The Origin of Demons

The Origin of Demons

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The Bible does not actually tell us where demons came from. The purpose of the Bible is not to
inform us about all that ever was or ever will be; otherwise we would have a multi-volume Bible
larger than the largest of encyclopaedias. The purpose of the Bible is to tell us what G-d has provided
for us in this life. So the Bible tells us almost nothing about the pre-Adamic period and very little
about the post-millennial time period. It may be acceptable for people to speculate about these
matters, as long as it is understood to be merely speculation and not to be considered truth. However,
such speculation is never profitable to our faith or our ability to obey the purposes of G-d in our
Genesis 1.2 contains a very important statement. “And darkness was on the face of the deep”. G-d
had existed from eternity prior to this point and what we read about in Genesis chapter one was not
His first work. But Genesis chapter one tells us nothing about the eternal pre-existent works of G-d.
We cannot say that G-d existed eternally but never did anything until the moment that He created the
heavens and the earth. G-d is not a G-d of eternal passivity. To put it more bluntly, G-d has existed for
untold billions of years and He did not spend all of prehistory doing nothing, but we are not told what
He did do.
We are told that darkness was on the face of the deep, but darkness is not a substance; it is not
something, darkness is in fact the lack of something. Darkness is the lack of light. Darkness actually
has no power (although Christians often think that darkness is a rival power to light). Conversely,
light is a substance and is powerful in its own right. This is true Biblically and scientifically. As an
example: if the ionosphere were to be covered with some form of a thick blanket so as to exclude any
light from reaching the earth, and if all light sources on the earth were extinguished, then we could say
that a “darkness covered the earth”. If you then were to go to the end of the fishing pier at the beach
and light a single candle, the light from that candle would be visible all the way to the horizon. Only
an obstructed view of the end of the fishing pier would limit the visibility of the light. The light of one
candle has more power than all the darkness, because darkness is not a substance, but the lack of
The very fact that Genesis chapter one says that darkness covered the earth means that something
was acting as a blanket over the earth at that time. It could be safely said that G-d had not existed in
darkness prior to that moment, because where G-d is there is light. Yet the Bible tells us almost
nothing about this time period, even though that time period is much longer than the time period that
stretches from the creation of Adam until the end of this age.
Now we have an interesting fact. What we think of as the supernatural world existed prior to
Genesis one, but we are not told when G-d created this supernatural world, nor are we told when He
created the world we live in now. In Genesis 1.1 the heavens and the earth are portrayed as being
pre-existent; then at some point in His eternal existence G-d covered the earth with a blanket and
darkness fell on the surface of the earth. Starting from Genesis the chronology of the Bible seems to
trace a period of about 6,000 years. But we know that the earth is much older than 6,000 years and
that the light we see coming from the stars has been travelling to us for at least tens of thousands of
years. So these elements were not created six thousand years ago. But because the creation of the
earth and the creation of the other heavenly bodies are not relevant to our salvation, the Bible does
not comment on their history.
We can speculate that the evil spirits are the disembodied spirits of beings from a pre-Adamic
time period. But we can only speculate about that. The theological assumption is that at some point
before the creation of Adam the angel Lucifer rebelled against G-d and took with him 1/3 of the
seraphim and these spirits from the pre-Adamic creation. Then in Genesis 1.2 we find the words tohu
v bohu, 11 which indicate that a judgement came upon this pre-Adamic race; after which G-d started a
new creation with Adam. But spirits exist eternally. In fact a spirit could be likened to an algebraic
mathematical ray. A ray has a starting point, which is the time when it is created, but it has no end
point. This is in contrast to G-d, who in algebraic mathematical terms is a line. In algebraic terms a
line has neither a starting point nor an ending point. A line continues forever in the past and forever in
the future.
Since these rebellious (i.e. evil) spirits of a pre-Adamic creation are deathless, they have
continued to exist into our time period, seeking physical bodies to inhabit. The reason they seek to
occupy bodies is because these beings are very limited in their completely spiritual state. Creation is
incomplete without a physical state. We tend to think of the physical world negatively, and the
spiritual realm as being more important. But in fact the Bible tells us that in the future G-d will live
forever with us in the physical realm, after He has created the new heaven and the new earth. 12
The fact that the spiritual world is eternal is confirmed throughout Scripture and we will not take
much time to explore the subject. However, even science has shown that the spiritual world is eternal.
Because both the Hebrew and Greek languages have only one word that is interchangeable for wind,
spirit and breathe, we can know that to G-d there is no difference between these three concepts. It is
a scientific statement that matter cannot cease to exist. As a result every time you breathe (that is:
every time you take in wind or spirit), you are inhaling molecules that were breathed out by Jesus at
creation. Every breath you take allows you to partake of the Spirit of Jesus.


  • Reply May 25, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Isara Mo one may promptly conclude the origin is with Charles Page

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      Brother Charles is a soldier and soldiers are not bothered where their weapons come from but how and when to use them to KILL THE ENEMY…

    • Joe Absher
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Some of my friends were enemies and some of my enemies were my friends. Meaning my friend what ever you do, do it as unto the Lord

  • Charles Page
    Reply May 25, 2019

    Charles Page

    I don’t know where demons came from but I am certain of their destination and I know the authority over their destiny.

    • Reply May 25, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      mcminn county certain scholars confirm

    • David Woods
      Reply May 26, 2019

      David Woods

      when it comes to demons devils and the spirit realm we shouldn’t study the losers but the winners. I would rather focus on Angels instead of demons. Matthew Mark and Luke deal with i but the book of John doesn’t deal with it once. Hmmm

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      David Woods
      Brother David I thought demons and fallen angels were the same?
      To pretend that an enemy doesn’t exist while he does exposes one to more enemy fire..(my views..)

    • David Woods
      Reply May 26, 2019

      David Woods

      Isara Mo demons are fallen angels and who’s pretending?

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      //But because the creation of the
      earth and the creation of the other heavenly bodies are not relevant to our salvation, the Bible does
      not comment on their history.
      We can speculate that the evil //
      Is this true that the creation of the earth and the creation of the heavenly bodies are not RELEVANT TO OUR SALVATION?

    • Reply May 26, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      KILL THE ENEMY – kill em all

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      David Woods
      No fight but just friendly talk..
      You say you don’t need to focus on the losers but winners…but when I read scriptures that say ” be sober be vigilant your ENEMY like a roaring lion…” I have every reason to focus on the enemy as well not on winners only..Am I wrong.
      The question of ORIGIN of demons is a difficult one to answer but I always thought by reading the scriptures that the angels that were with Lucifer in HEAVEN…and were beaten and thrown down(the Bible says they were FLUNG DOWN) are the fallen angels….FALLEN in the spritual and physical sense.
      Then I had always thought that demons or unclean spirits were disembodied souls from the union of angels who couldn’t keep their watch with human females through whom they had offspring….(angelic or demonic children I dont know.I gather this from the Genesis 6 account preceding the great flood..
      The two accounts of demons and fallen angels that I have cited are in the Bible…
      Pre Adamic speculation of origin of demons is not included in my explanation…

    • Reply May 26, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher does NO friendly talks with Jezebel spirits

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      I don’t have the exact figure of the enemies but surely they saturate the whole earth…you can sense their dominion by the amount of darkness they exert on earth..

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      Joe is serious with them.
      He can never hold a peace summit with Jezebel..
      Throw her down and let her have no burial…

    • Louise Cummings
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Louise Cummings

      Troy Day Amen.

    • Louise Cummings
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Louise Cummings

      Isara Mo I always , when I’m praying. I always bind them In Jesus Name. Tell to to go.

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Charles Page

      We can ask Jesus to tighten the fetters that demons are bound with in the bottomless pit!

    • Joe Absher
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Joe Absher

      …when serious study goes wrong

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Charles Page

      Joe Absher amen!

    • Joe Absher
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Joe Absher

      You got me on that one, help us Jesus

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Charles Page

      Joe Absher amen!

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Louise Cummings
      You are on right track Louise

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Charles Page
      Brother Charles can an imprisoned serial killer securely bound in chain and fetters and guarded 24/7 harm anyone?…?

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Charles Page

      not if it was Jesus who secured the chains. They will remain secured till God transfers them to the lake of fire.

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Charles Page

      Isara Mo more than likely a serial killer will be secured in a secure prison. Yes there have been escapes, however rare and not likely.

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Charles Page
      My point is this:
      If Satan and his angels are chained in the bottomless pit why is there so much civil unrest in the world where the Prince of Peace is supposed to reign?
      1 John 5:19 says and I rightly quote” We all know we are the children of God, but we ALSO know that the world is under the influence of the evil one'”.. Does Satan influence the world from the bottomless pit? If that is so, then he is a free agent not prisoner.
      Anf ehy would James 4:7 say ” submit to God and resist the devil?”” Do we need to resist an imprisoned chained and bound killer?
      To top it the Lord Jesus said “I give you authority to trample serpents, scorpions and to overcome ALL THE POWER of the evil one..”
      What is the use of authority of someone who is powerless to hurt or harm you..?
      Brother I know there is a doctrine held by many that Satan is imprisoned but if we examine the scriptures like the Beroyans did, we will discover this is a ruse of the devil to lead the world astray..

    • Isara Mo
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Charles Page
      By the look of it Satan seems to make inroads into the world to kill and steal and destroy then go back to the bottomless pit….to wait to be transferred to the lake of fire…

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Charles Page

      the source of the enormous wicked unrest is rooted in the hearts of men. No, Satan is bound and not loosed on earth. We can’t imagine the destruction if He was loosed… it is enough to see the extent that human wickedness performs.

      Our battle is with evil imaginations, thoughts and arguments that wicked me toss at us. This battle is real!!!

    • Reply May 26, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Charles Page Someone just told me your Evangel published a John Eckhart article? NAR maybe?

  • Joe Absher
    Reply May 26, 2019

    Joe Absher

    Carnaval again today. What an onslaught. Where are the hellfire preachers? I may have actually seen a stone heart yesterday. Thank the Lord for that old promise, “my word will not return to me void…”

  • Joe Absher
    Reply May 26, 2019

    Joe Absher

    Problematic statement: It could be safely said that G-d had not existed in
    darkness prior to that moment, because where G-d is there is light.
    Problematic statement: every breath you take allows you to partake of the Spirit of Jesus.
    And others, i appreciate your efforts certainly G-d may be know in creation but i think maybe youve crossed over into a kind of romantic view. “Breathing in” the spirit etc.
    The devil is still a tempter and a deceiver and sin and rebellion to God is real problem. not “matter”

    • Louise Cummings
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Louise Cummings

      Joe Absher yes I get what you are saying. But I was referring to when God made Adam and Eve. He said Hr breathed into them the Breath Of Life. And man became a living soul. I was referring to the soul of man never dies. The Breath Of Life , to me I always believe was the soul part of man that will never die. Either in Heaven or Hell. They will live on somewhere. I know Jesus is light and in Him is no darkness al all. He tell us to walk in the light , as He is in the light. What I was talking about binding. The Bible says we don’t fight against flesh and blood , but about spiritual darkness in high places. That was what I was talking about binding Satan fighting against us , because we are covered with The Blood Of Jesus and Jesus Blood is against satan but i didnt quite understand what you meant about crossing over to a romantic viev. Because i never heard that term before but i know you meant a good point, even if i had heard it before.. 

  • Charles Page
    Reply May 26, 2019

    Charles Page

    I could not find that article…does it exist?

  • Charles Page
    Reply May 26, 2019

    Charles Page

    What is your final answer: what is the origin of demons?

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 26, 2019

      Charles Page

      you don’t know either!

    • Reply May 27, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      mcminn county?

    • Charles Page
      Reply May 27, 2019

      Charles Page

      Troy Day what is the origin of demons?

    • Reply May 27, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      do you have intel on that or just asking?

  • Louise Cummings
    Reply May 26, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    Troy Day I was referring to Troy Day saying that the Bible didn’t specify say where demons came from. Is what I was saying Amen to.

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