
The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part III) :: By The Gospelist

The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part III) :: By The Gospelist

The Jesuits The Dominicans were extremely loathsome creatures whose stated purpose was to engage in ‘contemplative life’ and ‘active ministry.’ However, their main job was to manage the torture chambers of the inquisition. The only thing they ‘contemplated’ was how to inflict more pain on those who dared to oppose the papacy. As for ‘active […]

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The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part II) :: By The Gospelist

The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part II) :: By The Gospelist

Part 1 can be found at this link. As the Roman church began to gain temporal power, it moved to assert itself over the other churches to bring them into its fold. Having to hold concords with other churches interfered with their primary objective, which was to obtain worldly power. This church needed to dispense […]

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The Future Of Roman Catholicism (Part V) :: By The Gospelist

The Future Of Roman Catholicism (Part V) :: By The Gospelist

Whenever the church of Rome desires greater temporal power, it starts making outlandish and deceitful claims about itself. It invents false doctrines such as the idea that Peter was the first pope, purgatory, that the pope is infallible, Unam Sanctum, that the church has the authority to kill heretics, that only the Roman church can […]

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The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part I) :: By The Gospelist

The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part I) :: By The Gospelist

Those who claim that the Roman Catholic Church is the woman who rides the beast in Revelation are often accused of hatred of Catholicism. Those who believe the Roman Church is this woman usually have no reason to feel animosity toward this church. They have simply noticed that this future religious institution behaves in the […]

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Is Roman Catholicism the One True Church? :: By Mike Gendron

Is Roman Catholicism the One True Church? :: By Mike Gendron

Catholics have been indoctrinated with the premise that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church founded by Christ 2,000 years ago. They claim Protestant churches began only 500 years ago. Are they correct? Is there a “one true church”? And if there is, can we identify the one true church? The answers to […]

The post Is Roman Catholicism the One True Church? :: By Mike Gendron appeared first on Rapture Ready.