
The Dual Reference Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27: Part III :: By Randy Nettles

The Dual Reference Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27: Part III :: By Randy Nettles

THE DESOLATIONS AND RESTORATION OF JUDAH The southern kingdom of Judah was invaded by the Babylonians three times. They are known as the desolations of Judah. The first invasion (and captivity) was in 605 BC (2 Kings 24:1-2). The second (and captivity) was in 597 BC (2 Kings 24:10-16). The third and final invasion was […]

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The Septuagint vs. The Masoretic Text, Part III :: By Randy Nettles

The Septuagint vs. The Masoretic Text, Part III :: By Randy Nettles

THE CASE FOR THE MASORETIC TEXT The Masoretic text (MT) is the basis for most English translations of the Old Testament today and is regarded as the best-preserved text of the Hebrew Bible. Yet the oldest extant manuscript is dated to around AD 900, and we cannot simply assume that its genealogical figures are the […]

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Henry H. Knight III: John Wesley

Henry H. Knight III: John Wesley

Henry H. Knight III, John Wesley: Optimist of Grace (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018), xv + 152 pages, ISBN 9781625648389. This work offers a window into the shape of the thought of the Anglican priest and eighteenth-century revivalist John Wesley. Knight uncovers the peculiar theology of the Great Awakening pioneer, illuminating his passion for the gospel […]