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Do you think it is biblical to vaccinate our children as a rule? Some struggle with the pressure from Christian “friends” that we shouldn’t vaccinate and should just have more faith. Is this true? Are vaccinations the mark of the beast from the devil? – to mess up our kids and their future. Should we talk about a separation of church and state on this issue? #Pentecostal #church #Christian #GOD

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 7:36 AM]
Christian B. wrote the following comment. What do you think:
“Thank you for your Facebook comment. This vaccination topic is a great concern of our family which we struggle with greatly. We were watching the 6 o’clock news tonight and it suggested that there is only a 1 in a million chance of anything going wrong with these vaccinations, but there ARE neurotoxins and preservatives in them. This is scary. Some parents interviewed said that their children after vaccination would scream a high pitched cry and had difficulty calming them down. We have experienced the same problem and reported our concerns, but were ignored. As Christians we felt it best not to get angry and cause a scene. We have friends who refuse to vaccinate based on religious reason, but were dropped from their insurance and pediatrician. This is something we can’t afford and is definitely not fair. We don’t want to be stereotyped as religious fanatics, but we do not want to put our children in dangers way. Is it okay to get angry sometimes? Should we just have more faith? Please help us pray for Gods direction to do the right thing.
It has been documented that children begin to demonstrate symptoms of Autism around the again of one year old which is also the same time children get the MMR vaccinations. Is there a link? However, some religious groups feel that Autistic characteristics are from demonic influences and not associated with biological or medical causes. What are your views?” -Christian B.

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 7:46 AM]
Vaccines in Western countries are some of the most well studied forms of medicine. It is actually wrong to say that any now contain harmful levels of neurotoxins – a lie which was spread only because of a misunderstanding of the difference between an element and a compound.

The whole debate has been discussed here by people with more expertise than I:

In short, I would say that being vaccinated is one of the most loving things that we can do as it not only protects the person being vaccinated but provides protection by vulnerable people in society whose systems cannot take vaccines but who can benefit from the herd immunity vaccines offer.

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 7:51 AM]
And anyone who seriously considers that vaccines are demonic needs to go read some basic epidemiology and for that matter, theology. No link has ever been proven between vaccines and later health problems. In fact, the number of studies disproving the link between vaccines and autism is not well into the double-figures, including meta-studies.

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 8:21 AM]
With all you’re saying, its very strange your pediatrician starts screening for Autism (without openly stating) right after MMR vaccinations is administered

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 8:30 AM]
Correlation is not causation.

I have a niece and a nephew on the ASD spectrum. Their mum would know more about diagnoses than I do but I do know that many of the signs do not show up until later in development. It is simply impossible, for instance, to know if a newborn has anything form of ASD. Also, do remember that autism is not a single condition but a wide spectrum of different conditions, with different symptoms and, it seems, different causes.

Similarly, vaccine schedules, at least here in the UK, change on a regular basis, due to new knowledge. So it may be that autism screening (here done informally by Health Visitors on the basis of need) and MMR vaccination coincide now but will not in as little as 6 months’ time. As a small example, here in Scotland, we have had one vaccine moved from injection to oral, one added to the schedule and one removed in the 18 months between the birth of my two children. We also have a publicly searchable database of reactions to all vaccines, which is more than we have for paracetamol, penicillin or even methol.

As Christians, we must be very careful to know the difference between healthy scepticism and ungrounded fear. We must also honour the expertise God has given to scientists and doctors in their fight, in partnership with God, against disease.

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 8:35 AM]
Sorry to hear about your niece and a nephew. It is very sad indeed, but do you think this court was wrong when ruled that “specifically, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations,” caused a “severe and debilitating injury to his brain, described as Autism Spectrum Disorder (‘ASD’).”

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 8:38 AM]
Wow. That is a bit of a crazy analogy. Heroin is known to be toxic and yes, has been studied by science.

In fact, vaccines contain not mercury but mercuric compunds. Let me explain the difference. Hydrogen is explosive and oxygen causes fires. Both are gases at room temperature and pressure. Yet when they are brought together in a compund they can either be healthy and used to stop fires (water) or the most basic bleach known to man (hydrogen peroxide).

Similarly, mercury the element is a liquid metal. It is harmful but not nearly as bad as when it is combined with chlorine to make mercuric chlorides. The “mercury” in vaccines is in fact part of thiomersal which is not used any more and never had any proven toxicity. Proof, if proof were needed, that vaccine producers respond to public concerns.

As for the court, I think that the ruling there is deliberately unclear. Compensation was awarded but that is not the same as seeing the MMR vaccine as unsafe. The scientific consensus is clear but sadly one paper, by a researcher who breached ethics and falsified data has everyone going crazy.

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 8:41 AM]
Mercury exists in three forms: elemental mercury, inorganic mercury compounds (primarily mercuric chloride), and organic mercury compounds (primarily methyl mercury). All forms of mercury are quite toxic, and each form exhibits different health effects.
Acute (short-term) exposure to high levels of elemental mercury in humans results in central nervous system (CNS) effects such as tremors, mood changes, and slowed sensory and motor nerve function. Chronic (long-term) exposure to elemental mercury in humans also affects the CNS, with effects such as erethism (increased excitability), irritability, excessive shyness, and tremors. Human studies are inconclusive regarding elemental mercury and cancer.
Acute exposure to inorganic mercury by the oral route may result in effects such as nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. The major effect from chronic exposure to inorganic mercury is kidney damage. Animal studies have reported effects such as alterations in testicular tissue, increased resorption rates, and abnormalities of development. Mercuric chloride (an inorganic mercury compound) exposure has been shown to result in forestomach, thyroid, and renal tumors in experimental animals.
Acute exposure of humans to very high levels of methyl mercury results in CNS effects such as blindness, deafness, and impaired level of consciousness. Chronic exposure to methyl mercury in humans also affects theCNS with symptoms such as paresthesia (a sensation of pricking on the skin), blurred vision, malaise, speech difficulties, and constriction of the visual field. Methyl mercury exposure, via the oral route, has led to significant developmental effects. Infants born to women who ingested high levels of methyl mercury exhibited mental retardation, ataxia, constriction of the visual field, blindness, and cerebral palsy.

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 8:50 AM]
Take a look at thiomersal and tell me how much of that is mercury. It is actually looks to be more of a phenol with a mercury arm to me so even if it was still used, which it isn’t, I am not ever sure it could be fairly classed as a mercuric compound.

It all comes down to this: do we run around with fear or investigate ourselves using all the critical faculties God has given us.

As far as I can tell, vaccine fears boil down to two things. 1) “I don’t trust drug companies”. To which I would say, neither you should but you should look at the systems in place to check their power.
2) “I don’t trust science”. To which I would say, “then don’t drive, fly, eat, wear clothes or read”. The same empirical processes that allow me to type this message and enable it to be read are the exact same processes used to check the toxicity of chemicals, monitor vaccine effects, create epidemiology reports, create drugs and adjust treatments.

As a researcher myself, I know fine well there is no such thing as a flawless paper. This is why, for something to be scientifically established, there needs to be a consensus built byu looking at the same thing from different angles.

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 8:51 AM]
In the case of vaccines, you have toxicologists, epidemiologists, pharmacologists, chemists and biologists to name a few looking at the same thing. Sure, one link in the chain might go wrong from time to time but it is a breathtaking claim to suggest that the whole thing is a sham.

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 8:52 AM]
It is striking that no epidemiologist, toxicologist or pharmacologist has ever join the anti-vax movement. Instead, they rely on a hodge-podge or new agers, alt health gurus and dodgy ex-practitioners. I know who my money is on. As Christians, ought we not to be doubting more a movement with heavy alt health and new age involvement and questioning the real motives behind it?

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 8:59 AM]
If you were given a syringe with Aluminum, Formaldehyde, MSG, Thimerosal a mercury-containing preservative and told don’t worry just inject it, it’s safe, would you? At one time Heroin was considered safe and non-addictive. Just a little bit of cocaine was used in a popular household drink and opium was given to kids and adults alike as freely as aspirin. At one time…

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 9:15 AM]
And subsequent science moved these chemicals out of use. As I previously said, thiomersal is out of use now. Aluminium I would evaluate based on which compound it was in. I regularly use a nix stick on my skin which is 99.5% aluminium sulphide. On a bad shaving day, I probably introduce more of that into my bloodstream than any injection.

MSG I would be surprised to see in vaccines but if it is there, I would be interested in the dosages. Formaldehyde, I would again assess based on the scientific toxicity reports.

My main point, which I have not seen you attempt to refute, is simply that we must make our decisions on the basis of proven evidence and not scare-mongering. We also need to balance our view of the risks of taking vaccines (which here in the UK are publicly available for all vaccines) against the risks of getting the disease both for us and those around us.

Personally, I praise God for the end of polio and smallpox. Both of which were prevented and have been driven to the wall by vaccines. Vaccines which have changed their formulation several times over the years in response precisely to changes in scientific knowledge.

I have an uncle who was nearly crippled by polio before the vaccine became widespread. In the years before its adoption in the UK, tens of thousands of children were crippled, hundreds killed each year. Within only two years, the rates were in the hundreds and within ten years they were in double-figures. The year of the vaccine’s introduction was the worst for a decade.

Of course, correlation is not causation. But I haven’t seen any convincing evidence of any other factor that would explain such a precipitous fall. It is the same with measles, why are measles rates (including deaths) always higher when vaccine rates are lowest?

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 9:19 AM]
Thimerosal is still used in influenza (flu) vaccines. The other elements (and/or their derivatives) are used in vaccines as well.

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 9:27 AM]
I just checked formaldehyde. It is used in the production of dead vaccines and then is diluted out so the exposure is minimal. It is also naturally produced in the body and there are safe limits given. Thiomersal is in the flu vaccine but within allowed levels and no adverse reactions to it have been recorded. It is not used in vaccines for children. This guy and this guy cover the details better than I do.

Bottom line, yes, some chemicals in vaccines are dangerous in high doses. The dose in your entire life’s worth of vaccines is a tiny fraction of anything near the dangerous doses. Just think, most of them contain water and too much of that can kill you.

If we really want to be crazy safe we could check the ingredients of every single vaccine and check recommended exposure levels, which are always set a stupidly low levels. We could then say, for instance, that none of the ingredients in the latest formulations of MMR have reported neurotoxicity at the levels in the vaccine.

I notice that you have not dealt with the central core of my argument viz, that we must criticallty decide on evidence and not fear and that if we want to argue against vaccines, we have to immerse ourselves in several fields and assume that all have been taken over by Bid Bad Pharma.

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 9:37 AM]
I must say the original article on the site is an excellent overview of the Christian perspective on vaccines.

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 9:49 AM]
You mean this one here?

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 9:50 AM]
Yep. I do like that piece.

Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 9:53 AM]
It reads well, but it will be very hard to present to a congregation

Jonathan Downie [02/26/2015 9:55 AM]
There are ways round that. I think the page -> congregation issue is one that has been discussed in homiletics for a while. Charles Bartow has done quite a bit of work on it.

John Earp [02/26/2015 11:20 AM]
I am against the government forcing anyone to take any medicines. I am for education and moral persuasion with regard to what is best for one’s children.

Kathleen S Brown [06/26/2015 2:02 PM]
we are not Hodge-podge. we are families who have been dealt a raw deal, with A Grandson who has Diabetes immediately from a Flu Vaccine.and if you took the time to go to the Sacramento Capital meetings and met with the mothers of children who went from normal to NOT directly after a series of vaccines, YOU would then understand: this is real: Look up Dr toni Park, A DR with experience: and there were other Professionals with testimony. this is Not fake. and I pray you will respect the 1000’s of mom’s, and children who have been affected by vaccines: the real number of vaccines that are being suggested now should be an Outcry to all.


  • Reply March 29, 2016

    Ricky Grimsley

    The technology of vaccines is solid. However, the adjuvants that get added can be a problem. Plus, the volume we do them at is also a problem these days. I seriously doubt that God is pleased with us injecting mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum dioxide, and sometimes aborted fetal matter into our systems. There is no doubt in my mind that our abuse of vaccines and antibiotics will contribute to the pestilences of revelation. I feel the flu, and hpv vaccines are giant frauds to make money.

  • Reply March 29, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Ricky Grimsley There are many cases out there proving problems with vaccines. Some causing extreme autism. Hence, the need for a Pentecostal theological approach toward health and healing in the context of vaccines

  • Reply March 29, 2016

    Phil Hoover

    But there is also a PENTECOSTAL APPROACH that recommends COMMON SENSE…something the “Pentecostals” (and I am one, by the way) need to recover. Vaccinate your children!

  • Reply February 13, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    • Reply February 14, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      yes Link Hudson Dr Jon Ruthven just gave an example – watch the video if you can open it

  • Reply February 13, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    George Hartwell I would have expected your comments under this post right down your alley rather than advanced theology that may not be exactly your expertise

    • George Hartwell
      Reply February 14, 2019

      George Hartwell

      Your link to the Amish says a lot.

    • Reply February 14, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      It wasnt my link though I dont believe ALL of it BUT the 30% since 2012 is a fact. You probably know they are changing the name in the manual so you cannot report it as autism anymore and cannot be counted toward the stats

    • George Hartwell
      Reply February 14, 2019

      George Hartwell

      Troy Day Nope but that is how they have supported vaccines before – manipulate the statistics. They did the same for polio.

  • Reply February 14, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    George Hartwell William DeArteaga do you think autism is demonic caused or just cause by the mercury vaccines? Link Hudson do you believe in them too?

    • Link Hudson
      Reply February 14, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day believe in vaccines?

      I believe they exist.

    • Reply February 14, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Do you praxis them on all your kids internationally ?

    • Link Hudson
      Reply February 16, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I don’t think I let my kids get any shots in Indonesia. They aren’t acknowledged elsewhere.

      I can’t say I belueve the conspiracy tgeory the the illuminati, the government ir “they” are giving out shots to control or thin out the population.

      If just about everyone gets shots and some of them get autism, that does not prove shots cause autism. If there is evidence of them causing autism I am open to that. Haven’t we been getting shots since before the our reak of autism. Back when mercury was not considered harmful was there a lot of autism.

      There have been a number of hanges in the lifestyles of children in our country over the decades. More video games, less playing outside, hormones in their milk, processed foods, radiation from phones, their mothers’ taking birth control pills, their fathers taking viagra, their parents taking a cocktail of artificial meds cooked up in lab, and living in a country that has become more rebellious against God in certain ways. Why would immunizations be the cause?

  • Reply February 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    George Hartwell so when you speak of CONtrOL groups are you joining in the general doubt against mercury based substances and their effect on autism increased 30% since 2012? If SO I have several questions about parents stories we’ve heard

  • Reply May 11, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    William DeArteaga Ray E Horton Peter Vandever I am opening this post with a plan to create a series on Pandemic, Pentecostalism and Prophecy

    here is info step #1 as early as 2007

    • William DeArteaga
      Reply May 11, 2020

      William DeArteaga

      I am all for vaccinations.

    • Reply May 11, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      William DeArteaga even for this one? pls red carefully what is being done To develop a coronavirus vaccine, synthetic biologists try to outdo nature

      nanoparticles that connect to proteins within the BLOOD

    • Jon Sellers
      Reply May 12, 2020

      Jon Sellers

      Troy Day The technology and science are not the problem. The danger lies in unforeseen and unanticipated negative consequences. We have done a lot to improve human health with technology. How many people do you know in your church that have knee or hip replacements, cataract surgery, bypass surgery stents and any number of other wonderful technological advances. But some of those actually have risk factors as well.
      Vaccines have caused a lot of injury. The swine flu vaccine caused over 3000 cases of neurological disease including some deaths and it was totally unnecessary.

    • Jon Sellers
      Reply May 12, 2020

      Jon Sellers

      William DeArteaga that is naive!

  • Reply May 11, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    2009 David Taylor 21 Signs of His Coming: Major Biblical Prophecies Being
    Revelation tells us to expect over a billion people in the end times to lose their lives in global pandemics. That means we are living on a planet that is a ticking disease time bomb. Though it is probably unimaginable to some that such a thing …

  • Ketina Chris Swatsworth

    I’m just going to say I did have my kids vaccinated in the early years as babies. But in pre school a teacher told me she saw kids change even develop adhd and other issues after a vaccine. I looked into it more, I’ve learned a lot. I haven’t gotten the ones after that. Not just that but in these last days the ones running the vaccines pharmaceutical ect. Are all Illuminati, they are real, I’ve know about them over 30 years. I refuse to get it now, I don’t trust any of the ones running the country or anything else, they are all in cults, freemason, Satan worship Lucifrian ect . I could go on, but I need to go. Do the research. What I’m saying is true, stay in prayer for guidance. ??❤️

    • Reply December 27, 2020

      Susan Mahan

      Finally someone hitting the nail right on the head. My experience… Daughter had cold, to negate any possible inability for her to fight off negative impact of a weakened live virus I waited to give her the vaccine. Nurse harangued me for not giving vaccine in timely manner because of my concern…
      That ticked me off and sparked my research. On top of that I was exposed to a SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) survivor victim. Whoa …now we’re talking some serious nasty stuff. Abuse so traumatic that it purposefully triggers DID dissociative identity disorder so that they can program altars for their nefarious designs.
      What do we need to be healthy and fight off noxious diseases?
      See my response to the Elam article on this web site.

  • Jon Sellers
    Reply May 12, 2020

    Jon Sellers

    There is very little understanding of vaccines by most people. This article is a complaint about media, but is full of vital information about vaccine dangers. Especially watch the Swine flu harm investigation by Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes decades ago at the end of the article. Very sad.

  • David Singh
    Reply May 12, 2020

    David Singh

    I will accept vaccines when I know in detail what it is made off and have seen the tests results, including placebo. Until then i will not take it.

  • Reply May 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply May 13, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Neil Steven Lawrence Francisco Arriola and what are they telling us now? .the same exact thing the antiGODvax – BTW the article from OP is by one of your own professors right?

  • Elaine Johnson
    Reply May 13, 2020

    Elaine Johnson

    It’s all in preparation to condition people to receive the mark of the beast! Please wise up folks and listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Church! The writing is on the wall!

  • Reply May 14, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    what about that Pentagon video with the GODvax? Neil Steven Lawrence Joe Absher Daniel J Hesse Ray E Horton

    • Daniel J Hesse
      Reply May 14, 2020

      Daniel J Hesse

      Troy Day need a xaccine for religion and politics?

    • Daniel J Hesse
      Reply May 14, 2020

      Daniel J Hesse


    • Reply May 14, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Daniel J Hesse they do have that have you not seen it yet? You must not be keeping up with the stats

    • Daniel J Hesse
      Reply May 14, 2020

      Daniel J Hesse

      Troy Day stats? Don’t give up on the Love Boat!

    • Reply May 14, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Daniel J Hesse Broadly, the four to five minute video (depending on versions) shows a man presenting a slideshow on the “VMAT2”, or “God gene” and a vaccine called “FunVac” or “FunVax” to eliminate it. The discussion with the attendees includes the argument that religious fundamentalists would pose less of threat if they receive this vaccine. The presenter claims the proposal for this plan has “just been submitted”. He concludes by claiming the project has “great promise”.

    • Neil Steven Lawrence

      Daniel J Hesse yeah it’s called atheism.

    • Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day weird how they think they can control religion by controlling the brain.

    • Reply May 14, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Neil Steven Lawrence with a maxvax

  • Francisco Arriola
    Reply May 14, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

  • Francisco Arriola
    Reply May 14, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    This is like a parody discussion, right?

    • Reply May 14, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      hey Francisco Arriola why dont you start a better one if you can? I believe this one was by one of your professors seen on the picture

    • Reply May 14, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Francisco Arriola here is the OP – do you know him? Now asked me how I came up with this link?

    • Francisco Arriola
      Reply May 14, 2020

      Francisco Arriola

      Troy Day Good article. He makes my point. I could not have written it better. No Godvax, no Judy Mikovitz, no Fauci the rat etc. Just a balanced presentation of issue that requires thought and a rational response.

  • Joe Absher
    Reply May 14, 2020

    Joe Absher

    “Linked in” a job sourcing platform just posted for “covid 19 contact tracer” position in Louisville Kentucky

  • Reply May 14, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    NanoBio Receives Grant to Develop an Intranasal Vaccine for RSV
    No approved vaccine exists today for RSV, which results in an estimated 900,000 hospitalizations annually in the U.S. and Europe

    ‘Micro Shuttle’ Drug Delivery Could Mean An End To Regular Dosing

  • Reply May 14, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Francisco Arriola article is from 2015 you should hear him today

  • Reply May 15, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    yap Robert Cox as expected The Pentagon is IN The FBI is IN The church is OUT The Church has left the building

    Tell me more of your liberal conspiracy theories now Francisco Arriola

  • Reply December 27, 2020

    Susan Mahan

    I want to remark on Jonathon Downiest statement, that we must ‘respond to honor the scientists and doctors that work with God to fight disease in our communities’.

    God’s words said IF WE DO HIS COMMANDS WE WONT GET THE DISEASES OF THE NATIONS’. Lev 26:-14-16, Deut 7:15
    In the the Middle Ages, the Jewish community never came down with the Plague and they were not decimated by the plague as was the Christian community. Why? They believed God’s words and did what He said to do. They had proper cleanliness, sanitation, quarantine, good nutrition a proper diet AND NO VACCINES. Yet they were able to withstand a plague that wiped out 85 million ‘Christian’ people all without the use of vaccines. Why didn’t the christian community adhere to these guidelines endorsed in God’s word.? They were held in darkness by their religious leaders who scoffed at the ideology proffered in the Old Testament

    And Every time scientists verified God’s word of sanitation and quarantine etc THEY NEVER EVER EVER GAVE GOD CREDIT. In stead they took the credit for themselves and negated the validity and need for God and his word to be used in our Dailey lives. THEY MADE US THINK WE HAD TO BE DEPENDANT ON THEM FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH AGAINST PLAGUES AND DISEASES…..FOR SHAME FOR SHAME FOR SHAME, To me this is the paramount of blasephmy and disrespect Mr. jonathon Donnie. Since when has Science ever EVER EVER worked with God and given him huis due respect and honor for what HE said??????????????
    FURTHERMORE HE SAID NOT TO ADD TO HIS WORD. VACCINES ARE ADDING TO HIS WORD. He never said we needed to do that. It’s pretty simple really.
    I see this a somewhat hypocritical statement in that jonathon never mentions God’s words or God’s in place health protocols ever. Again I say “For shame for shame for shame.” Don’t you dare say that you are working with God to eradicate diseases in the community. You are lying and deceiving first yourself, then others and then slapping God in the face while you say it…
    Your time would be better spent studying God’s in place health plan found in the Old Testament that you probably have negated with the out of context phrase, “I’m not under the law” (obviously true in regards to salvation but not for your healths sake)

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