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Donald Trump is not happy about a new poll showing he has the lowest six-month approval rating of any president in the past 70 years.
The ABC News/Washington Post poll shows the president currently has just a 36% approval rating, showing a drop of 6 points since a similar poll taken after his first 100 days in office.
The poll, produced by Langer Research Associates from July 10-13, showed respondents were concerned by the ongoing investigation into Russia’s alleged interference in the U.S. election, the recent news Trump’s son Donald Jr. had met with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer prior to the election, and the president’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Street Preacherz
I didn’t care about the polls. People hate change. People hate politicians. People just hate. Personally I recognize hate as a necessary component for change. I hate the truth at times myself. But you take that first bite and keep chewing. You’ll get it down, you have to…
Varnel Watson
I am afraid you are right on this one my friend… Stan Wayne
Stan Wayne
All bunk like polls before by fake media – he is loved by the voiceless
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne Is this why you left us for the Japanese emperor?
Stan Wayne
Troy Day I’m back – did Australia and Japan but back in the land of the free
Varnel Watson
oh welcome back – ratings have been going without you 🙂
Street Preacherz
“the land of the free” I like that!
Anthony Lombard
Who can believe these polls. They are probably fake.
Varnel Watson
No! The Emperor is not naked! And his hear looks so real too 🙂
Street Preacherz
It is good to remember former mercies when present mercies are needed. – Spurgeon
Louise Cummings
He should be the highest. Great president. I think of the finest family’s we ever had as a President family. And the greatest president.
Stephen Pyle
When America gets back to God then everyone’s approval rating will improve!
Ira Huth
Give me a break!!! Coming from the most liberal, bias, news source. ABC and Washington Post what a joke!!!!
Street Preacherz
I saw post somewhere debunking this poll. But I’m not interested.
Brother have ever met “the State Street Preacher” Samuel Chambers. 45 years same spot. 6 days a week. Sweet home Chicago?
Ira Huth
No can’t say that I have, but I will keep a eye out for him. The couple that is our Associate Pastors of Outreach Ministries might know him.
Street Preacherz
Forgive me for the distraction. But A lot of folks might be surprised in heaven. All God asks is faithfulness. The glory has always been His. His alone.
Ira Huth
Absolutely!!! Isn’t that the truth!! Faithfulness, heart of love, compassion, a heart for the Fruit of the Spirit. Anything else just grieves him.
Street Preacherz
Pray for me. My dear friend and missionary is back in town. Meeting in a few minutes. Gonna ask if he’ll help with the street preaching. He’s a soul winner from way back. 40+ yr.s
Ira Huth
We pray it, speak it and claim it in the name of Jesus!!!!
Ira Huth
Stake out your territory for the Kingdom
Ira Huth
That is what I meant claim it for Jesus!!
Street Preacherz
A good run is better than a bad stand. Yes of course. It takes faith and courage to brace a fallen culture and a rebellious people. Jesus is that good.
Ira Huth
Amen!! BTW You are covered in prayer! I’m putting you on a prayer list.
Street Preacherz
Thank you for your prayers. I been in some tough spots. But I never thought I would be praying for courage to obey God. lol
Grover Katzmarek Sr
Polls? Really?. Give me a break. Remember the polls said Trump had no chance to be president.
Varnel Watson
What’s better than Donald Trump on TV?
OJ Simpson being back on TV…
Street Preacherz
He got the Parole at the state level.
Joseph Kidwell
Even the Fox News polls have Trump’s numbers in the tank. Is Fox News “fake”?
Street Preacherz
That Jesus is really something
Stan Wayne
Joseph Kidwell
Joseph Kidwell
Any news that is not favorable to Trump is ‘fake’. This is some real JimJones stuff. It’s almost cultic.
Ira Huth
Ira Huth
Ira Huth
Mike Evans
I am happy to see the news report this. It seems that with everything going on they have no ability to get it right. Who can believe what media says any more?
Baaa Baaa, Moooo moooo.
Get back in line sheep and cattle.
SJ Newell
There is perhaps never a more time professionals work for accuracy than those who conduct polls during election season. They work around the clock analyzing every single angle imaginable hundreds of them—even thousands of people meticulously working to produce as much accuracy as humanly possible . . . And Trump defied their predictions. Their odds. Everything.
The man blew it up.
So we can definitively say that polls have been proven not to apply to him.
Varnel Watson
Are things moving much better today than during Obama’s 8 years?
Mike Evans
The stock market is up. This has had an effect on my finances. The pipeline in now operating and it seems that the oil patch is picking up again. this helps the economy in North Dakota (Where I live). I have seen positive effect from this as well. So yes, things are better.
Now, people may argue about his policies, however, if we stick to things which have had a personal effect other than hate for the man or emotional trouble brought on by disdain for his policies or his personality it might be a different story.
I would like to hear how has his being in the white house personalty effected others.
Have you seen a negative effect on your life?
Have you seen a positive one?
Have you seen none?
Varnel Watson
Well, the question here is As spiritual people are we looking at personal material signs only?
Mike Evans
Ah!!! So you want to spiritualize this. I have more to give so the gospel can be preached.
How has having Trump in the white house hurt spiritually?
Larry Ray Talley
I think it merely demonstrates the power of God. It doesn’t matter what the polls say or how many millions of people despise the man, God placed him there and there he will remain until God brings him down. Reminds me a little of Gideon.
Joseph Kidwell
The national polls were not wrong. They predicted a 1-3% victory for Hillary and she won the popular vote by just under 3 million votes. They missed in a few key states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and these states gave Trump an electoral college victory. Trump supporters should keep in mind that he was elected as a minority President. If he was smart, he would work to expand his coalition.
Varnel Watson
Joseph Kidwell Are you saying the Russians helped the elections?
Joseph Kidwell
I do not believe that they were able to influence the outcome. The Democrats ran a terrible candidate who ran a horrific campaign. If Hillary wants to blame someone, she needs to look in the mirror.
Varnel Watson
Mike Evans I do not argue that but Jesus is pretty clear in Revelation about the church that had all the gold and money “I have more to give so the gospel can be preached.” How has having more to give worked out for the churches of the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Catholic church, United Kingdom, America, Russia or China?
Mike Evans
The question was, “Are things moving much better today than during Obama’s 8 years?”
I answered personally, “Yes.”
Now I didn’t vote for Trump, Obama, Clinton, or Bush 2
I believe God is on the throne and that is greater authority than the white house.
I’m curious to see how his presidency has effected people personalty aside from hate of the man or his policies.
Mike Evans
Spiritually I am endeavoring to walk with Jesus. I don’t believe that having money has hurt that, but I could be wrong. I attempt to be a good steward.
Mike Evans
Are you suggesting that Revelation teaches renunciation of earthly goods?
Varnel Watson
Well Mike Evans since you claim investment increase, you well know taxes and interest are already up too comparing to 2-3 yrs ago. Fox business 2017:
– The average American gross household income is $71,258
– The average American household with debt owes $132,529
Correct me if I am wrong but the debt to China and Dubai has not yet been served. Obviously the stock market currently does NOT indicate the actual financial condition of the average American
BTW when you have more to give but it also costs more to live it’s called inflation. McMeal at McDonalds in Indonesia costs 45,000 Link Hudson is a multimillionaire when vacationing there Not so with Stan Wayne in Japan
Street Preacherz
There might be some unflattering pictures out there of anyone in public life.
Pride fest someone was videoing said “I love Jesus” I pointed at them and said you’re a liar. They were mocking of course. But not one of my better moments…
I said all that to say this, the photo is a real knee jerker. Skandalon(+/-)
Nora Neel-Toney
I don’t know how he rated lower than Obama. Of course all of those who are fighting against him I suppose it is the case. Personally it is a disgrace to our nation of the childlike behavior most of the government people are showing. I’m glad God is my judge and not them
Link Hudson
It’s about social skills and the way he talks about himself. Bragging turns people off.
Link Hudson
I’m not a millionaire in dollars. But if I decided to take my family to Outback Steakhouse in Jakarta and order the larger steaks, that could cost a million rupiah. We’ve gone there, and the bill went over half a million…. rupiah.
Tom Steele
Terry Wiles
Change the picture. It’s disrespectful of the office.
Street Preacherz
I quit on this thread.
Varnel Watson
but wait, we are just starting Stan Wayne
Varnel Watson
Thumb picture was auto added by facebook Pls see original post for the original thumb pictures assigned
Ira Huth
Varnel Watson
Ira Funny how this article begins:
“The liberals and the media and the rest of Trump’s enemies…”
Speaks very poorly about democracy and freedom of speech Stan Wayne
About Trump causing the stock market to climb speaks very very badly about the current state of American capitalism as a system. Hitler made the stock market climb in Germany I believe 10 trillion times. For comparison
1 U.S. dollar = 4 ℛℳ Reichsmarks = 40 trillion Papiermarks (the old currency) Totalitarian market under capitalism is no different than totalitarian market under socialism David Rollings can explain (I think)
Stan Wayne
I will ask them to include you as one of the enemies – how dare they leave you out 😉
Varnel Watson
Right on – FEAR the greatest proof of the totalitarian state BTW you may have missed through the years I’ve addressed Mr Trump with request to run for presidency as early as 2009, but oh well …