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The Jesuits
The Dominicans were extremely loathsome creatures whose stated purpose was to engage in ‘contemplative life’ and ‘active ministry.’ However, their main job was to manage the torture chambers of the inquisition. The only thing they ‘contemplated’ was how to inflict more pain on those who dared to oppose the papacy. As for ‘active ministry,’ they certainly achieved a great deal of ‘repentance’ through the anguished cries of their innocent victims.
When it came to torture and fomenting genocide, the Dominicans were second to none. When it came to deceit and intrigue, the Jesuits were the masters.
The Jesuits were founded (1540) by Ignatius of Loyola, who was an officer in the Spanish military. After he was wounded in battle, having his leg shattered by a cannon ball, he experienced a religious conversion. He had grandiose visions of himself and decided he wanted to make his mark on the world just as ‘Saint’ Dominic had done.
In 1537, while praying, Ignatius received one of his best-known illuminations. He had a vision of Jesus carrying the cross with the Father at his side. Jesus said to Ignatius, “I wish you to serve us.” And the Father added, “I will be propitious to you in Rome.”
Guided by this false vision, Ignatius wanted to create a new order to serve the Roman Church. Due to his military training, he believed that he could infiltrate the camps of the enemies of the papacy to undermine them. His new occupation would be to create political, spiritual, and intellectual anarchy against those who opposed the Roman Catholic Church. By creating discord, he believed he could cause people to flee to the ‘stability’ of subservience to the Roman Pontiff.
The greatest enemy of the papacy was the Protestant Reformation because it reestablished sound doctrine and brought freedom of conscience to the faithful. It also brought liberty and the new idea of civil rights that the average person could assert against his leaders. This was intolerable to Rome because free people have no interest in being dominated by a corrupt religious institution.
As the papacy was losing power, Loyola went to the pope with a plan to institute a counter-reformation. Pope Paul III was impressed with his piety and visions and appointed him the first Superior General of the Jesuit order. As the power of the Roman church was beginning to wane under the rebellion of the Protestants and the nations that were embracing Protestantism, the pope became desperate and gave unprecedented power to this new order.
As usual, the stated purpose of the Jesuits was to engage in ‘contemplation’ and ‘active ministry.’ Their contemplation included plotting against other nations to get their supporters into powerful positions so they could do the bidding of Rome. Their active ministry was to engage in deceit in order to convince people that the pope stands in the place of God on earth.
Pope Paul III issued a most fateful Papal Bull entitled Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae (To the Government of the Church Militant) on September 27, 1540.
The stated charge of the Jesuits was to ‘preach the word’ in public places and to perform acts of charity in service to mankind. The call went out to “Whoever wishes to serve as a soldier of God beneath the banner of the cross in our Society, which we desire to be designated by the name of Jesus.”
The problem was that the Jesuits preached a different Jesus than the one Paul preached, as well as a different Gospel.
The papacy already had monks and the Dominicans who could have served this purpose if evangelism was their true design. Unfortunately, achieving political power took precedence over saving souls from the fires of hell.
The Jesuits were to be governed by a Jesuit Superior who was to be subject to the Roman Pontiff. However, the Jesuits created a loophole in their own constitution that would allow them to operate outside of the authority of the Vatican.
Normally, new religious institutes had to submit their constitutions to the pope for his approval. In this Bull, the pope approved the Society’s constitution in advance without reviewing it. This allowed the Jesuits to operate apart from the papacy so the papacy could disavow them for political purposes if they got caught in their many escapades of causing havoc in a targeted society.
No future pope would be able to exercise complete control over this new order.
The Roman church was going to need a public document to give guidance to their new order. It would spend the next 25 years plotting false doctrines that would be designed to give totalitarian powers to the church. Thus, they conceived the Council of Trent.
The purpose of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) was to condemn the Protestant Reformation, which was true Christianity, and give the Jesuits their marching orders. The achievements of the Protestant Reformation that the Jesuits were to reverse included:
- any opposition to the idea that salvation comes only through the Roman Catholic Church,
- any belief that justification was through faith alone,
- any denial that the pope was the Vicar of Christ on earth,
- any public support for freedom of the press and speech, and freedom of conscience.
This council also declared that anyone possessing a Bible could not be absolved of their sins. The papacy issued over 100 anathemas condemning protestants and their freedom of conscience. Each of these anathemas was designed not to bring people to faith in Christ but to provide unlimited political and spiritual power to the church of Rome.
Interestingly, Paul only issued one anathema (eternal condemnation), and that was against those who preached a different Gospel.
It did not take long before the Jesuits would make their mark on the nations of the world. Through several intrigues, the Jesuits were able to get Mary 1, daughter of King Henry VIII, to ascend to the throne of England. She was a fervent English Catholic and was determined to place the nation under the authority of the pope.
Bloody Mary (1516-1558) revived the old heresy laws, which resulted in violent conflicts among the Protestants. They understood very well that these laws meant imprisonment, torture, and death for them once they were implemented. This led to an uprising to which Mary responded with severe punishments such as burning at the stake. The saints burned at the stake included such men as Thomas Cranmer and Hugh Latimer.
She reinstated the Catholic Mass in 1553, and the Pope’s authority was reinstated the following year. The title of Head of the Church, which her father Henry VIII had taken, now passed back to the pope. Roman Catholicism was again the established religion in England.
During Mary’s five-year reign of terror, around 280 Protestants were burned at the stake for refusing to convert to Catholicism, and a further 800 fled the country. This religious persecution of the saints earned her the notorious nickname ‘Bloody Mary’ among subsequent generations.
The Roman church and their Jesuits were determined to put down all rebellion against their temporal power using any means necessary. They once again became intoxicated with the blood of the saints because the true saints of Christ refused to bend the knee to Rome.
The Waldenses would be the next victims of the wrath of the papacy.
The Waldesian movement took its name from Valdus or (Peter) Waldo, who, around 1170, following a crisis of conscience, sold his possessions and spent the rest of his life preaching the Gospel to his fellow men. The followers of Valdus continued several hundred years after he passed away. However, they made the mistake of informing the Roman Catholic clergy that they were morally unworthy of holding religious office.
It was no doubt the lecherous behavior and false doctrine of Roman Catholic priests that led them to this conclusion.
The Waldenses made another grave ‘mistake’ as well. They believed in literal interpretations of the Bible and the right to read the Bible for oneself. They were called “the people of the book,” and they lived by the Bible and died for it. The Roman church demanded obedience to Rome, not to their own consciences, based on their understanding of scripture.
The disciples of Valdus, “the Poor of Lyons,” were declared heretics by the Roman Catholic Church. However, they continued to preach, but they were forced to lead underground lives due to the fear of being executed.
Their main source of inspiration was the Sermon on the Mount rather than the church of Rome. They advocated non-violence and refused to swear oaths while also rejecting any compromise with the Roman church or submitting to their designs on political power.
In 1570, Jean de Roma, leader of the inquisition in France, ordered a war of extermination of the Waldenses because they supported the reform movement. About 900,000 were killed with torture, burning, and the sword in the name of Christ. Popes falsely accused them and other ‘rebels’ of Manichaeism, which was a blend of Gnosticism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, in order to justify their tortures and killings.
As this massacre was extremely successful, the next victims of genocide by the Roman church were the Huguenots. Huguenots were French Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who followed the teachings of the theologian John Calvin. Their ‘heresy’ involved their belief in relying on God for salvation rather than Catholic rituals.
Thousands of Huguenots were in Paris celebrating the marriage of Henry of Navarre to Marguerite de Valois on Saint Bartholomew’s Day, August 24, 1572. On that day, soldiers and organized mobs fell upon the Huguenots, and thousands of them were slaughtered.
Pope Gregory XIII had a medal struck off in honor of the event and sent to Catherine de Medici, who planned the slaughter, and all Catholic prelates.
This incident became known as the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre. Ultimately, 70,000 Huguenots were massacred, 200,000 perished as martyrs, and 500,000 fled to Protestant countries due to the extreme persecution of Rome.
Religious tensions continued into the early 1600s in England. Queen Elizabeth, who succeeded Bloody Mary, brought Protestantism back to England, which infuriated the pope.
Elizabeth’s successor, James I (1566–1625), adopted policies that were basically tolerant in matters of religion, but they did not go far enough to satisfy either the Puritan faction or the Catholic extremists.
Puritans were a group of Protestants who followed strict religious standards and would later settle in America in 1620.
In 1605 Catholic plotters, the most famous of whom was Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, hoping to kill the king and his council and install his oldest daughter, whom they expected to convert to Catholicism, on the throne.
The Gunpowder Plot, planned by the Jesuits, got its name from the 2.5 tons of gunpowder the conspirators had stored in a cellar under the House of Lords. Fortunately, the plot was discovered at the last minute, and the plotters were executed (1605).
By urging English Catholics to commit treason, Pius V’s bull Regnans in Excelsis, which excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I in order to deprive her of political power, contributed to lasting anti-Catholic feeling in England.
The behavior of the Jesuits was even more insidious in Paraguay. The Jesuits entered Paraguay in the early 1600s, sent by the kings of Spain and Portugal. They established their supremacy over the natives, called “Guarani Indians,” and did not allow them to mix with the Spanish or Portuguese. It was among these people that the Jesuits established their communes called “Reductions.”
Richard W. Thompson, a former Secretary of the American Navy, in his classic book, The Footprints of the Jesuits, reveals:
“The unsuspecting Indians were easily seduced by acts of kindness, and the result was that, in the course of a brief period, they succeeded in establishing a number of what were called Reductions—or, more properly speaking, villages—with multitudes of Indians assembled about them; the whole aggregating, in the end, several hundred thousand. These [fifty-seven Reductions] constituted the Jesuit State, and were all, by the mere ceremony of baptism [conferring Roman Papal citizenship with privileges and immunities], brought under Jesuit dominion.”
One last trait of the Jesuit republic must be noted. Through its police state, the Jesuits destroyed true manhood.
“In order to teach the confiding Indians that obedience to authority was their chiefest duty, they were subjected to rules of conduct and intercourse which were enforced with the strictest severity. They were watched in everything, the searching eyes of the Jesuits being continually upon them. They constituted, in fact, a state of society reaching the Jesuit ideal completely; that is, docile, tractable, submissive, obedient, without the least real semblance of manhood. Having thus completed their subjugation, energetic measures were adopted to render any change in their condition impossible.”
That [the Jesuits] had under them thirty-one [in fact, 57] great populations, producing immense riches to the society, while the people themselves were kept in the most miserable slavery; that no Spaniard or Portuguese, were he even governor or bishop, was ever admitted into the Reductions; that ‘with strange deceit,’ the Spanish language was absolutely forbidden.
The Indians were trained to an unlimited, blind obedience, kept in the most ‘extraordinary ignorance,’ and the most insufferable slavery ever known, and under a complete despotism as to body and soul; that they did not know there was any other sovereign in the world than the fathers, and knew nothing of the king, or any other law than the will of the ‘holy fathers,’ that the Indians were taught that white laymen adored gold, had a devil in their bodies, were the enemies of the Indians, and of the images which they adored; that they were consequently taught to kill white men wherever they could find them, and to be careful to cut off their heads, lest they should come to life again.”
The Jesuits learned a great deal from this experiment, and modern audiences might perceive a parallel to what is going on in society today. The desire to herd people into confined areas, the assault on masculinity, the use of ethnic politics, the elimination of civil rights, political correctness, and complete obedience to those in power seem to be the agenda of the megalomaniacal Globalists who are exerting great power even now.
The papacy will go to any lengths to secure power. They have no concern for the civil rights, and never have, of those over whom they intend to rule. Genocide, subjugation, and imprisonment are all legitimate strategies when it comes to securing their totalitarian reign.
The outrages continued by the Church of Rome when it undertook the barbarous Irish Massacre against the Protestant majority in Ireland. In order to take Ireland for Catholicism, on October 23, 1641, the Jesuits planned a massacre of its enemies. This date also celebrates the Catholic feast of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits.
The Jesuits felt that a blow struck simultaneously and fiercely over the whole North of Ireland, without a note of warning, might crush the settlers and their religion at once and forever. Priests were used to spread the word and organize the assault. When the helpless settlers fled, the priests told the people “That Protestants were worse than dogs, they were devils and served the devil, and the killing of them was a meritorious act.” They flung babies into boiling pots or tossed them into the ditches to the pigs.
The horrors of this atrocity were so terrible that Irish Protestants and Catholics fought one another well into the twentieth century.
Due to their incessant evil, the Jesuits were eventually hated the world over. Pope Clement XIII called for a consistory in order to disband the Jesuits, including the preparation of a Papal Bull for the pronouncement. But on February 2, 1769, the night before the Bull to disband the Jesuits was due to be promulgated, General Lorenzo Ricci had the pope murdered.
The Jesuits were expelled from 83 countries due to their subversive activities and were finally disbanded in 1773 by Pope Clement XIV due to political pressure from Europe.
Napoleon, in 1809, who had risen to power and was no friend of the papacy, moved to abolish the inquisition in Spain. When Napoleon took Spain, one of his officers, Col. Lehmanosky, discovered the instruments of torture in the basement of a fortress run by the Jesuits, who were still operating despite being disbanded. He was so outraged at the torture and injustice of what he saw that he subjected the Jesuits and priests to the same torture that they had inflicted on their innocent victims.
After the disastrous Russian campaign had sufficiently weakened the power of Napoleon, Jesuit leader Tadeusz Brzozowski (first Superior General after restoration) met with Pope Pius VII at his prison in Jan/Feb 1814 and secured an agreement with him to fully restore the Jesuit Order and grant it new lands and rights in Asia upon the agreement:
- That the Jesuits would arrange for the safe release of the pope (who had been imprisoned by Napoleon) upon the arrest of Napoleon (which occurred in April 1814).
- That the Jesuits would not undertake any more actions against any more popes and would restate their pledge of loyalty.
- That the pope regain control of the papal territories and,
- That some of the funds of the Catholic church controlled by the Vatican would be returned.
The Jesuits were back in business.
In 1870, the first Vatican Council was held to proclaim to the world the will of Rome. The Jesuits worked tirelessly to codify their greatest victory, the confirmation of the infallibility of the pope. This victory will become crucial when the false prophet of Revelation leads the world to worship the Antichrist.
Other heresies that were designed to further empower the papacy were that:
- no interpretation of scriptures apart from the unanimous consent of the fathers is acceptable,
- that the seven sacraments of the church are necessary for salvation (rather than Christ’s finished work on the cross),
- that the mass must be practiced repeatedly to attain salvation,
- that the doctrine of purgatory is true,
- that the saints are to be prayed to and their relics should be venerated,
- that all prior councils are holy (including the Council of Trent),
- that Peter was the first pope.
This council was designed to ensure that no Roman Catholic could escape the spiritual clutches of Rome. The idea that only the papacy can complete the work of Christ is a terrible apostasy that inhabits the souls of every Roman Catholic. It is for this reason that Protestants refer to the pope as ‘the usurper’ because he attempts to take the place of God on earth and lead his followers in rebellion against Christ.
The Roman Catholic Church would continue to reveal itself as the Mother of the Abominations of the Earth into the twentieth century. Its children, the Jesuits, would have a huge intellectual impact on the genocidal maniacs that plagued that era.
Joseph Stalin, one of the most murderous dictators in human history, began his career as a Jesuit Priest before he became an evil tyrant. The head of Stalin’s Death Camps of Siberia was none other than Catholic Cardinal Gregory Agagianian, his former classmate at the Jesuit Seminary of Tiflis (1892).
Hitler is noted as having stated in 1939, “I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party.”
Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up the ‘concordat’ between Germany and the Vatican, had this to say: “The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.”
A ‘concordat’ is an agreement between the Vatican and a government. As far as the Vatican is concerned, any government that signs a concordat immediately becomes a part of the government of God, and the Vatican fully intends to stabilize that government, give it divine protection, and give it international security.
In 1940, the Nazi, Walter Schellenberg, stated, “The S.S. organization had been constituted, by Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuits’ Order.” And Hitler said of Himmler: “I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola.” Within the SS Central Security Service, top posts were held by priests, particularly Jesuits.
There can be no doubt that the Jesuit Order has the blood of millions upon its hands as a result of its fornication with the Nazis.
The Vatican was in no danger of the Nazis or the Fascists who had taken control of much of Europe. Instead, they worked in concert with them in their attempt to wipe out the Jewish people as they pursued world domination.
In 1965, the Jesuits conceived Vatican II in order to codify an old deceptive strategy that had served them well in the past. The new strategy was a perversion of what Paul had written in his letter to the Corinthians:
“For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law.
“To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings” (I Corinthians 9:19-23).
Paul would conform to the cultural expectations of heathen nations regarding dress, custom, social class, and language to help them to become more receptive to the Gospel. However, he would never proclaim, like the popes of Rome, that pagans are saved from their sins.
The Jesuits would become ‘all things to all people’ to deceive them into the arms of the church of Rome. To achieve this, they would ignore the Gospel and embrace any false religion that would join hands with them.
The Jesuits moved to become all things to the Hindus, Muslims, atheists, and any other deluded group in order to eventually bring them to Rome. Pope John Paul II, and all popes after him, would claim that every religion is a path to God.
Vatican II became the avenue of the endeavor to become all things to all people. Christians were no longer described as heretics but ‘separated brethren.’ Jews were no longer considered ‘accursed.’ This council began Rome’s push for tolerance, pluralism, and global religion under the Catholic Church.
On October 27, 1986, Pope John Paul II gathered in Assisi 130 leaders of the world’s religious trailblazers to pray for peace. These included snake worshippers, fire worshipers, Buddhists, Muslims, and Hindus. The pope declared that all were praying to God.
Only 20 years after Vatican II, at this gathering, the Vatican began advocating the wide gate in which there are many paths to God.
In 2009, Pope Benedict issued the encyclical Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), where he wrote:
“In the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there is a strongly felt need, even in the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.”
“One also senses the urgent need to find innovative ways of implementing the principle of the responsibility to protect and of giving poorer nations an effective voice in shared decision-making. This seems necessary in order to arrive at a political, juridical, and economic order which can increase and give direction to international cooperation for the development of all peoples in solidarity.”
“To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament, food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of the environment and to regulate migration: for all this, there is urgent need of a true world political authority…”
For the first time, the pope began advocating for a world government that would dominate the earth.
The Bible is clear regarding who is going to be the ruler of a world government, and the Vatican was certainly excited about that possibility. The pope understood that any attempt to rule the world would require a religious component that he, or a future pope, intended to fill.
In 2013, the Vatican made an unprecedented move by electing its first Jesuit pope. When he was elected, he took the name of Francis after St. Francis of Assisi. We now know that Pope Francis took the name of St. Francis of Assisi because he is considered to be the ‘Patron Saint of Ecology.’
St. Francis of Assisi was a monk deeply involved in mysticism who was deeply in love with animals and nature. Instead of preaching the Gospel, in his ‘Canticles of the Sun,’ his most famous work, he praised his lord Brother Sun, his sister moon, his brothers wind and air, his sister water, his brother fire, and his sisters Mother Earth and Bodily Death.
It seems that most of his family members were inanimate objects.
As will be shown, it is no surprise that Pope Francis chose to take his name as an apt description of his papacy. This cultlike devotion to nature will become instrumental in enslaving the world and bringing it under the dominion of Rome and, ultimately, the Antichrist.
No Jesuit is supposed to be promoted to pope since they had a separate constitution that required them to perform duties unrelated to the administration of the church. Jesuits are the military wing of the Vatican who are responsible for the counter-reformation. Their main job is to undermine their opposition while lurking in the shadows.
Their specialty is deception and spreading false doctrine, not leading the church.
It did not take long for Pope Francis (2013) to begin to lay a foundation for world despotism. He condemned free market capitalism as tyranny and called for government control of the economy. He wrote of his contempt for free market systems as they are based on liberty. The Vatican always tries to ally itself with Marxist countries or other tyrannies because free people abhor Rome. He claimed that the poor benefit more under government-controlled economies and suffer poverty under free-market economies, when the opposite is clearly the truth.
The pope would soon come to embrace the LGBT movement, which, to real Christians, should have alerted everyone that he was under the judgment of God. When Pope Francis was asked about his position on homosexuality, he replied, “Who am I to judge?” He purposely obfuscated the question by claiming Christians were judging homosexuals rather than alerting these people to the fact that they were in violation of God’s law and under his judgment.
His job was to call homosexuals to repent and be forgiven in the name of Jesus. However, he showed nothing but disdain for the true Gospel since he has always represented a different gospel.
Pope Francis stated that each person “must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them” and called efforts to convert people to Christianity (by preaching the Gospel) “solemn nonsense.
The solemn nonsense was repeating the inane ideology of St. Thomas Aquinas rather than sharing the Gospel with the world.
This pope continued to try to bring all religions and beliefs together, in accordance with Vatican II, under the Catholic Church by proclaiming anyone can do good works.
At Mass, he proclaimed, “Every human person, despite his or her beliefs, can do good, and a sharing in good works is the prime place for encounter among those who disagree.” He continued by emphasizing: “the universality of Christ’s saving act on the cross as a compliment to the universal call to holiness, regardless of religious belief.” He stated, “The Lord has redeemed all of us (including unbelievers), all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone” (2013).
Pope Francis continued papal ecumenism and astounded some religious and atheist minds when he declared that everyone was redeemed through Jesus, including atheists. Since the pope has no use for the Bible, he was not unaware of God’s position on this matter.
“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good” (Psalm 14:1).
Pope Francis continued his deception by stating, “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience. Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.”
Nowhere in Scripture are we commanded to “obey our conscience.” Instead, we are informed that the heart is wicked and incomprehensible. This is why we are told to obey the Gospel. When we obey the Gospel, we protect ourselves from our own foolish hearts and become salt and light to the world.
The main strategy of the papacy is to use ecumenism to turn the world against true Christians. By uniting all heathen under one umbrella, they believe they can stamp out the faithful by pure numbers. When they accomplish this, they will move to fulfill the words of Christ:
“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me” (Matthew 24:9).
Using history as our guide and a proper understanding of eschatology, we can now see clearly that the papacy has a hand in the turmoil of the world today. We can assume that their fornication with the kings of the earth is continuing. The most powerful Globalists fancy themselves the kings of the earth, and they are undoubtedly in bed with the Vatican.
Once the Globalists establish their ten kings, the Vatican will sign a concordat with them in order to provide them ‘divine’ protection.
Using history as our guide, in conjunction with our understanding of the Book of Revelation, the same strategies that the Jesuits have become experts in for hundreds of years will be implemented again.
The only difference this time is that technology has advanced to such a degree that their strategies will be far more effective.
The post The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part III) :: By The Gospelist appeared first on Rapture Ready.