derek Godfrey Dan Anthony etc… Billy Monroe Poff

  • Reply May 5, 2023


    A fairly tale if I ever heard one I drink diet monster energy drink and I don’t feel no evil spirits trying to take me over. So knock it off with all this conspiracy theory stuff.

    • Reply May 6, 2023


      Jerome Herrick Weymouth I think NOT You are in CA go check it out

    • Reply May 6, 2023


      Troy Day hahaha! Nope sitting in Long Beach, CA. And going to have a sugar free Monster energy today. Drove by the headquarters of Monster Energy drinks last night come back from preaching at All Truth Church in San Bernardino, CA

    • Reply May 6, 2023


      well see you have already given yourself to the diet 666 drink of demons At your age ANY free Monster energy is a death sentence 🙂

  • Reply May 5, 2023


    I wish this nonsense would stop

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Jevan Little what nonsense -the justification of feeding or in this case drinking the flesh?

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Jevan Little It is so sad that after looking at your home page that I know more about your politics and nothing about your faith in Jesus.

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Jevan Little I didnt look at you homepage – should I?

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse the 666 monster drink stuff

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse no, what is sad is you going to my Facebook page to snoop and look for things to judge me on. And you saw what you wanted to see.

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Troy Day go ahead. You might learn something

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Jevan Little what is sad that you put stuff on your page for others to read and then you don’t understand when others read it. Something is lacking in your logic plus is there a reason you promote worldly politics and not the gospel.

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Jevan Little 1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. — you need to read and think about that scripture. Then this one Col 3 1Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. —

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Troy Day it is just worldly politics. You can’t tell if he is a believer but just a republican. He must have been convicted of his worldliness as he deleted his posts, He really has no shame, How did we get here? How did it come to be that many Christians seem more confident and outspoken about their political ideology than the Christian gospel? Why do many Christians seem more at home in the “family” of their political tribe than in the family of God?

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse I don’t understand what when others read it? I went to your page. Nobody reads your posts. They read my posts. And nothing on my Facebook page is loving the world. Politics and Religion go together. Satan uses Politics to try to attack and deceive the church. I warn the church. Christians like you need to get out of your cave and see what is really happening to this lost world instead of preaching slogans to the choir.

      Finally, if you weren’t too busy snooping and looking down your pharisaical nose you would not only see I promote The gospel, you would have an understanding of how what I post does not promote the world. It repudiates it. Nothing in the Bible says you have to use your Facebook page to only post church stuff to the choir.

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Jevan Little I don’t read nonsense so you just wasted your anger and pathetic attempt to justify your worldliness by attacking me. Seek the Lord Jevan

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse lol. Now I see why nobody reads your posts.

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse you started attacking me personally and now you are crying about being attacked personally? And you want to preach?

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      John Mushenhouse I would NOT learn from the worldly politics of Jevan Little OR from his oneness chauvinism with Dan Anthony

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Troy Day I’m out of here. Don’t tag me anymore

    • Reply May 5, 2023


      Troy Day he came down on me for judging (which I didn’t) but he did with his first remark concerning your post “I wish this nonsense would stop” does he bother to think whatsoever. Is common sense totally lost on him or does he even understand what he writes. Pitiful. Any comments about your judgements Jevan Little ?

    • Reply May 6, 2023


      Jevan Little well its a discussion group… Argue or dont!

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