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While many of us are gearing up for Christmas Day, some communities will begin the festivities early this year on Saint Nicholas Day, marked on 6 December.
The historical Nicholas was born in the 4th century to wealthy Greek parents in Turkey. He is known for many miracles, including a legend saying he restored three murdered children to life. The day is widely celebrated throughout Europe with eating fish.
Saint Nicholas’ Day, observed on December 6 (in Western Christian countries) and 19 December (in Eastern Christian countries), is the feast day of Saint Nicholas. It is celebrated as a Christian festival with particular regard to his reputation as a bringer of gifts, as well as through the attendance of Mass or worship services. In Europe, especially in “Germany and Poland, boys would dress as bishops begging alms for the poor.” In Ukraine, children wait for St. Nicholas to come and to put a present under their pillows provided that the children were good during the year. Children who behaved badly may expect to find a twig or a piece of coal under their pillows. In the Netherlands, “Dutch children put out a clog filled with hay and a carrot for Saint Nicholas’ horse. On Saint Nicholas’ Day, gifts are tagged with personal humorous rhymes written by the sender.” In the United States, one custom associated with Saint Nicholas Day is children leaving their shoes in the foyer on Saint Nicholas Eve in hope that Saint Nicholas will place some coins on the soles, for them to awake to.
Varnel Watson
Alan N Carla Smith Timothy Carter Another possible spotting of Charles Page ? #288 2+8+8=18 1+8=9=3×3 Ricky Grimsley Tony Conger
Alan N Carla Smith
That’s a lot of moving and grooving for ole CP
Timothy Carter
Santos Nick spend most of his adult life in jail for public drunkenness and violence.
It is truly sickening, how the world wants to celebrate this drunk and violent man, instead of celebrating Jesus Christ.
Tom Steele
Varnel Watson
Give us the brief version
Mitch Miller
Brief version: Dec 25th is a day of killing children and others within the pagan religion. The catholic church looking to gain more favoritism and power created christmas to entice pagans and please them and resolve conflict by bringing christians to paganism. This of course worked. So when you celebrate the christmas you are celebrating paganism.
If you actually take the time to research and do some historical investigating it is more likely Christ was born around Sept, maybe Oct but not December in any way or form.
Varnel Watson
Wasnt it more like March based on the star and other Biblical evidence? December 25, 336, is the first recorded celebration of Christmas. The Catholic church did not come about to existence until 10-11 AD
Tom Steele
How could the Cathlic Church come into existence in 10-11 AD, which would be during the time Christ was on Earth as a man? That makes no sense. And as far as the “brief version”, that just makes me giggle… isn’t the name of the group Pentecostal THEOLOGY? If this is a group to study theology, I would think people would want to READ something. Ya’ll REALLY crack me up on here sometimes. I love reading the comments on here whenever I need a good laugh.
Street Preacherz
Men don’t giggle. You must mean chuckle. It made you chuckle? Lol
Tom Steele
I have a buddy, an Army guy, who uses “giggle”. It’s actually much funnier the tone he says it in, very sarcastic. I kinda picked it up. But yes, I can see how making a comment on FB without being able to express the same sarcastic tone wouldn’t be as funny.
Varnel Watson
10-11 AD means century brother 🙂 I will correct if for you if you need me to. Namely because of the group one should know The East–West Schism, between the Eastern Church and the Western Church was in 1054. And then the Western Schism, a split within the Roman Catholic Church then lasted from 1378 to 1417. Brief version is needed when you post a link to another post that links to a note or post by a separate person. In my case it reads Attachment unavailable!
Tom Steele
Well, I have never seen the AD used to denote centuries, but OK. So then you don’t believe that the Roman Catholic Church originates from Constantine and the Council of Nicaea, if not earlier?
Varnel Watson
Sure Constantine – about as much as Trinity and everything else could have originated in his time. But what they called Catholic in 4AD is not the same as the Roman Catholic as in 10-11AD hence the split. And per OP – No the Roman Catholic church did not invent Christmas as it was first celebrated on December 25, 336 And BTW your post and the discussion on Christmas have little to do with St. Nicholas Day December 6 from the OP. #Sidepost #hijacking
Varnel Watson
its quite the thing nowadays Henry Volk