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But I will come to you in visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew
a man in Christ fourteen years ago, whether in the body I know not
or whether out of the body I know not -God knoweth- that such a
one was caught up unto the third heaven: and I knew such a man,
whether in the body or out of the body I know not -God knoweth-
that he was caught up into paradise and heard secret words which it
is not lawful for men to utter. For such one will I boast, but for
myself I will boast nothing, save of mine infirmities.
According to the scripture of truth which says: “at the end of time,
knowledge will increase and men will travel to and fro earth to
search for wisdom” The Book of Revelation also stated that:
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea,
saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their
works do follow them.
This epistle is written as sign unto all living souls under the heaven
at this time. There is a time and a season for all things. Apostle Paul
and other faithful’s are gone, but their vision lives on. I, prophet Lee
testify to the truth that Jesus is Lord and his word is life everlasting.
Behold, He comes quickly: blessed are they that keepeth the sayings
of the prophecy of this book. Blessed and holy are they that hath
part in the first resurrection and Blessed are they that do his
commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and
may enter in through the gates into the glorious city.
During this hour of War between nations and kingdoms, Christians
should be ready to defend their faith till very end.
– My Tour to the Third Heaven
2 Corinthians 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago,
(whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot
tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
1 Now while I was in the body, wherein I was caught up unto the
third heaven, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying: Speak
unto this people (the children of men): How long will ye transgress,
and add sin upon sins, and tempt the Lord that made you?
2 Saying that ye are Abraham’s children but doing the works of
Satan (Ye are the sons of God, doing the work of the devil), walking
in the confidence of God, boasting in your own name only, but being
poor because of the matter of your sins. Remember therefore and
know that the whole creation is subject unto God, but mankind only
disregard God. Mankind hath dominion over the whole creation,
and sinneth more than the whole of nature.
-God’s Creatures Testifying against Humanity
3 For oftentimes hath the sun, the great light that rules the day,
appealed unto the Living God, saying: O Lord God Almighty, I look
forth upon the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. Permit me,
and I will do unto them according to my power, that they may know
that thou art God alone.
4 And there came a voice unto it, saying: All these things do I
know, for mine eyes sees and mine ear hears, but my long-suffering
is open unto all, until they turn and repent. But if they return not
unto me, I will judge them all.
5 And sometimes the moon and the stars have appealed unto
the Living God, saying: O Lord God Almighty, unto us hast thou
given rule over the night; how long shall we look upon the
ungodliness and fornications and murders which the children of
men commit? Permit us to do unto them according unto our
powers, that they may know that thou art God alone.
6 And there came a voice unto them, saying: I know all these
things, and mine eyes sees all things and mine ear is everywhere,
but my long-suffering is open unto all until they turn and repent.
But if they return not unto me, I will judge them.
7 Oftentimes also the sea hath cried out, saying: O Lord God
Almighty, men have polluted thine holy name in me: Permit me I
pray thee, and I will arise and cover every wood and tree and the
entire world, till I blot out all the children of men from before thy
face, that they may know that thou art God alone.
8 And again a voice came, saying: I know all things, and mine
eyes sees all things and mine ear is everywhere, but my long-
suffering is open unto all until they turn and repent. But if they
return not unto me, I will judge them.
9 Sometimes also the waters have appealed against the children
of men, saying: O Lord God Almighty, the children of men have all
defiled thine holy name. And there came a voice, saying: I know all
things before they come to pass, for mine eyes sees and mine ear
hears all things: but my long-suffering is open unto all, until they
turn unto me for forgiveness. And if not, I will judge them.
10 Often also hath the earth cried out unto the Lord against the
children of men, saying: O Lord God Almighty, I suffer hurt more
than all thy creation, bearing the fornications, adulteries, murders,