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Deliverance Ministries
Gene B. Moody, Ordained Minister
Teaching, Ministry, Couseling



General – The only way for DELIVERANCE to spread around the world is for many people to begin to practice DELIVERANCE. I encourage you to take this guide, begin to practice DELIVERANCE, and to help others as you grow stronger. God told us to help train an army to minister DELIVERANCE. May God bless you with all spiritual blessings and bring you into all spiritual truth!

Mass DELIVERANCE is simply DELIVERANCE for everyone that can hear your voice. You can use this lesson for your family or church. Normally we only work on one area of a person’s life in a meeting and do not try to cover all areas at the same time.

There is nothing mysterious about DELIVERANCE; any Christian can cast out demons. As a teacher, I am worthless if I can not show you how to practice what I teach. The Bible is also worthless to you unless you put it into practice.

Encouragement – DELIVERANCE is the last battleground to complete freedom of the Christian. The battle is the greatest and Satan will fight the hardest against this ministry. You are fighting God’s battles; you are cursed if you are unwilling to fight.

The benefits far outweigh having to go through the battle. You will learn things about the spiritual world that can not be learned in any way other than being involved in DELIVERANCE. You will see many signs, wonders and miracles performed by God. You will see peoples’ lives changed before your eyes and dramatically changed for the better. You will help your family as you are helping others; the fringe benefits are great!

Healing and DELIVERANCE go hand-in-hand. Many can not get healed without DELIVERANCE. You will see many healings and miraculous healings by the Lord through praying for healing and casting out of demons of infirmities.

Reason For Learning – The main reason we are teaching you how to do basic DELIVERANCE is that every Christian should be able to cast out demons at least in their own family. Later on God may lead you to have DELIVERANCE services in your home or church. God told us to train an army for His use; you are part of that army!

DELIVERANCE will assist in establishing family order and God’s order. Every Christian should cast out demons (Mark 16:17). There are not many “DELIVERANCE Ministers” to help people. Christians have many demons; proper DELIVERANCE takes a lot of time. DELIVERANCE is a way of life and not a grand event.

Parents are the best persons to minister to their children; husband to wife and wife to husband. Parents need to protect their children and set the family free from demons.

DELIVERANCE gives an understanding of God’s and Satan’s kingdoms that you will not get any other way. DELIVERANCE allows you to see into the spiritual world by the manifestations of demons and angels.

Get involved! Study to show yourself approved by God. Seek God about DELIVERANCE. DELIVERANCE is a constant learning process. Satan has spent thousands of years weaving a very complicated system to trap you and take you to Hell or cause you to live a miserable Christian life here on earth.



  2. Can A Christian Have A Demon?
  3. Jesus Cast Out Demons Everywhere He Went!
  4. The Deliverance Minister
  5. Keys to Successful Deliverance
  6. On With The Battle
  7. Comments On Deliverance
  8. Living The Whole Christian Life
  9. Christian Fantasy – Lies Not Truth
  10. Daily Prayers
  11. Warriors For Christ
  12. God Is A Man Of War
  14. 01. Sins of Ancestors, Ourselves and Others
  15. Basic Deliverance
  16. How To Minister Basic Deliverance
  17. Rejection
  18. Bitterness
  19. Rebellion
  20. 07. Unforgiveness
  21. Hate, Vengeance, Envy And Strife
  22. Deliverance Prayers
  23. 10. Schizophrenia
  24. 11. Repentance – The Key To Deliverance
  25. Demonic Ties
  26. Bind – Loose – Agree
  28. Cleaning Your House (of demons)
  29. Maintaining Your Deliverance From Evil Spirits
  30. Earline’s Testimony About Maintaining Deliverance


  2. Passive Mind – The Devil’s Workshop
  3. Restoring Your Mind
  4. The Mind: Freeing – Restoring – Protecting
  5. Deliverance For The Subconscious Mind
  6. Deliverance from Grief and Bitterness
  7. 06. The Neurotic Personalities (Psychoneurosis)
  8. The Delinquent Personalities (Psycho psychosis)
  9. 08. The Pathologic Personalities (Psychopathic)
  10. An Attitude Of Gratitude – A Cure For Depression
  11. How To Be Miserable
  12. The Art Of Selfishness
  13. CURSES
  14. Biblical Curses
  15. Indian Curses
  16. The Curse of Ahab and Jezebel (Booklets)
  17. The Curse of the Bastard (Booklet)
  18. Cursing Others and Being Cursed
  19. Curses for Shedding Innocent Blood
  20. The Curse of Incest
  22. Learn About The Real Enemy – Satan and His Followers
  23. Forbidden Practices Of The Occult
  24. Winning Over Witchcraft
  25. Spirits Of Religious Error
  26. Catholic Spirits
  27. Charismatic Witchcraft
  28. Psychic Prayers
  29. Humanism

Supplements added to The Deliverance Manual

  1. Masonry and Eastern Star (Freemasons)
  2. What is a Cult?
  3. Godly People Stricken Before Their Time
  5. Holidays
  6. Christmas – Pagan Or Christian Holiday?
  7. What’s Wrong With Valentine’s Day?
  8. Marionettes/Mariolatry/Mummery/Puppetry/Ventriloquism
  10. Deliverance Scriptures
  11. God Sends Demons & Evil On People For Disobedience
  12. Soul – Put In Right Mind By Deliverance
  13. From Adam to Ahab – Men’s Weaknesses
  14. From Eve to Jezebel – Women’s Weaknesses
  15. Miscellaneous Scriptural Studies
  16. Selected Topic Studies
  17. Lies, Deceit and Flattery
  18. Respect, Fear and Nervousness
  19. FAMILY
  20. Perfect Family With A Perfect Relationship To God
  21. Perfect Family Summary
  22. From Death Into Real Life (Tract)
  23. Earline’s Testimony About Byron’s Death
  24. Dedication of Children
  25. Perfect Love
  27. Our Inheritance From a Woman’s Viewpoint
  28. A Wise and Understanding Woman
  29. Good Homemakers (Booklet)
  30. The Woman Question
  31. Keeping What You Have – Maintaining Deliverance
  33. Gene & Earline’s Personal Testimony
  34. Earline’s Testimony About Her Deliverance
  35. Children’s Deliverance
  37. JESUS Set Marie’s Broken Arm
  38. Body – Cured And Healed By Deliverance
  39. Drunkenness And Gluttony
  40. Drugs and Medicine
  41. Children Drug Addicts
  42. Baldness – Beards – Hair
  43. SEX
  44. Sexual Diseases, Impurities And Demons (Booklet)
  45. The AIDS Epidemic
  46. Effeminacy – Sins of Sodom
  47. Rape
  48. Sexual Harassment – Abuse – Assault – Violence
  49. The Change of Life – Menopause
  51. Table Of Contents
  52. Mass Deliverance – How to Get Delivered
  53. Mass Deliverance Supplement
  54. How To Identify Godly and Ungodly Spirits
  55. Lists of Demons
  57. Preface
  58. Looking At Deliverance
  59. Basic Deliverance
  60. Children’s Deliverance
  61. Mass Deliverance
  62. Deliverance Prayers
  63. Biblical Curses
  64. Aids To Casting Out Demons
  65. Casting Out Demons
  66. Deliverance Scriptures
  67. Identify Godly / Ungodly Spirits
  68. Names of Demons
  69. Cursed Objects
  70. Learn About Deliverance
  71. Practical Deliverance Books
  72. How Not To Do Deliverance

17  Spiritual Warfare Combination










Matthew 12:43-45 A non-Christian DELIVERED.

Matthew 15:22-28 Children’s (Christian’s) bread.

Mark 1:23-27 Man in the synagogue (Believer).

Mark 1:39-42 Cast out devils in synagogues.

Mark 7:25-30 Children’s (Christian’s) bread.

Mark 8:33 JESUS Called Peter Satan.

Mark 9:17-29 Believer’s son.

Luke 4:38-39 Spirit of fever is a demon.

Luke 11:24-26 A non-Christian DELIVERED.

Luke 13:11-17 Daughter of Abraham (Believer).

Luke 22:3 Satan entered Judas.

Acts 5:3-4 Ananias and Sapphira were Believers.

Acts 8:5-7, 13 Gave heed to things spoken of Christ.

Acts 8:20-24 Simon was a Believer.

Acts 10:38 Sickness is oppression of Satan.

I Cor. 5:1-5 Believer in Corinth DELIVERED to Satan.

II Cor. 2:10-11 Satan getting advantage of Believer.

II Cor. 11:3-4 Believers receive another spirit.

II Cor. 12:7-9 Paul’s messenger of Satan in flesh.

Gal. 3:1 Galatians bewitched by spirits.

Eph. 2:1-3 Influence of Satan.

Eph. 4:26-27 Anger gives place to Devil.

I Tim. 1:18-20 Hymenaeus and Alexander Believers.

I Tim. 4:1-2 Believers depart from the faith.

II Tim. 2:24-26 Recover out of snare of Devil.

Heb. 12:15-16 Root of bitterness is a spirit.

James 4:6-8 Devil will flee from you.

I Peter 5:8-9 Afflictions in the brethren.



There is nowhere in the Bible that says explicitly that a “Christian” can have a demon. But it does talk about “Believers” having demons. Are you a Believer; what is the difference – none!

The multitudes that came to JESUS received DELIVERANCE; some were bound to be Believers!

You can memorize the Bible and go to Hell. No part of the Bible is any good to you unless it is used! Head knowledge will not get you to Heaven; it takes heart knowledge.

Bible scholars can argue about theology until JESUS comes again and not settle the question of whether a Christian can have a demon; it takes experience.

When you start casting demons out of people, you find that Christians not only have demons but they have thousands of demons! In our years of ministry, we have worked with thousands of people – small groups to large groups. We found that the congregation could have many demons. Then the Lord started us working with pastors and their families. We found that the five-fold ministry also had almost as many demons as the congregation. Finally the Lord had us to work with DELIVERANCE ministers. We found that they also had quite a few demons too!

We have seen leaders go into false doctrines. These can even be leaders that cast out demons. It appears that pride is their downfall. Pride is an abomination to God and is an active demonic area.


Characteristics noted below merit a closer look when they are pronounced, persistent or recurrent over a period of time, or progressive – tending to become more, rather than less, extreme. Check yourself against these warnings. The following thumbnail descriptions of behavior can be a call for help:

  1. Confused or disordered thinking: loss of touch with reality – delusions (persistence of erroneous convictions in the face of contrary evidence) – hallucinations; disconnected speech.
  2. Obsessions: absorption with a subject or idea to the exclusion of others – compulsions – uncontrollable urges.
  3. Inability to cope: with minor problems – with daily routine.
  4. Difficulty in making/keeping friends: poor social skills – isolation, withdrawal from society -“loner” life-style.
  5. A pattern of failure across-the-board: at school – at work – in sports – in personal relationships.
  6. Prolonged or severe depression: suicide threats/attempts.
  7. Immaturity: infantile behavior (ex.bed-wetting) – over dependence on the mother (excessive clinging as a child – continuing dependence in teens and twenties) – failure to keep pace with peer group.
  8. A series of physical ailments which do not run a typical course and/or fail to respond to treatment.
  9. Neglect of personal hygiene (disheveled and unsanitary surroundings) or exaggerated concern for order and for cleanliness.
  10. Difficulty adjusting to new people and places.
  11. Undue anxiety and worry: phobias – feelings of being persecuted.
  12. Too much or too little sleep.
  13. Excessive self-centeredness: indifference to other people’s feelings, doings, ideas -lack of sympathy with another’s pain or need.
  14. Substantial rapid weight – gain or loss.
  15. Muted, “flat” emotions (absence of angry/delighted/sorrowing reactions to stimuli) or inappropriate emotions (sharp, inexplicable mood swings – silliness at serious moments, unpredictable tears).
  16. Negative self-image and outlook: “inferiority” complex – feelings of worthlessness.
  17. Frequent random changes of plans: inability to stick with a job, a school program, a living arrangement – failure to keep appointments, abide by decisions.
  18. Extreme aggressiveness (combativeness, hostility – violence, rage) or exaggerated docility (lack of normal competitiveness and self-assertion – refusal to confront, avoidance of argument).
  19. Risk-taking.
  20. Lack of zest and enthusiasm: listlessness, sadness, mood habitually “down” -limited or missing sense of humor.


How can a demon spirit indwell the same body at the same time as the Holy Spirit does ?

The New Testament word for “spirit” is pneuma. In contra-distinction from the natural or “soulish”, the spirit is that part of man which has the ability to grasp and perceive divine things (I Cor. 2:14).

The word for “soul” is “psyche”. This word defines the self life – the emotions, the intellect and the will. Paul shows us that man is a three-fold being (I Thes. 5:23).

The Scripture teaches that prior to salvation a man is “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). JESUS comes into the human spirit and brings in His life (I John 5:11-12).

JESUS has made adequate provision for the whole man, but part of the responsibility now rests upon us as is shown in the following scripture: (Phil. 2:13-15).

The word for “salvation” in this passage is soteria. Thayer’s Lexicon gives as the primary meaning of this word “DELIVERANCE from the molestation of enemies”. The picture becomes clear. JESUS has DELIVERED our SPIRIT from the power of Satan; now He says to us, “Work out your own DELIVERANCE from the molestation of enemies until you have freed both SOUL AND BODY”.


False teachings are perpetuated by the erroneous and unscriptural position that Believers can’t have demons. The following is a partial list of the pitfalls associated with taking such a position; check yourself against these results:

  1. The old sin nature becomes the “whipping boy” -the middle ground between God and the demons.
  2. All problems are taught to be due to the “lack of surrender”.
  3. People are left open to be snared into cults by angels of light.
  4. All inherited characteristics are thought to be unchangeable.
  5. Personality quirks and characteristics are thought to be unchangeable.
  6. Makes us unable to break the bondage on another person’s will.
  7. Mental health programs, which teach all problems are the result of heredity are supported.
  8. Demons are given legal ground to stay when a person sits under teaching that denies a Christian can have a demon.
  9. Demonic lies about oppression, possession, etc. are perpetuated.
  10. Reinforces spiritual pride which keeps leaders from re-examining their teachings and retracting error.
  11. Despair and hopelessness are fostered within the demonized.
  12. Gives ground to accept, as law, all medical diagnosis and medication.


The greatest need in the church today is teaching the whole Bible without fear or favor of man and the practice of DELIVERANCE for every Christian. As you see the children, so you see the parents and the nation. Look at your children and see your mistakes in their lives.

The following statistics were taken from The Children’s Hour, U.S. News and World Report: “IN ONE DAY IN 1988 -2753 teenagers get pregnant, 1099 teenagers have abortions, 367 teens miscarry, 1287 teenagers give birth, 666 babies are born to women who have had inadequate prenatal care, 72 babies die before one month of life, 110 babies die before their first birthday, 9 children die from gunshot wounds, 5 teenagers commit suicide, 609 teenagers get gonorrhea or syphilis, 988 children are abused, 3288 children run away from home, 49322 children are in public juvenile correctional facilities, 2269 illegitimate children are born and 2989 kids see their parents divorced.”


Because so many promises are given to those who are Believers, it is important to know who the Bible classifies as a Believer.  In the Greek “believe” indicates one relying on JESUS Christ for salvation. In Acts 5:14 the word means unadulterated trust. In I Tim. 4:12, trueness, to entrust one’s spiritual faith assurance, well-being.  A check list for Believers: must bear fruit (John 15:2); signs shall follow (Mark 16:17-18); shall do works JESUS did (John 14:12); answered prayer (John 15:7); friend of JESUS (John 15:14) and witnessing (John 15:27).


”In the name of our Lord JESUS Christ, when you are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord JESUS Christ, to deliver such as one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord JESUS” (I Cor. 5:4-5). The apostle here deals with the case of a disobedient and sinful Believer in the church at Corinth.

In another case, Paul writes: “Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck; of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have DELIVERED unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme” (I Tim. 1:19-20).

“In meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” (II Tim.2:25-26).

When you go into the ministry of casting out demons, inevitably you are challenged by the question, “Is it possible for a born-again Believer to have a demon?” In charismatic circles the question is: “Is it possible for a Believer who is baptized in the Spirit to have a demon?”

“Absolutely not!” comes the stock answer. “The Holy Spirit cannot coexist in the same body with a demon!”

Actually, the answer to both questions above is definitely “yes”. Almost one-hundred percent of the DELIVERANCE ministry we have had has been among the born-again Believers, and most of them were Baptized-in-the-Spirit Christians also.

Several arguments are advanced to “prove” that under no circumstances can a born-again person have a demon. The most common statement is that a Christian cannot be “possessed”. This will be discussed later as a misnomer. The arguments in summary run something like this:

The Believer is inhabited by the Holy Spirit; therefore, the demons cannot coexist within the same body. The proof text usually used is I Cor. 2:12; however the verse does not say this.

JESUS came to destroy the works of the Devil (I John 3:8), and indeed He did. In the case of problems caused by demons, the remedy and method of doing this is cast out the demons in His name.

The struggle inside the Believer is always revealed to be the struggle between the flesh and the Spirit, and not a struggle involving demons (Rom. 6 and 7). Were that the case, the conscientious claiming of the promises of God would solve every human problem.

The Believer is DELIVERED from the power of Satan and his demons (Col. 1:12-13; Eph. 2:1-3). Yes, but like many other promises, not automatically , but only as we voluntarily meet God’s conditions for DELIVERANCE.

The Christian is provided with complete protection from the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph. 6). This overlooks the rather obvious fact that the armor is designed for defense from external, not internal enemies, and also that even so the Believer’s armor is not always in place.

In spite of these arguments, the dismaying fact remains that born-again Christians, including leaders, are having difficulties and problems which can find no solution in natural infirmities or the endless conflict between the flesh and the Spirit.

It is no secret that many have become discouraged and filled with awful despair.

In his tract, Demon Activity and the Christian, Ernest B. Rockstad rightly concludes that: “Experience, of course is not the basis for the interpretation of the Bible. Nevertheless, if consistent experiences run counter to an interpretation, the dedicated seeker after truth will set out to find the reason. He must be willing to re-study his interpretation under the direction of the Holy Spirit…and be prepared to make any necessary corrections in his own belief so as to be in full agreement with the facts as they are.” He further points out that understanding the Biblical doctrine of human depravity should cause one to wonder that the Holy Spirit would enter a person under any circumstances.

You cannot argue anyone into believing that the old fundamental stand against Christians having demons is fallacious.

There is an excellent presentation of the whole question in Don Basham’s book, Can A Christian Have A Demon? Non-charismatic writers like Frances Manuel, Merrill Unger, Mark Bubeck, and Robert Peterson also teach that a Christian can have a demon.

In his very balanced and scholarly treatise, Demons In The World Today, Dr. Unger writes, “In demon influence, evil spirits exert power over a person short of actual possession. Such influence may vary from mild harassment to extreme subjection when body and mind become dominated and held in slavery by spirit agents.

Christians, as well as non-Christians, can be so influenced. They may be oppressed, vexed, depressed, hindered and bound by demons.”

Dr. Unger is frank to say that he had written in 1952, “To demon possession, only unbelievers are exposed.” Twenty years later, he writes: “This statement was inferred, since Scripture does not clearly settle the question. It was based on the assumption that an evil spirit could not indwell the redeemed body together with the Holy Spirit”.

Hobart Freeman points out that “as a result of erroneous teachings and beliefs, which are based neither upon Scripture or experience, Satan has deluded many concerning the question, can a Christian be oppressed by Satan or possess evil spirits? Can one who has never participated actively in any form of occultism be subjected or oppressed?” The answer to both questions is yes, supported both from the Scriptures and experience.

Derek Prince in his helpful pamphlet, Expelling Demons, explains facts linguistically which should help unsnarl the semantic tangle. “The New Testament Greek word for demon is daimonion…in the King James Version…often translated ‘devil’. Associated in the New Testament with the noun daimonion is the passive verb daimonizomai. The literal meaning of this verb is ‘to be demoned’, that is, in some way under the influence or power of demons. In the King James Version this verb is usually translated by some phrase such as ‘to be possessed’ or ‘to be vexed’ by demons or by evil spirits. There is no distinction in the original Greek text to support these (translated) distinctions”.

Believers were definitely subjected to demonic attack in the Scriptures. The physical afflictions and other disasters of Job are shown to be Satan’s work in Job 1 and 2. In the synagogue there was a man with an unclean spirit (Mark 1:23). A woman called “a daughter of Abraham” (father of the faithful) was bound with a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years (Luke 13:11-16).

There is no reason to conclude arbitrarily in the two latter cases that the persons involved were not Believers. In II Tim. 2:23-26, where Paul discusses contention and disputing over doctrine, Believers are indicated who have evidently slipped and need to “recover themselves from the snare of the devil, who are taken captive of him at his will”.

A member of the church in Corinth seems to have been overcome by a spirit of lust (I Cor. 5:1-5). JESUS rebuked a spirit of fever in Peter’s mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-39) and he left her, and she was well. In Mark 3:33 and Mark 9:25, JESUS uses this same term to rebuke Satan. Sickness is described as an oppression of the Devil in Acts 10:38 and JESUS often healed by removing spirits of infirmity, which are simply another method of Satanic attack (Luke 4:40-41).

Consider Peter, who one moment spoke by Divine revelation, declaring that JESUS was the very Christ, and in the next moment was reprimanded by JESUS, who rebuked Satan in him, saying “thou savorest not the things that be of God” (Matt. 16:13-23). Simon the magician is presented as one who believed and was baptized, but had evidently not been DELIVERED from his occult bondage and was commanded to repent and pray (Acts 8:20-24). How did Satan manage to “fill the heart” of the Believers Ananias and Sapphira? (Acts 5:3). Paul himself reports he suffered buffeting from a “messenger of Satan” (II Cor. 12:7).

Dr. V. Raymond Edman, the late president of Wheaton College, wrote the following in answer to a question as to whether or not a Christian could have a demon: “…The unguarded Christian may have demon possession in the soul, which would affect mental processes and emotions; or in the body, as was the case of the woman who had a ‘spirit of infirmity eighteen years and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself’ (Luke 13:11).

Of her, the Savior said when He healed her, ‘Ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?’ To say that a Christian cannot be demonized in any area of his life is a happy but inaccurate generalization”.

Paul reproves the Corinthian Christians for receiving another spirit than the Spirit they had previously received (II Cor. 11:4)  Paul inquired, in Gal. 3:1, about who had bewitched the Believers to draw them away from the truth.

Robert Peterson makes an interesting comment: “It appears that the full force of deceiving spirits is directed against the spiritual Believer in doctrinal rather than worldly matters, although the latter may be used after the Believer has been ensnared by the most subtle means. In I Tim. 4:1-2 the Apostle Paul gives a full account of how wicked spirits attack the spiritual Believer and by deception beguile him away from the faith through the use of false prophets”.

Don Basham sums up the matter when he writes that there is an “almost universal sense of fear and loathing toward the whole subject of Satan and the evil spirits. Many Believers have adopted the fallacious idea that if they ignore Satan, he will ignore them. Scripturally, such a position is indefensible” (I Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7; II Cor. 2:11).

When the power of God begins to move in a person’s life, he quite naturally becomes an object for the devil’s most crippling attacks.

The unreasoning fear of demons is fostered and promoted by Satan and his hosts directly.

Basham concludes a Christian can be tormented or afflicted by evil spirits in some area of his life and still be a sincere Christian; just as he can be tormented by physical sickness and still be a Christian.

It is always a blessing to see truths, not mere speculations, in print concerning spiritual warfare.

I shudder when I hear someone remark skeptically, “Well, I just can’t believe that. I’d have to see it first.” They seek to shield themselves by mere ignorance!

For myself, I had no real problem believing in a personal Devil and in the fact that demons can infest both lost and saved as they have opportunity.

To me it was as foolish as telling Peter he could not walk on the water when he was already doing it.

When a person is born again by confessing his sin and asking the Lord JESUS Christ to come into his heart and save him (Rom. 3:23-24; 6:23; Rev. 3:20), he is received by the Father and salvation comes instantaneously in the experience of the new birth. Love, joy, and peace are the initial, logical by-products.

The Holy Spirit comes to indwell and seal the Believer as God’s earnest of redemption (Eph. 1:13-14) and His abiding presence is guaranteed until the Believer is redeemed (in point of time) completely by being taken to be with the Lord, whether it be through the door of death, or through the door in the sky (I Thes. 4:16-17).

The Holy Spirit therefore inhabits the body of the Believer in a peculiar and special way in these days since Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the assembled Believers. The child of God (John 1:12) is accepted in the Beloved, JESUS (Eph. 1:6) and blessed with the assurance of God’s presence and blessing. (John 10:28-30).

In spite of these wonderful changes, however, a week will scarcely pass in a babe’s life (assuming he follows the Lord in Bible study and prayer), that he will not be convicted of some sin of omission or commission (James 4:17), which must be confessed (I John 1:9) and put away (Prov. 28:13). This will continue indefinitely as long as the Believer is growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord JESUS Christ.

Many of these sins of omission and commission were present at the time of conversion and some will lie unnoticed by the Believer for months, until the Lord deals with them. The Holy Spirit is able to coexist with these unconfessed sins. Why then is it so difficult to accept the fact that the Holy Spirit is able to also coexist with indwelling demons until they are detected, hated, renounced and expelled in the Name of Our Lord JESUS Christ?


I forgive the false teachers that say a Christian can not have a demon within their flesh or soul. God please forgive the false teachers and show them the truth. Please forgive me for believing the false teachers. I forgive myself for the damage done to me and my family by practicing false teachings. I now break any curses of false doctrine on me and my descendants. I ask these things in the blessed name of JESUS Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior.


“How Can a Christian Have Demons?”, pp. 136-138, Pigs In The Parlor.

“What About Demons in Christians?”, pp. 109-117, Battling The Hosts Of Hell.

“Who is a Believer?”, pp. 59-60, Annihilating The Hosts Of Hell.

“Results When Demonization of Christian is Denied”, p. 9, Annihilating The Hosts of Hell.

“Warning Signals”, pp. 367-369, Breaking Points.



Matthew: 4:23-24 All Galilee, Synagogues (vs.23)
8:14-17 Peter’s house (vs. 14)
8:28-33 Seashore (vs. 32)
9:32-33 Outside (vs. 32)
10:7-8 Everywhere (vs. 7)
12:15,22 Great multitudes (vs. 15)
15:22-28 Coasts (vs. 22)
16:13-19 Coasts (vs. 13)
17:14-21 Multitude (vs. 14)

Mark: 1:23-27 Synagogues (vs. 23)
1:32-34 Door-House of Simon and Andrew (vs. 33)
1:39-41 Synagogues, all Galilee (vs. 39)
3:9-15 Small ship (vs. 9)
5:2-20 Out of ship (vs. 2)
6:10-15 House (vs. 10)
7:24-30 House (vs. 24)
9:14-27 Multitude (vs. 14)
9:33,39 House (vs. 33)

Luke: 4:33-36 Synagogue (vs. 33)
4:38-41 Simon’s house (vs. 38)
6:17-19 Plain (vs. 17)
8:1-3 Every city and village (vs. 1)
8:26-39 Seashore (vs. 26)
9:37-42 Down from the hill (vs. 37)
11:14-22 Synagogue (vs. 15)
13:11-17 Synagogue (vs. 14)

As you can see, JESUS cast out demons in the synagogues, in all Galilee, outside, in the multitude, in houses, at the seashore, in a ship, in the plain, in every city and village, and finally everywhere among the people. I researched the Bible on where JESUS cast out demons; it is essentially everywhere he went. I believe this is what JESUS wants us to do. Since we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we can have church anywhere two or more are gathered together. This can be you and the person you are ministering to.

What is casting out demons? Mark 16:17 says “And these signs (casting out) shall follow them that believe (Christians) in My name (JESUS) shall they “cast out ‘devils’.” Cast out means to eject, bring forth, cast forth, drive out, expel, pluck, pull out, take out, thrust out, put forth, send away and send forth. Casting out demons is a command, not a prayer. For example, the following is a command for DELIVERANCE. “Spirit of rejection I command you to come out of me, John, Jane, etc. in the name of JESUS”.

There is some strong scripture that applies to those who fight against DELIVERANCE, especially in the church:

Matt. 7:6 Dogs…do not throw your pearls before swine.

Matt. 23:27-28 Hypocrites…whitewashed tombs – full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness, full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

They are not fighting against the DELIVERANCE ministers, but against God and His Holy Bible. I pity them when they stand before God in the Great White Throne Judgement!


Six references were previously listed telling about JESUS casting out demons in the synagogues even in all Galilee. There is no term of “mass DELIVERANCE” in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. However, there is nothing that says JESUS did not have mass DELIVERANCE! There are references to JESUS healing ALL the sick and casting out demons out of them ALL.


Matt. 10:7-8 Apostles cast out demons everywhere they went.

Matt. 11:4-6 We should not be offended in any work of JESUS which includes DELIVERANCE.

Matt. 18:18-20 We are to “bind, loose and agree”.

Matt. 28:18-20 Teaching them to observe all things – which includes DELIVERANCE.

Mark 16:15-20 Go ye into all the world (and churches) – cast out demons.

Luke 4:18-20 A general charge to Christians to preach DELIVERANCE to captives – set at liberty them that are bruised.

Luke 7:21-23 Minister to the “blind, lame, lepers, deaf, dead and the poor”.

Acts 8:5-7 Preaching the Word – unclean spirits came out -healing by DELIVERANCE.


It is clear from the many scriptures that JESUS cast out demons everywhere He went and He wants the Christians to follow His pattern of ministry. The world will never be conquered for God from satan unless DELIVERANCE is practiced world wide! We should have church everywhere





There are two basic ways to get rid of demons. One way is to exorcise the demon. Exorcism is the method used by those who follow Satan. The other way is DELIVERANCE. DELIVERANCE is the method used by those who follow JESUS CHRIST, Son of Almighty God. If there is anything in a persons life that they cannot control and it is controlled by Satan, then the person is demon.- possessed in that area of their life. We’ve met few people totally demon-possessed in every area of their life.

Our calling is to be teachers. The Lord told us to help train an army of DELIVERANCE workers and ministers as well as the families to minister to themselves. There are tremendous fringe benefits to the ministry of helping your own family. You will see the power of God flow through you, and signs, wonders and miracles performed by God in the people you minister to.


Native doctors and those who follow Satan (spiritualism, witchcraft, occult and Satan worship) claim that they can cast out demons. The Devil’s followers cannot cast out demons. These people ask you to pay for their services or they are looking for power, drugs, sex or some other gain. A sacrifice may be even be given to appease the demon. A weaker spirit is removed and a stronger spirit is substituted. After exorcism, the person is worse off than before, although for awhile it may look like there is improvement. Satan does not give free gifts; he gets something in return! God is the only one that gives free gifts through JESUS CHRIST.


Christians can cast out demons of any rank in the Mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST (Mark 16:17; Luke 10:17-20). However, there are situations that require more experience than the ordinary Christian would have. These situations are where ordinary DELIVERANCE has not done the job. Here an experienced DELIVERANCE minister is required. Don’t be afraid to get involved as the Holy Spirit leads you. There are too many cowardly Christians and Ministers that are afraid to get involved in this DELIVERANCE which is controversial and unpopular.



A DELIVERANCE minister is a person God has especially prepared for this work: teaching, ministry and counseling. The work of the Gospel is supposed to be done as a team (I Cor. 3:5-15). Some ministers are experts at teaching, preaching, pastoring, administering, organizing, counseling, praying, etc. Some are experts at DELIVERANCE (I Cor. 12:4-12; Eph. 4:11-12).

We are supposed to work together, consult together and refer cases to those we know God has made specialists in certain areas. In this way everyone is blessed and the Gospel work advances. The problem is that in a ministry or church one person wants to be everything. He cannot cope with all of the problems and things begin to get out of control. Many people suffer as the result. Disappointment and frustration overcomes them; they leave the church and go back into the world.


What about JESUS, didn’t He do everything perfectly? JESUS had unlimited measure of the Holy Spirit – the 7 Spirits of God (John 3:34; Rev. 4:5 and 5:6). Seven administrations of the Holy Spirit are:

  1. Spirit of Jehovah – knowledge of Divine will, counsel and power to make the same known to others.
  2. Spirit of Wisdom – not Word of Wisdom.
  3. Spirit of Judgement.
  4. Spirit of Counsel.
  5. Spirit of Might.
  6. Spirit of Knowledge of Jehovah – of His nature, attributes and character.
  7. Fear of Jehovah (Isa. 11:2-3).

God deals with us according to the measure of our faith (Rom. 12:3). CHRIST gives us the Spirit according to His measure (Eph. 4:7). No one is able to measure up to CHRIST and be perfect in all ways all of the time. The fact that a person manifests all of the nine gifts does not necessarily mean he is walking in full measure of CHRIST. If you manifest the nine gifts very well and manifest the nine fruits equally well (Gal. 5:22-24), then you are nearer to being CHRIST-like.

God knows that we grow by stages; that is why he scattered the gifts and ministrations of the Holy Spirit on the church at large. Within each ministry God has put all that is necessary to do the job of the Full Gospel according to Mark 16 if we all work together in the five-fold ministry.

Preparation For The Ministry – The minister on whom God has poured the Spirit of

DELIVERANCE from demon-possession needs preparation:

  1. The minister needs to surrender fully to God and throw open all the doors and windows of his/her life to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. The work of the DELIVERANCE minister can be a difficult undertaking.
  2. The minister needs to be fully equipped.
  3. The minister needs a good knowledge of the Scriptures and the Spirit of Understanding.
  4. The minister needs a working knowledge of demons. This can only be acquired from learning and experience combined.
  5. The minister needs to know how to handle different situations and types of demons.
  6. A lengthy discussion of DELIVERANCE is found in our DELIVERANCE Manual which contains four books: Basic DELIVERANCE, Advanced DELIVERANCE, Mass DELIVERANCE, and How To Do DELIVERANCE.

Some Advice – For the person who wants God to use him/her for DELIVERANCE work among those possessed by evil spirits, here is some advice:

  1. The person ministering in the area of DELIVERANCE is in a position of all- out warfare with the forces of evil. Many have fallen by the wayside because of ignorance of Bible and of DELIVERANCE, still having many demons within themselves, women and men ministering by themselves, being lured by false doctrines, etc.
  2. Demons can be very stubborn and highly seductive. Demons do not easily come out when they have a right before God to stay due to unconfessed sin, curses, soul ties, etc. They can lure the man or woman who is alone into a sex trap destroying the ministry, their family and others who are following that leader.
  3. Effective weapons used against ministers are carelessness, pride, immorality, taking God for granted, spiritual weakness, and affliction of wife/husband where the minister refuses to yield to God.
  4. DELIVERANCE ministers should train their families and involve them in DELIVERANCE work. Husband and wife should minister together as a team if possible.

REFERENCE: Ministering Among The Demon Possessed, Victoria Eto, Shalom Christian Mission International, P.O. Box 159, Oleh, Bendel State, Nigeria.


Here we go.

The biggest enemy of God in DELIVERANCE is the Full-Gospel Christian that says that a Christian can not have a demon. They are keeping the world in bondage that cannot be overcome by just salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, divine healing, and material prosperity. God has some strong words to apply to those that fight against Him.

Christians need a lot of mass DELIVERANCE, group DELIVERANCE and individual DELIVERANCE. That’s why JESUS cast out demons everywhere He went.

We need all-out spiritual warfare against satan and his forces of evil. If you look at the statistics of the world, you can see that satan is winning the battle. There will only be a small percentage of the world population in Heaven. It is estimated that only about 2% of the world population and 25% of the Church population will make it to Heaven. “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt. 7:14).




This short lesson is on some comments about how to have successful DELIVERANCE. The DELIVERANCE Manual goes into detail about how to do DELIVERANCE. We suggest that you study the manual and look up the Scriptures that are referred to therein. You will have a good education in DELIVERANCE after you have finished that study.

We have been going to Lake Hamilton Bible Camp for years as part of the congregation and of the ministry. Through the years, we have ministered to most of those who live and work at the Camp, and minister at the Camp. We have also ministered mass DELIVERANCE and spot DELIVERANCE on a regular basis to those who attend the DELIVERANCE teaching sessions.

Observation of those we have ministered to over the years shows us certain keys to successful DELIVERANCE. If the DELIVERANCE works and is lasting, then the chances are that it was done properly. If not, then you need to keep searching for the right method. Usually, either the person is not disciplining their life or you have used the wrong method of DELIVERANCE.


Every demon within a person has a legal right before God to be there. Satan is a legalist and knows his rights before God to send demons into a person. Learn to think of Satan as a lawyer demanding his rights before God. Learn to think of JESUS CHRIST as an advocate, a lawyer, defending our rights before God.

If we take away their legal rights before God to be in a human body, then we can cast them out relatively easily. This method takes away much of the violence that is exhibited when the demons have a right to remain. We had violence and strong manifestations before God taught us this lesson. We would have to hold people on the floor to keep them from hurting themselves and others. We have even had the demons tell us they would like to leave but they couldn’t because the person had unforgiveness, they were cursed or for some other reason. Once a demon told us, he was held in by a curse.

Earline and I are small of stature, we don’t want our house torn up, and we have no desire to fight physically with demons. We have had faith in God to protect us as we have tried to help others, some of whom had violent histories. God has honored that request and our faith. He has sent angels to protect us and once we knew that an angel had held a young man to keep him from hurting us.

The following are some general categories of demon’s legal rights that you need to remove before you start casting out: soul ties, false religions, occult activities, cursed objects, sins of ancestors and curses. You need to deal with any sin that has been committed that may have opened the door for demons especially unforgiveness. God taught us unforgiveness is the most important part of DELIVERANCE.

LAKE HAMILTON BIBLE CAMP, P.O. Box 516, Hot Springs, AR. 91902

This camp was founded on the vision given to Glen and Erma Miller by God. It was a vision of a DELIVERANCE camp to set the captives free. The Camp practices DELIVERANCE and teaches about the Kingdom of God. Mass and individual DELIVERANCE is practiced in the men’s and women’s meetings, and in the main DELIVERANCE meetings. As mass DELIVERANCE is proceeding, workers move around and help drive the demons out. Between the meetings, people are worked with for varying periods of time in individual DELIVERANCE.


Different types of DELIVERANCE are individual, small group and large group. Mass DELIVERANCE is simply DELIVERANCE for anyone who can hear the speaker’s voice; it can be two people or hundreds of thousands of people. The most successful is the individual DELIVERANCE. It is also the most time consuming but the most fruitful. DELIVERANCE is not a cure-all but will allow the person to do things they couldn’t do before and to follow God if they are sincere.


On Sundays, we either go to church, minister in a church, minister in our home or prepare lessons to teach about DELIVERANCE. We have ministered in our home to a wide range of people through the years. The following is the general pattern that we follow. It takes about three to eight hours a session. We see excellent results but it depends on the person disciplining their life after DELIVERANCE.

  1. Earline opens the meeting in prayer.
  2. We have fellowship for a short period of time.
  3. We spend one to three hours getting to know the person and their problems.
  4. I write down the person’s history and sins.
  5. We counsel and teach the person as it is needed.
  6. We take a break for refreshments.
  7. We take the person through a prayer where they pray about their sins and the sins of their ancestors. We break Biblical curses and soul ties, renounce occult and false religions, loose Godly Spirits, destroy or exorcize cursed objects, and make positive confessions in CHRIST.
  8. We use one or more form prayers for DELIVERANCE.
  9. We cast out the demons in the Name of JESUS. We read DELIVERANCE Scripture.
  10. We pray for healing as necessary.
  11. We counsel the person how to remain delivered.
  12. We are led by the Holy Spirit, and we use the years of experience and training that God has given us.



  1. Identify your problems.
  2. Forgive, pray and get yourself right with God.
  3. Break the curses and soul ties on you and your descendants.
  4. Cast out your demons.
  5. Pray for healing of your soul and body.
  6. Discipline your life by changing your way of thinking and acting.

These six steps would also apply to any person that you are ministering to.

It is easy to cast out demons but hard to discipline your life. The key to your remaining free is to discipline your mind and actions.


Practice systematic DELIVERANCE: basic then advanced then special – both mass and individual. Work on one or more areas of a person’s life at a time. You can not cast out all of the demons at one time; Christians are very demonized!

Pray DELIVERANCE prayers – break Biblical curses and soul ties – renounce occult and false religions – loose Godly Spirits – destroy or exorcize cursed objects – make positive confessions in CHRIST – read DELIVERANCE Scripture.

If the demons do not leave, find out what their legal right is and remove it. Ask God what it is, force the demon to tell you and/or ask the person what sin they or their ancestors committed to get them in that trouble.




”You are my battle axe and weapons of war” (Jer. 51:20).

The scriptures declare that the Father is counting on the Believer to subdue Satan’s empire (Psalm 149:5-9, Is. 58:1-7, Jer. 1:10, Luke 4:18-19, Ephesians. 2:10, and 3:10, Heb. 2:7-8 and I John 3:8).

This concept of causing the Devil’s forces to war against themselves, and destroy their strength and organized power is not new. It has been used by the Father – recorded in the scriptures (Judg 7:22).

The scriptures are clear that the Believer has the authority over Satan and all his evil spirits. They are admittedly the creations of the Father (Isa. 45:7).

The scriptures verify that we have total authority vested in us by the Father thru JESUS Christ.

The Believer is in authority over “the work of God’s hands” (Gen. 1:28, Psalm 8:6, Isa. 45:11, Matt. 28:18, Luke 10:19 and Rom. 8:14-23).

JESUS describes DELIVERANCE, Luke 11:21-22, in full with notes.

Here are promises by the Father that He would cause the Devil’s forces to destroy themselves: Psa. 35:1-8, Psa. 37:11-15, Psa. 109:17-18 and 28-29, Isa. 41:11-12, Isa. 49:26 and Eze. 35:6.


This is how the Believer can serve his or her Father in power in the battle planned against Satan.

“Father, I come to you in the name of the Lord JESUS Christ. I take authority over Satan and all his evil spirits from my position at the right hand of the Father, seated above “every name that is named” in the authority of the Lord JESUS Christ.

In the name of the Lord JESUS Christ, I bind the strong man over the world wide organizations such as:

Masonic Order and Bloodless Religions.

Catholic Church and False Religions.

Communist Empire and Godless Governments.

Illuminatti, Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission

One World-Wide Union, Longshoreman, UAW and Teamsters.

World Council of Churches.

America, Common Market Nations, Canada and Mexico.

Any religious, political, social or other organization that has practices that are contrary to the Holy Bible.


Notice: every organization has a demonic power ruling over it. This is why we bind powers over America, etc.


”In the authority of JESUS Christ, I take authority over all foul and evil spirits, authorities, princes, kings, powers, world rulers, and the highest and mightiest servants of Satan. I bind them to be powerless in the mighty name of JESUS Christ.

Father, in the authority of the Lord JESUS Christ, I pronounce the judgement written in the scriptures upon the evil and greedy conspirators in and over these world-wide organizations.

As it is written Father, I ask you to bring upon them judgement according to Ps. 1:4, Isa. 41:11-12 and Jer. 17:5-6.”


satan and his forces continue today in their steadfast opposition against the overwhelming evidence that they will surely lose the battle. Dr. Chafer declares that satan “is the living contender against the Believer in the realms of spiritual life and activity as well as in the area of flesh and blood”.

Satan and his fallen angels are sharply limited in power compared with God, for they are mere finite creatures who can do nothing outside the permissive will of God.

Robert Peterson points out that, “The master passion of Satan for worship leads him to gain worship by whatever method brings the best results. He gains the worship of millions of intelligent people through counterfeit systems of truth, persuading them that he does not exist; or that he holds no dread for the educated and informed, who either belittle his influence or dismiss it as humbug. The superstitious on the other hand, are held in bondage by fear, a fear the western world cannot understand because it defies explanation”. As Mrs. George Needham observes: “The root of idolatry is demonology. All its stupidity and senseless ceremony are but addenda to the main facts. The senses are gratified, the passions unloosed the conscience deluded-but chief over all, satan is worshipped.

Demons, and all their dupes, reject the Bible. So are Christians also dupes who reject any part of the Bible.

That morning I had preached on the triumph which is in the very name of JESUS in every area. A prophecy had followed confirming this truth. Demons frequently confirm that the Bible is true.

There can be very little doubt that the demons do have a highly organized empire of evil, Peterson writes out of direct observation as a missionary in Borneo. “I myself have heard through the lips of possessed persons two demons arguing over disputed territory. It seems that the demons are given boundaries over which they are not allowed to pass. Again I have heard demons trying to assert authority over other demons. If the one trying to usurp authority is lower in rank than the other one, there is apt to be violence. On the other hand, if the demon is high in rank, other demons must submit to his higher authority.”

“With those who are immersed in idolatry, Satan gains his end through fear, but with those who, having the Bible, should be acquainted with the Devil’s devices, his most effective work is that of deluding men into believing that all this talk of demonic activity is mere superstition and unscientific nonsense, so fulfilling Satan’s description as the one ‘who deceiveth the whole world’ (Rev. 12:9).”

Michael Harper flashes the alert that, “Behind the facade of religious life there is a spiritual battle raging. There seem to be many who are not fully aware of this warfare. From time to time there is a dramatic collision between the power of the Spirit and that of Satan. Success for the Christian will depend in a large measure on recognizing the work of the Devil and knowing how to defeat and expel him from every situation”. “So it is today, there is a fierce conflict and there are those who do not wish to pass this way. But we can’t avoid the battle-if we do not fight the enemy, he will still come at us.”

This conflict began long before the birth of JESUS and reached its height during His ministry. It will continue until Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.

Early in this century, Mrs. Penn-Lewis noted, “It is clear in Bible history that the manifestation of the power of God at Pentecost, and through the Apostles, meant again an aggressive attitude to the powers of darkness. Therefore, the growth and maturity of the Church of Christ at the end of the dispensation will mean the same recognition, and the same attitude toward the Satanic hosts of the Prince of the Power of the Air; with the same co-witness of the Holy Spirit to the authority of the Name of JESUS, as in the early Church. In brief, that the Church of Christ will reach its high water mark, when it knows how to ‘bind the strong man’ by prayer; ‘command’ the spirits of evil in the Name of Christ, and deliver men and women from their power.”

Harper writes these encouraging words: “These wicked beings can suggest evil, but cannot coerce the will of another creature. They may spread snares and devices to ruin the children of God, but cannot compel any other being to comply with their designs, nor can they employ God’s creation other than as He decrees. They have never been able to defeat God, and actually God uses them as instruments to correct the erring saints” (Luke 22:31-32, I Cor. 5:5, I Tim. 1:20).

Someone has remarked that Satan is like a monkey wrench which the Lord uses to tighten up loose nuts! Be of good cheer, saints of God! Satan is severely limited and all his bluster and bluff about ‘all power’ is sham. Our God is still on the throne and He rules! Hallelujah!

REFERENCES: ON WITH THE BATTLE! by J.M. Haggard, Route 6, Box 250, Muncie, Indiana 47302. Excerpts were taken from this booklet; we recommend that you examine the full contents.




 God is sovereign and can do anything. However, He will not violate the Holy Bible.

We will never reach the state of life where we do not make any mistakes in judgement or commit any sins, and do have perfect knowledge like God. To be perfect you must completely follow the whole Bible and be like JESUS CHRIST continually.

I have heard sermon after sermon that said all you have to do is pray or do some other part of our Christian duty. I have heard many sermons that someday God is going to do great things so that it will be easy to do great miracles.

We live in the nasty now and now. The only thing that counts is what will work. I want to see results, not hear theories about what God will do in the future.

Many times we work with pastors, DELIVERANCE workers and those who have been subjected to DELIVERANCE. As we work with these people in personal DELIVERANCE, we find that they have many demons.

Our desire is to see people really helped. I am an engineer, not a preacher. I am trained to see practical results and to be efficient. There is no place in my life for spiritual fantasy.

These are my comments after eleven years of intensive experience of working countless hours with thousands of people. DELIVERANCE is a continuous learning experience and will be until we die. No one ever arrives in God’s Kingdom. Much time has been spent in prayer, meditation, study, research, fasting, and association with others who write and minister DELIVERANCE.


There is one Satan – one individual not omniscient, omnipresent or omnipotent like God.

There are millions of fallen angels. Rev. 5:11 calculates at least 101,000,000 total angels. Rev. 12:4 calculates at least 33,700,000 fallen angels.

There are billions of demons. We only work with Christians and find they have many demons. If the world has billions of people–Christians have many demons–there must be many billions of demons.

Demons probably come from a Pre-Adamic Race but there is no scriptural reference that can be found to prove this statement.  satan is in charge (Chief of Staff). The fallen angels are his officers. The demons are his foot soldiers. We cast about 10,000 demons out of one man over a nine-month period. The demons freely talked, and gave us information about their rank and number. One demon said that a person could have tens of thousands of demons. This is probably someone that has worshiped Satan.


We will be in a battle with Satan and his evil forces until we die. He never quits and we should never quit. Satan counts on us being quitters; we must persist!

The battle becomes more fierce as we are used more by God. However, the victories become greater and more pleasing to us and God.

Satan came to steal, kill and destroy; he works hard at his job. He will take everything from you that you will let him have.

Christians want to have their needs met quickly and easily. God simply does not work this way. You have to persist over a long period of time to restore your life. If it took you years to get into the spiritual and physical mess that you are in, why would you expect God to restore you overnight?

Christians expect God to be like a fast-food restaurant and to dish the food out on a silver platter. God cut a Covenant with you. He will always do His part but He will not do your part of the covenant.

Satan is a good Devil and works twenty-four hours a day at his job of destroying you. We need to be as good at being Christians as Satan is good at being evil.

You must learn what your condition is: mentally, physically, spiritually and materially. You must learn why you got into that condition so that you will not repeat the same mistakes.

There is no cure-all in the Bible. You must use all the provisions of the Bible to lead a balanced life. There are no short-cuts to a successful Christian life.

God realizes that the human race is lazy. We want what God has for us without having to put out much effort. That is why God requires us to work at being Christians.

The casting out of demons will not work by itself. It must be combined with teaching about DELIVERANCE and with the disciplining of your life. Learn to change the way you think and act.

There is a curse against Christians who will not fight God’s battles (I Kings 20:35-42 and Jer. 48:10).

Probably the greatest hindrances in the lives of Christians are unforgiveness, rejection, bitterness and rebellion.

Christians will never conquer the world for God in their present condition without DELIVERANCE. The church is in a pitiful state.

We have ministered to Christians with problems for over eleven years. It has shown us that the average Christian is very demonized. The amazing thing is how a person can even function with so many demons.

You must clean your house of cursed objects. You must do the things necessary to live a victorious Christian life: have a working knowledge of the Bible and put that knowledge into practice.


The best way to view DELIVERANCE is to look at what JESUS CHRIST did and said in the Bible. It is estimated that he spent a fourth to a third of his time teaching and ministering DELIVERANCE. If He thought it was that important, then we should too!

DELIVERANCE consists of about three equal parts: teaching, casting out and counseling. There are many good books on DELIVERANCE and the there is much in the Bible on this subject. The people need mass, group and individual DELIVERANCE. Finally, they need counseling so that they can discipline their minds and bodies.

Satan fights DELIVERANCE more than any other area of the Christian life. This is the last battleground to complete victory. When you get saved, you become a Foot Soldier. When you receive the Baptism, you become a Marine and are sent to the front line. When you enter into DELIVERANCE, you become a Paratrooper and are parachuted behind the Gates of Hell for all-out spiritual warfare.

DELIVERANCE is the most controversial area of the Christian life. Christians generally either do not get involved or only get involved slightly. Because of this, there are weaknesses in the ministry of DELIVERANCE.

The biggest weakness is trying to cover DELIVERANCE by just casting out demons without proper teaching or counseling. Here, many Christians only go after the surface demons and do not go after the root causes of why the person got into those problems in the first place.

The second biggest weakness is not walking out the DELIVERANCE. After the demons are cast out, a person must change their ways of thinking and acting or they’ll let demons come back into them. A person needs extensive counseling to help them do this. They must decide to change their lives.

The third biggest weakness is the lack of teaching on DELIVERANCE. There is a large body of knowledge about DELIVERANCE but you hear little practical teaching come from the pulpit.

DELIVERANCE will not be completely successful unless there is a balance in the church and in the congregation of teaching, ministry and counseling. We have seen partial failures because people relied on just casting out demons, not disciplining their lives or not studying DELIVERANCE.

We have never seen a Christian that was not helped in some measure by DELIVERANCE. The measure of success is mainly dependent upon the person receiving DELIVERANCE. They must be persistent and consistent. They must set their face like flint to walk out their DELIVERANCE over an extended period of time!




It bothers me for preachers to give a sermon and then say that this sermon is the answer to all of your problems. Then for the preacher to do the same thing next week or week after week. There is no one answer to the Christian life. This lesson is what God has shown us about the Christian life; it is an overview. We are not completely living this life but we are improving as time goes by. I don’t want to bring you into condemnation. You need to realize that it takes time to change your life; it actually takes years. God is a God of Restoration and you will spend your whole life being restored. I believe that if we were completely restored, we would be like Adam and Eve; able to do anything that God wants us to do. Our goal is to be more like JESUS CHRIST realizing that we will never be another JESUS CHRIST.


To live the whole Christian life means to obey the whole Bible. It means that every aspect of our lives must be lined up with the precepts of the Bible. This includes the mental, physical, spiritual and material parts of our lives. The Bible tells us how to live in every area of our lives. God is not out-of-date; He didn’t forget anything in the Bible for our modern age.


We must discipline our mind, will and emotions. We learn to control our thinking the same way we control our physical body. The physical is told what to do; so, the brain is also told what to think by the spirit. The Holy Spirit leads our spirit which leads our soul which leads our body. The passive mind is an empty vessel inviting demons to have their way.


We must take care of our physical body. We should not abuse it by food, drink, drugs, etc. that we put into the body. We should not sin against the body by committing sexual sin. The body needs some physical exercise but not before spiritual exercise. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should be a place where the Holy Spirit would want to live.


We must feed the spiritual man within us. This requires living the Christian life. That requires reading the Bible, fasting, praying, fellowship with other Christians and other Christian activities. After salvation, it includes obtaining the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, learning about divine healing and divine health, DELIVERANCE and casting out demons, and prosperity for all areas of our life.


We must learn that God is our source who will supply all of our needs. We learn to look to God rather than to ourselves or to man. We learn to have faith and trust in God. We will prosper mentally, physically, spiritually and even materially. Remember that the love of money is the root of all evil.


Learn how to lead people to salvation and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other TONGUES. Learn how to pray for healing and how to cast out demons. Learn how to have prosperity in every area of your life; you will prosper as your spirit prospers.


We are a spirit that has a body and a soul. The spirit and soul reside in the body which is a temporary house. Our spirit and soul will be with us in Heaven. The order of importance is spirit first, soul second and body last.


The order of importance is God first, family second and occupation last. Most of my life was spent in the reverse order: occupation first, family second and God last. If you put God first in your life, He will help you to work with you to work out the remainder of your life (family, occupation, etc.) so that everything will work together for the Glory of God and to your benefit.


There are no excuses in the Bible. There are no shortcuts to the whole Christian life. You must work to live the Christian life. It is not a passive, spectator sport of watching others do your work. You must work at being a good mate, a good parent, a good child and a good Christian all of your life. God does not honor lazy Christians.


Satan is good at his job of being evil. He works twenty-four hours a day at destroying you. His demons never rest. You need to be as good at being a Christian as Satan is good at being evil. You will battle evil until you die. Learn to be a good soldier for the Lord.


You must learn to follow God and not man. Don’t fall into the trap of idolizing your leader. You must be free from man so that you can do what God wants in your life.


There are many promises to Christians in the Bible. However, for every promise there is a condition. You will not receive the promise if you do not fulfill the condition. We want to live a haphazard, sinful Christian life and yet receive all of the blessings from God. It won’t work; God is not mocked.


There is a blessing for every verse in the Bible that you obey. There is a curse for every verse in the Bible that you disobey. If you obey half of the Bible, you are half blessed and half cursed. Decide to follow the whole Bible, not just a selected part of it.


If you have sin in your life, you have opened the door for Satan and his demons to attack you, your family and your church. Sin is a crack in your armor whether known or unknown to you. You or your ancestors have invited Satan to come into your life and work havoc.


You must systematically work at riding yourself of curses and demons. It is much easier to live without your demons than with your demons. It is easier to live with the demons on the outside than on the inside of the body. Christians have many curses and demons, and must work over an extended period of time to rid themselves of these. What the church needs more than anything else is DELIVERANCE. They will never win the battle with Satan without DELIVERANCE. We need to cast out demons as a natural part of our Christian life.


satan first wants you to get rejected. Then he causes you to become bitter by having unforgiveness. Finally he leads you into rebellion. You are then programmed to go into many other demonic activities such as sexual sin to gain love that you didn’t receive as a child.


These three families, “The Three R’s”, of demons are the root causes of most of our problems as Christians. We must work to cleanse our lives of all rejection, bitterness and rebellion so that we are not controlled in any way by these emotions and reactions. Unforgiveness is very detrimental to our lives. We must forgive everyone who has done anything to us – actual or imagined. Hate, vengeance, envy and strife have no part in our lives.


You must deal with why you consciously do things that are displeasing to God. You must deal with why you do things subconsciously without active thought on your part. You must check every area of your live that does not glorify JESUS, further the Kingdom of God, please the Holy Spirit within you, line up with the Bible, and make good sense. Your mind will be slowly restored as you follow the Bible and walk the Christian walk.


You must clean your home and your person (body) of cursed objects. If you have cursed objects, you become cursed and you will have demons living with you. They don’t just come to live in your home or on your person, they come to torment you and your family.


We need mass and individual DELIVERANCE to rid ourselves of curses and demons. We need teaching and counseling to learn to discipline our minds and bodies. We need plenty of DELIVERANCE and teaching; it should be about one third of our church services.


When you receive DELIVERANCE, you must fight to maintain it by changing your way of thinking and acting. You maintain your Christianity by continuing to live the Christian life. If you are not going forward with JESUS, you are going backwards with Satan. You must fight to discipline your soul and body. We can’t just cast out your demons and you will live happily ever after. Start testifying about your DELIVERANCE; it will strengthen you.


Your mind must be disciplined so that it will think properly in accordance with the Bible. You must learn to act according to God rather than react according to Satan when presented with problems. You must discipline your body by getting proper sleep, exercise and food. You need sufficient rest for recuperation, physical exercises to keep the body working properly and the right food to sustain the body. You can sleep too much or too little. Lack of exercise will allow the body to deteriorate. Eat the right food and keep your body trim, not overweight.


You must educate yourself about Satan and his kingdom of evil so that you are not destroyed by ignorance about the wiles of Satan. You need to read and study to show yourself approved as a workman for God. Find out what the Bible has to say about evil; don’t just study the Love of God and His Promises to you. Don’t fall into traps of the occult, false religions and other demonic practices such as certain holidays. Learn to see the forces of evil working in the lives of those people God tells us about in the Bible. The Bible contains much scripture about DELIVERANCE and demonic activity. We have written a “DELIVERANCE Manual” to teach people about the enemy.

God is total reality; there is no fantasy or play acting in God. There is no unreality in the Bible. Christians should not deal in any spiritual fantasy. Fantasy is very simply a lie from satan who is the father of lies.

It is wonderful that God will heal our bodies supernaturally by miracles or over a period of time. However, we need to learn to walk in divine health as a normal part of our lives. To walk in divine health requires taking care of our bodies and walking blameless before God. Drunkenness and gluttony are the same in the Sight of God. Demonic sex can destroy our bodies and take us to Hell.

You need your body free from diseases and your mind free from demonic emotions. To get free, you must pray that God will heal you, and you cast out the demons that control your emotions and diseases in your body. Healing and DELIVERANCE go hand-in-hand. Many times people do not get healed by prayer because they need their demons cast out. Medicine taken to cure the body is all right if you do not have faith in God to heal you supernaturally.

You must deal with the areas of curses, soul ties, occult, false religions and cursed objects to get free. Curses and soul ties must be broken. Occult and false religious ties must be severed. Cursed objects must be destroyed. Then the demons must be cast out. Finally, you must discipline your life so that the demons will not come back into you.

There is no need for the whole profession of treating the mind in the Christian world; the heathen have no other source than this profession. The Bible clearly has made provisions for taking care of the mind without drugs. A Christian can deliver and counsel other Christians far more effectively than any heathen worker in the mental field of medicine. Drugs for the mind is a form of sorcery used to control the demons in the mind; do not take these medicines.

Infirmities from weakness to terminal diseases can come from your ancestors; they are transmitted by demons through the blood line. Infirmities can come in through your sins. Arthritis and cancer can come in through unforgiveness and bitterness. You must repent and get right with God, break the curses on you by your ancestors and cast out the demons.

Everyone in the family needs DELIVERANCE. You need to learn to pray for each other and your children. Don’t wait for the pastor to do it or it will never get done. The Bible has much scripture about how the godly family should be and the right relationship of the family to God. One of the key areas is to be thankful for what we have and what God is doing in our lives. We must come out of sin and death into holiness and life. It requires a lot of work to be a good homemaker: husband, wife or children.




We frequently encounter Christian fantasy especially in the Full-Gospel Movement. Hos. 4:6, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We perish because of our ignorance. II Tim. 2:15, Study to shew thyself approved unto God. You must study by yourself; you can not depend on others to teach you everything. II Tim. 3:16, All scripture is given by inspiration of God. Many times you get little scripture in a message and a lot of man’s words. The Bible from cover to cover must be read repeatedly and meditated upon. James 1:22, But be ye doers of the word. It does no good just to read or hear the Word of God; you must put it into practice. Head knowledge will get you to Hell; heart knowledge will get you to Heaven. As you can see from these scriptures, you must study the whole Bible and put it into practice. We are not just New Testament Christians ignoring the Old Testament. We are children of God following the whole Word of God.

After Byron died, I decided to quit playing church and start following God as my Lord, Master and Savior; before then He was only my Christ. I was concerned because I had not gone to the seminary or Bible school. God told me just to accept the Bible in simple childlike faith, put it into practice and watch it work. That fit in well with my practical engineering background. Since that time, I have followed those instructions; signs, wonders and miracles have followed the teaching of the Word.


Fantasy: hallucination, fanciful, imagination, caprice, unrealistic, improbable, daydream. Fable: story, fictitious, legend, falsehood, lie. Cliche: stereotype, trite, overly familiar. Myth: parable, allegory, tradition, unfounded, false, imaginary, unverifiable.

Deut. 32:4, A God of truth. Isa. 65:16, The God of truth. Our God is the one and only God; He is the God of Truth. I Kings 17:24, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God. If you are of God, then truth will flow thru your mouth. Jer. 4:2, The Lord liveth, in truth, in judgement, and in righteousness. Many Christians fall into Satan’s trap that God is love only and not judgement also. John 4:23, Worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Some are not true worshipers but are hypocrites that are putting on a religious show that stinks in God’s nostrils. John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life. Unless we accept JESUS CHRIST on His terms, we will never come to the Father. I John 1:8, We deceive ourselves. There was only one perfect person on earth – JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God. All others sin. To be perfect, you must completely follow the whole Word of God every moment of your life. Gal. 4:16, Am I therefore become your enemy? Do you get mad at Earline and me because we tell you about the hard sayings in the Bible, and do not pet you in your sins and weaknesses? We call this practice petting demons.


Num. 23:19, God is not a man that He should lie. God doesn’t lie but man does. I Sam. 15:29, Will not lie nor repent. God doesn’t have to repent for lying but man should. Job 11:3, Should thy lies make men hold their peace? Eze. 13:10, Peace; and there is no peace. The ministry cries peace, peace when America and the world are deteriorating into sin and degradation. Prov. 6:19, A false witness that speaketh lies. There are a lot of pat phrases in the Christian world that are not true when put to the test. This is false witness and deceives others. Prov. 19:9, He that speaketh lies shall perish. It is dangerous to follow false teachings of any kind and you will perish in some manner. You will pay for any area of the Bible that you are ignorant of. As Earline says, you burn while you learn. Isa. 9:15, The prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. Instead of being a head of Christianity, he will be the tail. Isa. 28:15, Under falsehood have we hid ourselves. Are Christian fables your refuge? Isa. 63:8, Children that will not lie. God’s people do not lie. Jer. 14:14, The prophets prophesy lies in my name. People prophesy in the name of God but the prophesy comes from their soul. It is a soulish prophesy that frequently ends with “thus saith the Lord”. Jer. 23:14, They commit adultery and walk in lies. How many preachers and teachers have you seen committing adultery and teaching lies? Jer. 23:25, Saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. These are false prophets with false dreams. Jer. 23:32, Cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness. False prophesy will cause the people to err. Taking Christianity lightly is error. Eze. 13:19, To slay the souls that should not die. This is talking about false prophetesses. Acts 5:4, Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. Some lies are unto God. If you say your soulish prophesy is from God, then you are lying about God. I Tim. 4:2, Speaking lies in hypocrisy. Hypocrites who depart from the faith continue to teach lies. Rom. 1:25, Who changed the truth of God into a lie. God will give Christians over to vile affections who want to believe lies. Heb. 6:18, It was impossible for God to lie. It is comforting to know that God does not lie and we can completely rely on His Word. We can trust our lives in the hands of God.

There are many fables and cliches (Glen Miller calls them tradition) that are passed off as the Gospel. Generally, these are sayings that make you feel good. They take many different forms. If repeated often enough, the Christian world believes they are true. Some of these follow; the list could go on and on.

“God will do everything for you; you don’t have to do anything yourself.” God will always do His part of the covenant; we must do our part also. “God will take care of your family if you take care of God’s business.” We have no right to neglect our families. “All of God’s promises are ours.” The promises are ours only if we meet the conditions. For every promise there is a condition.

There is much ignorance and many myths about DELIVERANCE. DELIVERANCE is the most misunderstood part of the Christian life. Most traditional Christians know little or nothing about Satan and his army. They do not believe they have a personal Devil, Satan. Most Full-Gospel Christians do not believe that a Christian can have a demon in the body or soul. Satan is eating their lunch and they think it is just the flesh. Many DELIVERANCE workers and ministers do not realize how demonized they and the Christian body still are. Sometimes they fall by the wayside because they do not continue to purge their bodies of demons.

DELIVERANCE is the most controversial and unpopular part of the Christian life. Unless the Church gets involved on a regular basis with DELIVERANCE, many Christians will continue to be defeated by Satan. The Devil will use their ignorance to plague the Church.

When the Christian finally accepts that he can have a demon, the response is that he can only have a few demons. Actually, Christians have many demons. When the young Christian starts to cast out demons, he will make statements like, “You are completely free of demons.” JESUS never told anyone in the Bible that they were completely free of demons. He spent days casting out demons from the multitudes.

Prophecies can be a blessing or a curse. Personal prophecy has caused some Christians to try to make it come true with disastrous results. The most danger for abuse lies in personal prophecy. Charismatic witches use personal prophecy to control others. Some Christians think that they have to have a word from the Lord or there is something wrong with them.

The true prophet does not make any mistakes. All of his prophecies come true. In the Old Testament, if the prophet missed God, he was stoned (Deut. 13:1-5, 18:20). I wonder what would happen if we killed the false prophets today.

Many prophecies are soulish prophecies which are made up in the mind of man or woman. Frequently they do not line up with the Bible. Sometimes people prophecy just to be noticed.

You have a responsibility to check out everything you see, hear or read by the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit within you, and by your intelligence. Otherwise, you will follow every wind of false doctrine.

Some prophecy is divination. Divination is the false gift of prophecy. It has destroyed churches and ministries across the land. The prophecies are right on but the purpose is to control. The diviners want to take over the pastor, then the church, and finally the property.

Satan has a counterfeit for everything that God has created. Just because it is spiritual and happens in the church, does not mean that it is from God. The demons go to church with the Christians and non-Christians to hinder or destroy the church. Don’t underestimate the power of Satan and his forces; he is the second-most powerful spiritual being in the universe, only second to JESUS CHRIST who defeated him. We have power over Satan only because of JESUS CHRIST.

There are many myths about Christian warfare. Most Christians don’t know that we are in a battle. Actually, we are in a life and death battle with Satan and his host of demons. We have to fight to take the Kingdom of God by force from the enemy. Satan is a good Devil, a worthy Adversary, at what he does; he works twenty-four hours a day to destroy us. He will probably take 98% of the world population and 75% of the church population to Hell with him. His army consists of billions of demons and hundreds of millions of fallen angels. He has multiplied demons for every person on earth, now about four billion people.

You will be tempted until you die. God will not stop the temptation but will make a way for you to escape. You need to learn to war in the spirit world to protect yourself and your family. The best defense against Satan is a good offense which is all-out spiritual warfare. God didn’t provide any armor for our backs as cowards running from the enemy.

The following are negative statements or myths: “There is a single answer to my problems and living the Christian life. My problems in life can be worked out overnight. We can pick and choose what parts of the Bible to follow. It is not necessary to discipline our soul or body. We can let our mind be blank and God will fill it. We do not have to take care of our body; God will heal us when we get sick. We can let others feed us spiritually; we don’t need to do it ourselves. We don’t need to go to church; all we have to do is watch television evangelism. If we don’t like DELIVERANCE, we can ignore it. God will supply everything we desire. If we can just find an anointed man or woman of God, they will pray for us and everything will be fine. We can live with one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom of God. If you do God’s work, you can ignore your responsibilities. I can be a passive Christian and watch others do the work of God. The pastor and leaders do the work, not me. I am not in a war, God will fight all of my battles. All I have to do is to follow my pastor; he will hear from God for me. We can live a sinful life and receive all of God’s blessings. I can sin, get forgiven and my family will not suffer. All we need to have in the church is token DELIVERANCE. Rejection is not a demon. I have a right to my unforgiveness because of the way I have been treated. Sex is love. Bad emotions are not demonic. I do not have to examine every area of my life. I can keep my cursed objects without causing any harm.

We can get all of our demons cast our in one grand event. I can be ashamed of my DELIVERANCE; God won’t mind. When someone makes me mad, I can react however I feel. I can be ignorant of Satan’s wiles; what I don’t know can’t hurt me. God is love; He won’t send me to Hell. I can do anything I want to; God will protect me. God is pie-in-the-sky by-and-by. We can be gluttons as long as we are not drunkards. I do not need to get my demons cast out; all I need is to get prayer for me to be healed. It is all right to take mind control drugs. I need to go to a psychiatrist; God is not interested in my mind. The sins of my ancestors will not cause me any problems. I can do things my way; God will approve.”

There are other areas that were not covered in this lesson. Some of these areas are holidays, puppetry, origin of evil, false strength of Christians, divine order, separation of healing and DELIVERANCE, taking care of the body and soul, what you sow – that you reap, Christians are not cursed, and parlor games won’t hurt you. When this lesson was taught at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, Glen Miller commented on these subjects. Tommy Cook also reviewed the topic of Prophecy Myths.

Before DELIVERANCE from demon bondage, pray about being controlled by charismatic witchcraft or trying to control other’s wills which is also witchcraft. Repent, take authority over these forces, break soul ties, and break curses placed upon you. Then cast out the demons.




Part of your battle in the Christian World is your daily prayers. It is desirable to establish a pattern for your daily praying. You do not need to pray exactly as we do but let the Holy Spirit show you what to pray about. It needs to be personalized for your life. These examples may help you to establish your prayers. We have several prayers that we use almost every day except for interruptions. These prayers help us get the day started off in the Lord. As priest and head of the home, I pray out loud and Earline agrees with me. It is very important and powerful for husband and wife to agree together in prayer.

I usually get up at 6:00 a.m. every morning. After toiletries, I exercise and then give thanks to God to get the day started off right. It is extremely important that we maintain “an attitude of gratitude” towards God for the constant help He gives us. If you are grateful to God, this will solve many of your problems and wrong thought processes. While I am getting dressed, Earline may be praying in bed before she gets up.

“Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank you for divine health: mental, physical, spiritual and material for Earline and I. Thank you for all blessings known and unknown, and for showering down blessings on us so great that we can not receive them. Thank you for the complete restoration of our bodies. Thank you for restoring Earline’s mouth, torso and feet. Thank you for restoring my face, back and legs. We especially thank you for restoring us from cancer and lupus. Thank you now for restoring our mouths and respiratory systems so that we can do Your Work. Amen.”

Before we eat breakfast, we pray another prayer for the food and other things. We believe that you should pray before every meal. Pray out loud if possible; if you can not, pray silently. It is extremely important for God to bless the food you eat to protect your body. I pray the following prayer and Earline agrees with me.

“Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank you Lord for a good day, for protecting us against powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Now Lord, we apply the blood over and bind Satan away from Earline and I, Marie, Nathan and Nat, our jobs and our clients, Manna Baptist Church, Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, Trinity New Testament Fellowship, A & E Testing, our possessions and everything that we have any part in. Lord send your angels to minister unto us, build a ring of Holy Ghost Fire around us and cover us with Your Blood. We pray for the United States of America and Israel, the Christians and the Jews, the churches that worship JESUS in spirit and truth. We ask for courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray especially for the leaders and ask a double portion for our families. We ask divine favor with You in accordance with the Holy Word of God, with each other and those we come into contact with today. We confess that this is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. If God be for us, who can be against us? You have given us power over all the power of the enemy and we intend to exercise it by the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Now Lord, we ask that you lead, guide, direct and protect us. Let us walk in your perfect will; we yield ourselves to you today. We thank you for our food, clothing and shelter, for everything that you have done for us known and unknown. We ask you to bless this food to our bodies, purify and cleanse it so that our temples will be fit for the Holy Spirit to reside in. All these things we ask in the Blessed Name of JESUS CHRIST, our Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.”

We usually eat breakfast in a restaurant. After we come home, we pray for the day. After the following prayer, we pray for specific needs that we feel impressed to pray about. This is a prayer for the world and things that are important to us. I pray this prayer, Earline agrees with me, and she then prays as she is led.

“Dear Lord, we ask you to forgive Earline and I of our sins, teach us and show us so that we will be pleasing in your sight. We pray for ourselves, Marie, Nathan and Nat, this day and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for each other, this day and most of all for You. We pray for our relatives and friends, our Christian brothers and sisters. We pray for those who labor in the field of DELIVERANCE, for their families, churches and ministries that You would give them a triple-fold portion of courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray for the Army of the Lord that it would grow strong and mighty and be valiant and do exploits in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. We pray that DELIVERANCE would come to the forefront of Christianity. We pray for those that we have ministered to, for their families, churches and ministries that they would go on with the Lord. We pray for all men everywhere that they would come into the saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. We pray for Manna Baptist Church, for Butch and Lois; for Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, for Glen and Erma, Kevin and Patti, and Daniel; for Trinity New Testament Fellowship, for Reggie and Pat. We pray for the five-fold ministry, for their families, churches and ministries. We pray for A & E Testing and for our business. We pray Your Blessings on these. We bind up all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We lose the powers of God: warring angels, ministering angels, Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God to come down and do a mighty battle on earth today. We bind up every force of evil and loose every force of good that we have the power and authority to do so in JESUS’ Name. We thank you Lord for power and authority over the enemy, and the use of the Name of JESUS CHRIST for its in His Name we pray. Amen.”

It is not necessary to pray a long prayer in a loud voice in a public place. In fact, this practice may do more harm than good to Christianity. We feel it is better to softly pray a short prayer out loud than not to pray at all. We use this prayer for a meal or for a snack in public. It can also be used at home for snacks between meals.

“Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank You Lord for this food. Bless, purify and cleanse it so that we can be fit temples for the Holy Spirit to reside in. We break any curses on it and eat it with thanksgiving. For it’s in JESUS’ Name we pray. Amen.”

The remainder of the day we pray as the Holy Spirit leads us. These can be prayers in other TONGUES or in English. These can be prayers together or alone. They can be prayers out loud or silently. They can be prayers with your eyes closed or just going about the business of life. There is no set way that you have to pray. If we have a God consciousness, the Holy Spirit is praying through our spirit without ceasing. If it is important, we try to get together to pray and agree. Sometimes we ask the Holy Spirit to impress the other person to pray at the same time when we are separated. It is beautiful to know that the other mate was praying at the same time in an emergency.




Gen. 1:28 – We are to subdue the earth.

Gen. 3:15 – JESUS bruised the head of Satan.

Ex. 15:3 – The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.

Num. 23:8 – How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed?

Psa. 5:10 – Let them fall by their own counsels.

Psa. 6:10 – Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed.

Psa. 7:15 – And is fallen in the ditch which he made.

Psa. 8:6 – Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands.

Psa. 10:15 – Break thou the arm of the wicked and evil men.

Psa. 17:13 – Arise , O Lord, disappoint him, cast him down.

Psa. 24:8 – The Lord mighty in battle.

Psa. 28:4 – Render to them their desert.

Psa. 35:8 – Let his net that he hath hid catch himself.

Psa. 37:14 – And to slay such as be of upright conversation.

Psa. 55:9 – Destroy, O Lord, and divide their TONGUES.

Psa. 57:6 – Into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves.

Psa. 58:6 – Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth.

Psa. 59:11 – Scatter them by thy power; and bring them down.

Psa. 68:18 – Thou hast led captivity captive.

Psa. 69:22 – Which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.

Psa. 83:9 – A prayer against them that oppress the church.

Psa. 109:17 – As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him.

Psa. 109:28 – When they arise, let them be ashamed.

Psa. 109:29 – Let them cover themselves with their own confusion.

Psa. 140:9 – Let the mischief of their own lips cover them.

Psa. 149:6-9 – A two edged sword in their hand.

Prov. 26:2 – So the curse causeless shall not come.

Isa. 53:12 – He shall divide the spoil with the strong.

Isa. 54:17 – Every tongue arising against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.

Isa. 58:6 – Fast – Loose – Undo – Free – Break

Jer. 1:10 – Set – Root – Pull – Destroy – Throw – Build – Plant

Jer. 48:10 – Cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.

Jer. 51:20 – Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war.

Matt. 5:44 – Love your enemies.

Matt. 10:7-8 – Preach – Heal – Cleanse – Raise – Cast – Give

Matt. 12:29 – We are to bind the strong man, Satan, and spoil his house.

Matt. 18:18-19 – Bind – Loose – Agree

Matt. 28:20 – Teaching to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.

Luke 4:18 – Preach / Heal / Deliver / Sight / Liberty

Luke 8:1 – We should do the works of God in every city and village.

Luke 10:18 – Satan is a defeated foe.

Luke 10:19 – God gave us power over all the power of the enemy.

Luke 11:22 – We are stronger than Satan through JESUS CHRIST.

John 12:31 – Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

John 16:11 – The prince of this world has been judged by JESUS.

Rom. 16:20 – And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.

I Cor. 4:12 – Being reviled we bless; being persecuted we suffer it.

II Cor. 10:4 – We are to pull down the strongholds of Satan.

Eph. 3:10 – The church is to make its presence known to the principalities.

Eph. 6:12 – We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against evil forces.

Eph. 6:16 – Ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Col. 2:15 – JESUS spoiled principalities and powers.

II Tim. 1:10 – Our Savior JESUS CHRIST who hath abolished death.

II Tim. 2:26 – Help others recover themselves out of the snare of the Devil.

Heb. 2:8 – Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet.

Heb. 2:14 – He might destroy him that had the power over death.

James 4:7 – Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.

I John 3:8 – Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil.

I John 5:5 – We are overcomers because we believe in JESUS, the Son of God.

Rev. 12:11 – Overcome by blood of Lamb, word of testimony and love not lives.

Rev. 12:17 – We are at war with the forces of evil.

The Bible says He is “God of Battles”, “Man of War” and “Lord of Armies”. There is a lot more scripture in the Word of God which describes God and what He expects us to do as His warriors (solders). Several verses are II Kings 13:14-19 and Psa. 78:9-11.

This lesson is to demonstrate that we are to be warriors for CHRIST in the spiritual battle for the earth. What we do will have consequences for eternity. You can make a difference in the world!

A philosopher once said, “For every man attacking the roots of evil, there are a thousand flailing away at the leaves.” This is a picture of Christianity today; few people are willing to get their hands dirty and dig up the roots of evil. DELIVERANCE is dealing with sin in people’s lives; it is housecleaning according to Earline.

The following was penned by William B. Fason, 1865-1945, who handled sporting goods and farm machinery in east Texas. Many times the world follows the principles of Christianity to succeed in business. Can you apply his philosophy to everyday living? (Comments in the parenthesis is mine.)

  1. Don’t ever tell nobody nuthin that ain’t so. (Don’t lie under any circumstance.)
  2. If it’s broke, fix it quick as you can. You can fish anytime. Crops won’t wait to be sowed or harvested. (If you have problems in life, deal with them now. Don’t procrastinate, the problems will probably get worse.)
  3. The product has gotta do the job right or it ain’t no bargain no matter how pretty or cheap it is. Cheap shoes hurt ever day for years. Good ones only hurt once when you pay for them. (Easy believeism is no bargain. It only hurts once when you deal openly with your sin.)
  4. Don’t sell a 30-06 to a feller that hunts rabbits. The shells is expensive and the rabbit gets blowed up and ain’t hardly fit to eat. (Don’t apply the wrong solution in the Bible to your problems. For instance, don’t pray for healing when you need your demons cast out.)
  5. Don’t sell a 22 to a bear hunter. He’s liable to wind up getting ate by the bear. (Don’t tell a person that all of their problems are solved; they may leave the church when they find out that what you said is not true.)
  6. Nuthin is more important than a satisfied customer. Treat him wrong an he will holler all over the county. Treat him fair and he will brang you more customers that you can shake a stick at. (Use the “Golden Rule” and tell the truth in love; it will win out in the end.)
  7. Trust everybody but still cut the cards. (Don’t let the charlatans ruin you love for others. Use your brain and leadership of the Holy Spirit to spot falseness.)
  8. Don’t fret none over a mistake. Just make sure you learnt somethin. (Don’t spend time in guilt. Learn your lesson and don’t make the same mistake again.)
  9. Be suspicious of any man that walks a dog on a leash. (Discern everything that you hear, see or read to see if it lines up with the Bible.)
  10. Always deal with things like they is, not like they ain’t or ought to be. (Face life in reality not in Christian fantasy; don’t live a lie.)
  11. If a feller sez “It’s ain’t the money it’s the principal of the thing.” You can bet your life it’s the money. (Learn to look on the hidden man of the heart and not on the outward appearance of man.)
  12. Let the Lord guide you but remember that God don’t do no plowin or milkin. (Don’t look to God to do our jobs. Study the Bible and see what your part is.)

I John 3:8 says For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil. Most adults can not answer this question correctly! Most people think that He came to save them. Salvation is just part of what JESUS CHRIST accomplished on earth. As you can see from the scripture above, He bruised Satan’s head, led captivity captive, divided the spoil, cast out Satan, judged prince of world, spoiled principalities and powers, abolished death, put all things in subjection, etc. As you study the Bible, it is clear that JESUS CHRIST, The Son of God, completely defeated Satan and his army of fallen angels and demons. It is also clear that God Almighty made provisions that we can be totally victorious in Him according to His Ways. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous if God setup a plan for children of God to lose to the forces of evil?

If Satan has been completely defeated, then why do we still have to war with the enemy? It is simple; Satan is free to roam the earth until he is bound up for a thousand years. Until then, he can do everything we will let him do to destroy us. Satan has no power over us but we let him trick us due to our ignorance of the Bible and because of sin in our lives.

Luke 10:19 says Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. We are to subdue, have dominion, do the works of God, be overcomers, quench fiery darts, etc.

Jer. 51:20 says Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. Why doesn’t God do everything Himself? He certainly could! God has chosen to work through His children. The condition of the world is the responsibility of the Christian body and especially the leaders. It is clear that the five-fold ministry has failed to properly teach and show the world how to live. The world will never be won for CHRIST with the ignorance, cowardliness and greed of the present day ministry.

Matt. 12:29 says Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house. If JESUS came to destroy the works of the enemy, then what should we do? We should continue in His footsteps and do His works until He comes for us. We should bind the forces of evil and spoil their houses. We are to help those recover themselves out of the snare of the Devil who have been taken captive.

Key words about what we can do are: Fast – Loose – Undo – Free – Break – Set – Root – Pull – Destroy – Throw – Build – Plant – Cleanse – Raise – Cast – Give – Bind – Loose – Agree – Preach – Heal – Deliver – Sight – Liberty.

Jer. 48:10 says Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood. If you will not fight for God, you are cursed. If you do not fight, the demons will take advantage of you. You can not win by not fighting in the spiritual war. The best defense is a good offense against the forces of evil. God will always do his part of the covenant but he will not do our part. It is far better to be on His side in the battle than to be neutral in the battle and be subject to the enemy. If you are not willing to fight, God will watch as you are overcome by the enemy.

Eph. 6:12 says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We are not fighting against people but against demons within people and spiritual forces outside of people; this is spiritual warfare. We don’t have a right to fight against flesh and blood but we do have the right and responsibility to fight against evil forces. Otherwise, there is no battle on earth; we just let humans and Satan do anything to us. I also believe we have the right and responsibility to defend our nation and our families against harm.

Matt. 5:44 says But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. This is a verse that God has used to deal with me when others are not treating me in a Christian way. There are no excuses in the Bible. Here we are talking about humans and not demons. The Bible has a lot to say about how we treat others. Matt. 5:44 is a good summary about how we should treat our human enemies. Our enemies could be other Christians or heathen in the world. How do we reconcile spiritual warfare with spiritual beings versus loving physical human beings?

I normally think of a number of things when I pray for people who are my enemies because of their actions against me, family, ministry, etc. as follows:

  1. I repent and ask God to forgive me of anything I may have done. (You need to get right with God before praying for others.)
  2. I forgive my enemies and release them from sin against me. (The most important thing is forgiveness. We can hold a person’s sin or release it.)
  3. I ask God to forgive them and bless them with all spiritual blessings. (All spiritual blessings would include salvation and teaching the right way.)
  4. I break any soul ties with them or curses on me in the Name of JESUS. (Now we have the right to break soul ties and curses with sin under the Blood.)
  5. I then send the demons back to the sender that were sent to me. (It is hoped that the demons will cause the person to see that there is something wrong.)
  6. I ask God to save their souls and open their eyes as to what they are doing. (We want the heathen to be saved and the saved to be taught. The wrong actions may be done in ignorance or with malice aforethought.)
  7. If we feel that it is an attack by people in the occult or Satan worship, then we command the demons to go back and attack those who sent them to attack us. (The purpose is to demonstrate that God is greater and that they should get saved.)

As we discussed above, we should love our human enemies according to scripture. We do not have to love Satan and his evil spirits. Actually, we should hate everything that God hates; surprised, read your Bible. We can hate Satan and all forces of evil, sin and iniquity, and all that God hates. If you do not hate evil, you will love evil, compromise with evil or practice evil. Demons can not be saved. We won’t be dancing in Heaven with satan!

Our enemies can be the unsaved or the saved. They can have spiritual or physical bodies. They can be ignorant or learned in evil. They can be practicing witchcraft or occult activities or even be worshiping Satan. How we war or pray would depend upon the above classification.

It is interesting to study how David prayed for his enemies in the Psalms. The above listed verses are some of the many that David used against his enemies.

David talks about his enemies falling into their own traps, catching themselves in their nets and falling themselves by their own devices. In other words, he prays that they will fall into their traps set for him.

David also prays to God to cause his enemies to fall by counsel, and to be ashamed, vexed, disappointed, cast down, rendered, destroyed, divided, scattered, brought down, confused, etc. He even prays that their arms will be broken and their teeth will be knocked out.

We feel like the way David prayed is appropriate under certain circumstances where the people are practicing witchcraft, occult or Satan worship to destroy the Christians. They send demons to attack the Christians and destroy them in certain areas of their lives. We send the demons back to the sender to counterattack. The object is to cause the person to wake up and see that God is stronger than Satan, reject evil and seek salvation.

We know that we are targets of those who actively follow evil. The Lord showed us that one Halloween night we were to be the sacrifice for the local Satanist churches. However, God foiled their plan by sending a Christian family to spend the night with us until midnight! If God does not protect us, then we are unprotected. There is no way that we can humanly defend ourselves against attacks of the enemy who wants to physically kill us. We are no match against evil humans or spirits without the help of God. If God doesn’t defend a city, it is not defended.

Those in the occult will fast and pray up to forty days to destroy Christian families and churches. They are serious about what they are doing and Satan is a harsh taskmaster. We need to be as good at being Christians as Satan is at being evil!

If we are warriors for CHRIST, then how do we fight the war using spiritual warfare? The above scripture shows us that CHRIST was a warrior for God and we are to be warriors for CHRIST. The war consists of two fronts: an earthly and a heavenly.

On earth we do not war against humans but against the demons in humans. We do not fight (physically, mentally, spiritually or materially) with our brothers or sisters, saved or unsaved. We do pray for those who are unsaved to receive salvation but do not cast out their demons. For the saved, we bind up the demons and cast them out of their bodies. We pray for Salvation, DELIVERANCE, Baptism, Healing and Prosperity. We Teach, Counsel, Pray and Minister as the Holy Spirit leads. In other words, we minister to the all the needs of our brethren in every area of their lives. God has made provisions for every need we have in every area of our lives!

On earth we battle for our minds which is the main battle for the human race. Physically we fight for our bodies to be healthy. We battle with our finances against the forces of evil by tithes and offerings supporting the true works of God. Time is spent in following the Christian walk: fellowshipping with other Christians, reading the Bible, fasting, praying, meditating, studying, and strengthening ourselves. Time is spent in helping others: teaching, counseling, praying and ministry. We battle mentally, physically, materially, spiritually with our time, talents and resources.

In the heavenlies we war against Satan and his army of fallen angels, demons and imps. This is mainly a spiritual battle of prayer against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. There are two heavenlies: Godly and ungodly. We ask God to loose His forces to battle for us and we bind the forces of Satan.

Psa. 109:17 says As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. The Bible also says So the curse causeless shall not come and How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? You do not need to send curses back to the sender but just break them off you and your family. You can send the demons back to the sender. When we break the curses off us, the person that sent the curses is still cursed. The scripture says he loved cursing, the curse had a cause and God cursed him.



Ex. 15:3 – The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.

Nu. 23:8 – How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed?

De. 29:20 – All the curses that are written in this book shall be upon him.

Jos. 11:20 – That he might destroy them utterly.

I Sa. 19:5 – And the Lord wrought a great salvation for all Israel.

I Sa. 25:28 – Because my lord fighteth the battles of the Lord.

II Sa. 23:12 – And the Lord wrought a great victory.

I Ch. 29:11 – Is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory.

II Ch. 34:24 – Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place.

Ps. 24:8 – The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

Ps. 68:18 – Thou hast led captivity captive.

Ps. 89:8 – O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee?

Is. 3:1 – For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts.

Is. 10:16 – The Lord of hosts, sent among his fat ones leanness.

Is. 11:4 – And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth.

Is. 13:5 – Even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy.

Is. 42:13 – He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war.

Je. 35:17 – Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel.

Je. 50:25 – Opened his armory, brought forth weapons of his indignation.

Je. 51:19 – Israel is the rod of his inheritance; Lord of hosts is his name.

Je. 51:20 – Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war.

La. 3:1 – I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath.

Mt. 12:20 – Till he send forth judgment unto victory.

Mt. 24:29 – And the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

Lu. 1:68 – Blessed be the Lord God of Israel.

Ro. 16:20 – And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.

I Co. 15:57 – Which giveth us the victory through our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

II Co. 10:4 – Weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God.

Col. 2:15 – And having spoiled principalities and powers.

I Jo. 3:8 – That he might destroy the works of the devil.

I Jo. 5:4 – And this is the victory that overcometh the world.

Before we taught this lesson at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, there was a prophecy about God being a Man of War with His related activities. Glen Miller then defined the phrase, God of Hosts, as God of Armies. We are soldiers in the Army of God.

Earline and I have been going through a personal battle since she had kidney failure. We have been in the valley of the shadow of death. Someday Earline will write a lesson about what she has learned in this experience. Earline taught a lesson, Curses for Shedding Innocent Blood, just before we found out about her kidneys. She may have been attacked for teaching this important lesson. Innocent blood of aborted babies is probably what will bring down the United States of America through God’s punishment of our nation.

We want to thank everyone for their prayers, letters, phone calls and visits. We especially needed them in this time of crisis and we need them in the future. We are believing for a supernatural healing and miracle of restoration for Earline’s kidneys. Please keep praying and agreeing for God to work that in miracle in our lives.

We work together as a DELIVERANCE team. I don’t feel that God called me to go forth around the world without Earline. We are wondering what will become of the ministry. I wasn’t sure that I would be back to teach at camp.

Young’s defines the key words in the above verses as: fighting, war, battle, arms, victory, pierce, execrate, oath, imprecation, destroy, cut off, waste, loose, strip off, unclothe, rub together, shake ability, warfare, service, conflict, eating up, badness, pre-imminence, security, safety, and hammer.

The Lord is described by different phrases: man of war, strong and mighty, mighty in battle, God of hosts, God of Israel, God of peace, Lord JESUS CHRIST and Lord God. It is clear that He is God and Lord, even The Lord God. He is God over all and He delegates authority to whom He will.

The verses above list characteristics of God: God curses people, sends all the curses, destroy them utterly, wrought a great salvation, wrought a great victory, victory of God, I will bring evil, smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, the weapons of his indignation, opened his armory, the rod of his wrath, he sent forth judgment unto victory, powers of the heavens shall be shaken, God of peace shall bruise Satan, giveth us the victory through our Lord JESUS CHRIST, spoiled principalities and powers, destroy the works of the devil, and the victory that overcometh the world.

It is probably worthwhile to comment about where curses come from. All of the curses were written in the Holy Bible by God. These are curses that God put into effect to penalize us for not following the Word of God. Satan did not invent these curses.

People do not like to say that God cursed them or others. However, the Bible says that we can not curse whom God hath not cursed. If a people is blessed by God, then the curse will not land. They are blessed because they follow God and obey Him. If a people is cursed by God, then we can not bless them and reverse the curse unless the people repent and change their ways.

Simply, we are blessed when we obey and cursed when we disobey the commandments in the Bible. A good example to study is the Nation of Israel and their rise and fall through the years. You can see the Law of Blessing and Cursing in operation in God’s chosen people. There are a lot of good lessons to be learned by studying Israel’s rise and fall in the Bible as well as in the history books.

Balak, King of Moab, hired Balaam, a Midianite prophet, to curse Israel when they were journeying in his territory. The story is found in Numbers 22-31. Moab was afraid of Israel because God was with them and they were destroying their enemies. He called Balaam to curse Israel to destroy that nation. God told Balaam not to go but he apparently wanted the reward. God let Balaam go but he cursed himself in going. Balaam could not curse Israel because they were following God. He actually blessed Israel and cursed Moab. Balaam counseled Balak to get the people of Israel to sin.

Israel then committed whoredom and idolatry with the women of Moab. They cursed themselves by disobeying God. The wrath of God descended on Israel. Finally, the Midianites are spoiled and Balaam is slain.

Law of Blessing and Cursing – Israel is blessed because of obedience. Balaam can not curse them. Israel curses themselves by idolatry. God is angry with them and a plague starts.

Moab is cursed because of incest, etc. Balak wants to curse Israel but cannot. He probably encourages the women to commit whoredom with the Israelites. The Moabites are later destroyed.

Balaam is a soothsayer. He disobeys God and greedily seeks a reward. In so doing, he curses himself and is later killed.

We taught a lesson at Camp called, Warriors for CHRIST. In that lesson are many scriptures describing our roles as warriors. It lists our weapons and how we are to use them. Please refer to that lesson for material not covered herein.

The verses above list phrases that apply to us showing the God is our Commander-in-Chief: we fight in the battles of the Lord, we are his battle axes and weapons of war, and our weapons are not carnal but spiritual.

I John 3:8 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil. Most adults can not answer this question correctly! Most people think that He came to save them. Salvation is just part of what JESUS CHRIST accomplished on earth. As you can see from the scripture above, He bruised Satan’s head, led captivity captive, divided the spoil, cast out Satan, judged prince of world, spoiled principalities and powers, abolished death, put all things in subjection, etc.

As you study the Bible, it is clear that JESUS CHRIST, The Son of God, completely defeated Satan and his army of fallen angels and demons. It is also clear that God Almighty made provisions that we can be totally victorious in Him according to His Ways. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous if God setup a plan for children of God to lose to the forces of evil?

If Satan has been completely defeated, then why do we still have to war with the enemy? It is simple; Satan is free to roam the earth until he is bound up for a thousand years. Until then, he can do everything we will let him do to destroy us. Satan has no power over us but we let him trick us due to our ignorance of the Bible and because of sin in our lives.

Jer. 51:20 Thou art my battle ax and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. Why doesn’t God do everything Himself? He certainly could! God has chosen to work through His children. The condition of the world is the responsibility of the Christian body and especially the leaders. It is clear that the five-fold ministry has failed to properly teach and show the world how to live. The world will never be won for CHRIST with the ignorance, cowardliness and greed of the present day ministry.

God is our leader in the war and we clearly are in a series of battles. The warfare is against Satan and his multitude of evil forces. It is all out spiritual warfare until the end of the world as we know it. It is a life and death battle for our spiritual and physical lives.

We are warriors for CHRIST, have weapons and are taught how to use the weapons in the Bible. We are cursed, even bitterly, if we won’t fight in the battles of the Lord. We have to be willing to shed blood in the spiritual battle. Judges 5:23 Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Jer. 48:10 Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood. Other verses are Ge. 3:17 – those who hearken unto their wives rather than God, I Ki. 20:35-42 – him who keeps back his sword from blood, and Ez. 3:18-21 -those who refuse to warn them that sin.

DELIVERANCE is at the front lines in the hottest part of the spiritual battle. God parachutes you into the pits of peoples’ personal hell to help them.

DELIVERANCE is controversial and not popular. You have to be willing to sacrifice certain parts of your life style if necessary to help people in spite of the church opposition to DELIVERANCE and demon forces working against you.

JESUS was sent to destroy the works of the enemy. He accomplished that feat and gave us the keys to victory. However, it is up to us to use the keys of victory in our personal battle of our lifetime. If we don’t fully use the keys as listed in the Bible, we will be partially or fully defeated by the forces of evil.

God chooses to work through us as well as sovereignty on His own. We can’t dictate to God or put Him in a box. He doesn’t have to obey our commandments or orders; we have to obey His. Just because we say it, God doesn’t have to do it especially when it is unscriptural. A lot of what is said in the Christian world is man’s thoughts and not God’s thoughts. This is frequently the case when we are praying warfare or fighting in the heavenlies. If what we say doesn’t line up with the Word of God, then God will not answer but Satan will answer every demonic prayer. Watch and see what happens when you pray. How are your sayings coming to pass?

There are those who can’t make clear judgements on issues and misuse the verse to judge not. Many do not realize they are to judge every prophecy, the fruit in our lives and in the lives of others, and on and on. You need to judge everything you see, hear or read. If not, you will be submitted to every wind of evil doctrine and fall into many hurtful traps. I once heard a pastor tell his people they should not criticize him even when he is wrong, neither should they talk about him. I have seen strange things in that church: an unusually large number of divorces, illegitimate children, crimes of theft and forced entry, idolatry, etc. People should be taught to properly make scriptural judgement.

Witchcraft is defined as the power or practices of witches; sorcery; black magic; bewitching attraction or charm; enchantment; irresistible influence; fascination. Enchantment is defined as the act of casting a spell over; the use of magic to charm; the state of being under the influence of a magic spell or charm; a magic spell or charm; something the charms or delights greatly; great delight or pleasure. Also consider the words fascination, charm, captivation, allurement. Witchcraft is simply trying to control others for your own benefit no matter how worthy the cause may be.

God anoints and provides for his ministers to do his work here on earth. The people look to the ministers to help them live according to the Bible. This gives them a power over the people that can be used for good or evil. Silly women look up to the pastors as someone on a pedestal and frequently end up having sex with the weak pastors. Silly men want the admiration of the pastors and try to please the prideful pastors to gain favor. Positions of the 5 fold ministry, it is easy to fleece the flock.

When we got into DELIVERANCE, people would come to us for help of many different types. They wanted us to go to God and find out what they were supposed to do. They wanted us to be their parents, show them parental love and tell them how to conduct their lives. They wanted to pay us for our help, give us gifts of love, and give us tithes and offerings.

Why would the people come to us for help? The Christian body is hurting and can not find the needed help in the church. The churches refuse to practice DELIVERANCE, healing, etc. and teach the whole truth of the Bible. If the people have problems, the church sends them to the world for help. They are sent to the medical profession to be physically healed in the body, to the psychiatric profession to be mentally healed in the soul, to the social profession to be financially healed in the material realm, and in certain ways to the world in general to be spiritually healed such as receiving peace.

The people did not feel that they could hear from God or had a good relationship with Him. They thought that we did since we could help them and that God would speak to us for them. They may have been lazy, ignorant or have some other reason why they wanted to place us as intermediaries between them and God. They may have had a Catholic or other religious background which caused them to look to man rather than directly to God for guidance.

Their parents did not provide the proper role models pointing them towards God, The Father. It is so important how the parents raise their children. Parents actually are in a position of being like God in the lives of the children. The way a child relates to their parents, especially to the father, is the way the child will relate to God in later life.

Many times when the children do not have good parents, they go through life seeking someone to fill that void in their lives. The parents may not have shown love for them. So, they seek love from others to fulfill that need. The parents may have been absentee parents and not given them guidance. So, they will seek others to guide them. They are still acting like a child even though they are adults.

People are so grateful for what you have done to help them that they are willing to pay you for your services or give you their tithe money. We sought the Lord about receiving money. We felt that He told us not to take money, explain to others that we didn’t need money, that God was providing very well for us and to give their money to the church or some Christian work. If after a strong talk to them and they still felt that God wanted them to give us some money for the ministry, we would accept so that they could be blessed. The money given us was then placed in our tithe money to give to others or in the ministry of DELIVERANCE to buy publications for others.

Mat. 10:7-8 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. This is one of our favorite passages and we love to sing it or read it to the forces of evil. It could also be thought of as a great commission to us as well as other Christians. Notice that it said to freely give because that God has freely given to us. Therefore, we do not need the money of others because God is supplying our needs bountifully.

In our early ministry, God told us not to play God in the lives of his people. He was God and God would direct His church. We have tried to do that ever since. We do our best to help people, they do not owe us anything, and they are free to go and never return. This has worked out very well; God has rewarded us for obeying His Instructions.

It is easy to take advantage of the Christian body. God places the five-fold ministry and other spiritual leaders in a position where the people trust them and respect them. The leaders then take advantage of God’s people for their own selfish reasons: build a building, an empire, a ministry, an individual, etc. to satisfy and glorify the individuals in charge of the work. You especially see the leaders taking advantage of the money supplied for the use of themselves, their families and their friends. They take advantage of the women in the church, and sometimes sexually especially in the black churches.

In summary, parents are like God in the lives of their children. They should raise the children to have the proper relationship with Father God. The ministry should not act like God in the lives of their congregation. The leaders should train the people to go directly to God for their guidance.

We have seen this pattern through the years as we have ministered to people who have come out of churches and religious organizations, or came out from under the control of a pastor or other leader of that organization. It is amazing to watch the leader work witchcraft on his flock either ignorantly or deliberately to control them.

We have also seen this pattern as we sat in the congregation and had the leaders try to exercise witchcraft over us. We recognized the practice and did not receive it. Most people do not recognize the practice and receive demons. The people open themselves up to demon attack by their blind allegiance to the leaders and organization, and by accepting, not resisting, the damnable doctrine that was preached. Mat. 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

What happens is that the leader opens the flock up to demon attack through his actions. The evil spirits assigned over the organization will be there because of the actions of the leader. Soul ties will be formed between the leader and the congregation. The leader will place curses on the followers. The leader will loose certain demons on the congregation due to what he says.

Let’s talk in generalities. If the leader is sexually immoral, then the ruler will be a sexual demon; controls the congregation – witchcraft; steals money from the treasury – covetousness; drinks alcoholic beverages – addictions; glorifies himself – spiritual pride; and on and on. Then the ruler demons will try to cause the congregation to be like the leaders. If the leader is sexually loose, then the people will tend to be sexually loose. The religious organization will go the way of its leaders. A church we went to had three leaders fall into sexual sin; there were many illegitimate children in the church.

What is amazing is to watch these practices in Christians who move in DELIVERANCE. A Christian who walks in DELIVERANCE should be among the best educated of all Christians and have a better balance about what the Bible says. This is especially true of the DELIVERANCE ministers or lay workers. For instance, a pastor will cast out demons of witchcraft that came into the people in his congregation from practices outside of the church on the one hand, and then put demons of witchcraft into people in his congregation through his practices on the other hand.

In one example, the following happened. The pastor instilled fear in his people. He warned them about outside organizations, leaving the church, not submitting to his authority, criticizing him, etc. In the church, they had to obey and not question his authority. Outside the church, they couldn’t leave his church and go to another church. They were paralyzed and were slaves to him. They were fearful of criticizing him and having him attack them from the pulpit. They were afraid to leave the church and lose their salvation. They were afraid of other organizations and people. If the people left, the people that remained could not associate with their dear friends that had left.

The church cursed and prayed against the people that left the church, and against any other group of people that the pastor may have had trouble with. Their actions sent demons to attack these people and organizations.

What were the results of the actions of the leaders? The leaders loosed demons on the people in the congregation and sent demons after the people that had left or had problems with the church. They cursed the people and spoke failure in their lives. The people had soul ties with the leaders.

When the people left the church, they felt that God did not love them, they may be loosing their salvation, they were fearful of many things, they could not function normally in life, they were hurt and rejected by the way they were treated, had pains and illnesses associated with fears, had spiritual pride about being in the only church, had problems forgiving the pastor and congregation about the way they were treated, were deceived about things of God, blamed the Lord for what had happened, and were confused and weakened by the experiences.

When an outside church renounced the practices of this church, the church was attacked by demons sent from the other church. The pastor and congregation had many problems in the church. You had one church praying against the other church. Actually, you had one church cursing the other church and loosing demons to attack the people in the church.

How can these curses fall on leaders, followers and other churches? Pr. 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. The curses fall on the leaders because they ignorantly or deliberately practice witchcraft which is clearly contrary to the Bible. The curses fall on the followers because they ignorantly follow the leaders who are sinning. The curses fall on other churches because they ignorantly practice the Word of God and leave themselves open to curses. The main reason is ignorance or lack of knowledge of the Bible. There are many other reasons such as the leader’s selfishness, follower’s weaknesses and a church’s partial following of the Bible. We all probably have cracks in our armor which allow demons to attack us under certain circumstances.

You must completely break free spiritually and physically from the organization and its leaders. You must renounce the organization and its practices spiritually to God. You must ask God to help you in all of these things, and to have faith and trust in God. To do this requires forgiveness for the leaders and followers, asking God to forgive you for your sins of bitterness, etc., asking God to forgive and bless them, breaking soul ties and curses on your family, casting out demons that came in through soul ties, curses and association with the organization, praying for physical healing, and disciplining your mind not to yield to the programmed thinking of the leaders and demons.

In summary, no person should try to act like God in the lives of others and violate their freewill. Let God direct the actions of His Children. No person should submit their freewill to the leaders and become passive. A passive person is easily demonized because they yield. Both the leaders and the congregation will become demonized.

When people are subjected to these control practices, they become hurt and are influenced by the families of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion respectively in that order. They are attacked by the Charismatic Witchcraft demons sent from the leaders to the congregation. They personally submit to the Passive Mind demons by their actions. If people outside of the church have controlled them, then they are attacked by the Witchcraft demons of occult and demonic associations. If they personally have submitted to substances of abuse, then they are attacked by the Witchcraft demons of sorcery, drugs, alcohol, etc. which control the mind.

My dear heavenly and gracious Father, help me to recognize you as a Man of War and to be a Warrior for CHRIST. Help me to understand The Law of Blessing and Cursing. Give me Your Wisdom of why you came to earth and how you work through me to win The War of the Ages.

Forgive me for playing God in people’s lives. Forgive me for not raising my children to have the proper relationship to God. I forgive the fivefold ministry for playing God in my life and violating my freewill. Forgive me for submitting to those who would try to control my will. Forgive me for my wrong thoughts and actions against those who have wronged me by their witchcraft. I pray that you would bless them with all spiritual blessings. Please help me Lord to have faith and trust in you and not in man.

I take authority over Satin according to the whole Word of God. I completely break free from any organization or leader that has dominated me. I renounce the organization and any practices that are ungodly. I now break all soul ties with those who have controlled me. I break the curses that have been placed upon me and my family.

I pray that you would deliver me from the demons that came in through these associations. I pray that you would heal me emotionally and physically from these experiences. Help me to cleanse my mind from the brain washing of the leaders. Help me to discipline my mind to look to The Father, Son and Holy Spirit as The Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Deliverer and Prosperer. I ask this prayer in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, my Lord, my Master and my Savior.

REFERENCES:  Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged



What is sin and the standard against sin? – Sin is the thought or deed we commit that is contrary to the teaching of the Bible. The standard used to judge sin is the Holy Inspired Word of God, The Bible.

Who do we commit sin against? – We sin against God and others (I Cor. 8:12).

The results of our sins affect ourselves and others. We sin upward against God, outward against others, inward against ourselves and downward against our descendants.

How do we sin against God? – We sin against God by disobedience to the commandments and precepts of the whole Bible.

How do we sin against others? – We sin against others by doing something to them that is contrary to the Bible. First, see what is a sin in the Bible. Second, that would be a sin against others.

For example, the spreading of lies about another person is sin. We are telling lies which is a sin against God and it is hurting another person.

How do we sin against ourselves? – He that commits fornication sins against his own body . Every other sin that man does is outside of the body except for fornication (I Cor. 6:18).

How do we sin against our descendants? – We sin against our descendants either directly or indirectly. We can directly sin against our children or indirectly against our children’s children to the tenth generation.  For example, we conceive a bastard. It is a sin against that child, our other children and our children’s children to the tenth generation. The curse, created by conceiving a bastard, will bring problems and grief: primarily alienation from the church and conceiving bastards generation after generation.

Who forgives sins? – Only God can forgive sin by the shed Blood of JESUS CHRIST.

We can remit (send away) sins and retain (hold fast) sins (John 20:23). What you bind on earth is bound in Heaven; what you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven (Matt. 16:19; 18:18). Other passages are judging others (I Cor. 5:1-5), forgive in the sight of CHRIST (II Cor. 2:10) and CHRIST speaking in me (II Cor. 13:3).

Who confesses sins? – We confess our sins and the sins of our ancestors, and humble ourselves before God (Lev. 26:40-42). Earline has a testimony about how God healed her heart after she dealt with her Indian ancestors. God gave her a series of steps about how to counteract the sins of her ancestors who worshipped demons.

The ideal is to have our descendants forgive their ancestors (especially their parents). The most sure method for the person to forgive those who have hurt them or committed acts which affect their lives.

What do we do after our sins are forgiven? – First, we get our sins are forgiven and we forgive others for sinning against us. We then have the right to break curses, soul ties and cast out the demons.

Second, we break the curses on ourselves, our mate if he or she is affected, and our descendants. We can break curses placed on us by others, curses placed on us by ourselves, and curses placed on our descendants by ourselves.

Third, we break soul ties brought about by sexual sin and witchcraft.

Fourth, we cast out the demons that came in through sin and curses.



The 3 R’s of DELIVERANCE – the most important grouping – like reading, writing and arithmetic. Almighty God taught us this lesson in the middle of the night in the middle of our bed over ten years ago. God personally taught us about basic DELIVERANCE. We didn’t first learn about DELIVERANCE from man or from a book.

Rejection includes fear of rejection and self-rejection.

Except for the sins of the ancestors, rejection is generally where the demons first attack someone. Because of the parents, this can be in the womb.

Matt. 5:3…………(rejected are “poor in spirit”)

Matt. 5:43-44…..(love your enemies)

II Cor. 5:14-15…(not live unto themselves)

Eph. 6:4………….(fathers provoke not your children to wrath)

Rejection is defined as reject, refuse, repudiate, decline, deny, rebuff, repel, renounce, discard, throw away, exclude, eliminate and jettison.

Have you had these feelings before? Rejection is very common among Christians.

Bitterness includes resentment, hatred, unforgiveness, violence, temper, anger, retaliation and murder.

Generally, after a person becomes rejected, they become bitter.

Acts 8:22-24…….(gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity)

Rom. 3:13-14……(full of cursing and bitterness)

Eph. 4:31-32…….(bitterness—forgiveness)

Heb. 12:14-16…..(peace—bitterness)

Bitterness is defined as bitterly curse, rebellious, sharp, acrid, grief, embitter, poisonous, violently, provoke, vex, grieve, sorrow, bitter herb, calamity, bile, venom, angry, chafed, most bitterly, rebel and provoke.

Have you had these feelings before? Unforgiveness, which is a form of bitterness, is very common among Christians.

Rebellion includes self-will, stubbornness, disobedience and anti-submissiveness.

Generally after a person has become bitter, they rebel.

1 Sam. 15:23 (for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry)

Heb. 2:2……..(disobedience received a just reward)

Heb. 13:17….(submit yourselves)

2 Pet. 2:10….(presumptuous are they, self-willed)

Disobedience means to disobey, transgress, violate, disregard, defy, infringe, shirk, resist, mutiny, rebel and revolt.

Have you had these feelings before? Rebellion is very common among Christians.

Generally a person’s demons can not be cast out if he has unforgiveness in his heart.

Matt. 18:21-35 (Law of Forgiveness – Key Chapter)

God sends demons to torment these with unforgiveness. Forgive your fellow man

70 x 7 = 490 times.

Kingdom of Heaven: ….God…..Rich Man…..Poor Man

(Is likened to) …………(King)…….(You)……..(Anyone you have not forgiven)

Talent = 750 oz. of silver; Pence = 1/8 oz. of silver.

10,000 talents x 750 = 7,500,000 oz. = $52,800,000 ($600,000).

100 Pence x 1/8 = 12-1/2 oz. = $44.00…….($1.00).

Forgave 600,000 times as much.

Tormentors are Satan and his demons.

Prison is being in jail with Satan as Warden and his demons as guards.

This is the crucifixion of the flesh until you come to your senses and forgive your fellow man and then ask God to forgive you!

The consequence of unforgiveness is the most important lesson that God has taught us about DELIVERANCE.

Cancer and arthritis can come in through the sin of unforgiveness. If you know a Christian with these diseases, see if they have unforgiveness. They cannot be healed if the demons have a right to be there.

Pattern for being delivered and healed: forgive others, ask God for forgiveness, and forgive self. Cast out unforgiveness and bitterness. Cast out cancer and arthritis. Anoint with oil and pray for healing.



The main reason we are teaching you how to do basic DELIVERANCE is that every Christian should be able to cast out demons at least in their own family.

Later on God may lead you to do DELIVERANCE in your home or church. God told us to train an army for His use; you are part of that army!

DELIVERANCE will assist in establishing family order and God’s order. Every Christian should cast out demons (Mark 16:17). There are not many “DELIVERANCE Ministers” to help people. Christians have many demons; proper DELIVERANCE takes a lot of time. DELIVERANCE is a way of life and not a grand event.

Parents are the best persons to minister to their children; husband to wife; and wife to husband. Parents need to protect their children and set the family free from demons.

DELIVERANCE gives an understanding of God’s and Satan’s kingdoms that you will not get any other way. DELIVERANCE allows you to see in the spiritual world by the manifestations of demons.

Basic DELIVERANCE consists of setting a person free from three common demon families: rejection, bitterness and rebellion (also common to schizophrenia).

Typically a person becomes rejected, then bitter, and finally rebels (then come other problems).

The most important key in setting a person free from these families is to get the person to forgive anyone that has hurt him!

First, unforgiveness should be dealt with before the families of rejection, bitterness and rebellion are cast out.

After basic DELIVERANCE, then other demon families can be attacked. For example, cancer and arthritis can come into a person thru the open door of unforgiveness. After basic DELIVERANCE, cast out the spirits of cancer and arthritis.

A person may have become demonized while in the womb by sins of the ancestors for causes other than rejection, bitterness and rebellion. If so, another approach is required.

Again, the most important key in setting a person free from the sins of the ancestors is to get the person to forgive his ancestors, and ask God to forgive them and bless them (parents are also ancestors).

After forgiveness for any hurt or sin, then any demonic ties should be broken. For example, curses of the ancestors passed down thru the generations, or soul ties caused by sexual sin or witchcraft control are demonic ties.

After breaking curses and soul ties, we ask God to restore the fragmented soul – mind, will and emotions. We ask God to send out angels to restore anything that the demons have stolen.

After restoration of the fragmented soul, we ask God to stir up the demons in the subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out.

The person can then be led in a general prayer of salvation/DELIVERANCE to God. There are many good prayers.

The leader should then pray and take authority over the demonic spirit world.

After the grounds for DELIVERANCE are established (taking away the legal rights before God for the demons to stay), then start casting out demons.

Use all the weapons of the warfare in the Bible against the demons. These include reading scripture to the demons, exercising the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, causing the demons to reveal information against themselves, seeking discernment from God thru the Holy Spirit, praying to God in other TONGUES, asking JESUS for help, and any other methods that are helpful in gathering data, taking away legal rights and casting out. By all means, do what God tells you to do even if you do not understand it.

Unforgiveness – get the person to forgive others by an act of his will which God will honor. It may be very difficult for the person but God accepts their willingness to forgive. Unforgiveness – Cancer or Arthritis come into the person later on.

Before any DELIVERANCE starts, a person should be given an opportunity to discuss his problems and background so that you can get to know the person and properly minister to him.

After DELIVERANCE is ended, a person should be counseled about how to walk out his DELIVERANCE and discipline his life.

It is good if teaching on basic DELIVERANCE or sins of ancestors precedes the DELIVERANCE.

After counseling, anoint with oil and pray for any healing needed or for scars in the body where the demons left (inner healing).


Rejection Bitterness Rebellion
Fear of Rejection Resentment Self-will
Self-Rejection Hatred Stubbornness
Unforgiveness Disobedience Violence
Anti-submissiveness Temper Anger
Retaliation Murder


  1. Steps for Basic DELIVERANCE for an Individual
  2. Find out about the person’s problems and background.
  3. Some discussion about how they got into trouble may be helpful.
  4. Get the person to forgive others and lead him in a specific prayer about his problems.
  5. Start casting out the families of Rejection, then Bitterness and finally Rebellion.
  6. Counsel the person how to walk out his DELIVERANCE and how to discipline his life.
  7. Anoint with oil and pray for healing (physical and/or inner).
  8. The above can be used after a church service at the altar or in the prayer room, the home or on the phone.
  9. Steps for Sins of Ancestors for an Individual
  10. Follow steps A.1 thru A.3 above.
  11. Lead the person thru a prayer to break curses and soul ties, restore the fragmented soul, stir up the demons in the subconscious mind, and finally salvation/DELIVERANCE.
  12. Here again, it is good to start with basic DELIVERANCE of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion. Then go into other areas that have been identified and legal grounds established for casting out.
  13. Follow steps A.5 thru A.7.
  14. Steps for Basic DELIVERANCE and/or Sins of Ancestors for a Group or a Church
  15. Teach on Basic DELIVERANCE, Sins of Ancestors, or any other DELIVERANCE topic.
  16. Lead the congregation in a mass prayer about that topic, and include curses, soul ties, fragmented soul, subconscious mind, unforgiveness and salvation.
  17. The pastor/evangelist will then pray and take authority over the demonic spiritual world and ask God to send his forces and take charge of the DELIVERANCE.
  18. Start the mass DELIVERANCE with basic DELIVERANCE and then go to any other topic. Workers shall help individuals having trouble getting free.
  19. After mass DELIVERANCE, work with individuals and follow steps A.5 thru A.7.
  20. The above steps could be used in a prayer group, church, home or any meeting about DELIVERANCE.
  21. Steps for Basic DELIVERANCE/Sins of Ancestors for Home Counseling / Ministry Meeting
  22. Provide specific counseling to the individuals as God leads.
  23. Follow steps A.1 and A.2. Take a refreshment/bathroom break of about 15 minutes.
  24. Follow steps A.3 and C.2 thru C.5.
  25. Variations

The above procedures can be varied to fit the situation or at the leadership of the Holy Spirit.


  1. Get Experience – start casting out demons and get involved.
  2. Study Bible – use a concordance and study Gospels mainly.
  3. Fast and pray – seek the Lord about your problems.
  4. Study DELIVERANCE books – learn as much as you can.
  5. Study books on the mind, will and emotions.
  6. Go to DELIVERANCE meetings – participate in teaching and ministry: mass, small groups and individuals.
  7. Study Satan from a Christian viewpoint – to see how he is trying to destroy you, your family and your church.
  8. Emphasize practical methods – put the Bible to work.
  9. Clean out your house – get rid of demonic objects.
  10. Be persistent – keep after the demons in an area of your life until you are successful.
  11. Research the subject – use encyclopedias, dictionaries, medical and psychiatric books.
  12. Learn the three phases of DELIVERANCE: How to Determine the Need for DELIVERANCE, How go Get DELIVERED, and How to Stay DELIVERED.
  13. DELIVERANCE is a constant learning process. Satan has spent thousands of years weaving a very complicated system to trap people.


Basic    PIGS IN THE PARLOR – Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, Impac Books, 137 W. Jefferson, Kirkwood, MO 63122.


Mind  WAR ON THE SAINTS – Unabridged Edition, Jessie Penn-Lewis & Evans Roberts, Thomas E. Lowe, LTD., New York, New York.

There are many good DELIVERANCE prayers that have been written and printed in books and in loose-leaf form. Some of these prayers are general and some have been written for specific purposes.

The ideal prayer is the one prayed by the individual to cover the specific area of the person’s life that is being ministered to at that time. The next best prayer is the form prayer which the person repeats after the DELIVERANCE leader.

The following prayers have been used many times by us and have produced good results. One side benefit is that the people can see what is wrong and evil in their lives by what is contained in the prayers.

These prayers can be used for individuals, small groups or large groups equally well.

Short Prayer  “Lord JESUS Christ, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by your blood and I belong to you, and I want to live for you. I confess all my sins—known and unknown—I’m sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all others as I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of JESUS Christ which cleanses me now from all sin. And I come to you now as my deliverer. You know my special needs—the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles; that evil spirit, that unclean spirit—I claim the promise of your word, “Whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be DELIVERED.” I call upon you now. In the name of the Lord JESUS Christ, deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from you, in the name of JESUS, and I command you to leave me right now in JESUS’ name. Amen!”

This is my favorite prayer because it is short and effective. The first part is salvation and the last part is DELIVERANCE. You can pause after the sentence underlined about “forgiveness” and let the people forgive others as the Holy Spirit leads them. This prayer was written by Derek Prince.

Moody’s Prayers

The first thing we do is get the people to pray about their specific problems and sins, so that the blood of JESUS can cleanse the people and take away legal rights that the demons have to remain, and God can begin to act.

Then we get the people to repeat the Short Prayer out loud with sincerity after me.

Finally, we lead the people in a combination prayer out loud that covers Sins of Ancestors, Curses, Soul Ties, Fragmented Soul, and Subconscious Mind as follows:

“Lord JESUS Christ, I forgive my ancestors and descendants, and I ask you to forgive and bless them. Forgive me for my many sins and I forgive myself for sins against my body. I break all curses, hexes, vexes and demonic ties that bind. I break all soul ties caused by witchcraft or sexual sins. Lord JESUS, restore my fragmented soul: mind, will and emotions; send your angels out to

recover anything that was stolen from me. Lord JESUS, stir up the demons in my subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out. All these things we ask in the blessed name of our Lord JESUS Christ: Our Lord, Master and Savior. We now take authority over Satan and all the forces of evil according to the whole Word of God and command that you obey it. In the Name of JESUS Christ, we ask these things. Amen.”

After the people have prayed and been led in prayer. then I take spiritual authority over the meeting as follows:  “Satan, we come against all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We come against all demons inside or outside of anyone present, over this city, state, nation and world, in Hell or out of Hell. The Bible says, ‘Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.’ We intend to exercise that power to set ourselves free. Satan, we come against you by the power and blood of JESUS Christ, by the Word of God, by the name of JESUS, by the authority of the Believer, in the unity of our spirits. Satan, we tell you that we sit in heavenly places with our Christ JESUS. We are over you, your fallen angels, your demons and all forces of evil. We command you to line up in rank and file and order, and come out quickly. We bind every power that you have and loose ourselves from you in the name of JESUS.

Lord JESUS, we ask that you would send the gifts of the Holy Spirit as needed to minister to the needs of the people and to accomplish what you want done here tonight. We are careful to give you all the glory, honor, praise and credit for everything that is said or done. We ask all these things in the blessed name of JESUS Christ, our Lord and Master and Savior. And we take authority over Satan according to the whole Word of God. For it’s in JESUS name we pray. Amen!” Now start casting out demons!


Bitterness Accusation Passivity
Resentment Judging Funk
Hatred Criticism Indifference
Unforgiveness Faultfinding Listlessness
Violence Lethargy
Temper Rejection Anger
Fear of Rejection Depression
Retaliation Self-Rejection Despair
Murder Despondency
Insecurity- Discouragement
Rebellion Inferiority Defeatism
Self-will Self-Pity Dejection
Stubbornness Loneliness Hopelessness
Disobedience Timidity Suicide
Anti-Submissiveness Shyness Death
Inadequacy Insomnia
Strife Ineptness Morbidity
Contention Argument
Jealousy Heaviness
Quarreling Envy Gloom
Fighting Suspicion Burden
Distrust Disgust
Control- Selfishness
Possessiveness Worry
Dominance Withdrawal Anxiety
Witchcraft Pouting Fear
Daydreaming Dread
Retaliation Fantasy Apprehension
Destruction Pretension Spite
Unreality Nervousness
Hatred Tension
Sadism Escape Headache
Hurt Indifference Nervous Habits
Cruelty Stoicism Restlessness
Passivity Excitement
Sensitiveness Sleepiness Insomnia
Self-Awareness Alcohol Roving
Fear of Man Drugs Fear of Disapproval
Sexual Impurity
Perfection Lust
Persecution Pride Fantasy Lust
Unfairness Vanity Masturbation
Fear of Judgment Ego Homosexuality
Fear of Condemnation Frustration Lesbianism
Fear of Accusation Criticism Adultery
Fear of Reproof Irritability Fornication
Sensitiveness Intolerance Incest
Anger Harlotry
Mental Illness Rape
Insanity Competition Exposure
Madness Driving Frigidity
Mania Argument Retardation
Pride Cults
Senility Ego Jehovah’s Witnesses
Schizophrenia Christian Science
Paranoia Impatience Rosicrucianism
Hallucinations Agitation Theosophy
Frustration Urantia
Paranoia Intolerance Subud
Jealousy Resentment Latihan
Envy Criticism Unity
Suspicion Mormonism
Distrust False Burden Bahaism
Persecution False Responsibility Unitarianism
Fears False Compassion (Lodges, societies and social agenciesusing the Bible and God as a basis but omitting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ)
Confusion Sorrow
Frustration Heartache
Incoherence Heartbreak
Forgetfulness Crying
Sadness Doubt
Cruelty Occult
Unbelief Ouija Board
Skepticism Fatigue Palmistry
Tiredness Handwriting Analysis
Death Weariness Automatic Handwriting
Indecision ESP
Procrastination Infirmity Hypnotism
Compromise (May include Horoscope
Confusion any disease Astrology
Forgetfulness or sickness) Levitation
Indifference Fortune Telling
Inheritance Water Witching
Self Deception (Physical) Tarot Cards
Self-Delusion (Emotional) Pendulum
Self-Seduction (Mental) Witchcraft
Pride Magic (Curses) Black White Magic
Mind Binding Hyper Activity Conjuration
Confusion Restlessness Incantation
Fear of Man Driving Fetishes
Fear of Failure Pressure Etc.
Occult Spirits Spiritism Spirits
Cursing Religious
Blasphemy Ritualism
Mind Idolatry Course Jesting Formalism
Intellectualism Gossip Legalism
Rationalization Criticism Doctrinal Obsession
Pride Backbiting Fear of God
Ego Mockery Fear of Hell
Belittling Fear of Lost Salvation
Fears (All Kinds) Railing Religiosity
Phobias (All Kinds) Etc.
Hysteria Addictive and
Compulsive Spiritism
Fear of Authority Nicotine Seance
Lying Alcohol Spirit Guide
Deceit Drugs Necromancy
Caffeine Pride
Medications False Religions
Ego Gluttony Buddhism
Vanity Taoism
Self-Righteousness Hinduism
Haughtiness Nervousness Islam
Importance Compulsive Eating Shintoism
Arrogance Resentment Confucianism, Etc.
Affectation Idleness Theatrics
Self-Pity Covetousness
Playacting Self-Reward Stealing
Sophistication Kleptomania
Pretension Self Accusation Material Lust
Self-Hatred Greed
Self-Condemnation Discontent




Matt. 5:3 (Rejected are “poor in spirit”) Do you feel poorly?

Matt. 5:43-44 (Love your enemies) Would solve a lot of your problems!

Rom. 12:3 (Not to think of himself more highly) Would not get rejected!

I Cor. 10:12-13 (Take heed lest he fall) Pride – Ego – Vanity

II Cor. 5:14-15 (Not live unto themselves) Be generous and think of others!

Eph. 6:4 (Fathers do not provoke children) Not the mothers!

Phil. 4:8 (Think on these things)

James 1:5-8 (Double-minded man) Will not receive anything from God!

I Peter 4:12 (Fiery trial) We go through many trials!

Rejection includes fear of rejection and self-rejection in this common demon family.

Except for the sins of the ancestors, rejection is generally where the demons first attack someone and because of the parents, this can be in the womb. Rejection is one of the biggest problems of the human race!

Rejection is defined as reject, refuse, repudiate, decline, deny, rebuff, repel, renounce, discard, throw away, exclude, eliminate and jettison.

Have you had these feelings before? Rejection is very common among Christians. Love is the opposite of Rejection.

As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. 0 my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths” (Isaiah 3:12). Children rule the parents and wife rules the husband; this is a matriarchal society!

The curse of destruction of the family priesthood (which is centered in the father and usually is the result of inherited family curses) paves the way for the spirit of Rejection in a child. Father is the priest and head of the home!

Frustrated by his lack of leadership and her inability to respect him as a man, the woman (who herself may have inherited curses of dominance) begins to take over and direct the home by the Jezebel spirit. Men go after wine, women and song – such as adult toys, outdoors, sports, etc. to escape the wife!

The child is caught up in the conflict between the parents and becomes its chief victim. Children are the main victims of divorce!

The spirits in the mother will coerce the male child, forbidding him to assert his masculinity or to engage in activities which would develop him as a man. This pattern develops homosexual men!

The progression of destruction in the life of a female child is much the same as that of the boy, except that she will consciously or unconsciously absorb and manifest the same attitudes and spirits which drive her mother. Watch how your children have your same bad habits!

There is a definite pattern to the entrance of Rejection, which in turn opens the door for Rebellion:

  1. Curse of destruction of the family priesthood (centered in father).
  2. Curses and spirits of withdrawal of the father and dominance by the mother.
  3. Spirit of improper discipline (usually works through the mother, either over permissive or too harsh) may associate with the curse of rebellion against discipline on the child’s part.
  4. Spirit of lying to escape punishment.
  5. Curse and spirits of guilt.
  6. Curse and spirits of distrust (resulting from guilt).
  7. Curse and spirits involving lack of communication between parents and child.
  8. Curse and spirits of rejection (“My parents don’t love me” or “I can’t even talk to them etc.”).

The hellish “ping pong” game played with hapless victims by the spirits of Rejection and Rebellion has been spelled out by the Hammond’s. Everyone working in DELIVERANCE should read Pigs in the Parlor by Frank Hammond, with particular attention to the chapter on Schizophrenia. The demons of Rejection and Rebellion whipsaw the people back and forth between these opposite emotions!

Rejection is such a common malady that it is found everywhere to some degree or another.

Discovery of an out-of-wedlock pregnancy usually results in anger, upset and dismay in the parents of their child.

The curse of Rejection from the Womb has opened the door for many tormenting spirits in scores of people with whom we have dealt. Did you know that you can be rejected by your parents while you are in the womb?

Over and over people have reported life-long trouble by seemingly groundless but crippling rejection and various kinds of fears.

In some individuals, such spirits only produce discomfort and uneasiness.

A knowledge of the binding and casting out of evil spirits, and loosing the spirits of God (to counter and cancel the evil ones) is essential (Matt. 18:18; Mark 16:17-18).

There is a demonic entity called Witchcraft Control and he is able to bind other spirits in a person, particularly those involving habits such as smoking, drinking and sexual lapses. In order for the victim to be freed completely, all witchcraft curses must be broken from his family (back to ten generations on both sides) or from any other quarter. All legal holds and legal grounds must be taken from the enemy in the name of JESUS.

We have observed that people with heavy rejection spirits (usually including Rejection from the Womb) sometimes are rather homely and plain. A demon called Ugliness is found in many persons.

Perhaps you have noticed that people very often look ten to twenty years younger in their casket than when alive. Many times in DELIVERANCE, we see people change before us. They look younger, softer and more relaxed.

Schizophrenia is a very common problem. Some authorities in the field of mental illness estimate there may be as many as fifty million schizophrenics in the United States. This is about one out of eight persons. Schizophrenics account for half the population in psychiatric hospitals. Of course there are varying degrees of schizophrenia. Some cases are acute while others are quite mild. Many schizophrenics have never been treated professionally. Schizophrenia has remained a very baffling problem to mental health professionals. The cause and cure has remained shrouded in uncertainty.

The disturbance and disintegration of personality known as schizophrenia or dementia praecox is frequently encountered by the DELIVERANCE minister. I would estimate that as many as one fourth of those who come to us for DELIVERANCE are found to have the schizophrenic pattern. The Lord has graciously given to Frank and Ida Mae Hammond a special revelation on the problem which enables us to deal with such cases more effectively.

The core of the schizophrenic is Rejection and Rebellion.

Schizophrenia always begins with Rejection! It commonly begins in childhood or infancy and sometimes while the child is yet in his mother’s womb. There are many causes for rejection. Perhaps the child was not wanted. It may have been the wrong sex desired by one or both parents. The conditions in the home may have been unsettled. There are many “doors” that lead to rejection. Did you want your children and were they the right sex? How about your parents?

For example, suppose the schizophrenic nature is in the mother. The demons will pick out one or more of her children to feed down through. The schizophrenic mother feels rejection. She is the one who is primarily responsible for feeding love into the family. The rejection within herself creates problems in her relationships with the child. The child is opened for rejection by the mother’s instability.

Now, one can have a rejection spirit and not be schizophrenic. In other words, it is all in the matter of forming a personality. You can have a rejection spirit and still manage to form your own personality and be secure in yourself.

Rejection is the control demon in one of the personalities set up within the schizophrenic. Rejection depicts a withdrawn type personality. (It is a feeling within – it is agony within – it is a starvation of love – it is insecurity – it is inferiority – it is fantasy – it is unreality – it is all on the inside – “I don’t share in this.”). Do you feel loved? Can you love others? Do you try to avoid contact with other people?

Sexual perversions represent an extreme attempt to overcome rejection. Sexual experiences, real or imaginary, can never satisfy the need for genuine love. They are the Devil’s substitutes for real love and leave a person ridden with frustration and guilt. Sex is not love; did you know that? How many one-night stands have you had in seeking love?

The person who has a deep sense of rejection feels insecure and inferior. Do you feel inferior?

Since the person has been rejected or fears rejection, he is driven to pamper self…to push self. He is thereby trying to overcome feelings of rejection. One who feels rejected wants to feel important.

The Roots of Rejection, page 224, Battling The Hosts Of Hell.
”Rejection, Witchcraft Control, and Ugliness”, page 70, Demolishing The Host Of Hell
”Schizophrenia”, page 123, Pigs In The Parlor.
”Rejection”, page 624, Roget’s Thesaurus.



Deut. 29:18-20…….(Root of Gall & Wormwood) Break this curse.
I Sam. 1:10…………(Bitterness of Soul)
I Sam. 15:32……….(Bitterness of Death)
II Sam. 2:26………..(Bitterness in the latter end)
Ps. 10:7……………..(Cursing, Deceit, Oppression, Mischief, Iniquity)
Pr. 14:10…………….(Bitterness to Heart)
Pr. 17:25…………….(Bitterness of Mother)
Ezek. 27:31…………(Bitter Wailing)
Zech. 12:10…………(Bitterness for only son)
Acts 8:22-24………..(Gall of Bitterness, Bond of Iniquity)
Rom. 3:13-14……….(Cursing and Bitterness)
Eph. 4:31-32………..(Bitterness, Wrath, Anger, Clamor)
Col. 3:8-9…………….(Anger, Wrath, Malice, Slander, Lies)
Heb. 12:14-16………(Root of Bitterness) Break this curse.
Bitterness includes Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation and Murder in a common demon family.

Generally, after a person becomes rejected, they become bitter and unforgiving. The opposite of bitterness is forgiveness.

Bitterness is defined as bitterly curse, rebellious, sharp, acrid, grief, embitter, poisonous, violently, provoke, vex, grieve, sorrow, bitter herb, calamity, bile, venom, angry, chafed, most bitterly, rebel and provoke.

Have you had these feelings before? Unforgiveness, which is a form of bitterness, is very common among Christians.

Gall is defined as “poison” or “bile”. Bound is defined as “control” and “uniting”. Root is defined as “root” and “thought”. Wormwood is defined as “cursed”.
Bitterness is a hurt that will not heal, a wound in the spirit (Prov. 18:14). It comes into a life because of a failure to appropriate God’s grace (Heb. 12:15); by refusing to forgive others (Matt. 6:14-15; 7:1-2; 18:21-35); or refusing to thank God for all things (Eph. 5:20; Phil. 4:6). Forgiveness is the most important thing that God has taught us about DELIVERANCE!

However, each time we remember the things which happened, we are suddenly flooded with hurt and/or anger again. This indicates unhealed bitterness.

”Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord” (Heb. 10:30). It is too heavy for us to carry and besides it belongs to God .Forgive eagerly (Matt. 18:12), remembering that unforgiveness is torture (Matt. 18:34-35).

We must remember that God loves us (Rom. 8:32-34), and not look at what others say, what we think or even at the situation itself.

We must go to the God of all comfort (II Cor. 1:3) for His Holy Spirit is our Comforter (John 14:16) and He earnestly desires to comfort us (Psalm 103:13).

When we go to God, we will find peace that passes understanding which will keep (guard, garrison) our hearts and minds (emotions and thoughts) (Phil. 4:4-9). God’s peace guards our mind!

Focus on God and give Him thanks (Eph. 5:20; Rom. 8:28) rejoicing because your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Luke 10:20; Phil. 4:4) and ask for grace, comfort and peace (Matt.7:7-11).

Focusing on God and letting Him be our judge is absolutely necessary.

Proverbs 29:25 contrasts the fear of man with trust in God. Perfect love for God casts out all fear because we trust in Him!

To receive comfort and heal the bitterness in your spirit, you must die to works of righteousness (trying to earn God’s love and favor) by drowning in the ocean of God’s love and grace, rejoicing that He has chosen you.

REFERENCES : Dealing With Bitterness, p. 36, Conquering The Hosts Of Hell



I Sam. 15:23 (for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry) Are you practicing witchcraft or idolatry?

Heb. 2:2 (disobedience received a just reward) You will be punished.

Heb. 13:17 (submit yourselves) (Anti-submissiveness) Pastors should not try to control their flock; the flock should submit to the pastor.

2 Peter 2:10 (Presumptuous are they, self-willed)

GENERAL – Synonyms for Rebellion are Treason, Self-Will, Obduracy. Stubbornness, Disobedience, Denunciation, and Anti – submissiveness.

Antonyms for Rebellion are Willfulness, Obedience and Submissiveness.

Rebellion includes Self-will, Stubbornness, Disobedience Submissiveness in this common demon family.

Generally, after a person has become bitter, they rebel.

Disobedience means to disobey, transgress, violate, disregard, defy, infringe, shirk, resist, mutiny, rebel and revolt.

Have you had these feelings before? Rebellion is very common among Christians. Obedience is the opposite of Rebellion.

The word “Rebellion” occurs infrequently in the Bible. Therefore. we must use other words as “rebellious” and “to rebel”. The next best word to describe Rebellion is Disobedience or the opposite of Obedience.

The best way to study rebellion is as disobedience to God and from the opposite view of “the need to be obedient to God”. There are many instances of disobedience to God and the corresponding punishment in the Bible for the sin.

Disobedience to God Scriptures

Lev. 26:14-46 (A curse to those that break the commandments) There is a curse for each disobedience.

Numbers 14:11-24 (People murmur – God threatens them) Are you murmuring?

Numbers 32:8-13 (Moses reproves the Reubenites and Gadites)

Deut. 18:19 (God will require it of the people)

Deut. 28:15-68 (The curse for disobedience)

Helpful Scriptures and Bible History of Rebellion

Genesis Ch. 3 The Fall of Man

II Samuel Ch. 13 Absalom Avenges Tamar

II Samuel Ch. 15 Absalom’s Conspiracy

I Kings Ch.16-22 Ahab/Jezebel Rebellion

Isa. 3:12 Children Oppress, Women Rule (Ahab/Jezebel Complex) A picture of our society: women will not follow and men will not lead!

Isa. Ch. 14 Satan’s Fall

Eze. Ch. 28 Satan’s Rebellion

Malachi 4:5-6 Smite the Earth with a Curse

II Thes. 2:9-12 Strong Delusion, Believing Lies

James 3:13-18 Earthly, Unspiritual, Devilish Wisdom

The words “to rebel, rebellion and rebellious” are defined by the following phrases:

Be contentious, make angry, contend with, dispute with, stubborn headed, opposition to someone motivated by pride, stubborn and rebellious, speech and actions are against the Lord, rebellious attitude against God, disobey, act of defying the command of God, rebellious and defiled, listens to no voice, accepts no correction, make bitter, provoke, reject, not recognize, rebellion and stiff neck, double rebellion and rebellious house.

“Rebellion” can also be defined as revolt, overthrow, mutiny, breakup, destruction, spasm, convulsion, resistance, interference, friction, withstand, repulse and disobedient.

“Rebellious” can also be defined as revolutionary, defiance. aggressiveness, dare and scorn.

EVE REBELS (The Original Rebellion of Man) There are many ingredients in Eve’s rebellion.

She was seduced by conversation and greed for power and knowledge.

The price of seduction was experiencing a knowledge of good and evil.

The action of rebellion resulted in shame, attempting to correct the mistake or cover it up, fear, withdrawing from God’s presence, loss of esteemed position, pain in childbirth, hard work and toil, and birth of rebellious children.

Absalom’s sister, Tamar, was raped by his half-brother, Amnon (II Sam. 13).

Hate entered Absalom’s heart because of his sister being raped. He plotted and planned for two years to murder Amnon.

Absalom again falls prey to resentment and burns Joab’s field because he would not go to David for him. By trying to force David to see him, he is acting out rebellion.

He came to repentance but didn’t really repent; it was surface repentance only.

After he had his audience with David, he quickly got busy with his plans for rebellion.

Absalom got favor with the people by acting as if he loved them and claiming great concern for their welfare. After he had seduced them, he declared himself King.

Some demons that probably were in Absalom were hate, anger, resentment, deceit, trickery, witchcraft, betrayal, pride, pompousness, false love, backstabbing, lying, arrogance, unrighteous judgment and self-serving.

She killed God’s prophets which is rebellion against God. She exhibited hate, retaliation and threatenings.

She turns from role of woman and wife to trying to upstage the King, her husband. She belittled him, connived behind his back, and plotted murder and control of people. Some women/men today use seemingly pure religious motives to control others such as soulish prophecy- telling others what to do.

Another motive behind her rebellion was that she wanted worship and admiration.

Jezebel is true sorcery. Rebellious Jezebelic males/females will ask questions aimed at causing the other person to doubt his worth, ability, decisions, etc. She ended up being thrown out a window, run over by chariots and eaten by dogs. Did she go to Hell; what do you think?

The major rebellion was against God in Baal worship. He went after idols. Abortion is worship of the god of sex, Satan, and is similar to Baal worship!

Ahab exhibited characteristics of complete confusion, disobedience, resentfulness, sullenness, greed, accomplice to Jezebel, believed lying spirit, refused to believe God, and begat rebellious children.

Nation of Israel – rebelled many times. Study the rise and fall of Israel!
Satan and Fallen Angels – original rebellion.
Queen Jezebel – rebellious woman.
King Ahab – rebellious man

Divorce – one parent families. Men don’t want responsibility – just sex!
Feminism – pictures bungling father and clever mother. Watch TV brain washing.
Sex – no restrictions. There is no free sex; only curses of God in the future.
Young people – confused, rebellious.
Drugs – Sex – Music.
Society with emotional problems.
Effeminate, emotional, weak spiritual and weak physical men.
Women’s false strength – put to test usually fails.
Children – fear, insecurity, frustration, difficulty learning, potential corruption, discord, growth in occult and cults, selfishness. doubt, inability to achieve, hypochondriacs and church splits.

Such qualities as these have unnatural power to seduce you, even overwhelm you. It is not charisma but seduction, and it creates bondage. You may have a friend whom you at times have a great desire to be free of, and the next moment feel guilt or condemnation for desiring your freedom. Consider why you are attracted to your friend.

Look out for mothers/dads who try to dominate married children’s lives, and men/women who cannot delegate authority but try to mind every detail.

Women/men shouldn’t try to force mate into a religious experience but win him/her by quiet and joyful submission to the Christian life fulfilling your role as God established it.

A study of the Bible shows clearly God hates rebellion and that He will punish the people for their sins.

The people are blessed when they obey the Bible and they are cursed when they disobey the Bible commandments. There is a curse for every violation of Bible!

All rebellion is against God. For example, when a wife rebels against her husband, she is not just rebelling against him but against God who put the husband in authority over the wife. Finally, rebellion can be very costly while obedience can be very rewarding. The Bible applies equally to an individual, family, church, community, nation, etc.




Psa. 85:2 (Forgiven iniquity and covered sin – God)

Psa. 86:5 (Ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy – God)

Psa. 103:3 & 12 (Forgiveth all & removed as far as east from west – God)

Isa. 1:18 (Sins shall be as white as snow – God)

Isa. 43:25 (Blotteth out and will not remember – God)

Matt. 5:44 (Forgive your enemies.)

Matt. 6:14-15 (Forgive men or not be forgiven by God – man)

Matt. 18:21-35 (Law of Forgiveness – man)

Mark 11:25-26 (Forgive men or not be forgiven by God – man)

Luke 17:3-4 (Rebuke man and forgive seven times a day – man)

Eph. 4:32 (King, tenderhearted, forgiving as God does – man)

Col. 2:13 (Forgiven you all trespasses – God)

Col. 3:12-13 (Mercies, kindness, humbleness, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing and forgiving one another – man)

Heb. 8:12 (Merciful to unrighteous and remember not sins – God)

Heb. 10:17 (Remember not sins and iniquities – God)

I John 1:9 (Confessing, forgiveness, cleansing from unrighteousness)

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use and persecute you. Forgive your enemies; there are no excuses!

  1. Love your enemies. We do not have to love Satan! Love in a social or moral sense: beloved. Enemy is an adversary: foe.
  2. Bless them that curse you. Speak well of: thank or invoke a benediction upon. Curse is to execrate: to doom.
  3. Do good to them that hate you. Do good honestly: full well. Hate is to detest: especially to persecute.
  4. Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. Pray earnestly for: supplicate. Despitefully is to insult: slander and falsely accuse. Persecute is to pursue: to suffer.

Generally a person’s demons cannot be cast out if he has unforgiveness in his heart. The opposite of unforgiveness is forgiveness.

Matt. 18:21-35 (Law of Forgiveness – Key Chapter); God sends demons to torment these with unforgiveness. Forgive your fellow man 70 x 7 = 490 times.

Kingdom of Heaven: King – Rich Man – Poor Man

(Is likened to) (God) (You) (Anyone you have not forgiven)

  1. Talent = 750 oz. of silver; Pence = 1/8 oz. of silver.
  2. 10,000 talents x 750 = 7,500,000 oz. = $52,800,000 ($600,000).
  3. 100 Pence x 1/8 = 2 ½ oz. = $44.00 ($1.00).
  4. Forgave 600,000 times as much.
  5. Tormentors are Satan and his demons.
  6. Prison is being in jail with Satan as warden and his demons as guards.

This is the crucifixion of the flesh until you come to your senses, forgive your fellow man and then ask God to forgive you! The consequence of unforgiveness is the most important lesson that God has taught us about deliverance.

Cancer and arthritis can come in through the sin of unforgiveness. If you know a Christian with these diseases, see if they have unforgiveness. They cannot be healed if the demons have a right to be there.

Pattern for being delivered and healed: forgive others, ask God for forgiveness, and forgive self. Cast out unforgiveness and bitterness. Cast out cancer and arthritis. Anoint with oil and pray for healing.

Forgiveness is hard to give because it hurts to extend it to undeserving and hard-hearted ones. To release a wrong-doer instead of exacting a just penalty requires that we reach out in love, rejecting the temptation to hold bitterness and resentment. This is contrary to our natural inclinations, thus the old adage,”To err is human, to forgive divine”.

Forgiveness is not forgetting the wrong done; some hurts are so deep that this would be impossible. We can forget the anger and hurt we felt, but the act is branded in our minds. Forgiveness takes place when the victim accepts the loss and/or injury done him and deliberately cancels the debt owed him by the offending person.

Anger must be dealt with openly and honestly, not denied or ignored. Either it must be vented in retaliation or the injured party must accept his own anger, bear the burden of it, and confess it in prayer to release himself and to set the other party free. Revenge always hurts the revenger far more than the one at whom it is leveled.

In other words , our pattern must be the grievous and substitutionary death of Christ. He willingly received all the hurt and evil of the entire human race in His own body on the tree (I Peter 2:21-24) to pay the debt for our guilt.

He now offers what He has wrought as a free gift to undeserving and guilty persons so they can be free (Rom. 6:23; John 10:28-30).

As nothing else will, forgiveness takes us into the mysteries of grace where God forgives unconditionally on the basis of the substitutionary payment by another (Mark 11:25-26).

One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit’s work in a life is the quality of meekness. It is a quality which is nurtured and abetted by practicing forgiveness.

This highly prized quality will cause us to be able to accept God’s dealings with us as good, without disputing or resisting them. Meekness will also cause us to be able to “bear one another’s burden’s” cheerfully and for Jesus’ sake, enabling us to enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings.

Because unforgiveness, and the resentment and bitterness it generates is so deadly, it is not optional, but necessary that it be dealt with. Cancer and arthritis spirits definitely root into this fertile ground. To be bitter and unforgiving costs far more than it is worth.

REFERENCES:  ”Forgiveness”, p. 34, Conquering The Hosts Of Hell



HATE (Opposite is Love)  God hates: Worship of other gods or images; sacrificed sons and daughter to other gods; God hates rightfully; idolatry; evil deeds; wrong; robbery; those loving violence; loves those who hate evil and those Egyptians that hated Israel (Ps.105:23-25); haughtiness, lying, murdering, plotting evil, eagerness to do wrong, a false witness and sowing discord among brothers (Prov. 6:16-19); pious meetings; hated Esau – loved Jacob; show and pretense – hypocrisy; pride and false glory; those worshiping beautiful homes; plots to harm others; swearing lies; divorce and cruel men (taken from 25 scripture verses).

We hate: Low and vulgar things; crooked deals; false teaching; those undecided to obey God; every other way; lies and falsehood; God’s enemies; evil; pride; arrogance; corruption; deceit; our son if we don’t discipline; dishonesty; bribes; hates himself if a thief; time for hating; idols; father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters and own life (Luke 14:26); licentious deeds; sexual sin and idol feasts (taken from 19 scripture verses).
List of Scriptures
Ex. 20:5 (Worship of gods and images)
Deut.12:31 (Sacrifice children); 16:22 (Worship images)
Job 34:17 (God hates rightfully.)
Psa. 5:5 (Proud sinners); 11:5 (Violence); 45:7 (Wrong); 97:10 (Evil); 101:3 (Deals); 105:25 (Hated Israel); 119:104 (False Teaching); 113 (Undecided); 128 (Way); and 163 (Falsehood) 139:21-22
Prov. 6:16-19 (Seven things) (Evil), 8:13 (Lies), 13:5 (Son), 24:9 (Folly), 28:16 (Dishonesty and bribes), 29:24 (Hates himself)
Ecc. 3:8 (A time for hating)
Isa. 1:14 (Pious meetings), 61:8 (Robbery and wrong)
Jer. 44:4 (Worshiping other gods), Hosea 9:15 (Idolatry)
Amos 5:15, (Idols) (Hypocrisy) (Pride) 21 and 6:8
Zech. 8:17 (Lying and harming others)
Mal. 1:3 (Rejected Esau), 2:16 (Divorce and cruelty)
Matt.10:22 (Hate us for being Christians.)
Luke 14:26 (Father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters, own life)
John 12:25 (Despise life)
Rom. 9:13 (Chose not to bless Esau) (Hate wrong)
Rev. 2:6, (Licentiousness and sexual sin – Morally unreserved, wanton, And 5 lascivious, voluptuous, dissolute, debauched, profligate and unbridled)
Psa.139:21 (Hate God’s enemies) hate, to hate enemy, be utterly odious, grieved And 22 to cut off, detest, loathe self, hatred, exceeding hate.

VENGEANCE (Opposite is to let God repay your enemies)
Rom. 12:17-21 (Vengeance is mine; I will repay).

Christians are to: Bring back or help enemy’s ox; love thy neighbor as thyself; feed enemy; resist not evil; turn other cheek; give cloak also; go two miles; lend; give to him that hostess; love enemies; bless them that curse; do good; pray for them; be perfect; have peace; overcome evil; provide honest things; give place to wrath; be a blessing; pitiful; courteous and compassionate.

Christians are not to: Forbear helping enemy; hate; rebuke; sin upon neighbor; avenge; bear grudge; recompense evil; be false witness; deceive; do so to him; render evil accordingly; grieve brother at meat of idol’s; obtain vengeance; be bitter, and render railing for railing.

Vengeance means punishment, to retaliate, avenge, revenge, carrying justice out, punisher, justice and judgement.

Repay means recompense, render, pay, command and grant. Have you done these things?

List of Scriptures

Ex. 23:4-5 (Help enemy’s oxen)

Lev. 19:17-18 (Not hate, rebuke, sin, avenge, grudge but love)

Deut. 32:35 (To God belongs vengeance and recompense)

Prov. 20:22 (No recompense), 24:28-29 (No repaying), 25:21-22 (Feed enemy; coals of fire)

Matt. 5:38-48 (Love your enemies)

Mark 9:50 (Have peace one with another)

Rom. 12:17-21 (Vengeance is God’s and do not grieve brother over

14:14-19 food of idols)

I Thes. 5:14 -18 (Do not render evil for evil)

Heb. 10:26-31 (Vengeance is God’s and root of bitterness)


I Pet. 3:8-9 (Do not render evil or railing)

ENVY AND STRIFE (Opposite is Peace and not Coveting)

Prov. 14:30 (Envy is the rottenness (disease?) of the bones)

I Cor. 3:3 (Are you not carnal and walk as men)

I Cor. 11:30 (Weak and sickly (diseases) and many sleep (die).

Gal. 5:19-26 (Shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (fruit of the Devil).

James 3:14-16 (Envying is jealousy.)

Envy is described as a green-eyed monster, yellow-eyed, horn-mad, resentful, to try to possess, to demand, to covet, mistrust, to be skeptical and jaundiced.

Strife is described as contentious, quarrels, hostility, competition, rivalry, controversy, pairing off, acting hateful and spiteful. Have you had these feelings?

List of Scriptures

Envy Numbers 12:1-10, Ezk. 35:11-15, I Cor. 3:3; 11:30 Job 5:2, Matt. 27:18, II Cor. 12:20 Prov. 14:30, 23:17, Mark 15:10, Gal. 5:21, 26 Prov. 27:4, Acts 7:9, 13:45, I Tim. 6:1-6 Ecc. 9:6, Acts 17:5, Titus 3:3 Isa. 11:13, 26:11, Rom. 1:29; 13:13, James 3:14; 4:5; 5:9 I Peter 2:1

StrifeProv. 10:12; 15:18, Prov. 22:10; 26:17, Phil. 2:3 16:19; 16:28; 20:3, 26:21; 28:25; 30:33, II Tim. 2:23-25

I want to try to minister love to break down barriers. This is a new area for me and I ask God to help me. The ones that hurt us the most are the ones we love the most. Love breaks down walls between people. Love has been flowing in this camp meeting.

It may be the most powerful force of God. Love can be used as a weapon against evil. Demons can not comprehend love; they hate each other and Satan.

I have often wondered why men can not show love for their wives in church but they can easily hug the other women. The women can also easily hug the other men rather than their husbands. It is not sissy to show love for your wife.

Jesus was not a sissy. A man who truly follows God rather than the world is courageous.

I ask Earline to stand beside me so we can minister together and show love for each other. I ask the families to sit together so they can show love for each other and be ministered together as a group.

Love your enemies. First, forgive those that have hurt you. Bless them that curse you. Then ask God to break the curse. Do good to them that hate you. And ask God to bless them. Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. Pray for your enemies now (Matt. 5:44).

Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Ask God for forgiveness for holding grudges against Him and blaming Him for tragedies in your lives. Ancestors and Parents:

Forgive them for the sins of the ancestors. Husbands and Wives: Husbands ask God to forgive you for having bitterness against your wives. Wives ask God to forgive you for not submitting to your husbands. Children: Ask God to forgive you for not honoring and obeying your parents. Others: Forgive others for hurts and wrongs. Release them from sins against us.

This list of demons and their characteristics caused us to have a confrontation with our pastor about deliverance. Since we couldn’t do deliverance his way, we left the church so that we could do deliverance God’s way.

REFERENCES: Scriptures and demons for Envy and Strife were taken from a teaching by Glen and Erma Miller of Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, P.O. Box 21516, Hot Springs, AR. 71903



There are many good DELIVERANCE prayers that have been written and printed in books and in loose-leaf form. Some of these prayers are general and some have been written for specific purposes.

The ideal prayer is the one prayed by the individual to cover the specific area of the person’s life that is being ministered to at that time. The next best prayer is the form prayer which the person repeats after the DELIVERANCE leader.

Three printed prayers are included: short – “Pigs In The Parlor”; medium – “Out In The Name of JESUS”; and long Hegewisch Baptist Church. Finally a combination prayer by Gene and Earline Moody is presented.

All of these prayers have been used many times by us and others, and have produced good results. One side benefit is that the people can see what is wrong and evil in their lives by what is contained in the prayers.

These prayers can be used for individuals, small groups or large groups equally well.

SHORT PRAYER: ”Lord JESUS CHRIST, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by your blood and I belong to you, and I want to live for you. I confess all my sins—known and unknown—I’m sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all others as I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of JESUS CHRIST which cleanses me now from all sin. And I come to you now as my deliverer. You know my special needs—the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles; that evil spirit, that unclean spirit—I claim the promise of your word, “Whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” I call upon you now. In the name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from you, in the name of JESUS, and I command you to leave me right now in JESUS’ name. Amen!”

This is my favorite prayer because it is short and effective. The first part is salvation and the last part is DELIVERANCE. You can pause after the sentence underlined about “forgiveness” and let the people forgive others as the Holy Spirit leads them.

MEDIUM PRAYER: ”Thank you, Lord, for dying for my sins, for your glorious resurrection, and for making me a new creature in CHRIST by faith in your precious blood. Dear Lord, I have a confession to make:

I have sought supernatural experience apart from you.

I have disobeyed your Word.

I want you to help me renounce all these things and cleanse me in body, soul, and spirit in JESUS’ name.

I renounce witchcraft and magic, both black and white.

I renounce Ouija boards and all other occult games.

I renounce all seances, clairvoyance, and mediums; ESP, second sight, and mind reading.

I renounce all fortune telling, palm reading , tea-leaf reading, crystal balls, Tarot and other card laying. I renounce all astrology and interest in horoscopes.

I renounce the heresy of reincarnation and all healing groups involved in metaphysics.

I renounce all hypnosis under any excuse or authority.

I break any curse placed on me from any occult source, in JESUS’ name.

I renounce all curiosity about either future or past, and which is outside Thy will.

I renounce water witching or dowsing, levitation, body lifting, table tipping, psychometry, and automatic writing.

I renounce astral projection and other demonic skills.

I renounce all literature I have ever read in any of these fields, and vow that

I will destroy such books in my own possession.

I now break, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, all psychic heredity, and any demonic hold upon my family line as a result of the disobedience of any of my ancestors. I also break any bonds of physical or mental illness, in JESUS’ name.

I also break all demonic subjection to my mother, father, grandparents, or any other human being.

In the name of JESUS CHRIST I renounce everything psychic and occult.

I renounce every cult that denies the blood of CHRIST.

I renounce every philosophy that denies the divinity of CHRIST.

I call upon the Lord to set me free.

Lord, I have another confession to make, I have not loved, but have resented certain people. I call upon you, Lord, to help me forgive them. I do now forgive…(Here we pause for several minutes while each person puts the names in there which the Lord brings to mind, either of persons living or dead.)

I do now forgive myself.

I renounce every evil spirit that binds or torments me and I call upon the Lord to set me free.”

LONG PRAYER – Warfare Prayer: Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before you. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord JESUS CHRIST as my protection. I surrender myself completely and unreservedly in every area of my life to you. I take a stand against all the workings of Satan that would hinder me in my prayer life. I address myself only to the true and living God and refuse any involvement of Satan in my prayer. Satan, I command you, in the Name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, to leave my presence with all your demons. I bring the blood of the Lord JESUS CHRIST between us. I resist all the endeavors of Satan and his wicked spirits to rob me of the will of God. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I pull down the strongholds of Satan.

General Confession and Prayer: Lord JESUS CHRIST, I believe that you are the Son of God, that you are the Messiah come in the flesh to destroy the works of the Devil. You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. I now confess all of my sins and repent. I now ask you to forgive me and cleanse me in your blood. I believe that your blood cleanses me now from all sin. Thank you for redeeming me, cleansing me, justifying me, and sanctifying me in your blood.

Forgiveness Prayer: Lord, I have a confession to make: I have not loved, but have resented certain people and have unforgiveness in my heart, and I call upon you, Lord, to help me forgive them. I do now forgive (name them, both living and dead) and ask you to forgive them also, Lord. I do now forgive and accept myself, in the name of JESUS CHRIST.

Occult Confession Prayer: Lord, I now confess seeking from Satan the help that should only come from God. I now confess as sin (name them, occult sins) and also those sins I cannot remember. Lord, I now repent and renounce these sins and ask you to forgive me. I renounce Satan and all his works: I hate all his demons; I count them my enemies. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST I now close the door on all occult practices, and I command all such spirits to leave me in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.

Loosing From Domination Prayer: In the Name of JESUS CHRIST I now renounce, break and loose myself from all demonic subjection to my mother, father, grandparents, or any other human beings, living or dead, that have dominated me in any way, and I thank you, Lord, for setting me free.

Psychic Heredity and Bondage Prayer: In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, I now renounce, break and loose myself and my children from all psychic powers or bondage’s or bonds of physical or mental illness, upon me or my family line, as the results of parents or any other ancestors. I thank you Lord, for setting me free.

Loosing of Curses, Spells, Etc. Prayer: In the Name of JESUS CHRIST I now rebuke, break, loose myself and my children from any and all evil curses, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, bewitchment, witchcraft and sorcery, that have been put upon me or my family line from any persons or from any occult or psychic sources, and I cancel all connected or related spirits and command them to leave me. I thank you, Lord, for setting me free.

Come to JESUS Deliverer Prayer: I come to you, JESUS, as my Deliverer. You know all my problems (name them), all the things that bind, that torment, that defile, and harass me. I now loose myself from every dark spirit, from every evil influence, from every satanic bondage, from every spirit in me that is not the Spirit of God, and I command all such spirits to leave me now in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. I now confess that my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified, by the blood of JESUS. Therefore, Satan has no place, no power over me, through the blood of JESUS.

Prince’s Blood of JESUS Prayer: Through the Blood of JESUS I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Through the Blood of JESUS all my sins are forgiven. The Blood of JESUS CHRIST, God’s Son, cleanses me continually from all sin. Through the Blood of JESUS I am justified, made righteous, just as if I’d never sinned; I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God. My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified, by the Blood of JESUS. Therefore Satan has no part in me, no power over me, through the Blood of the Lord JESUS CHRIST. I renounce him, loose myself from him, command him to leave me, IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Pride: Father I come to you in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. I know pride is an abomination to you, that a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren are 7 things does God hate they’re an abomination to You. (Pro.6:16). Father I renounce these and turn from them. I humble myself before you and come as a little child.

Soul Ties: Father I break and renounce evil soul ties that I have had or may have had with (lodges, adulterers, close friends, husbands, wives, engagements, cults, binding agreements between buddies). I renounce these evil soul ties, break them and wash them away with the shed blood of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

THE MOODY’S PRAYERS: The first thing we do is get the people to pray about their specific problems and sins, so that the blood of JESUS can cleanse the people and take away legal rights that the demons have to remain, and God can begin to act.

Then we get the people to repeat the Short Prayer out loud with sincerity after me.

Finally, we lead the people in a prayer out loud that covers Sins of Ancestors, Curses, Soul Ties, Fragmented Soul, and Subconscious Mind as follows:

“Lord JESUS CHRIST, I forgive my ancestors and descendants, and I ask you to forgive and bless them. Forgive me for my many sins and I forgive myself for sins against my body. I break all curses, hexes, vexes and demonic ties that bind. I break all soul ties caused by witchcraft or sexual sins. Lord JESUS, restore my fragmented soul: mind, will and emotions; send your angels out to recover anything that was stolen from me. Lord JESUS, stir up the demons in my subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out. All these things we ask in the blessed name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST: Our Lord, Master and Savior. We now take authority over Satan and all the forces of evil according to the whole Word of God and command that you obey it. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, we ask these things. Amen.”

After people have prayed and been led in prayer, take spiritual authority over the meeting as follows:

“Satan, we come against all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We come against all demons inside or outside of anyone present, over this city, state, nation and world, in Hell or out of Hell. The Bible says, ‘Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.’ We intend to exercise that power to set ourselves free. Satan, we come against you by the power and blood of JESUS CHRIST, by the Word of God, by the name of JESUS, by the authority of the Believer, in the unity of our spirits. Satan, we tell you that we sit in heavenly places with our CHRIST JESUS. We are over you, your fallen angels, your demons and all forces of evil. We command you to line up in rank and file and order, and come out quickly. We bind every power that you have and loose ourselves from you in the name of JESUS.”

“Lord JESUS, we ask that you would send the gifts of the Holy Spirit as needed to minister to the needs of the people and to accomplish what you want done here tonight. We are careful to give you all the glory, honor, praise and credit for everything that is said or done. We ask all these things in the blessed name of JESUS CHRIST, our Lord and Master and Savior. And we take authority over Satan according to the whole Word of God. For it’s in JESUS name we pray. Amen!”


It is very handy to have your Bible scriptures about DELIVERANCE underlined and marked with a “D” so that you can read them to soften the demons up when they are hard to cast out.

It is even better to memorize effective scripture verses in fighting through to victory. The following is a good list from “Out In The Name of JESUS”.

General Verses for Spiritual Warfare

Prov. 18:10, Mark 16:17, Luke 10:19 II Cor. 10:3-5, Eph. 6:10-18, Jam 4:7 I John 4:4-14, Rev. 12:11

Verses to Use Against the Ruler Demons

Hate   Psalm 60:4, Prov. 10:12, Song of Sol. 2:4 Matt. 22:37-39, Luke 10:17, I Cor. 13:4-8 Gal. 5:22-23, Phil. 2:1-2, Eph. 3:16-19 I Thess. 4:8, I John 3:14, I John 4:16 & 19-21

Pride   Prov. 3:34, Prov. 13:10, Prov. 14:3 Prov. 15:25, Prov. 16:5, Prov. 16:16-17  Prov. 16:18-19, Prov. 21:23-24, Prov. 28:9 Prov. 29:1 & 23, Phil. 2:5-8, II Tim. 3:1-2 James 4:10, I Peter 5:6

Self Pity Nehe 8:10, Ps 33:1, Ps34:1-3 Ps 50:23, Ps 104:33-34, Phil. 3:4 Phil. 4:11, 13, 19, I Thess. 5:18, I Tim. 6:6

Fear Josh. 1:9, Ps 46:1-2, Ps 56:3 Ps 107:2, Isa. 44:2-3, II Tim 1:7 Heb. 13:6, I John 4:18

Fear of Man  Josh. 1:5, Josh. 10:8, Prov. 29:25

Rebellion I Sam. 15:23, Prov. 17:11, Jer. 28:16 Jer. 29:32, Rom. 12:1-2, Rom. 13:1-2

Eph. 5:21, Phil. 2:5-8, Phil. 2:14 I Thess. 5:18, II Tim. 3:1-3

Lust  Lev. 19:2, Isa. 52:11, Matt. 5:8 & 27-28 I Cor. 3:16-17, I Cor. 6:9-10, I Cor. 6:17-20

Eph. 5:3, II Tim. 2:22, Titus 1:15 Heb. 12:14, Heb. 13:4, I Peter 2:11

Unbelief  Mark 11:23-24, Mark 16:17-18, Luke 1:45 John 6:29, John 7:38, John 8:31-32

Acts 27:25, Gal. 2:20, Heb. 11:1 I Peter 1:6-7

Rejection Ps 16:5-8, Ps 23, Ps 55:22 Ps 91:1-2, Jn 3:16, Jn 4:10 Jn 6:37, Jn 15:7-12, Eph. 1:4-6

Phil. 2:1-11, I Thess. 3:12-13, I Thess. 5:15-18 Heb. 13:5, I Jn 4:16 & 19

Passages to Study on Related Subjects

  1. Fasting: Matt. 6:16-18; Is 58
  2. Praise: II Chron. 20; Ps 134 thru 150; Rev. 4 and 5
  3. Scripture: Deut. 4:1-2; Ps 119; John 8:31-32
  4. The Blood of CHRIST: Ex. 12; Heb. 9 and 10; Rev. 5:9-10 & 12:11

No demon can resist the name of JESUS or disobey the Word of God when they are being used properly in DELIVERANCE. If this happens, then they have a legal right before God to remain.

You must search out this legal right and remove it. The person being ministered to must do their part! Generally, the right to remain has to do with what other people have done to that person or what that person has done to himself. The most common ground is unforgiveness. Other common grounds are sins of ancestors or anyone who had authority over that person, or the personal sins of that person.

Because demons tend to “cluster” in family groupings, the thesaurus can be an amazingly helpful instrument to identify demons within a specific category.

When the spirit is forced to manifest, his name, located in the thesaurus, becomes a tool to uncover his supportive network of demons.

This method has been tried in the laboratory of experience and many times has been the key to a breakthrough in cases where the demons have a particularly stronghold on the individual. These excerpts were taken from page 61 of DEMOLISHING THE HOSTS OF HELL.



What is it: A person who has two souls or personalities. Each personality is equipped with its own attitudes. These spirits whip the mind and personality back and forth as they vie for power: such as pride versus inferiority.

The separate personalities are closely interwoven so that it is impossible for the person who has them to understand and control them. The best explanation is found in PIGS IN THE PARLOR. Saul was a good example of the schizophrenic personality.

Children often become double-minded when mother or father deal with them by manipulation instead of forthright. For instance, a parent sets a reasonable and fair rule. The child wants to break it. Sometimes the parent will try to coax or manipulate the child into obeying rather than dealing directly by spanking if it is needed (Amos 3:3 and Matt. 6:24).Double-mindedness wears the person out, and frustrates and confuses him.

Deciding, then antecedent stagnates a person. For example, my mom was here for a while; she couldn’t be content for desiring to go home. When at home, she was pressed to stay somewhere else besides her home. When away from home, great fears filled her about the house. She was miserable and made those around her miserable (James 1:5-8).

Schizophrenia always begins with rejection. This rejection may be real or imagined. Often a child is rejected soon after conception. The reason for rejection doesn’t matter. It could be unwanted, incest, rape, wrong sex, no more kids, hate parenthood, divorce, etc. We have seen cases where the rejection was no real but the demons had used some minor incident to tell them they were unwanted and that person accepted the demons lie. This is why parents need to talk over any situation with a child who seem troubled.

A “schizo” parent will usually have a schizo child or children. It’s not inherited like blue eyes but is demonic. Demons like to cluster.

A schizo parent has difficulty showing love. Since the mother is the most constant parent with the children and cannot feed love into them, they become targets for rejection demons. Because fathers are away most of the day they seem special to children and can be hurt very easily if they feel father doesn’t accept and show he loves them.

Many people don’t understand who they are. One proof of the schizo personality is the constant question of “Whom am I?” The identity of one’s own self is confused or lost.

Rejection is a withdrawing-type of personality; likes to work alone, doesn’t participate, unsure, etc. Rejection is inward and withdrawn before it is outward. Rejected people reject others before they can be rejected by them.

Rejection invites rebellion. For instance, a child or adult will fight for love and lash out at those starving him of love. Rebellion is the reaction to rejection.

Rebellion is aggressive, angry, bitter, resentful and retaliates. This personality is moody, stubborn and selfish.

Having rejection and rebellion in the same body is hard to bear. This personality switches back and forth in seconds.

DELIVERANCE from the schizo personality takes time because the real self has often not developed very much at that point. If one is to be successful, he needs Jesus. Jesus will help the real person to develop. Obedience to Jesus’ instructions are necessary. Bible study and prayer are needed.

A schizo person is like a hurricane. If two schizo persons run into each other, there surely will be a storm.

If you are not schizo, you may be stunned after a stormy encounter with a schizo. Remain stable and calm; God will give you understanding.

When a schizo explodes, he opens the door to bitterness. Demons will convince him that it is all the other person’s fault.

Often this fantasy of innocence will open the door for lust. It may take the form of sensual love or worldly love. Love of world and fear of man may enter as this person is wed to the world for love. Thinking about having fine possessions will cause people to like them more. Or one may go into sexual fantasy until one acts them out in experience. We are told from Genesis to Revelations how to use our mind, how to discipline it and what to set it on.

The orders, if you want to call them that, are in Phil. 4:4-9. At the end of this verse (Amp.) we are commanded to fix our minds on them! When we entertain fantasy we invite demons to invade us.

Under the rejection spell comes infirmity and insecurity, deep depression, self accusation, and compulsion to confess sins. For example, a person enters into wrong doing and cannot keep from confession. He really wants to shock and hurt others so that he can get attention as a substitute for love.

Hard on the heels of these comes deception, self-seduction, delusion, fear and pride. Now we enter into the paranoid companion of schizophrenia.

On the rejection side are jealousy and envy usually of others who can give or receive love. On the rebellion side are distrust, suspicion and fears of all types of persecution.

Paranoid demons do not care how they hurt others but are super sensitive to their own hurts. Schizos cannot forgive so they keep bitterness alive.

Three main areas to conquer are rejection, rebellion and bitterness. As the person breaks old habits of reaction, he must begin to give and receive love, submit to valid authority, and readily forgive. Determination is required.

As you begin to see yourself grow, it gets very exciting. You can give love and not be hurt when it is not returned. You will understand because you have been there before.

Paranoia is conquered by faith and trust in God. You will do many new things because you are no longer torn between the rejection and rebellion personalities.

Schizophrenia is a very common problem. Some authorities in the field of mental illness estimate there may be as many as fifty million schizophrenics in the United States. This is about one out of eight persons. Schizophrenics account for half the population in psychiatric hospitals. Of course there are varying degrees of schizophrenia. Some cases are acute while others are quite mild. Many schizophrenics have never been treated professionally.

Schizophrenia has remained a very baffling problem to mental health professionals. The cause and cure has remained shrouded in uncertainty.

The disturbance and disintegration of personality known as schizophrenia or dementia praecox is frequently encountered by the DELIVERANCE minister. I would estimate that as many as one fourth of those who come to us for DELIVERANCE are found to have the schizophrenic pattern. The Lord has graciously given us a special revelation on the problem which enables us to deal with such cases more effectively.

We were working very closely in DELIVERANCE with a person who did not show much improvement after repeated ministries.

Time after time we felt that the victory was gained.

The Lord said, “I want to give you a revelation of what is Sarah’s problem. The problem is schizophrenia”. The Lord gave me this definition: “Schizophrenia is a disturbance, distortion or disintegration of the development of the personality.”

I was still in bed – still had sleep in my eyes – as the Lord continued giving the revelation.

Next, the Lord instructed me to take my hands apart VERY SLOWLY. As my fingers

were slowly disengaged the Lord showed me that these demonic spirits in the schizophrenic must be separated, cast out and given up. The process requires time. It is a shock to the person to discover that so much of his personality is not the real self. He may be afraid to discover what his true personality is. He needs time to adjust and to fall out of agreement with the false demon personalities, point by point. He must come to loathe the schizophrenic personality, and fall out of agreement with it. The Lord recalled to my memory Amos 3:3 “How can two walk together except they be agreed”.

The last two fingers to come apart were the middle fingers on each hand. The Lord showed that these fingers represent the core of the schizophrenic – Rejection and Rebellion.

The control demon is called “Schizophrenia” or “Double-Mindedness”. The Bible says “A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways” (James 1:8).

The phrase translated “two minds” comes from a compound Greek word literally meaning “two souls”.

Schizophrenia ALWAYS begins with “rejection”.

Schizophrenia can be demonically inherited. Notice I said “demonically”. By that I mean it is not in the blood system, not in the genes – it is in the demons!

Now, one can have a rejection spirit and not be a schizophrenic.

Rejection (shown on the left hand in the illustration) is the control demon in one of the personalities set up within the schizophrenic.

The second personality set up by the demons is “rebellion”. (See the middle finger on the right hand in the illustration).

The Lord showed me that I was to refer to the schizophrenic person as “Sarah One” and “Sarah Two” – the “Sarah One” being the real person, and the “Sarah Two” the schizophrenic personality which has two sides to it.

The real person is neither of the “hands”. The “Real Self” is shown in the illustration between the arms, at the bottom. Jesus must start growing in the person, developing that personality, and making it what He wants it to be.

This is why the schizophrenic DELIVERANCE requires time – sometimes several months or even a year, or longer. The DELIVERANCE must work in balance with the development of the “Real Self”. It cannot be rushed, for there is nothing for the person to fall back upon. If every demon in the schizophrenic person were suddenly cast out he would feel totally lost. Identity with the “Real Self”requires time. As the schizophrenic nature is knocked out, the true personality must come forth to replace it.

He must be willing to fall out of agreement with the demons and to break old habit patterns.

On the illustration you will see a swirl at the top between the two hands. This represents a “hurricane”. The schizophrenic person continually creates “storms” around himself.

These times of storm cause the root of bitterness to form (see right hand) and to be driven deeper and deeper.

Now, let us see what the other fingers on the left hand represent. The “ring finger” is designated Lust. The Lord showed me that this demon “weds” a person to the world for love. A companion spirit in this group is Fantasy Lust which may cause the person to imagine he is some great lover of the motion picture world or to fantasy sexual experiences, as a prelude to overt acts. The harlotry spirit in women may first manifest itself in dress and provocativeness.

The little finger on the left hand represents insecurity and inferiority. This is yet another manifestation of rejection.

The index finger on the left hand is “self-accusation”. This demon causes a person to turn against himself and tears down his sense of personal worth. In most cases we have found “self-accusation” coupled with a “compulsion to confess”.

Now, let us move to the right hand in the illustration. The middle finger in the illustration is designated rebellion. As we have seen, rebellion identifies one of the false personalities set up by the demons.

The ring finger on the right hand represents self-will. This demon “weds” a person to selfish desires. This opens the way for stubbornness, selfishness and unteachableness. Again, we see the compensation for rejection.

The index finger is called accusation. It seeks to eliminate a concentration on self by calling attention to others. The accusation demon opens the door for companion spirits of judgmentalism.

The little finger on the right hand is self-deception. Its companions are delusion, self seduction and pride. The spirit of delusion comes along and says “You are REALLY somebody”; “You are a spiritual giant”! or some other kind of giant.

In one ministry case, the spirit of self-deception had convinced a thirteen year old girl that she was nineteen.

Through the revelation the Lord showed how the thumbs represent the “Paranoid” phase of schizophrenia. On the rejection side are spirits of jealousy and envy. On the rebellion side are spirits of distrust, suspicion, fear and persecution. There is another demon in this later group and it is called “Confrontation with honesty at all cost.” The person acting under the influence of paranoid demons is quite insensitive as to how many wounds he causes, yet he is super-sensitive to every offense towards himself.

The revelation portrayed in the fingers and thumbs has proved to be infallible, as judged by numerous ministries with schizophrenics. There is no flaw in it.

It is apparent in most instances that the demons listed on the left hand are in some way associated with the triad of rejection-type spirits…rejection, fear of rejection and self-rejection.

The listing of demons on the right hand include control and possessiveness. They are directly related to rebellion.

Herein lies the problem with the schizophrenic. He is unable to forgive. He has an unforgiving spirit. The root of bitterness is kept alive and out of it comes resentment, hatred, anger, retaliation, violence and murder.

How does the schizophrenic come out of this tangled mess? The three main areas to conquer are Rejection, Rebellion and the Root of Bitterness. As these areas are conquered the “house” (life) must be filled by the giving and receiving of love by submission to every valid authority and by forgiveness of all persons regardless of the circumstances. When these three areas are conquered, the other related spirits lose their strength. Determination is necessary. The person who can persistently say “I WILL BE DIFFERENT! I WILL NOT LET DEMONS RULE MY LIFE” will eventually see victory.

Between the hands at the bottom of the illustration is a little, stick figure called “The Real Self”. As the DELIVERANCE takes place over a period of time, “The Real Self” must rise up (depicted by arrows) and part the false schizophrenic personalities by falling out of agreement with all of their influence and all that they represent. “The Real Self” must take on the nature of Jesus Himself. Spiritual exercises such as Bible study, prayer, fasting, praise and fellowship with other believers is essential to a successful DELIVERANCE. These spiritual exercises will also accelerate the DELIVERANCE process as the person’s life is filled with the positive things of Christ Jesus.

It is hard work for both the schizophrenic patient and DELIVERANCE minister. I greatly admire schizophrenics who fight through to victory. I admire these victories above all other Deliverance’s. The Schizophrenic DELIVERANCE is the deepest, most involved and most determined DELIVERANCE that we have encountered.

Schizophrenia means split mind (schizein = to split and phren = mind). I had a lifetime of mental and emotional tension. I was unable to decide what to do and see it through. I had many fears that something bad was going to happen.

All of my life I had great fears of bad things happening: fears of failing and fears of people. I was often tense for weeks and I did not know why.

This is the earliest memory I have of going to school. I was so afraid of all the people I could not go into the school but hid behind the well house until my brother came and took me into the first grade. I was disoriented that day; strange feelings and fears tormented me.

I have very few memories from childhood below the age of nine or ten years.

Generally speaking I lived in two worlds; home and away from home. I became very good at forgetting everything bad (parents’ fights and my own troubles) that happened at home the minute I walked out the door. I felt more freedom and ease away from home.

At high school and college I had trouble with certain subjects like algebra and chemistry. They had things too similar for me to distinguish between them.

Both of these subjects ended in frustration and low grades for me. In my marriage I had some problems of accepting my husband as one who would provide for me, take care of me, and continue to love me. I was always expecting the marriage to end badly. After six years of marriage, we had a delightful son and two years later we had a beautiful daughter.

Double mindedness wears the person out, and frustrates and confuses him. Deciding, then undeciding stagnates a person. For example, my mom was here for a while; she couldn’t be content for desiring to go home. When at home, she was pressed to stay somewhere else besides her home. When away from home, great fears filled her about the house. She was miserable and made those around her miserable (James 1:5-8).

Paranoid – Schizophrenia – Double-Mindedness – Two Souls

(Satan’s Master Plan to Destroy the Human Race)

Rejection (Beginning of Schizophrenia) Pre-natal rejection, Rejection in the womb, Rejection after birth, Self-rejection, Fear of rejection, Inability to give or receive love, Starved for love

Rebellion (Rejection and Rebellion are the core, the two main personalities)

Self -Will, Selfishness, Stubbornness, Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness,

Aggression, Unteachable

Root of Bitterness (Three main areas are Rejection, Rebellion and Bitterness)

Resentment, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Hatred, Violence, Temper, Anger,

Retaliation, Murder, Memory Recall

Double Mindedness (Schizophrenia or Double Mindedness are Controls) Hesitating,

Dubious, Irresolute, Unstable, Unreliable, Uncertain, Unrealistic

Paranoia (Strong area – Paranoid Schizophrenic – rooted in fear) Jealousy,

Envy, Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Fears, Confrontation, Many Voices,

Insensitive, Confrontation with honesty at all costs, Delusions, False

Grandeur, Omnipotence, False Beliefs

Mental Illness (Schizophrenia – Paranoia – Mental Illness) Insanity, Madness,

Mania, Retardation, Senility, Hallucinations

Self (The schizophrenic is constantly looking at self.)

Self Pity: Fear of Judgement, Insecurity, inferiority

Self-Accusation: Compulsive Confession, Self-Hatred, Self-Unforgiveness,

Self-Condemnation, Attention Seeking

Self-Will: Selfishness, Stubbornness

Self-Deception: Self-Delusion, Self-Seduction, Pride, Unteachableness

Self-Awareness: Timidity, Shyness, Loneliness, Sensitiveness

Lust (Weds a person to the world for love.) Fantasy Lust, Harlotry,

Perverseness, Sexual Impurity, False Compassion, False Love

Depression (The Devil’s D’s: Rejection to Depression to Suicide.) Despondency,

Despair, Discouragement, Defeatism, Detective, Helplessness, Hopelessness,

Suicide, Death, Insomnia, Morbidity, False spirits

Fears (Paranoia – Phobias – Fears) People, Mental Insanity, Germs, Hysteria,


Control (Demonic control of others: parents, mates, pastors, etc.) Domination,

Witchcraft, Possessiveness, Conniving, Manipulation

Indecision (Double Mindedness – Indecision) Procrastination, Compromise,

Confusion, Forgetfulness, Indifference, Apathy

Unfairness (No one treats them fairly) Withdrawal, Fantasy, Daydreaming,

Unreality, Vivid Imagination, Pouting, Pretension

Talkativeness (Cannot let others talk) Nervousness, Tension

Accusation Towards Others (Keeps one from looking at self.) Projection,

Criticism, Faultfinding, Documentation

False Compassion (False concern for others – false spiritual gifts.) False

Responsibility, False Burden, False Love, Inordinate Affection for Animals

Guilt (Demonic prolonged false emotions). Condemnation, Unworthiness, Shame,


Perfection (An effort to earn respect and acceptance of others). Intolerance,

Pride, Irritability, Vanity, Frustration, Anger, Ego, Impatience, Criticism


Give and receive love. Submit to every valid authority. Forgive all persons

regardless of circumstances. Must be determined and persistent. Bible study,

prayer, fasting, praise and fellowship are essential.

Soul Ties, Demonic Subjection (Control Spirits – Break these with those who

have treated you.) Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Neurologist,

Social Worker, Group Therapist, Mental Institutions

Phobias (There are 210 recognized phobias by psychiatrists.) Persistent

Abnormal Fear, Aversions to Subjects, Anxiety, Morbid Fears

Tranquilizing Drugs (Controls the soul – mind, will and emotions). Ataraxics,

Indian Snake Root, Rauwolfia Serpentina, Chlorpromazine, Reserpine,

Meprobamate, Barbiturates, Sedatives, Peptic Ulcers, Ulcerative Colitis

Techniques Lobotomy, Shock Therapy, Drug Therapy, Tranquilizing Drugs,

Narcosis, Diets, Fever Therapy, Release Therapy, Psychodrama, Group Therapy,

Interview Therapy, Free Word Association

REFERENCES:  PIGS IN THE PARLOR, a practical guide to DELIVERANCE, by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, Impac Books, Inc., 137 W. Jefferson Avenue, Kirkwood, MO 63122. There have been around 250,000 of these books sold and we have had a big part in distributing these around the United States. This is a primer or basic book on DELIVERANCE that every Christian should have. We recommend that you purchase the book and read it cover-to-cover at least three times! Satan will really fight you because he wants you to stay ignorant so that he can take advantage of you and your family.



Job 42:6 – a good way to repent

Jer. 8:6 – no man repented him of his wickedness

31:19 – surely after that I was turned, I repented

I Ki. 8:47 – repent, and make supplication unto thee

Eze. 14:6 – repent, and turn from your idols

18:30 – repent and turn from all your transgressions

Matt. 3:2 – repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand

3:8 – bring forth fruits meet for repentance

3:11 – I baptize you with water unto repentance

4:17 – repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand

9:13 – come to call the sinners to repentance

11:20 – to upbraid because they repented not

11:21 – they would have repented long ago

12:41 – the repented at the preaching of Jonas

21:29 – said, I will not: but afterward he repented

21:32 – repented not afterward

27:3 – Judas repented himself

Mark 1:4 – baptism of repentance for the remission of sins

1:15 – saying repent ye, and believe the gospel

6:12 – and they preached that men should repent

Luke 13:3, 5 – except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish

15:7, 10 – joy over one sinner that repenteth

16:30 – if one went unto them, they will repent

17:3 – rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him

17:4 – turn again to thee, saying, I repent

24:47 – repentance and remission of sin should be preached

Acts 2:38 – repent, and be baptized every one of you

3:19 – repent ye therefore, and be converted

5:31 – give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness

8:22 – repent therefore of this thy wickedness

11:18 – then had God granted repentance unto life

13:24 – the baptism of repentance to all the people

17:30 – commandeth all men everywhere to repent

20:21 – repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord

26:20 – they should repent and turn to God

Rom. 2:4 – goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance

11:29 – gifts and calling are without repentance

II Cor. 7:8 – I do not repent, though I did repent

7:9 – ye sorrowed to repentance

7:10 – godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation

12:21 – have not repented of the uncleanness

II Tim. 2:25 – peradventure will give them repentance

Heb. 6:1 – foundation of repentance from dead works

6:6 – to renew them again unto repentance

12:17 – he found no place of repentance

II Pe. 3:9 – but that all should come to repentance

Rev. 2:5 – repent, and do the first works

2:16 – repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly

2:21 – repent of her fornication

2:22 – I will cast except they repent of their deeds

3:3 – remember and hold fast, and repent

3:19 – chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent

9:20 – repented not of the works of their hands

9:21 – neither repented they of their murders

16:9 – and they repented not to give him glory

16:11 – blasphemed and repented not of their deeds

The consequence of unforgiveness is the most important lesson that God has taught us about DELIVERANCE. Unforgiveness is a sin against God. The first thing you do is repent to God for having unforgiveness. Jesus Christ gave his life so that you can be forgiven for your sins. You come to realize what someone has done to you is insignificant as compared to what God did for you.

God taught us basic DELIVERANCE in the middle of the night in the middle of our bed. DELIVERANCE saved our marriage and daughter, and may have even saved our lives. We use forgiveness as a basic technique in DELIVERANCE. When you think about forgiveness, you are forgiving those who have sinned against you.

This is a study about repentance. The subject is so important that it overwhelms me. I feel that my knowledge of repentance is inadequate for this important task. However, few ministers are willing to deal with the subject so here goes. This is a study of the words: repent, repentance and repenting.

Only Almighty God can forgive sin. No human being in any office such as priest can forgive sin. God does not have any representative on earth that He has transferred that authority to. That authority will always be with God.

God forgives sin but we forgive ourselves and others. We have the authority and responsibility to forgive human beings that have hurt us by sinning against God. We forgive ourselves for doing things that hurt us and our loved ones.

See John 20:21-23; verse 23 says Whos soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. We can remit (to send away) or retain (to lay fast hold of) sins of those who have sinned against God and affected our lives. In other words, we can hold on to the sins against us or we can release those sins.

When I forgive someone, I visualize that person being released. I can hold on to the sins of others against me and try to get even in some way. When I release others, I am also releasing myself. There is freedom in releasing others from any bondage to ourselves. When we hold others in bondage, we also hold ourselves in bondage.

When you retaliate against others, you also retaliate against yourselves.

Earline is a good teacher about this area of retaliation.

The Bible clearly teaches that the sins of the ancestors will be visited on their descendants. Earline had heart trouble and sought the Lord about the answer. God told her to look in Exodus 20, Leviticus 26 and Ezekiel 18 for the answer. This is how we learned about how to release ourselves from the sins of our ancestors.

Ex. 20:3-5 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

There was a lot of marrying between races of whites and Indians before 1900, so much so, that the writers of Britannica could find few pure bred Indians and very few who could speak the language of their tribe. These Indians worshiped demons, therefore cursing all their descendants for three to four generations.

If no one in the family line worshiped other gods until the time ran out, the curse would cease. I am not four generations from my Indian ancestors, so the curse was on me.

I remembered at this time that my Dad had practiced a little witchcraft himself. He had our mountain well water-witched and he practiced a little folk medicine to get rid of my brother’s warts. Innocent as these things may seem, they began the curse all over. Not only did he and most of his brothers and sisters have heart trouble and some died early deaths, but all my brothers and myself had heart problems.

Then I was led to read Ezekiel 18 in which I found it was not the will of God for children to be punished for their fathers sins, provided that the children were not following in their fathers footsteps.

Ezekiel 18 discusses how God deals with just and wicked ancestors and descendants: just ancestors and wicked descendants, and wicked ancestors and just descendants. The just soul shall live and the wicked soul shall die. As a Christian, you would fall into the category of the just soul if you are not following the iniquities listed in this chapter. First, we confess our ancestors iniquity, trespasses and contrary walk towards God. Second, we forgive them for what they have done to us. Third, we break any curses brought on us by our ancestors.

Then Lev. 26:39-42, When in the land of bondage if you will confess your sins and the sins of you father and how you have all dealt treacherously with God He will remember you, forgive and heal you when your heart is humble. I just followed the instructions and have been healed all these years.

First, we confess our iniquities. Second, we confess the iniquities of our fathers. Third, God remembers His covenant. God promises to remember those that repent. Fifth, God blesses those who have repented.

There is a sequence of events that we need to follow depending on the situation that we are in. First, we must realize what that situation is so that we can confess it to God. It could be brought on by ourselves or our ancestors. Second, we must repent of our sins and forgive those that have hurt us. Third, we must break curses and soul ties that have been brought on us by our sins and the actions of others such as our ancestors. Fourth, we must cast out any demons that inhabit our bodies because of our sins or the curses transmitted by our ancestors or others. Fifth, we must discipline our lives to not repeat the sins of our ancestors or the wrong habits of our lives.

Six Basic Steps To Your DELIVERANCE

  1. Identify your problems.
  2. Forgive, pray and get yourself right with God.
  3. Break the curses and soul ties on you and your descendants.
  4. Cast out your demons.
  5. Pray for healing of your soul and body.
  6. Discipline your life by changing your way of thinking and acting. It is easy to cast out demons but hard to discipline your life.

There is a parallel sequence of events that are necessary to accomplish CONFESS – REPENT – BREAK – CAST – DISCIPLINE.

First, you need to obtain knowledge. You must have a working knowledge of the Bible and DELIVERANCE. You need to be a workman who is not ashamed of rightly dividing the Word of Truth. You can learn DELIVERANCE from teaching, ministry, counseling, studying, experience, etc. Second, you need to get right with God and get your sins under the Blood of Jesus so that you will be cleansed. Third, now that you are forgiven by God, you have the right to take authority over all the authority of the enemy and break curses and soul ties. Fourth, it is necessary to change your life: the way you think and act.

The greatest need in the Christian life is the need for repentance; forgiveness is a major part of repentance.

The basic method we use is to find out what a person or their ancestors or others did that affected their life. Then, we get the person to confess and repent about these actions. Then, demonic ties are broken and demons are cast out. Finally, we counsel the person about disciplining their mind and body.

We have used this method successfully in our ministry for many years after God showed us this truth. It is easy to visualize when you realize that God thought it was so important that He died for our sins so that we could be forgiven when we repent. See Matthew 18:15-35 about how to deal with others when they offend us.

One of my pet peeves is the ministers who are unwilling to fully confront sin by teaching, ministry and counseling. These same ministers try to confess and repent for others rather than getting those guilty of sin to repent. What good do you think it accomplishes when the person is still guilty of that sin and has not repented or forgiven the one that hurt them? If the demons leave, they have a right to come back because of unbroken demonic ties, and unconfessed sin and iniquity.

We have worked with people at camp in mass DELIVERANCE, and then the next day worked with someone in individual DELIVERANCE. We find that person not to have repented in mass DELIVERANCE but repents in individual DELIVERANCE. The demons do not leave in mass DELIVERANCE but leave in individual DELIVERANCE because of repentance brought about by individual counseling.

To repent means to be penitent, to be eased, to comfort self, to turn back. This means to change your heart, disposition, mind, purpose or conduct. If we do not repent, then we are in rebellion against God.

When God repented, He changed his mind. He would alter a course of action planned for his people when they repented and changed their course of action. He never changed his mind from punishing sin. I Sam. 15:29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.

“Repentance with reference to sin is not so prominent as that change of mind or purpose, out of pity for those who have been affected by one’s action, or in whom the result of the action have not fulfilled expectations, a repentance attributed both to God and to man.” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words).

To repent means to be careful or concerned with, to have another mind, a change of mind, or not to be careful or concerned with. We are not to repent or change our purpose about gifts, calling and salvation. We perceive our sin, and change our mind and purpose for the better in Christ. We regret our sins and repent to God.

“The subject chiefly has reference to repentance from sin, and this change of mind involves both a turning from sin and a turning to God. The parable of the prodigal son is an outstanding illustration of this. Christ began His ministry with a call to repentance to the individual.” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words).

In the traditional church, there is a tendency to simply get the people to join the church. You can join the church as you would join a social club and with the same effect. In the full-gospel church, there is a tendency to simply get the people to accept Christ on their terms. You have to accept Christ on His terms not on your terms or that church’s terms. There is no way to Christ and His salvation without repenting and confessing your sins.

The Roman’s Road to Salvation: Romans 3:23, 6:23a, 5:8, 6:23b and 10:9, 13 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. For the wages of sin is death. But God commandeth His love toward us; in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. That, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Easy believeism is leading people to Hell. There is only one way to God through Jesus Christ and in accordance with The Holy Word Of God.

Easy repentance is leading people to stay in bondage. Unless the repentance is acceptable to God by the Bible, the person is deceived and will remain in bondage although he may think he is free. Many people are being deceived by ministers and lay Christians by telling them they are free when they are still in bondage. The sad part of this charade is that you see people leaving the church and going back out into the world when their lives are not working out as told to them by others who should know better. These former church goers may end up in Hell.

Any sin in your life will keep you from the full blessings of God that you would receive in the areas of mental, physical, spiritual and material. There will be confusion in the mind, disease in the body, problems in the spiritual life, and poverty in the financial area.

If you have sin in your life, you have opened the door for Satan and his demons to attack you, your family and your church. Sin is a crack in your armor whether known or unknown to you. You or your ancestors have invited Satan to come into your life and work havoc.

The Bible is a book of blessings and curses. Every verse you obey carries a blessing; every verse you disobey carries a curse. If you obey half of the Bible, you are half blessed and half cursed.

It is your choice what you do; God didn’t make you as a robot. You have a free will given by the Lord. You choose to go to Heaven or you choose to go to Hell. You choose to live the abundant life or you choose to live the life in poverty here on earth. Jesus has finished His work; it is up to you now.

The minister needs to surrender fully to God and throw open all the doors and windows of his/her life to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. The work of the ministry can be a difficult undertaking. Effective weapons used against ministers are carelessness, pride, immorality, taking God for granted, spiritual weakness, and affliction of wife/husband where the minister refuses to yield to God.

The person ministering in the area of DELIVERANCE is in a position of all- out warfare with the forces of evil. Many have fallen by the wayside because of ignorance of Bible and of DELIVERANCE, still having many demons within themselves, women and men ministering by themselves, being lured by false doctrines, etc.

SIN IN YOUR POSSESSIONS – You must clean your home and your person (body) of cursed objects. If you have cursed objects, you become cursed and you will have demons living with you. They don’t just come to live in your home or on your person, they come to torment you and your family.

Five Steps To Cleaning Your House

  1. Seven-way prayer of forgiveness: you forgive your ancestors, descendants and others for all sins; ask God to forgive and bless them with all spiritual blessings; ask God to forgive you; you forgive yourself for sins against your body; and finally ask forgiveness for worshiping other gods).
  2. Break curses and soul ties from others (ancestors) and to others (descendants); and break curses of psychic or Catholic prayers.
  3. Clean out house of your objects, or cast out demons in objects you do not own.
  4. Anoint house and objects with oil, and cast evil spirits out of house.
  5. Cast demons out of people that came in thru curses from demonic objects.


  1. What is sin and the standard against sin? – Sin is the thought or deed we commit that is contrary to the teaching of the Bible. The standard used to judge sin is the Holy Inspired Word of God, The Bible.
  2. Who do we commit sin against? – I Cor. 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. The results of our sins affect ourselves and others. We sin upward against God, outward against others, inward against ourselves and downward against our descendants.
  3. How do we sin against God? – We sin against God by disobedience to the commandments and precepts of the whole Bible.
  4. How do we sin against others? – We sin against others by doing something to them that is contrary to the Bible. First, see what is a sin in the Bible. Second, that would be a sin against others. For example, the spreading of lies about another person is sin. We are telling lies which is a sin against God and it is also hurting another person.
  5. How do we sin against ourselves? – I Cor. 6:18 He that commits fornication sins against his own body . Every other sin that man does is outside of the body except for fornication.
  6. How do we sin against our descendants? – We sin against our descendants either directly or indirectly. We can directly sin against our children or indirectly against our children’s children to the tenth generation. For example, we conceive a bastard. It is a sin against that child, our other children and our children’s children to the tenth generation. The curse, created by conceiving a bastardy, will bring problems and grief: primarily alienation from the church and conceiving bastards generation after generation.
  7. Who forgives sins? – Only God can forgive sin by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. We can remit (send away) sins and retain (hold fast) sins (John 20:23). What you bind on earth is bound in Heaven; what you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven (Matt. 16:19; 18:18). Other passages are judging others (I Cor. 5:1-5), forgive in the sight of Christ (II Cor. 2:10) and Christ speaking in me (II Cor. 13:3).
  8. Who confesses sins? – We confess our sins and the sins of our ancestors, and humble ourselves before God (Lev. 26:40-42). Earline has a testimony about how God healed her heart after she dealt with her Indian ancestors. God gave her a series of steps about how to counteract the sins of her ancestors who worshiped demons. The ideal is to have the descendants forgive their ancestors (especially their parents). The most sure method is for the person to forgive those who have hurt them or committed acts which affect their lives.
  9. What do we do after our sins are forgiven? – First, we get our sins forgiven and we forgive others for sinning against us. We then have the right to break curses, soul ties and cast out the demons. Second, we break the curses on ourselves, our mate if he or she is affected, and our descendants. We can break curses placed on us by others, curses placed on us by ourselves, and curses placed on our descendants by ourselves. Third, we break soul ties brought about by sexual sin and witchcraft. Fourth, we cast out the demons that came in through sin and curses. Fifth, we go and sin not more.

The traditional church and most of the other churches (full gospel, Pentecostal, charismatic, glossolalia, evangelistic) believe that the job is finished when the person repents. That is spiritual fantasy. Repentance means that God has forgiven us, and given us the authority to continue to clean our houses: souls and bodies. We need to eradicate, as much as possible, the evidences of sin in ourselves.

We must break curses on ourselves and our descendants to keep the curse from continuing and repeating the same sins. We need to break soul ties with those we have had sex with other than our only legitimate mate (which is a godly soul tie). We need to break soul ties with anyone who has exercised an ungodly control over us. We need to get rid of demonic objects in our living quarters and on our being.

Lord, I repent of my wickedness. I turn away from my sins, transgressions, iniquity and idols. I make supplication to you. I do not want to perish in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. I forgive all others for anything they have done to me. I am sorry for my sins and mistakes.

Help me to have faith in God necessary to accomplish this prayer. Help me to have works that follow my conversion. Help me to hold fast to my salvation and be zealous for the Lord.

I believe the Gospel and accept it in simple childlike faith. I accept all of the benefits of being baptized with water. I will bring forth Fruits of the Spirit. I will quit being double minded about my sins. I will tell others of my salvation. I will rebuke my brother/sister and then forgive him/her. I will be baptized when I am converted. I will do these things as the Holy Spirit leads and with the help of God.

Thank you that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Thank you for your goodness and mercy. Thank you for your gifts, calling and salvation. Thank you that all of these blessing have been provided for me. All these things I ask in the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior. Amen


Soul Ties – One Flesh

Gen. 2:24 And shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Matt. 19:6 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

I Cor. 6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body?

Curses – Bondage

Num. 5:21 Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing.

Deut.28:48 Put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.

30:7 And the Lord thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies.

Job 2:9 Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.

Acts 23:12 Certain of Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse.

23:14 We have bound ourselves under a great curse.

Gal. 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse.

Soul Ties – Witchcraft

Lev. 19:31 Regard not that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards.

20:6 I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off.

Bands – Bondage

Lev. 26:13 And I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright.

Jud. 15:14 And his bands loosed from off his hands.

Job 38:31 Or loose the bands of Orion?

39:5 Or who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass?

39:10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow?

Psa. 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

58:6 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth.

73:4 For there are no bands in their death.

107:14 And brake their bands in sunder.

119:61 The bands of the wicked have robbed me.

Prov. 6:21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.

Ecc. 7:26 The woman whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands.

Isa. 28:22 Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong.

52:2 Loose thyself from bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

58:6 To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens.

Eze. 4:8 And behold, I will lay bands upon thee, and thou shalt not turn thee.

Dan. 4:15 Leave stump of his roots in the earth, with band of iron and brass.

Hos. 11:4 I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love.

Zech. 11:7 The one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands.

11:14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands.

Luke 8:29 He was kept bound with chains and in fetters; he brake the bands.

Col. 2:19 From which all the body by joints and bands, and knit together.

CHANGES IN 25 YEARS Americans are waiting longer to marry today, more are getting divorced, resulting in more single-parent families – as many as 60% among blacks, according to 3 reports issued last week by the Census Bureau.

While the man-and-wife family with 1 or more children remains the norm, it is a tradition that is rapidly eroding. Divorced persons have risen to 130 per 1,000 married persons, compared with just 35 in 1960, and the proportion of 1-parent families of all races has more than doubled from 13% in 1970 to 28% last year.

Commenting on the causes, Douglas Besharov of the American Enterprise Institute said he doesn’t think the fault is so much with economics as with “trickle-down morality.”

“The elites of the country changed their behavior, at least outward manifestations, in the 1950’s and everyone else is following. Across the board there has been a total loosening of the old Puritan standards by which we grew up,” he said.

“People today value early marriage less, value having children less, and value having a career of their own, and some fun before settling down, more highly,” Besharov declared. Details (202) 862-5800 – From Association Trends.

Violence and injury account for three out of four adolescent deaths. More than three out of 10 adolescents who die are killed in motor vehicle accidents. Half of these involve alcohol.

The homicide rate has doubled among 10- to 14-year-olds during the past 20 years. Homicide is the leading cause of death among black 15- to 19-year-olds.

Most 10- to 19-year-old homicide victims are killed with guns. In 1987, firearms accounted for 68 percent of the 1,744 adolescent murders. Eighteen percent of those adolescents were killed with knives and other cutting instruments. Fourteen percent were killed with clubs, beaten to death or strangled.

Child abuse and child neglect increased 74 percent in the last 10 years.

Over the past 20 years, suicide tripled among 10- to 14-year-olds and doubled among 15- to 19-year-olds. Whites are three times more likely than blacks to kill themselves.

There are important sex differences in attempted and completed suicide. Adolescent girls are four to five times more likely than boys to attempt suicide, while boys are more likely to succeed, mainly because they choose more lethal methods. Girls generally use pills. Boys tend to hang themselves or use guns.

Approximately 92 percent of high school seniors have consumed alcohol at least once, 50 percent have tried marijuana and 15 percent have tried cocaine.

Adolescents who currently drink alcohol are 10 times more likely than non-drinkers to use marijuana and 11 times more likely to use cocaine.

By the time they are 18 years old, 65 percent of boys and 51 percent of girls are sexually active. Approximately 50 percent of American adolescents do not use contraceptives the first time they have intercourse. Half of premarital pregnancies occur within the first six months of sexual activity.

One in four sexually active high school students will get a sexually transmitted disease before graduating.

Mental disorders account for 32 percent of the disabilities among 10- to 18-year-olds. It is estimated that 5 million children and adolescents need mental health services but do not receive them.

Approximately 5 percent of adolescents are clinically obese and between 5 percent and 25 percent are overweight.

Pain during menstruation affects almost half of all female adolescents and is a leading cause of school absenteeism.

About one in four high school seniors approves of heavy cigarette smoking and one or two drinks a day. One in five approves of trying cocaine. Meanwhile, 80 percent of the parents of 8- to 17-year-olds think drugs are not a problem.

From Ann Landers Advice.

The conclusion from the above articles is that American needs to wake up. Parents need to wake up and pay more attention to their children. Parents need to pay more attention to each other. Especially, the Christian churches need to wake up, and teach and practice the whole Bible. God gave the Christians a winning program but we are not using it and the forces of evil are overcoming America.

There are invisible ties between human beings – alive and alive, and alive and dead, and between human beings and spiritual beings, and between human beings and animals. There are demonic ties, soul ties, ties of curses, witchcraft ties and bands or bondage.

Most Christians do not believe that demons control any part of their lives. If they only knew how much, they would be aghast and would begin to take action against the forces of darkness. Earline and I spend our time primarily studying what happens to people when they do not obey the Law’s of God. We study God’s Law’s of Justice. Most people want to study God’s Law’s of Love. The Law’s of Justice equally balance the Law’s of Love.

Do you feel as if there is something that ties you to another or as if there is pressure around your body? Think about ties to men, women, animals – both dead and alive, and to objects and demons.

We believe that God has setup an invisible system of ties that we can not see but we can feel the results of these ties. We are knit together with God as His Body. We are also knit together with others and demonic forces.

The impression that we have is that there are good ties with God and bad ties with the forces of evil. You could visualize being tied up, bound up, in chains and fetters, tied to others, weighed down, under pressure, etc. You are either tied to others or tied-up within your self; you are carrying heavy loads on your shoulders or within your body.

God can either put you into bondage or remove you from bondage. It is your choice, not God’s. You either do or do not follow God’s Laws. You pay the consequence for your actions; you sow what you reap.

If you have a cursed object in your house, you are cursed. A cursed object does not just sit idle in your house. It will cause trouble for you. There are demons that live in or around the cursed object. Do you feel an unusual attraction or repulsion to some object in your home, office or car? You may have a demonic tie to it.

Some friends of ours were ministers who went to Haiti. One time they brought us some carved figurines as a gift. These statutes caused us strife in the family.

Our daughter, Marie, felt like there were eyes watching her as she walked across the room. The Lord finally got our attention and we destroyed the wood figures. The wood would not burn normally and finally I had to soak them in charcoal-lighter fluid. When they finally burned, a green flame came out and shot toward us. These dolls were probably made by Voodoo worshipers who blessed them so that they would be sold. After getting rid of the statutes, the strife left our family.

There are demons that have sex with humans that may be against their will. There are worshipers in Voodoo that invite demons to have sex with them during their rites. These demons are called incubus and succubus -one for males and one for females. It may be possible to form a soul tie with a demon.

The human being is composed of eternal spirit, intellectual soul and fleshly body. God imparted the spirit into the womb at the moment of conception. The soul is normally thought of as mind, will and emotions. The soul and body are grown as we develop as humans. When we die, God will take our spirit and soul into the spiritual world leaving our fleshly body behind. We will recognize each other when we get to Heaven because we will have our souls which contain our memory.

An animal is composed of soul and body but no spirit. When the animal dies, there is no indication in the Bible that God preserves any part of the animal or that any earthly animals will be found in heaven. There are heavenly animals that are there now, such as horses, and will probably be there when we arrive.

Demons have a spirit and soul but do not have a body.

When we unite with another, we unite in the soul. A demonic tie is formed between men and women depending on what the union is all about. A soul tie or some form of demonic tie may be formed with beasts, demons and objects.

Soul ties are simply becoming one flesh according to the Bible; the souls are united. Soul ties are invisible ties between live humans, live humans and animals, live humans and dead humans. Soul ties between live humans would include husband and wife, man and whore, woman and gigolo, man and man, and woman and woman. Soul ties between humans and animals would include sex with animals by men or women. Soul ties between live humans and dead humans would include any inability to give up the dead or influence of the dead on the living.

Have you been married before and divorced or separated? Is your former mate dead? If so, you have a soul tie with that person that needs to be broken unless you plan to reunite with that person after temporary separation.

There is a good soul tie between godly married mates. This was established by God as one of His Laws. Earline and I have a godly soul tie. This is our only marriage and we do not have any other former mates. We are one flesh. We became one flesh when we united in sex. Marriage in the Bible was consummated when the couple came together sexually. They simply went into the tent, had sex and they were married in the sight of God. There is no need for paperwork or formalities in the sight of God; these are needed for man’s world.

Fornication is all sexual acts outside of godly marriage union. Fornication would include sex between men and women before marriage even if the consenting adults got married after sex. Most people think that if they get married after a child is conceived, it is not illegitimate. In the sight of God, the child is a bastard.

A soul tie is formed immediately upon the sexual act. God made the woman to have a strong attraction to the first man that she had sex with. It is going to be very difficult for the woman to forget her first sexual partner even when she gets married to another man. She may want to go back to her first partner as she goes through life.

Adultery is ungodly sexual acts in marriage with another person. Adultery is also defined as fornication. If a man or woman has sex outside of marriage with another, then a soul tie is formed with that person. When the married person goes to bed with their godly mate, it is as if they were bringing the other people to bed with them. This explains why people have some problems with their sex lives. They think about others during this time.

Sex with the harlot, whore, prostitute, gigolo (either male or female) causes a soul tie to be formed just the same as if the marriage was legitimate before God. Any soul tie outside of marriage is ungodly.

The world gets caught in the age-old trap of thinking that sex is love. Sex is not love; sex is sex. Sex in marriage should be sex with love but may only be sex without love. This may be brought about by the wife bargaining for sex with the husband to get something she wants or for some other reason.

Homosexuality forms soul ties between men and men or women and women. They have united their souls through the sexual act of sodomy. There is now a spiritual tie between them similar to the ties of being married.

Bestiality is the sexual union between man or woman and beast. It may be that a soul tie is formed between the person and the beast. Have you noticed that some people treat their animals as if they were their children?

Why do people have an ungodly attraction for animals? It is probably not all for bestiality but it illustrates how a person can be attracted to animals as if they were humans.

Curses are a type of demonic tie between the living, and between the living and the dead. Curses speak of oaths, binding and lying upon. God can curse us for not following His Laws. We can curse ourselves and bind ourselves under a curse. We can curse others and bind them under a curse if we have the authority to do so (such as our children).

When the curse is broken, there is a release as if a tie had been severed. I have always wanted to see the connection in the spiritual world of the curse emanating from someone and landing on someone else. We can curse ourselves or we can be cursed by others. How does the release occur? Is the tie suddenly severed or does the demon suddenly leave or what really happens? I wish God would open my eyes so that I could see into the spiritual world and see what happens there. I would like to see what happens as we pray, war in the spirit world, etc. Practicing DELIVERANCE is the best education that I know of to help you see into the spiritual world and understand what happens.

Witchcraft is the attempt to exercise control over others for personal gain. It can be practiced by white witchcraft (so called good witchcraft), black witchcraft (evil witchcraft), or someone who doesn’t even think that they are a witch. Deliberate witchcraft would be practiced by someone in the occult or Satin worship. You don’t have to be a witch or warlock to practice witchcraft.

When we go to a witch to gain hidden knowledge or something for ourselves, we are seeking to them as we would seek to God. We are submitting ourselves to them, become obligated to them and they begin to exercise control over us.

Unknown witchcraft would be practiced by someone trying to control others for their benefit or even for good intentions. Parents have a right and responsibility to control children that are underage and are supported by them.

Parents do not have the right or responsibility to control children that are of age and are not supported by them especially when they are married.

Unknown witchcraft is commonly practiced in the Christian world by laymen and leaders. This is called charismatic witchcraft. A pastor or leader who tries to control his flock or group is practicing witchcraft. He or she may feel that they know what is best for their people and they try to force it to happen.

They may or may not know what is best for others but they have no right to force their will on others. The best example is God, He will not force His Will on us.

We have worked with people who have been controlled by a dictatorial pastor. The pastor has formed soul ties with those who have yielded to his control rather than the direction of God in their lives. It is necessary to forgive the pastor, break soul ties and cast out demons.

If you have left a church that truly does not follow Jesus Christ, then you need to renounce that church or organization, forgive them, break soul ties, and cast out demons. The Catholic Church is a good example of an organization that tries to control their people completely. Many charismatic leaders fall into this trap of trying to control people and their money in order to build their kingdoms whether small or large.

We went to a church where the pastor seemed to let the Holy Spirit have His way in the services. There was a tremendous freedom there and you could hardly wait to get to church to see what God was going to do. Then the pastor decided that it was his church and would be run the way he wanted it to be run for his selfish reasons. After that, the freedom left and it was like any other charismatic church.

If you went to a fortune teller to get your fortune told, then you formed a soul tie with that person. There will be an attempt to control your life by that person from then on. Attempted control forms a soul tie. Demons will be sent out to help you and to draw you back to the fortune teller. God will cut us off. He may kill us as He did Saul for seeking the medium. He may cut us off from His Blessings on us mentally, physically, spiritually or materially. You are placed in bondage by God. You may lose your mind, health, wealth or relationship with God. You are cursed and God may put ties on you to prevent you from prospering.

Witchcraft causes demons to be sent to another person to affect their life. The demons may stay on the outside of the person and just talk to the person or may affect their material surroundings. The demons may converse with the demons within the person and get their co-operation for your destruction.

There are bands that bind us. These demonic ties are bands, bonds, fetters, cords, ropes, covenants, brotherhoods, etc. that have strength, might and force over our lives.

We have worked with people in DELIVERANCE who acted like they had bands around their heads or bonds around their bodies. There would be pressure on their heads as if something was tightened around their skull or brain. Similarly, there might be a feeling of pressure around the body or organ.

We have cut a covenant with Jesus Christ. He has given us all of His Benefits and we have given Him all of our life. This is a blood covenant founded on the Blood of Jesus Christ. This is a very serious agreement and should not be taken lightly.

Beauty is symbolic name given to one of the two staves which symbolized the Lords’ covenant with the seed of Jacob, and the brotherhood of Israel and Judah. I would say that this word symbolizes the good things that God will do for us.

Bands is a symbolic name given to the other of the two staves mentioned above. Strong’s Concordance lists the following for bands: twisted rope, measuring line, inheritance, noose, cord, tied together, ruin, destruction, pain, pang, snare, sorrow. I would say that this word symbolizes the bad things that God will do to us. It could also mean that God sets a measuring line for us not to go past and that is our inheritance in Him. If we exceed His limits, then we face ruin, destruction, pain, pang, snare and sorrow. We could be twisted like a rope, have a noose around our neck and tied together with a cord.

David agreed with Jonathan to be his brother. They treated each other as if they were blood brothers. This agreement lasted after the dead of Jonathan. David was obligated to care for the descendents of Saul and Jonathan. David lived up to his agreement. Are you living up to your agreement with God?

Have you joined a brotherhood outside of Christianity? Have you agreed to or signed a document that causes you to treat those in that organization as if they were your blood brothers or sisters? An example would be the Masons. Have you ever cut your wrist, mingled your blood with another, drunk mingled blood and wine out of a chalice such as an Indian rite?

As Christians, we are brothers and sisters in Christ by the His Blood. We are a family and may form some strong ties which may seem even stronger than those with our blood brothers and sisters who turn against us as we follow the Lord.

This needs to be a natural love and not a contrived false love. Calling someone brother or sister does not indicate that you really mean it but may just be putting on a show.

Have you ever felt that you have a yoke of iron upon your neck or that you were carrying a heavy load on your back or that you felt a heaviness on you? This feeling could be analogous to having bands around you.

It can come about because you didn’t serve THE LORD with joyfulness and gladness of heart.

Earline wrote a lesson called An Attitude of Gratitude – The Cure for Depression. We have seen how important it is to have gratitude towards God in ourselves and the lives others.

Many Christians act as if there was no force in the spiritual world either good or evil. They may act as if God had no power or would not exercise that power in the lives of men. They may act as if Satan had no power or could not exercise that power over them.

God is all powerful, all knowing and all present – omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. God exercises those qualities in our lives whether we realize it or not.

Satan is the second most powerful being in the universe, only second to God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He and his forces can do demonic miracles to fool men. Except for Jesus Christ on our side, we are powerless before him. With Jesus Christ on our side, we have all power over the enemy.

You may act as if Satan was a buffoon or wore a red suit with a tail and carried a pitchfork. You need to know your enemy. It is Satan and his forces, not man, that is causing you problems. Satan has one-third of the angels, billions of demons and about 98% of the human race in his army. We don’t need to fear this mighty enemy but we need to respect his power and learn how to overcome the enemy’s army.

This list would include any demons that would cause demonic ties of any type. They include general categories of sexual unions, people who would control your freewill, you practicing witchcraft on others, and demonic ties to objects, animals and demons. Demonic ties could be thought of as holds over your life or being tied to something that you can not let go of. You are tied to anything that has a hold over some aspect of your life.

What do you worship and what is important in your life; this is a key to your ties.

Demonic ties can be caused by parents abusing their children causing them to try to please their parents and get their acceptance for the rest of their adult lives. They can be caused by weak effeminate men and strong domineering women improperly raising their children. Ties can be caused by false religions or religious leaders. Addictions are a type of tie to drugs, alcohol, food, etc. Children can have demonic ties with their parents as well as godly ties.

You can be tied to your enemies because of your hatred and inability to release them from their sins against you. You can be tied to worldly systems of religion, family, occupation, education, recreation, etc. You can be tied to races, cultures and creeds. You can be tied to doctors and hospitals for treatment of body and mind. You can be tied to yourself through selfishness and only thinking about your needs. You can be tied to traditions of your elders or churches.

You can be tied to medium spirits which guide your life or to your own demons that you submit to. Familiar spirits following the descendents after the ancestor’s sins could be a type of tie. You can even be tied to someone that has died. You can be tied to the Devil through occult, witchcraft and Satan worship. You can be tied to demons that you have sex with.

”Father, I pray that you would forgive me of sex with demons, rape, fornication , adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, or anything else that would cause me to have a soul tie through demonic sex. Forgive me for having demonic objects in my home or office, and for having demonic ties to them. I forgive those who would try to control me through witchcraft, parental control after marriage, control by church leaders, or anyone who would try to control my God-given freewill. Forgive me for trying to control others. Forgive me for making covenants and brotherhoods, for taking oaths binding me to others, and for any unholy allegiance. Forgive me for cursing myself, family, church, nation and God.

Father, thank you for godly soul ties and my covenant with you. Please strengthen Your System in my life. Help me to cleanse my soul and body, and have a right spirit. Give me spiritual strength, might and force to do your work.

I now break all ungodly soul ties to humans, demonic ties to objects or animals, curses, bondage, witchcraft, bands, and yokes. I command all demons that came in with these ties and curses to leave me. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.”

Start off with Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion. Then go on to other categories such as Abused Children, Ahab and Jezebel, Charismatic Witchcraft, Cursed Objects, Occult, Witchcraft, etc.

Use the following names or characteristics:

demonic ties to parents, spirits of abused children, spirits in subconscious mind,
Ahab and Jezebel, effeminacy, bastard and incest,
religious spirits, demonic ties to religions and religious leaders, charismatic witchcraft,
lies and lying, addictions and compulsions, ties to demonic tradition and cursed objects,
fear and paranoia, ties to the dead, ties to races, colors and creeds,
ties to doctors and hospitals, ties to self and selfishness, drunkenness and gluttony,
occult, witchcraft and Satan worship, schizophrenia, hate, vengeance,
envy and strife, rape, incubus and succubus,
fornication, adultery, homosexuality,
bestiality, prostitution, whoring,
blood brothers, harlotry, death,
great curse, works of the law, familiar spirits,
wizards, bands of Orion, snares and nets,
mockers, divorce, immorality,
violence, alcoholism, murder,
suicide, marijuana, cocaine, premarital sex,
sexual diseases, mental disorders, obesity, fatness,
demonic pain menstruation, nicotine, unbalanced teaching,
tied up, bound up, in chains and fetters, tied to others, weighed down,
under pressure, unusual attraction, repulsion,
strife, Voodoo, gigolo,
sodomy, sexual dreams and nightmares, ungodly attraction for animals,
white witchcraft, black witchcraft, warlock,
dictatorial, fortune teller, mediums, bands, bonds, fetters, cords, ropes,
covenants, brotherhoods, twisted,
noose, ruin, destruction,
pain, pang, snare,
sorrow, Masonic Lodge, demonic miracles,
domineering, false religions, ties to worldly systems, and all other related demons and their works.



Agree – Bind – Loose (Main Scripture)
Mt. 18:18-20…..Agree will be Done, Bind will be Bound, Loose will be Loosed.
Agree – Agreed – Agreement
Is. 28:15…………..Have made covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement.
Amos 3: 3…………Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Mt. 5:25…………..Agree with thine adversary quickly.

Mt. 18:19…………Two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything.

Mk. 14:56………..But their witness agreed not together.

II Co. 6:16………And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?

I Jo. 5:8………….And these three agree in one.

Requirements to Agree – Bind – Loose
Ps. 34:15………..The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous.
Ps. 145:18………To all that call upon him in truth.

Ps. 145:19………He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him.

Pr. 15:29………..But he heareth the prayer of the righteous.

Is. 1:15…………..I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.

Mt. 5:24…………First be reconciled to thy brother, then come and offer thy gift.

Mt. 8:22…………Follow me: and let the dead bury their dead.

John 9:31……….Now we know that God heareth not sinners.

John 15:7……….If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you.

John 20:23…….Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them.

I Ti. 2:8…………Lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

James 2:20…….O vain man, that faith without works is dead.

James 5:16…….Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another.

I Pe. 3:7………..That your prayers be not hindered.

I Jo. 3:22………We keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing.

I Jo. 5:14………If we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us.

Bind – Binding
Nu. 30:2……….Swear oath to bind his soul with a bond; shall not break his word.
De. 6:8…………And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand.

Job 38:31……..Canst thou bind or loose?

Pr. 3:3………….Bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart.

Is. 61:1………..Bind up the brokenhearted – open the prison to them that are bound.

Mt. 12:29…….Except he first bind strong man and then he will spoil his house.

Mt. 16:19…….And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

Mt. 18:18…….Verily I say unto you, bind and loose.

Mk. 3:27……..No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods.

Bound – Bounds
Ge. 44:30…….Seeing that his life is bound up in the lad’s life
Nu. 30:4………And every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand.

De. 32:8………He set the bounds of the people according to the number.

I Sam. 25:29……But the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life.

Job 14:5………Thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass.

Job 38:20…….That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof.

Ps. 107:10……Being bound in affliction and iron.

Pr. 22:15……..Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child.

Pr. 30:4……….Who hath bound the waters in a garment?

Lam. 1:14……The yoke of my transgressions is bound by his hand.

Ho. 5:10………The princes of Judah were like them that remove the bound.

Lk. 13:16……..Whom Satan hath bound lo, these eighteen years, be loosed?

Acts 20:22……And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem.

Acts 23:14……We have bound ourselves under a great curse.

Ro. 7:2…………For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law.

II Th. 1:3……..We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren.

Loose – Loosed
Job 30:11…….Because he hath loosed my cord, and afflicted me.
Ec. 12:6……….Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken.
Is. 58:6………..To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens.

Agree – Agreed – Agreement means to be into or for, in good mind, the same, like or similar, persuade, prevail upon, make one opinion, sound or speak together, put together, be met together, a putting down together.
Bind – Binding means to bind, gird, wrap round, fetter, tie, press, compress, bind a conspirator, entangle, yoke, fasten, stretch out before, bind around, bind under, bind up, straiten, bind fast, bind along with, obliging.
Bound – Bounds means to be bound, enclosed place, statute, limit, bent, bending, bowed down, thread, cord, bound to, bind, tie, fetter, press, be twisted together, owe, one bound, be wrapped around, press, bind around, be laid round about, bound with, mark, limit, set limit, make an enclosure.
Loose – Loosed means to draw off, cast off, loose, shake off, open, loose off or away, make inactive, send again or up, let go, lift up, lead forth, shake off, send forth or away, open for one’s self, be loosed, be melted, be spread out, be opened, a loosening.

Agreeing – We can make covenants with God or Satan which will result in blessings or cursings. If we walk together in the spirit, we must be agreed in our hearts not just in our heads or mouths. It is better to agree with your enemy than to suffer the consequences. Husband and wife make a strong team before God when they can truly agree and seek Him. Witnesses will not agree when they are false. We should not agree to subject our bodies, the temples of God, to fornicate with idols. Father, Son and Holy Ghost agree as one.

Requirements – God says in the Bible that He will listen to the righteous, who speak the truth, fear Him, offer-up their prayers, are reconciled to their brothers, follow the Lord, abide in Him, His Word abides in them, remit the sins of those who sin against them, have holy hands, confess their faults, pray for one another, have faith with works, keep His Commandments, and ask according to His Will.

The contrary is also true. He will not listen to you if your hands are full of blood, you are a sinner, have wrath and doubting, are vain, and follow the dead in CHRIST. This applies if you are unrighteous, untruthful, do not respect God, have unforgiveness against your brother and will not repent, follow man, do not read the Bible, do not release others from their sins, have unclean hands, do not repent, have no works in the Lord, do not obey the Bible, and pray according to your will. In other words, if you do not follow God, don’t expect God to follow you!

Binding – We can bind (or bound) our soul with our words. We can bind the Word of God on our hearts. We can not bind or loose the things that God controls. We can bind up the brokenhearted and set at liberty those that are in spiritual prisons. We can bind Satan, the strong man, and tear up his playhouse in this world and in Christians. God gave us the Keys of Heaven to do His Work here on earth. We are commanded to bind the forces of evil from ourselves and others. We can not destroy the works of Satan unless we use the weapons of God: binding, loosing and agreeing (for this lesson).

Our life can be bound up in others. God sets bounds on the earth, nations and people. He has set a bound on our life span. We can be bound in affliction and other yokes of bondage. A child is born with the sin nature in its heart. It is fruitless to try to remove the boundaries placed by God unless they are there because of sin. Satan and his forces of evil can place boundaries on us such as sickness, etc. We can be bound by our spirits. We can be bound with curses we have placed on ourselves. We are bound by marriage before God and man. We are bound to give thanks.

God can bind or loose cords on us of affliction or death. We are to help others loose the bands of wickedness and get rid of the heavy burdens. We are commanded to loose the forces of evil from ourselves and others.

Agreeing – Binding – Loosing
First, we are to agree on earth to overcome the forces of evil. Second, we are to bind the forces of evil here on earth. God will then bind the forces of evil in Heaven that affect us here on earth.

Third, we are to loose the forces of evil here on earth. God will then loose the forces of evil in Heaven that affect us here on earth.

There are times when we only want to agree with another Christian (in the Name of JESUS CHRIST) about some matter. There are times when we only want to bind the forces of evil and leave the evil forces in place. There are rarely times when we only want to loose the forces of evil to do their dirty work.

Generally, we want to complete the job and eliminate the source of the problem when we can. This means that we agree on the job to be done, bind the forces of the enemy, and finally loose the forces of evil from the person.

In DELIVERANCE, we agree to get rid of the demons in a person’s body: flesh and soul. Then, we bind up the forces of the demons so that they can not manifest or harm anyone. Finally, we cast out the demons in JESUS’ Name out of the person’s body into dry places. Now the demons are on the outside of the body and the person must guard against letting the demons come back into his/her body by wrong actions.

EXAMPLE:  We will use Marie, our daughter, as an example of agreeing – binding -loosing. She is pregnant and getting ready to have a child. We agree with the Bible and with each other for Marie to have a natural birth, and for both, Marie and the child, to be in good health. We bind the forces of evil against them and loose the them from any demonic activity. We ask these things in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

Christians make many mistakes in tactics when dealing with the Devil especially in the area of DELIVERANCE. Agreement will work in any area of the Christian life when applied properly. It is not just for DELIVERANCE. If agreement is done improperly, then it won’t work.

Most of the carnal and Christian world is ignorant of Satan, fallen angels and demon spirits. Most of the traditional and full-gospel Christian world knows little on what the Bible teaches about evil. Satan and his forces are foreign to their way of thinking. Most of the full-gospel Christian world believes that Satan can not harm them and that a Christian can not have a demon within their body. They believe that if the person has a demon, they are not saved.

I would estimate that of the approximately five billion people in the world, only about 2.5% (Howard Pittman’s death experience in the heavenlies) truly know JESUS CHRIST as their Savior (or 25% of those in church). Of this 2.5%, only about one in a hundred know JESUS as the Baptizer of the Holy Spirit, Healer of Our Bodies and Deliver from Demons, or about 0.25%. If these figures are correct, then only about 1,250,000 in the world really know about baptism, healing and DELIVERANCE. Whatever the figures are, there are not many who have come into true DELIVERANCE. If you are one of these people, then you need to be very thankful to God for bringing you in to this realm of the spirit world. From the reports we are getting from around the world, more and more people are coming into DELIVERANCE.

When the Christians finally start binding Satan, they think the job is finished after binding. Binding is a temporary measure and must be repeated probably daily. When you bind a demon, you paralyze it temporarily. The demon does not leave but remains dormant for an unknown period of time. If you don’t cast the demon out, you will be daily binding it for the rest of your life. It is better to go ahead and cast the demon out. When the demon is within you, it has the upper hand. When the demon is outside of you, then you have the upper hand. It is easier to live with your demons on the outside than with your demons on the inside.

You have heard the statement many times, The Devil made me do it. Can Satan, his fallen angels or his demons make you do anything? The answer is a resounding no; they can not make you do anything!

You have to be in agreement with evil before you do evil. First, the enemy places an evil thought in your mind. At this point you have not sinned. You can reject the thoughts in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. Second, you can relish the thoughts over and over again until you feel that they are your thoughts. Then you want to do the act. Third, your body won’t do the act until you tell your muscles to go into action. The evil act is then committed with your agreement. In summary, the thought comes to you, you like the thought, you decide to act on the thought and the evil deed is committed.

We have worked with thousands of people in DELIVERANCE. As far as we can determine, we have never worked with a person that was totally demon possessed. A person that is totally demon possessed would have absolutely no control over his/her spirit, soul and body. We have worked with some people that were in very bad shape but they still had some ability to control their behavior.

We have frequently worked with people that were demon possessed in one or more areas of their lives. Examples would be people that are addicted to some thing that they have no control over. If they can not control their actions in this area, then who is controlling their actions? The answer is a demon in their body is controlling their actions. The solution: get rid of the demon and sin no more.

We deliberately only cast demons out of Christians. If you cast a demon out of an unsaved person, the last state of that person can be worse than the first state, if the person does not get saved. You have no guarantee that the person will get saved when the demon is cast out. It may be that the person just wants to do their thing and really does not want to follow CHRIST.

If Satan can not make you do anything, then why are people controlled by demons in some areas of their lives? The answer is that their ancestors or themselves have yielded to the Devil in these areas enough times that the demons have a strong affect in these areas on the people’s lives.

For instance, suppose that you are a glutton, someone who’s god is their belly. You are driven by demons to overeat. However, can a demon force you to have the third piece of pie?

We have just discussed that Satan and his forces can not make you do anything unless you and/or your ancestors have yielded in this area of sin enough times for the enemy to get a foothold. Even then, it is your choice to obey the demons.

Is Satan responsible for all of your mistakes? No, you are responsible for most of the mistakes! We can not blame the Devil for our mistakes; he is not a scapegoat for us to conveniently use to escape our responsibility. Is Satan greater than God? Not hardly.

We make mistakes in every area of our lives. The main areas are mental, physical, spiritual and material. Another way of saying this is the areas of spirit, soul, body and our environment. Or you could use the words: salvation, baptism, healing, DELIVERANCE and prosperity.

We make many mistakes in mental matters. These mistakes are caused by ignorance, not seeking the Leadership of the Holy Spirit, false teaching, etc. The mistakes in judgement cause us many problems in our business, ministry and personal lives. We have mental and emotional problems, and will to do the wrongs things.

We make many mistakes in physical matters. We don’t know how to take care of our bodies or we don’t care about the consequences of our actions. We abuse our bodies and then expect God to instantaneously heal us or rid us of the physical problem.

We make many mistakes in spiritual matters. There are many reasons why we are unlearned in the Ways of God. The church allowed Satan through the centuries to take away many of the true teachings of God. God may be bringing the teachings back in the end times.

We make many mistakes in material matters. We don’t know how to handle the material goods that God gives us such as money, property, etc. We are not good stewards of what God has trusted us with. We do not tithe and give offerings, and God curses us with poverty and want.

If you make a mistake of not following the Bible, Leadership of the Holy Spirit or Perfect Will of God, then God can not bless you. He must turn you over to Satan to curse you. Satan will attack you until you seek God, repent, break curses, break demonic ties, cast out demons, and finally start following the Lord.

”Father, forgive me where I have misunderstood and misapplied Your Word. Help me to truly understand the Principles of the Bible especially in the areas of Agreeing, Binding and Loosing. Help me to meet Your Requirements so that I will have Your Power to destroy the works of the enemy. Forgive me where I have made mistakes in tactics in the war against Satan. Forgive me when I said “The Devil made me do it”. Help me not to be my own worst enemy.

Lord, I now pray for myself, this DELIVERANCE service and this camp meeting. Please have your way in my life and the lives of others so that we can be set free. I agree with all provisions in the Bible. I agree with God, with those present and with those who pray for the Camp.

We agree to DELIVERANCE from the demons in those present. We bind the forces of demons inside and outside of anyone present. We loose ourselves from the demons and command that they come out of our bodies and souls. We ask these things in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, our Lord, Master and Savior. Amen.”




L – Ex. 20:4………..Graven Image (JESUS’ picture? He did not have white skin!)

C – Num. 23:8……..Can only curse if God curses (notice that God curses.)

L – Deut. 7:25-26….Those who keep or own cursed objects. (You are cursed.)

L – Deut. 14:7-19….Unclean animals (something for you to think about.)

C – Deut. 21:23…….Anyone hanged is accursed of God.

C – Deut. 32:5,17….Have corrupted themselves. Have worshipped devils(demons)

C – Josh. 6:18………Those who keep or own cursed objects (ARE CURSED.)

C – II Sam. 7:29……Blessing of the Lord.

L – Prov. 3:33……….Curse of the Lord on house of the wicked.

L – Jer. 48:10……….Deceitful worker of the Lord is cursed.

C – Gal. 3:13………..CHRIST has redeemed us from the curse (must be applied.)

C – Col. 2:14-15……Blotting out ordinances against us.

C – Rev. 12:11……..Overcome by word of testimony.

C – Rev. 22:3……….No more curse in Heaven.

“L” is scripture for lesson; “C” is scripture for cleaning your house.

Due to my involvement with demons through DELIVERANCE, I have heard many reports of unusual demon activities in connection with houses and objects.

Books and objects identified with anything related to satan’s kingdom have been known to attract demons. Sinful activities on the part of former residents account for some houses needing to be cleansed.

Many have told of hearing voices or sounds in their houses. Such manifestations are sometimes called “poltergeist”, a German word meaning “knocking or noisy ghosts”.

What about the owls and frogs? These are classified among the creatures mentioned in Deut. 14:7-19 as being unclean and abominable. They are types of demon spirits.

“The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire, you shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God” (Deut. 7:25-26).

Demons are definitely attracted to houses by objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and Spiritism. All such materials should be burned or otherwise destroyed. Houses or buildings which are suspect of demon infestation should be cleansed by the authority of the name of JESUS. Those who live in such places should stand on the provisions of the blood of JESUS CHRIST. (Probably the greatest abomination to God is worshiping other gods in any form such as having an idol in your house.)

In satan worship, oftentimes the arms are crossed as a sign of submission to and being bound by the devil. (Also a sign of rebellion.)

Often good luck charms, ankhs, astrological symbols and other jewelry with hex signs, etc. will cause interference with DELIVERANCE. Some objects, particularly rings, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry which has been given to a person by someone in witchcraft will have curses and/or bondage in them.

There is a resurgence of hex signs, and ancient geometric and mystical motifs which are being incorporated into designs for clothing, jewelry, decorative objects and china. In antique shops there are often selections of rings, pendants, pins and various kinds of jewelry which were originally designed to bring good luck and to act as a talisman to chase evil. Some of the most popular currently include: The Egyptian ankh (a cross with a loop at the top which was an ancient fertility symbol); the ancient witchcraft sign of the broken cross, popularly know as the peace symbol; Chais (consists of Hebrew characters spelling the word life); all kinds of Polynesian tikkis, figures, and other things; a wiggly tail which is called the “Italian horn”; protectors from the evil eye; a hand with the index and little fingers pointing up (a satanic witchcraft sign); and a great variety of crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, lucky coins, mystic medals, horseshoes and other items.

Another interesting thing is how many times in religious fetishes and statues there is a dangerous resident demon power.

If it is necessary to do an exorcism in a house it is wise to clean the house spiritually afterward, to head off any trouble which might be caused by spirits remaining in the place. (Command the demons to leave the people, house and property.)

Believers must be careful about bringing incense into their homes. Most people are unaware that much of the incense sold in curio and novelty shops was manufactured by devotees of the Hare Krishna cult. Their wares are dedicated to this demon god of the Hindus and can cause much trouble.

Dolls were believed to bring good luck to their owners; to make livestock give more milk; help win wars; and heal the sick. Only witch doctors or medicine men were allowed to handle them.

The dictionary defines a doll as a small carved or molded figure which served as a cult object or representation of a nursery story, cartoon or puppet character.

Both World Book and Britannica point out that dolls were buried with people and were supposed to be friends and servants in the spirit world.

Roman and Greek girls, in preparation for marriage would leave their dolls on the altar of the temples of Artemis and Diana. To this day multitudes of idol (demon) worshipers use dolls in pagan religious ceremonies.

One night when my wife was complaining to me about the child’s insolence, out of nowhere I said, “Her problems are those stinking doll babies, it’s witchcraft”.

The next night while I was praying for someone’s DELIVERANCE, she picked up an encyclopedia to check what it said about dolls! There it was: “origin in witchcraft and magic”.

The Lord began to show us the legal grounds Satan held. It was in his dolls! He had received one for Christmas and a small plastic boy sailor doll at birth. The Lord also told my husband of various stuffed toys (in shapes of animals – whales, dogs and kangaroos), a plastic toy “Big Bird” and matching bib. These were thrown away and curses from them broken. (Look for strange sicknesses or diseases that will not heal in children.)

When the Lord commanded that “no graven images” were to be made, He wasn’t being cruel and heartless. He knew the damage they could put upon people (Ex. 20:4). The Lord has also shown us that puppets are a deception and the Lord places a curse on those that use deceit (Jer. 48:10).

In the case of objects dedicated to demons (idols, artifacts, etc.), the best course of action is to destroy them. However, it is well to check secondhand cars, homes, and apartments also because if the former owners had ouija boards, or other occult paraphernalia, or were involved in serious bondage to sin, then there is every reason to suspect that evil spirits could be lingering behind. These spirits can and will cause trouble to the new owners.

Keep in mind that any prayers offered to anyone or anything other than God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitute prayers and/or worship to demons. Very often these are answered in the form of curses, for demons can and do respond to those who request of them. (If you know of demonic prayers against your family, break the curses placed against you.)

We suggest that two Believers go on a mission such as this with Bible in hand. These should be destroyed: Look for little Mexican sun gods, idols, incense, Buddhas, hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient, Ouija boards, anything connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, and so on. Books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms, or the cult religions (metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.), rock and roll records and tapes all fall in the category of things which have been often loaded with evil spiritual power.

Verbally denounce Satan and his power, and all of his demon hosts and claim authority as a Believer-priest because of the name of JESUS CHRIST and the authority of His shed Blood. (There is more power in the spoken word.)

Some Scripture which has proven useful in this includes: Rev. 12:11; 22:3; Col. 2:14-15; Gal. 3:13; Deut. 21:23; 32:5; Num. 23:8, 23; II Sam. 7:29. (Read out loud in the house.)

In some cases the door lintel and window sills have been anointed by touching them with olive oil. Other things such as statues have been so anointed in JESUS name and many times the demonic power is checked or destroyed. Any specific areas of demonic activity or influence of which you are aware should be denounced by name (Prov. 3:33).

Many symbols are of demonic origin: Fleur-de-Lis – Britannica Encyclopedia gives this explanation. In India and in Egypt it was common decorating device used as a symbol of life and resurrection, the attribute of the god Horus. The Mobile Winged horse – Pegasus; FTD’s symbol is Mercury or Hermes – the messenger of the gods, god of commerce also god of fraud and cunning. Caduceus the winged wand of Mercury – Doctors and the American Medical Profession. Nike is the goddess of victory (Athena). The cornucopia represents the goat mother

(Amaltheia) who suckled the infant-god in a cave, Zeus is said to have given it to her to insure a plenteous supply of food.

When you read the scripture given at the beginning of this lesson you probably began to feel that all of the gods and goddess and all mythology is a collection of demon worship. Many of the gods and goddess are referred to in the Old Testament by the names the Hebrews would have used. All of them come from the old Chaldean Religion. Tammuz is mentioned in the Bible and the references to groves, temple prostitution etc. is about idle worship or demon worship. Everyone should do a little research into this and discover the original reason for all our holidays and symbols. Old encyclopedias are better that late editions because the latter editions leave out much information that is vital to us. Research the meaning of Biblical references to groves, temples, temple prostitutes, and celebrations in both Old and New Testaments. It will open you eyes to the revival of Satan and demon worship in America and to our coming judgement. God did not overlook the Hebrews worship of Satan and the demons and He promises not to overlook ours either.

To really follow God demands that as soon as you learn of something you do or have that is an abomination to God you remove it from your life immediately. Your Christian friends may not agree with you and may criticize you. After you have done you research and have submitted it to God you follow His direction.

(Cast out of people and houses; command all demons to go by these names or associated with these objects.)

  1. Books and objects identified with anything related to Satan’s Kingdom.
  2. Sinful activities of former residents left curses.
  3. Knocking or noisy ghosts (poltergeist) and apparitions.
  4. Owl and frog images of all types.
  5. Witch’s mask and fetishes used by witch doctors.
  6. Objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism.
  7. Graven images of gods (demons).
  8. Objects dedicated to demons (idols and artifacts).
  9. Ouija boards or other occult paraphernalia.
  10. Prayers and worship to demons bring curses on home.
  11. Mexican sun gods; idols, incense; Buddhas; hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient; anything connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, etc.; books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms or cult religions (metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.); rock and roll records and tapes.
  12. Jewelry given to a person by someone in witchcraft, hex signs, ancient geometric and mystical motifs, jewelry designed to bring good luck and act as talisman to chase evil.
  13. Egyptian ankh, broken cross (peace symbol), chais, Polynesian tikkis of gods, African jujus, Italian horn, protectors from the evil eye, hand with index and little fingers pointing up, crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, luck coins, mystic medals, horseshoes, religious fetishes and statues.
  14. Products with cryptic curses (hidden secret, occult curses).
  15. Dolls used for witchcraft and magic; puppets, cult objects or representations.

1. Six-way prayer of forgiveness – you forgive your ancestors, descendants and others, ask God to forgive and bless them. Ask God to forgive you; you forgive yourself for sins against your body. Also ask forgiveness for spiritual adultery.

  1. Break curses and soul ties from others (ancestors) and to others (descendants); break curses of psychic or Catholic prayers.
  2. Clean out house of those objects or exorcize objects (you do this).
  3. Anoint house with oil and cast evil spirits out of house (you do this).
  4. Cast demons out of people that came in thru curses from others (optional); for mass DELIVERANCE, see Cursed Objects and Demon Infestation.

1. “Should Houses be Cleansed of Evil Spirits”, pp. 141-143, PIGS IN THE PARLOR

  1. “How to Exorcize Inanimate Objects”, pp. 220-222, BATTLING THE HOSTS OF HELL
  2. “Biblical Curses”, pp. 56-59, ANNIHILATING THE HOSTS OF HELL, BOOK I “Notes on Witchcraft, Symbols and Accursed Objects”, pp. 18-20, CONQUERING THE HOSTS OF HELL
  3. “A Word About Incense”, pp. 17-18, DEMOLISHING THE HOSTS OF HELL
  4. “Dolls”, pp. 54-55, ANNIHILATING THE HOSTS OF HELL



The presence and nature of evil spirits can be known by two principle methods:  (1) discernment: I Cor. 12:10 lists “discerning of spirits” as one of the nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, and (2) detection: the second method of knowing the presence and nature of evil spirits. Detection is simply observing what spirits are doing to a person (Mark 7:24-30). Some of the most common symptoms of indwelling demons are as follows:

Disturbances in the emotions which persist or recur.

Disturbances in the mind or thought life.

Outbursts or uncontrolled use of the tongue.

Recurring unclean thoughts and acts regarding sex.

Addictions to nicotine, alcohol, drugs, medicines, caffeine, food, etc.

Many diseases and physical afflictions are due to spirits of infirmity (Luke 13:11).

Involvement to any degree in religious error can open the door for demons as follows:

False religions, e.g. Eastern religions, pagan religions, philosophies, and mind sciences.

Christian Cults – all such cults may be classified as “bloodless religions” – having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (II Tim. 3:5).

Occult and Spiritism – Any method of seeking supernatural knowledge, wisdom, guidance and power apart from God is forbidden (Deut. 18:9-15)!

False Doctrine – a great increase of doctrinal errors will be promoted by deceiving and seducing spirits in the last days (I Tim. 4:1).





One must be honest with himself and with God if he expects to receive God’s blessing of DELIVERANCE. Ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you and to bring to light anything that is not of Him (Psalm 32:5; 139:23-24).

Humility involves a recognition that one is dependent upon God and His provisions for DELIVERANCE (James 4:6-7). It also involves a complete openness with God’s servants ministering in the DELIVERANCE (James 5:16).

Repentance is a determined turning away from sin and Satan (Amos 3:3). One must loathe his sins (Ezekiel 20:43).

Renunciation is the forsaking of evil. Renunciation is action resulting from repentance (Matt. 3:7-8). If one has repented of religious error, he may need to completely renounce it by destroying all literature and items associated with that error (Acts 19:18-19).

God freely forgives all who confess their sins and ask forgiveness through His Son (I John 1:9). He expects us to forgive all others who have ever wronged us in any way (Matt. 6:14-15). Willingness to forgive is absolutely essential to DELIVERANCE (Matt. 18:21-35).

In prayer ask God to deliver you and set you free in the name of JESUS (Joel 2:32).

Prayer and warfare are two separate and distinct activities. Our warfare against demon powers is not fleshly but spiritual (Eph. 6:10-12 ; II Cor. 10:3-5). Use the weapons of submission to God, the blood of JESUS CHRIST, the Word of God, and your testimony as a Believer (James 4:7; Rev. 12:11; Eph. 6:17). CHRIST cannot fail! He is the Deliverer (Mark 16:17; Luke 10:19; Psalm 18:2)!


Put on the whole armor of God as set forth in Eph. 6:10-18. There are seven pieces of armor:

Loins girt about with truth.

The breastplate of righteousness.

Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.

The shield of faith.

The helmet of salvation.

The sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

Praying in the Spirit.

Refuse the thoughts that demons give you and replace them with spiritual thoughts (Phil. 4:8).

Positive confession is faith expressed. Negative confessions characterize demonic influence and will open the door to the enemy (Mark 11:23).

JESUS withstood Satan’s temptation by using Scripture. The Word is a mirror to the soul (James 1:22-25); it is a lamp unto the feet for guidance (Psalm 119:105); it is a cleansing agent (Eph. 5:25-26); it is a two-edged sword, laying bare the heart (Heb. 4:12); and it is food for the spirit (I Pet. 2:2 ; Matt. 4:4). No person can long maintain DELIVERANCE apart from the Word of God as a primary factor in his life (Psalm 1:1-3)!

Take up your cross daily and follow JESUS (Luke 9:23). If fleshly appetites, desires and lusts are not brought to the cross, a way for demons to return will be left open (Gal. 5:19-21, 24).

Develop a life of continuous praise and prayer which silences the enemy. Pray in the Spirit (in TONGUES) and also in the understanding (I Cor. 14:14). “Pray without ceasing” (I Thess. 5:17).

Maintain a life of fellowship and spiritual ministry. It is the sheep that wanders from the flock that is most endangered. Desire spiritual gifts and yield to their operation through you within the body of CHRIST (I Cor. 12:7-14).

Commit yourself totally to CHRIST. Determine that every thought word and action will reflect the very nature of CHRIST. Faith and trust in God is the greatest weapon against the Devil’s lies (Eph. 6:16).

Doing these seven things will insure that your “house” (life) is filled after having been cleansed. Do not settle for anything less (Romans 5:10)!


Fill yourself with the Word of God and be obedient to what the Word says. You become God-possessed as you hear and do the Words of the Father. You become demon-possessed as you hear and do the words of the enemy (John 14:23).

Avail yourself of the Blood of JESUS. Learn to ask forgiveness when you sin. Learn to stand tall in His love and grace. Satan must respect the blood (Rev. 12:11).

Take your freedom by faith. This is your position, declare it, stand on the Word, get stubborn with the Devil, this is your heritage (Luke 10:19).

Resist the Devil, be sober and vigilant, resist steadfast in the faith, and he will flee from you (I Peter 5:8-10).

A loving spirit is needed. Refuse to be hateful and mean; confess love (Matt. 5:44).

A forgiving spirit is needed; an unforgiving spirit lets the enemy on you again (Mark 11:25).

A tender spirit is needed. JESUS did not bite back. He was tender: you be like Him. Refuse to yield to the retaliation spirit; away with critical spirits. Learn to recognize the striving spirit, it is from the Devil, do not yield to it; it will bring you into bondage again. Learn to yield to the peaceable spirit; be a peacemaker. Learn to exercise mercy and gentleness; these are CHRIST-like actions. Remember any enemy spirit that you yield to will bring bondage. Yield to CHRIST’s love, meekness and tenderness, and liberation comes (II Tim. 2:24).

You must forsake sin lest a worse thing come upon you (John 5:14).


After Pastor Worley cast out spirits of sinus trouble and migraine headaches, I had three glorious weeks of freedom from any pain.

Suddenly one morning I awoke shocked to find I had all the symptoms of sinus and migraine.

When I realized what was happening, I took authority over Satan and his demons and commanded them to leave me in JESUS’ name.

Later the same morning this happened, I received a letter from Pastor Worley warning the Devil would use this very tactic but that I must resist him and refuse to accept his attacks.

I believe that, according to Mark 11:23, many times what we say or confess with our lips can be more important than what we believe. The word “believe” occurs only once in the verse while “say” is repeated three times. The last part of the passage is “he shall have whatsoever he saith”.

The submitted, resisting child of God may expect Satan to flee from him (James 4:7). We must learn to hold the DELIVERANCE areas against the onslaughts of a determined foe (Joshua 1:7-9; Deut. 28).


Have you been delivered from unclean spirits? Praise the Lord (Eph. 6:12; Mark 16:17).

Walking in the Spirit after a DELIVERANCE is essential in order to keep a person free (Eph. 6:14-17).

It may be that unclean spirits from which you are now free had been with you for a very long time. In such cases, you can expect several weeks up to a year after DELIVERANCE during which the Lord will gradually heal your mind and emotions (Rom. 8:37).

In order to avoid the enemy’s snares, it helps to recognize some of his strategy. Four typical methods of attack encountered by people after DELIVERANCE can be outlined as follows:

The Scriptures say that Satan is the father of lies. Even though they are now outside of you, unclean spirits still talk to you (John 8:36).

One meaning for the word “Satan” is” accuser”. You may find yourself feeling guilty for having had unclean spirits or for your past sins (Psalm 13:5).

The enemy may try to intimidate you with demonstrations of his power. Don’t be frightened if things seem to go wrong for you for a while or if some symptoms from before DELIVERANCE seem to reappear. You may find yourself tempted with old habits or behavior that doesn’t fit in with Christian life. The Devil has a way of making the old times seem rosy to us just like he tricked the Israelites in the desert into missing the “leeks and onions” that they left behind in Egypt (John 10:10; Psalm 37).

Recognizing the enemy’s strategy is helpful but it does not win the battle for us. It is more important that you learn and practice some positive principles that will enable you to gain ground quickly and hold it. The following five points are easy to remember and will help you tremendously: Focus your attention on JESUS (Rev. 12:11).

Allow the Holy Spirit to have His way with you (John 16:13).

Immerse yourself in the Scriptures; the Bible is the written Word of God (John 8:31).

Tell the Devil and his unclean spirits in JESUS’ name to go away and leave you alone. Make it clear that you intend to follow JESUS no matter what (James 4:7).

Hang onto other Christians. The Christian walk is not a solo performance (Gal. 6:2).

If you practice these five faith principles, your post-DELIVERANCE problems will be minimal and your progress steady (Luke 4:17-21).


Scriptural basis is Rev. 12:11 for overcomers.

Earline Moody has a good testimony about how the soul (mind, will and emotions) works in maintaining her DELIVERANCE.



Through the blood of JESUS, I am redeemed out of the hand of the Devil (Eph. 1:7).

Through the blood of JESUS, all my sins are forgiven (Psa. 107:2).

The blood of JESUS CHRIST, God’s Son, continually cleanses me from all sin (I John 1:7).

Through the blood of JESUS, I am justified, made righteous, just-as-if I’d never sinned (Rom. 5:9).

Through the blood of JESUS, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God (Heb. 13:12).

My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, by the blood of JESUS (I Cor. 6:19-20).

satan has no place and no power over me, through the Blood of JESUS & the Word of God -Rev.12:11


We are not wrestling against the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but against Satan and his forces of evil. God has given us the abundant life but we have to take it by force from Satan! This is analogous to Israel; God gave them the promised land and then told them to take it by force (Eph. 6:12).

Two verses clearly illustrate this Bible principle:

Matt. 11:12 Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force (abode of God is to be seized and the forces seized it).

Luke 16:16 Kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it (rule of Supreme Deity is preached and every man forces into it).

Some other good fighting verses are:

Psalm 57:6……They have digged a pit before me.

Isa. 54:17……..No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.

Matt. 15:26…..The woman fought for DELIVERANCE for her child (15:21-28)!

II Cor. 10:3-6..Weapons of our warfare.

Eph. 6:10-18….Put on the whole armor of God.

Rev. 12:11…….And they overcame him.


Matt. 9:33……..Cast – to eject, drive out, pluck (Dumb Demoniac).

Matt. 9:34……..Casteth – thrust out, expel (Dumb Demoniac).

Matt. 17:18……Rebuked – censure, admonish, tax upon (Epileptic).

Mark 1:34……..Suffered – to send forth (Sick or possessed with demons).

Luke 11:14……Casting – put out, send away (Demon that was dumb.).

Eph. 4:27………Place – location, condition (Gave no opportunity to the Devil.).

James 4:7……..Resist – oppose, withstand (Resist the Devil.).

II Pet. 2:11……Railing – blasphemer, slanderous, profane, wicked (Judgement)

I John 3:8……..Destroy – loosen, break up, put off (Destroy works of Devil.).

Jude 9………….Railing – vilification, evil speaking (Reviling Judgement).

As you can see from the above scripture, we forcefully drive demons out of Christians but we do not rail at demons.

Luke 9:1 says we have power and authority (mastery, superhuman force, violence, control) and Luke 10:7 says the demons are subject (subordinate, obey) to Christians.


The Old Testament told of rites and bloody sacrifices of the law to redeem the people from their sins which foretold the shedding of the blood of JESUS CHRIST.

The New Testament told of dignity and perfection of the blood and sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST.

The following scriptures will give you an overall view of what the Bible says about the blood of JESUS (Underlined verses are the more important):

Gen. 4:10; Exodus 12:7, 13, 22-23; 24:6, 8; 29:12, 16, 20-21; Lev. 4:6-7; 5:9;

7:2; 8:24; 17:11; Num. 19:4; Joel 3:21; Rom. 3:25-26; 5:9; Eph. 1:7; Heb. 9:7-

14; 10:19-22; 12:24; 13:20; I Peter 1:2, 19-22; I John 1:7; 5:7-8; Rev. 12:11


The Psalms contain imprecations (call down curses and evil) upon enemies and transgressors. For a good study, see “Strong’s” or “Young’s” Concordance for “curse, cursed, curses, cursest, curseth, cursing, accursed and Cursest”. The following verses describe the meaning of cursing:

Gen. 9:24-27 Execrate – to abhor, loathe, detest (Cursed younger son.).

Num. 22:6 and Blaspheme – perforate, bitterly curse (King of Moab asked Balaam, 23:8 prophet, to curse Israel.).

Deut. 11:26- (Blessing and curse, curses and more curses.)28; 27:15-26;28:15-68

Judges 5:23 Execrate – (Curse bitterly its inhabitants.).

II Sam. 16: Vilification – revile, slander (Curse David). 10-12

II Kings 2: Despise – speak evil of (Cursed them in the name of the Lord.).23-25

Job 3:1-10 Contempt – vile (Cursed the day of his birth.).

Mark 11:21 Doom – execrate, imprecate (Fig tree which you cursed.).

Gal. 1:8-9 Anathema – solemn curse, excommunicated (Let him be accursed.).


Psalms 1:1-3 (Meditate), Matthew 8:17 (Sicknesses)

17:4 (Words), Mark 11:23 (Saith)

23:4 (Fear of Evil), Luke 9:23 (Cross)

31:2 (Defend), John 8:36 (Free)

34:7, 10, 19 (Deliver), 10:10 (Life)

46:1, 5, 10 (Help), 16:13 (Truth)

55:18, 22 (Sustain), Romans 8:1, 2, 32 and 37 (Free)

68:19 (Benefits), I Cor. 2:16 (Mind)

71:1 (Trust), 6:17 (One Spirit)

91:5 (Not Afraid), 10:13 (Temptation)

97:10 (Preserve), 12:7-14 (Gifts)

103:3 (Forgiveness), 14:33 (Peace)

107:2, 6 (Redeemed), II Cor. 2:14 (Triumph)

119:133 (Order Steps), 3:17 (Liberty)

147:3 (Health), 10:5 (Mind)

Proverbs 1:33; 3:26 (Dwell Safely), Galatians 6:2 (Burdens)

Isaiah 26:3 (Peace), Eph. 6:16 (Shield)

41:10, 13 (Help), Phil. 4:7-8, 19 (Needs)

50:7 (Help), I Thess. 5:14 (Praying)

55:7 (Pardon), II Thess. 3:3 (Keep)

59:19 (Standard), II Tim. 1:7 (Power and Love)

61:3 (Oil of Joy), Hebrews 10:17 (Forgiven)

Jeremiah 15:21 (Redeem), I John 2:14 (Overcome)

Ezekiel 33:16 (Live), 3:8 (Destroy Devil)

Micah 7:19 (Compassion), 4:4 (Overcome)

50:7 (Help), Rev. 12:11 (Overcome)

55:7 (Pardon)

59:19 (Standard)

61:3 (Oil of Joy)


Scornful Lying Palmistry
Destroyer Cursing Handwriting Analysis
Fear Blasphemy Automatic Handwriting
Death Criticism ESP
Poverty Mockery Hypnosis
Afflictions Railing Horoscopes
Trouble Gossip Astrology
Confusion Fantasy Sex Divination
Terror Masturbation False Doctrine
Hate Lust Deceiving
Diseases Perverseness Seducing
Distress Homosexuality Asceticism
Domination Fornication Vegetarianism
Broken Heart Adultery Dishonesty
Dismay Incest Proudness
Heaviness Provocativeness Pornography
Mourning Harlotry Unforgiveness
Infirmities Nicotine Yoke of Bondage
Sicknesses Alcohol Serpents and Scorpions
Stealing Drugs Blindness
Murder Medicines Retaliation
Doubt Caffeine Striving
Condemnation Addiction to Food Sinus Trouble
False Gifts Eastern Religions Migraine Headaches
Imaginations Pagan Religions Negative Confessions
High Things Philosophies Principalities
Unclean spirits Mind Sciences Powers
Resentment Yoga Exercises World Rulers of Darkness
Hatred Karate Spiritual Hosts of Wicked
Anger Mormonism Guilt
Rejection Jehovah’s Witnesses Temptation
Self-Pity Christian Science Strongholds
Jealousy Rosicrucianism Imaginations
Depression Theosophy High Things
Worry Unity Evil Thoughts
Inferiority Bloodless Religions Disobedience
Insecurity Occult Evil Weapons
Mental Torment Spiritism Evil TONGUES
Procrastination Seances Nets and Pits
Indecision Witchcraft Wiles
Compromise Magic Principalities
Rationalization Ouija Boards Powers
Loss of Memory Levitation Rulers or Darkness
Spiritual Wickedness Fiery Darts Mockery
False Gospel Cursing Affliction
Sore Boils Lust of Uncleanness Presumptuous
Self-Willed Corruption Spots and Blemishes
Deceiving Adultery Covetousness
Madness Vanity Lust of Flesh




The purpose of salvation and deliverance is to bring honor to God among the heathen. In the Old Testament, God became very upset about the shame Israel brought upon His name through their disobedience and sins.

For Israel’s uncleanness, shedding innocent blood and worshipping idols, God scattered them among the heathen and dispersed them into many nations. For they had profaned His holy name (Ezk. 36:17-21). When we do these things, we also profane His name. See also Rom. 1:16-24.

As Christians, we must be very careful not to profane God’s name. For profaning His name, we will be punished. Demons have a right to enter you if you persist in disobedience.

Our desire and duty is to honor God’s name. Read I Tim. 6 and Titus 2 for directions on how to honor God.

Maintaining your deliverance is important to other Christians. It brings honor to God and encouragement to others. We overcome Satan first by God’s provision, the Blood of the Lamb; secondly by our testimony, not just our words but our lives; and thirdly by not loving our lives to the death (Rev. 12:11).

This is why it is so important for you and me to keep getting and maintaining our deliverance until it is complete, and we are established and settled.


I have an Indian-English-German-French background. There are curses on each of these people. Indians worshipped devils. Some English and Europeans were Druids who worshipped Satan.

In innocence, my father participated in some occult practices – wart removal and water witching. From my father came curses of Masons and Indians.

Physical problems came as a result of curses on Indian worship: inactive thyroid, female disorders and heart disease.

My mother was a paranoid schizophrenic with an Indian-English background. Her emotional illness caused me to need a lot of deliverance from emotional problems.

The following testimony will help you understand how the soul (mind, will and emotions) works. It will also show you how Satan attacks the physical body with demons through curses.


In July of 1975 I came into deliverance. Do you know it is truly possible to have peace in your mind? For most of my life, I was your average daughter, wife, mother and woman. In my mind there was never any real peace, only a sort of make-believe peace. I was not particularly moody, not often angry and not often depressed.

Life for me after I married was a continual move – new places – new people – new houses, all of which I enjoyed. Our homes were among the best and most beautiful around. Decorating them was a lot of joy for me. Taking my children to new places and introducing them to new experiences was exciting. We toured all of the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The greatest fun was watching the children enjoy all the new and unusual things we came across. Life was very exciting.

On May 22, 1973 we were devastated. Our son died from an accident at play.

Now all of these lovely homes, beautiful furniture, exciting places, fun people and fun times seemed like trash. At this time we came to know the love of Jesus and the power of God. Never would we be the same again.

After five months passed, we returned south from Minneapolis. In Baton Rouge at the Full Gospel Business Men meetings, we heard about divine healing and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit; I needed both. In time I was healed of my allergies, bad back, etc. and got the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Gene and I went to meetings, testified and prayed for people, and saw miracles of healing and Baptisms. For about six months things went fine but as time passed, some attitudes and hurts began to show up and I was very unhappy, moody, and depressed.

I spent hours telling Gene how badly he had treated me. I came to believe he had done things that he had not. If you look at my previous statement, you’ll see I enjoyed moving. One time when I was ill, I didn’t want to move. The rest of the time I enjoyed it. So, I let myself come to believe that he moved just to hurt me and to make life bad for me. I accused him of shutting Marie and me out of his life since Byron died. Gene never knew what to expect when he got home—maybe a frying pan on the noodle. No amount of Bible reading, prayer or fasting helped for more than a week or two at the most.

I was trying to help Marie who was going through all kinds of adjustments to her brother’s death but only made matters worse. She also became full of resentment and hurt, and was bitter and angry.

Gene, Marie and I fasted, prayed and talked. I was fasting and praying that God would fix Gene up. I was so blind I was sure that I was perfect – well almost.

After a year or so, I was sitting reading Psalm 91. I had always loved it but suddenly like a bucket of ice water it hit me. The Psalm was not true for me. I had no peace, and was always angry and moody. I (when you are persuaded by the Devil to look on others as the problem) was even beginning to wonder if God was just being bad to me.

I sat on the couch and began to pray: “God if you don’t help me tonight I am going out of church, and into the world for good”. I told God that Gene is worse off than me; he’s all of my problems. God just stopped talking so I started praying again the same prayer. God said again, “Get Gene to pray deliverance for you”. I asked about having our pastors do my deliverance. God didn’t answer; it was like he pulled down a shade or veil. Being one of determination I started out again “God I must have help tonight; if I don’t get it, I flat quit. He said, “Get Gene to pray deliverance for you”. God was not harsh, neither was he condemning. He seemed to be pleased that I had finally asked for help and really meant it.

I called Gene; he didn’t seem particularly impressed. He also suggested the same people and the same excuses. But the best one was “I don’t know what deliverance is; I don’t know how to do that”.

After some discussion, we decided to go to the bedroom and get in the middle of the bed. We were sitting facing each other, Gene starts praying, and my mind starts wandering. He prayed a while in tongues and started saying strange things such as, “You come out of my wife in the name of Jesus”. One thing I remember well was that at the beginning when each demon was named, I had a thought, “I don’t have that”.

As he called out Rejection, its hurts and kindred spirits, I was being shown by the Holy Spirit how these spirits had gained entrance into me, and how they had checked and bound me in all attempts to be myself. Rejection kept me just short of my goals in life. Mostly it kept me from doing what God said to do due to a fear that the other person would disagree or reject me and my idea. I always worked better and succeeded best in those things that I did alone.

Next came Bitterness; I never even considered myself bitter. But as he called out demons under this ruler, I saw hate, violence and anger. I had much trouble with temper. Not that I was always violent, on the contrary I was seldom angry to the observer. When I did get angry or lose my temper, my husband and children usually found some other more suitable place to be.

At the naming of Rebellion, I thought I surely don’t have this spirit. As he called it out again, I balled up my fist, drew back to back-hand him, and was consumed with a fit of coughing and mucus.

As this was going on, I was shown how there is only one real rebellion, and it is pointed toward God. Even if we say, “My husband just does not accept God’s way so I am going to—“. In the end when it’s traced back, it is rebellion to God for God gave directions about how to live with an unsaved mate. If it is against circumstances, God says, “This is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. In whatever circumstances, I am therewith to be content”.

One of my rebellions was against circumstances. I had always had such lovely homes with rooms to spare, so that Gene always had an office, and I always had a sewing and craft room. When we came here, Gene bought a three bedroom house with only two baths. His reason was that I couldn’t set up Byron’s bedroom; I became bitter. I said, “Yes, but you still have your office; I don’t have a room. You always get what you want.” And I became more rebellious.

When I first moved here I didn’t hate this house but little by little it crept up on me. At first it was just the things packed together. Then it grew until I hated the house twenty-four hours a day. Then my ingratitude reached other branches of my life. My wheels were the wheels of a camper truck. I didn’t like the truck anymore. Next came Gene, and then living in this bug-infested hot climate with people who can’t speak good English. Next the ungrateful

person begins to blame others even if he sees it’s as much his fault as the other persons. He lies to himself until in his eyes, at least, the other person is entirely at fault.

God showed me my attitude in light of His attitude letting me know that He could take even this house away; that He had provided it and I was ungrateful for His provision. Oh my, this really was sobering me up. After these three main ruler demons were cast out, I gave up if he called a demon out. I just agreed and became free of it.

I had a habit of getting my work done as fast as I could because I didn’t like being in the house alone. So, I roved all over this town looking for plants and cloth to work on the house, but I never worked on it. I did a lot of visiting with other Christian women which is not necessary. Since neither Gene nor I knew anything about this turn of events, I asked God to teach me so I wouldn’t go backwards. I rather liked the changes in my mind and attitude.

I found Romans 12 contained my answer. In verse 2, I am told to renew my mind and attitudes with God’s instructions. By doing this, I would prove for myself what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. In response to obedience and surrender, God will help you change bad attitudes and habits.

Attitudes submitted to God’s word will follow with actions of obedience.

In studying Eph. 5:25-32, I saw how my home was meant to show Christ’s relationship with the Church. To my dismay, I saw it reflected my relationship with Christ. It was not a relationship to bring others to Christ.

I also saw how the Church is rebelling against Christ just as in our family members were in rebellion.

The morning after this experience I came down the hall to the kitchen and was greeted pleasantly by my daughter. Now, this was a surprise because she was not so pleasant at that time either. I noticed that she began to change. I asked God about this often and learned my condition had put such a strain on her, she was being broken under it. I didn’t tell her about my deliverance; I didn’t know I should. She became a very obedient and joyful person. I began to enjoy Marie and not worry about her so much.


The morning after the first deliverance took place I prepared a nice breakfast for us. Sitting down to read the Bible, I thought about getting something to eat. In fact I said “I think I’ll get me something”. This thought alarmed because I was now approaching 180 pounds. I prayed asking God to show me what this is. To my amazement something inside me said “I said get me something to eat.” I asked who are you? It said “My name is I like to eat.” I said that often. After casting out the demon, “I Like To Eat”, I told God how I had tried dieting and I knew that was hopeless. I was told obedience is better than sacrifice, and I knew how to eat but was not doing it. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, not much meat and very little sweets is the basis of a proper diet.

Asked if I’d do what I was told, I assured God that I would. He said that food can be divided into two groups: God’s and Devil’s. Devil’s food includes sweets to excess, junk food, and liquids which are mostly empty calories.

It’s not bad manners not to eat sweets or any other food when you know your body has not used up the last meal. I was intelligent enough to know if I truly needed food. Here are God’s suggestions in summary:

  1. Eat fruit and vegetables; include leafy greens.
    2. Do not each much meat – three or four servings weekly.
    3. Don’t eat unless you truly need to.
    4. Don’t let others stuff you.
    5. Seldom eat sweets.
    6. Almost never eat junk food.
    7. Remember those whose God is their belly.
    8. Cook all foods simply.
    9. Use little fat and cut fat from meat.


I had a heart condition which was unusual. It never occurred with regularity nor under any specific condition.

While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck. Having been examined by a heart specialist, he told me that my heart was good but he had written “death by heart attack” on many people’s certificates like myself. These were people who didn’t really have anything wrong with their hearts.

A year or so after my dad’s death I found my heart acting up again. Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad’s brothers and his dad, all had heart problems. He showed me Exodus 20 and Ezekiel 18. He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Lev. 26:40-41. The curse of idol worship follows the blood line. I did these things and have been free for over thirteen years. I was only the second generation from this Indian worship and also had curses from previous generations.


Schizophrenia means split mind (schizein = to split and phren = mind). I had a lifetime of mental and emotional tension. I was unable to decide what to do and see it through. I had many fears that something bad was going to happen.

All of my life I had great fears of bad things happening: fears of failing and fears of people. I was often tense for weeks and I did not know why.

This is the earliest memory I have of going to school. I was so afraid of all the people I could not go into the school but hid behind the well house until my brother came and took me into the first grade. I was disoriented that day; strange feelings and fears tormented me.

I have very few memories from childhood below the age of nine or ten years. Generally speaking I lived in two worlds: home and away from home. I became very good at forgetting everything bad (parents’ fights and my own troubles) that happened at home the minute I walked out the door. I felt more freedom and ease away from home. At high school and college I had trouble with certain subjects like algebra and chemistry. They had things too similar for me to distinguish between them. Both of these subjects ended in frustration and low grades for me.

In my marriage I had some problems accepting my husband as one who would provide for me, take care of me, and continue to love me. I was always expecting the marriage to end badly.

After six years of marriage, we had a delightful son and two years later we had a beautiful daughter.

Double-mindedness wears the person out, and frustrates and confuses him. Deciding, then undeciding stagnates a person. For example, my mom was here for a while; she couldn’t be content for desiring to go home. When at home, she was pressed to stay somewhere else besides her home. When away from home, great fears filled her about the house. She was miserable and made those around her miserable (James 1:5-8).


The scriptural basis for giving a testimony is found in Rev. 12:11 where we overcome Satan by three things: the blood of Jesus, our testimony, and not loving our lives to the death. God told me that if I was unwilling to tell about my deliverance, I would lose it. And furthermore, if I was ashamed of Him and His provisions, He would be ashamed of me in Heaven.

In James 4:7 we are told how to make the Devil flee. We often quote part of the verse “resist the devil and he will flee from you”. This gives us a false sense of security. The truth is you must first submit yourself to God. This is not a careless submission but true submission to God which requires us to read, study and obey the Bible. As we submit this way to God and then resist the Devil, he will indeed flee from us. God does not require us to know all the Biblical requirements before He will help us but we must be making every effort to obey all that we have learned, and be diligent about learning and applying more.

After all deliverance’s, some decisions must be made and never changed no matter how much pressure is applied to you from whatever source to change or go back to old sins. Here are some decisions which must be made: 1. Study God’s Word and accept His principles as your own. 2. Discipline your life and accept responsibility for your actions and thoughts in the areas where you have been delivered. 3. Enter His presence with thanksgiving for all with which He has blessed you. 4. Joyfully obey God’s direction even if you have to force yourself in the beginning.

The day after I received my main deliverance, I had an empty feeling and did not know what to do. My reaction was to ask God continually for direction. We can’t do what God directs if we never apply His Word to our life. If we don’t apply His Word to our thoughts & actions we aren’t truly subject to God.
Therefore the Devil will not flee from us and we are only fooling ourselves if we think the demons will leave us alone. While we kid ourselves, the Devil and his demons eat our dinner and by the time we face the truth dinner is nearly over.

I learned that I didn’t really know God’s Word. I didn’t know how to use God’s Word or how to use my mind. I asked God to take my thoughts. He told me that He wouldn’t touch my thoughts with a ten foot pole; that His thoughts were higher than mine and that I must control my thoughts bring them into submission to Jesus Christ (II Cor. 10:5).

I started marking everything that God said in the Bible in red. I found there is much said about the mind in Deuteronomy and throughout the Bible. Next I was impressed to underline every verse in the New Testament that told me something that I should do.

I soon realized that I really didn’t know what I should think with my mind. It occurred to me that my mind is to be an instrument for my spirit’s use and not the other way around. The hands, feet, eyes, ears and body obey, so why not make the mind obey? To make the mind obey, I needed to know what to make it do.

I had to learn how to tell the difference between God’s and the Devil’s thoughts. The battleground for the Christian is primarily for his soul, not body or spirit. The demons want to re-enter through your mind. See Romans 6;16-18. Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to any one to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether it be to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness – right doing and right standing with God. But thank God, though you were once slaves of sin you have become obedient with all your heart to the standard of teaching in which you were instructed and to which you were committed. And having been set free from sin, you have become the servants of righteousness – of conformity to the divine will in thought, purpose and action.

How do we yield ourselves to anyone (God or Devil)? Is it not in the mind? A human always plays with sinful thoughts, then he acts it out. It is not by accident we sin. A lot of people do not want to accept the responsibility for their sinfulness and want to blame it on someone else. The only trouble with this idea is that God will not be fooled by it neither will your enemy, the Devil.

Temptation – 1 Cor. 10:13 For no temptation – no trial regarded as enticing to sin (no matter how it comes or where it leads) – has overtaken you and lied hold on you that is not common to man – that is no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear. But God is faithful to His Word and to His compassionate nature and He (can be trusted)

not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will (always) provide a way out – the means to escape to a landing plane – that you may be capable and strong and powerful patiently to bear up under it.

This tells me temptation in common to mankind, therefore it is common for the Devil and the demons to use it. If they tempt us, we have not sinned. We have sinned when we enjoy and continue to invite the temptation, then yield and obey. the temptation. It also shows we weren’t watchful for the escape route and we did not take it.

Situations around you will not necessarily change immediately now that you have changed. Just as you practiced obedience to the demons’ words, now practice obedience to God’s Word.

This is my first encounter with the Devil after I was delivered. Before I was delivered, I would get very angry and depressed when I cleaned house. At that time, we had wall-to-wall furniture. The living room was really badly cluttered. Each piece of furniture had to be moved to vacuum around it. I was happy and didn’t hate this house anymore.

As I was vacuuming the living room, I dropped a table on my toe and was having trouble getting the vacuum nozzle under the sofa. I raised up and let out a loud “I hate this—“. God quickly warned me that “life and death is in the tongue, and they that love it will eat the fruit thereof” (Prov. 18:21). God also told me at this time that He had given it to my family. If I didn’t have an attitude of gratitude about the house and furniture, He could easily remove them from me. I knew that I must not complete the sentence or I would be back where I started from. I repented and repeated until I believed it, “I love this house and I thank God for it”.

Another of Satan’s tactics is to use gradualism on us. He will give us a sin to look at and consider. He will cover it over with pretty lies (pretty young people smoking, never an old person dying of lung cancer). He will use rejection to trap you; he will never tell the true ending (where does illegal sex lead?). He knows that the more we see it, hear it and consider it, the more likely we are to give in to it. A good example of the use of gradualism is Humanism. Forty years ago it was very mildly given to people mainly by pastors and teachers. People considered it and accepted it because it was given by people they trusted. Not considering what was the basic theory behind it (worship of self – therefore idolatry), people allowed this theory to so invade them that now we cannot recognize it for what it is. Many of us say we are against it but we live by it instead of the Bible.

We do not recognize God’s provisions for us. We think our life should have no problems or privations. We are not grateful to God for all. Deut. 28:47-48, Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joyfulness of heart and mind in gratitude for the abundance of all with which He had blessed you, therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord shall send against you, in hunger and thrust, in nakedness, and in want of all things; and He will put a yoke of iron upon you neck, until He hath destroyed you.

This verse presents some interesting ideas 1. Are you having problems because you are ungrateful to God? 2. Do you know which problems are from God to help you learn to endure to the end or which ones are brought on because of being ungrateful? 3. Which ones have you invited by yielding to temptations of the enemy? If you will know the answer to these questions, you will have to seek God. He has promised to give wisdom to all who ask for it not wavering (James 1:4-8). If you ask God for wisdom and He gives you wisdom, you must not waver following His wisdom. For example: if you have been one to look at dirty magazines, God’s wisdom tells you this will lead you to want to do what you see; then you must stop it. You may need deliverance for the demons you have let in plus you must change your habits. No one can change your thought life by casting out your demons. Casting out your demons is one of God’s escape routes.

To deliverance must be added by the deliveree, discipline of mind and action.

The best attack against habit, and the attempts of demons to trick you and get back in that I found was 1. to tell them to leave in Jesus’ name once and 2. immediately take control of your mind. I would do it this way: I would tell them Jesus has given me authority over you (Luke 10:19, Matt. 28:18-20), therefore I command you to leave me now. If I did not sense they were gone, I would say, “Since you are still here, I would like to read to you about what Jesus Christ has done for me.” I would open the Bible to Matt. 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24 and John 17-21 and read it aloud to them. Of course they did not want to hear of God’s love and provision for me. The pressure they had placed on me and their thoughts were long gone but I would read on and bless myself in God’s Word. Some times the pressure from the demons trying to get back in was strong enough that I would have to walk and read very loudly to them. I will still do this if I come under attack; it always works. After a time, you will be able to tell them the facts without reading it to them.

My next attack was sent through people. When asked why I looked so much better and was losing weight, I would answer truthfully and say “I was delivered of demons and no, I was not dieting”. If three people were present, you would get three distinct reactions. One would leave pronto, one would regard you as if you were radioactive, and one would grab your arm and want to know more.

Then you’d hear whispers – she had demons! They only talk about demons; do they worship them? They are fanatical; they believe there is a demon under every bush!

Next I was tempted to go back to some of my old habits of retaliation, etc. I must crucify the flesh – God said that vengeance belongs to Him (Rom. 12:19). I must not habitually sin or else I become the demon’s house in that area again (I John 3:8-9).

Mental suggestions by the Devil must be put down. He will suggest a what if, could be or maybe. If this happens, what will you do (fear and more fear)?

Unless you have facts to base your knowledge on, don’t let the Devil play you along.

One of his tactics was to attack me about Marie: what if Marie can’t adjust to her brother’s death? Before deliverance, I would cringe in fear and worry.

After deliverance, I learned to tell Satan that Marie can do all things through Christ who strengthens her; I can too!

You don’t have to be perfect to give a word of encouragement, share an experience, help someone or even cast out a demon. If God demanded perfection, nothing would ever get done. I’m over fifty years old and I have yet to meet a perfect person.

You must have a total commitment to Jesus Christ. Rely totally on Him and His Word. Do these things and you will continue to get free and stay free. Don’t be double minded: deciding and undeciding.

I found a verse to put my temptations in prospective (Heb. 12:4). Begin reading at verse one which contains instruction on keeping pure. It suggests we strip off and throw aside every encumbrance and sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race set before us.

Looking away (from all that will distract) to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the source of our faith (giving the first incentive for our belief) and is also its Finisher, (bringing it to maturity and perfection). He, for the joy (of obtaining the prize) that was set before Him endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Just think of Him who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against – reckon up and consider it all in comparison with your trials – so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds. You have not yet struggled and fought agonizing against sin, nor have you yet resisted and withstood to the point of pouring out your (own) blood.

If we are able with every temptation to resist to the shedding of our blood maybe, then we might have an acceptable excuse for failing to resist the Devil and him having to flee.

God will not make you over; He will work with you and help you. See Mark 16:20. A miracle is taking place as you go obeying The Word in the areas you have received instruction and deliverance.

A study of Matthew Chapter 5 will help anyone see just where they are missing it with their attitudes. It will inspire you to clear your mind of a lot of incorrect ideas and to broaden your understanding of the truth.




Deut.: Amp. Ver. (You will find out how to use your mind in this book.)
II Kings 4:8-35 (Shunammite Woman)
Prov. 2:2-7 (Find the knowledge of God.)
Prov. 3:5-10 (Trust in the Lord with all your heart.)
Prov. 3:13-14, 24 (Unrelaxed Mind)
Prov. 6:4-11 (“0” Sluggard)
Prov. 6:17-18 (Abomination to God)
Prov. 10:19-20 (Talk too much.)
Isa. 26:3 (God will guard.)
Isa. 30:15-17 (Rest and trust in God.)
Isa. 55:8-9 (God’s thoughts not ours.)
Jer. 12:5 (If in a safe land, you fall down.)
Dan. 6:14-23 (King’s mind compared to Daniel)
Malachi (This book shows the difference between God’s mind and man’s mind on issues which are very important to God.)
Matt. 3:2 (Repent – How sincere has our repentance been?)
Luke 1:27-38 (Mary accepts God’s will.)
Luke 9:25-26 (Being ashamed of God before man is weakness of mind.)
Rom. 1:28 (Passive mind is reprobate, considers God worthless.)
Rom. 6:16-19 (Active mind and body as servants of God)
Rom. 8:6-7 (Holy Spirit mind and fleshly mind)
Rom. 10:12 (Take heed lest he fall.)
Rom. 12:1-3 (Make correct judgement of self.)
II Cor. 4:4 (Passive mind blind)
II Cor. 4:16 (Inactive mind)
II Cor. 10:3-5 (Bring thoughts into obedience to Christ.)
II Cor. 5:23 (Fruit of the spirit is self-control.)
Gal. 5:24 (Crucify the flesh – actively.)
Gal. 6:3-7 (Make correct judgement of self – God is not mocked.)
Eph. 4:7 (Grace is given to each of us.)
Eph. 4:17-20 (Cults and spiritism)
Eph. 4:21-24, 32 (You are an active participant.)
Phil. 2:3-9 (God worketh in you.)
Phil. 3:13 (Lashing backwards)
Phil. 4:6-8 (Think on these things.)
Col. 1:21-23 (If you continue)
Col. 3:2 (A commandment – set your mind on things above.)
II Tim. 1:7 (No fear)
II Tim. 2:21-26 (Refuse – shut your mind to youthful lusts, controversies.)
James 1:7 (Double minded man will not receive from God.)
I Pet. 1:13 (Gird up your mind.)
I Pet. 4:7 (Keep sound-minded)
I Pet. 5:7-8 (Worry drains the mind and body.)
II Pet. 3:1 (Sincere mind)



Earline’s definition is a mind not directed by its owner but open to allow any thought to pass through. It often accepts lies as truth, and fears as facts.

Webster’s definition is receiving impression from external agents – not acting -being the objective of the action rather than the subject.
Passive Mind

The passive mind does not accept completely the Word of God as Truth therefore it is always questioning and wondering. This questioning and wondering weakens the will, causing the person to be slow to obey God. This is the cause of most of the instability we see in Christians today. It causes us to be unsettled in our minds. God’s purpose within is to establish and settle us (I Peter 5:6-11). If we refuse to stand against the Devil, God cannot strengthen us.

Active Mind

The active mind studies and tests God’s word, sees it work. believes it, accepts it, trusts it, and relies on it. It is continually learning more of God’s will and obeying his precepts. How do you know a Christian? By watching him do what God has said in the Bible for him to do.

Mental passivity includes in its descriptive words: unreasoning, inactive, unenthusiastic, unresponsive, unqualified obedience to the commands of another, lawful or unlawful. (Mark 4:24 – futile mind; Eph. 4:17-19 – seducing pastors or teachers who patronize you to get you on their side, many times opposing God’s Word; Rom. 6:16 – You will become the slave of whomever you yield your mind to obey.) A person who does not successfully complete earthly duties shows mental passivity.

Consider and read these scriptures: Jer. 12:5 (This scripture is to the prophet, Jeremiah. It is also to pastors and Christians today. If you are afraid to live for and obey God in time of peace, what will you do in time of trial and persecution?); Rom. 12:1-2 (whole body including mind is sacrifice); Eph. 4:17-32 (strip self of all old mental and spiritual attitudes and put on new.); Phil. 2:13 (God’s power works in us and we will to do His Word.)


Manipulation by Jezebelic mother or father, and Ahab mother or father.Ignorance of spiritual commandments given in Old and New Testaments.

Looking back and using the same method of drawing conclusions.

Draining mental energy by constant recriminations and unproductive activity of worrying, plotting and planning.


If we give thanks to God and truly trust Him we have inner peace. Our minds and bodies both work and produce better.

A quiet mind is at peace and resting in the Lord with full confidence in God even in times of trial. A passive mind is always active “spinning wheels” with thoughts running rampart through it jumping from one thing to another, almost never at rest or at peace.

Consider and read these scriptures. II Kings 4:8-36 (Shunammite woman not intimidated by death); Isa. 30:15-16 (God called His people to quietness and trusting Him in order to have confidence and strength); Dan. 6:14-23 (King let his mind be played upon by people; in pride and ignorance he would have shed innocent blood had not God come to Daniel’s help); Luke 1:27-38 (Mary not passive in accepting God’s plans for her – it was not unusual in that day for unmarried pregnant women to be stoned on their way to the well, etc.); I Pet. 3:3-4 (God’s woman has peace of mind.)


You must be an active participant in your change from old to new life (passive to active). (Jer. 12:5 – You cannot run with the men on horseback unless your mind is settled by a life of practice in obeying God’s Word; Heb. 2:3 – How shall we escape (appropriate retribution) if we neglect so great salvation; II Tim. 3:2-5 – A chilling account of the mind in last days (seems like what we see today; Eph. 4:17-32 We cannot live as the unsaved!)

To a passive person, Phil. 2:3 means God will work everything out for me. God does the willing and doing.

To an active person, Phil. 2:3 means God will work in me as I obey His commandments and line myself up with His Will. Then His good pleasure is done in and through me.

Consider and read these scriptures which teach about the active/passive mind:
Prov. 3:5-10.
Vs. 5. Lean on, trust in and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind, and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
Vs. 6. In all your ways know, and recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Vs. 7. Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord, and turn (entirely) away from evil.
Vs. 8. It will be health to your nerves and sinews, and marrow and moistening to your bones.

This seems like a prescription for good mental, spiritual and physical health. The rest of these scriptures give more insight about how to work out Pro. 3:5-10. Pro.3:13-14; 6:17-18; Isa. 26:3; 55:8-9; Rom. 6:16; 8:6-7; 10:12; 12:1-3; II Cor. 10:3-5; Eph. 4:21-32; Gal. 6:3; Phil. 2:4-9; 4:8; Col. 1:21; II Tim. 1:7; James 1:7; I Pet. 1:13; II Pet. 3:1.

We must repent, change our mind and change our conduct. The battle for our minds began in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. In Matt. 3 in we see the contrast between the minds of those obeying God and those in disobedience;

II Cor. 4:4, following the god of this world brings a blinded mind. Gen. 3:1-6, doubt, unbelief, questioning God, adding to what God has said brings instability. Rom. 6:16, results of yielding to wrong person or attitudes, etc.


The passive mind is blind to the Word of God. In a Christian, the passive mind will hear and accept the Devil’s opinions about life and its situations. It looks at them in the Devil’s light rather than the Light of God. It uses great swelling words to argue with God – “BUT GOD”.

The passive mind is a reprobate mind. After much agreeing with the Devil, soon God is not in all of our thoughts, and we become vain or empty of the truth (Rom. 1:28). All sin in played with in the mind before it is committed.

Cults, spiritism and mind control need minds empty of God to fully operate in (Eph. 4:17-20).

An active mind should get stronger as it matures. An inactive mind desires to do these things but does very little (II Cor. 4:16).

Inactive minds babble away by talking too much, often about things they know little about, using incorrect facts and assumptions. The unrelaxed mind causes sleepless nights (Prov. 3:24; 10:19).
Deuteronomy contains the formula for the correct use of mind and heart.
Deut. 4:9, set your mind to remember what God has done.
4:29, seek God with your whole heart.
4:39, recognize that the Lord is God in heaven and on earth; there is no other.
5:29, fear God and keep His commandants.
6:5, love God with your entire being.
6:6, God’s words shall be first in your mind and heart.
6:7, impress them diligently on the minds and hearts of your children.
7:17, don’t fear larger nations.
8:2, know if you will keep His commandants.
8:5, know also in your mind and heart that, as a man disciplines and instructs his son, so the Lord your God disciplines and instructs you. We should be diligent in our discipline and instruction of our children so that God will quickly and correctly discipline and instruct us.
8:14, when God has blessed you don’t forget Him.
8:17, don’t forget God blessed you and get proud and say you did it yourself.
9:4. don’t say in your heart that God’s blessings fall on you because you are righteousness.
9:5, God is keeping His promise to Abraham.
10:12, see 6:5. 11:13-14, diligently serve God and He will send early and latter rain for crops and grass for cattle.
11:16, don’t be deceived and worship other gods.

11:18, lay God’s words as forehead bands before your eyes.
15:7, shall not harden heart against nor refuse to help poor brethren.
15:9, have no greed for brother’s goods.
17:20, don’t be lifted up in your heart over your brothers.
18:22, do not be afraid of false prophets.
20:3, trust God fear no enemy.
20: 8, let fainthearted return home.
Read chapter 27-28 to see how you will be blessed or cursed.
28:47, destruction for not serving the Lord with gratitude of heart and mind.
28:67 disobedience will bring extreme anxiety.

God with whole being.
30:10, if you sincerely repent you will be forgiven.
30:14, Word of God is in our mouth.
30:17-20, punishment for turning to demons and Satan.
31:46, set mind and heart on the words of God delivered to you this day.

II Cor. 10:3-5, we are totally helpless against Satan if we use natural weapons or our thoughts but, if in all confrontations we use God’s Word as the leveler, we win.
Eph. 4:22-32, you are the one who will have to strip yourself of your old nature (you will do this through Bible study, and putting the Biblical information into practice daily and by using God’s provision of deliverance from demon bondage).
Col. 1:21, you must remain well grounded in the Gospel.
II Cor. 10:5, you will learn to control the use of your thoughts.


The best book we have found to help you understand how the mind works is the unabridged edition of WAR ON THE SAINTS by Jessie Penn-Lewis with Evan Roberts, The Ninth Edition, Thomas E. Lowe, Ltd., New York, NY. This book is like a textbook and is not easy to read. However, we strongly recommend you purchase and read this book! At the end of this lesson is found copies of the tables in the book. They will help you to understand how you have allowed your mind to become invaded by demons. Study these tables carefully.


Passive Will – indecisive, torture of mind, embarrassment.
Passive Mind – inactive mind, hesitation, rashness, lack of concentration, lack of judgement, bad memory (can’t remember names, numbers, dates, important facts).
Passive Imagination – gazing, evil gazes, dulled vision, bound mind, can’t think (mind held by iron band, mental pressure, mental weights, fetters on mind, mental chains, mental yokes and fetters.)
Passive Judgement – can’t make a clear judgement on issues, misuses the verse on judge not. Many do not realize they are to judge every prophecy, fruit in our lives and in the lives of others, etc. I once heard a pastor tell his people they should not criticize him even when he is wrong, neither should they talk about him. I have seen a strange thing in that church – an unusually large number of divorces, illegitimate children, crimes of theft and forced entry, and idolatry, etc. People should be taught to properly make scriptural judgement.
Passive Reason – closed mind, evil positiveness, infallibility.
Passive Conscience – moral degradation, moral stagnation, retrogression in life and service, false voice of God, false reasoning.
Passive Spirit – wrong thoughts, wrong spirit, inactive spirit, faint spirit, bound spirit, filthy spirit, mixed condition, impure spirit, absolutely powerless spirit, bound use of Tongues, no liberty, wrong mental conclusions, mixed feelings about God, soulish spirit, quenching spirit, ignoring spiritual truths, (exhaustion of spirit, body and mind), (strained spirit, mind, body).
Passive Body – cessation of consciousness, passive sight, passive hearing, passive smell, passive taste, passive feeling, dulled consciousness, dead consciousness, unconscious habits, repulsive habits, peculiar habits (hyper-personality conscious), lethargy, heaviness, (stooping of back, shoulders, spine), dullness on eyes, passive eyes.
Passive Whole Man – dormant affections (dormant faculties of mind and body) dormant bodily needs, severity to body, indulgence of flesh, stoical feelings, sensuous domination, physical domination (physical spiritual experiences); senses feed on thrills, glow, fire) sense realm, walk after flesh, aroused sense life, (acute sensation of body consciousness), dulled sense of God, loss of God’s presence, crutches, veiled in ignorance of God, natural idiosyncrasies, infirmities, over stressed, nervous mind, timid mind, no gift of speech, no power to think, (incapable for God’s service), apathy, (passive state of rest, peace, love, joy, fruit of spirit), passive holiness, misconception of self-effacement, counterfeit suffering, weak willed; spasmodic spirit, mind and body.

Different Reactions of Passive and Active Mind

On it’s sins: Active mind will call sin sin. It will not blame it’s sin on others. It will recognize and apply Jesus’s work on the cross. It will begin a corrective program. Passive mind will blame some one else, say it was forced into sin, or ignore it. It will seldom make necessary corrections and obey God.

On self-examination in the Light of God’s Word: Active mind will examine itself by the Bible, will not despair or become crushed, but will rapidly exercise true repentance and faith in God’s promise of forgiveness which brings joy. Passive mind will let evil spirits lead it into self-accusations, recriminations and despair, becoming crushed, despondent and depressed. God does not crush us but reveals the remedy.

On conviction: Active mind knows God convicts of sin. God’s conviction is not confusing but clear. When it goes to God in true repentance, the blood of Jesus cleanses completely. Passive mind deals with conviction without true repentance and allows demons to nag and attack over and over never knowing if the sin is cleansed.

On repentance: Active mind sincerely repents by a deliberate act of it’s will in obedience to God. Accepts that the sin is cleansed by Christ’s blood.

Passive mind makes compulsive confession over and over for same sin without truly considering The meaning of Christ’s forgiveness. Will accuse others to cover own guilt feelings.

As you can see the passive mind never finds rest.






If your mind is sick, here is how to restore your mind to health. If you are not a Christian or are a young Christian, here is how to receive CHRIST and the mind of CHRIST. Look up and read the following scriptures, and then do what they say.


Gen. 1:26………..(Dominion over all the earth)

Gen. 2:7………….(The creation of man)

Gen. 2:19-20……(Adam named every creature.)

Isa. 11:2………….(Wisdom; Understanding; Counsel; Might; Knowledge; Spirit and Fear of Lord)

Jer. 31:33………..(Put the law in their hearts.)

John 1:12………..(Power to become sons of God)

John 20:22………(Receive the Holy Ghost.)

Rom. 10:10……..(Believe in heart and confess with mouth.)

Rom. 12:2……….(Transformed by the renewing of your mind)

I Cor. 2:14……….(Things of God are spiritually discerned.)

I Cor. 2:16……….(We have the mind of CHRIST.)

I Cor. 15:14……..(CHRIST is risen.)

II Cor. 10:4-5……(Bring into captivity every thought to CHRIST.)

Eph. 2:5………….(Quickened us together with CHRIST)

Eph. 4:22-23……(Renewed in the spirit of your mind)

Phil. 2:12…………(Work out salvation with fear and trembling.)

Col. 3:10…………(Renewed in knowledge after God)

II Tim. 1:7……….(No fear but power, love and sound mind)

Heb. 8:10………..(Put God’s laws in their mind.)

Heb. 10:16………(Put God’s laws in their hearts.)

Rev. 5:12………..(Power, Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Glory and Blessing) 




All thoughts start either with the Father or Satan. Man is incapable of generating thoughts alone. Don’t let Satan generate your thoughts (Matt. 5:37; II Cor. 10:5; Matt. 5:36; 6:27).


The Father has planned so that any child of God can have superb intelligence. The mind is truly the key to a believer’s growth into an overcomer.


The Battle Field is Your Mind – You Can: Free your mind (Eph. 6:17); your children’s minds (I Cor. 7:11; Jn 17:12, Is. 54:13; Eph. 6:11); and the minds of the ones to be delivered (Eph. 6:18; Rm.8:26-27

You Have to Work at Taking Authority

  1. You must become a believer (John 14:12; Mark 16:17).
  2. Break the bondage of Satan over the aware and unaware mind. Heb. 1:14;
    Lev. 26:13; Isa. 28:22; Job 38:31).
  3. Daily recite renunciation and warfare prayers.
  4. Have an attitude of deliverance and keep yourself in a state of continuous deliverance (Luke 8:14).
  5. Cast out fears (name each one or group), forgetfulness, curses, vows, anxiety, confusion, envy, jealousy, gossip, compromise, cravings, addictions, mind control spirits, etc. (Mark 16:17; Phil. 4:4-8).
  6. Restore the soul.
  7. Salvation really means saved or delivered out of the control of the Devil
    (Rom. 10:10; Phil. 2:12; Eph. 6:17).
  8. Learn the true meaning of hope (I Thes. 5:8; Eph. 2:6; Col. 2:9-10).
  9. Now you can control your mind by bringing every thought into captivity
    (II Cor. 10:5).


  1. We should know this about evil spirits’ rights to enter a person (saved or unsaved). Satan is a legalist. This means that he knows when he has a legal right to send or keep an evil spirit in a person. Example: The act of smoking gives legal grounds for nicotine, craving of smoke, addiction, and many other spirits to enter and stay in a person.
  2. Before we are “born again” Satan has a heyday filling us with evil spirits.
  3. Explanation: This has to be correct or the Bible could not say the carnal flesh is at enmity (open warfare) with God. This means that the cells and blood have to be full of evil spirits or it would not be at war with the Father.
  4. In many scriptures the Lord says these will be visited upon the third and fourth generations.
  5. This gives Satan legal grounds to afflict an unborn baby,newborn baby, children and adults until these curses are removed.
  6. Ephesians 2:2 (Amplified) – “In which at one time you walked habitually. You were following the course and fashion of this world—were under the sway of the tendency of this present age—following the prince of the power of the air (you were obedient to him and were under his control) the (demon) spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience—the careless. the rebellious and the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God.
  7. Every disease (regardless of what your doctor says) originated with Satan sending an evil spirit into the body.(No other way for it to happen!) You say, “What about the deficiency diseases?”—What causes the deficiency?
  8. What limits or restricts the number of evil spirits that can be in the brain or body (flesh)?
  9. The strongman referred to in the scriptures by Jesus Christ has to give his permission for spirits of lesser power to enter the brain or body and be submissive to him.
  10. There is one Satan, millions of fallen angels (101,000,000(+), Rev. 5:11), billions of demons (Pre-Adamic Race?).
  11. FEAR – (Satan’s weapon to make a person afraid). Every organ of a person is affected by fear. Over 200 varieties of fear from Satan (called phobias).
  12. ENJOY YOURSELF – The evil spirits encourage, tempt and push their victims: such as eating (surfeiting).
  13. Now so that men will not know or realize that man was created by the Father and so that man would think the Devil really does not exist, Satan developed the following plans.
  14. All present problems of any type can be explained scientifically, such as: Evolution – man evolved from lower forms (lying and deception spirits).
  15. Man finally accepts the lowly position in the world. Thinks of himself as aa part of a “chance system” without a specific end (Isa. 46:10).


To the best of our knowledge the soul is made up of the: personality, intellect, mind as it deals with the intellect, will, emotions and heart.


  1. Dealing with the occult or witchcraft apparently gives grounds for Satan to remove portions of the soul and substitute evil spirits in that portion’s place.
  2. Whenever a person puts something or someone above the Father, a portion of the soul can go into the idolized object or person.
  3. Witchcraft, spells, incantations, some forms of prayers – these can be used to fragment and remove the soul.
  4. Great trauma such as accidents, fire, shock, etc., undoubtedly have a place in the plan to fragment the soul (Psalm 7:2).


1. Ties up the whole family with care for the retarded or insane.

  1. Weakens faith in God.
  2. Brings shame to entire family.
  3. Causes embarrassment about marriages to others.
  4. Sets stage for future generations to be insane.
  5. Binds them to doctors.
  6. Binds them to psychiatrist.
  7. Sometimes connects the family to the occult through accommodation to the behavior of the victim.


Just remember – There is no such a thing as a deranged, retarded insane person as such, there is only a person whose normal God-given intellect has been removed and insane, deranged, retarded, dumb, crazy, evil spirits substituted for the normal intellect.


  1. Scripture posters and wallpaper with powerful deliverance scriptures are helpful.
  2. Play deliverance scripture and messages, and mass deliverance tapes 24 hours a day when possible.
  3. Have parent or guardian to take Warfare Prayers for those unable to take them personally.
  4. Distance from the person being prayed for means nothing.
  5. Your commanding and prayers are effective in comas, when sleeping and drugged or under anesthesia. The evil spirits hear it all.
  6. Acts 19:12 – Use prayer cloths in pillows, clothing and bedding.
  7. Anoint premises with oil; also anoint clothes and bedclothes with oil.
  8. Loose their angels as discussed in Matt. 18:10.
  9. Ask for angels to minister all the time (Heb. 1:14).
  10. Forgive their sins (John 20:23).
  11. Cast out Mind Control and Prince of Mind Occult.


  1. The word “strong” relates to Joel 3:16 when the Lord says He’ll be our strength which means shelter.
  2. “Might” means ability or strength through and in us. We must know our authority and power.
  3. “Stand” means an active upright position.
  4. Having done all to stand” – means having conquered all to be ready to fight again. This should tell any believer they could get battered and destroyed if they do not learn warfare.
  5. Faith must be alive by doing works that Jesus Christ did. Shield can be quickly moved to head.
  6. Learn full meaning of salvation.
  7. These scriptures pertain to hope: Joel 13:16; Col. 1:5;II Thes. 2:6; I Tim. 1:1; Col. 1:27; Titus 3:7.
  8. Now you are the Lord’s battle axe – Jer. 51:20.
  9. The whole armor of God is found in Eph. 6:10-18; I Thes. 5:8; Gal. 2:5.







REFERENCES: The Mind: Freeing – Restoring – Protecting by J.M. Haggard, Yorktown, Indiana 47396. Excerpts were taken from this booklet and a list of demons was compiled for mass deliverance. We recommend that you purchase this booklet and consider the complete contents.




Subconscious – n. that portion of mental activity of which the individual has little or no conscious perception.
Subconscious – a. occurring without conscious perception, or with only slight perception on the part of the individual – said of mental processes of reactions.
Abuse – n. to use ill; to maltreat; to misuse, to use with bad motives or wrong purposes; to violate; to defile; to deceive, to impose on; to treat harshly; to use insulting, coarse, or bad language about or to; to revile.


Rejection is the basic cause of abuse. All types of rejection work to destroy the mental and emotional health of an individual.

Read II Tim. 3:1-6 and watch for these characteristics in my life.

I had often wondered about certain problems I had: (1) an inordinate desire to please, (2) inability to say no to things I didn’t want to do, (3) always setting goals, working hard to accomplish them and then stopping short of success, (4) always feeling I had to do things better than anyone else and (5) trying to make everything around me and about me look better than I thought it was.

In September of 1983, I cut off part of my finger in an accident loading a horse. It was the first time I had need of a hospital in many years. I was put to sleep and my finger was sewn into my palm. The next day I was supposed to be quiet and take it easy.

For five years, I had been trying to help my mom get resettled after my dad’s death. At times she would tell me what she wanted me to do and I would start to do it. Right in the middle of my doing it, she would suddenly without telling me change her mind, and have one of my brothers doing an entirely different thing.

Two years ago I took her to Maine to see my brother. Back in Chattanooga she accused me of wanting and trying to kill her. This really puzzled me because I thought we got along very well.

After the operation, I was being still on the sofa praying. I asked God “Why can’t I help mom? Why does she think I want to kill her?

I had a vision or dream, some might say a flashback. I was standing in the room I had as a child. I was high near the ceiling. I was witnessing a terrible thing. A woman was beating, not whipping, a child. I went down to see who this was and to stop it; I saw it was my mom. I went beside the bed, bent down and looked; the child was me.

Thinking I was hallucinating because of the drugs from the operation the day before, I quickly decided to get up and get busy. One handed work was hard to find, so I swept the carport.

My brother called me or I called him. Since I sounded a little funny, he asked what was wrong. I told him next time they could sew me up awake. Then I related this story to him. He was silent, then he asked me if I didn’t remember that day. He said he had told my dad that if my mom didn’t stop beating me for no reason, he would kill her. The only words said in the scene were by my dad; he said to my mom that he would kill her if he ever heard of this happening again. I was not a small child. I was ten or twelve years old when the beatings stopped. For some reason, I simply cannot remember this today. He thought her fear that I wanted to kill her came from the guilt for what she did to me.

About eight to nine years before this incident, Gene and I had fasted and prayed for me for two years. When I got the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, there was only initial joy. Immediately, I began to have more fears than before, my emotions were out of control and I couldn’t think clearly. God does not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love, calm, well-balanced mind, discipline and self control.

Neither of us knew about deliverance from demons, so God had to teach us. After a long time of praying one night, Gene began to call out Rejection, Rebellion, Bitterness, etc. I was very different after this. I had to learn how to stay free by studying the Bible. No one in our town believed a Christian could have a demon, so we had to rely on God and His Word.

I was doing very well until the scene passed before my eyes and I learned of my early life. Immediately, I began to have times of panic for no apparent reason. I was hostile. I noticed a panic when those who had authority over me were present. I would become fearful if a policeman came near me, and when the pastor or principal came into my room. I felt I had to challenge Gene’s decisions.

We prayed and felt that I needed more deliverance. Gene was led to call out the same things as before. We realized at this point that we were working on my subconscious mind.


As you can see, abuse (whether verbal, physical, mental or sexual) has a deep and lasting effect on a person. It affects all their relationships and all they do. This includes neglect.

II Tim. 3:2 says that in the end times people will be lovers of self, utterly self-centered. Most child abuse comes from selfish parents. When a child is neglected or rejected, damage is done to them emotionally, mentally and physically.

Emotionally these children are unsure of themselves, and everyone or almost everyone around them. Often they are unable to be still or concentrate. Emotions are always at an extreme pitch.

Mentally they cannot trust others or themselves. They have difficulty learning due mainly to being emotionally unsound. Some become so fearful they are always watching everyone around them. Some are pressured so by rejection, they go to unnatural or extreme means to succeed. Lying does not seem so bad if it will stop the abuse.

Many become schizophrenic , paranoid and psychotic. Schizophrenics are double or many minded, and unable to cope with reality (James 1:4-6). Some become catatonic either rejecting any activity or extremely active and talkative, and have hallucinations (II Tim. 3:3). The paranoid mind has delusions of grandeur and persecution. Psychotics simply refuse to acknowledge reality (II Tim. 3:4): the town bum, drunks, sexual perverts, etc. Many that we call hypocrites are in this group
(II Tim. 3:5).

Many times an abused child will mildly or completely neglect themselves to convey the idea to others that they are worthless or at fault. By their attitudes they invite sickness, etc. Or, they go to the other extreme – they must always look beautiful to hide their real selves.

If a child is beaten, it will when it becomes an adult tend to do the same thing to its children. I know that God helped me in this area. As a small child coming home from school one day after a particularly hard time, a voice told me “You don’t have to be like your people, you have the ability to choose which way you will go”. With my children, I would never touch to punish when I was really mad or upset.

Since these senseless beatings have no reason, the child becomes confused and frustrated. Many work extremely hard to prove themselves.

In mental abuse, children follow pretty much the same pattern as physical abuse. Eventually they accept or partially accept the verbal abuse as true.

Dishonest dealing with children makes them fearful of trusting. Hence they have trouble trusting God because parents who are authority figures have not been trustworthy. They always have nervous problems.

Sexually abused children have all the above problems. Hate figures in all abuse, but is extreme in a sexually abused child. The abused child may take up homosexuality, sadism, etc., and become frigid. Any form of abuse can lead to mental illness.

First, the child who has been abused must learn to forgive. When tempted to hate again, the child must not let it rule him or her.

Come to understand that the parent or abuser has had much trouble in his or her life. If the person is young, you should seek help and protection from this abuser.

If you have had unexplained nervousness, fears lying, inability to trust, always having to prove yourself in dead-heat competition, hate and hatefulness, strong leaning to sexual perversions, hypocritical, fantasy, inability to cope with life or people, extreme self-centeredness, extreme emotions, bad temper, depression, confusion, frustrations, being victimized or unable to control your actions, then you probably need deliverance in your subconscious mind as well as conscious mind.

After deliverance, you will need to learn what the Bible says about each area of deliverance and teach yourself to obey. Without the demons inside, you should be able to obey God’s instructions. Ask God for understanding of yourself. Learn to think differently than before.

For example: Most abused people have a problem feeling gratitude because they have been victimized repeatedly. They cannot be glad or grateful when something good happens because they fear it has a price to be paid. Learn Deut. 28:47 – to serve the Lord in gratitude of heart and mind for all that he has blessed you with (an example of what parents’ attitudes should be).

Remember Jesus died for you before you were ever born. Forgive everyone to the degree that you can truly pray for them to be saved and receive blessings of God. Realize that their troubles are probably as great or greater than yours. Realize it is not entirely or maybe not at all your fault.


Break all inheritance from ancestors’ sins that would give you demons in the subconscious mind. These include idol worship (Masons, occult, cults, Catholic, etc.), sexual sins (bastards, incest, adultery, homosexuality, etc.) and ungodly attitudes of the parents.

Start with basic deliverance in subconscious mind and conscious mind (Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion). Then call for demon spirits that went in from the abuser (Spirits of Abuse). Call out the Victim Spirit (advertises to be victimized).






I Sam. 1:16 – Hannah’s bitter provocation (childlessness).

I Sam. 2:33 – Grief over children.

Psalm 6:7 – Eyes consumed because of grief.

Psalm 31:9 – Eyes, inner self & body weakened from grief.

Psalm 31:10 – Life spent with grief.

Psalm 78:40 – God’s grief over our rebellion.

Prov. 17:25 – Foolish son is grief to father.

Is. 17:11 – Griefs due to worshipping Adonis.

Is. 53:3 – Jesus acquainted with grief.

Is. 53:4 & 10 – Jesus bore our griefs.

Jer. 6:7 – Jeremiah’s grief over Jerusalem’s wickedness.

Jer. 45:3 – Lord added grief to sorrow.

II Cor. 2:5 – Grief caused by incest.

Eph. 4:30 – Grieve not the Holy Spirit.

II Cor. 1:3 – God comforts and consoles us in all our troubles.

II Cor. 1:4 – So that we may comfort others in their trouble.

I Pet. 5:6- – Knowing the same sufferings are appointed to your brethren in

11 – the world. God will complete, settle, secure and establish you.


I learned about grief when our son died. In time this grief became dear to me. I was very heart broken when I hadn’t thought of him all day.

God met us at the time of Byron’s death. He did unusual things to get our attention and to minister to us. This saved our lives but did not remove grief from us. We followed the usual pattern for those who grieve. We used grief and self-pity to manipulate others and disobey God. No one of us was aware of these actions at the time, yet we became expert at using them. Our demons having become expert at using people for thousands of years, have us doing their bidding very well, very quickly.


As we were unable to meet Marie’s needs, she felt rejected and went into rebellion and bitterness. She would rebel just for the sake of rebelling. She didn’t know it at the time, neither did we, but these actions were the result of distrust because we let her brother die. Parents are to protect children. The demons told her this but she was not conscious of agreeing with them. Clever aren’t they?

Gene withdrew from the family, and neglected family problems and needs to minister to others.

I grieved over all the above. I became dominating, a Jezebel, trying to fix everything for everybody except myself. This dominating tended to emphasize everyone’s troubles, even creating more troubles.


After Byron’s death, the world seemed unreal. I wanted to leave this world and I asked God to kill us. This was an improper prayer and it was a selfish action on my part. Losing Byron was like losing an arm or a leg. We searched the Bible to see if we could commit suicide, go to heaven and be with Byron, and also to be out of our misery. The Bible says that you have no right to commit suicide and you may end up in Hell. We prayed that the plane would crash in the Atlanta Airport. There were one-hundred tornadoes in Atlanta that day and the plane shook on its take-off. My grief really was for my loss and for myself. God told us that Byron was in Heaven. I would sit and hold Byron’s picture and cry; I did this many times. I felt like I had to grieve over Byron’s death or I was not showing proper love for him. I would drive to work praying and crying. I cry often now but they are tears of joy. I have found that there is nothing wrong with a man crying in the sight of God.

I did not want to work but God told me that I must support my family. I tried to go to the mission field but nobody wanted me; they only wanted me to go to the seminary. God told me to continue to be an engineer and to start helping others who were in need.

After Byron’s death we really started seeking God. Jesus was our Savior but He became our Lord and Master also.

Byron’s death caused us to reach out and help others who were experiencing death in their families. God has helped restore our lives as we have helped others. Now we have a ministry of helping others centered around deliverance.

It took four years to write our testimony “From Death Into Real Life” and to overcome our grief. I handled my grief by the following steps: I quit looking back at Byron’s death, I ministered to the needs of my family, and I went on with what the Lord wanted me to do.


I grieved over Byron’s death and worried over my family. I became a dominating Jezebel, trying to fix everything for everyone except myself. This action tended to make everything worse, even creating more problems. I prayed and fasted a lot to get God to straighten them out, but forgot to ask for wisdom and understanding to straighten myself out. I did not follow I Peter 5:7-11. I would cast my cares upon Him but because there was no quick-fix, I took them all back and did not follow on to believe v.9, that after a while He would finish the work He planned in us. We would be established, secure, settled and strengthened I had been taught about good confessions. I confessed, until I was worn out, that the problems would be taken care of by God. Things got worse rather than better. I did not take scriptural care of my part of the problem. I was ignorant of the Bible’s instruction so God could not act. I did not qualify due to ignorance and disobedience (Hosea 4:6). I began to say to God, “If I must go through this, please teach me all that I need to learn. I don’t want to go through this over and over.”

Grief is a normal reaction to loss or pain . It is not normal grief when two, five or ten years later, it is as great or greater then when it happened. Grief becomes rebellion when it controls our action to the point we do not obey God.

In John 10:10 we find out who wants to kill, steal and destroy us. The Devil never lets up when you have trouble; that’s when he pounces the hardest through his demons.


What is grief? Grief is sorrow, heavy, grievous, sad; intense suffering caused by emotions due to loss, misfortune, injury, evil, regret or suffering; to be morbid, to suffer calamity, failure, distress or lament.

Emotions: Grief causes a breakdown in emotional control. Emotions will fluctuate wildly.

Will: You are unable to do what you see you should do or need to do.

Body: Doctors tell us, after many years of study, those who are bitter, in grief or unforgiving create a climate in the body where cancer, arthritis and ulcers thrive. Our body chemistry and functions are out of order due to the stress created by grief, bitterness and unforgiveness.

Mind: The mind should be under control by the person’s spirit which should be under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We tend to think of our mind as the supreme part of us but it is not. We are a spirit that has a soul and lives in a body.


Just as we do not let our hands or feet do their own thing, neither do we let our mind accept every thought coming into it. A mind can receive more than one thought at a time from more than one source. We hear from God and Satan at the same time. We should examine every thought that comes into our minds. If it does not pass a Biblical inspection, we should reject it. If it lines up with the Bible, we pray for wisdom and act on the wisdom God gives. Many thoughts coming through our minds are not our own but are sent out by evil spirits to snag us. If we accept them and think back with them, we can be led into depression , sins, etc.

Many thoughts coming into your mind are not your own but are sent to entice you. If we accept them and act on them, we can be led into sins in mind or body.

Boys at Louisiana Training Institute would tell me that they had thoughts to do the crime and not to do it at the same time. They did not sort out the good from the evil and made the wrong choice. Rom. 6:16-17 tells us that to whomever we yield ourselves servants to obey, that’s whose slave we become; if to unrighteousness – death and if to righteousness – life in God.

John 10:10 says Jesus comes to give life abundantly. My cry was “Lord how do I get life abundantly?” I learned a new song (Is. 60:1), “Arise, shine for your light has come.” I tried but I didn’t know how to arise or shine. In the Amplified Bible I found the complete directions.

Is. 60:1 – Arise (from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you; rise to a new life). Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you).

Now I knew what I was to arise from – depression and prostration. Each time I tried to arise, a ton of weight held me down.

Is. 61:1-4: Jesus came to preach the gospel, bind and heal the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives, and opening of the prisons and eyes of the blind. To proclaim the year of favor, to grant consolation and joy to those that mourn, to give beauty for ashes, praise for failing spirit and build oaks of righteousness that the Lord be glorified.

Grief does not bring glory to the Lord but joy, praise and righteousness do. Verse 4 says after all this is done, they (the people) will rebuild their ruined lives and cities. This has begun to come true in the lives of our family members.

I realized I was asking God to fix the circumstances around me that I should have been at work on. I was continually asking how? Right off I saw more scripture after I saw the scripture about forgiveness.

Mark 11:22-26 and Matt. 18:21-35 instructed me to forgive everyone who had ever wronged me in anyway, including myself. I must forgive Byron for dying and myself for thinking I could have prevented it, and ask God to forgive me for blaming Him.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting. It means let it drop, leave it and let it go (Matt.6:6-15). Count the offense unimportant compared to what Jesus did for me, (Matt. 18:34-35). As I came to forgive, much of the ton of weight fell off of me. I must forgive to be forgiven. If I regard iniquity in my heart, God will not hear me. Unforgiveness is sin (Ps. 66:18). Many of my prayers were not answered because of unforgiveness, grief or bitterness.

We grieve over many things: our sins, the results of our sins, rejections, worries, neglect, divorce, abuse, death, failure, children’s failures, etc.

A spirit of grief is bitter. This bitterness reaches everybody and everything around us (Heb. 12:14-16).

Our grief kept us so tied up in it that we neglected each other and our daughter. She took the neglect to mean rejection and she began to reject herself; after rejection, entered rebellion.


After two years of fasting, Bible study and prayer, God suggested that I ask Gene to pray deliverance for me. We had never heard of prayers for deliverance; neither did we know what it was or how to do it. Gene suggested we go into our room and ask God to help us. The Bible says we have the Holy Spirit; we don’t need anyone to teach us (I John 2:27).

After a very lengthy prayer, Gene began to call out things bothering me. The basis for deliverance is Mark 16:16-20 and Jesus’ examples in the Gospels.

As he called out unforgiveness, the faces of people and circumstances flashed before me, and I forgave them. He then proceeded to rejection, bitterness (of which grief is a part) and rebellion.


Forgiveness (Mark 11:25) – Christians have no choice but to forgive. Matt. 18:34-35: God will send tormentors on you if you don’t forgive.

Submit To God (John 4:23-24) – Face up to the facts; do not use grief as an excuse to disobey God, for bad behavior or to neglect duties. Fantasy is deadly. Obey – To establish basis for deliverance, you must obey appropriate scriptures. Honesty -If you love me, you will keep my commandments. God hates lies and lying. Bind up the evil forces working against you. Loose yourself from them and ask God to send his forces to aid in your release: wisdom, discerning of spirits, power and might (seven-fold Spirit of God). Call Out All Evil Spirits From Yourself And Other Family Members

To Stay Free After Deliverance – Control your thought life (II Cor. 10:5). I got very holy asking God to control my thoughts. After weeks of doing this, I heard “Stupid! What is the understood subject of that sentence?” I had my answer; I was to bring every thought into subjection to Jesus Christ. He quoted Isa. 55 to me. Phil. 4:8 gives a list of things you should think on – things worthy of reverence, just, honorable, seemly, pure, lovely, lovable, kind, winsome, gracious; if there be any virtue, excellence or anything worthy of praise, think on, weigh, and take account of these things. Fix your mind on them. This is a commandment! Resist Satan – I never in my wildest imagination could have known how Satan would fight against my desire to obey. I got a lot of experience in forgiving and in thought control right off. People began to say and do things that hurt badly. I used to retaliate ten times for one hurt. But God says vengeance is mine, I will repay.

As I forgave and just simply counted the offense as worthless, a wholesome, clean feeling came to me. I liked it.

I made a list of things God allows me to think on and put it behind the cabinet door in the kitchen. When I got off track, I’d read the list. If what I was thinking about wasn’t on the list, I’d stop those thoughts, reject and throw them out.

Continue To Break Old Habits And Obey God – If lazy – Prov. 6:6, & 9; 10:26; 13:4; 20:4; 26:16. If disobedient – I Sam. 15:23; Ez. 20:38; Is. 30:1. If lying – Prov. 6:17; Rev. 21:8. Whatever your problem, find the instructions for the solution in the Bible and follow them. If you fail, get up and try again: II Cor. 4:7-9, Book of James,
I Cor. 10, etc.

RESULTS: God has shown me that we would still be “us four and no more family” except for Byron’s death. We avoided people with problems. We had always taken care of our problems as they arose. We had everything: positions, houses, cars, boats, etc. – what this world says is success. We were wretched and poor in God’s eyes. Now each time God uses us to help someone, I see it as a result of God’s help, our obedience to God, and Byron’s death. Much good has come out of Byron’s death for many families, children and individuals. Without deliverance from demon bondage, we’d probably all be dead now.



Repent:  The first thing we need to do is repent for being ignorant of the Bible which contains God’s advice and for not following that which we do know; for wanting to or for living in fantasy; for blaming others when it’s your problem too; for not trusting God and going on but living in the past; for the unkindness you have done to others; for not believing that this terrible thing that has happened can work together for good and be useful to you, others and God’s plan; for not accepting God’s right to use you seeing you were bought with a great and precious price; for not being willing to be hurt as others are; for refusing to be grateful to God in all things; for listening to and following the advice of demons; for failing to consider the others who have also been grieved by this thing which has happened; for holding resentments against yourself, others and God; and for allowing my grief to become excessive.

Forgive:  Ask God to remind you of all those against whom you hold unforgiveness. Forgive all  yourself – everyone. Forgive those causing your grief.

Break Curses:  Rebellion, divorce, death, occult involvement, inherited curses, domination and bitterness.

Pray any other prayer that will establish the basis for deliverance from grief and bitterness.

Ask God to give you wisdom in correcting your thought patterns, ways of treating others, purpose of your life, the things that have hurt you so much; to help you understand how the other members of your family have suffered; to let Him use this thing for your good, the good of others and God’s plan.





This is a series of three lessons, The Three P’s: Psychoneurosis, Psychopsychosis and Psychopathic. The first lesson will deal with “The Neurotic Personalities (Psychoneurosis)”; second lesson “The Delinquent Personalities (Psychopsychosis)” and third lesson “The Pathologic Personalities (Psychopathic)”. These are the results of unresolved traumas of mind and emotions.

Many people suffering from some form of personality disorder believe they cannot be helped at all. They are happy to find that they can be helped by God’s provisions through Jesus Christ. Many that you think will never make it do. They start off by attacking one or two problems and follow right on through to success.

We’ve also worked with a few people who didn’t really seem to have many problems and they would get a lot of help. Maybe they would get a job and lose their government aid. Then they would decide they didn’t want to go through with deliverance and discipline because of money, or persecutions.

As you will find in Pigs in the Parlor, most personality problems begin with that first deadly wound of rejection which is not handled properly. Satan and his demons build a strong web around rejection as the person tries to protect himself from further rejection and its pain.

I would like to share with you some very wonderful verses from God’s Word. These verses were very vexing to me at one time.

First I’ll share one group of verses which encouraged me while at the same time these others troubled me.

Isaiah 61:1-4, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor and afflicted; He sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives, and the opening of the prison and of the eyes of those who are bound. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord – the year of His favor – and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn. To grant consolation and joy to those who mourn in Zion, to give them an ornament – a garland or diadem – of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for heavy, burdened and failing spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, lofty, strong, magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice and right standing with God, the planting of the Lord that He may be glorified. And they shall rebuild the ancient ruins and raise up the former desolation’s and renew the ruined cities, the devastation’s of many generations.

Verses 1-3 show us what God planned to do in each of our lives. He knows we have all the problems listed. This is a mighty job and God can only accomplish this job if we cooperate with Him. This cooperation means we will have to read, study and discipline ourselves to obey His Word (I Pet. 1:4-9). After Byron’s death, each of us had our own personal struggle. I could not see how I would ever have any joy again except being joyful over my salvation.

Verse 4 tells us what we will be able to do if we allow verses 1-3 to take place in our lives.

I thought, “God, that’s a very big job you’ve got in me”. Phil. 1:6 gave me the answer. He will complete the job if I cooperate with Him.

Sometimes I find myself and others fulfilling Jer. 6:16. The Lord said Stand by the roads and look and ask for the eternal paths, where is the good, old

way; then walk in it, and you will find rest for your soul. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it’. Does this sound like you? Young people today, as well as old, say “No” to God.

Matthew 11:28-29, Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and over burdened, and I will cause you to rest. I will ease and refresh and relieve your souls. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart and you shall find rest for your souls – relief, ease, refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet. Verse 29 has the key – we are to do the taking of the yoke.

What is the yoke – taking time to learn what God said to do and doing it. Sounds easy? Try it’! Learning and doing require great determination and discipline. It sounds paradoxical that in discipline and obedience you’ll find your greatest freedom. Everyone thinks if they throw off the yoke they’ll be free. Let’s use a classic – the young lady or man who throws off God’s advice to be chaste (sexually inactive) until married and remain faithful to mate to death. He or she thinks they are free of old moral restraints only to find sexual diseases aplenty and a life of agony.

Matt. 11:30, For my yoke is wholesome (useful and good) not harsh, hard, sharp and pressing, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant; my burden is light and easy to be borne. Really obeying God is easier than carrying the load of sin.

Example A friend of my dad’s, while in service, enjoyed many female friends and got sexually-transmitted diseases several times. Each time his disease was cured by penicillin. He figured he beat the odds, found a wonderful girl and got married. In a few years they had a sweet beautiful baby girl. The baby had syphilis and died in about one year. Next baby is a beautiful girl again; at three years old she’s fine. He’s making a fortune as a hotel baker . He still thinks this time we made it. But alas, at seven years this child starts going blind and takes ten years to die. I worked for this man in his bakery for 2 yrs. He cried all day everyday. There was no help for his pain, he didn’t find healing for his girls.

Today one of our greatest problems as individuals and as a nation is our heavy, over-burdened lives. Before I ever knew there was deliverance and hope, I thought “God, you surely must be kidding.”

But after my first deliverance, I was able to understand a lot better what God was saying. We can lead a peaceful contented life mentally as well as spiritually. The soul contains your mind, will and emotions. Sometimes in the King James version these words are used interchangeably.

When you have demons in your soul, you think this is surely an unkeepable promise or pie in the sky bye and bye. Please read Phil. 4:7-9, test your inner emotions, actions and will against the scriptures, and see if you score very well. Rejoice in the Lord Always? Do you see your unselfishness and consideration? Do you ever fret or be anxious? Always in everything give thanks to God? Show God’s Peace? Think only on things true, just, pure, kind, lovely, excellent, etc.? Do you fix your mind by force, if need be, on the above? Now verse 7 always eluded me. I look always for someone who has God’s peace, the peace of mind which passeth all understanding. Mostly I found people worse off than me.

In Gal. 5:22 and I Pet. 5:10, I found that the work of the Holy Spirit in me should have accomplished love, joy, peace, patience (an even temper), kindness and goodness, faithfulness, meekness, humility, gentleness, self-control, self-restraint and continence but it had not done so yet.

I became fearful that I was not saved even though I had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit two years before. Not only was I in trouble but also my husband and daughter. Each of us wondered, I’m sure, why the others didn’t do better while minimizing our own shortcomings.

Two years of frustrations and prayers paid off one night when God showed us about evil spirits. We began to learn then and it hasn’t stopped yet.

So I want to share a few things with you that we have observed during deliverance sessions about ourselves and others that may help you.

All people who have ever lived on this earth will at one time or another encounter an earth shaking event from which your life will never be the same again. When we refuse to face it honestly, we can enter into mental or emotional fantasy.

My first, I suppose, was ten years of child beatings at the hands of my mom and sometimes my dad. I used the psychosis of denial to repress these beatings so that I do not remember them very well. At ten years of age, our daughter saw the death of the brother she loved more than anyone else. She also developed and used some forms of denial. The denial was only recently faced up to and its power broken. She now feels so free and happy, the first time in thirteen years (facing up with no pretense = freedom).

Most of us use some form of denial to help us adjust to this trauma. We simply deny it, build withdrawn fantasy lives that do not deal with the real world we face. This is a childish way to adjust to trouble. Unless the people around us understand what is happening to us, know God’s solution and are willing to practice it, we may spend a lifetime in a troubled state of mind. Sometimes we will be only mildly troubled but sometimes it may grow to a neurosis or psychosis.

When we refuse to deal honestly with life or have unrealistic expectations of an easy life with no problems or sadness, refuse to be responsible for our action, we make lies our refuge (Isa. 28:15). And God will send you strong delusions (II Thes. 2:11). In our humanity we often resort to lives of fantasy when faced with trauma which cuts us to our core. In Psalm 51:6, God desires truth in our inner parts. In John 8:32, the truth sets us free.

Soul – mind, will and emotion – your personality. Will – the power of choice and deliberate action or intention resulting from exercising this power. Emotion – a physical or mental response to happenings. It may be a change in feeling, behavior or internal excitement with both superficial (mild) or deep (extremely strong) phenomena being elicited. Mind – the thinking and perceiving part of consciousness, intellect, reason. Trauma – a severe, sudden shock that has a permanent effect upon the personality. Neurotic – a maladjustive form of an adjustment mechanism. Neurotics do not adjust normally to trauma. Psychosis – a mental or personality disorder, more severe than a neurosis, having unrealistic behavior that often is so dangerous that a person must be institutionalized. Psychopath – a person with an imperfect or nonexistent understanding of morality, and consequent antisocial conduct. In short, a psychopathic personality has absolutely no moral scruples – no conscience.

Personality Impairment – falls into three separate categories: neurosis, psychotic and psychopathic. Each is separate yet sometimes overlap. A person may have problems in only one area or some in each area.

Neurosis is the milder form of abnormal reaction to trauma. It is an inability to deal with traumatic experiences in a mature way and almost always has roots in childhood.

Sexual, emotional or physical abuse, neglect, too much attention or too little attention, unrealistic expectations from parents, death and traumatic accident are only a few things that accelerate a small problem into a larger one.

Neurosis is evident when a function of the personality escapes conscious control: groundless fears, uncontrollable ideas, disturbing behavior patterns, loss of control of body parts and disability of involuntary organs where no medical or physical reason can be found.

A common symptom is groundless fear or anxiety. We’re not talking about normal anxiety or fear when there is immediate danger but a constant reign of fear. Worry is mild but continuous fear; panic is extra – intense fear.

Reality – Our world is full of dangers but God has promised to protect us and never leave us (Psalm 116:15). Precious in the sight of God is the death of His saints. Living Bible says He is present at accidents. In Hebrews 13:5, He will never, never, never leave us. When hard times come, God doesn’t get scared and run from us. Many of the hard times or traumatic experiences can be used by God, with our cooperation, to refine us and make us strong.

Fearing and fantasizing (denial), and fearing what may happen and usually doesn’t wastes mental power and capacity.

Panic with no cause or an imaginary cause is a sure sign of neurosis. We panic about fear of death, fear of death of loved one, pain, serious illness and permanent injury. Bodily signs of panic are heart palpitations, rapid pulse, sweaty hands and or feet, rapid breathing, perspiring and dizziness. Anxiety may be caused by memory of pain caused by failure, rejection, cruelty and being projected to future events.

Some common phobias are fear of falling from high places (bathophobia), being confined (claustrophobia), of corpse (necrophobia), and fear of open spaces (agoraphobia).

Phobias are unreasonable fear such as fears of snakes, mice, spiders, heights, darkness, sex, leaving home and driving after an accident. When these interfere with normal life they become a neurosis.

Obsessions – a conscious idea or device recognized as being irrational such as a desire to rape, exposure, prostitution, murder, hurt, drunkenness, drugs, peeping toms, homosexuality, gluttony, etc. An obsessive neurotic does not approve of his desire but cannot get rid of it.

Compulsions – Attempts of the obsessive to hide or counteract the obsession as a person who fantasizes about homosexuality but goes to great lengths to show how he hates it. If desiring to kill someone, he may go to great lengths to show he loves them. Excessive hand washing is fear of getting germs. Extreme spotless housekeeping sometimes masks a dislike for the family being cozy or comfortable. Lust is hidden by unusually strong attempts to show he does not lust.

Kleptomania – desiring to steal even when you can pay.

Mania – committing acts against your conscious will, like stealing, fire setting, assault, rape and rage. When not doing these things, they seem normal.

Sleepwalking – desire to do something impulsive that he may be ashamed to do when awake.

Amnesia – intense desire to forget something dreadful.

Hysteria – condition of people wishing desperately to avoid a distressing situation. Blindness with no physical or medical reason, paralysis and convulsions can result also from repressed emotions or motives. These symptoms satisfy the person.

Hypochondriac – behavior of one who uses illness to keep from doing something he doesn’t want to do; to avoid confrontation. Example – wife gets a headache every time husband gets romantic.

Death Wish, Neurasthenia, Accident Prone – these are people who have a strong sense of guilt and feel the need to be punished.

Neurotic Depression or Melancholia – a person sad for no reason or sorrows for an abnormally long time. Melancholia is prolonged grief and finding comfort in it.

Bind all demons that we or our ancestors have given power to control our minds. Bind all demons of the occult, cults, drugs, rock music, sexual sins, occult games, etc. (II Cor. 6:14-18; 10:3-6; Eph. 6:11-18). Loose the Seven-Fold Spirit of God: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge of God, Reverence to God and Obedient Fear of God (Isa. 11:2). In the Name of Jesus, we loose ourselves from your control. We will have victory over you (Eph. 3:16-19).


Anxiety Repressed Emotional Excitement Continuous Fear
Shameful Desires, Fear of Future Trouble, Wrong Motives,
Fear of Dying, Repressed Frustration, Fear of Going Crazy,
Fear of Serious Illness, Obsessive, Fear of Change,
Irrational Idea or Desire, Fear of Rejection, (Homosexuality),
Worry, Prejudices, Panic,
Indecent or Criminal Acts, Compulsions, Compulsive / Obsessive Overinhibited,
Extremes – Orderly/Sloppy Overconscientious, Extremes – Generous/Stingy Rigid, Extremes – Courteous/Discourteous,
Chronic Tension, Extremes – Kind/Cruel, Ritualistic,
Kleptomania and Other Manias, Hysteria Stealing/ Shoplifting, Hysterical Paralysis
Neurotic Kleptomania, Glove Anesthesia, Stupidity,
Repressed Fear, Convulsions Resentment of Rejection Criminal,
Neurasthenia, Death Wish or Wish to Stop Functioning, Disassociated Personalities,
Continuous Fatigue, Split Personality, Diseases
Sleep Walking, Colitis Fugue, Asthma Flight,
Hives Amnesia, High Blood Pressure,
Anxiety of Conflict, Migraine Headaches, Impotence and Frigidity,
Psychosomatic Medicine, Phobias (Fears Of), Psychotherapy,
Bathophobia: Falling From High Places, Release Therapy, Claustrophobia: Tight Places Psychodrama,
Necrophobia: Fear of the Dead, Group Therapy, Agoraphobia: Fear of Open Space,
Interview Therapy, Photophobia: Fear of Bright Light, Free Word Association,
Snakes, People and Many Others, Traumatic Neurosis Trauma,
Self-Gratification – Spoiled Brat, Unsuccessful, Adjustments,
Withdrawal – Flight Childish Reactions, Retrogression Success – Boasting, Regression Failure – Denial,
Jealousy Inordinate Desire For Praise, Dependence, Attention, and Satisfaction,
Passive, True Motive Denial, Bed-wetting,
Fantasy, Thumb Sucking, Primitive Aggression,
Tantrums, Demonic Domination, Homesickness,
Inability to Handle Frustration, Panic Blind Rage, Hysterical Unreasonableness,
Don’t Care Attitude, Irritable, Sour Grapes Temperamental,
Detachment, Unthinking, Unjustified Elation,
Uncaring, Unjustified Depression, Ungrateful,
Irresponsible Hostility, Acting Superior, Cruelty,
Paranoia, Suspicious, Compensation,
Unable to Trust, Rationalization, Delinquency,
Bullying, Rebellious, Sadism,



Gene and I have come to believe that a lot of delinquency is the result of homes out of divine order. Neglect or hate for the children and abuse of children hardens their hearts and leaves a child unable to enter society and fulfill his divine purpose.

When people are hurt and do not completely forgive, they let Satan’s demons minister to them, and build a demonic personality in their mind and body. This personality is not normal and it usually is not pleasant.

It is healing to the body and mind to completely forgive – holding nothing back. When you have nothing against others, the next step is to forgive yourself completely.

Then with obedience to the Biblical principles, you can build a healthy mind. It will not be easy but it will be the most exciting thing you will ever do. One common ingredient in all delinquent personalities is the almost total lack of Godly principles.

What is the root cause of most personality problems? In the people we have worked with, it has originated with a very serious rejection. The ultimate rejection is the murder of the unborn. An attempted abortion which failed or at nine months of the parents wishing you would die before or at birth. You may think these things do not effect people but they do. As a result of not being wanted, a person will spend a life time trying every means he can think of to get people to accept him. If he cannot get a feeling of acceptance, he will become increasingly more removed from normalcy. Becoming more bitter, he will eventually rebel against all authority.

Children, who are betrayed through abuse, can hardly trust anyone – even God. They cannot comprehend true love, therefore they cannot accept nor comprehend the love of Jesus. Cannot understand abiding help, therefore they cannot understand the work of the Holy Spirit. God does not promise a life without pain or loss but He shows us how to respond to all parts of our life. Read Hebrews 12 and don’t neglect to read the last half.

Most crimes against people and property are committed by people suffering from manias. Theft, arson, rape, assault, murder are some of the acts that neurotics commit. Some crimes are committed by retarded people.

Professional criminals usually have rejected all or part of social ethics. These are usually burglars, robbers, confidence men, racketeers, gangsters and killers. Sometimes they desire to be caught and punished because this relieves repressed guilt feelings. Those criminals who feel no guilt or remorse over their acts are psychopathic personalities and will be discussed later.

Today we’ll study psychotic behavior. As you will see in many cases, the same problem exists as in neuroses but to a greater degree.

In society, consistent, serious and inappropriate disobedience of the written and unwritten laws is considered a sign of abnormal behavior. II Tim. 3:1-5 lists abnormal behavior from God’s point of view.

There are many causes of organic psychosis: inborn brain defects, brain infections, intoxication, head injuries, circulation disorders, seizures, bodily changes of growth and aging, tumors or cancers, and unknown physical causes. Each of these conditions can alter behavior so severely that it appears irrational and prevents adjustments. God can heal any of these disorders.

General Paresis is due to syphilitic damage to the brain; it causes indifference to neatness, punctuality and normal interests. Person becomes irritable or overly sentimental. Efficiency, memory, energy and intellect declines. Speech becomes slurred. If not treated, degeneration ends in death.

Alcoholic and Drug Reactions – Alcohol and drugs are used to relieve anxiety and guilt feelings, and to suppress hurtful emotions. Alcohol and drugs relieve the tensions by depressing the nervous system starting in the brain; behavior is regressive. The more drugs or drinks taken, the more immature the person becomes.

Alcohol and drugs do nothing to solve problems. At the drunken stage, he is psychotic. Without salvation and deliverance, the alcoholic has little hope of cure. His descent is continually downward until death takes him.

Psychotic behavior may be thought of as a last ditch effort of the mind to deal with the anxiety aroused by emotion or mental (psychic) shocks. A psychotic can not deal with anxiety and his symptoms serve to help him escape the shock.

If a person accepts this behavioral pattern, finds comfort in it and has no desire to change somewhere along the way, a demon can come in. Then he feels he can not change and usually will not cooperate with those who would help.

Psychotic depression is expressed three ways: emotionally, physically and intellectually.

Emotionally – A severely depressed person feels overwhelmingly sad, hopeless, worthless and helpless. They also have fears of catastrophe, complete discouragement and will give up in the face of problems. Physically – They may claim physical problems they don’t really have (hypochondriac). Intellectually – They will try to make it look like they are unable to learn. They will choose to live on a level below their abilities.

In middle age people are sometimes shocked by the realization that they are mortal, have less energy and sometimes illness. They have regrets for past failures and a wasted life with fear of future and death. As a boy or girl disappointed in love sometimes seems to enjoy the misery, so do these people. Sometimes this ends in suicide.

Manic depressive has alternating episodes of great depression, anger or great elation. Sometimes only one symptom is present or they may vacillate between symptoms.

Psychotic mania – an extremely outgoing person, talks excessively and loudly, laughs, shouts, mind flits from thing to thing, ignores chaste moral conduct, may be sexually promiscuous and is a rebel.

Schizophrenia – a split mind (James 1:4-6). This person has periods of inconsistency and is undependable, ignores reality and reacts largely to their hallucinations. Thinks only their ideas are the right ones. They are often apathetic (loose interest in living). They deny reality, disregarding the reality they see. Their emotions are withdrawn from reality into fantasy and they do not care to relate or communicate with friends or family. Talks only of his fantasies. Schizophrenia sometimes is helped along by this common trait of people. We tend, especially when young, to ignore the truly important things and expend great energy on unimportant things.

Many become prostitutes, druggers or boozers, bums, delinquents, wanderers and thieves. They are indifferent to pain or the pain they cause and blame others for all shortcomings.

Acute Schizophrenia Panic – sudden panic, non-stopping resulting in nervous breakdown.

Catatonic Schizophrenia – hostile to society and selves. It is shown two ways: total withdrawal, sitting in stupor or excessive aggression. In catatonic state, the person is keenly observing everything. If a catatonic shifts to extreme excited stage, the underlying hostility may force him to kill. Sometimes at this time they have superhuman (demonic) strength.

Hebephrenic Schizophrenia – a youthful mind. Often seen in people trying to take back baby or childish ways. Symptoms are silliness, disassociated emotions, peculiar delusions, hallucinations, making meaningless grimaces or gestures and inability to communicate. This behavior reflects a complete break with human concepts of conduct and substitution of a fantasy reality.

Paranoid Schizophrenic has also disordered emotions and thinking with delusions of persecutions or grandeur. His delusions help him hide the source of the problem and deny any responsibility for failure. When competition threatens, delusions of persecution are used to deny failure or frustration.

Paranoia’s grow out of childish adjustments to unpleasant reality. He will apply intelligence and energy to perfecting a hypothesis that is factually false but emotionally true. He is unwilling to test his emotionally true conclusion objectively or look at it logically. Paranoiacs often strive excessively for success or leadership and suffer greatly mentally if they fail.

Tranquilizing drugs – many times we are working with a schizophrenic person and the demon will give his name. It will be the name of one of the tranquilizing drugs. The demons claim to let the person appear relieved of some symptoms as long as they get the drug.



The psychopathic personality is characterized by disequilibrate and gross errors in judgement. It is egocentric, disdains Bible, country and people, and has no natural affection for family members. When opposed, will vacillate between big bully attitude, and quaking and cringing.

The so-called successful type will use high-powered domination tactics to get money, success or way; will do anything for selfish gain.

Why do people develop this way? We have seen two main reasons: 1. The sins of their fore fathers which have placed curses on them. The effect of these curses will cause people to develop ways of thinking and behavior that will allow the demons to control them. 2. The treatment given them by parents; such as improper love, discipline, teaching and example. Rejection is the root of many of the personality problems in people.

The emotionally unstable personality, the compulsive personality, homosexuality and other pathological sexual deviates are in the group called psychopathic.

The emotionally unstable people overreact to minor stress. All relationships are emotional because of his hostility, guilt, rejection, bitterness, rebellion and anxiety. These people go to great extremes to get their way; having gotten it, they will still not be grateful or satisfied.

The Passive-Aggressive Personality – Reactions in this group are of three varieties. All three occur frequently and interchangeably in the same person. In all these groups the central aim is to control others which is witchcraft. Jezebel and Ahab are in this group.

The Passive-Dependent Type is helpless, indecisive, dependent and sometimes called a clinging vine. Winning, procrastination and trying to push someone else to do for them. They wait forever for you to do it for them. The velvet- glove Jezebel and sweet, smiling, lazy Ahab are in this group.

Passive-Aggressive Type reacts to life with passive measures that have an aggressive tinge, such as pouting, stubbornness, procrastination, inefficiency and obstructionism (typical – chronic objector). This one will take strong measures to get you to do his bidding.

Aggressive Type reacts to frustration with irritability, temper tantrums and destructive behavior. Has a morbid or pathological resentment. This person is deeply dependent on others but deceives himself believing he is not. This group contains all parents who bully their children instead of teaching them. Rapists are in this group.

The Compulsive Personality – These people are characterized by chronic frenzied, excessive concern with perfection. They are overly inhibited, over-conscientious and may have an abnormal capacity for work. They cannot relax: work-a-holic, etc.; driven by fears of failure.

Homosexuality – A common spur to homosexuality seems to be drugs and alcoholism. We have found the most common reason is the Ahab and Jezebel home. Families with parents out of order create great tensions and instability. It is hard for children to mature properly in such an immature situation. Early homosexual seduction is a strong influence. Phallus over- evaluation can stem from old Baal worship. We have seen a few homosexuals delivered.

Ambisexual Types have the same profile as above but repress their homosexuality for looks sake. Some raise families and move among normal people while practicing homosexuality.

Perverted – people not normal in sexual life who engage in perverted sex as normal.

Voyeurism – seeking sexual gratification by watching others in sexual activities (Peeping Toms).

Fetishism – An inanimate object is the love object (a blanket, stocking, glove, shoe, etc.). Even any part of the body may be a source of erotic stimulation.

Flagellation – whipping (sadism) or allowing oneself to be whipped (masochism) for sexual excitement.

Oral Sex, Anal Sex and Bestiality are closely related. Buggery and sodomy; all are sodomy.

Exposure is a mild form of perversion: dirty old man image.

Crime committed by psychopathics are often very gruesome, horrible and senseless. Most of these crimes have a motivation for deviate sex. Mass murders and snipers are in this group.

An abnormal attitude toward society, refusing to conform to the culture. For Christian, a refusal to conform to God’s direction about living within society. There are two forms.

Antisocial Reaction – A person always in trouble who does not profit from punishment or experience; has no genuine loyalties to any person (Absalom). He is callous and hedonistic, shows emotional immaturity, no sense of responsibility, has poor judgement, and tries to rationalize his behavior (hoboes, draft dodger, radical).

Dyssocial Reaction – A psychopath with antisocial and immoral trends. This person has usually experienced some or all of these common frustrations: disordered home life, unstable parents or catastrophic childhood frustrations creating an intense hostility to authority.

These are some of the usual causes. These things go on generation after generation, and have a snowballing effect. Popularizing crime, disintegration of old-fashioned wholesome home life, lowering moral standards, lax disciplinary measures, indifference to religion, and extremes in progressive education are some of the causes.

By and large the best solution is for people to return to God’s directions for family, personal and social life. As we have gone through these subjects, I’m sure scriptures have come to your mind which offers the correct solution to each problem.

Study some Bible characters such as King Saul, Absalom, Ahab and Jezebel to see that human nature hasn’t changed.

For contrast, see Abraham, Hannah, King David, Isaiah and Daniel to see that good human nature also has not changed. While none of these men and women were perfect, all had repentant and obedient hearts.

If you are in this group actively or if you fantasize about these things, you may have had childhood frustrations or broken home, etc. Now is the time to ask God to begin restoration. Maybe you have repressed the memory as I did. If so, forgive anyone who treated you in such a manner to bring you into this type of bondage. If you remember the activity and people, forgive each person. Ask God to forgive you for keeping these things alive in your life. Declare all out war on the demons which have lived in your life and mind so long. You may need to ask others to forgive you for the hurt you’ve caused them. Ask God to help them to overcome your hurting and neglecting to teach them correctly. Remember the gates of hell shall not prevail against you, if you persevere. Break all soul ties to anyone you have been connected with in any of these things: broken homes, divorced husbands or wives, or any sex partner besides legitimate mate. Break all bonds of demonic domination coming to you and going from you. Remember you have made this vow to God not to any person on earth.

Matt. 11:29, If we take God’s yoke upon us and learn of Him and obey his precepts, we will enter His rest.

Luke 21:34, But take heed to yourselves and be on your guard lest your hearts be overburdened and depressed – weighted down – with the giddiness and headache and nausea of self-indulgence, drunkenness, and worldly worries and cares pertaining to (the business of) this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap or a noose.

You might like to pray something like this: “Father in Heaven I come to you now in Jesus’s name. I have forgiven all who have mistreated me in any way and I have broken all evil soul ties. If I have missed anything that I need to pray about, please bring it to my memory. I have read in Luke 10:19, Behold I give you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you. Nevertheless do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you but rejoice that your names are written or enrolled in Heaven. I take the authority you have given me in Jesus name.

Father you have given us the keys to your kingdom – binding and loosing. We now bind all evil authorities, powers, rulers, princes and dominions that have had control over us and our families in the name of Jesus Christ. In His name us loose you from us . Father, we ask you to send your Seven-Fold Spirit and the ministering spirits of God to help in this battle. We break all the curses that are on us from the sins of our forefathers. (If you know their sins, name them now.) Father, I thank you for all you have provided for me. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for my sins and giving me power over all the power of the enemy in your name. Amen.”

Ephesians and James are extremely good books to aid you in living in the nasty now and now. These scriptures will help you maintain your deliverance. Study them carefully after deliverance and follow the direction given.





Ezra 3:10-13; (Account of triumph and joy at the destruction of idol worship
6:16-22 and renewed worship of God.)
Prov. 4:23 (Guard your heart – life flows from it.)
Matt. 12:35-36 (You are what flows out of you!)
Prov. 18:21 (Death and life are in your tongue – watch it, man!)
Prov. 12:25 (Anxiety – heavy heart, encouragement, good success.)
Phil. 4:8 help.) Joshua 1:8 (Formula for 4:8 (Think on these things!) Col. you.)
Mark 11:23 3:16 (Let Christ’s words live in (Have what you believe and say.) conversation rightly; if
Psalm 50:23 (Order your you say with your lips “yea”, but in cancelled!)
II Tim. 3:2 your heart “nay”, you just (Ungrateful is high on the list of signs personal life. God told me: of the end times in “Earline, have an ‘attitude of of gratitude’”.)


How can you help yourself and your family members get and keep deliverance? After my deliverance, I was praying and asking God what had happened to the closeness our family always had. I saw a large brick wall. This wall was constructed in such an manner that it kept us from seeing each other and understanding each other. Each of us had placed bricks in the wall.

Because I had asked to understand, one brick called “no understanding” had come out of the wall. I saw names on all the other bricks facing me and I realized these were the names of the things I had done intentionally and unintentionally that had placed invisible barriers between my family members and myself. I repented for my part in building the wall and prayed to obtain knowledge to remove the other bricks I had put in the wall. As I began to remove my bricks, the others began to remove theirs.

We found that, in trying to protect ourselves from being hurt, we had placed invisible barriers around ourselves and cut the other person off from us. I have observed that some of ladies sit in the deliverance meetings like knots on a log but up in the ladies meeting they don’t. Why do you act differently in the large meetings when your husband and children are present? Don’t look so smug fellows because I believe you are doing the same thing. We do this because we are unable to feel the need of the other family members and share their desire to be free. We have become hateful, gotten behind our wall and do not feel the pain nor desire they have to be free, we’re too centered on ourselves. Don’t be like the husband who told his wife during deliverance, “You’ll never overcome this one”. Instead of beating each other down, try helping.

You may need to spend time in prayer and fasting to obtain the information you need to help. In Isa. 58:3-6, vs. 6, (Rather,) is this not the fast I have chosen: to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every (enslaving) yoke? See also Acts 8:23. Study these scriptures and you will see that bitterness enslaves those who give it, those to whom it is aimed and then all those around them. Bitterness is the result of rejection; if it is not destroyed, rebellion will set in.

Parents, if you have rebellious children, search out the place where you dealt them a deadly blow of rejection and undo it. Parents need to know that the demons are present at all times; they take every occasion given them to lie to the children about what you just said or did. If you tell your child by word or action that you do not have time for him right now, the demons will tell him you don’t love him or you would like it better if he was not around. As soon as possible, talk with the child and explain why you could not take time at just that moment, and give quality time to him. I have found that children understand if you will just take time to communicate with them.

Just as the bitterness has enslaved all of those around it, so all must be active in undoing it’s yoke. As we go through the teaching and the deliverance, think about your family members, not just yourself.

1. Begin to know your God. He is greater than you think. Study your Bible and use what you have learned. He keeps covenant with you.
2. As your understanding of God grows, your fear of demons will lessen.
3. Know your rights. When demons come to seek entry again, rebuke them in Jesus Christ’s name. Immediately, say that you have a few things to tell them. A good place to start is the Lord’s Supper, his Death, Resurrection and Ascension. Remind them that it was all done for you. They do not like to stay around to hear of your salvation, etc. Talk out loud when necessary.
4. Seek God to know where you may have given them the right to attack; correct your thinking or actions. REMEMBER, they want the right to try to reenter you. They will try to get you to cooperate with them and give them the right to reenter.
5. Continually rejoice-God loves you, Jesus did all this for you & the Holy Spirit is living in you.

Sometimes to understand what something is, it is good to know what it is not. Let’s consult Webster’s Dictionary: Ingratitude – n., ungratefulness, lack of gratitude; adj., unthankful, unmindful, thankless. And what it is: Gratitude – n., thanks, thankfulness, appreciation, indebtedness; adj., to be beholding, indebted, in one’s debt.

“Thanks”, “thanksgiving” and “thankful” are used 137 times in the Bible. If the ingredients of gratitude were counted, it would include praise, joy, rejoicing, etc. If all these were counted, the number of times “gratitude” appears in its many forms would be staggering.

My first encounter with God’s “attitude about gratitude” came one day when I was doing a “duty” reading of the Bible. These verses, Deut. 28:47-48, seemed to jump out at me almost as though it were being thrown at me. I read it over and over. The Holy Spirit began to deal with me immediately. You see, I had just been complaining about my house (it was not big enough), my daughter (she was fighting and beating up all the boys in the neighborhood), and my husband (he wasn’t giving me enough – you name it, I didn’t think he was doing enough). After all, it’s a little embarrassing to have your friends see that you only have three bedrooms, your daughter whips all the boys her age, and your husband suddenly has changed.

In II Cor. 10:5, we are told to bring all our thoughts into subjection to Jesus Christ. This means we have to control our thoughts. Isa. 55:8 tells us that God’s thoughts are not ours. As I saw my thoughts as God looks at them, I didn’t feel so holy anymore. The truth was getting through. I was the one failing, more so than them. But most of all, I failed to be thankful to God for His blessings and provisions. As I was so thinking, I remembered that the Bible says I am the best reward Gene will have on earth (Ecc. 9:9, Living Bible). Question: What kind of reward are you, Earline? I was very grieved at my answer for I had made his life a grief to him in the past one and a half years.

Then, God reminded me that He supplieth all my needs. Since I was not thankful for them, He could remove all of them instantly. In my mind, I saw Gene and Marie as gone. That was enough, I didn’t even get to possessions; I was much grieved. I repented as fast as I saw my mistakes and was cleansed. Then I began a study about gratitude to God. This is what I found: I Chron. 16:4, The first account of God’s people (Levities) 7-11 appointed to give praise and thanks to God continually. II Chron. 20:21 Shows praises go before the people for victory & 22 against overwhelming odds. Acts 16:25 Says Paul and Silas were delivered out of prison after they continually sang praises to God.

Read these accounts for realization of the value of gratitude to God: Deut. 28:47-48, Amplified Bible, “Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joyfulness of mind and heart in gratitude for the abundance of all with which He both blessed you, therefore, you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord shall send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in the want of all things: and He will put a yoke of iron upon your neck until He has destroyed you.”

See James 4:7-8 and Hab. 3:17-18. The Devil does not flee from you because you have not submitted yourself to God. You should rejoice in your salvation even if all else fails.

It is very important to serve the Lord with joy; joy being a large part of gratitude: Eph. 5:20, Amplified Bible, “At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.” I Thes. 5:18, “Thank God in everything no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Here thankfulness is emphasized by its double usage. Many times the entrance of demon activity may come about by so small a thing as ungratefulness. It was so for me.

Study these examples: Deut. 1:26-28, vs. 26 – brought rebellion against God; vs. 27 – punishment, discontentment with God, lying to self; and vs. 28 – cringing fear, ineptness, fear of failure. Romans 1:19-32; vs. 27 – knowing God yet not honoring or glorifying Him or giving thanks becomes futile, godless, vain, foolish, stupid; vs. 22 – claiming wisdom but becoming fools and simpletons; vs. 23 – worshipping demons; vs. 24 – God gave them up; and vs. 24- 32 – a listing which is shocking in its reality of what happens to people who have known and recognized God but do not truly obey and have gratitude towards God.

In this account in Romans, we are treated to an example of how the Devil gradually draws us away from God until we reach a point where God gives us up. I have witnessed this in many Christian lives and Spirit-filled Christians as well. This trick or wile of the Devil is called gradualism. It is used on us in our spiritual life as well as our political and financial life. We have lost much of our personal freedom and purchasing power, not to mention our spiritual power by just this trick.

Joy, praise, gladness, thankfulness and reverence for God are all a part of gratitude. As soon as I began to be grateful in my mind and heart for all God’s goodness to me, I felt joy, peace, praise, gladness, reverence and honor for God spring up inside of me. I began to look at each problem I faced with excitement. It’s such an opportunity to watch God work. You will never escape the fact that you are in charge of your attitudes. Attitudes reside in the mind. You are in charge of that mind in your head (II Cor. 10:5). The way you allow your mind to think will eventually become YOU (Matt. 12:35-37)!

LIST OF DEMONS TO CAST OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS you may recognize. They are partners with ingratitude. These are Godward (repentance is an absolute necessity):







  1. Think only about yourself.
  2. Talk only about yourself.
  3. Use “I” as often as possible.
  4. Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others.
  5. Listen greedily to what others say about you.
  6. You be suspicious of others.
  7. You expect to always be appreciated by others.
  8. You be jealous and sensitive of others.
  9. You never forgive others.
  10. Trust nobody but yourself.
  11. You insist on consideration and respect by others.
  12. You demand agreement with your own views.
  13. Sulk if people are not grateful to you.
  14. Never forget a service you have rendered.
  15. Be on the lookout always for a good time for yourself.
  16. Shirk your duties when you can.
  17. You do as little for others as possible.
  18. Love yourself supremely.
  19. You always be selfish towards others.
  20. Finally, review the following list of names of demons that begin with “self” and see which ones apply to you; then do something about getting rid of these bad habits and or demons! There are many other names that begin with self that are omitted. If you treat yourself any way that is contrary to the Holy Bible, it is demonic and you may receive demons by the name of that characteristic after you have practiced that bad habit for awhile!


Self-abhorring, Self-abnegation, Self-absorbed,
Self-absorption, Self-abuse, Self-accusation,
Self-admiring, Self-affrighted, Self-aggrandizement,
Self-annihilation, Self-applause, Self-appointed,
Self-approbation, Self-assumed, Self-awareness,
Self-banished, Self-baptizer, Self-begotten,
Self-beguiled, Self-betrayal, Self-blinded,
Self-centered, Self-collected, Self-conceited,
Self-concern, Self-condemnation, Self-condemning,
Self-conflict, Self-conscious, Self-consuming,
Self-contained, Self-contempt, Self-contradiction,
Self-criticism, Self-crucifixion, Self-deceiving,
Self-deception, Self-degradation, Self-deluded,
Self-delusion, Self-depraved, Self-depreciation,
Self-despair, Self-despraise, Self-destroying,
Self-destruction, Self-disserving, Self-devouring,
Self-diffidence, Self-diffusive, Self-disparagement,
Self-display, Self-distrust, Self-ease,
Self-esteem, Self-evolution, Self-exaggeration,
Self-exalting, Self-exposure, Self-exulting,
Self-flattering, Self-forgetfulness, Self-hatred,
Self-harming, Self-hood, Self-idolized,
Self-ignorance, Self-immolating, Self-importance,
Self-indignation, Self-indulging, Self-infliction,
Self-interest, Selfishness, Self-killed,
Self-lauding, Self-loathing, Self-loving,
Self-made, Self-neglecting, Self-oblivion,
Self-opinionated, Self-partiality, Self-pity,
Self-pleasing, Self-pollution, Self-preference,
Self-pride, Self-repression, Self-reproving,
Self-repulsive, Self-restriction, Self-reverence,
Self-righteousness, Self-received, Self-scorn,
Self-seduction, Self-seeking, Self-starved,
Self-subjugation, Self-subversive, Self-suppression,
Self-suspended, Self-suspicious, Self-tormenting,
Self-torture, Self-torturing, Self-unforgiveness,
Self-willed, Self-worshiper, Self-wrong,




Gen. 3:1-24 Results of Adam’s and Eve’s selfishness.
Ex. 20:1-17 Comprehensive list of Biblical principals.
II Sam. 6:14-23 David looses all sense of self in worship to God.
Isa. 11:2 Sevenfold Spirit of God.
Matt. 22:34-40 Two basic Biblical principals containing all of Ex. 20:1-17.
Mark 12:29-31 The Great Commandments.
James 3:14-18 Fruit of selfishness.
Gal. 5:16-26 Contrasting fruit of godly and ungodly spirits.
Heb. 5:5 Jesus did not exalt Himself; was exalted by God.
James 4:2-4 Seeking blessings is selfishness.
Jude Concerning selfish leaders and Christians.
II Cor. 10:12 Comparing yourself to others.
Rev. 2 and 3 Could it be that self gratification is the underlying problem in these two chapters?
I guess this topic could be entitled “How To Teach The Art of Selfishness To Your Children” or “How You Learned To Be Selfish”, but I think there is no need to dress it up. Let’s just call it selfishness. I was reading II Tim. 3:1-7 one day and began to understand some errors of my manner of thinking and teaching my children. This chapter seems to contain the results of not heeding the instruction in Ex. 20.

Also, most of us have attended public school where we were subtly taught humanism. If you are over fifty years of age, the humanistic hold on your mind will not be as strong as with those who are younger. The teaching of humanism in America’s public schools is a perfect study of Satan’s use of gradualism. As the years have gone by, it has increased in intensity until people are becoming utterly self-centered, lazy, looking for something to help them escape reality, someone to blame for their failures and dependent on government for those things we should be doing for themselves. Reading and heeding the teaching of the Bible seems like a fantasy to us. Therefore, we Christians find ourselves seeking a God who will take care of all our problems for us. We cannot understand that God has cut covenant with us and never cuts out on us. We are the ones who ask God to do both His part and ours. The Christian life requires a Christian to become deeply involved in correcting the problems in his own life, thereby learning to know God and himself and becoming strong in faith as he sees his obedience to the scriptures bringing corrections in his body, soul and spirit. Then his life will be a strength and encouragement to all people both saved and lost.

Humanism, humanitarianism: 1. the beliefs or actions of humanitarians. 2. In ethics (a) the doctrine that man’s obligations are limited to the welfare of mankind (b) the doctrine that man may perfect his own nature without the aid of divine grace. 3. The doctrine that denies the divinity of Jesus Christ. As any person with any sense at all can see this assumption is a failure. Man nor mankind is not getting better, only worse. If you think mankind is getting better as a group or as individuals, take off your blinders and look clearly at us.

This religion started with the first family in Genesis. We see it in action when Cain comes before God with his rebellious offering instead of following the instructions of God concerning repentance and worship. He brings the works of his own hands demanding God accept them. When God rebukes and rejects him, he plots the death of his brother who has obeyed God and been accepted. We in the church are still doing this.

A man can never be so good that God will have to accept him for his goodness alone without that man accepting God’s way of salvation, repentance and worship. God is not obligated to receive our works in place of obedience to His Word. This is the basis of all false religions.

Selfishness in Worship – II Sam. 6:14-23 1. David danced with all his might before the Lord. 2. Israel was shouting and blowing the trumpets. 3. David was leaping and dancing before the Lord. 4. Michal despised David in her heart. 5. David said, “I will yet be more vile than this and I will be base in my own eyes.” 6. Michal was childless until her death. 7. There is a lesson here for us. Let’s dance, shout, blow the trumpet, leap and humble ourselves before God !

Because of self, we restrict our worship of the Lord. We must follow some preset way of behaving. Sometimes we despise those who really get into worship as David did. Look out, we may receives a sentence like Michal’s.

Because spirits of self are very sneaky and try to trick and confuse us, pray something like this before you begin this study. We often, in moments of mock piety, ask God to sit on the throne of our life but do not consider what it will mean. Once I was carried away with fantasy and asked God to sit on the throne of my life. His answer was “It’s a little crowded here; we cannot both sit here”. We need to consider what this kind of prayer means and not ask such a thing unless we mean to make the changes that will be required of us.

“Father, I come to you now in the name of Jesus asking you to send the Seven – Fold Spirit of God upon me (Isa. 11:2) to help me to understand the selfishness in my life. I bind all self spirits from interfering with my understanding of my motives and actions. Give me wisdom to attack my problems. Grant me the ability to see my motives and actions as you do. Father, please forgive, cleanse, and instruct me in your way. I repent of accepting humanism as a religion to live by. Father, help me to comprehend the many subtle ways it has controlled my ideals and actions, clouded my view of you and of life, and kept me from understanding your Word. I now take authority (Luke 10:19) over all the power of the enemy, and I bind him and his demons from interfering now. I ask you Father to send warrior spirits and angels to assist me (Heb. 1:14). I ask this prayer in Jesus Name.”

We complain about the young being so selfish. Where do you think they were trained? Look in the mirror. Selfishness is a lack of control of self indulgence. One proof of the Holy Spirit’s work in us is self control (Gal. 5:5, 22-26). V.22 But the fruit of the Holy Spirit, (the work which His presence within accomplishes) – is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness: V.23 (meekness, humility) gentleness, self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such there is no law. V.24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus, the Messiah, have crucified the flesh – Godless human nature – with its passions and appetites and desires.

II Tim. 3:1-5 V1. When He said but understand this, I realized that whether I agreed with the statement or whether I liked it or not, this is the way it would surely be. That in the last days perilous time will set in. Any slow-minded person can tell that perilous times have indeed set in: hard to deal with and hard to bear. Does anyone in this room doubt that these times are hard to deal with and hard to bear?

V2. For people will be lovers of self and utterly self-centered. Here we see the demon behind many of the plagues in America today. Just consider the true motive behind: sex out of marriage; drunkenness, gluttony and drugs; robbery; murder; the most awful murder to the helpless – abortion; sexual, mental and physical abuse of children; homosexuality; betrayal of our nation and the list goes on. I believe you can judge the condition of a person or a nation by the way it treats its children.

Lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate greedy desire for wealth. The Bible tells us that God gives blessings to His beloved in his sleep (Ps. 127:2). Jos. 1:6-8 gives the real formula for good success. I have noticed that many people completely ware themselves out attempting to obtain money and things (the better things of life). They lose their children to drugs, people who prey on children, polluted and perverted sex, or suicide and do not awake from their slumber until the children have been destroyed. Our children follow our example.

Proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. Have you ever noticed who does the bragging and boasting? It is usually those who are attempting to cover their failures. Are they full of hot air? People who boast are really showing their rejection. Our children follow our example.

They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffers). These days it’s not uncommon to hear people scoffing at God, Satan and every thing that is honest, correct and true. In II Pet. 2:9-10 these people are filled with self-will, despise authority, walk after the flesh, and indulging in polluting passions and exaggerating emotions. They do not give proper respect to God, the Devil or the demons. The children are just following our example.

Disobedient to parents. When you consider the example set by and the life lived by most Christians, is it any wonder the children of Christians scoff at God, parents and the law? Most Christians don’t care very much about obeying God. They won’t spend enough time to read and learn how to obey Him. In all the deliverance’s we’ve been in where disobedience was a big problem in the children, we would always find the parents were self-centered, had not taken time to live a life of obedience before the children, nor taken the time to teach Biblical principles to them. Worse of all, the parents do not live by Biblical principals themselves. The children are just following our example.

Ungrateful. It is so seldom that you hear anyone say thanks to God, let alone to parents. Our children see us like we are, not like we pretend or say we are. If we don’t live grateful lives, the children will know and they will follow our example.

Unholy. From the time children can hold their heads up, they are exposed to all kinds of unholiness right in mom’s and dad’s house.

Profane. A lot of people who spank their children for cursing do it themselves. Have you ever said (most people especially Christians do), “Oh God or oh my God”. They will follow you.

V3. They will be without natural (human) affection (callous and inhuman) relentless-admitting of no truce or appeasement. There is so much child abuse today, but not all of it is beatings etc. Much of it is overindulgence, appeasement and submission of parents to children by begging them to obey. We don’t love our children enough to teach right living to them. Sinners often have higher morals than Christians. Natural human affection is simply love among family members. Natural human affection requires that there be no sex among family members. God looks at incest as requiring strong punishment. Where there is a lack of natural affection between family members, there is callousness. Young and old alike will slumber on in evil ways and refuse suggestions for change until some calamity happens, and even then make no changes.

They will be slanders – false accusers, trouble makers; intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good. These are the common emotions and actions in the world today, and to our shame even in the Christian world. We say we have power over all the power of the enemy; why do we no stop all of these?

Verses 4 and 5 tell you all the consequences of the way we have raised our children. It is not just us but the way we were raised. If there is to be any change for the better, dads and moms will again have to learn and obey their Heavenly Father, read the manual (Bible), and put it into action.

These two verses are self explanatory. V4. They will be treacherous (betrayers) rash and inflated with self-conceit. They will be lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God. What has all the name it – claim it – faith it and God wants you rich led to? We boast of the size of our church when many times we have led the people to crave what they before only mildly wanted. Now they feel that their greed is holy.

V5. For although they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it – their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession. (When we deny our sins in this area and reject change and deliverance, we show we have no power). From such people turn away. Such people fill the church houses today. They show by their attitude that they would rather be some place else: sleeping through the dead service given by the defeated pastor. If anyone does get in touch with God and start cleaning himself up, most of the church will hate him. True seekers of God welcome His action in their lives and the lives of others. They welcome His supernatural power in the church and in their own life. If you are one of those people who does not like for God to move in the church as He will, you may be one of the followers of Cain (Gen. 3:1-24). His religious system says God should accept us when we do things we have decided are good.

Women’s Lib was born in Gen. 3:1-6. We aren’t told why Eve listened to the serpent. If she acted as all people do today, I would say she felt rejected and inferior. The Bible does not tell us why she did what she did. But I believe the serpents comments give us some clues. First, he questions God’s instructions and requirements (doubting God really meant what He said). Then he points to her desires: to be wise, to know the difference between good and evil, blessing and calamity. I believe these desires are the basic drive of all Jezebels. Adam became Ahab. He loved Eve and chose to submit to Eve in his actions as well as to consequences. Nothing happened until Adam ate, then their eyes were opened. Each of their actions were motivated by selfishness. By letting selfishness rule them, they gave way for other demon activity in their lives.

Ahab and Jezebel traits have followed us today and are still causing grave troubles. Watch the pattern of Ahab and Jezebel develop. First they agree to rebel, next hide from God, try to cover the sins, blame someone else, and can no longer approach God with purity. God passed judgement on their sins. The tendency to sin in the same manner passed on to all their descendents.

  1. Ahab and Jezebel characteristics. 2. Disobedience and rebellion. 3. Rejection. 4. Desiring to be equal to God. 5. Lying. 6. Making excuses. 7. Blaming others for our mistakes and sin. 8. Jezebel challenging man and the position of man. 9. Fear of facing God, attempting to hide from God. 10. Realization of evil. 11. Loss of position and possession. 12. Sadness. 13. Shame. 14. Cursed to back-breaking work. 15. Grief. 16. Death. 17. Cursed ground. 18. Grief and suffering in pregnancy, and pain in childbirth. 19. Hate, jealousy and murder. 20. Beginning of the false religious system. 21. Man and wife separated (no longer one). Eve said I, not we, have gotten a son. 22. Evil first baby. 23. Woman’s desire and craving to be to husband, and he will rule over her. 24. Like Cain, we try to get God to accept us without our obeying Him.

We are still living in the above sentence. After we repented and accepted Jesus, the results of Adam’s and Eve’s actions did not melt away like magic. We now have the right to face up and over come them all. Instead of conquering them, we pass them on to our children.

Let’s just take a look at how we parents really flub up. Let’s use the coming Christmas Season as a case in point. We loose demons of self-centeredness on our children plus those of idolatry. We say to them every so well meaning, “What would you like for Christmas?” He probably hasn’t thought to much about it unless we’ve allowed him to get brain washed by TV. So we start him on the self trail.

As a teacher I can tell you that it takes a month or more for your child to get this self-centeredness under control if at all. My assistant and I would have to bind up idolatry and self-centeredness, and loose Godly spirits on the children for weeks after they came back to school. We would use scriptures about self-control, good work habits and generosity to help them get back into school work.

As we continually probe for their desires, we are really sicking demons on the child. As parents, we should have the good sense to know what toys our child should have and when. We should have enough spiritual strength to teach the children why they can and cannot have certain things. When they say everyone else has it or does it, a parent gets a great teaching opportunity. If you do not have sound convictions, you will not be prepared to calmly and powerfully teach with enough conviction to convince them of your confidence in your knowledge.

We don’t just wait for holidays, we are constantly asking the children what do you want for supper. If there are three children, there will be no agreement.

Why not take on your responsibility and make a wholesome meal; those who don’t like it may wait until the next meal – no snacks. When they get hungry, they will eat.

What about clothes? Parents are paying; they should say what you wear. If you are on your own and paying you own bills, you may chose.

Lately, I hear and see moms and dads begging children to obey. In our day we didn’t beg, we told them what they could or could not do. Those children seemed to be better adjusted and happier than now. It is really more disgusting to see an Ahab daddy beg a child to be good than to see a mom giving in.

You will need to study your own motives to see why you do the things you do. They may point to your own need to face up to the need for deliverance from rejection, bitterness and rebellion, etc. Refusing to shape up, once saved, is serious rebellion and stupidity.

Do you have enough strength to read, study your Bible and obey it? Will you take the time to teach your children Biblical principles? Will you be strong enough to stand up to their objections as the family begins to come into order? The children really respond well to their father’s teaching them. Our children would really be kicking up a fuss. After Gene talked to them, they would correct quickly.

The Biblical principals we are to live by are contained in Matt. 22:34-40 and Mark 12:29-30. We tend to forget that if we love Jesus we will work at keeping all His Commandments (John 14:15). II Timothy 3:1-7 is the results of breaking the Ten Commandants (Ex. 20:1-17).

Ex. 20:1-17. We shall have no God but God. Self cannot be our god. V4. We shall not bow to another God. Self cannot be bowed to. V5. This is the result of not loving God with all our mind, heart and whole being. If we worship or hold self in higher esteem than God, we have made ourselves an idol. We will curse ourselves, our children, our grand children and our great grandchildren. Is serving the God of self, worth our children for generations? V6. God’s mercy is shown to a thousand generations of them that love Him and keep His Commandants. V7. Taking God’s name in vain as saying, “Oh my God or oh God”, is profanity. Do not use either the name of Jesus Christ or God as a curse word. We will not be held blameless. V8-11. Trying to get ahead by working on the Sabbath will backfire. By not taking the time to study and think on God, and to rest your body, you will find you are slipping backwards rather then getting ahead. V12. We shorten our life when we do not treat our parents with honor, due obedience and courtesy. V13. Do no murder. To murder is selfish. V14. Committing adultery is a totally selfish act taking no care for duty, self or loved ones. V15. Stealing is for gain without having earned the privilege of ownership. V16. Lying about someone is a serious breach of Christian ethics. V17. To covet is to desire something you have no right to have or have not earned the right to obtain.

It is easy to see selfishness is the force breaking every commandment.

You cannot maintain your deliverance from demon bondage unless you determine to obey God’s commandments. God’s principals must become our principals. A Christian without God’s principals is not worthy of trust. In the Old Testament, God is telling us what actions to have and not have. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is looking behind our actions to our motives or the roots of our actions. God says not to commit adultery; Jesus says to look with lust is adultery.

When we break any commandment, curses are loosed on our children. This means that demons have a right to work on our children to get them to sin and allow in more demons.

Take adultery for instance; demons will follow our children and put pressure on them to enter into sex sin. The age at which children get into sex sin is younger and younger, and the sin more and more gross and unclean.

Begin by recognizing and truly repenting of sin in breaking God’s commandments. Then repent with sincere repentance for each commandment you have broken.

Now you are ready to break curses of idol worship and self worship, and of bowing down to idols (don’t forget the idol of self). Break curses of witchcraft and satanism, using God’s name in vain or in profanity, not honoring the Sabbath, not honoring parents (the curse for not honoring parents is short life), hate, murder, adultery, stealing, lying, covetousness and for rebellion.

“Dear Father, forgive me for setting up gods to worship, especially the god of self. For placing self on the throne of my life and for serving my wants. I ask you to give me understanding of myself and the motives for my actions. Help me to understand how I became my own god. I do repent for being selfish, of always looking out for myself, of always wanting the best for myself and my family. I am also ashamed to see how I have taught my children to be selfish. Please forgive me for my selfish motives and acts, the way I have tried to and have manipulated others to get my desires. Forgive me for serving you to bring honor to myself. Oh Lord, please cleanse me and instruct me in your way. I will apply myself diligently to learn your way and do it.”

It is a serious thing to make a vow to God and not pay it. If you plan to keep this vow, you may pray a prayer something like this:

For the men: “Dear Father, I will apply myself to study Biblical principals. I will live them and teach them to my children. I will not berate nor harass my wife and children as they learn.”

For the women: “Dear Father, I will apply myself to study Biblical principals. I will incorporate them into my life. I will live them and teach them to our children. I will not belittle or disrespect my husband as he leads us.”


1. God cursed the earth when Adam and Eve fell.

  1. “Biblical Curses” apply to those or their descendents who have committed these sins.
  2. “Curses on Children” can be used when specifically working with children.
  3. “Hex Signs” and all associated with these symbols are demonic.

Blessings, Curses And Duration

Exodus 20:1-5 (Curse of idol worship extends to fourth generation of great grandchildren.)

Deut. 23:2 (Curse of the bastard extends to tenth generation of descendants.)

Deut. Ch. 28 (Blessings are for obeying and curses for disobeying the Holy Bible; verses 1-14: blessings, 15-44: curses and 45-68: wrath of God.)

Exodus 20:1-5 & (God showed Earline that this was the curse of idol worship

Ezekiel 18:1-9 brought on her by her Indian ancestors which caused her and her family heart trouble. He also showed her how to break the curse.)

Notice how a family can be cursed to the fourth or tenth generation by the ancestors. Actually there are curses on the human race that go all the way back to Adam and Eve. Blessings can go from generation to generation if not broken by sin. Curses can also go from generation to generation if not broken by prayer.

Very simply, we are blessed for obeying the Word of God and cursed for disobeying the Word of God. Blessings and curses are promises from God which will either bring down the wrath of God or His favor on your family.

God will supply all of your needs: mental, physical, spiritual and material. He can become your Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Deliverer and Prosperer. These things will only come to pass if you follow the Bible – for every promise there is a condition. If you do not meet the condition, you will not receive the promise!

There is probably a curse for every scripture that is disobeyed. Sixty-six curses are listed under Biblical Curses which follow:

Biblical Curses (Excerpts)

  1. Those who curse/mistreat Israelites (Deut. 27:26; Gen. 27:29; 12:3; Num. 24:9).
  2. Those willing deceivers (Jos. 9:23, Jer. 48:10; Mal. 1:14; Gen. 27:12).
  3. An adulterous woman (Numbers 5:27).
  4. Disobedience of Lord’s commandments (Deut. 11:28; Dan. 9:11; Jer. 11:3).
  5. Idolatry (Jer. 44:8; Deut. 29:19; Ex. 20:5; Deut. 5:8-9).
  6. Those who keep or own cursed objects (Deut. 7:25; Jos. 6:18).
  7. Those who refuse to come to the Lord’s help (Judges 5:23).
  8. House of the wicked (Prov. 3:33).
  9. He who gives not to the poor (Prov. 28:27).
  10. The earth by reason of man’s disobedience (Isa. 24:3-6).
  11. Jerusalem is a curse to all nations if Jews rebel against God (Jer. 26:6).
  12. Thieves and those who swear falsely by the Lord’s Name (Zech. 5:4).
  13. Ministers who fail to give the glory to God (Mal. 2:2; Rev. 1:6).
  14. Those who rob God of tithes and offerings (Mal. 3:9; Haggai 1:6-9).
  15. Those who hearken unto their wives rather than God (Gen. 3:17).
  16. Those who lightly esteem their parents (Deut. 27:16).
  17. Those who make graven images (Deut. 5:8; 27:15, Ex. 20:4).
  18. Those who willfully cheat people out of their property (Deut. 27:17).
  19. Those who take advantage of the blind (Deut. 27:18).
  20. Those oppressing strangers, widows, fatherless (Deut. 27:19; Ex. 22:22-24)
  21. Him who lies with his father’s wife (Deut. 27:21; Ex. 22:19).
  22. Him who lies with his sister (Deut. 27:22).
  23. Those who smite their neighbors secretly (Deut. 27:24).
  24. Those who take money to slay the innocent (Deut. 27:24).
  25. Him who lies with any beast (Deut. 27:21; Ex. 22:19).
  26. Adulterers (Job 24:15-18).
  27. The proud (Psalm 119:21).
  28. Those who trust in man and not the Lord (Jer. 48:10).
  29. Those who do the work of the Lord deceitfully (Jer. 48:10).
  30. Him who keeps back his sword from blood (Jer. 48:10; I Kings 20:35-42).
  31. Those who reward evil for good (Prov. 17:13).
  32. Illegitimate children (Deut. 23:2).
  33. Children born from incestuous unions (Gen. 19:36-38).
  34. Murderers (Exodus 21:12).
  35. To murder indirectly (Exodus 21:14).
  36. Children who strike their parents (Exodus 21:15).
  37. Kidnappers (Exodus 21:16; Deut. 24:7).
  38. Those who curse their parents (Exodus 21:17).
  39. Those who cause the unborn to die (Exodus 21:22-23).
  40. Those who do not prevent death (Exodus 21:29).
  41. Those involved in witchcraft (Exodus 22:18).
  42. Those who sacrifice to false gods (Exodus 22:20).
  43. Those who attempt to turn anyone away from the Lord (Deut. 13:6-9).
  44. Those who follow horoscopes (Deut. 17:2-5).
  45. Those who rebel against pastors (Deut. 17:12).
  46. False prophets (Deut. 18:19-22).
  47. Women who keep not their virginity until they are married (Deut. 22:13-21)
  48. Adulterers (Deut. 22:22-27).
  49. Parents who do not discipline their children, but honor them above God (I Sam. 2:17, 27-36).
  50. Those who curse their rulers (I Kings 2:8-9; Ex. 22:28).
  51. Those who teach rebellion against the Lord (Jer. 28:16-17).
  52. Those who refuse to warn them that sin (Ezek. 3:18-21).
  53. Those who defile the Sabbath (Ex. 31:14; Num. 15:32-36).
  54. Those who sacrifice human beings (Lev. 20:2).
  55. Participants in seances and fortune telling (Lev. 20:6).
  56. Homosexual and lesbian relationships (Lev. 20:13).
  57. Sexual intercourse during menstruation (Lev. 20:18).
  58. Necromancers and fortune tellers (Lev. 20:27).
  59. Those who blaspheme the Lord’s name (Lev. 24:15-16).
  60. Those who are carnally minded (Romans 8:6).
  61. Sodomy (oral and anal sex) (Gen. 19:13, 24-25).
  62. Rebellious children (Deut. 21:18-21).
  63. Possibly from murder, nonproductivity, a fugitive, vagabond (Gen. 4:11; Matt. 5:21-22, Jesus’ statement on hatred equals murder, John 3:15).
  64. Possible curse upon improper family structure – destruction of family priesthood (Mal. 4:6) with special attention given to the relationship between father and children.
  65. The curse causeless shall not come (Prov. 26:2).
  66. Any sin worthy of death is also cursed by God (Deut. 21:22-23).

Curses On Children

  1. Children born from incestuous unions (Gen. 19:36-38).
  2. Curse of idol worship extends to fourth generation of great grandchildren (Exodus 20:1-5).
  3. Children who strike their parents (Exodus 21:15).
  4. Those who curse their parents (Exodus 21:17).
  5. Iniquity of fathers on children (Exodus 34:6-7).
  6. Children wandered for forty years (Numbers 14:18 & 33).
  7. Idol worship (Deut. 5:9-10).
  8. Rebellious children (Deut. 21:18-21).
  9. Curse of the bastard extends to tenth generation of descendants (Deut. 23:2).
  10. In son’s days evil will come on his house (I Kings 21:19).
  11. The iniquity of the father upon the children (Jer. 32:18).

Symbols Of Hex Signs

  1. Six Petal Rosette and Lucky Stars – these are your lucky stars.
  2. The Irish Shamrock Hex – good luck, fast life, good fortune and fidelity.
  3. Tulip – faith, hope and charity.
  4. Unicorn – virtue and piety.
  5. Fertility.
  6. Twelve Petal Rosette – that each month of the year be joyous ones.
  7. The Distelfink – the bird of happiness always near you and good fortune.
  8. Your Lucky Stars – lucky stars that guide your heart.
  9. Love and Romance – rosette and hearts of love and romance.
  10. Eight Pointed Star – star and rosette to bring abundance and goodwill.
  11. Friendship.
  12. There is a symbol for each of the above listed hex signs.

Reference: Annihilating The Host Of Hell! – Book 1 – “Biblical Curses”, pages 56-59




Exodus 20:3 – No other Gods

Deut. 7:25-26 – Graven Images – Abominations

Joshua Ch. 7 – Sin of Achan and Accursed Things

II Kings 21:2 – Abominations

II Chron. 28:3 – Burned Incenses and Children

II Chron. 33:2-9 – Abominations

II Chron. 36:14 – Abominations of Heathen

Ezra 6:21 – Separated from Heathen

Job 30:3-8 – Demons Roam in Wilderness

Psalm 135:15 – Idols are Silver and Gold

Jer. 10:2 – Signs of Heathen

Ezek. 11:2 – Men that Give Wicked Counsel

Ezek. 20:9-14 – Not polluted before Heathen

Eph. 5:6-17 – Unfruitful works of Darkness

Acts 19:19 – Curious Arts and Books


I had a heart condition which was unusual. It never occurred with regularity nor under any specific condition.

While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck. Having been examined by a “heart specialist” in Minneapolis, who told me that my heart was good but he had written “death by heart attack” on many people’s certificates like myself. These were people who didn’t really have anything wrong with their hearts.

A year or so after my dad’s death I found my heart acting up again. Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad’s brothers and his dad all had heart problems.

He showed me Ezekiel 18 and Exodus 20. He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Leviticus 26:40-41. The curse of idol worship follows the blood line. I did these things and have been free for over seven years. I was only the second generation from previous generations that sinned before God.


We need to become aware of demonic activity rooted in Indian curses. All the American Indian tribes were demon worshiper. When the white man arrived, he did many horrible things to the natives and the Indians retaliated by cursing the land from one end to the other, wherever they went.

Many today have Indian blood because of intermarriage, rape and immorality, and this can bring inherited family curses. So many times in DELIVERANCE we uncover previously unsuspected grounds for attack and harassment coming through these channels.

In Ohio recently, I tangled with a Comanche Indian spirit in a woman. A blue-eyed blonde with Comanche heritage! As the demon manifested and I demanded his name he answered “Thunderbird”! “And what do you do?” I asked. “Well, what do you think I do? Stupid! I thunder…I cause commotion. But she won’t do it. She is no fun, she just won’t do it at all. We haven’t given up and are still working on it, but she won’t let us do anything”.

He then called her some obscenities as we closed in and forced him to go and thunder some other place.

Immediately another Indian spirit manifested. Haughtily he announced he was Firebird. “I strut, I plan, but she’s no fun. This stupid ——, I tell her ‘paint your face, fix yourself up’ but she just won’t do it. She likes to be clean and neat. How sickening! I want her to paint her face and eyes like a harlot, but she won’t do it.” His frustration over this has ceased for he has gone where it is very dry. (Job 30:3-8).


(Excellent testimony – applies to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and all forms of scouting.)

All of these three years of learning and games were drawn directly from an Indian background.

We were taught all about the American Indians. We even had a yell we screamed as a unit: “Akeyla, we will do our best!” Now I believe that Akeyla was some Indian spirit, possibly a sun god. Through scouting I was introduced to horoscopes. At the end of my Cub Scouting career, I danced my first Indian dance.

In the scouts there was much tedious work to be done, including lots of memorization, scout oaths, and law, etc.

We moved to a new house and more and more I became involved in scouting until soon it was absorbing most of my spare time.

As a Cub Scout summer camp staffer, scouting became my goal.

The following summer I worked as a staffer at a regular Boy Scout camp and became an Eagle Scout.

The Order of the Arrow is an organization within scouting which takes scouting from regular troops, elected by their fellow troopers.

In the ceremony, we symbolically mixed blood and took a log off of a brother’s shoulder, and put it on our own, symbolically taking their burdens upon us.

You were given a real Indian name, actually becoming an Indian. The Order of the Arrow deals with many authentic ceremonies and dances from Indian demon worship and dancing before evil spirits.

As Guard of the Lodge in the ceremonies that summer, I used my Indian name, and for seven weeks we dressed in authentic Indian costumes.

As the spiritual leader per se, of the ceremonies in which I was involved, I moved deeper and deeper into heathenism and sin.

Shortly after this I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, but no one warned me that much I was involved with was wrong.

Everything done in scouting is designed to build up the individual in the soulish realm. One of the big points stressed is self-reliance, rather than reliance on God as Scripture teaches.

Although scouting did much for me and taught me good things I missed at home and in the classroom, now I realize that it was not without penalty.

I had to break very strong, ungodly soul ties with my camp director, a scouting professional whom I idolized. For example, the main group sponsoring scout troops is the churches, although scouts teach many unscriptural principles.

The number one supporter of the scouts is the Roman Catholic Church.

To those saved and Spirit-filled, scouting continues to control and interferes with spiritual growth.

The next fall, as a growing baby Christian, I began to pray and stand on faith for things.

It was my senior year in high school and because I was now very active in sports and scouting there was no free time to pray or read the Bible.

Help came from an adopted medicine man, not a natural Indian by birth, but nevertheless he possessed an unholy power of which he was unaware.

I did recognize what was happening because I had learned some truth. He introduced this ungodly control into the ceremonies I was directing.

This man did Indian dances at the camp and cast curses at all of us, the staff, the children, their parents on visitor’s night and all the fathers who stayed with the boys.

As Chief of the Lodge and Chief of the Ceremony I held control. This satisfied a witchcraft-oriented control in my life which raved dominance.

I wanted it to be a witness for Him, but He cannot bless what is already cursed in His Word.

Some Scripture that I found which applies to my experiences and bears on the abominations of the heathen are: Ephesians 5:6-17; II Kings 21:2; II Chronicles 28:3; 33:2,9; 36:14; Ezra 6:21. “Ye should know that I am the Lord for ye have not walked in my statutes, neither executed my judgements, but have done after the manners of the heathen that are around about you” (Ezekiel 11:12). This is what I had done. Through Ezekiel 20:9, 14 and Psalm 135:15, God spoke to me concerning the many scouting awards I received and the many things which I had made idols in my life.

The idols of the heathen were silver and gold, the work of the man’s hands.

Indians were great sky watchers and much of their activity and life was dictated by studying the stars. “Thus saith the Lord, learn not the ways of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the heathen are dismayed at them” (Jeremiah 10:2).

It was real struggle to praise, pray and read the Word. I grew weary of the constant spiritual battles and pressures but the Lord sustained and kept developing me spiritually in spite of the obstacles.

One DELIVERANCE uncovered outer layers of pride, hatred and many, many other things which had come through the Boy Scout spirits. There was a host of Indian spirits, a stronghold of Indian lore, and Indian witchcraft, tied in with Indian chants and dances.

I had two Indian counselors, Sitting Bull and Geronimo, who filled me with Rebellion, Anger and Resentment toward authority.

It was discerned that I had an Indian chief’s headdress at home which hindered my DELIVERANCE. This was a demonic stronghold and constituted legal grounds for them to stay.

They bound up the spirits so I could go home and destroy all the remaining artifacts and other scouting treasures that I had saved. These powerful soul ties had such a control over me and were so much a part of me that this was extremely difficult.

As I began to unpack I began to realize just how much time scouting had taken in my life.

When I began to burn my scout treasures it produced some immediate DELIVERANCE. Although I had already renounced scouting and the Order of the Arrow, so long as I clung to my mementos there was still bondage.

The Lord gave me Scriptures to encourage me: “The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire; thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein for it is an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it but thou shalt utterly detest it and thou shalt utterly abhor it for it is a cursed thing” (Deuteronomy 7:25, 26: Exodus 20:3; Joshua 7). To me this meant I was not even to save the real gold or silver from the medals and rings but had to destroy them completely. Also in Acts, I read, “Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver, so mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.” (Acts 19:19).

I had to do away with these idols and curious arts involving the witchcraft of Indian lore.

As I was being freed, I began to wonder what part the Illuminati played in the Boy Scouts of America and how they managed to use the organization to further their destructive conspiracy. From my experience I believed it has much to do with the control and programming of youth, much as Hitler trained German young people, taking them away from their families.

Immediately following the fire, I noticed I could pray more easily and effectively.

I was now able to receive much more DELIVERANCE because I had broken the ties with scouting, destroying all legal grounds for them to stay. Astrology was cast out. He had come in through studies for merit badges and the demon bragged that Lucifer was the bright and shining star. Evil soul ties with the star had to be broken. Astrology said, “That stupid —– burned all that stuff! Why did he do that? Why did he choose that? He broke all the holds we had when he destroyed it all”. (There are seven spirits of Astrology.)

When Indian witchcraft came up I began to see Indian faces and saw the face of the Indian medicine man who had painted us at camp. His face was running around in my mind, tormenting me, and we cast out his name and his spirit. Next were cast out spirits of Akeyla, Matoula (the medicine man I played, War Whoops, and Indian Folk Lore.)

I had renounced the legend I learned from the Lenelanapa, the Indian tribe from which the ritual came. The spirit of Lenelanapa (means real men) was thrown out. There was a spirit and curse of Baby Pow and Baby Pow Reincarnation. Baby Pow claimed to be the founder of scouting and this spirit told us that scouting takes the boys from their mothers.

There were many dance spirits including Rain Dance and Hoop Dance. Astrology or Indian Lore Merit badges stress the golden rule in scouting, stating that the principle is found in ten major world religions today.

However, in practice they do not warn about the god of this world, and they actually promote other religions as well as Christianity. The scout spirit is mentioned frequently and I believe there is an evil spirit driving this movement.

Candles are featured in their ceremonies and they teach scouters can become a candle in the dark. This is a parody of what JESUS taught about being lights in the world.

I learned much magic as a Cub Scout and a magic award to be earned got me started into a study of magic.

Scouts are absolutely nonsectarian in their attitude towards religious training.

Leaders are urged to “neglect none of the boys, for among them somewhere may be the man who will lead the world to everlasting peace”. Certainly this sounds like the Anti-Christ and scouts are programmed to think that a one-man ruler of peace will come.

When I researched the seemingly harmless Indian rituals we had used in ceremonies I learned of their connection with demon worship. They were designed to appease the evil spirits.

Some were also spectacular and often remarkable ceremonies pertaining to their many secret societies. These were similar in many ways to Odd Fellows, Free Masons and other lodges, involving sun worship and rooting back to Baal worship. It was believed that tobacco was popular with the spirits and gods and therefore it was often used in ceremonies. In dances and rituals the high point of performances came when the chief participant would lose normal control of himself and enter into another state of existence, the realm of his unconscious. Rites in many cases called for personal tortures which summoned a vision to bring wisdom and power.

How I praise God each day for DELIVERANCE from the lies and deceits of the enemy.

SPIRITS (Each name is a demon that must be driven OUT in the name of JESUS)

Alcoholic spirits (especially firewater and whiskey) Break curse of loss of prosperity Blood brothers and sisters (break ties)
Akeyla (Sun God) Baby Pow Astrology
Baby Pow Reincarnation Anger Baal Worship
Ancestor Gods Beads – white meant peace; purple meant war, death or mourning Aiy
Anti-Christ Birdgod Crocodile
Amulets Bitterness Batgod
Jaguar Cannibalism (Ojibway, Medicine Man) Buffalo
Caribou spirit Buffalo child (croaton) Curse on Arrowhead
Blood thirsty Curse to cause cutting off Curse of firstborn to pass through the fire
Hopa doll Indian rituals Child sacrifice
Hypnotic trance Charms – war, health, ward off evil spirits Idol worship
Incantation Drums Chac (water God)
Indian Astrology spirits (believed to be ruling spirits) when a star comes to earth, it is believed to change into a demon. Dances – owl, charcoal, sun, snake, duck, chicken, horse, fire leaping, fish, alligator, crow, ghost, buffalo, scalp Indian corn
Indian artifacts Desertion Indian curses
Elk Spirits Indian Art Indian drumbeat (Voodoo worship)
Indian chants Divorce Indian eye
Eliminate curse on American Indians Indian Fireside Humor spirit (Sioux) Earth Mother
Indian folklore Eagle Indian Jezebel
Estsanatlehi – old woman Indian Magic – arrowheads, string, –gourd who rejuvenates self, rattles, rawhide, roots, twigs, berries Earth monster Tlalal-tecuhtli
Beaks of birds, bird wings, pure white Hiawatha – glandular malfunctions, swelling Pebbles, turquoise, eagles, blackbirds,
Peace pipe, bones Father sky Indian magic spirits
Fox spirit (makes a witch pass through fire) Indian Mythology spirits (for youth) Indian pierced ear spirit
Fireside dancer Indian pierced ears in women, men and children Fear of lack of provision
False prophecy through money Indian scalp spirit False Indian prophecy
Indian spirit of bondage False tongues Indian spirit of poverty
Feathers Indian spirit of war Firebird
Indian Sorcery Firegod – Xiutechli Indian witchcraft (ability to turn one- self into a bear, wolf, fox, owl, snake)
Great Buffalo spirit God of War (Ojibway) Inherited incest
God fouls of the air (Ojibway) Knives God of the stars (Ojibway)
Ka-du-te-ta (older women who never die) God of herbs of the earth Kachina doll(Ojibway)
Lenelanapa (Indian Macho man) Great Spirit Longhouse
Great Lodge Maid of the Mist Great White Father
Masks for dances God of the harvest Matolu (chief)
God of death (Aztec) associated with group KISS Medicine Bag Medicine Lodge
Geronimo Medicine Man God’s eye
Medicine tipis Great Father Mediums
God of hunting (Ojibway) Moloch Greed
Moon worship Heavy heart Mother earth
Human sacrifice Murder Hoop dance
Nakedness Horoscopes Necromancy (Ojibway and Cherokee)
Hatred Order of the Arrow Peyote eating (open to all drug spirits)
Spirit of the Sky Spirit of the Moon Power over life of animals
Spirit of Happy Hunting (powerful death spirit) Power over death of animals (especially wolf) Spirit of Animals
Peace piper Spirit of Trees Peace pipe worship-Calumet
Spirit of Grass Poverty Spirit of Water
Pow-wow Spirit of Stones Prayer to the Dead
Spirit of Maize (Winnebago, Peyote cult) Spirit of Maple Syrup in trees
Pride Spirit of Nature Worship Priesthood of the Bow
Spirit Guides Rejection Squash Blossom
Raccoon spirits Squirrel Spirits Reincarnation
Stag Raindance Stooped shoulder
Rebellion Superstition Resentment
Submission to tribal custom Retaliation Sweat lodges and puberty rites
Religious spirits (prophets, priests) Teepee Regeneration, green corn dance
Thief Sacrifice to God of the Harvest Thunderbird (Eagle) no head,
Break full of rows of wolf’s teeth, powerful ruling spirit in American Indians) Sacrificial pole Scout Idols
Scout Oaths Sisuitl (soul catcher) Scout Societies
Thunder God – Ibeorhum Seances (Croaton) Tobacco Spirits – nicotine, cigarettes, cigar
Serpent swastika Shamans (medicine man) Seer
Totem pole Spirit of The clan Sitting Bull
War God Si-ka-ma-hi-fi (Elder creator spirit, Hidatsa) Warpath
War Whoops Snake dance Wigwam (Ojibway)
Song to the Morning Star (Pawnee) Will of Wisp Sorcery
Woe from long march (Mohawk), Six Nations Sun worship Sun Dance (all)
Wolf Spirit of the Prairie wolf Break curses of Half Breed
Spirit of the Sun Spirit of the Clouds



Two excellent booklets have been printed by the Hegewisch Baptist Church: “The Curse of Ahab” for men and “The Curse of Jezebel” for women. Men may also have Jezebelic tendencies, and women may have Ahab tendencies:

The relationship of Ahab and Jezebel provides an excellent illustration of the curse brought about by a husband and wife being out of God’s divine order for the family.

However, this curse can be traced back all the way to Adam and Eve. It can be found through the Bible being manifested in different families.

God puts the greatest burden of responsibility on the men, not the women. If the men were not Ahabs and were, in fact, priests and heads of their homes, then the women would not be Jezebels! The man cannot escape his responsibility by blaming his problems on the woman.

Earline will give her testimony and teaching about Jezebel from a woman’s viewpoint.

Gene will give his testimony and teaching about Ahab from a man’s viewpoint.

The Bible provides a lot of stories about families with Ahab/Jezebelic tendencies. It is very interesting to trace the sins of the ancestors down through the generations in the Bible. Not only can you see the sins passed down through the men but also through the women.

Do you have more than the usual problems in finances, housing, family, etc.? This may be the curse of improper family structure (Mal. 4:6). If someone does not stop the pattern of living in the curse, they will go from generation to generation. A mother who is a Jezebel will raise Jezebel daughters and Ahab sons. Ahab fathers will raise Ahab sons and Jezebel daughters. If sons do not see their father as respected in his office of father, they have no other example to the contrary and will follow him. Likewise, the girls will probably choose a husband like their father.

When you have a Jezebel/Ahab marriage, you will have men not committed to God, home or children. These men prefer to play and pretend they are men, and only deceive themselves. Likewise, the women who have to take over the financial care and sometimes total responsibility for the children are equally deceived.

1. We set the wrong pattern for our children to follow.

  1. The children spend the rest of their adult lives trying to live normal lives.
  2. Husbands are wrongly influenced by their wives.
  3. Husbands let the wives do their jobs.
  4. Ahab men are weak spiritually and may be evil.
  5. Ahab men turn away from their families and God to achieve satisfaction in other things such as wine, women and money.
  6. We shift our blame to the other party.
  7. The women are placed in a position of priest and head of the home which they cannot handle.
  8. We open our families, churches and nation to demonic attack.

1. Divorce – one parent families. 2. Felinism – pictures bungling father and clever mother. 3. Sex – no restrictions. 4. Young people – confused, rebellious. 5. Drugs – Sex – Music. 6. Society with emotional problems. 7. Effeminate, emotional, weak spiritual and weak physical men. 8. Women’s false strength – put to test usually fails.

Children are open to violence or death, even early death, because of tensions, confusions, hurts and insults given them by the family structure being out of order (Ezekiel 38:8-9). Confusion, frustration, disgust, hate, etc. lead to suicide. In trying to find their place, these children frequently give in to spirits which drive them to love of power, money, praise, fame, etc. (I Kings 21:20).

Children have fear, insecurity, frustration and difficulty learning. It leads to potential corruption, discord, growth in occult and cults, selfishness, doubt, inability to achieve, fake sickness, hypochondriacs and church splits.

Ahab fathers place curses on male children; Jezebel mothers – female children. Male children tend to become homosexuals; The female children – lesbians. Children will have broken marriages and families like their parents. Jezebel mothers cause children to be manipulative. Children are full of rebellion and under pressure to prove their love to their parents. Finally, children are open to satanic attack and will usually become like their parents!

Such qualities as these have unnatural power to seduce you, even overwhelm you. It is not charisma but seduction, and it creates bondage. You may have a friend whom you at times have a great desire to be free of, and the next moment feel guilt or condemnation for desiring your freedom. Consider why you are attracted to your friend.

Look out for mothers/dads who try to dominate married children’s lives, and men/women who cannot delegate authority but try to mind every detail.

Women/men shouldn’t try to force mate into a religious experience, but win him/her by quiet and joyful submission to the Christian life, fulfilling your role as God established it.

Omri was an idol (demon) worshipper and Ahab’s father; Omri did worse than all the kings before him. He set the pattern for his son to follow and Ahab did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him, even Omri (I Kings 16:25, 28 & 30).

He married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians who worshipped Baal. So Ahab served and worshipped Baal. Ahab was influenced spiritually by Jezebel. Baal was the male god; Asherah – female god (I Kings 16:31; 18:17-19).

Ahab told Elijah that he, not Ahab, was the one that troubled Israel. Ahab would not take his responsibility but shifted blame for his problems and those of his father (I Kings 18:21). He persecuted the prophets (I Kings 18:4, 13 & 19).

Ahab told Jezebel about Elijah killing the prophets of Baal. Jezebel was the one that took action against Elijah (vowed to kill him), not Ahab. He let her do his job
(I Kings 19:1).

Ahab not only worshipped Baal; he was disobedient to God and did not follow Elijah’s prophecies.

He grieved over not getting Naboth’s vineyard; he was greedy. Ahab let Jezebel do his dirty work of stealing the vineyard. Then he did not mind about hearing of Naboth’s death. He sold himself to Satan to work evil (I Kings 21:4, 7, 16, 19 & 20).

His children were affected by the deeds of Ahab (I Kings 21:21).

He was dominated by his wife to do evil. God forgave him when he humbled himself before God (I Kings 21:25 & 29).

He hated the truth and prophets of God. He was willing to imprison and torture them (I Kgs 22:8 & 27).

He was subtle and willing to use Jehoshaphat as a decoy to be attacked.

Ahab’s son was Ahaziah; he followed his parents’ evil ways. He followed Baal-zebub, the god of Eberon. Another son of Ahab, Joram, did evil but not like his parents (II Kings 3:1-2).

Jehoram married the daughter of Ahab; he also did evil in the Lord’s sight. He was crafty like Ahab (II Kings 8:18, II Chron. 18:2). He also persecuted the prophets (II Kings 9:7 & 22).

The death of Jezebel is foretold and happens as predicted (II Kings 9:10 & 30-37).

He brought grief and judgement on himself and nation. He opened the floodgates for idol worship into the nation and homes. He did not oppose murder for greed or any other purpose. Once entered into the mind of an Ahab man, he will accept more and more wanton acts of a depraved nature. There is a loss of manhood and fatherhood.

Jezebel’s aim was accurate in spiritual perspective, but her acts were against God and His plan. So by not opposing Jezebel, Ahab gave consent and is guilty of being an accessory to the crime.

Satan’s evil desires are seen in the evil acts of men (John 8:44). Influence is what a demon does to you from the outside; control – inside. You have to be careful what you allow to influence you because demons hope to gain control later on through the influence.

Ahab broke the Ten Commandments; he coveted the man’s field.

Ahab married a woman devoted to everything that God hated and forbid. This opened a breach upon Israel through which Satan gained astonishing power and flooded Israel with evil. Even so, a man opposed to God who submits to his wife or other women, opens the floodgate for evil to pour upon his family.

1. Leaving spiritual leadership up to Earline about how to raise children.

  1. Breakdown of communications between Earline, Marie and me as I pursued spiritual goals but neglected my family.
  2. Fear of getting hurt by others especially by my family and Earline’s family.
  3. God of jobs at one time when I put my job first, family second and God last. Now it is reversed: God first, family second and job last.
  4. Leaving things of God to wife occurred partially such as receiving the Baptism. I suggested that Earline receive it first.
  5. I came from a poor family and had a materialistic drive until Byron died.
  6. We had many misunderstandings as Ahab husband and Jezebel wife.
  7. I did not believe in having an argument with my wife. So, I would go into my room, study engineering, and not talk to Earline.
  8. We even came close to separation and divorce at our low point about ten years ago.
  9. I was somewhat unemotional and could not show love the way I should.
  10. The greatest blessing was that God kept us from whole-heartedly pursuing fame and fortune before Byron died.
  11. Earline said I acted like an Ahab but did not give in anytime!


The major rebellion was against God in Baal worship. He went after other idols. Worshipping idols is the worst rebellion against God.

Ahab exhibited characteristics of confusion,disobedience, resentfulness, sullenness and greed. He was an accomplice to Jezebel, believed a lying spirit, refused to believe God, and begat rebellious children.


She killed God’s prophets which is rebellion against God. She exhibited hate, retaliation and threatenings. She turns from the role of woman and wife to trying to upstage the King, her husband. She belittled him, connived behind his back, and plotted murder and control of people. Some women/men today use seemingly pure religious motives to control others such as prophecy – telling others what to do (soulish prophecy – charismatic witchcraft).

Another motive behind her rebellion was that she wanted worship and admiration.

Jezebel is true sorcery. Rebellious Jezebelic males/females will ask questions aimed at causing the other person to doubt their worth, ability, decisions, etc.

She ended up being thrown out a window, run over by chariots and eaten by dogs. Did she go to Hell?


If you believe that Jesus is Lord, He said to cast out demons (envoys of Satan) and He said don’t cast them out of the unsaved (Matt. 12:41-45 & I Kings 18:21).

Many times in deliverance sessions the demons inside someone will cry out for help. If the demon power is bound in Jesus’ name, the demon gets no help and the name of Jesus answers by actions; the demon leaves. Who is greater? (I Kings 18:24).

God’s people should dictate directions and conditions, not Satan (I Kings 18:25).

It is tough on Satan when he is on open display. He does not like talk of demons because as long as he is hidden, he has power; but shown in the light of God, he limps around (I Kings 18:26).

Satanists cut themselves, eat flesh and drink blood (I Kings 18:28).

The Devil usually will not exhibit himself when God’s presence is real but will manifest when people give their will over to his direction. “The devil made me do it” is always a lie! (I Kings 18:29).


Other Families In The Bible Learn to identify mistakes the people made as you read their stories. The only person that didn’t make any mistakes was the Lord Jesus Christ!

Gen. Ch. 3 (Eve) Jezebel Spirit.

3:3 (Eve) Added to God’s Words.

3:6 (Eve) Did wrong and persuaded Adam too.

16:1 (Sarah) Act of Jezebel.

16:5 (Sarah & Hagar) Contention and strife -results of Jezebel.

21:9 (Isaac & Ishmael) Mocking & forever of nations.

25:23 (Rebekah) Knew Jacob was to rule over Esau. 25:29 (Jacob) Also has Jezebel spirit connives to get birthright; results in confusion in children.

27:1-29 (Rebekah & Jacob) Again connive to get blessing.

27:41 (Esau) Hates Jacob.

27:46 (Rebekah & Jacob) Fear.

Gen. Ch. 25 & 27 (Report of contention, strife & wearing down of families)

Read Isaiah 3:12 (Children and women rule).


I Kings Ch. 16:25, 28, 39, 30, 31, 32 & 33


18:1, 4, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 46

19:1, 2, 3, 42

20:2, 13, 14, 34, 42, 43

21:1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29

22:1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 20, 27, 30, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 49, 50, 52

II Kings Ch. 1:1, 2, 17

3:1, 2, 5

8:16, 18, 25, 27, 28, 29

9:7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 25, 29, 30, 37

10:1, 10, 11, 17, 18, 30

21:3, 13, 23

II Chronicles 18:1, 2, 3, 19

21:6, 13

22:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Jeremiah 29:21, 22

Micah 6:16

Revelation 2:20


I Kings 16:31, II Kings 9:7, 37, 18:4, 13, 19 19:1, 2, Revelation 2:30, 21:5, 25,


Ahab, Idol Worship, Abdicating Leadership,
Impotence, Adultery, Joblessness,
Aggression, Laziness, Angry,
Leaving things of God to wife, Bitterness, Lust,
Communication breakdown, Lust of material things, Conditional love,
Lack of confidence, Childish behavior, Liking sensual women,
Competition, Macho spirit, Covetousness,
Misunderstandings, Compromise, Manipulating women,
Clashing conflict, Murder, Considering God’s things trivial,
No order, Call evil good – good, evil Displeased,
No unity, Disobedient, Overloading wife,
Dirty stories, Pride, Degradation,
Pornography, Destruction of family priesthood, Pouting,
Doubting manhood, Passive quitter, Drunkenness,
Rebellious children, Emasculations, Rejection,
Emotional cripple, Resentment, Failure,
Scared, Fearful, Separation & divorce,
Fear of getting hurt, Sibling rivalry, Fear of women,
Sluggishness, Filth, Stoicism,
Following sins of the father, Tragic mistakes, God of sports,
Unemotional, God of jobs, Upset children,
Heavy spirited, Workaholic, Hatred of women,
Worship of enterprise, success, Homosexuality,
profit, promotion & wealth, Hurts,
X-rated movies, Inability to designate authority,


Accusation, Indecision, Aggression,
Intimidation, Attention seeking, Insinuation,
Arrogance, Insecurity, Beguiling,
Inadequate, Belittling, Intellectualism,
Bickering, Inhospitable, Backbiting,
Interference, Brash, bossy woman,
Jealousy, Bedroom blackmail, Jezebel,
Conniving, Lack of confidence, Contention,
Lying, Continuous complaining, Lawlessness,
Condemnation, Laziness, Confusion,
Manipulation, Counterfeit spiritual gifts, Mistrust,
Conditional love, Nagging, Charming,
Overindulgence, Controlling spirits, Pouting,
Dissatisfaction, Pride, Demands,
Perversion (sexual & spiritual), Doublemindedness, Psychology,
Doubt, Philosophy, Disunity Projected guilt,
Discord, Quick temper, Disruption,
Retaliation, Distrust, Revenger,
Deception, Rationalization, Delusion,
Rebellion, Demanding, Strife,
Defeat, Slander, Determined maneuvers,
Sharp temper, Dominance, Short temper,
Emotional outburst, Sorcery, Failure,
Shirking responsibilities, Fear, Sensitive,
Frustration, Sharp tongue, Forsaking protection,
Sleepiness, Female dominance & control, Shame,
Female hardness, Suicide, Fierce determination,
Spiritual blindness, False sickness, Self-defeating,
Finger pointing, Sorrow, Frigidity,
Turmoil, Grief, Ungodly discipline,
Hatred of men, Unbelief, Hot temper,
Ugliness, Hasty marriage, Vanity,
Hopelessness, Witchcraft, Hypnotic control,
Worldly wisdom, Inability to give or receive love, Whining,




“A person begotten out of wedlock shall not enter into the assembly of the Lord; even until his tenth generation shall his descendants not enter into the congregation of the Lord” (Deut. 23:2).

KING DAVID Let’s take a Bible example: David in II Sam. 11:2 conceived a bastard. The results were murder to cover it and death to the child.

What happened to David’s children as a result of this one act of disobedience? Nathan told David that God would have given him more wives but to take Uriah’s only wife was very evil. God placed a sword in David’s house; it would raise up evil against David out of his own house. David’s wives would be taken by others and lain with in sight of all Israel.

Household results were murder, incest and rebellion. Amnon, David’s firstborn, raped his half-sister Tamar; Absalom killed Amnon in revenge; Tamar was destitute; Absalom took David’s wives in the sight of Israel; and much more evil. In II Sam. 14-15, Absalom was very rebellious to his parents, planned to take the throne and to kill his father.

Of David’s first six sons: Amnon raped Tamar and then was murdered by Absalom. Of the second, Chibab; fifth, Sephatiah, and sixth, Itham, no mention is made. Third, Absalom, was rebellious, murderer, attempted murder of father, and was murdered himself. Fourth, Adjonijah, plotted and attempted to take David’s throne when David had his last illness. These had total disregard for God’s house.

When a bastard is conceived in lust, it is not true love. True love is protecting and providing. Neither is present when the bastard is conceived. Demons of lust will follow all children of this line. Besides lust, all types of demons follow them and try to gain entrance.

Present day observations include more bastards, family and personal rebellion, sickness, suicide, can’t feel welcome or at peace in God’s house, murder, delinquency, mental illness, and physical deformities.

Four family generations which included mother, daughter, grandchildren and great-grand children. Mother ran away from home at fifteen (claimed poverty was the reason), lived with a man, conceived a bastard daughter. The daughter runs away at fifteen, lives with man, conceived granddaughter; lives with another man, creates another bastard grandson and granddaughter; marries, has legitimate grandson; divorces, lives with another man and has bastard granddaughter. First granddaughter entices man to sex, conceives child and forces man into marriage. Second granddaughter, the stepfather exposes himself to her. First grandson is very promiscuous. Second grandson is only Christian with any strength; he is very weak and unsure. Last granddaughter, thirteen years old, finds out she is also a bastard and is broken-hearted over it.

At present, daughter is married, found Bible, got saved and sought deliverance. Mother refuses to forgive.

Example: An unsaved drunkard conceives daughter with prostitute. Gets saved, visits daughter and finds her being raised in house of prostitution. His family agrees to take her into their home. Curse of bastard affects even the legitimate children; one son has bastard and another son is petty criminal.

Great grandfather marries great grandmother in church. All seems well; has three children. Great grandfather dies. Great grandmother discovers she can not get his railroad pension because she is his fifth wife. My grandfather becomes very bitter and a little paranoid. My mom is paranoid and schizophrenic. She abused me physically.

Here are some of the problems created for me by this curse. Never feeling at home in any church for long. Never feeling good about myself. Being ashamed for people to look at me even though I didn’t know what I wanted to hide, overriding fear, striving excessively to succeed and stopping short of realizing the goal, fear of failure, fear of authority, resisting authority, fighting verbally and physically, demonic pressure to sexual activities, and not much joy in natural or spiritual life. Youth and Adults

Young people – if things severely pressure you, you have tendency to perversions or violence, agitating passion, moral conflict and craving or covetousness, perhaps the bastard curse is on you. Does crime fascinate you, are you excessively self-conscious, are you ashamed for people to look at you even when you don’t know why, have an unusual desire to please peers and adults, fear of not being accepted by God, sell yourself for nothing, don’t respect yourself, don’t trust and obey God or parents, deviate from God’s moral code, have no joy and are double-minded?

Where does true joy come from? Only a clear pure heart can have true joy. This joy abides through trouble. All other joy is either partial or counterfeit.

Adults – if you have the same problems including the inability to love, guide and lead your children into a Godly life, you also may have the bastard’s curse or you may have started it.

Each time a bastard is created, whether it comes to birth or is aborted, ten generations of bondage is started. If it happens with you, and by some good fortune it is avoided for nine generations and happens again, the countdown starts over.


Read and study these scriptures: Num. 22-31, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 2:4, I Cor. 6:15-16. See Strong’s Concordance under Ashtoreth, Ashtaroth, Queen of Heaven, Tammuz. If you look these names up in Biblical dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as secular dictionaries and encyclopedias you will see that all forms of deviate and demonic sexual behavior is the basis of their worship. As we engage in these sexual acts we are worshiping (whether we realize we are worshiping or not does not make any difference in the consequences) but we are not worshiping the God of the Bible. It is very difficult sex acts once they for people to leave their religions so it is hard for people to give up immoral have engaged in them.


Repentance and forgiveness are absolute necessities. We must see this sin as God sees it. For worshipping idols, only three to four generations are cursed; but for bastard – ten generations. A Bible generation is forty years; this curse runs 400 years if no one does it after the first occurrence. Next, we must break the curse and call out the demons. After this is done, we must renew and discipline our mind and body. We are looking to obtain a harvest of righteousness in James 3:17-18, not a harvest of curses.

Because Jesus became accursed for us, we have the privilege of breaking this curse, obtaining our family’s freedom and living Godly lives that will not profane God before the heathen.


Two genealogical studies prepared for non-religious purposes will clearly prove the law of generations:

“The Kallikak Family” by H.H. Goddark, Macmillian Company, New York, 1927 Father, Martin Sr., origin was good English blood/middle class with both parents feeble-minded; from him came 41 matings, 222 feeble-minded children, and ONLY 2 normal children.

First family has an honorable marriage; from it came 496 descendants, ALL NORMAL, 3 listed as degenerates, 2 alcoholics, and 1 sexually loose. All the legitimate children married into “better families” in their state and became: colonial governors, doctors, lawyers, judges, educators, traders, landowners, and respectable citizens. Among them was found: no feeble-mindedness, no illegitimate children, no immoral women, no epilepsy, no criminals, and no keepers of houses of prostitution. Of the 496 descendants, only 15 children died in infancy, 1 case of insanity , 2 victims of habitual drunkenness, and 1 sexually loose.

At the close of the War of Independence, the father, Martin, Sr., went to a pub to celebrate the end of the war. There in an inebriated state he intercoursed a woman who was “loose and feeble-minded”. An illegitimate son, Martin, Jr., was born. Of that son, Martin, Jr., there were 480 descendants. Only 46 were found to be normal, 36 were illegitimate, 33 sexually immoral, 24 confirmed alcoholics, 3 epileptics, 82 died in infancy, 3 criminals, and 8 keepers of houses of “ill fame”. Of this large group some 1146 offspring were birthed; there were 262 feeble-minded, 197 considered normal, and 581 undetermined.

“The Jukes” – “A Study of the Relation of Crime, Pauperism, Disease, and Heredity in the 1900’s” by R.L. Ragsdale, G.P. Putnam and Sons, New York and London.

Father, Max, was a hunter, fisher, hard drinker, jolly and compassionate, adverse to steady work, and became blind (probably due to syphilis). Origin was middle class Dutch.

Of those 1200 descendants there were 280 paupers, 140 criminals, 250 arrests and trials, 140 years of imprisonment, 60 habitual thieves, 7 murderers, 50 common prostitutes, 40 syphilitic women, 400 men contracted syphilis, 40 wives contaminated, 440 total contaminated by syphilis, 300 children died prematurely, and 50 illegitimate births. In 75 years the family of 1200 members cost the state $1,308,000.00 in costs in the early 1900’s.

Now let’s study the influence of the sins from generation to generation:

FIRST GENERATION: Max, blindness, probably due to the syphilis.

SECOND GENERATION: Effie, no information.

THIRD GENERATION: Name not recorded; harlot; married her cousin; not industrious.

FOURTH GENERATION: 4 MALES—illegitimate son; at 30 on relief; went to prison; able bodied, full health—in poor house.

ANOTHER SON—at 22 on relief; at 44 breach of peace; jail at 49; in poor house rest of life. ANOTHER SON—in poor house at 23 and remained there rest of life. ANOTHER SON—at 24 on relief, assault and battery at 33, habitual drunk. DAUGHTER—harlot, poor house at 23, kept brothel, contracted epilepsy, married second cousin. DAUGHTER—harlot, birthed illegitimate son, a licentious vagrant, married second cousin. NOTE: In this generation all offspring show profound stress with characteristics of the father.

FIFTH GENERATION: 7 MALES, 10 FEMALES: MALE—Laborer, syphilis, jail numerous times, petit liar, assault and battery, poor house most of life. MALE—cohabited, killed at war. MALE—at 21 on relief, jail vagrant, soldier in rebellion. MALE—bricklayer, at 19 on relief, jail, married cousin. MALE—at 7 in poor house, was abandoned. MALE—soldier in rebellion, incurable syphilis. MALE—not industrious, temperate. FEMALE—harlot, illegitimate child. FEMALE—harlot at 21. FEMALE—deserted at 13. FEMALE—deserted at 11, dead at 14. FEMALE—deserted at 9. FEMALE—harlot, incurable syphilis. FEMALE—reputable character, NOTE: This is a female child given up for adoption. FEMALE—died at young age. FEMALE—harlot. FEMALE—harlot, not industrious. SIXTH GENERATION: Nine Males; Fourteen Females: MALE—on relief. MALE—attempted rape, dangerous man, unmarried. MALE—deserted at 8. MALE—incurable syphilis, assault and battery, jail. MALE—intemperate, lazy. MALE—industrious, soldier at 21, good reputation, NOTE: a child deserted who was adopted. MALE—dwarf, double jointed. MALE—intemperate, married cousin. FEMALE—harlot. FEMALE—reputable. NOTE: one of the children deserted then adopted. FEMALE—died of syphilis. FEMALE—harlot, could not read or write. FEMALE—incurable syphilis, died of same. FEMALE—harlot, incurable syphilis, incurable drunk, kept brothel. FEMALE—incurable syphilis, harlot. FEMALE—harlot incurable syphilis, lazy, kept brothel. later adopted. FEMALE—blind, on relief at FEMALE—harlot, incurable syphilis, vagrant. FEMALE—good reputation, NOTE: a child deserted, 27 for rest of life. FEMALE—harlot, relief at age 31.

Note the profound growth of the sins of the forefathers as each generation progressed. The ONLY descendants listed as reputable and good citizens were three females and one male, and they were among those children deserted who later were adopted into reputable families. Marrying blood relatives is incest.


Sins, Bastard, Fornication (Idolatrous Sex Orgies),
Adultery Masculine Women Effeminate Men
Abusers of Themselves with Mankind (Arsenokoites or Sodomite, Oral or Anal Copulation) Sensual (Carnal, Voluptuous, Senses, Appetites) Evil Concupiscence
Inordinate Affections (Excessive) Lasciviousness (Lewd Emotions) Filthy Communication (Obscene, Blasphemy, Profanity)
Masturbation Homosexuality and Catamite Lesbianism
Pornography Exposure Uncleanness
Perversion Lust and Passions, Fantasy Lust Fantasies
Obscene Music, Poetry, Literature and Art Occult Sex Immorality
Incest Harlotry, Rape, Frigidity Bad Dreams
Heterosexuality Drunkenness Drugs
Diseases Venereal Diseases, Insanity, Gonorrhea, Staggering Gait,
Chancroid (Soft), Heart Disease, Granuloma Inguinale, Blindness, Spirochetal Infections, Ulcerative Lesions,
Syphilis, Yaws, Congenital Syphilis, Bejel, Gonorrheal Arthritis, Pinta,
Venereal Lympogranuloma, Relapsing Fever, Aids, Topical Ulcer, Meningitis, Rat-Bite Fever,
Endocarditis, Weil’s Disease, Sterility, Herpes I and II, Feeblemindedness, Alcoholics,



Earline and Linda Sutter are writing a book on curses. This lesson is an overview of curses. Glen Miller has given many scripture verses to build on. Many people are helped at the camp meetings. To me this is the purpose of the camp. If I didn’t see results, I wouldn’t come. See what you think about the following thoughts.
It is amazing to me how many areas of the Bible are not explored and taught or preached by the five-fold ministry. It seems like God shows us a never ending list of topics to teach and minister on that are not commonly or infrequently taught. Apparently most ministers choose areas of the Bible that they are comfortable with and will further their ministry. The areas that they are not comfortable with, or are controversial or unpopular, or might cause them to lose some of their congregation or offerings, they avoid like the plague. This may be an excuse before man but it is not an excuse before God and they will have to answer to Him in the Great Day of Judgement. Ministers and Christian Leaders – please think about standing before God and explaining why you did not teach certain areas of the Bible.

Another weakness is the minister that says that you have to keep it simple so that the baby Christians will understand. So, they teach the same thing over and over again. The baby Christians are continually fed milk and are never fed the meat of the Word of God. These Christians never grow up to be mature, strong Christians. Many of these baby Christians will fall away from Jesus Christ and go back out into the world. Can you see that the minister is doing his congregation a disservice?

It is clear that the Body of Christ needs the five-fold ministry which consists of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Many pastors would like to make it a four-fold ministry and eliminate the teachers. They say that the pastor is the pastor-teacher and there is no separate teaching ministry. If this is true, then why don’t they teach the whole Word of God and not just a part of it? We need teachers who expound the whole Bible in a systematic manner so that the Body of Christ can have a working knowledge of the Bible and put it into practice.

There is a clear difference between preaching and teaching. Preaching is for the moment to stir people up and get them to make decisions in their lives; they walk out of church and usually quickly forget the message. Teaching is for the future to get people to remember the message and apply it to their lives. Teaching gives them a sound foundation to build on and then gives them the structure to build on the foundation.

There are many weaknesses in the church today which cause the Body of Christ to be in a weakened condition. We can not live on emotionalism for long; it makes you feel good for the service but it won’t last when the trials of living in this world come to us. We need to have the solid foundation of the Bible to support us in trials and tribulations. It is nice to feel emotional about our salvation; we are not saved by feelings but by our belief in the Word of God.

Another weakness is catering to our fleshly desires. For example, the desire to have possessions. I Tim. 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Teaching the congregation to look to God for blessings and possessions rather than what they can do for God. In other words, praying the give me and mine, my family of four and no more, selfish type of prayer. Do you agree or disagree with these thoughts?

There is a lot in the Bible that deals with how to bless others and how to be blessed. This is the balance to cursing others and being cursed. We hear a lot taught about God blessing you but not much taught about how you can bless others in thought, word and deed. The emphasis is on what God will do for you without you having to do anything. Christianity is not a free lunch and we are not on welfare. To be an effective Christian requires considerable effort.

There are no blessings in the Bible that are unconditional. For every blessing there is a condition that you must fulfill before you receive the blessing. In other words, this is the “if” you see so often in the verses either stated directly or understood. Deut. 28:1-2 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt (shalt not) hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy god will set (not set) thee on high above all nations of the earth: and all these blessings shall (shall not) come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt (shalt not) hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. The reverse is true also; see the words in the parentheses.

A psychic prayer is any prayer that does not line up with the Word of God. If you pray contrary to the Bible, then you are praying not to God but to Satan. Satan then has the right before God to loose demons on the people that you prayed for as well as yourself. Psychic prayers is a good way to curse others and to be cursed in return.

There are two ways that we can curse another person: thought or speaking. We can pray a psychic prayer or we can speak against another person either in our thoughts or out loud. We need to be careful what we think and speak as well as what we do.

The words we think or speak go out into the air and they have power to do good or evil. Ecc. 10:20 Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. Could this be a demon spirit that God is talking about carrying your thoughts or words to the one that you are thinking or talking about?

The first curses that we can receive are those placed on us by our ancestors which include our parents. These curses come down the ancestral line and are transferred by familiar spirits that are familiar with our family ancestral sins.

The ancestral curses are started by our ancestors committing some sin against God that is mentioned in the Bible. God would not curse us without warning us beforehand. A good example is the curse of worshiping other gods. Deut. 5:7-9 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. If our ancestors worshipped other gods in the manner described in these verses, then they cursed their descendents to the third and fourth generation. We are innocent and committed no sin but we still are cursed because of what those did who were in authority over us. However, it is not hopeless, God gave us a way to break the curses on us and our descendents.

The parents can curse the child in the womb, after the child is born and until it dies. This is frightening when you think about the consequences of your actions on your children.

Common examples of cursing the child in the womb include conceiving the child in lust, not wanting the child when it is conceived, and failing in an abortion attempt.

Common examples of cursing the child after it is born include rejecting the child in some manner such as wanting a boy when a girl is born and not quickly changing their minds, cursing the child in thought or words, mistreating the child mentally, physically, spiritually or materially such as physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

You can be cursed by others other than your ancestors. These include those in the grip of the Devil: Satan worshipers, witches and warlocks, covens, fortune tellers and anyone practicing witchcraft. They include those in Christianity who would speak against you and pray psychic prayers for you.

How can you be cursed by these people? Prov. 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. There must be a cause for the curse to land. We have not seen anyone that lives a blameless, sinless, perfect life according to the whole Word of God. All you have to do is to read or listen to the Bible and see if you fulfill its provisions 100%. It is very sobering to see how far you miss the target that God set for us to aim at. We will never be perfect until Jesus Christ finishes the task in the hereafter.

Other than being cursed by others, you can curse yourself. You can do this by sinning against God. For example, say that you conceived a bastard before marriage. It does not matter that you then get married; the damage has already been done. Deut. 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord. What you and your girl friend did was to sin by committing fornication, a sin listed in the Bible. Both of you cursed yourselves and ten generations of your descendents with the curse of the bastard. This familiar spirits will work to cause family and church alienation, and a perpetuation of bastards generation after generation.

You can sin against your own body. I Cor. 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. This is the only sin that you do that sins against your body and brings curses directly against you. This sin can lead to Hell (spiritual death), physical diseases (physical death or living torment), and many problems in your life (death of marriage, etc.).

When you curse yourself, you also curse your descendents. I know of no one-generation curse; they are multiple-generation curses. We have discussed the curse of the bastard and the curse of worshiping other gods; these carry a ten, and a three to four generation curse respectively.

Where do curses come from? They come from God and are carried out by Satan with permission from God. Curses can be found listed in the Bible. Satan can not fabricate curses to place on you the way he fabricates lies. Deut. 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee.

Let’s look at where curses come from and where they go: remember that all curses originate with God. Curses can come to you from your ancestors or those who are not your ancestors. You can curse yourself. Curses can go out from you to your descendents or to others not your descendents.

There are probably sixty-six curses that can be easily identified in the Bible by simply looking up the word curse as well as the words cursed and and cursing. Most of the curses are not so easily identified but must be discovered by studying the Bible and practicing deliverance. We believe that there is a curse associated with every verse in the Bible that you disobey. Deuteronomy 28 is a chapter of the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. Compare Deut. 28:1-2 (blessings) with 28:15 (curses). Notice the little word “all” and the five times it is used. The corollary to the analogy of all blessings or all curses is that in between all and none are some blessings and some curses. You can be all blessed or all cursed or partially blessed and partially cursed.

God sends demons and evil on people for disobedience of His Commandments. The following are paraphrases of verses about this subject. He will put a yoke of iron on your neck. Sickness can be caused by demons. God sends evil spirits to do some of His missions. God allowed Satan to prove Job. The deceived and the deceiver are His. He created evil and the waster to destroy. He has deceived and sent strong delusions. He sent a messenger in the flesh. Isa. 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

These actions by God cause many things to happen to people: sickness, cruelty, lying, seduction, death, deceit, troubling, confusion, lethargy, misery, destruction, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, badness, adversity, affliction, calamity, displeasure, distress, grief, harm, hurt, mischief, sadness, trouble, vex, wretchedness, wrong, perishing, decay, ruin, corruptness, destroying, falling, deluded, allured, enticed, persuaded, slumber, stupor, hardening, deceit, error, etc.

There are two free booklets on the back table, The Curse of Ahab, and The Curse of Jezebel. Pickup a copy for each of you and also get a copy of our testimony, From Death Into Real Life. It took us four years to write our testimony after our only son, Byron, died at twelve years old.

We did not write these two booklets but only print them and give them away free to help people. We have seen the teaching, ministry and counseling about Ahab men and Jezebel women help many people. You can trace these curses back to Adam and Eve in the Garden when they fell from the Grace of God into sin. Read these booklets and see how many problems of mankind are caused by these characteristics of men and women.

Queen Jezebel was a prime example of controlling others. A Jezebelic wife and mother is actually practicing witchcraft as she tries to control her family. Charismatic witches use personal prophecy to control others. Charismatic witches are Jezebels.

Another aspect of Ahab and Jezebel is Charismatic Witchcraft. Witchcraft is the practice of trying to control others for personal gain. Charismatic witchcraft is exercising control over other Christians by leaders or by anyone within the congregation. A lot can be written about this subject. There are many demons associated with control of others. This practice is basically mind control.

Soul ties are formed with those to whom we submit our wills. Soul ties can be formed with leaders of the church as well as with anyone in the occult that we go to for help. A dictatorial pastor will form soul ties with his congregation. The church leaders are cursed by trying to take the place of God in our lives. The congregation is cursed for following man rather than God.

We have no right to control others! God gave us a free will and even He will not try to control us! Therefore, we enter into agreement with Satan and his demons when we attempt to control others, and we are practicing witchcraft!

We understand that thousands of these booklets have been mailed out. We believe that probably everyone has the curse of the bastard and the curse of incest on them if they have not forgiven their ancestors and broken the curse off of them and their descendents.

There are histories about two families and their descendents in the booklet. These stories clearly show the effects of the sins of the ancestors and how the descendents are cursed for generations. You can see the pattern repeating generation after generation.

Indian curses come from the Indians worshiping idols in their worship services and Indian rites practiced by the tribes. These curses come from worshiping other gods and practicing the occult.

Earline had Cherokee Indian ancestors on both sides of her family within three generations. Because of these curses, her family had heart trouble and many men died therefrom. Earline, as a woman, even had heart trouble.

The following is her testimony: “I had a heart condition which was unusual. It never occurred with regularity nor under any specific condition. While taking a tread mill test, I experienced tremendous pain in the chest, arms and neck. Having been examined by a ‘heart specialist’ in Minneapolis, who told me that my heart was good but he had written ‘death by heart attack’ on many people’s certificates like myself. These were people who didn’t really have anything wrong with their hearts.

A year or so after my dad’s death I found my heart acting up again. Sometimes one to five years would elapse between seizures. I began to ask God to show me why my brothers, dad, dad’s brothers and his dad all had heart problems.

He showed me Ezekiel 18 & Exodus 20. He told me to repent for my ancestors and myself for the sin of idol worship in Leviticus 26:40-41. The curse of idol worship follows the blood line. I did these things and have been free since then. I was only the second generation from previous generations that sinned before God.”

Eze. 18:14-18, We can recover from the sin of our ancestor. Eze. 20:1-6, These are the ten commandments which show the generational curse. Notice that God will show mercy when we repent. Lev. 26:36-42, God promises to remember those that repent.

Deut. 7:26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house lest thou be a cursed thing like it; but thou shalt utterly abhor it for it is a cursed thing. If you have cursed objects on your body or in your possessions that your carry around, or that are in your home, then your are cursed by God. You have invited the demons to attack you and the people that live in your home.

My favorite example is pierced ears which is a sign of slavery in the Bible. Jesus Christ wants us to live a simple life without religious objects or graven images. I want the men to take off all religious objects. I want the women to take off all jewelry except for wedding rings and watches. This will help in the deliverance to get rid of the demons.

Therefore, be very careful how you think, pray, speak and act. Study your Bible to find out how God thinks and acts so that you can think, speak, pray and act in accordance with His Will. Also study to see how you should bless, rather than curse, others as well as yourself and your family.

Obey and be blessed – disobey and be cursed! It’s your choice. You will be blessed in proportion to the amount of the Bible you follow and cursed in proportion to the amount of the Bible you do not follow. We are told to keep all the words of the Holy Bible.

Periodically, Earline and I have to break the curses that are placed against us and our ministry. You can feel the spiritual pressure building up and it is necessary to go to spiritual war. We forgive those who knowingly or unknowingly are praying or speaking against us, break any curses or soul ties, send the demons back to those who sent them, and pray that their eyes will be opened.

Father, we want to bless others and be blessed rather than to curse other and be cursed. Please make us a blessing and take away the curse. We will get rid of cursed objects in our possession. We ask that you, other people and our descendents forgive us for anything we have done to bring the curse. We forgive our ancestors and everyone else that have placed curses on us. Please forgive all these people for psychic prayers, spoken curses, ancestral curses, parental curses, cursing by others, cursing ourselves, cursing our descendents, disobedience, Ahab and Jezebel, charismatic witchcraft, conceiving bastards, having incest, Indian curses, and any other curse known or unknown that is found in the Holy Word of God.

I now break any curses placed on me or my descendants from uttering a wish of evil against one; to imprecate evil, to call for mischief or injury to fall upon; to execrate, to bring evil upon or to; to blast, vex, harass or torment with great calamities. I break the curses back to ten generations or even to Adam and Eve on both sides of my family, and destroy every legal hold and every legal ground that demons have to work in my life.

I break curses that follow in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mistreating God’s Chosen People, Willing Deceivers,
Adultery, Harlotry, Prostitution, Disobedience to Bible,
Idolatry, Keeping Cursed Objects,
Refusing To Fight For God, House of Wicked,
Not Giving To Poor, Stealing,
Swearing Falsely By God, Failing To Give Glory to God,
Robbing God of Tithes, Dishonoring Parents,
Hearkening to Wives Rather Than God, Making Graven Images,
Cheating People Out of Property, Taking Advantage of Blind,
Oppressing Strangers, Widows,
Orphans, Bestiality,
Incest With Sister or Mother, Murder Secretly or For Hire,
Pride, Putting Trust In Man,
Doing The Work of God Deceitfully, Rewarding Evil For Good,
Abortion or Causing Unborn To Die, Having Bastards,
Murdering Indirectly, Striking Parents,
Kidnapping, Cursing Parents,
Not Preventing Death, Sacrificing to Gods,
Witchcraft, Turning Someone Away From God,
Following Horoscopes, Rebelling Against Pastors,
Losing Virginity Before Marriage, False Prophets,
Rape, Not Disciplining Children,
Teaching Rebellion Against God, Cursing Rulers,
Refusing To Warn Sinners, Defiling The Sabbath,
Sacrificing Humans, Seances and Fortune Telling,
Intercourse During Menstruation, Homosexuals and Lesbians,
Necromancers, Blaspheming Lord’s Name,
Being Carnally Minded, Oral and Anal Sex,
Children Rebelling, Nonproductivity,
Fugitive and Vagabond, Improper Family Structure,
Destruction of Family Priesthood, Refusing To Do The Word of God,
Family Disorder, Failure and Poverty,
Any Sin Worthy of Death, Touching God’s Anointed,
Perversion of Gospel, Loving Cursing,
Choosing That Which God Delights Not In, Looking To World For Help,
Stubbornness and Rebellion, Offending Children Believing Christ,
Adding To or Taking Away From Bible, Any Biblical Curse Not listed Above,


Call out the demons that come in through the curses also.

Pestilence, Idol Worship, Graven Images,
Consumption, Bastard, Pride,
Fever, Wicked Balances, Catholic Prayers,
Inflammation, Dislike/Hatred/Murder, Prince of Southern Curses,
Extreme Burning, Curse of the Law, Prince of Occult,
Blasting, Bless You Spirits, Witchcraft Curses,
Mildew, Incest, Voodoo Curses,
Botch of Egypt, Lesbians, Occult Curses,
Emerods, Necromancers, American Indian Curses,
Scab, Blaspheming, Charismatic Witchcraft,
Itch, Sodomy, Horoscopes,
Madness, Oral & Anal Sex, Rebellion,
Blindness, Slackness, False Prophets,
Astonishment of Heart, Deeper Teachings, Seances,
Plagues, Irish Shamrock Hex, Fortune Telling,
Sore Sicknesses, Fertility, Nonproductivity,
Diseases of Egypt, Deceiving, Personal Poverty,
Trembling of Heart, Adultery, Misrepresentation,
Failing of Eyes, Disobedience, Perversion of Judgment,
Sorrow of Mind, Cursed Objects, Doubt,
Broken Vows, Thievery, Homosexual,
Unicorn, False Swearing, Tulip,
Twelve Petal Rosette, The Distlefink, Your Lucky Stars,
Love & Romance, Eight Pointed Star, Friendship Hex,
Pentacle/Pentagram, Eastern Star, Hexagram,
Star of David, Mogen David, Cabalistic Magic Symbol,
White Magic, Masonic Symbols, Freemasonry,
Italian Horn, Leprechaun’s Staff, Unicorn’s Horn,
Egyptian Ankh, Egyptian Sun God RA, Zodiac,
Mexican Sun God, Buddhas, Crescent Moon & Star,
Cursing, Vexation, Rebuke,
Destroying, Perishing, Consuming,
Groping, Not Prosper, Oppressed,
Spoiled, Failure, Crushed,
Smite, Pursuing, Sore Botch of Knees,
Legs and Whole Body, Overtaking, Distress,
Plucked, Chastisement, Removed,
Not Healed, Astonishment, Proverb,
Byword, Want, Besiege,
Straitness, Evil, Emotionalism,
Love of Money, Psychic Prayers, Idol Worship,
Conceived in Lust, Abortion, Rejection,
Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse,
Bastard, Incest, Fornication,
Strife, Alienation, Sickness,
Deceit, Delusions, Cruelty,
Lying, Seduction, Death,
Troubling, Confusion, Lethargy,
Misery, Destruction, Ignorance,
Sorrow, Wickedness, Badness,
Adversity, Affliction, Calamity,
Displeasure, Distress, Grief,
Harm, Hurt, Mischief,
Sadness, Trouble, Vex,
Wretchedness, Wrong, Perishing,
Decay, Ruin, Corruptness,
Destroying, Falling, Deluded,
Allured, Enticed, Persuaded,
Slumber, Stupor, Hardening,
Error, Taking God’s Glory, Following Man,
Witchcraft, Indian Spirits,



I would like to examine the question of shedding innocent blood, or murder of innocent people. In the last twenty years there seems to be a great rise in the murder of innocent people or what seems like innocent people. Wondering why this has happened has set me to doing a little study. It seems that as the years go by unprovoked, or what looks like unprovoked, murders become more common.

As a child on a mountain in Tennessee, we heard of murder only once. It was a great shock to us all. Nothing like this had ever happened in my lifetime before. It took us children a long time to feel safe to go and come as we had before. There were no more murders there that I heard about, so in time, we became trusting again and went all about alone without fear.

I have read about so many murders in my town that I don’t pay much attention to them anymore. I do find that I stay away from certain places and types of people. I wouldn’t just go anywhere as I did as a child. I take my husband or someone else when I have to go to certain areas. We have a shopping center that I almost never go to alone because I consider it not to be safe even in the day time.

I started to notice a trend in our area; on the surface it seems more women are being attacked and/or murdered than in years past. I have often wondered why. I think we can find some answers in the Bible.

I have a new Bible which I have started to read from beginning to end, marking all of God’s words in red. I came upon this verse, which I will have to admit, never registered with me before. Genesis 9:6, Whosoever sheds men’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God He made man. Since God created man in His image we should respect that which God gave honor to and not deface God’s image, by unjustly killing a person. There is a law for killing by those who plan and carry out murder. There is a curse on those magistrates who do not punish murders, Rom. 13:4.

The first account of innocent blood being shed in the Bible is in Gen. 4. The brothers Cain and Able have both offered sacrifice to God but only Able’s is accepted. Cain becomes exceedingly angry and indignant. V.6, And the Lord said to Cain, Why are you angry? And why do you look sad and dejected? V.7, If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, and you must master it.

Cain lets anger, rage, hate, jealousy take hold of him. Instead of repenting of disobedience to God’s instruction concerning sacrifices, he decides to destroy the object of his anger. He murders his brother, hides the body, and pretends he doesn’t know anything about it.

God is not deceived by this act, neither is the Devil. For God looks into Cain’s heart and sees all the evil there. Cain could have confessed his sin but he did not, instead he lies. V.11 contains his sentence. And now you are cursed by reason of the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive you brother’s [shed] blood from your hand. V.12, When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield to you its strength; you shall be a vagabond on the earth [in perpetual exile, a degraded outcast]. Even at this point Cain could have repented and been forgiven, but he would not. In fact, he was telling God that God would have to accept him because of his fine gift. There is nothing we can offer God fine enough to cause Him to accept us. It is only by accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and afterward living by God’s directions that we can be acceptable to God. Cain began to tell God about the harshness of his sentence. In the light of his murder of his brother, this attitude shows his opposition to God’s laws. He should have considered his sentence light compared to the sentence he deserved.

See these scriptures on shedding innocent blood: Ex. 23:7, Keep very far from a false matter and [be very careful] not to condemn to death the innocent and the righteous, for I will not justify and acquit the wicked.

Deut. 19:10, Lest innocent blood be shed in your land, which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, and so blood guilt be upon you.

In the verses just before this one, God is setting up cities of refuge for those who accidentally kill another. God did not want the avenger of blood to kill while he was hot with anger. (If the avenger killed one who had accidentally killed, then the avenger would be guilty of shedding innocent blood.) The one who had accidently killed another could stay in the city of refuge until the elders of his city could determine if he was guilty of hating and planning to kill. If it was certain that he hated and planned to kill, then they would go into the city of refuge and bring him out and slay him.

Why do this? V.13, Your eyes shall not pity him, but you shall clear Israel of the guilt of innocent blood, that it may be well with you.

This is the provision for redeeming the land where one is found murdered and no one knows who did the murder. Deut. 21:1-9, If one is found slain in open land, then the city nearest to the body shall bring a heifer to a valley never sown, break it’s neck, and there all the men from the city would wash their hands and say whether they had seen the murder or done it.

V.8, Forgive, O Lord, Your people Israel, whom You have redeemed, and do not allow the shedding of innocent blood to be charged to Your people Israel. And the guilt of the blood shall be forgiven them. V.9, So shall you purge the guilt of innocent blood from among you, when you do what is right in the sight of the Lord.

Deut. 27:24, Cursed is he who slays his neighbor secretly. All the people shall say, Amen. Even if you should never get caught, you and your descendents will be under a curse and will be hunted by others and be killed. The Devil will never leave you and your descendents alone until you repent of your sins, accept Jesus as Saviour, break the curses on the family line, cast out the demons, and live according to the Bible thereafter. If you or you children sin in this manner later, the curse will return.

Deut. 27:25, Cursed is he who takes a bribe to slay an innocent person, all the people shall say, Amen. This will include all parties participating in abortion of unborn children: the father, mother, doctor, nurses and all others who agree to the abortion. It includes those who are bribed to lie or kill, and judges who accept bribes to cancel sentences or give light sentences to those who have committed murder or have lied to protect the guilty.

I Sam. 19:5, Saul had ordered David slain but Jonathan attempted to persuade Saul to stop before he shed innocent blood. Why was Jonathan concerned? We will see soon that the curse for shedding innocent blood would effect Jonathan and all Saul’s descendents, especially the males.

II Kings 21:16, Moreover, Manasseh shed very much innocent blood, filling Jerusalem from one end to the other—besides his sin in making Judah sin, by doing evil in the sight of the Lord! (II Chron. 33:1-10) He burned his children as an offering to his god in the valley of Ben-hinnom.

Manasseh, evil son of good Hezekiah, not only worshiped other gods but he put their images in God’s Temple. Children were gifts from God given by Him to parents who then turned and killed them, and sacrificed them to demons. This was a terrible affront to God, a great rebellion, and a terrible sin which brings curses for many generations, possible forever, on a family line. It takes sincere repentance for these sins of self and/or ancestors.

II Kings 24:2-4, The Lord sent against Jehoiakim bands of Chaldeans, of Syrians, of Moabites and of Ammonites. And He sent them to Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by His prophets. Surely this came upon Judah at the commandant of the Lord, to remove them out of His sight because of the sins of Manasseh according to all the sins he had done, And also for the innocent blood that he shed. For he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the Lord would not pardon.

Jehoiakim was a descendent of Manasseh; the sins of his father he did plus he received the punishment and curses of his father. Good King Hezekiah prayed to not die, God heard him, and he proceeded to give Israel the worse king it had had so far. [Read of ten tragic results from God giving Hezekiah what he wanted so badly, II Kings 20:18; 21:1, 3-4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 20.] It was good that Hezekiah prayed earnestly but at the end of giving his desire list to God, he should have submitted himself to God’s plan.

Josiah, son of Manasseh, did right in the sight of the Lord and God stayed His wrath until Josiah died. But Manasseh’s grandson, Jehoiakim, followed after Manasseh and great was the destruction on Judah.

There is a good possibility we would never have heard of Nebuchadnezzar, if it had not been for the Kings of Judah going after other gods and shedding innocent blood. God appointed him to be king, and to take into captivity all of Judah and the rest of the known world.

I Kings 21-22 and II Kings 10, You will see an example of the results of shedding innocent blood on Ahab’s household. Ahab wanted to have the vineyard of Naboth. Naboth refused to sell. Ahab came into his house, jumped into bed, whined around and pouted until he manipulated Jezebel to solve his problem. She had Naboth framed and killed. God issued the results of that curse. V.19, To Ahab; where the dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall they also lick your blood. V.21, To Ahab’s sons: I will bring evil on you and utterly sweep away and cut off from Ahab every male, bond and free. V.23, To Jezebel: the dogs will eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel. All these things happened just as God said.

Ps. 10:8, In this chapter we get a good picture of the wicked person who plots and plans murder of innocents. He is greedy, full of pride, persecutes the poor, spurns, renounces and despises the Lord, refuses to heed God’s instructions and warnings, thinks he will never be punished, his ways are grievous, he believes he will never have adversity or want, his mouth is full of cursing, deceit, oppression and fraud, trouble and sin are under his tongue, and he ambushes and slays the poor and innocent.

Ps. 15:5 tells us that those who will take a bribe to slay the innocent will not dwell in the tabernacle and in God’s Holy Hill.

Ps. 94:21, There are those who band together to condemn the innocent to death, but the Lord will turn their own iniquity back upon them.

Ps. 106:36-42, And served their idols, which were a snare to them. Yes,, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, [II Kings 16:3.]. And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled by their own works, and played the harlot and practiced idolatry with their own deeds of idolatrous rites. Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against His people, insomuch that He abhorred and rejected His own heritage, [Deut. 32:17]. And He gave them into the hand of the heathen nations, and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under the hand of their foes.

Pro. 6:17-19, (six things the Lord hates) A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that manufactures wicked thoughts and plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who breaths out lies [even under oath], and he who sows discord among the brethren.

Isa. 59:7-8, Their feet run to evil, and they make hast to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts are of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their paths and highways. The way of peace they know not, and there is no justice or right in their goings; they have made them crooked paths; whoever goes in them knows not peace.

Jer.2:34, This is a good chapter to read completely. God, through the prophets, is telling the history of sin to these people. He reminds them that He brought them out of Egypt and set them free. They have forgotten all His care and provisions in the wilderness, and being brought into a lane of plenty. Not even the priests ask for the Lord. The rulers transgressed against God, and the prophets prophesied by the authority of and in the name of Baal. Then God tells them what they are like and what will come upon them. He likens them to restless females in heat looking for a male. In verses 35-37 He explains how vain and hopeless their worship of idols is, and what destruction they have brought upon themselves.

In their idol worship they burn their babies and sacrifice their children; they also kill the innocent poor. V.34 tells them they have done these things because of their lust for idolatry.

One thing we have learned in deliverance sessions; those people who get into the occult, drugs or sex have a very difficult time giving their old activities up. After much prayer and Bible study, it has become evident that since these are all activities carried on in idol or Satan worship, the demons will really work on these people to get back in. It is far better and safer to leave idol and Satan worship out of you life. This means no sex before marriage, no desiring forbidden knowledge, no flirting with the occult, no use of illegal drugs, and no worship of anyone as Lord except Jesus Christ.

Jer. 19:4-9, Because the people have forsaken Me, and have estranged and profaned this place [Jerusalem], by burning incense in it to other gods that neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have known; and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I commanded not, nor spoke it, nor did it come into My mind or heart; Therefore, behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when this place shall no more be called Topheth, or the Valley of Ben-hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter. I will cause their people to fall by the sword of their enemies, and by the hand of those who seek their life; and their dead bodies will I give to be food for the birds of the air and for the beasts of the earth. I will make this city to be an astonishment and a horror and a hissing; I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters, and neighbors because of the distress of their life.

This group of verses should serve to warn us in America of much horror, sadness and distress ahead. I try to imagine what terror a baby goes through when it is murdered. It can be nothing but murder. We can see how far we have fallen when we pick to murder those who are unable to do anything to defend themselves. See also Jer. 22:3,17; 26:15.

Eze. 13 tells us about people who are occult taking bribes to keep alive those who should die, and to kill those who should live. God says in verse 23 that He will deliver His people out of their hand. In Chapter 14, God explains what He will do to those who worship idols and still come around asking for God’s advice. He will be cut off from the midst of My people. God says that when the land sins (which is like our law allowing and financing abortion), He will stretch out His hand against it and cut off their bread, send famine, and cut off from it man and beast. And that even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in that land, they could save only themselves by their own uprightness. You and I will stand before God on our own record and will not be able to make claims of rightness because of what our families have done.

Matt. 27:4, When Judas saw that Jesus was condemned to be killed; his remorse was little more than a selfish dread of the consequences of betraying innocent blood. It looks like Judas didn’t have the courage to face his friends after betraying Jesus. I’m sure he knew what he had done.

Matt. 27:24, Even Pilot wanted everyone to know he was not responsible for the innocent blood of Jesus. V.25, Then answered all the people, and said His blood be on us, and on our children. Once when we were working in deliverance with a person of Hebrew blood inheritance, we were impressed to have them repent for this curse and break it. They then began to shake and tremble violently. When they were free of these spirits, the shaking stopped.

From all this scripture we have learned: it is a very severe thing to take the life of any human being. It is most severe to take the life of the innocent, the unborn or the poor. To murder the unborn in a attempt to cover other sins only gets a person in more trouble that having the child.

We have seen how rebellion, hate, envy, jealousy grow extremely rapidly. The Bible tells us to obey the instructions of God quickly and enthusiastically. Quickly forgive others, repent of rebellion and quickly correct any errors in your thinking.

Have you seen families or a person that seemed to never belong, never be able to make enough money to take care of themselves, let alone their families, families who seemed to always be despised in the neighborhood, those who work and make plenty of money but never seen to have enough, those who never seem to be able to come to Jesus, those who stay in their idolatry and witchcraft even when it is obvious they are gaining nothing but are being damned, etc.?

There will be judgement coming on our land for the guilt of all the innocent blood that has been shed on our soil. These are some of the consequences we can expect: all the above and all those things we read about happening to the Old Testament people.

There must be sincere and deep repentance for the agreement to or the act of murder of innocents. If you give consent to abortion, you are also guilty. When Daniel asked God to forgive the sins of his nation, he used the terms us not them. Maybe we should do that too.

This lesson was written by Earline. I would like to add some comments. It is very clear that those participating in sexual sins (which lead to pregnancy) and then a decision is made to have an abortion are committing murder. The murder of an innocent child then opens the parents to demon attacks of being murdered or having violence committed against them.

A couple that does not want a child should use birth control methods that prevent pregnancy. This is better than having an abortion of an unwanted child. Single parents should not deliberately have children outside of marriage. They are cursed and their child is cursed.

After having an abortion, the woman is subject to having miscarriages or not being able to get pregnant again. She may have painful and prolonged bleeding and pain during her menstrual cycles. She is subjected to many cruel emotions such as paranoia and insecurity.

Rape can lead to pregnancy. Do you have a right before God to kill the child because you were raped? Soul ties should be broken with any sexual partners outside of marriage whether by rape or by sexual consent.

The church is drastically affected by the bastard which is a child conceived out of wedlock. The bastards have great difficulty in going to church and participating in the church services. Those who have sexual demons may act religious in church to cover their guilt about their sexual sins.

Dear Father in Heaven, we have read and learned today that there are curses that fall on individuals, families, races and on nations for the sin of shedding innocent blood. Learning that this is a curse that travels down the family line, I have no way of knowing what has gone on before me, I do now ask for forgiveness for myself and those before me who may have sinned against you and others by shedding innocent blood. We have greatly erred in shedding innocent blood in the United States, Lord forgive us this terrible sin and redeem us from quilt and cleanse the land.

Father, I repent of having become involved in acts that show worship and obedience to the Devil and his demons. I repent of all occult acts: worship, drugs, sex, thievery, murder, etc. I break all soul ties with others that I practiced these acts with. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.

Father, because you have given us power over all the power of the Devil, I break this curse of shedding innocent blood off of my family and my descendents in the name of Jesus Christ. I also break curses of idol worship, Satanism, illicit sex in Jesus name.

Father, You have said that if I call on the name of the Lord I can be delivered. I do now call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to set me free. I thank you Jesus for all you have done for me. I commit my life to you in a greater way today than I have before. Please instruct me and help me to correct my life and bring it into subjection to You. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, God’s son. Amen.


Related lists of demons include: Bastards, Effeminacy – Sins of Sodom, Rape, Sexual Harassment – Abuse – Assault – Violence, and Sexual Sin and Diseases which can be found in Mass Deliverance Manual.

We come against all demons associated with: shedding innocent blood, murder of innocent people, and sacrificing children to demons and idols of sex.

We come against all demons associated with: anger, sadness, dejection, against spirits of rage, hate, envy, jealousy, pretense, lying, killing, rebellion, falseness, bribery, Jezebel and Ahab, greed, pride, cursing, oppression, Baal and other deceit, fraud, sexual idols, lust, combination of occult, sex, seeking forbidden illicit drugs and knowledge, burning incense, worship of sex, cowardliness, idolatry, terror, witchcraft, thievery, murder, Satanism and all other demon families.

We come against Asmodeous and all other marriage breaking spirits.



Deuteronomy 23:3-6— An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation their descendants shall not enter into the assembly of the Lord forever;

4 Because they did not meet you with food and water on the way when you came forth out of Egypt, and because they hired Balaam son of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia, against you.

5 Nevertheless the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam; but the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing to you, because the Lord your God loved you.

6 You shall not seek their peace or their prosperity all you days for ever.

Genesis 19: 30-38

30 And Lot went out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountains, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar; and he lived in a cave, he and his two daughters.

31 The elder said to the younger, Our father is aging, and there is not a man on earth to dwell with us in the customary way.

32 Come, let us make our father drunk with wine, and we will lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring (our race) THROUGH OUR FATHER.

33 And they made their father drunk with wine that night: and the older went in and lay with her father; and he was not aware when she lay down or when she arose

34 Then the next day the first-born said to the younger, See here, I lay last night with my father; let us make him drunk with wine tonight also; then you go in and lie with him, so that we may preserve offspring (our race) through our father.

35 And they made their father drunk with wine again that night; and the younger arose and lay with him; and he was not aware when she lay down and when she arose.

36 Thus both the daughters of Lot were with child by their father.

37 The older bore a son, and named him Moab (of a father); he is father of the Moabites to this day.

38 The younger also bore a son, and named him Ben-ammi (son of my people); he is the father of the Ammonites to this day.

Rejection, bitterness, and rebellion are very strong in people who have had incest or have this curse on them. Incest in itself shows a degraded mind which is unclean. The person may even be filthy in his person as well as his mind. He is degenerate in morals. Children who have had incest relations will be very confused, frustrated filled with guilt, shame, self accusing, hopeless embarrassed, jealousy and every evil work. They hate those who belong to God and do every thing they can to harm them. They do not like to give aid to God’s children or God’s causes. Most are critical of God’s children without cause. Incest causes mistrust, hatred and contempt for those in authority. Never being able to get the unwanted feelings to go away. When they get what they have felt would make them feel okey, it does not. They have hatred for the person who forced them into incest and often transfer that hatred to all of that sex. They are unable to accomplish anything worthwhile because their mind has become fractured. It cannot concentrate nor be disciplined. It can be spotted by a teacher this way, These children will be scared of adults, full of hate and bitterness, lude talk, no self respect nor respect for others, cannot do their work alone, always having trouble with the person in authority. Do not have joy in learning. do not believe things will ever change. Hopelessness with no reason to try.




Job 1:6-13; 2:3-13, Isa. 14:12-17, Ezek. 28:12-19, Dan. 4:34-36; 10:12-14, Matt. 17:14-18, Matt. 28:18-20, Luke 4:1-13; 10:18-20, Luke 13:15-16, John 8:42-45, Acts 5:3-4, II Cor. 4:3-6, II Cor. 11:1-4, Eph. 4:25-27; 6:10-20, Col. 1:11-14, Col. 2:13-15, I Thes. 2:17-20, Heb. 2:14-15, James 4:7-10,

I Pet. 5:8-9, I John 3:7-9; 4:4-6, Rev. 12:7-12, Rev. 13:5-15; 20:10,


Before The Re-creation Of Genesis 1:2 (Isa. 24:1; Jer. 4:23-26) Ez 28:11-19, Is. 14:4-20, Job 38:4-7,

From The Garden Of Eden To The Flood

Genesis 3:1-15, II Cor. 11:3, I Tim. 2:14, I John 2:15-17, Gen. 4:1-16, Heb. 11:4, I John 3:11-12, Jude 6; 11, Gen. 6:1-8, Matt. 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-27, Eph. 4:9, I Pet. 3:18-20, I Pet. 4:6, II Pet. 2:4-5,

From The Flood To The Exodus

Gen. 10:8-10, Gen. 11:1-9, Gen. 10:25, Gen. 19, Luke 17:28-30, II Pet. 2:6-8, Jude 7, Job 1:1; 2:10, James 5:11, Ex. 7:10-12, 19-22, Ex. 8:1-7; 16-19, Ex. 9:11, Psalms 78:43-51, Isa. 19:1-3, II Tim. 3:8,

From The Exodus To The Death Of Saul

Ex. 32, Acts 7:38-43, Numbers 13:33, Gen. 6:4; 14:5; 15:20, Deut. 2:10-11;20-24, Deut. 3:11-13,

Joshua 12:4, 15; 13:12, Joshua 17:15; 18:16, II Sam. 5:18-22, II Sam. 21:16-22; 23:13, I Chron. 11:15; 14:9, I Chron. 20:4-8, Isa. 14:8; 17:5, Isa. 26:14, 19, Job 26:5, Psalm 88:10, Prov. 2:18; 9:18, Prov. 21:16, Num. 13:22, 28, 33, Deut. 1:28, Deut. 2:10-11, 21; 9:2, Joshua 11:21-22, Joshua 14:12, 15, Joshua 15:13-14; 21:11, Judges 1:20, I Sam. 17, Gen. 14:5-6; 36:20-21, 29, Deut. 2:10-12, 22, Gen. 14:5, Deut. 2:20, 23, Joshua 18:23, Deut. 7:1-5, Deut. 20:16-18, Num. 22-24, Joshua 13:22, Joshua 24:9-10, Micah 6:5, II Peter 2:15-16, Jude 11, Rev. 2:14, Judges 9, I Sam. 9:15-17; 10:1-13,

I Sam. 15, I Sam. 16:13-23, I Sam. 18:10-22; 19:9-24 I Sam. 22’16-19, I Sam. 28:3-20, I Chron. 10,

During The Reign Of David And The Divided Kingdom

II Sam. 24, I Chron. 21:1-28, Psalm 109:6-15,Acts 1:15-20, I Kings 22:1-28, II Chron. 18,

Teaching On Demonology In The Prophetic Books

Is. 24:17-23, Is. 26:13-19; 27:1, Is. 30:30-33; 61:1, Luke 4:18, Eph. 4:8 Dan. 10:12-14, 20-21,Zech. 3,

Daniel’s Description Of Satan’s Kingdom Under The Antichrist

Dan. 2:31-45, Dan. Chapter 7 & 8, Dan. 9:20-27, Dan. 11:21; 12:13,

Additional Teaching On Demonology In The Old Testament

Ex. 12:23, Psalm 78:49, Job 4:18; 15:15, Gen. 35:1-4, Psalm 96:5, Amos 5:25-27,

Some Demons Or Evil Spirits That Are Named In The Old Testament

Deut. 32:16-17, Psalms 106:34-39, Lev. 17:6-7, II Kings 23:8, II Chron. 11:15, Is. 13:21; 34:14,

Num. 5:14, 30, Hosea 4:12; 5:4, Zech. 13:1-5,

Evil Supernaturalism As Practiced In The Old Testament

Ex. 22:18, Lev. 19:26, 31, Lev. 20:1-6, 27, Deut. 18:9-22, Mic 5:12-15, Nah 3:4, Mal. 3:5, Gen. 31:19, 30, 34, II Kings 9:22; 17:14-18, II Kings 21:1-7, 11, II Chron. 33:1-9, Is. 65:3-7, Jer. 19:4-6, Ezk. 8:6-18, II Kings 23:4-24, Is. 29:4; 47:9-15, Gen. 41:8, 24, Dan. 1:20; 2:2,10,27-28, Dan. 4:6-9; 5:7,11,15, Gen. 30:27; 44:4-5, I Sam. 6:1-5, Is. 44:25, Jer. 14:14; 27:9-11, Jer. 29:8-9, Ez. 12:24; 13:1-9,23, Ez. 21:21-23,29, Ez. 22:28, Micah 3:6-7,11, Zech. 10:2, Deut. 18:11, Ps 106:28-29, Isa. 8:19-20; 19:3,

Note: In this study all references to the following words have been checked and used if related to the subject: (angel, charmer, dead, devil, divination, enchantment, familiar, giants, leviathan, magic, necromancy, Satan, serpent, spirit, witch, wizard). Also every reference to Anakim, Avim, Emim, Horim, Nephilim, Rephaim, Zamzummim.

Satan’s Direct Attacks Against The Lord Jesus Christ

Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:13, Luke 4:2-13, Matt. 16:22-23, Mark 8:33,

Satan Possesses Judas And Desires To Have Peter

John 6:64,70-71, Luke 22:3-6,21-23, John 13:21-30, John 17:12, II Thes. 2:3, Luke 22:31-34,

The Lord Jesus And John The Baptist Were Accused Of Having A Demon, Etc.

Matt. 11:18, Luke 7:33, John 7:20; 8:48-49,52, John 10:20-21, Mark 3:28-30, Matt. 9:34; 12:24,

Mark 3:22, Luke 11:15, Matt. 10:25, II Kings 1:1-6,16,

Some People Are Described As Children Of The Devil, Etc.

Matt. 3:7, Luke 3:7, Matt. 12:34; 23:33, Matt. 23:15; 13:24-30, John 8:41,44,

Specific Accounts Of Demonic Deliverance By Jesus Christ

Mark 1:23-28, Luke 4:33-37, Matt. 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31, Luke 4:38-39, Matt. 8:28-34,

Mark 5:2-20, Luke 8:27-39, Matt. 9:32-33, Matt. 12:22-23, Luke 11:14, Matt. 15:21-28,

Mark 7:24-30, Matt. 17:14-21, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 9:37-43; 13:11-17, Mark 16:9, Luke 8:2-3,

Additional References To The Authority Of Jesus Christ Over Demons, Etc.

Matt. 8:16-17, Mark 1:32-34, Luke 4:40-41, Matt. 4:24, Mark 1:39; 3:7-12, Luke 6:17-19; 13:32,

Matt. 8:24-27, Mark 4:37-41, Luke 8:23-25, Eph. 2:2, Matt. 11:2-6, Luke 7:18-23,

The Instruction Of Jesus Christ Concerning The Casting Out Of Demons

Matt. 12:25-29, Mark 3:23-27, Luke 11:17-22, Matt. 10:1,8; 18:18-20, Mark 3:13-15; 6:7, Luke 9:1,

Mark 6:13, Luke 10:17-20, Mark 9:39-40, Luke 9:49-50, Mark 16:17,

Additional Important Teaching Concerning Satan And His Followers

Matt. 6:13, Luke 11:4, John 17:15, Matt. 12:43-45, Luke 11:24-26, Matt. 13:4,19, Mark 4:4,15, Luke 8:5,12, John 10:1-16, Matt. 6:23, Luke 1:79; 11:35, Luke 22:53, John 1:5; 3:19; 8:12, John 12:35,46; 12:31, John 14:30; 16:11,

The Prophetic Statements In The Gospels Regarding Satan And His Followers

Matt. 7:21-23, Matt. 24:4-5,23-26, Mark 13:5; 6:21-23, Luke 21:8, John 5:43, Matt. 25:41; 8:29,

Note: In this study of the New Testament all references to the following words have been checked and used it they were related to the subject: (angel, antichrist, Beelzebub, Belial, darkness, devil, demon, dragon, lion, Satan, serpent, sorcery, spirit, tempter.

The Name And Titles Of Satan In The Bible – In the New Testament he is called: the accuser of the brethren, the adversary, the authority of darkness, Beelzebub, Belial, the devil, the great red dragon, the enemy, the god of this age, a liar, the father of lies, a roaring lion, a murderer, the ruler of the authorities of the air, the ruler of this world, the serpent, Satan, the tempter, a thief and the wicked one. He also has these additional names in the Old Testament: Leviathan, Lucifer, the King of Babylon and the King of Tyre.

Satan’s Attacks Against Paul and His Authority Concerning Satan

II Cor. 12:7-10, I Thes. 2:18, II Tim. 4:17, I Cor. 5:1-5, I Tim. 1:18-20,

Satan’s Attacks Against Certain Groups of People

I Cor. 7:5, I Tim. 5:11-15, I Jn 2:13-14, I Tim. 3:1-7, II Tim. 2:24-26, II Cor. 2:10-11;, II Cor. 11:3-4,

Satan Uses Men and Women and Angels for His Evil Purposes

Act5:1-11;8:9-24,Act13:6-12,Rev.2:20-25,II Cor11:13-15,Gal1:6-9; 3:1,Rev 2:2-6,15,Rev.2:9-10; 3:9,

Satan’s Control and Rule Over the World and Age

Acts 26:14-18, II Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-3, I Thes. 3:5, I Tim. 6:9, Heb. 2:17-18, I Tim. 6:9, Heb. 4:14-16, James 1:13-15, I John 3:7-12, I John 5:18-19, Rev. 2:13,

Believers are Warned About Satan’s World System

Rom. 12:1-2, Gal. 1:3-4; 4:3, Col. 2:8-10,20, James 1:17; 4:1-4, II Pet. 1:3-4,20, I John 5:4-5, John 16:33, I John 2:15-17,

Darkness and Light – an Important Related Subject

Rom. 2:17-20; 13:12, I Cor. 4:5, II Cor. 4:6, II Cor. 6:14-18, Eph. 5:6-14;, Eph. 4:17-19, I Thes. 5:4-5, I Pet. 2:9, I John 1:5-7; 2:8-11,

Examples in the Book of Acts of Deliverance From Spiritual Bondage

Acts 10:36-38; 5:16, Acts 8:6-8; 16:16-24, Acts 19:11-13,20,

Jesus Christ has Made Victory Over Satan Possible

Rom8:31-39,Eph1:20-23;3:8-12,I Pet3:22,Col2:13-15,IIThes3:1-3,IJn 5:18,Col 1:13-16,Heb. 2:14-15,

Instructions to Believers on How They May Obtain Victory Over Satan

Eph. 4:17, Rom. 6:16, Eph. 6:10-18, II Cor. 10:4-5, James 4:17, I Pet. 5:8-9, I John 4:1-6,

Various Types of Spirits are Mentioned in Paul’s Letters

Rom. 8:15, I Cor. 2:12, 2 Tim. 1:7, Rom. 11:7-8, I Cor. 12:10,

Miscellaneous Additional Teaching on Demonology

Acts17:18; 23:7-9, I Cor. 10:16-22, I Cor. 8:1-6, Jam 2:19; 3:14-15, I Tim. 3:11, II Tim. 3:3, Titus 2:3,

Prophetic Teaching in the Letters on Demonology and the Antichrist

Rom. 16:20, I Cor. 6:1-3, I Tim. 4:1-3, II Pet. 2:1-22, Jude 1:3, 25, I John 2:18-22, II John 7, II Thes. 2:1-12, John 17:12, Acts 1:25, II Thes. 2:3, Rev. 11:7; 17:8,

The Rise of Satan’s Trinity in the Last Years of This Age

Rev. Chap. 9, 12 & 13, Joel 2:1-11, Rev. 11:17, Gen. 37:9-10, Rev. 14:8-12; 15:2,

The Final, Ultimate Defeat of Satan and His Followers

Rev. 16:1-2,10-11, Rev. 16:13-14, Rev. Chap. 7, Rev. 18:2; 19:19-20, Rev. 20:1-10,

Note: For additional information on the rise of the antichrist, his kingdom, activities and downfall, read Daniel 2:40-45; 7:7-28; 8:8-14, 19-26; 9:25-27; 11:21-12-13.

Satan’s origin, afflicts body and mind, interferes with prayers and plans, murderer and liar, deceiver and accuser of Christians, Christ defeated, his power controlled by God, we resist him, Christ resisted by the Word and his doom.

There is a tremendous amount of Scripture that tells about Satan and his forces of evil. The Bible says more about Satan than Heaven so that you can overcome Satan and make it to Heaven!

There is one Satan – one individual not omniscient, omnipresent or omnipotent like God.

There are millions of fallen angels. Rev. 5:11 calculates at least 101,000,000 total angels. Rev. 12:4 calculates at least 33,700,000 fallen angels.

There are billions of demons. We only work with Christians and find they have many demons. If the world has billions of people and Christians have many demons, then there must be billions and billions of demons.

Demons probably came from a Pre-Adamic Race but there is no scriptural reference that can be found to prove this statement.

Satan is in charge (Chief of Staff). The fallen angels are his officers. The demons are his foot soldiers.

We cast about 10,000 demons out of one man over a nine-month period. The demons freely talked and gave us information about their rank and number. One demon said that a person could have tens of thousands of demons.

Demons are very conscious of authority and adhere slavishly to the “chain of command” and the line of authority structure. There are Chief Kings and Chief Princes and under them are kings and princes who rule over various geographical and spiritual areas. There are kingdoms, principalities, dominions and powers which are administered by kings and princes.

For example, each state in the United states is ruled over by a prince. Some examples: Louisiana – Southern Curses.

The control of a geographical area seems to rest on the success of a prince in controlling the majority of the persons within that place, but it also has to do with the ferocity and power of that prince.

A general is in charge of a legion (6,000) while a prince will control a number of legions. A ruler or captain commands a cohort ( 600), and there can be chief captains and chief rulers with still more authority. A centurion controls 100 demons and if he controls less than a hundred demons he is called a strongman. Any demon in authority will direct how many, and when and where pain spirits are to attack, and how sustained the attack is to be. These pain spirits are called Imps by those in charge.

Because of the rigid authority structure, a wise move in dealing with spirits is to bind all the spirits, especially the ruling ones, and the ones of violence, fighting and murder.

Derek Prince writes, “Today, by divine providence, the veils of convention and carnality are once again being drawn aside, and the church of Jesus Christ is being confronted by the same manifest opposition of demon power that confronted the church of the New Testament. In these circumstances, the church must once again explore the resources of authority and power made available to her through the truth of the Scripture, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the Name and the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

In the Scriptures, both holy and unholy spirit beings are designated as angels (Rev. 12:7). As Dr. Chafer says, “In power, prominence and importance, Satan appears in the Bible second only to the Trinity”.

Second only, therefore, to knowing the triune God and the value of His redeeming grace is knowing the truth about the enemy of God, who as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour (I Pet. 5:8).

Frances Manuel gives us this useful summation: “We do not have clear and plain teaching regarding the demons themselves. Demons in vast numbers constitute a part of Satan’s hierarchy and fight in his army. They are spiritual beings without bodies of their own, hence they seek embodiment; they have supernatural power and strength. They are not omniscient, but are creatures of cunning intellect, and given to deceits and wiles. They are unclean, corrupt, and bent on destruction and ruin. They degrade the bodies they invade and possess, whether of animals or men. They tremble at the Word of God and have to bow to the authority of Jesus Christ whether exerted directly by Him or by those to whom He has delegated the authority to subject them.”

Mrs. Penn-Lewis defines the satanic forces described in Eph. 6:12 as: “Principalities – force and dominion dealing with nations and governments; Powers – having authority and power of action in all the spheres open to them; World Rulers – governing the darkness and blindness of the world at large; Wicked Spirits – in heavenly places – the forces being directed in and upon the Church of Jesus Christ in wiles, fiery darts, onslaught, and every conceivable deception about doctrine which they are capable of planning”.

She continues: “All ‘teaching’ originating from deceiving spirits weaken the authority of the Scriptures; distort the teaching in the Scriptures; add to the Scriptures the thoughts of men; or put the Scriptures entirely aside…The test of all thought and belief therefore is its harmony with the written Scriptures in its full body of truth, and the attitude to the cross, and sin”.

Dr. Chafer points out the “demon influence, like their activity, is prompted by two motives; both to hinder the purpose of God for humanity, and to extend the authority of Satan. They therefore, at the command of their king, willingly cooperate in all his God-dishonoring undertakings. This influence is exercised both to mislead the unsaved and to wage an increasing war against the believer”. (Eph. 6:12)

When you were born as a human being, you became the object of extreme hatred and jealousy from the Archangel Lucifer and his hosts, for it was on human beings (not angels) that God elected to display His grace, love and mercy unexcelled.

When he saw what God was doing in placing this puny creature in charge of his former domain, the Devil immediately began to design a plan to plant rebellion in the man, thus to depose him from the position of over-lordship God had given men.

When grace was extended to the man and woman in the Garden of Eden through the provision of substitutionary blood, the promise was made that some day God would send the Saviour to be the Lamb of God.

After being outmaneuvered by God, and failing with Adam and Eve, Satan took note that God had said that the Saviour would come through the seed of the woman.

The super angel continued to invade the affairs of men and by the time of Noah, he had managed, by supernatural power to infiltrate the human race with angelic creatures who somehow took the bodies of humans (to father monstrous hybrid offspring, half demon and half human, Gen. 6:2).

At last, when the entire race had been tainted by the demonic strain, except for Noah and his family, God again struck the devil a mighty blow and had Noah prepare an ark.

Noah proved to be the glorious exception in an earth filled with violence and he found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Satan struck next by creating incest in Noah’s family, and by fermenting and stirring in the affairs of the descendents of Noah.

Satan continued to work ceaselessly to drag men and women away from the place of blessing to idolatry.

The descendents of Abraham, chosen by God to carry out his promises, were sent into Egypt to sojourn during a famine, but like so many, they went to sojourn and stayed on and settled down, instead of returning to the land of promise.

The result was the galling slavery of Egyptian bondage which gripped them and was to last for centuries.

On Mount Sinai, God gave them a perfect set of laws, but even while Moses was in communion with God on the mountain, Satan worked mightily.

After much purging and forty more years of agonizing preparation, God got His slow people ready for the victorious march into the promised land.

As Dr. Chafer observes, “Evidently demons have always been active in the world from the dawn of human history; but as the occasion may arise, they become more active at one time than at another. When the Son of God came to earth, took a human body and was manifested in the flesh, the very Creator and God against whom the demons had originally rebelled, there was a violent and powerful upsurge of demonic manifestations and power over all the world. It was almost as if the unseen world, in torment and resentment at the presence of the Godman, went into fresh spasms of rebellion and fury”.

When the coming of the promised Messiah was near, there was a mighty Satanic upheaval.

When the time for Jesus’ birth drew near, Satan struck again, moving Caesar to order a census (which was never completed).

The enemy next arranged that every inn and room in the village be filled, leaving no room for the weary couple.

Satan never gives up.

Herod’s fury knew no bounds when he discovered how he had been tricked.

There were continuous attacks on Jesus during His days of ministry.

When Jesus came to the end, the super-attempt to forestall God’s plan was tried.

On the cross He hung in agony and blood.

At the tomb, it seemed that Satan had finally triumphed but Praise God! early on the first day of the week, all was changed completely, for time and eternity. The Son of God came out of that tomb, the keys of hell and death dangling at His belt (Rev.1:18). This was total victory!

Satan and his forces continue today in their steadfast opposition against the overwhelming evidence that they will surely lose the battle. Dr. Chafer declares that Satan “is the living contender against the believer in the realms of spiritual life and activity as well as in the area of flesh and blood”.

Satan and his fallen angels are sharply limited in power compared with God, for they are mere finite creatures who can do nothing outside the permissive will of God.

Robert Peterson points out that, “The master passion of Satan for worship leads him to gain worship by whatever method brings the best results. He gains the worship of millions of intelligent people through counterfeit systems of truth, persuading them that he does not exist; or that he holds no dread for the educated and informed, who either belittle his influence or dismiss it as humbug. The superstitious on the other hand, are held in bondage by fear, a fear the Western world cannot understand because it defies explanation”. As Mrs. George Needham observes:”…The root…of idolatry is demonology. All its stupidity and senseless ceremony are but addenda to the main facts. The senses are gratified, the passions unloosed the conscience deluded-but chief over all, Satan is worshipped.

The demons, and all their dupes, reject the Bible.

That morning I had preached on the triumph which is in the very name of Jesus in every area. A prophecy had followed confirming this truth.

There can be very little doubt that the demons do have a highly organized empire of evil, Peterson writes out of direct observation as a missionary in Borneo. “I myself have heard through the lips of possessed persons two demons arguing over disputed territory. It seems that the demons are given boundaries over which they are not allowed to pass. Again I have heard demons trying to assert authority over other demons. If the one trying to usurp authority is lower in rank than the other one, there is apt to be violence. On the other hand, if the demon is high in rank, other demons must submit to his higher authority”.

“With those who are immersed in idolatry, Satan gains his end through fear, but with those, who, having the Bible, should be acquainted with the Devil’s devices, his most effective work is that of deluding men into believing that all this talk of demonic activity is mere superstition and unscientific nonsense, so fulfilling Satan’s description as the one …who deceiveth the whole world (Rev. 12:9)”.

Michael Harper flashes the alert that, “Behind the facade of religious life there is a spiritual battle raging. There seem to be many who are not fully aware of this warfare. From time to time there is a dramatic collision between the power of the Spirit and that of Satan. Success for the Christian will depend in a large measure on recognizing the work of the devil and knowing how to defeat and expel him from every situation…” “So it is today, there is a fierce conflict and there are those who do not wish to pass this way. But we cannot avoid the battle – for if we do not fight the enemy, he will still come at us…”

This conflict began long before the birth of Jesus and reached its height during His ministry.

Early in this century, Mrs. Penn-Lewis noted, “It is….clear in Bible history that the manifestation of the power of God at Pentecost, and through the Apostles, meant again an aggressive attitude to the powers of darkness. Therefore, the growth and maturity of the Church of Christ at the end of the dispensation will mean the same recognition, and the same attitude toward the Satanic hosts of the prince of the power of the air; with the same co-witness of the Holy Spirit to the authority of the Name of Jesus, as in the early

Church. In brief, that the Church of Christ will reach its high water mark, when…it knows how to ‘bind the strong man’ by prayer; ‘command’ the spirits of evil in the Name of Christ, and deliver men and women from their power.”

Harper writes these encouraging words: “These wicked beings can suggest evil, but cannot coerce the will of another creature. They may spread snares and devices to ruin the children of God, but cannot compel any other being to comply with their designs, nor can they employ God’s creation other than as He decrees. They have never been able to defeat God, and actually God uses them as instruments to correct the erring saints” (Luke 22:31-32; I Cor. 5:5; I Tim. 1:20). Someone has remarked that Satan is like a monkey wrench which the Lord uses to tighten up loose nuts! Be of good cheer saints of God! Satan is severely limited and all his bluster and bluff about ‘all power’ is sham. Our God is still on the throne and He rules! Hallelujah!


Fallen Angel, Authorities, Whoredoms,
Charmer, Ruler of World, Evil Practices,
Death, Thief, Evil Supernaturalism,
Devils, Wickedness, Hindrance,
Divination, Lucifer, Betraying,
Enchantment, King of Babylon, Denying,
Familiar, King of Tyre, Vipers,
Giants, Chief Kings, Gehenna,
Leviathan, Chief Princes, Tarsus,
Magic, Kings, Children of Devil,
Necromancy, Princes, Fever,
Satan, Kingdoms, Dumbness,
Serpent, Principalities, Blindness,
Evil, Unclean Spirits, Dominions, Infirmities,
Witch, Powers, False Prophets,
Wizard, Prince of Southern, Thorn in the Flesh,
Anakim, Curses, Hymaneus,
Avim, Generals, Alexander,
Emim, Legions, Self Control,
Horim, Rulers, Corruption,
Nephilim, Captains, Ananias & Sapphira,
Rephaim, Chief Captains, Covetousness,
Zamzummim, Chief Rulers, Elymas,
Antichrist, Centurion, Jezebel,
Strongman, Strongman, False Apostles,
Belial, Imps, False Gospel,
Darkness, Pain, Nicolaitans,
Demons, Affliction, Pergamos,
Lion, Interference, Conformance,
Sorcery, Deceiving, Oppression,
Tempter, Nimrod, Python,
Accusation, Tower of Babel, Unbelief,
Adversary, Sodomy, Fear of Death,
Great Red Dragon, Idolatry, Spirit of Bondage,
Enemy, Balaam, Spirit of World,
God of Age, Disobedience, Fear and Cowardice,
Liar, Mediums, Slumber,
Lies, Shedim, Strange Gods,
Murder, Seirim, Soul Power,
Slander, Jealousy, Rage,
Mockery, Beast, Babylon,
Carnality, Son of Morning, Apollyon,
Destroyer, Prince of Devils, World Rulers,
Teachings, Rebellion, Hatred,
Anger, Ugliness, Dread,
Rage, False Religion, Rejection,
Curses, Depravity, Incest,
Worship of Stars, Bondage, Slavery,
Licentiousness, Lasciviousness, Orgies,
Fury, Violence, Resentment,
Wicked Spirits in High Places, Host of Hell, Illegitimate Birth,
Ahab, Host of Heaven,


REFERENCES: Seven books by Win Worley, Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland, Indiana.




Ex. 7:11-12 (Secret arts)
20:3-5 (Supernatural experiences outside of God)
22:18 (Punishable by death)
Lev. 18:10-26 (Forbidden practices)
29:16,31 (Occultism and spiritually defiling)
20:6,27 (Punishable by death)
Num. 33:52 (Destroy the inhabitants and idols.)
Deut. 5:7-9 (Previous generations)
7:25-26 (Abomination to God)
11:16-17 (Poor crops)
18:9-12 (Magic practices – spiritism)
29:27 (Hidden knowledge)
31:17 (Many evils and troubles)
32:16-25 (Continual inward fears)
I Sam. 15:22-23 (Witchcraft)
28 (Necromancy – seance)
31:4 (Suicide)
II Kings 1:1-4 (Advises your life.)
17:17 (Enchantments – divination – wizardry)
21:5-6 (Burned son as offering.)
23:10-15 (Destroyed idol worship.)
I Chron. 10:13-14 (Communication with the dead)
II Chron. 28:1-4 (Abominable practices of the nations)
33:6 (Enchantments – witchcraft)
Psa. 106:24-31 (Worshipped Baal of Peor.)
Pro. 3:5-7 (Fortune telling)
28:13 (Covereth his sins.)
Isa. 2:6 (Diviners – soothsayers – strike hands)
8:17-19 (Communication with the dead)
19:3 (Put a spell upon.)
47:9,12-13 (Predicts the future.)
Jer. 10:2 (Prognostication – observing times)
27: 9-10 (Enchantments – divination)
29:8 (Fortune telling)
Eze. 23:37 (Committed adultery with idols.)
Dan. 1:20 (Enchantments – astrology) 2 (Astrology) 4 (Astrology)
5:7-12 (Prognostication – observing times)
Hosea 4:6 (Lack of knowledge)
Zech. 10:2 (Harlotry brought from Egypt.)
Mal. 3:5-6 (God does not change.)
Matt. 17:10-13 (Elijah not reincarnated.)
Acts 8:9 (Simon practiced magic.)
15:29 (Meat sacrificed to idols)
16:16-18 (Divination – fortune telling)
19:19 (Break heathen images.)
I Cor. 6:9-10 (Idolaters go to Hell.)
10:20 (Provokes the Lord to jealousy.)
II Cor. 4:4 (Satan is god of this world.)
Gal. 5:19-21 (Shall not inherit the kingdom of God.)
6:7 (God is not mocked.)
Eph. 5:5,11-12 (Have no fellowship with darkness.)
6:10-18 (Stand against wiles of devil.)
I Tim. 4:1 (Doctrines of demons)
II Tim. 3:8 (Men opposed the truth.)
James 1:5 (Ask God for wisdom.)
4:7 (Resist the devil.)
II Pet. 2:1 (Damnable heresies.)
I John 5:21 (Meat sacrificed to idols)
Rev. 9:20-21 (Worshipping demons and idols)
21:8 (Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.)
22:15 (Who loves and practices falsehood.)
Note: We recommend you read all of the above Scripture. It’ll give you a good overview of the occult.

GENERAL Definitions With Scripture
1. Enchantments – Practice of magical arts: Deut. 18:10-12; II Chron. 33:6; II Kings 17:17; Isa. 47:8-11; Jer. 27:8-9; Dan. 1:20. 2.
2. Witchcraft – Practices of dealing with evil spirits (soothsaying and magic); Deut.18:10-12, II Chron. 33:6; I Sam. 15:23; Gal. 5:19-21.
3. Sorcery – Same as witchcraft: Jer. 27:9; Isa. 47:9; Rev. 21:8.
4. Divination – Fortune telling :Deut. 18:10-14; II Kings 17:17; Jer. 27:8-9; 29:8-9; Acts 16:16-24.
5. Wizardry – A male witch – to be destroyed in Israel: Deut. 18:11; II Kings 17:17; Exodus 22:18
6. Necromancy – Seance – communication with the dead: Deut. 18:11; I Sam. 28; Isaiah 8 : 19 ; I Chron. 10:13-14.
7. Charming – To put a spell upon: Deut. 18:11, Isaiah 19:3.
8. Star Gazing – Astrology prognostication and observing times: Isaiah 47:12- 15; Jer. 10:2; Dan. 1:18-20; 2; 4; 5:7-15.
9. Room Decorations & Television Programs – Room decor using oriental gods, zodiac signs and “Aztec sun gods”. Television programs such as “Night Gallery”, “Sixth Sense”, “Ghost Story”, “Kreskin”,and”Bewitched”. We no longer have a television set.

Short Definitions
1. Diviner – One who uses false means to discover the divine will of God.
2. Observer of Times – (Soothsayer) – one who pretends to tell futures events.
3. Enchanter – (Song Spell),(Augur) – uses incantations and pronounces spells for and of evil spirits.
4. Witch – (Sorcerer)-one who deals with evil spirits in order to work a spell on people.
5. Charmer – (Serpent Charmer).
6. Consulter with Wizard – (Clairvoyant or Physic) – a male witch.
7. Necromancer – (Familiar Spirit) – calls forth the spirits of the dead.
8. Familiar Spirits – (Medium).
9. Children To Pass – Priests burned children to death as a sacrifice to heathen Thru The Fire gods.

Spiritual Adultery and Death
The Scriptures condemn all forms of occultism and sorcery, and warn that …they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal. 5:19-21)
but …are an abomination unto the Lord (Deut. 18:12)
and …shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone
(Rev. 21:8). From earliest times God forbade occultism as spiritually defiling
(Lev. 19:31 and made participation in it it punishable by death (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 20:27) and cause for rejection of that soul by God (Lev. 20:6).

The results of consulting or practicing the occult leads to demon possession for you and your descendants, and finally to be tormented in Hell for eternity! There isn’t any ultimate reconciliation!

Almighty God calls seeking after other gods (occult) as spiritual adultery, fornication and whoring!

Ancestors, parents or yourself can cause curses to come on you or your children. This is the inheritance of the curse.

According to the Scriptures, the sins of the fathers are visited upon the third and fourth generations of those who disobey God. It is carefully pointed out in Exodus 20:5 when the law was given, and is specifically connected with the commandment prohibiting the construction and worship of graven images which constitutes the worship of demons. For those who disregard this stark warning and make contact with occult spirits, there will be terrible and certain repercussions in the form of sickness, misery, insanity, and sometimes an early death.

There are many, many ways in which the occult spirits are given ground through various contacts, and cause marital upheaval and other problems of all kinds. Unless the curse is broken, it will continue to plague the family and its descendants to the third and fourth generations. It predisposes people to be physically oriented and sensitive, and through psychic heredity, to pick up more curses and spirits, thus extending the hereditary blight to many generations.

Occultism is participation or involvement in any way with fortune telling, magic practices, spiritism, (or false religious cults and teachings.) Contact with the occult may have occurred in childhood. Occult involvement can come from previous generations (Deut.5:7-9). Check yourself with the following lists:

Fortune telling (Proverbs 3:5-7): Palm-reading, crystal ball, cards, tea leaves, handwriting analysis; games such as Ouija, ESP, Telepathy, Kabala, Horoscope, Clairvoyant, Voodoo, etc.; pendulums, horoscopes, and astrology; anything that predicts your future or advises your life (Isaiah 47:13; II Kings 1:1-4).

Magic Practices and Spiritism (Deut. 18:9-12): mediums and seances, table- tipping, levitation, necromancy, communicating with the dead or spirit guides, automatic writing, divining, water-witching, or dowsing with forked sticks or other objects for water, oil, minerals, underground sewer and water lines, etc.; ESP, PK (psychokinesis), telepathy, clairvoyance, Coloradans psychic powers, second sight, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, remote influence of the sub-conscious mind of others, auras, metaphysics, mental science, self-realization, visions, trances, dreams; superstition, witchcraft; black, white, and neutral magic, charms, good luck items, fetishes, runes, amulets, talismans, mascots, medals, crux ansanta (ankh), birth signs, spells, incantations, potions, sorcery, curses, materialization or apport, apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists; magic healing thru wart or burn charming, powwow, spiritualism, psychic spirit or metaphysical healing, Christian Science healing, rod or pendulum diagnosis, trance diagnosis, acupuncture, yin-yang. All books, literature, music, etc. dealing with occultism.

Divination – A very general term taking in any supernatural process of gaining hidden knowledge that cannot be discerned through the natural mind or senses. For example, water-witching, use of Ouija boards, fortune tellers, mediums and horoscopes. (The Bible has three approved ways of gaining hidden knowledge: (1) prayer to the Father in Jesus’ name, (2) the legitimate spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit, and (3) divine revelation from the Word of God.)

Observer of Times
The following of horoscopes, omens in the sky and nature, astrology and monthly prognostication. (Rom. 6:3-11 tells us that Christians have been crucified and buried with Christ Jesus. II Cor. 5:17 tells us that if any man is in Christ Jesus he is a new creation in Jesus. This being true there is no way to plot our lives by the heavens or good and bad omens seeing how we are now identified with the Creator and not the creation.)

One who uses the human voice or music to bring another person under psychic control. Hypnosis and spell casting comes under enchantments. (The believer should be controlled only by the Holy Spirit. He does not need an enchanter to get into his mind to discover the past, present or future. All he has to do is ask God who will give him all the wisdom he needs (James 1:5).

Witch and Wizard
Female and male, respectively, who practice white, grey, or black magic. Anyone who use clairvoyant or psychic powers such as ESP, mental telepathy, levitation of objects, astral projection, etc. In the Old Testament physical death was the cure for witchcraft (Ex. 22:18); in the New Testament eternal damnation (Galatians 5:20:21).

The use of amulets, potions and symbols to hypnotize, cast spells, bring good luck, to charm away warts and diseases, and to give protection from evil. Some of these are pictured as follows: 1. The Ankh or Luv Knot symbolizes sexual intercourse, eternal life and is often used in the Devil’s pentagram. It has nothing to do with the eternal life purchased by the cross of Jesus Christ and should not be worn on the body. 2. The devil’s or witches’ foot, an old symbol in black magic. It has nothing to do with peace. 3. The Word tells us that the believer can have health and good success through obedience to the Word (Psa. 1:1-3; Prov. 4:20-21). We can appropriate divine health through and because of the stripes of Jesus by prayer with faith. (Psa. 103:2-4; I Pet. 2.24; James 5:14-15)

Consulter With Familiar Spirits
A medium who uses a demon or evil spirit to tell them about the present or future of individuals, or the location of lost persons or objects. (In Acts 16:16-18 Paul met a fortune telling girl who had a familiar spirit or a spirit of divination. Paul cast the spirit out of her. He would have never done this if it was a gift from God.)

This is a medium who consults a demon that mimics a dead person. The necromancer will often go into a trance and let the evil spirit take over his body and speak through him. (Ecc. 9:5-6) tells us that the dead do not know anything, that they have no emotions, and they have no portion of the earth. It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement (Heb. 9:27.) The spirit of a dead person either goes to heaven or hell when he dies.

”We break all curses and control of witchcraft as uttering a wish of evil against one; to call for mischief or injury to fall upon; to execrate, to bring evil upon or to; to blast, vex, harass or torment with great calamities; individuals working in concert with an evil specific form of evil spirit activity; Satanic covens of witches and warlocks; persons dabbling with witchcraft and sorcery, casting spells, potions, enchantments and curses: wrong kinds of psychic prayers; and witchcraft control (Pro.26:2; Psa.109; I John I:9; Gal. 3:10-15.)”

“I am now closing any door I may have opened to you, Satan, through contact with witchcraft, occult, and similar activities. I am closing the door against all these things I know about and all the things I don’t know about. I renounce you and all your demons and I’m closing every door I may have opened. Christ redeems those who put their trust in Him. Jesus Christ became a cursed on the cross for us and blotted out the handwriting of ordinances against us. We claim and apply these principles. We break the curses back to ten generations or even to Adam and Eve. All legal holds and legal grounds are removed in Jesus name.”

“We break all curses, spells, hexes, etc. sent upon us by envious enemies who seek to harm us or kill us or wreck havoc physically, emotionally, and / or spiritually. We bind and order any demons to come out of us and return to the senders escorted by angels to destroy that seat of witchcraft. The demons are commanded to confuse and sow terror and panic in the hearts of witches and warlocks.”

“Since we have power over the demons through Jesus’ Name, they are our slaves and they must obey us as we command. We command the demons to attack their own works and to destroy each other and to shake the kingdom of evil to its very foundation (Rom. 6:16; II Pet. 2:19; Matt. 12:28; Luke 11: 20.”

“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by your blood and I belong to you, and I want to live for you. I confess all my sins – known and unknown- I’m sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all other as I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now from all sin. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for my sins, for your glorious resurrection, and for making me a new creature in Christ—by faith in Your precious blood. Now that I am washed by the blood and free from sin, I have a right to attack the enemy and command the enemy to attack itself.”

“Dear Lord I have a confession to make:”
Through ignorance, stupidity or willfulness I have sought supernatural experiences apart from Your Word and I ask You to help me as I renounce all these things. Cleanse me in body, soul, and spirit I pray. Satan, I am closing any door which I may have opened to you through contact with the occult. I renounce all contact with witchcraft, magic, Ouija boards, and other occult games; I renounce all kinds of fortune telling, palm reading, tea leaf reading, crystal balls, Tarot and other card laying; I renounce all astrology, birth signs, and horoscopes; I renounce the heresy of reincarnation and all healing groups involved in metaphysics and spiritualism; I renounce all hypnosis under any excuse or authority; I renounce all rock music, including acid, hard and Jesus rock; I renounce all transcendental meditation, yoga, Zen and all eastern cults and religious idol worship; I renounce all martial arts, including Judo, Kung Fu and Karate; I renounce all water witching or dowsing, levitation, table tipping, bodylifting, psychometry (divining through objects), automatic writing, and handwriting analysis; I renounce all literature I have ever read and studied in any of these fields and I vow I will destroy such books in my possession. I renounce astral projection. soul and out-of-body travel and other demonic skills. I renounce, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, all psychic heredity that I have and break any demonic hold on my family line back to ten generations on both sides of my family; I do now renounce and forsake every psychic and occult contact that I know about and those which I do not know about; I renounce every cult that denies the blood of Jesus Christ and every philosophy which denies the deity of the Lord Jesus.”

“Lord I have another confession to make. I have not loved, but have resented certain people and I call upon you to help me forgive them. Lord Jesus, I do now forgive the following people for anything they have ever done to hurt or disappoint me (insert here the names of persons, living or dead, who come to mind). In Jesus Name, Amen (Deut. 7:26; 17:2-5; 18:10-12; Matt. 18:22-35; Mark 11:25-26; Acts 19:19; Heb. 12:15; I John 4:7-12).”

“Father, I come to you now in the Name of Jesus. I believe He is the Son of God that takes away the sins of all who repent and confess Him as Lord. Father this day I come to confess as a sin and renounce my contact with all forms of the occult and false religions. I hate Satan, all his demons and all his works. In particular, I confess and renounce the following: going to fortune tellers, reading horoscopes, believing in reincarnation, etc. (Confess all sins you can remember that the Holy Spirit may have brought to your mind.) I also confess and renounce as a sin any contact that I cannot remember. I count all that offends you, Lord, as my enemy. Father, I want to be holy even as you are holy. Father, I thank you for forgiving me and now I rise clean and in newness of life in Christ Jesus. In Jesus Name. Amen.”


Forbidden Practices in Bible, Enchantments, Witchcraft, Soothsaying, Magic, Sorcery, Divination, Wizardry, Necromancy, Charming, Observer of Times, Astrology, Idolatry, Sacrificed to Devils, Worship of Devils, Star Gazers, False Prophets, Rod Became a Serpent, Wise Men, Chaldeans, Curious Arts, Graven Images, Pass Thru the Fire, Dreamer, Doctrines of Devils, Unfruitful Works of Darkness, Heeding Seducing Spirits Ate Sacrifices of the Dead, Sold Themselves to do Evil

NOTE: Forbidden practices in the Bible cover occult practices in general; other types of occult practices come from these.

Fortune Telling, Palm Reading, Crystal Ball,
Cards, Tea Leaves, Handwriting Analysis,
Ouija Boards, Telepathy, Kabala,
Horoscope, Voodoo, Pendulums,
Astrology, Fortune Telling, Star Gazing,
Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Magic Practices and Spiritism Mediums,
Seances, Second Sight, Levitation,
Necromancy, Spirit Guides, Auras,
Self Hypnosis, Mental Science, Water Witching,
Dowsing, Superstition, Psychokinesis,
Telepathy, Divining, White Magic,
Table Tipping, Metaphysics, Trances,
Runes, Self Realization, Visions,
Black Magic, Medals, Witchcraft,
Good Luck, Fetishes, Incantations,
Charms, Talismans, Mascots,
Apport, Amulets, Birth Signs,
Spells, Wart Charming, Ankh,
Sorcery, Curses, Psychic Powers,
Potions, Automatic Writing, Poltergeists,
Acupuncture, Burn Charming, Pendulum Diagnosis,
Yin-Yang, Ghosts, Trance Diagnosis
Birth Stones, Metaphysical Healing,



Ruler of Witchcraft, Death by hypnosis, God’s Eye,
Karate, Martial Arts, Third Eye,
Judo, Kung Fu, Snake,
Mongoose, Cat, Cobra,
Lust for Dominance, Swan, Lust for Power,
Spider, Open Doors, Rappings on Wall,
Foundation, Black Mass, Satan Worship,
Multiplied Curses, Jezebel, Ahab,
Female Dominance, Yielding Male, Evil Eye,
Occult Fears, Black arts, Luv Knot,
Devil’s Foot, Indian Kachina, Conjuration,
Occult Symbols, Serpent Charmer, Omens,
Prognostication, Pass Thru The Fire, Augur,
Rebellion, Stubbornness, Parapsychology,
Yoga, Hearing Noises, Psychic Portraits,
Macabre, Phrenology, Numerology,
Great Seal, Alchemy, Calling Evil Spirits,
Baptism in Witchcraft,


REFERENCES: Recommend you purchase and read all the books written by Win Worley, Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland, Indiana. They contain a lot of valuable information about the occult.



When did mankind begin to have trouble with Satan? Was Satan (Devil) the first created or man? It seems that Satan was created first in all his splendor, lost it by iniquity and has been trying to regain it by whatever means he can. His main desire is to get the worship from man, and to destroy all men in hell, while all the time promising man great things.

It seems that the Devil was present in the garden when Adam was placed there. In Ez. 28:12-19 we find that actually Satan or the Devil started out in a most glorious way and was probably supposed to be a blessing to us. Son of Man take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him, thus says the Lord God: You are the full measure and pattern of exactness – giving the finishing touch to all that constitutes completeness – full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, the carnelian, topaz, jasper, chrysolite, beryl, onyx, sapphire, carbuncle, and emerald; and your settings and your sockets and engravings were wrought in gold. On the day that they were created they were prepared. [Cf. Gen. 3:14-15; Matt. 16:23, Isa. 14:12-15.] You were the anointed cherub that covers with over-shadowing wings, and I set you so. You were upon the holy mountain of God; you walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire [like the paved work of gleaming sapphire stones upon which the God of Israel walked on Mount Sinai]. [Exod. 24:10.] You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity and guilt were found in you. Through the abundance of your commerce you were filled with lawlessness and violence, and you sinned; therefore I cast you out as a profaned thing from the mountain of God, and the guardian cherub drove you out from the midst of the stones of fire. Your heart was proud and lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I lay you before kings that they might gaze at you. You have profaned your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquity and the enormity of you guilt, by the unrighteousness of your trade. Therefore I have brought forth a fire from your midst; it has consumed you, and I have reduced you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all who look upon you. All who know you among the people are astonished and appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end and shall never return to being. [Isa. 23; Joel 3:4-8;
Amos 1:9-10; Zech. 9:3-4.]

How he fell; and how we fall for Satan’s lie: thinking the wrong way about ourselves, pride, greed, covetous, lawlessness, violence, sin, being lifted up because of beauty, corrupting wisdom for splendor or splendid things, profaning the sanctuaries by iniquities [the sanctuaries, our sanctuary (body, soul or spirit), our home, etc.

See also Isa. 14:4-24. In verses 13-15 we will see just what it was that the Devil or Satan really wanted both then and now. He was full of wants; He said in his heart. (Even today it isn’t always what we say out loud that God hears and judges.) I will ascend to Heaven. (When we say in our heart I will lift myself up to some high place through some scheme or with the use of witchcraft we do the same thing.) I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. (When we defy Gods instruction on correct conduct in all thing, we do the same thing. When we exalt ourselves, we get into trouble both in Gods kingdom and often in our natural world.) The Bible says that God will reward us and exalt us in due time. I have found that when I desire to serve and obey his instruction, he exalts me and I am always surprised. I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the uttermost north. (Be careful about boasting what you will do. Boasting is not the same as working to meet goals you feel God has established for you). I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High. (It is desirable for us to want to be like God in all his good attributes but this is not the meaning here. Here he wants to take something he has no right to neither has he earned it through obedience to God’s commandants or respect for God). Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol [Hades], to the inner most recesses of the pit [the region of the dead]. This will be the end of Satan and all his followers just as it was for these earthly kings who served the Devil.

Webster’s Dictionary: Witchcraft: 1. the power or practices of witches; sorcery; black magic.
2. bewitching attraction or charm; enchantment; irresistible influence; fascination.
Bible’s definition: Witchcraft: to whisper a spell, to enchant or practice magic: sorcerer, witch. Magic: sorcery, witchcraft.

These words apply to people who make use of drugs, powders fetishes, etc.; also influence and trickery.

There is gross evil in the practice of witchcraft but this is seldom shown to the recruit. He or she is usually picked from the crowd because he or she has weaknesses that will make them a good prey. They look for people who feel rejected, mistreated, lonely, abused, greedy for gain or recognition, cruel, restless, without proper goals, who think they are ugly, poor or rich but dis-honest, rebellious, angry and violent, and the list goes on and on.

The recruit is made to feel like he belongs, is wanted, loved, admired, shown a good time, and he begins to feel this is what he has always longer for. Now he is trapped because he has become emotionally bound to these people. Little by little he is now driven into gross sins and devil worship. He is also told he will never leave this group alive because he can do them much harm, that they will kill him before they will let him go.

Deut. 18: 9-12, There shall not be found among you any who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire. (No child sacrifice, no abortion.) Nor one who uses divination. (Seeking hidden knowledge by occult means, trying to foretell future events, false prophecy, prediction, augury (foretelling future events by signs or omens, to prognosticate), clever conjuncture. Soothsayer: predicting, foretelling, prophecy. Auger, Sorcerer: one who uses evil supernatural power over people and their affairs; witchcraft; black magic.) Or a charmer. (One who has the power of enchantment; a magician.) Or a medium. (A person through whom communications are supposedly sent to the living from the spirits of the dead.) Or a wizard. (A magician, conjurer, a sorcerer, magic.) Or a necromancer. (One who claims to foretell the future through alleged communications with the dead, a conjurer, sorcerer, a wizard, black magic).

As you can see, these practices overlap each other. The bottom line is that all the above witchcraft practices are for the purpose of controlling other people for your gain. There is no such thing as good witchcraft. White witchcraft claims they do not do the person they work for any harm, but they certainly will try to do harm to the other person.

Christians often play into the hands of the devil in their witchcraft practices. One way is to violate the free will of another Christian by praying psychic prayers. It goes something like this Lord make so and so do this or that. Better to ask God to help that person to know God’s will and want to follow God of his own desire. For instance, to give a person a personal prophecy that they should do such and such a thing because you think they should or their doing so will in some way benefit you. Using manipulation or coercion or the wrong kind of persuasion or control to get someone to do your will. Use of conditional love, if you do what I want you to, I will love you or if you meet my goals for you, I will approve of you. Hate, bitterness and anger are good tools of control. Many people will give into your demands just to get peace or to get you to call off you actions. Lies are used to control, especially if they contain promises the other persons hopes will be fulfilled. One other trap of the occult we fall into is trying to impress people that we are in better Christian shape than we are. This is actually in the lie category. Christians should examine all their motives for all their actions because by nature we often try to force people to do what we feel is right for them. Some times we get to paying so much attention to the other person’s business, we don’t keep a good watch on our own business or our own mind. We are shocked at our own actions. Satan has a good chance of trapping us by witchcraft because most of our unholy desires draw us into the snare.

Also, all the practices of organized witchcraft that our forefathers have done last for three to four generations. Provided no one engaged in those activities for the next three to four generations, the curse would die out (Gen. 20:1-4).

You see, witchcraft is a worship activity. You have submitted your spirit, as well as your body and soul, to the Devil. All sex sin, both in and out of marriage, is an act of worship.

Drugs are used in the practice of sorcery, so even if you do not think you are practicing sorcery, when you take drugs you are. This is proven by the many time people on drugs have visits from demons. They will usually obey these demons demands even if what they are asked to do is contrary to their normal actions.

From all over the United States come reports from Believers that they are being bypassed on their jobs by less qualified people. In federal and state agencies many Believers report that they seem to be put on a shelf and status quo exists while new people zip to the top with advancements. Some business executives report being fired without reason. Marriages considered quite solid suddenly break up. Children with a previously dependable record become erratic.

We think that the real answer is that many people are being controlled by witchcraft. This booklet only touches the tip of what surely must be a giant iceberg. Only the overcomer is properly equipped to defeat this monster. We must learn to use our weapons (II Cor. 10:4).

The Believer or overcomer according to the Scriptures, is to be more than conquerors (Rom. 8:37) and never ashamed (Joel 2:26, 27; Ps. 37:19; Isa. 29:22; Rom. 10:11).


  1. Rebellion is as witchcraft.
  2. When you turn from God you are in witchcraft or the Devil’s world.
  3. If the Devil wants to bring a preacher down, he might use an evil spirit of lust in a gorgeous, young, perfumed sweet thing to bring about the fall.
  4. Witchcraft is the use of everything in the Devil’s arsenal to destroy any chance of a human being coming into the full power of God.
  5. Occult means unseen, so all these practices are hidden snares to involve humans in the Devil’s world to make the human think that he, the human, has it all.

Many cults have their members say a prayer that their soul touch all souls. This is one of the ways evil soul ties are formed.

A Believer must be aware that from every aspect of his life and activity, he is threatened constantly with the prospect of witchcraft being beamed at him by the enemy.

A good example of this is drugs, known as sorcery, and medications such as (even though they are prescribed by a doctor) Valium, Serex, Phenobarbital, and other common medications which are not curative.

Mind control is the chief weapon of Satan to snare the Believer. The Scriptures admonish us to bring every thought into captivity (II Cor. 10:5).

Many times a person will enter a world of fantasy and imagination, lusting after something, or somebody, or of something they consider normal.

This is a counterfeit for what we are supposed to do when these thoughts enter our minds.

By apprehending our thoughts, understanding our thoughts, and being able to look upon our own thoughts, we can bring every thought into captivity.

It has been our experience that the thought pattern has to change in order to give way to the new personality to take over.

The practice of witchcraft in the Catholic Church is in all their ceremonies.

A Catholic helps curse himself or herself every time he makes an upside-down cross in crossing himself.

Cub Scouts, scouting organizations, Demolays and Masonic organization’s ritualism and symbolism all go back to Nimrod.

Teachers who are witches usually go to school to learn how to interweave witchcraft into the teaching program without being suspected by the community.

Another example is that of a student that put spells and love potions on a girl to make her desire him sexually.

It is all very real, and it results in an evil spirit being put into the participants by the curse, hex or charm, and the student’s mentality and entire attitude usually becomes erratic and unpredictable.

In schools where Karate or Judo is taught, this causes further demon possession.

In gym classes, YMCA and YWCA, people are often taught to sit in the Lotus position.

Only the Believer has the power to prevent this witchcraft.

The great conspiracy of Satan to control your mind reaches into the entertainment field through television and movies.

Soap operas have a powerful grip on the mind.

The writers and script writers are absolutely polluted with it.

There is hardly a page of movie ads that is fit to read.

The only love they have is the sexual activity.

In witchcraft books they suggest that you go out in public with no clothes on except a raincoat and then take the coat off in an elevator to build up their energy or power.

A look at a nude or indecently exposed body, or pornographic material can be just as potent as the taking of a drug in admitting or activating an evil spirit.

Of course the biggest field of all that has been invaded is medicine.

Medical fields through the Psychology, Osteopathy, MD’s and especially the Psychiatrist are all touched by the practice of witchcraft.

In government, witchcraft has crept into the Army, the CIA, and in all the government agencies.

I am going to use the word conspiracy because that is certainly the best term for it and includes all teachings of witchcraft.

Workers who have become aware of this have been told that there are certain signs they go by.

They further encourage the study of witchcraft and the promotion of witchcraft throughout all the government agencies (both state and federal).

Business has been infiltrated by witchcraft and you can tell that by the way motor companies have named some of their cars.

The protestant church is infiltrated with witchcraft in the fact that ESP, Transcendental Meditation and hypnosis are all used commonly now for relaxing.

Fund raisers and the people raising money in church activities routinely use witchcraft knowingly and unknowingly. This is putting a “guilt trip” on other men who feel they should “keep up” their share.

The use of worldly fund raisers to solicit funds for so called “Godly” purposes is an insult to the Holy Spirit’s ability to work in the hearts of overcomers to put the dynamite under the Devil.

The Devil, through mind control, loves to see people getting ready to die, retire, get old and be “out of the way”.

The Scriptures never refer to an overcomer losing his or her usefulness.

If you say you are ready to die for God, the Devil will usually be the one to accommodate you.

Through witchcraft and mind control, the Devil loves to get someone to say “I feel as though I’ll die young” or “I’ll never live beyond 52 because my family all dies at that age”.

The education system also is infiltrated by witchcraft.

The Illuminatti – CFR. Their total power is in witchcraft.

The Illuminatti, now known as the Council of Foreign Relations, is a world-wide conspiracy, directly under Satan.

A movement towards this type of system is being done through mind control by gradually removing all “values set out by the Scriptures.

The purpose of scriptural living is to build individuals into spiritual giants as overcomers in the Word of God.

A person must remember that witchcraft is practiced in the name of JESUS CHRIST.

You must remember that if the Catholic Church did not operate in the name of JESUS CHRIST she could not be a harlot.


EDUCATION – parapsychology, Dungeons & Dragons, folklore, mythology.

ENTERTAINMENT – rock music, T.V., movies, soap operas, etc.

GOVERNMENT – Illuminatti, CFR, Government Agencies (both state and federal).

LODGES – origins in witchcraft.

RELIGIONS – Protestant, Catholic, Cults, World Council of Churches, National Council of Churches, Mormonism and other cults.

RECREATIONS – games with demonic influence (D & D), possible source of dolls, toys, puppets, stuffed animals.

HOME LIFE – Travel – You name it!

BUSINESS – witchcraft promises, promotions, forecasts based on astrology readings, sales power (soul power), pyramid power.

HOLIDAYS – Halloween, Easter (Easter rabbit takes attention off true meaning), Christmas (Santa is a counterfeit), Christmas pageants and plays.

SOCIAL LIFE – musk oil perfumes, some say “Cleopatra knew how to create a spell”.

LAW ENFORCEMENT – using psychics and hypnosis.

PSYCHOLOGY – almost 100% using some form of witchcraft.

MEDICINE – Hippocratic Oath, sorcery (drugs) and chemicals that aren’t curative, acupuncture.

NURSES – trained under conditions of liberal sex, unrestrained sex, etc. Most nurses being taught how to teach people to accept death. Nurses take the Nightingale Oath which binds them to the doctors.

ARMED FORCES – hard core pornographic films shown on government equipment (Jack Anderson report in Washington Merry-Go-Round, November 17, 1981). Use of drugs in armed forces growing at alarming rate. Constant attempts to unionize forces.

MIND CONTROL IS IN THE JUDICIARY SYSTEM AND JUDGES’ DECISIONS – Until witchcraft is out of our Judicial System at all levels of government, it will be difficult to get constitutional government defended.

MIND CONTROL IS IN SEMINARIES – Our seminaries are teaching carnal power (flesh) procedures to restore marriages, to build congregations and to solve problems, and in turn they operate a church just like a large organization or 4-H Club.

In Kansas City, eight hundred preachers gathered and studied a hard-core pornographic film on oral sex. This was to learn to teach people how to keep their marriages happy.

WHY SATAN WANTS YOU SAVED – The Scriptures show the great power that we are to have as overcomers. None of these are taught in the present day so called average church. If Satan can get you so called saved by having an intellectual experience, he has you bottled up in a powerless church, and you are now controllable and are no threat to the forces of evil through witchcraft. The great majority of the church is continuing in the flesh.

UNIONS – The unions are attempting to control the minds of their members and everyone looking on by a block labor vote.

The fluent pen of the union is funneled into fifteen million American homes through their publications.

In 1919 a prophecy was made and recorded that the World Council of Churches, the Unions, and the Catholic Church would unite as one to serve the Devil’s purposes to bring harm to the Believers and slow the Father’s work all over the world.

In 1981 newspapers confirm that these organizations have admitted that they are one in purpose and leadership, and now a world influence.

The Father has already promised victory for His overcomers but we must do our part.

KNOW WHO YOU ARE! – We are to overcome the world.

Right now we are fully endowed, commissioned, chosen and appointed to destroy witchcraft (rebellion against God the Father) in our homes, schools and country, and to live a peaceful, godly life (ITim.2:2).

We do have all authority over the enemy (Luke 10:19).

We are to walk in power as JESUS CHRIST walked.

Nothing is left out of our control (Heb. 2:8 Amp.).

JESUS said that He had the power to keep others and that we have that same power (John 17:12).

JESUS CHRIST is still praying for us (John 17).

The same keeping power that JESUS CHRIST used is available for us to keep loved ones.

We are still abiding under the prayers of JESUS CHRIST and should walk boldly as an overcomer as He planned for us to do.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are spiritual (II Cor. 10:4).

KEEPING YOUR HOME – The overcomer can stop witchcraft in its tracks by becoming aware that it is all around and influencing your family, job, and country.

Witchcraft is after your home.

This is not only done to your children and your homes, but your husband is being bombarded on every side – business, entertainment, recreation and education. I mean it’s a closed-in situation, and witchcraft is abounding every time you turn around.

It’s witchcraft attacking your home through pornographic magazines and pornography in ads; drug peddlers; seducing scenes and rebellious scenes on television and movies; rock music and through much of the country music; whiskey ads, beer ads, smoking ads, depicting of white magic and white witchcraft for good; astrology, signs of the zodiac, self-help programs, self-hypnosis programs; tobacco through seducing ads in the tobacco industry; Rubik’s Cube and some of the eye-catching electronic games; and mind boggling medicine the doctor dispenses such as tranquilizers and the pain pills.

The pyramid and its power or force has crept into the home in many ways.

HALLOWEEN – Probably one of the most successful penetrations into the church, school, business and home has been Halloween.

The following is a news article on a haunted house sponsored by a large church group which has over 100,000 people to go through the haunted house each year.

“Workers at Florida ‘haunted house’ discover body of shooting victim.” Workers setting up a “haunted house” discovered a still warm body hours before the Halloween attraction opened, police said. Despite the discovery of the unidentified victim, the Tamiami Park Haunted House opened on schedule at twilight Wednesday. Police say there is no apparent connection between the slaying and the 14th Campus Life Haunted House. The haunted house attraction produced by the nonprofit Christian youth group annually attracts 100,000 people with its Halloween make-believe. Effects are expected to be so realistic that a first-aid station has been set up for those who faint.

FARMING – One of the influences that witches often brag about is the ability to influence the weather. It is only the overcomer that can do this, and the Scriptures tell us nothing is left out of man’s control.

WARFARE – We highly recommend that the overcomer go through the office, plant or business, and anoint all the chairs, desks, windows, walls and any soil or anything that would receive the oil.

Also, if you are in authority or have the authority to do it, remove from the premises all objects of witchcraft that are abominations to the Lord.

If you know that pornographic magazines and erotic sex booklets and paperbacks are in the offices or shops, then these should be anointed if at all possible.

One business that I went into had a series of original art work that depicted demons and Indian worship in each room.

It’s my opinion that Scriptures on the wall in business can help bring this business out from under the spell of Satan and into the power of the Lord.

VIETNAM WAR – The Devil had two purposes through the use of the Illuminatti or the Council of Foreign Relations through the war in Vietnam and involving the U.S. in the Vietnam War. As I see it now, the first purpose was to drain the U.S. of more dollars and cents. The second purpose, perhaps the most important to the Devil, was that the country (Vietnam) is full of witchcraft.

ABOMINATIONS TO THE LORD – The Lord declares that He will not tolerate these abominations among His people in the Kingdom of God (spiritual) in which the overcomer is now: Enchanter – to hiss, whisper a spell, prognosticate, divine, enchant, to practice magic, to cover, to cloud over, observe times, soothsayer, sorcerer.

Divination – witchcraft, to distribute or determine by lot or magic scroll

(This would include gambling by dice or cards.), to divine, soothsayer.

Witch – to practice magic, to whisper a spell, sorcerer, to enchant, to use witchcraft.

Charmer to fascinate, to spell, to join by spells, enchantment. (Without a doubt includes hypnosis.)

Consulter With Familiar Spirits – (familiar – friendly or family spirits)

Wizard – conjurer, a ghost prognosticator (indicates one who knows many things.)

Sorceress – (Pharmakia) – medical poisoner, magic, a druggist, a magician.

Oriental science (indicates use of drugs and chemicals to produce stupor, spells, mind altering influences, such as smoking and drinking.)


Fortune Telling, Ouija Board, Cards
Good Luck Charms, Seances, Edgar Cayce
Jeanne Dixon, Mind Control, Witchcraft
Four-leaf Clover, Rabbit Foot, Wishbone
ESP, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga
Hypnosis, Incense, Pendulum
Palm Reading, Automatic Handwriting, Pierced Ears
Horoscopes, Signs of the Zodiac, Voodoo
Magic, Levitation, Water witching
Tea Leaf Reading, Secret Organizations, Eight Ball
Smoking, and Lodges, Chewing Tobacco
Dipping Snuff, Drinking Alcoholic, Kabala
Handwriting Analysis, Beverages, Strychnine
Arsenic, Gene/Chromosome Damage, Crystal Ball
Tarot Cards, Psychic Readings, Sorcery
Drug/Pharmakia, LSD, Rubik’s Cube
Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Parapsychology
Enchantments, Potions, Ankh
Peace Sign, Star of David, Five Pointed Star
Artifacts, Tattoos, Owls and Frogs
Snakes, Self-Realization, Deja-Vu
Martial Arts, Buddhism-Zen, Hinduism
Taoism, Yin and Yang, Confucianism
Acupuncture, Hare Krishna, Bingo Gambling
Playing Cards, Gambling, Reincarnation
Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery, Divining
Psychocybernetics, Mind Over Matter, UFO
Trances, Dolls, Idolatry
Psychometry, Psychic, Predictions
Clairaudience, Second Sight, Auras
Metaphysics, Mental Science, Visions
Superstition, Fetishes, Runes
Amulets, Talismans, Satanism
Indian Witchcraft, Sun or Moon Worship, Spiritual Healing
Italian Horn, Indian Religions, War Paint
Maize Fertility, Christian Science, Omens
Karma, Healing, Mediums
Hex Signs, JESUS Rock & Roll, Poltergeists
Irish, Gypsy, Science
Witchcraft, Rappings, Conjuration
Haunted Houses, Fantasy, TV Shows Like Merlin,
Walt Disney, Rosemary’s Baby Fiction,


Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, Rosicrucianism
Theosophy, Unity, Mormonism
Unitarians, Bahai, Spiritualism
Scientology, Swedenborgianism, Christodelphianism
Inner Peace Movement, Spiritualism, Urantia
Islam, Eckankar, Moonies
The Way, Subud, Latihan
Association for Research and Development, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Religious Research Foundation of America

All other religions using the Bible but denying or omitting the divinity of CHRIST and the atonement of His precious Blood. All groups denying existence of Heaven or Hell, the Catholic Church, and Paganism.


Education – parapsychology, Dungeons and Dragons, folklore, mythology. Entertainment – rock music, lewd or occult movies or TV.
Government Agencies – (both state and federal) Federal Reserve System.
Lodges – origins in witchcraft – Masons, Demolay, Eastern Star, Jobs Daughters. Religions – Protestant, Catholic, Cults (World Council of Churches).
Recreations – games with demonic influence.
Travel – soul travel, astral projection.
Home Life – mind control, Jezebel and Ahab.
Business – witchcraft promises promotions, forecasts based on astrology readings, sales power (soul power) pyramid power.
Law Enforcement – using psychics, and hypnosis.
Psychiatry – almost 100% using some form of witchcraft.
Medicine – Hippocratic oath, sorcery, tranquilizers, pain pills.

Other Demonic Influences

Pornography, Blood Transfusions, Seduction
Rebellion, Country Music, White/Black Magic
White/Black Witchcraft, Astrology, Signs of Zodiac
Self-Help Programs, Self-Hypnosis, Principalities
Powers, Authorities, Kingdoms
Rulers, Strongman, Strongholds
Imaginations, High Things, Disobedience
Occult, Soul Ties, Valium
Serex, Phenobarbital, Anesthesias
Fantasy, Lust, Bankruptcy
Poorness, Lack, Loss Need, Greed, Covetousness
Counterfeit, Disco Lights, Nimrod
Scouting, Ritualism, Symbolism Demonology, Death and Hell, Love Potions
Lotus Position, Oral Sex, Confusion
Forgetfulness, Poverty, Failure
Serpents, Scorpions, Dirtiness
Orneriness, Divorce, Halloween
Ghosts, Jack-0-Lanterns, Goblins
Barrenness, Sterility, Diseases
Mind Occult, Foul and Evil Spirits

REFERENCE: Winning Over Witchcraft by J.M. Haggard, Yorktown, Indiana 47396.

Excerpts were taken from this booklet and the list of demons arranged for mass DELIVERANCE. We recommend that you purchase the booklet and consider its complete contents.



Isa. 14:4-23 Punishment of Satan and his demons. Ezek. 28:11-19 Punishment of Satan.Matt. 9:32-38 Compassion on the multitude – dumb delivered. Mark 6:7-56 Power over unclean spirits – healed all. Luke 9:1-62 Deliverance and miracles of God.

In these end times there is a veritable rash of cults springing up. Their telltale earmarks have often been repeated, but I will remind you again of some of the most common.

There are Biblical qualities of leadership. These are very important for the people will seldom rise above the level of their leaders (Jer. 12:10-11; Isa. 24:2, II Tim. 2:16).

God’s leaders reach for responsibility and are marked by a willingness to sacrifice and be a servant of all (Phil. 2:19-23; I Peter 5:2-3).

The persons the Lord chooses feed the flock (Jer. 3:25; 23:3-4; Ezek. 34:23- 24). Self-seeking ones come in to fleece the flock (Ex. 34:1-10; Jer. 23:1-2; Micah 3:1-5; John 10:12-13). When leaders falter and fail, pray for them, but do not follow them into error (I Cor. 5).

There is an edification and building of the body under godly leaders who gently lead the flock (Isa. 40:10-11). Others scatter and bring confusion, dividing the flock needlessly (Jer. 23:1-2).

When a leader is God-called he sees himself as only the under-shepherd of God’s sheep with a call to keep himself totally committed to the Lord at all times (Psalms 100:3; 23:1; Ezek. 34:23; Ex. 34:30-31; I Cor. 7:23; I Peter 5:4). A self-appointed leader is a hireling (John 10) and considers the sheep as his property to be sheared for his benefit.

In a group cursed with false leaders there will be false teachings on: submission to authority (with a loyalty foreign to scripture and without the provision for growth and development); divine order; individuality; the kingdom of God; and becoming deity. Psychic and occult powers may be presented in the guise of spiritual gifts from the Lord. False prophecy which does not come to pass and financial exploitation will flourish. Pride and exclusivism in the group will be fostered and deliberate divisions will be caused from families and from other Christians. There will be a widespread and thinly veiled use of fear as a weapon of control and the group will be periodically shaken by moral lapses, many condoned by the leadership.

Currently popularized on T.V. and in the movies, this deadly art, under several titles, has gained widespread acceptance in every strata of our society. Combined with the moral training of Zen Buddhism, its purpose was to develop Sumurai warriors.

Today Karate is often taught in conjunction with various forms of transcendental meditation (similar to Yogi) to “psych” up the students to heights of greater effectiveness. This puts it in the category of an occult “religious” exercise and makes it extremely dangerous.

Jesus warns in Matthew 26:52 that those who resort to the sword (violence) will die that way. Ephesians 6 speaks of wrestling not with flesh and blood but with spiritual adversaries. I Corinthians 10:3-4 continues in the vein and in Luke 10:19 Christians are given authority over their enemies by the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

Since Karate is heavily involved in the occult, those who dabble with it will bring curses upon themselves and upon their descendants to the third and fourth generations. (Deut. 6:8;7:25-26; 11:28; 12:3; 13:6-10) (Worship of Idols).

Most people are unaware that much of the incense sold in curio and novelty shops was manufactured by devotees of the Hare Krishna cult. Their wares are dedicated to this demon god of the Hindus and can cause much trouble.

There on the package of incense was the picture of Hindu deity, Hare Krishna and on the back was printed the Hare Krishna chant with instructions on how to get in touch with the “infinite”.

My daughter uttered a short shriek and collapsed straight to the floor – landing in the yoga lotus position!

There is a strange hold that many weird cults have on thousands of ensnared young people which is through demonic control spirits. In the name of liberty, they have opened the door for terrible bondage (II Peter 2:19-20).

Some of the most well-known are: Children of God; Unification, International Society of Krishna Consciousness; Forever Family; The mission; The process; Scintillate; Love Israel; The Assembly; The Body; The Farm; The Way, etc.

Deeply craving and seeking peer approval, a disciplined life and a better world than the one they see, these youngsters do not realize how easily they can be deceived. Knowing the vulnerability of the group, unscrupulous promoters work zealously to exploit them and their unspoken cry, “I am important, please notice me”.

In the beginning the approach is always warm, friendly and accepting. Chanting is often used to focus attention and limit peripheral vision.

The cruelty, selfishness and egotism of the leaders is unbelievable. Many are Jezebellian women, some are charismatic witches. Others are vicious and unprincipled men, depraved and driven to all sorts of excesses.

Jesus said, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). Paul admonished believers not to be entangled again in the yoke of bondage (Gal. 5:1). God’s people are to be peculiar (I Peter 2:9; Titus 2:13) but that peculiarity is to be found in the fact that they are zealous of good works and seek to honor God’s name.

Because of the prevalence of religious cults which have destroyed thousands, perhaps the identifying characteristics of them should be repeated. All cultic systems have one or more of the following:

  1. Deceptive Christology
    2. Extra Biblical revelations
    3. Translocal totalitarian authority in leadership
    4. Babylonian pyramidal control of the followers
    5. Semi-secrete sessions for teaching followers
    6. Exclusivism or cronyism
    7. Semantic juggling or a text out of context used to “prove” false doctrines and concepts.
    8. Punishment and reward motivation or control of behavior and attitudes through ruthless use of fear.
    9. Denunciation of others, particularly of those who question or deny cults.
    10. Separation and isolation of followers from their families and friends and the formation of communal living cells to facilitate centralized control and enforce obedience.

The more of these practices which are in evidence, the more cultic and demonic the organization is.

We are warned of false prophets and teachers (Matt. 7:15-27; Mark 13:22; Acts 20:28-32; II Tim. 4:3-4; I John 4:1-3; II Peter 2:1).

Many claiming to give prophetic words are not from the Lord. Believers, newly saved and often with liturgical church or no church or biblical background, are swayed by these charlatans.

Satan specialized in deception, is very subtle and often appears as a religious angel of light. Author of confusion and father of lies, he can also come as a roaring lion (John 8:44; I Cor. 14:33; II Cor. 13:15).

Supernatural gifts and miracles of healing do not guarantee the genuineness of a work. False leaders often are very sincere, and may themselves be deceived about what they are doing. They also can manifest supernatural gifts (Matt. 7:22-23). False workers emphasize physical sensations, emotional experiences and employ worldly wisdom which is earthly, sensual and devilish (demonic) (James 3:15). All this de-emphasizes Christ and produces a drift away from Him in search of more thrilling sensual experiences.

False love can be spotted because it is limited to a special group and snares participants into bondage. Leaders of such groups claims exclusive authority and revelations of knowledge, but submit themselves to no authority for review or correction.

Groups such as this often adopt distinctive names, identifying them as the one true representative of Christ on earth. The groups are marked by confusion, and always followers are pressured by harsh and condemnatory demands. Situation ethics such as “the end justifies the means” are employed frequently.

Marks of counterfeit groups may include one or more of the following errors:
1. Presenting another Jesus, spirit or gospel (Gal. 1:6; II Tim. 4:3; II Cor. 11:4). Sometimes loyalty to the group is more important than loyalty to Jesus.
2. Denial of virgin birth, the blood, the work of the cross and the existence of sin.
3. They may go overboard literalizing Scriptures such as “hate your mother and father” (Luke 14:26).
4. Some press the return of Christ to an extreme which creates apathy and laziness (II Thes. 3:10-11).
5. Use of isolated Scriptures to build doctrines, ignoring the context.
6. Some are anti-Semitic and are spiritualists masquerading as Christians.
7. Some overemphasize the Old Testament and neglect the New Testament message of the cross and the blood.


General Lodges, societies and social agencies using the Bible and God as a basis but omitting the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Cults that deny the Blood of Christ or philosophy that denies the divinity of Christ.

Books, literature, music, etc. dealing with false religions.

Demons from all false doctrines studied, believed and taught; all unrighteous practices engaged in.

A great many come in through family background, curses and inheritance. There must be legal grounds or holds to open a person to attack.

Religious Cults:

Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, Rosicrucianism,
Theosophy, Urantia, Subud,
Latihan, Unity, Mormonism,
Bahaism, Unitarianism, Children of God,
Unification, Forever Family, The Mission,
The Process, Scientology, Love Israel,
The Assembly, The Body, The Farm,
The Way, Spiritualism, Swedenborgianism,
Christodelphianism, Inner Peace Movement, Edgar Cayce,
Jean Dixon, Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery,
Eckankar, Herbert Armstrong, Eastern Star,
Freemasonry, Seventh-Day Adventism, Mary Baker Eddy,
Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Religious Research Foundation of America,

Practices and Teachings – Religious Demons

Ritualism, Formalism, Legalism, Doctrinal Obsession, Doctrinal Error,
Seduction, Fear of Lost Salvation, Fear of God, Fear of Hell,
Reincarnation, Demonic Healing Groups, Astral Projection,
Chanting, Charismatic Witches, Soul Travel,
Karma, Idol Worship, Incense, Yoga (Lotus), Cult Book Reading,
Bloodline – Cult lies, Transcendental Meditation, Consecration,Deception, Baptismal Regeneration,
Good Works, Metaphysics, Jesus Only,
Predestination, Holy Ghost Fear, Psychocybernetics,
Jerking, Six-Six-Six, Clearing House – Cult Control,
Varied Studies in Cults, Evolution Studying and Teaching, Eastern Religion Interest and Study,
Martial Arts, Karate, Ushito,
Lust (Asmodeus), Kung Fu, Ki-Ya, Fighting,
Judo, Hatha Yoga, Rage,
Tae Kinon Do, Iketo, Suicide,
Jiap, Destruction (Osmodeus), “Enter The Dragon”,
Acupuncture, “Way of The Dragon”, Masochism,
Remedial Message, “Game of Death”, Meditation,
Herbal Remedies, Murder, Hypnosis,
Kung Fu-Wu-Su, Hate, False Honor, Kata, Violence,

False Religions

Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism,
Islam, Shintoism, Confucianism,
Hare Krishna, Zen Buddhism, I Ching,
Indian Fakir, Krishna Consciousness, Catholicism,

Catholic Spirits

Candles, Catholic Hymns, Saints (by name),
Dedication to Saints, Confessional, Confession to Priest,
Confirmation, Fear of Priest, Holy Eucharist,
Lourdes, Fatima, Incense,
Mariolatry, Fear of Excommunication, Obedience to Priest,
One Holy Priesthood, One True Church, One Only Church,
Prayers to Saints, Pope, Queen of Heaven,
Queen of Peace, Queen of Righteousness, Spirits of Babylon,
Angel Worship, Idolatry, Medals,
Miraculous Medal, Scapulars, Feast Days,
Assumption, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus,
Hail Mary, Sign of the Cross, Way of the Cross,
Masochism, Infant Baptism, Penance,
First Communion, Extreme Unction, Mariology-Study,
Rosary-Buddhism, Holy Water, Missals,
Catechisms, Titles of Mary, Mother of God,
Great Harlot, Nimrod, Tammuz, Knights of Columbus,
Holy Mother Church, Statues (by name), Sacred Heart, Lady of Mt. Carmel, Worship of Host,
Immaculate Conception, Anti-Christ Christmas, Infant of Prague,
Our Lady of Guadelupe, Glory be Ejaculations, Catholic Matrimony,
Semiramis, Veneration of Crucifix, Celebrating Mass,
Spirit of Death, Stoicism, Sadism, Masochism,
Eucharistic Devotion, False Confession, False Orders, False Devotions, Religious Deception, False Confirmation, False Vows,
False Obedience,Virgins (by name), False Ordination, False Tongues, False Visions, False Dreams, False Prophecy, False Preaching, False Celibacy,
Anti-Christ with Power and Strength, Harmoniousness – Loss of Salvation, Consecration to Mary as a Slave,
Veneration of Pope, Bishops, Priests, Magic of Seven Sacraments, Necromancy – Praying to the Dead,
False Salvation Doctrine, False Baptism in Holy Spirit, Ordination to Priesthood,
Pleanry and Partial Indulgences, Mediatrix of all Graces, Receiving and Administering Sacraments,
Going to and Hearing Confessions, Consecrating and Adoring the Host, Prayers and Novenas to Saints,
Blind Obedience to Superiors, Doctrine of Transubstantiation, Spirit of Man in Black Suit,
Obedience to the Priesthood, False Laying on of Hands, False Religious Authority,
Religious Mind Control, False Anointings of Baptism and Confirmation, Praying, Kissing, Bowing and Incensing Relics,
Making Vows of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty and Breaking Them, Veneration of Relics, Tabernacles, Chalice,

Religious Works Spirits

Works Religion, Good Works, Unbelief,
Doubt, Another Jesus, False Tongues,
False Baptism, False Gifts, False Diving Healing,
False Dreams, False Prophecy, False Prophets,
False Hope, False Joy, False Testimony,
False Visions, False Holiness, Hypocrisy,
Holy Ground, Holy Roller, Poison Drinking,
Snake Handling, Passing Thru The Fire, Woman Preacher,
False Purity, False Virginity, Snake Venom,
Shaking – Inside and Outside,


REFERENCES: Marks of Cultic Groups, Tract (II Peter 2:17-19) “Marks of Cultism”, p. 68,

The Battle Royal “Demonic Religious Cults for the Young”, pp. 47-48, Conquering The Hosts Of Hell (John 8:32; Gal. 5:1).

“Religious Deception”, pp. 112-114,

The Battle Royal. (p. 114 “Marks of Counterfeit Groups”) (Matt. 7:22-23; James 3:15).

A Word About Incense, Tract (Deut. 7:25-26)

Is Karate for Christians, Tract (Deut. 13:6-10)

The above references are from the seven books written by Win Worley, Hegewisch Baptist Church.

BOOKS ABOUT RELIGIONS 50 Years in the Church of Rome (Catholic) The Priest, The Woman, and the Confessional (Catholic) Babylon Mystery Religion (False Religion)

These books and others can be obtained: Chick Publications, P.0. Box 662, Chino, California 91710.



REQUIREMENTS OF INDIVIDUAL – The person to be DELIVERED must be a Believer in JESUS CHRIST in all that He did and taught as presented in the Bible or be willing to become a Believer. If he is baptized in the Holy Spirit, so much the better, but it is not a prerequisite to being DELIVERED. In fact, if he was baptized in the Spirit while he was a member of the Catholic Church, Mormon Church, some Pentecostal denominations, etc., he may have to be DELIVERED of False Baptism and False Gifts. The Holy Spirit is not offended if we try the spirits as the Bible recommends (I Jn. 4:1).

The person, as well as the DELIVERANCE workers, may be anointed with oil. This is optional, except for healing (James. 5:14).

Cleaning Your House – The first requirement for the Christian being DELIVERED is for him to remove from his house (or his room if it is not his house) all Catholic objects, symbols, medals, statues, pictures, holy cards, Catholic bibles, rosaries, crucifixes, missals, Catholic hymn books, relics, votive candles, shrines, sentimental Catholic mementoes, etc. If an object is not his to remove, the person can anoint it with oil and bind its powers from him. If the person does not clean his house, DELIVERANCE will be only partial at best, because these things give legal grounds for demons to stay.



General – When finished praying the prayers you have selected, close them in the Mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST. The following prayers spoken by the DELIVERANCE worker are meant to be guidelines, not a firm ritual to be followed, and contain elements we have found to be important: Heavenly Father, we thank You that You have brought (name of person) and this group (or myself) together in a prayer of DELIVERANCE and to do spiritual warfare. We ask You to send warrior angels to do battle for us in the heavenlies. We ask You through Your Holy Spirit to impress intercessors to pray at this time on our behalf. We thank You for sending protecting angels around us, above us and below us. Thank you, JESUS, for being here with us for you said that when two or more are gathered together in your name you are in the mist of them. Thank you for the spiritual authority to use Your Name against the kingdom of darkness. We thank You that the Holy Spirit is here to give us discernment and whatever gifts are needful.

We forbid any transference or communications of evil spirits between any of us here present. Father, we ask You to have the angels remove any evil spirits in the atmosphere assigned to hinder or interfere with this DELIVERANCE. We cut off all evil power sources directed toward us from the kingdom of darkness and from witches, wizards, sorcerers and other people used by the Devil for such purposes. We bind the strong man over this area and in each of the people here present. We ask that all strong men be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.

Binding Spirits – The following spirits marked with an asterisk (*) are usually bound for every DELIVERANCE, adding or subtracting as the Holy Spirit leads. At a later date these spirits should be cast out, but for the present they are bound while we cast out their subordinates. The other spirits listed are especially for those who have been in the Catholic system: We bind Leviathan*, Schizophrenia*, Double mindedness*, Doubt*, Unbelief*, Confusion*, Deception* (especially in the ears where it attempts to strain out the truth), Mind Control*, Mind Occult* (comes in with medication and gives power to other spirits), Jezebel*, Death*, Witchcraft*. We bind Mind Bondage, Spiritual Death, Harlotry, Brain Washing, Babylon, False Doctrines, Religious Deception, Spiritual Darkness, Sorcery and Quenching the Spirit, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST (Mat. 16:19; 18:18).

We bind every evil spirit in this person separately so that they cannot help each other or hinder this DELIVERANCE. We command all evil spirits to come out decently and in order. We command violent spirits to come out meekly. None of you will hurt this person, anyone else or any property. (You may ask the Father to have angels keep a person from violence. You may ask for assistance at any time during DELIVERANCE. This really works, Praise the Lord! If the person still gets up or wants to wrestle, it is the person himself not the spirit, and DELIVERANCE should be stopped until he is willing to cooperate.)

We forbid the spirits to move around in this person except to come out. We ask that the Holy Spirit put a wedge behind any spirit that manifests so that it cannot recede. We forbid any retaliation or backlash. We command all evil spirits that are cast out to go with the angels wherever JESUS wants them to go and they cannot return. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in immediately filling any vacancy left by evil spirits, so there is no room for them to return.

Unconfessed Sins – If the person has any unconfessed sins he should now repent, ask and receive forgiveness of sins. He should forgive those the Holy Spirit brings to mind. He should forgive himself. If he has blamed God for things the Devil has done in his life, he should repent of this also. A person will know they have really forgiven someone else when the memory of the incident comes to mind and there is a feeling of sorrow that it happened, but no stab of anger, resentment or hatred. Sometimes certain people have to be forgiven many times, because they keep doing the same things that caused the hurt or disappointment in the first place. If you have had an abortion or have been responsible for an abortion (such as the man who fathered the child, or someone who advised or supervised an abortion), this must be confessed as murder.

General Confession Prayer – Lord JESUS CHRIST, I believe that You are the Son of God, that You are the Messiah come in the flesh to destroy the works of the Devil. You died on the cross for my sins and rose again the third day from the dead. I confess all my sins (name any that have not been confessed) and repent. I thank You for bearing my sins, sicknesses and burdens. Thank You for redeeming me. Therefore, Satan, from this moment on has no right to a place in me through the shedding of Your Innocent Blood.

Forgiveness Prayer – Father in Heaven, I confess to You that in the past I have held unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment in my heart against certain people who have hurt or disappointed me. I now recognize this as sin, and that I can only be forgiven by God to the extent that I forgive others. I ask forgiveness in JESUS’ Name. You have said in Your Word that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I Jn. 1:9). I do now forgive the following people whom I remember who have hurt or disappointed me. (Ask the Holy Spirit to bring them to mind.) I forgive all those people I remember and if any should be brought to mind in days to come, I will quickly forgive them also. I also forgive myself for my many faults and failures. It would be wrong of me to assume I was higher than You by holding things in my heart against myself which You have already forgiven me. I also ask forgiveness, Father, for blaming You for things in my life which I now realize came from Satan who comes to kill, steal and destroy. JESUS came to destroy the works of the Devil and has given me authority to use His Name for that purpose also. Thank You, Father, for your everlasting mercy and kindness to me.

Restoring The Soul Prayer – This prayer may be prayed now, at the end of the DELIVERANCE or at some other point according to the direction of the Holy Spirit. We believe it is important to pray it during or after each DELIVERANCE, as more and more of the demonic holds are cast off the person: Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST and I ask You to send angels to gather and restore my soul’s fragments. With the full power and authority of JESUS CHRIST, I ask You to send Your angels to unearth and break all earthen vessels, jars, containers, bonds and bindings that have been put upon parts of my soul, willingly or unawares. I ask You to have the angels free my soul from all bondage by whatever means is required, and I agree and say, Father, that the Lord is all powerful and capable of doing this.

Now, Father, I ask You to have the angels take out of my soul any evil portions or fragments of any other person’s soul and return the fragments to them. I ask You to have the angels collect and restore to its proper place all the pieces of my fragmented mind, will and emotions. Bring them into proper and original positions perfectly as You planned them when You formed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I ask these things in the name of JESUS CHRIST, God’s Son.

Renunciation of Catholic Church – We have found that people who are not yet ready to give up ties to Catholicism, but are willing to be DELIVERED in other areas, can receive some DELIVERANCE. However, for DELIVERANCE to be most effective, a sincere renunciation of the Catholic system is necessary. An example of such a prayer is the following: Heavenly Father, I renounce and repent of my participation in the (Roman, Greek or Russian) Catholic institution. I cancel the effects of all promises made to, oaths taken and rituals performed in the Catholic system by me, my parents, my husband/wife and their ancestors on both sides of the family. I renounce and cancel my allegiance to the Pope as head of The One True Church and to the Vatican as the Holy See. I renounce all false doctrines of the Catholic system:

  1. The false doctrine that Mary is our mediator between man and God rather than His Son, JESUS – the Bible says in I Tim. 2:5, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man CHRIST JESUS.” Also see John 14:6.
  2. The false doctrine which glorifies Mary more than CHRIST – the Bible says in Acts 4:12, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Also in Eph. 1:21, “His Name is above every other Name, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.”
  3. The false doctrine which makes Mary the Gate to Heaven instead of CHRIST – the Bible says in Jn. 10:1,7,9, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber…Then said JESUS unto them again, verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep…I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” In Jn. 14:6 “JESUS saith unto him; I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Also see Acts 4:12.
  4. The false doctrine which gives Mary the power of CHRIST – the Bible says in Phil. 2:9-10. “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.” Also in Heb. 7:25, “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.”
  5. The false doctrine of praying to the dead – the Bible says in Deut. 18:10-11, “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.” (A necromancer is one who talks to the dead.) Verse 12 says, “For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord:…”
  6. The false doctrine of salvation through works – the Bible says in Eph. 2:8-9, “For by grace are ye save through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”
  7. The false doctrine of praying to angels – the Bible says in Col. 2:18, “Let no one disqualify you, insisting on self-abasement and worship of angels, taking his stand on visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind…” And in Rev. 22:8-9, “And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, see thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the saying of this book: worship God.”
  8. I renounce and repent of all these false doctrines and all of the other false doctrines of the Catholic system, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST.”

Breaking Curses And Soul Ties – At this point, it would be a good idea to pray the Soul Restoration Prayer if it has not been done so during this DELIVERANCE session. Then the person being DELIVERED can continue:

  1. I break curses put upon me and my family by the Knights of Columbus or any other Catholic society. I cut all ties and holds between me and the strong man, Jezebel, Queen of Kingdoms, and the Great Harlot.
  2. I declare to be broken any bonds, ties, or bindings that hold me to the Catholic system because of my Water Baptism, First Holy Communion, confirmation rituals, marriage vows or sacraments.
  3. I break evil soul ties between me and the saints for which I was named. (Catholic people can be DELIVERED of evil spirits that are called by the person’s specific baptismal and confirmation names. Call these spirits out using the saint’s names and expect a manifestation, specifically, on each name.)
  4. I break evil soul ties between me and the saints to which I have prayed. (Call out these evil spirits, using the saint’s names.)
  5. I repent of bringing Catholic statues or other abominable things into my home, as they come under the category of idols and accursed things. I have removed them from my person, home, car and place of work. (Call out spirits from the person because they had these things. Example: “Any spirits that came in because of these things in the house of (name the person) must come out.”)
  6. I repent of Baal worship, which is one of the ancestors of the Catholic system. (Call out spirits of Baal, Priests of Baal, Shedding Innocent Blood, Ashtaroth, goddess – mother and wife of Baal, etc.)
  7. I repent of idolatry, worship of statues, veneration of statues and relics, and possession of same. (Call out spirits by these names.)
  8. I repent of calling priests, Father, for Mat. 23:9 says, And call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven. (Call out evil spirits having priest’s names.)
  9. I break all evil soul ties with all priests and nuns with whom I have had contact or have held in high admiration. (Name the ones the Holy Spirit brings to remembrance and call spirits out by these names. Also call out Fear of Priest and Nuns. If the person wanted to become or did become a nun, call out False Bride of CHRIST and Bride of Satan. Call out Guilt if the person felt they should have been a nun or priest but didn’t become one. Also call out Guilt For Leaving The Mother Church.)
  10. I renounce praying to Mary and break all curses on me because of this. I cancel any dedication to Mary which may have been done in my behalf. (Call out spirits of Mary from the following: Madonna, Holy Mary, Our Lady, Notre Dame, Mother of God, Dei Mater, Deipara, Theotokos, Mater Dolorosa, The Sorrowful Mother, Queen of Heaven, Regina Coeli, Queen of Angels, Regina Angelorum, Star of the Sea, Stella Maris, The Virgin, The Blessed Virgin, The Black Virgin, Sacred heart of Mary, Hail Mary, Lady of Lourdes, Lady of Fatima, Lady of the Snows, (Other Ladies), The Virgin Mary, The Virgin Mother, Sancta Virgo Virginum, Holy Virgin of Virgins; Virgo Sponsa Dei, Virgin Bride of the Lord, Virgo Clemens, Virgin Most Merciful, Virgo Gloriosa, Virgin Most Glorious, Virgo Potens, Virgin Most Powerful, Virgo Praedicanda, Virgin Most Renowned, Virgo Sapientissima, Virgin Most Wise, Virgo Veneranda, Virgin Most Venerable, Hortus Clusus, Immaculate Conception, Mariology, Mariolatry, Queen of Peace, Queen of Righteousness, Queen of Martyrs, Mother Mary, Queen of Hell, Sovereign Mistress of the Devils, Fayy Fatima-Vexxa Myya (creates a very deep loyalty to Mary), Mariology, Mary Worship, Loyalty to the Church of Mary to the Death (occult in nature and practice), Sodality Fellowships (solidarity in Mary), Mary Seed of Wisdom.11. I repent of the sins of my fathers during the Inquisition in Europe from 1200-1800 A.D. when millions of people were tortured, maimed and killed as heretics because they owned Bibles and obeyed what was in the Bible instead of the church tradition. As the Catholic system has never repented of this, I do so now. I renounce these actions as sin, and repent of them for myself and my family. (Call out spirits of Mental Torment, Murder, Burning, Torture and all kinds of Infirmities.)
  11. I break the curse of Jesuit intrigue and deceit over me; CHRIST became a curse for me. I renounce and repent of any association of myself, parents or ancestors (or husband/wife) back on both sides of the family from the beginning of the organization of the Jesuit Order. (Call out spirits of Political Intrigue, Lying, Religious Lying, Pieytheas, Deceit, Subterfuge, Treason, Manipulation, Murder, etc.)
  12. I renounce and repent of saying, ‘I was born a Catholic and I’ll die a Catholic!’ I break that curse and call out a Spirit of Death. We do all this in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. (Call out spirits of Death which can include Death and Hades, Osmodeus, Appolyon, Premature Death, Death by Overdose, Death by Terminal Illness, Death by Accident, Death by Drowning, etc. Also call out Destruction Spirits, and Promises to Saints and Mary.)


OTHER NAMES OF DEMONS – The following are paragraphs of other names by which evil spirits may be called out of the person. Obviously, this DELIVERANCE will take a number of sessions. It would be good to pray the Restoration Prayer before and/or after each time of DELIVERANCE. Also use the Closing Prayer after DELIVERANCE.

General – Burning of Votive Candles, Catholic Hymns, Catechism, Penance, Confessional, Confession, Lying in the Confessional, Confirmation, False Baptism, Fear of Priest, Fear of Nun, Fear of Being a Priest or Nun, Relics, Veneration of Relics, Fear of Excommunication, Burning Incense, Blind Obedience to the Priest, One Holy Priesthood, One True Church, Prayers to Saints, Novenas, False Confession, Rosary (this includes spirits of Buddha, because the rosary was adopted from Buddhism, and spirits of Death coming from Buddha), Purgatory, Fear of Judgment and Hell, False Celibacy, Idolatry, Holy Water, Way of the Cross.

Benediction Services – Genuflecting, Sorrowful Mysteries, Joyful Mysteries, Veneration of Saints, Sacred Pictures, Holy Cards, Icons, Sacred Medals, Sacred Heart of JESUS, Sign of the Cross, Crucifix, Belief in the Pope as Head of the Church, Sacred Silence, Jesuit Spirits.

False Religious Rites – Liturgy, Holy Rites, Ceremony, Processional, Litany, Greater or Lesser Litany, Invocation, Invocation of the Saints, Confirmation, Auricular Confession, The Confessional, The Confessionary, Sign of the Cross, Pax, Kiss of Peace, Reciting the Rosary, Telling of Beads, Thurification, Incense, Aspersion, Asperges, Lustration, Seven Sacraments, Mysteries, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Matrimony, Burning Candles.

Unction – Sacred Unction, Sacramental Anointment, Chrism or Chrisom, Chrismation, Chrismatory, Last Rites, Viaticum, Last Supper, Lord’ Supper, Holy Communion, The Sacrament, Holy Sacrament, Intinction, Consubstantiation, Impanation, Transubstantiation, Real Presence, Elements, Host, Wafer.

Mass – Missa, The Divine Liturgy, High Mass, Missa Solemnis, Low Mass, Missa Bassa, Rosary Mass, Rosary of the Seven Dolors of Mary, Lady Mass, Dry Mass, Missa Sicca, Liturgy of the Presanctified, Missa Praesanctificatorum, Missa Publica, Missa Privata, Missa Cantata, Missa Media, Missa Adventitia, Missa Manualis, Missa Capitularis, Missa Legata, Requiem, Requiem Mass, Dirge, Memento of the Dead.

Parts of the Mass – Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, Introit, Kyrie, Kyrie Eleison, Gloria, Collect, Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia, Tract, Gospel, Credo, Offeratory, Lavabo, Secreta, Preface, Sanctus, Tersanctus, Canon, Memento of the Living, Consecration, Elevation of the Host, Anamnesis, Memento of the Dead, Paternoster, Fraction, Agnus Dei, Pax, Communion, Post Communion, Dismissal, Blessing, Last Gospel.

Sacred and Ritualistic Articles – Relics, Sacred Relics, Monstrance, Ostensorium, Host, Eucharistia, Pyx, Ciborium, Tabernacle, Ark, Crucifix, Cross, Rood, Holy Cross, Osculatory, Pax, Agnus Dei, Icon, Bambino, Veronica, Pieta, Sacramental, Holy Water, Holy-Water Sprinkler, Aspergillum, Asperges, Asperger, Thurible, Censer, Incensory, Cruet, Urceole, Rosary, Beads, Beadroll, Chaplet, Votive Candle, Vigil Light, Incensory, Cruet, Urceole, Paschal Candle, Sanctus Bell, Sacring Bell, Sangrall, Holy Grail. Missals, Mass Book, Formulary.

Holy Days – Advent, Christmas, Candlemas, Candlemas Day, Epiphany, Three Kings’ Day, Twelfth-Tide, Twelfthnight, Twelfth-Day, Septuagesima, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Carnival, Pancake Day, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Lententide, Qnadragesima, Quadragesima Sunday, Holy Week, Passion Week, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Eastertide, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Annunciation, Annunciation Day, Lady Day, Ascension Day or Holy Thursday, Pentecost, Whitsuntide, Whitsun, Whitweek, Whitsunday, Whit-Monday, Whit-Tuesday, White Sunday, Trinity Sunday, Corous Christi, Lemmas, Lemmas Day, Lamaestone, Michaelmas, Michaelmas Day, Michaelmastide, Halloween, Hallowmas, Allhallowmas, Allhallowtide, Allhallows, All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day, Martinmas, Ember Days.

Allegiance to Pope – Pontiff, Papa, Holy Father, Servant of the Servants of God, Cardinal, Primate, Exarch, Metropolitan, Abuna, Archbishop, Bishop, Prelate, Diocesian, Suffragan, Coadjutor, Dean, Rector, Vicar, Chaplain, Curate, Penitentiary.

False Religion – False Doctrines, Mind Idolatry, Mind Binding, Babylonian Spirits, Nimrod, Semiramus, Tammuz, Babel, Confusion, Deception, Pipytheas (religious lying), Orion (compromises the truth; gives false gifts), Python (spirit of divination), Divination, Parricide (murder of parents).

Religious Orders – Franciscan, Gray Friar, Friar Minor, Minorite, Observant, Recollect, Conventual, Capuchin, Dominican, Black Friar, Friar Preacher, Preaching Friar of Brother, Carmelite, White Friar, Augustinian, Augustinian Hermit, Austin Friar, Begging Hermit, Benedictine, Black Monk, Jesuit, Loyolite, Crutched Friar, Crossed Friar, Templar, Hospitaler, Bernardine, Bonhomme, Carthusian, Cisterian, Cluniac, Gilbertine, Lorettine, Maturine, Premonstratensian, Trappist, Brigittine, Marist, Maryknoll, Oratorian, Redemptorist.

Patron Saints – There are also patron saints over various occupations, diseases, certain groups of people (expectant mothers, falsely accused persons, etc.), countries and places. Various symbols in art represent saints (George – dragon and Francis – birds, also deer, fish, skull, stigmata, wolf, etc.) Roman calendars has a special saint or saints for every day of the year. There are over 5,000 saints in all.


  1. We bind any spirits that are left in this person, separately in uncomfortable boxes, with the angels reading Scripture to them, and the Shekinah Glory of God shining on them until this person receives more DELIVERANCE. If any evil spirits wish to come out decently and in order, they may go with the angels that are waiting to take them wherever JESUS wants them to go.
  2. All spirits that have come out during this DELIVERANCE must leave this person and this area, and go with the angels wherever JESUS wants them to go; they cannot return. We ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom to fill every vacancy that now exists with Godly attributes, so there is no place for a spirit to return.
  3. We forbid all retaliation, backlash and vengeance from evil spirits on this person or his family, property, finances, pets or on any of the DELIVERANCE workers, their families, properties, finances, pets or those that they pray for.
  4. We thank the angels for doing battle for us in the heavenlies and for taking these spirits away. We thank the Holy Spirit for wisdom to fill the vacancies and for healing any wounds left as the demons came out. We thank You, JESUS, for the use of Your Name and for Your Protective Blood. We thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your love and mercy from everlasting to everlasting.
  5. We loose spirits of Truth, DELIVERANCE, Adoption, Counsel, Might, Wisdom, Understanding, and Revelation Knowledge of the Word, life, etc. upon the person DELIVERED. (I Isa.11:2)
  6. We ask all of the above prayers in the Blessed Name of JESUS CHRIST, Son of the Living God. Praise Almighty God from Whom all blessings flow! Amen and Amen.


  1. Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney, Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, N.Y.
  2. This lesson was submitted to us for use in DELIVERANCE by Jean and Larry Lester of Chicago, Illinois through Dr. William Null of Salina, Kansas. It has been rearranged and revised by us.


We have no right to control others! God gave us a free will and even He will not try to control us! Therefore, we enter into agreement with Satan and his demons when we attempt to control others, and we are practicing witchcraft!

Witchcraft is the practice of trying to control others for personal gain. Charismatic witchcraft is exercising control over other Christians by leaders or anyone within the church. Charismatic witches use personal prophecy to control others.

Soul ties are formed with those to whom we submit our wills. Soul ties can be formed with leaders of the church as well as with anyone in the occult that we go to for help. A dictatorial pastor will form soul ties with his congregation.

The church leaders are cursed by trying to take the place of God in our lives. The congregation is cursed for following man rather than God.

Queen Jezebel was a prime example of controlling others. A Jezebelic woman is actually practicing witchcraft as she tries to control her family. Charismatic witches are Jezebels.

A lot can be written about this subject. There are many demons associated with control of others. This practice is basically mind control.

We break the power of the ruler demons over every family and organization. We break demonic ties, bonds and caps. We break soul ties to pastors, religious leaders or any Christian who has been trying to control us. We break curses placed on us by submitting our wills to others. We break curses brought by charismatic witchcraft and control. We break the curse of Jezebel and Ahab. We renounce false gifts given by Satan. We drive out all demonic works and associated spirits of witchcraft and mind control as follows:

Rejection by Christian brothers, sisters, pastors Rejection of DELIVERANCE and all groups involved in DELIVERANCE ministry Rejection by husband, wife, mother, father, children
Rejection between DELIVERANCE workers, pastors Rejection in womb, of self, of others Hurts and deep hurts by Christians
Touch me not, inability to give or receive love, conception in lust False doctrine, hearsay False preachers, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles
False TONGUES, prophecy, interpretation, demonic gifts False religions, religious cults, eastern religions False love, sweetness, sentimentality
False prosperity ,love of money, think and grow rich, money by faith False positive thinking, metaphysical faith, soulish faith False charismatic movement, false partial gospel
False shaking, quaking, crying, putting on a show False cooperating, discipleship Charismatic witchcraft, witches, warlocks
Domination, control, manipulation, dictatorial Mind control, blanking, blocking, binding, confusion Witchcraft, occult, antichrist, familiar spirits, divination
Jezebel, Ahab, passivity, destruction of family priesthood, lukewarmness Commanding angels for riches, imaging, visualization Greed, covetousness, mammon
Financial poverty of workers, pastors, churches, camps A different gospel, another JESUS Apostate religion, almost fooling the very elect
Spirit of error, spirit of the world,, aborted spirit Ruler demons over workers, pastors, families, churches, camps Soul ties and curses from control
Despondency, despair, defeat, hopelessness, morbidity Strife, contention, bickering, quarreling among brethren Inability to work with other Christians
Denominational spirits, separation, infighting Spiritual pride, ego, vanity, pre-eminence, haughtiness Self idolatry, we are gods, worship of man, fear of man
Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, bloodless religions Catholicism, occult, Masonry, religious demons Evil eye, third eye, Masonic eye, all seeing eye
Christian fantasy, falseness, false love Playacting, theatrics, affectation, pretension Hypocrisy, lying, deceit, deception, delusion, compromise





Deut. 30:16, 11:26-28, In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy god, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments, and his statutes, and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the Lord thy god shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; a blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day: and a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.

Deut. 30:15, 19, See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.

Jos. 24:15, And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Is. 55:1, Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come, buy, and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk without money and without price.

Jer. 26:3, If so be they will hearken, and turn every man from thy evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do unto them because of the evil of their doings.

Joel 2:32, And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.

John 5:40, 6:37, And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. All that the Father giveth me shall come to men, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

Acts 2:21, And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Rom. 10:11, 13, For the Scripture saith, whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

II Tim. 2:21, If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

Rev. 22:17, And the Spirit and the bride say, come. And let him that heareth say, come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Men are addressed as free agents and may be saved if they will. In other words, men and women have a free will to accept or reject the things of God. He gives them a free will and we have no right to violate their free will. Key phrases in the Scripture are: if ye obey, if ye will not obey, choose life, choose you this day whom ye will serve, if so they will hearken, whosoever shall call, if a man therefore purge himself, come, will not come, and whosoever will.

TESTIMONY – This is a vivid testimony of a pastor, his wife and their church about what happened when psychic prayers were prayed for them. These are friends of ours and we have their permission to use their testimony.

This situation came about because the pastor taught the people about unforgiveness. and entered into deliverance. The families would not forgive each other for past offenses. Some of the congregation did not want deliverance, and fled from the teaching and ministering of it.

After the people left the church, they went to other churches and prayer groups. There, they prayed for the pastor that God would make him get back into line and give up deliverance. This is not a prayer to God but a prayer to Satan. Their prayers loosed demons on the pastor and his family.

They were trying to control the pastor and his wife’s wills. These were Jezebels that wanted the church back like they had it before. They had controlled the church and the pastor whom they called “Our Little Boy”.

The demons manifested and knocked the curtains off the wall of the pastor’s house. One demon manifested and walked in front of our car as we were driving back home that night after this visit. The demon looked like a half man from the waist down. The purpose was to cause me to drive off the road and to kill us.

The Holy Spirit showed the pastor and his wife what had happened because of the psychic prayers. They forgave the people that had prayed against them (about eighty persons), broke the curses and soul ties, cast out the demons and sent them back to the senders, and prayed for the people to see what they were doing wrong.

Many things happened to the people that left and prayed against the church. They suffered from divorce, family problems, sickness and death. As you can see, it is dangerous to pray psychic prayers and fight against deliverance.

SPOKEN CURSES – There are two ways that we can curse another person. We can pray a psychic prayer or we can speak against another person. The words we speak go out into the air and they have power to do good or evil. We need to be careful what we speak as well as what we do.

WARFARE – Periodically, Earline and I have to break the curses that are placed against us and our ministry. You can feel the spiritual pressure building up and it is necessary to go to spiritual war. We forgive those who knowingly or unknowingly are praying or speaking against us, break any curses or soul ties, send the demons back to those who sent them, and pray that their eyes will be opened.

SUMMARY – A psychic prayer is any prayer that does not line up with the Word of God. If you pray contrary to the Bible, then you are praying to Satan. Satan then has the right to loose demons on the people that you prayed for as well as yourself.

Since God gave everyone a free will to follow or not to follow Him and His Precepts, then we have no right to try to impose our will on others even if it seems to be for their best spiritual interests. God did not create us as robots with controlled minds and actions.

Therefore, be very careful how you pray and speak. Study your Bible to find out how God thinks and acts so that you can pray in accordance with His Will. Also study to see how you should speak and bless others as well as your family.




Why is it so hard for Christians to believe the Bible and follow its directions? The Bible is a handbook or manual for living the human life. Would anyone buy a car or other unfamiliar article and not read the accompanying manual? There are a few who would not refer to the manual until after they have ruined the article, but most people have the good sense to read the manual before they tear up the article. Yet, we try to run our life without ever looking into the manual. The principals of the Bible will work for non- Christians and Christians. However, they work better for Christians because the non-Christian could not use the application of the name of Jesus as is needed in deliverance, etc. Yet, many non-Christians live a better moral life than Christians.

So, here we sit. We’ve come to learn how to free ourselves from demon bondage. We don’t seem to be able to comprehend the simple requirements of getting free and staying free, nor how to fight off demonic attacks. All the information we need is in the Bible and it is fairly clear. However, it is not easy because it requires responsibility and discipline. These two characteristics are not in vogue today. There are some assumptions and attitudes held in America today that make following the Bible hard for those who want to live a care-free, irresponsible, lazy and ignorant life, and who want others to be responsible for the failures in their lives.

While the obtaining of freedom from demon bondage should be exciting to the Christian desiring deliverance, yet we see blank, non – comprehending, dull faces and wonder why. One day I was impressed to look into the Religion of Humanism. I say religion because the humanists say their ideas are a religion in both their manifestos.

Now Humanism is not responsible for all our problems yet it has made its contribution. Most Christians believe they do not follow humanistic doctrine. I would like for you to examine your attitudes and actions as we go into a study of the humanistic doctrine.

Christians today believe that humanism is not much of a problem in their life yet a lot of our beliefs are not Biblical but humanistic in origin. We have only to examine the hours under instruction and it becomes clear. Most Christians are under the influence of the Bible one to three hours a week and to humanistic influence six hours a day, 180 days a year for a minimum of twelve years. It was a shock to me to learn that of the 114 signers of the Humanist Manifesto II, 47 are professors or teachers, twelve are ministers (mostly Unitarian), and two are Rabbis. From this, we see that the humanists have targeted schools and school administrations as a good place to spread their doctrine. After all, we have compulsory education laws. Churches are next because they had a vast influence on American life.

The church has aided the ideas of humanism through twisting some parts of the Gospel and ignoring others. We’ve had an overdose of easy-believeism, get what you want by faith. Faith in who and what? What happened to dying to self and carrying your cross daily? When did reaping what you’ve sown, cease? “What you say is what you get.” If this were true, one half of the Christians would have destroyed the other one half by now.

Why have we incorporated the ancient Hindu practice of visualization and inner healing into Christianity? If we accept the responsibility for and confess our sins, forgive those who have hurt us, break the curses of our ancestors sin from us, deliver ourselves from demons in the name of Jesus Christ, discipline our mind and actions as instructed in the Bible, we have inner and outer healing and it is done according to God’s Word not a far-eastern religion.

“God wants us all well physically and all wealthy.” Isn’t it strange Peter, John and the other disciples didn’t know this? Looks like those who were with Jesus should have known about being wealthy and always healthy. What about Paul and his problems? All these polluted teachings have confused and miss-informed Christians and it causes many young Christians to give up before they hardly get started.

Did you read that you were bought with a precious price, ye are not your own. Ye are dead and your life is hidden in God? Once when I was complaining to God about some circumstance in my life that I did not like, a thought occurred to me, “dead people don’t feel or need”.

As Christians, we cannot escape our responsibility. We have Bibles we can read; we have no excuse for our ignorance. We have become lazy. We want instant everything, no responsibility, no discipline and no disappointments. My grandmother said that disappointments, if handled correctly, build strong character. We don’t stick to our commitment to Jesus Christ if it becomes hard or runs us cross-wise to popular opinion. See Story of Sower to see different types of response to the Word of God.

Here are two common misconceptions concerning deliverance. “I want you to cast all my demons out all at once. I want to be totally free like in the Bible.” First, I have not been able to find a single time when Jesus made any claim that he made anyone totally free. The Bible only reports that those demons he called out, came out. Question: of the many people delivered of demons in the Bible; where were they when Jesus was being tried and crucified? Were they afraid to speak up for him? Cringing fear is demonic. Maybe Jesus forgot to get out fear. No where does Jesus tell anyone “You are totally free.”

Another false hood: “I will never again have any trouble with the demon that has left.” In Matt. 12:43-45 and Luke 11:24-26 we learn that all demons that go out, look for another place, find none, come back to his former house and check it out. If the spot in you where he was is empty, he will come again to try to get back in. They can come back in if the person out of whom they are cast, does not correct both the thoughts and actions which gave the demon the right to come in. The corrections must be Biblical in nature. The empty place where the demon was must be filled with God’s thoughts and actions. If they are not filled with Godly precepts, the demon will get some of his buddies to help him gang up on you. Because you have not filled his place with Godly precepts, you can be tricked and you will give them the right to come back in. You must remember that no demon can be in you which does not have a legal right before God to be there.

I want to discuss another very subtle but powerful influence on all of us who have attended public school in the last fifty years in this country. Remember the number of hours we spent in public school (12,960) until grade twelve?

Most all of us say we do not agree with humanism, but do we really know what their aims are?


  • In the preface of the book The Humanist Manifesto I (1933) and The Humanist Manifesto II (1973) Paul Kurtz begins with this explanation of Humanism.

“Humanism is a philosophical, religious and moral point of view as old as human civilization itself. It has its roots in classical China, Greece, and Rome; it is expressed in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, in the scientific revolution, and in the twentieth century.” Most studious Christians know that the religion of all these nations generally was the worship of ancestors and demons. He says again, “In 1933 a group of 34 liberal humanists in the United States defined and enunciated the philosophical and religious principles that seemed to them fundamental. They drafted Humanist Manifesto I, which for its time was a radical document. It was concerned with with expressing a general religious and philosophical outlook that rejected orthodox and dogmatic positions…”

In Ps.2:2, The kings of the earth take their places; the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His Anointed One – the Messiah, the Christ. They say in Acts 4:25-27, Let us break Their bands (of restraint) asunder, and cast Their cords (of control) from us. He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision (and in supreme contempt He mocks them). Please finish reading this Psalm.

Those who have lived many years have seen the results of this rejection of orthodox or Biblical views or reason. When we left Christian principles, our level of mental, spiritual and physical life took a descending order. Never have so many people been so concerned for their health; never have so many been so sickly. This is true of mental health also.

He tries to justify the weakness and failure of Manifesto I by using this excuse, “It did not and could not address itself to future problems and needs.” Yet the precepts of the Bible which they reject, has addressed all of man’s problems and needs, and has met the needs of all who abide in it.

“What more pressing need than to recognize in this critical age of modern science and technology that, if no deity will save us, we must save ourselves?” I must say that it looks like this idea that we can save ourselves has failed miserably. Acts 4:11-12, This (Jesus) is the Stone which was despised and rejected by you, the builders, but which has become the Head (the external angle) of the corner – the Cornerstone. See Ps. 118:22. And there is salvation in and through no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by and in which we must be saved.

There are more depressed and suicidal people today than in all of American history. The rate seems to be escalating as our nation in general follows these two Manifestos. So you see that even though they say they are not a religious group, that is hardly the truth. See Jn. 8:32 and I Cor. 3:19-21.

“Today man’s larger understanding of the universe, his scientific achievements, and his deeper appreciation of brotherhood,… “ I have to question anyone’s appreciation of brotherhood who sanctions murder of the unborn, the old, the infirm, the undesirable. Yet, Jesus appreciates all people.

Manifesto I “First: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.” The Bible explains the creation in Gen. 1. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth… also see Heb. 1:2-3; 11:3.

“Second: Humanism believes that man is part of nature and that he has emerged as a result of a continuous process.” Gen. 1:26, God said. Let Us (Father, Son, and Holy spirit) make mankind in our image, after our likeness; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the (tame) beasts, and over all of the earth, and every thing that creeps on the earth.

See Heb. 1:2, 11:3 and Ps. 104:30. The theory of evolution says man evolved from a type of ape. I have always wondered why there are still apes today. If it is true that they changed because their environment no longer supported their life style, how did the ones we know today survive. Also, how did some of them have the intelligence to change and how did they know what to change?

Gen.1:24, And God said, Let the earth bring firth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creeping things, and (wild) beasts of the earth according to their kind. And it was so. Gen. 2:19-20, And whatever Adam called every living creature, that is its name.

Satan and his bunch have always lied to man and tried to trick him. He started this deception by calling it a theory; today this theory is taught as fact. Jn. 8:44, You are of your father the devil; and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires (which are characteristic) of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him; for he is a liar (himself) and the father of lies and all that is false.

Satan never shows us the end results of our sins; he paints them beautifully. He never shows us the ugly details. This is called gradualism. Gradualism: the policy of approaching a desired end by gradual stages. In other words, it’s a sneaky way of manipulation to seduce a situation in a person.

“Third: Holding an organic view of life, humanists find that the traditional dualism of mind and body must be rejected.” I Thes. 5:23, And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through – that is, separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God – and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete (and found) blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Actually man is three parts: he is a spirit, which has a mind, and they live in a body. See Mat. 10:28.

“Fourth: Humanism recognizes that man’s religious culture and civilization, as clearly depicted by anthropology and history, are the product of a gradual development due to his interaction with his natural environment…” This seems a strange statement for them to make. No group of historians or anthropologists can agree with each other on the issue of earth’s or man’s creation. Each group can punch big holes in the others theory.

Read Gen. 1-3 and see that God, Adam and Eve could talk. Adam tended the garden. Gen. 6, Noah built a boat at the direction of God. It was the size of a modern World War I battleship. “In 1609 at Hoon, Holland the Netherlandish Mennonite, P. Jansen, produced a vessel after the pattern of the ark, only smaller, whereby he proved it was well adapted for floating, and would carry a cargo greater by one third than any other form of like cubical content.” It revolutionized ship building. Since 1900, every large vessel on the high seas was definitely inclined toward the proportions of Noah’s Ark (as verified by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping in the World Almanac). From Lang’s Commentary.

“A person born into a particular culture is largely molded to that culture.” This is partly true; however man came into this world equipped with a brain. He can reason, choose and change. Humanists would like for all of us to agree with them and become as they want us. Where, in all of this, is there true freedom? God does not make us do anything. With Him it is freedom of choice. Gal. 6:7, Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. And that is a fact you may not choose to live a Christian life but you will eventually reap the results of what you do.

“Fifth: Humanism asserts that the nature of the universe depicted by modern science makes unacceptable any supernatural or cosmic guarantees of values.” Gen. 1-2 explains the creation. Heb.1:3, He is the perfect imprint -very image – of God’s nature upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power. All of us live and move and have our being by His Word and permission.

“Religion must formulate its hopes and plans in the light of scientific spirit and method.” God does not have to become subjected to the scientific spirit and method since He created all things. Heb. 1:2, 10, Also by and through Whom He created the worlds and the reaches of space and the ages of time – (that is) He made, produced, built, operated and arranged them in order. And (further), You, Lord, did lay down the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the works of Your hands.

“Sixth: We are convinced that the time has passed for theism, …has passed.” Theism – belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of man and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world. See Heb. 1-2. Ps. 14:1, The (empty headed) fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable deeds, there is none that does good or right. See Rom. 3:10.

“Seventh: Religion consists of those actions, purposes,and experiences which are humanly significant. It includes labor, art, science, philosophy, love, friendship, recreation – all that is in its degree expressive of intelligently satisfying human living. The distention between the sacred and the secular can no longer be maintained.” This looks like mans worship of himself and his pride in what he can accomplish.

It completely overlooks the fact (James 1:17) that every good gift that man has comes from the Father in Heaven. There is a religion called Pantheism which maintains that everything is in God and God is in everything, therefore I am God. Romans 1 tells us of the descent into degradation of people who have known God, decided to deny Him and begin to worship the created rather than the Creator.

“Eight: Religious Humanism considers the complete realization of human personality to be the end of mans life.” It seems here they think there is no life after death and no judgement. Heb. 9:27, And just as it is appointed for (all) men once to die and after that the (certain) judgement. II Cor. 5:6 & 8, Paul talks about being absent from the body (dead) and present with the Lord. See Jn. 6:40 and Luke 18:30.

“Ninth: In place of the old attitudes involved in worship and prayer the humanist finds his religious emotions expressed in a heightened sense of personal life and in a cooperative effort to promote social well being.” Question – What went wrong? From casual observation it looks like this belief has brought almost total failure. This is self worship at its height. Self worship beings terrible fears. Deep in the heart of man he knows he has no power to save himself. Review Romans 1.

When a person becomes so self centered and self motivated that all in life must revolve around him, you will find our present day rebellious people. Gods of self are so small they cave in on themselves. Gen. 4:3-15, Cain is a worshiper of himself and what he could do; he would do it his way or else. This type of worship began in rebellion and ended in murder. Today we are witness to this type of worship; it also ends in rebellion and often murder. “Heightened sense of personal life” sounds selfish to me. In II Timothy 3:1-5 we have listed the results of being too self centered. In I Sam. 15:23, For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. When we become so self centered that we will do anything and manipulate everything to get our way, we have entered into witchcraft.

“Tenth: It follows that there will be no uniquely religious emotions and attitudes of the kind hitherto associated with belief in the supernatural.” This is a very strong statement and is contrary to our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It does parallel the Communist Manifesto. Matt. 22:37-39, You shall love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. See Deut. 6:5. Now when I love someone that much there will just possibly be a little emotions shown. When we consider the magnitude of what Jesus Christ has done for us, we will worship and praise Him. The desire of humanism to stop our religious attitudes and emotions amounts to witchcraft. Is this brotherhood?

“Eleventh: Men will learn to face the crises of life in terms of his knowledge of their naturalness and probability. Reasonable and manly attitudes will be fostered by education and supported by custom.” It seems that we have proved this to be an incorrect assumption. It has failed wonderfully! Men today seem to be weaker in principle and courage than I have seen in my lifetime. A large proportion of our young men are on drugs because they cannot stand the pressure of everyday life. The Bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 3:13 and Heb. 4:16).

“We assume that humanism will take the path of social and mental hygiene and discourage sentimental and unreal hopes and wishful thinking.” In this statement humanists show how little they know of the nature of men. These are the real results of fifty years of humanism in school and church: more mentally ill than ever, more substance abuse than ever, more social unrest than ever. The young people we have worked with are overloaded with unreal hopes and wishful thinking. We have suicide at a rate never even imagined in years gone by. As a young person until age 25, I never knew one person who had killed himself. I knew only one or two who used alcohol and none that used drugs. We are largely a group of ungrateful people and this is especially true in the church.

We have been taught to believe God for our wants, not our needs. God promised to meet our needs. Phil. 4:19, And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

“Twelfth: Believing that religion must work increasingly for joy in living, religious humanists aim to foster the creative in man and to encourage achievements that add to the satisfaction of life.” Neh. 8:10, The joy of the Lord is your strength. Rom. 14:17, The kingdom of God is not a matter of (getting the) food and drink (one likes), but instead, it is righteousness – that state which makes a person acceptable to God – and heart peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

We have worked with hundreds of youth who have indulged in most of the sins advocated in the humanist manifestos. To their horror, they did not have a life of joy at all. They have found that whether you are a Christian or not sooner or later you pay for your sins. Adultery brings many worries and abortion brings earth shaking guilt; there is deep remorse, shame, loss and disease. You cannot have heart peace and joy when the things you have done bring guilt and fears.

“Thirteen: Certainly religious institutions, their ritualistic forms, ecclesiastical methods, and communal activities must be reconstituted as rapidly as experience allows,..” What happens to our guarantee of freedom of worship? There are a few charlatans in Christianity who need to be reconstituted but by and large this is not true. God is able to take care of His wayward children (as we have had graphic examples in the last two years).

“Fourteenth: The humanists are firmly convinced that existing acquisitive and profit-motivated society has shown itself to be inadequate and a radical change in methods, controls, and motives must be instituted. Humanists demand a shared life in a shared world.” It is a lie for anyone to say our economic system did not work. It worked as long a sound economic system was used. You may have noticed that our economic system decline parallels the issuing of these two manifestoes.

II Thes. 3:10-11, If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. In the Old Testament owners of fields were supposed to leave the corners of the fields unharvested, leave gleanings for those who had need of food; and let anyone traveling in his field eat all he needed (only he must not take more than he could eat).

Lev.23:33 & Jer.49:9, The Christians were to bring all their tithes into the storehouse (armory) that there may be food in my house. Mal. 3:10, It is the job of the Christian community to share with those in need. Each person was expected to provide for and care for his relatives when they came upon hard times. See I Tim.5:8.

“Fifteenth and last: We assert that humanism will: (a)affirm life rather than deny it; (b) seek to elicit the possibilities of life not flee from it; and (c) endeavor to establish the condition of a satisfactory life for all, not merely the few.” I think you should judge this statement in the light of condition in the U.S.A. today. Have they accomplished their stated aims or have they accomplished their real aims? The real way to success is found in Joshua 1:6-9 (please read and study).

Manifesto II

We will only discuss the additions to Manifesto I. This manifesto is divided into six main headings: Religion, Ethics, The Individual, Democratic Society, World Community and Humanity as a Whole.

Duet. 11:26-27, Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; The blessing, if you obey the commandants of the Lord your God, which I command you this day; And the curse, if you will not obey the commandants of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way I commanded you this day, to go after other gods which you have not known. Pro. 10:20, The tongue of those who are upright and in right standing with God is as choice silver; the mind of those who are wicked and out of harmony with God is of little value. Read Prov. 2-3 to learn about true wisdom.

“Faced with apocalyptic prophesies and doomsday scenarios, many flee in despair from reason and embrace irrational cults and theologies of withdrawal and retreat.” Prov. 3:25, Be not afraid of sudden terror and panic, nor of the stormy blast or the storm and ruin of the wicked when it comes. For the Lord shall be your confidence, firm and strong, and shall keep your foot from being caught (in a trap or hidden danger). See also Ps. 92. This does not sound like retreat nor fear. Study Prov. 8:11 and Prov. 9.

Listen to some utter fantasy, “A humanist outlook will tap the creative of each human being and provide the vision and courage for us to work together.” In the fifty plus years since the humanists first manifesto was written, I have see most of their desires put into effect. Why hasn’t each human’s creative been taped? It looks right but the opposite is true; there are more people on welfare than ever in all our history as a nation. Where is the vision, courage and working together for good of each other? Religion “First: We find insufficient evidence for belief in the existence of a supernatural; it is either meaningless or irrelevant to the question of the survival and fulfillment of the human race. As nor-theist, we begin with humans not God, nature not deity.” Gen. 1-3, Jesus Christ came to minister to the human race. Matt. 20:28, Jesus Christ, the supernatural, came to heal and help the natural man.

“Traditional religions often offer solace to humans, but as often they inhibit humans from helping themselves or experiencing their full potentials.” Isn’t this Communist doctrine? This statement is directly opposite to the effects of truly following the Bible. Actually it is difficult to avoid reaching your God given potential if you follow His advice. Josh 1:7-8, Contains the formula for good success. Be strong and of good courage, follow the law, the book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, meditate on it day and night, and do all that is written in it, and then you shall make your way prosperous and have good success.

“But we can discover no divine purpose or providence for the human species. While there is much we do not know, (now here we get the truth there is certainly much they do not know) humans are responsible for what we are or will become.” This is only partially true. With God’s help we reach His full plan for us when we follow His Bible. The godless mind of man is described in Gen. 6:5, The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually. Ps. 14:1-3, They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy; there is none that does good or right, no, not one.

“No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.” From what they have said so far, it is hard to see why we need saving. But God says: Eph. 2:1-3, And you (He made alive), when you were dead (slain) by (your) trespasses and sins. In which at one time you walked habitually. You were following the course and fashion of this world – were under the sway of the tendency of this present age – following the prince of the power of the air. (You were obedient to him and were under his control,) the (demon) spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience – the careless, the rebellious and the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God. See John 3:16; Rom. 1:16 and 10:10.

“Second: Promises of immortal salvation or fear of eternal damnation are both illusory and harmful.” See II Tim.3:15 and Ps. 9:7-10. While the fear of damnation is terrible, salvation is the greatest security creating peace and an environment for success in life.

“Rather, science affirms that the human species is an emergence from natural evolutionary forces.” As a teacher I have done some study of this theory and found no concrete evidence of any truth in it. Instead I see that the so-called facts change over time, and the evidence brakes down and is inconsistent. There is very little agreement among evolutionists. See Gen. 1-3.

“There is no credible evidence that life survives the death of the body.” Heb. 9:27, And just as it is appointed for (all) man once to die and after that the (certain) judgement. II Cor. 5:6-9, So then, we are always full of good courage; we know that while we are at home in the body we are abroad from the home with the Lord.

Ethics “Third: Ethics is autonomous and situational, needing no theological or ideological sanction.” Our Republic was founded on the laws of the Bible and they worked very well for America until those who wanted to destroy our Republic came to power. With these people came the beginning of the seduction, “for the good life here and now”, of the American people and questioning of Biblical law. Read Ex. and Deut. for a understanding of God’s law. Situational ethics has no place in God’s kingdom. A nation or a person without ethics is unstable an untrustworthy. Doing what is right because it is right and not because you might get caught, used to be a child’s guide to questionable situations.

“Fourth: Reason and intelligence are the most effective instruments that mankind possess. There is not substitute: neither faith nor passion suffices in itself.” This is indeed shallow and trite, really just plain nonsense. Listen to the Bible. Ps. 111:10, The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Pro. 4:5 – 4:7, The beginning of Wisdom is, get Wisdom – skillful and godly Wisdom! Roe skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing. And with all you have gotten get understanding – discernment, comprehension and interpretation. See James 1:5. Go to Pro. 7:1, But fools despise Wisdom… Pro. 3:13, Happy is the man that findeth Wisdom.

The Individual “Fifth: The preciousness and dignity of the individual person is a central humanist value.” This is a strange statement because the next paragraph describes ways of harming people that humanists approve. It is God who created us to have freedom of choice. For every freedom we have there is equal responsibility. Study seriously number six.

“Sixth: …we believe that intolerant attitudes, often cultivated by orthodox religions and puritan cultures, unduly repress sexual conduct.” The Bible tells us in Gal. 6:7, Be not deceived; God will not allow himself to be sneered at – scorned, disdained or mocked. He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God. For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap. We are informed that people who commit adultery, sodomy, homosexuals, and participate in deviate sex receive curses. These curses are simply the results of their action. Like 2+2=4, certain actions bring certain curses. Some of these curses will go on to be a part of the life of many generations.

“The right to birth control, abortion, and divorce should be recognized.” In number five it was stated that all people have preciousness and have dignity. What about the unborn? What about responsibility for your own actions? Why should I have to help pay for your abortion, when you do not love and respect yourself enough to do what is best for yourself? Ex. 23:7, Be very careful not to condemn to death the innocents and the righteous, for I will not justify and acquit the wicked. Deut. 19:10,13; 21:8-9; 27:24- 25, Cursed are those who take money to slay the innocent. Ps. 106:37-42; Pro. 6:16-17, The results of shedding innocent whether born or unborn are found in Joel 3:19: they and the land shall become a desolation and a wilderness.

“The many varieties of sexual exploration should not in themselves be considered “evil.” ..individuals should be permitted to express their sexual proclivities …as they so desire.” These actions bring curses: adultery: Nu. 5:27, Duet. 22:13-21 & 27:21-22, Ex. 22:19; incest: Deut. 27:20, Lev. 18: 6- 18, Gen. 19:36-38, Deut. 23:4; abortion: Ex. 21:22-23; homosexuals: Lev. 20:13; sodomy: Gen. 19:13, 24-25. A curse for sexual sin may be a disease, death of children, loss of country or loss of own life.

Democratic Society Seventh: The seventh includes the right to suicide and the right to murder those that others say should die. Ex. 20:13, You shall commit no murder. Eph. 5:29, No man ever hated his own body. A demon or group of demons may convince a man to kill himself.

“Eighth: All persons should have a voice in developing the values and goals that determine their lives.” It speaks as if this was not already granted us both by God and our Constitution. God’s values and goals for your life are always the best. But God tells us to choose whomever we wish to serve, Josh. 24:15. God’s suggestions for running our life is in Ex., Lev. and Deut.

“Ninth: The separation of church and state and the separation of ideology and state are imperatives.” Direct contradiction of Manifesto I number seven, “The distinction between sacred and secular can no longer be maintained.”

Tenth: In number ten economic systems are to be judged by how that system increases the economic well-being for all individuals. The is no economic system on earth which has been able to meet everyone’s economic well-being.

“Hence the door is open to alternative economic systems.” This is the drive to one world, one money then to no money. People will be easier to control if they have no money with which to trade or all trade goes on through some system that is monitored. See Rev. 13:16-17.

“Eleventh: Individuals should be encouraged to contribute to their own betterment, If unable, then society should provide means to satisfy their basic economic, health, and cultural needs, including, whatever resources make possible a minimum guarantied annual salary.” They claim here to be concerned for all old people, outcasts, abused children, etc. But just before this, they said they were for abortion, suicide and euthanasia.

II Tim. 3:10, If any will not work, let him not eat. As Christians, we are to help those around us who suffer need. In the United States our welfare programs are holding people in bondage to the program. Instead of getting people into productive jobs, we have several generations on the program. This aim of welfare sounds good but does not produce a good consequence.

“We believe in the right to universal education. Innovative and experimental forms of education are to be welcomed.” It looks like us have had so much innovated and experimental education that no one knows how to teach or teach anyone how to learn. Fifty years ago children who desired to learn could. They could accumulate a lot of knowledge in twelve years in school. In II Tim. 2 :15 we are instructed to study to show ourselves approved unto God.

World Community “Twelfth: We deplore the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds. Thus we look to the development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government. We thus reaffirm a commitment to the building of world community,…” I believe I have read about this in Rev. It will be very interesting to see that our system work. It may take from one to five years to get your case heard in court now. Just think, you might get “euthanasiased” before your case came up. If you won a settlement, the proceeds could go to the government. Rev. 13:14, Sounds like the New Age Movement, Occult, Satanic Worship, Humanism, God and Goddess Worship all rolled into one.

“Thirteenth: This world community must renounce the resort to violence and force as a method of solving international disputes.” I recommend that every Christian get a copy of both humanist manifestos and study them. Of course, if you have not diligently studied you Bible and sought God’s wisdom and understanding, you will not be able to recognize its diabolical reasoning. Much of what they advocate sounds so good to the mind that wants to be passive in life. We have three great seducers: lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and pride of life. Lust: desire, pleasure, uncontrolled desire, eagerness to possess. These three work together to cause us to spend time hoping we won’t have to fight for right and that we can just indulge and enjoy ourselves.

Lust of the flesh promotes love of soft, pampered and effeminate life. Effeminate: 1. having the qualities attributed to a woman (not necessarily homosexual but often leading to it), as weakness, gentleness, delicacy, unmanly. 2. characterized by such qualities: weak; soft, decadent, (decadent: a falling away, a decline in force or quality; a process or condition, or period of decline, as in morals); decay, (decay: to deteriorate, to become rotten), decline. Not wanting to suffer loss of children, our life or our possessions.

Lust of the eyes works in us with greed, covertness, envy, fervent desire. We want desperately to get, to get more and more, and by any and all means keep what we have no matter what we have to compromise to keep it all. We greatly desire the admiration of others about our accomplishments.

Pride of life works in us to cause us to compromise righteous values in order to keep things or situations as we want them. To enjoy the dominion over all that we can dominate. The Devil tempted Christ in these three ways also: 1. to gratify a bodily appetite, (lust of the flesh) 2. to court applause, (lust of the eyes) and 3. to purchase dominion (pride of life). In Spirit-Filled Christians these three are used to put down any Christian who is not doing as well as we are or who has problems or fails in any way. The Devil is the force behind lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life. How do we overcome? Rev. 12:11, And they overcame (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb (salvation of body soul and spirit), and by the utterance of their testimony (being unashamed of the works of God in your life), for they did not love their life and cling to life even when faced with death – holding their lives cheap till they had to die )for their witnessing.

“Fourteenth: Ecological damage, resource depletion,and excessive population growth must be checked by international concord.” Gen. 1:28, And God blessed them,and said to them Be ye fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it (with all its vast resources). He said to subdue the earth not destroy it. So you see, God has given the directions for the use of the earth but we have not obeyed.

“Fifteenth: It is the moral obligation of the developed nations to provide – through an international authority that safeguards human rights – massive technical, agricultural, medical, and economic assistance, including birth control techniques, to the developing portions of the globe.” We have done this. The banking system has lent billions to Third World Nations and has succeeding in almost bankrupting all of them. These countries can hardly pay the interest on their debts and this is almost bankrupting the U.S.A. It has turned respect and admiration for the U.S.A. into contempt and hate. There is a curse on willing deceivers, see Jos. 9:23; Jer. 48:10; Mal. 1:14; Gen. 27:12. The money of our aid has in most cases gone into leaders’ pockets and not into improvements in the countries. This idea was a fluke; it has failed. We should help others but not try to lead them into a life-style they cannot understand and do not want.

“Hence extreme disproportions in wealth, income, and economic growth should reduced on a worldwide scale.” The Bible tells us throughout its pages that He will provide the needs of those who follow Him. Most of the nations we have lent to worship false gods and have rejected knowledge of the true God. We are also taught to use wisdom in all we do; that includes our giving and imposing our life-style on others. America has been blessed because the majority of its citizens were Christians and abided by the Biblical precepts but that is no longer true. Our economics will go as our obedience to God goes.

“Sixteenth: Technology is a vital key to human progress and development.” The fear (reverent fear) of God is the beginning of wisdom. In the old days when a discovery was made, the discoverer declared, “Look what God has wrought.” “We are particularly disturbed when technology… is used to modify humans without their consent.” If they really believe this, they would have to condemn abortion. Abortion certainly modifies a human being; it is total destruction.

“Seventeenth: The world must be open to diverse political, ideological, and moral viewpoints and evolve a worldwide system of television and radio for information and education.” I have a friend who spent five years in Africa; in that country television was not allowed. The leaders felt it would corrupt the people’s morals. T.V. does educate, but alas, it is a downward trend to a base, crude and evil level.

SUMMARY – This document on humanism is not consistent. On the hand it says it respects human life and on the other hand it favors euthanasia, suicide and abortion. It advocates a total rejection of worship of God and insists that man worship himself. That above all else man must have things the way he thinks he wants them and to indulge all his base desires. It implies a love for mankind, but upon careful reading, you find little room for personal or religious freedom. Condemns violence but in truth creates violence.

For the results of being taught these ideas for fifty plus years, see American youth. It was not a good dream, it is a nightmare. Our only hope is a return to Biblical principles. The way back will not be through following the masses but following Jesus Christ. Is our nation too far gone? If we were to all repent and change our wicked ways today, God would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah, for shedding innocent blood. In Jer. 22 we find the punishment for shedding innocent blood and for injustice – the loss of the homeland and going into slavery.

As I see it, Humanism is anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-freedom and anti- people. Their Manifestos are full of contradictions and lies. After more than fifty years under their influence, we are not better off but worse off in every way. It’s teachings help a person to become extremely self-centered. It fosters the idea that everything, even God, exists to serve man’s wants. It’s stand in favor of abortion, divorce, euthanasia and suicide confuses the person’s ability to love. By encouraging these four things, people influenced by humanism will not understand the true meaning of love neither will he take up the responsibility that love carries.

Lust, greed, irresponsibility, laziness and hardness of heart come into people and take the place that love, generosity, responsibility, productive activity and caring should have. There is a tendency to want to stay dependent on others and not mature. Today most marriages are made in lust, most children are conceived in lust and most lives are spent in lust. Read Chapter 13 of I Cor. and examine yourself. I have been working on my life and attitudes to adapt this chapter into my heart and life for many years.

It causes people to seek to escape from all suffering, to escape all consequences of bad behavior, etc. It does us good to learn how to deal with our failures and hard times, to work hard, to suffer from persecutions, to handle discouragement and despair, etc.

PRAYERS – If you have see the work of humanism in your life and attitudes, and you desire to see and understand how it has worked its way into you life, pray with me this prayer and add those sins particular to your life.

Those who have tried to use inner healing and visualization to bring peace and success should repent and renounce all of these things as idolatry and rebellion. Then break soul ties with the person who instructed you in it and call out demons of rejection, bitterness, rebellion and idolatry. Call out the names of the religions that practice these things.

Father in Heaven, I thank you for exposing the true aims of humanism to me. I realize it is against you, your presence and your power. I have spent years under it’s instruction. In many subtle ways its doctrine interferes with my believing, heeding and trusting you. Forgive me for not being diligent in searching out its true aims. I ask you Lord for wisdom, knowledge and discernment to know the place this religion holds in my mind and life and how it interferes in my relationship with you and others. I break its power and curse over me beginning this day in Jesus Christ’s name. I will be diligent in reading, studying and applying your Word to my life. I will not try to excuse myself from obedience to the Bible but will begin to obey your precepts as I learn them. I thank you for helping me understand and discern the difference between your word and will, and humanism’s will and aims. Thank you for working with me as I act on your word and cast out the demon intruders in my life. I break the bondage of humanism off my mind in Jesus Christ’s name. I break the curses of idolatry, witchcraft, lies and domination off me and my descendents in Jesus name.

We break these Biblical curses that are the results of our being taught under Humanism: willing deceivers (Jos. 9:23, Jer. 48:10, Gen. 27:12, Mal. 1:14); an adulterous woman (Nu. 5:27); adulterers (Job 24:15-18); idolatry (Jer. 44:8, Deut. 29:19); those who keep or own cursed objects (Deut.7:25); house of the wicked (Pro. 3:33); thieves and those who swear falsely by the Lord’s name (Zech. 5:4); those who rob God (Mal. 3:9); those who harken to their wives rather than to God (Gen. 3:17); those who make graven images (Deut. 5:8); willfully cheating people out of their property (Deut. 27:17); incest (Deut. 27:20-22); bestiality (Deut. 27:21); shedding innocent blood (Deut. 27:24); the proud (Ps. 119:21); trusting in man (Jer. 48:10); those who reward evil for good (Pro. 17:13); illegitimate children (Deut. 23:3); children of incest (Gen. 19:36-38); murders (Ex. 21:12); children who strike their parents (Ex. 21:15); cursing parents (Ex. 21:17); murdering the unborn (Ex. 21:22-23); not preventing death (Ex. 21:29); witchcraft (Ex. 22: 20); those who attempt to turn anyone away from God (Deut. 13:6-9); horoscope followers (Deut. 17:2-5); not disciplining children (I Sam. 2:8-9); those who teach rebellion against God (Jer. 28:16-17); those who sacrifice human beings (Lev. 20:2); homosexuals (Lev. 20:13); blaspheming the Lord’s name (Lev. 15-16); the carnal minded (Rom. 8:6); and rebellious children (Deut. 21:18-21) in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.


Rejection, Escape,

Fear of Rejection, Drugs: Street and Prescription,

Demonic Subjection, Alcohol,

Self Rejection and Hatred, Over Sleeping,

Rejection of Others, Indifferent,

Rejection of God, Stoicism,

Bitterness, Lethargy,

Resentment, Depression,

Hatred, Despair,

Unforgiveness Toward Self, Despondency,

Unforgiveness Toward Others, Discouragement,

Unforgiveness Toward God, Defeat,

Temper, Hopelessness,

Violence, Morbid,

Rage, Gloom,

Anger, Disgust,

Retaliation, Heaviness,

Murder, Evil Spirit of Unbelief,

Abortion, Occult,

Suicide, ESP,

Rebellion, Hypnotism,

Self-will, Horoscope – Astrology,

Stubbornness, Levitations,

Disobedience, Fortune Telling,

Anti-Submission, Tarot Cards – Tea leaf Reading,

Strife in Family, Witchcraft – Black and White Magic,

Quarreling, Conjuration,

Fighting: Physical and Verbal, Soul Travel,

Demonic Domination, Charms, Fetishes, Talisman, Amulets,

Self-Idolatry, Self-Worship,

Humanism, Man is God,

Demonic Denomination, One-World Government,

Idol Worship, One-World Money,

Witchcraft, New Age Movement,

Deception, Irresponsibly,

Stupor, Evaluation,

Anti-God, Situational Ethics,

Anti-Salvation, Can’t Comprehend,

Anti-Bible, Denial,

Anti-Christ, Denying God’s Protection,

Anti-Salvation by Jesus, Denying God’s Provision,

Lies and Lying, Denying God’s Love,

Human Reasonings, Denying God’s Presence,

Stupid Imaginations, Denying God Provided Man with a Spirit,

Vain Imaginations, Denying that God is Supernatural,

Anti-Godly Supernatural, Denying True Worship of God,

Worship of:, Denying Prayer and Power of Prayer,

Medicine, Denying God Will Answer Prayer,

Demons, Denying Religious Emotions,

Science, Denying Godly Hope,

Man’s Reason, Unreasonableness,

Man’s Intellect, False Religions,

Self, Buddhism,

Pride, Taoism,

Ego, Vanity, New Age,

Man’s Ideas, Hinduism,

Aggression:, Islam,

Against God, Shintoism,

Against Others, Confucianism and Ancestor Worship,

Against God’s Law, Masons,

Violence, Pantheism,

Hate, God and Goddess Worship,

Envy, Unnatural Affections,

Empty Headed Fool, Unreal Expectations,

Lust of the Eye, Wishful Thinking,

Greed, Hateful Thinking,

Covetousness, Demonic Domination,

Fervent and Uncontrollable Desire, Unreal Hopes,

Conquest for “Good Life”, Socialism,

Envy, Pride of Life,

Pleasure, Self-Righteousness,

Grasping, Self- Realization,

Lust of the Flesh, Self-Fulfillment,

Over Indulgent Food, Things, Etc., Self-Worship,

Self Gratification, Self-Glorification,

Comfort, Compromise,

Self Seduction, Demonic Domination,

Effeminate Life:, Haughty,

Soft, Pampered, Weakness, Delicacy, Vain,

Unmanly, Decadent, Decline in Force, Pride,

Decline in Morals, Decay, Rot, Ego,

Adultery, Hard Hearted,

Fornication, Calloused,

Sodomy, Vain Imagination,

Demonic Sex, Shedding Innocent Blood,

Deviate Sex, Abortion,

Perverted, Murder,

Pornography, Euthanasia,

Homosexual, Infanticide,

Divorce, Infirm Demons,


REFERENCES: 1.Amplified Bible 2. Pigs in the Parlor 3. Humanist Manifesto I and II 4. Webster’s Dictionary



Primary Scripture

Gen. 3:4-5 Ye shall not surely die, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Gen. 19:16 And they brought him forth, and set him without the city.

Exo. 20:4-5 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness.

Deu. 7:25-26 The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire.

Deu. 11:24 Every place the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours.

Deu. 11:26-28 See I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse.

Ruth 3:8-9 Spread thy skirt over thine handmaid: for thou art a near kinsman.

1 Sam. 15:22-23 To obey is better than sacrifice, to hearken than rams.

2 King 17:15 They followed vanity, and themselves became vain.

2 Chron. 7:14 Then will I hear from heaven, and will heal their land.

Psa. 139:7-10 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whether shall I flee?

Prov. 11:29 He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.

Isa. 64:6 We are all as an unclean thing, our righteousness are filthy rags.

Jer. 7:30 They have set up their detestable idols in house that bears my Name.

Eze. 8:3-6 Son of man. seest thou what they do? even the great abominations.

Eze. 8:12 Hast thou seen what ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark?

Eze. 8:16 Faces toward the east, and they worshiped the sun toward the east.

Eze. 22:30-31 I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge.

Hos. 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Mat. 5:16 Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works.

Mat. 5:34-37 But I say to you, make no oath at all, by heaven or by earth.

Mat. 6:1-4 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them.

Mat. 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom.

Mat. 11:28-29 Come unto me, and I will give you rest.

Mat. 28.18-20 Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.

Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters.

John 1:4-9 The true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

John 1:12 But as many as received him, even to them that believe on his name.

John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and lusts of your father ye will do.

John 14:6 No man cometh unto the Father, but by me

John 15:16-19 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you.

Rom. 4.4-5 To him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but debt.

Rom. 6:16 To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are.

Rom. 6:21-23 For the wages of sin is death; eternal life through JESUS CHRIST.

1 Cor. 11:5-10 Neither was man created for woman; but the woman for the man.

1 Cor. 11:27 Shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

2 Cor. 6:14-18 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.

Gal. 1:6-9 There be some that trouble you, would pervert the gospel of CHRIST.

Eph. 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith, not works, lest boasting.

Eph. 5:23-26 Church is subject unto CHRIST, wives be to their own husbands.

Heb. 10:28-29 Despised Moses law died without mercy; much sorer punishment.

Heb. 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Jam. 2:10 Keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

Jam. 5:12 But above all things swear not; lest ye fall into condemnation.

1 John 1:5-9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful to forgive us our sins.

1 John 5:21 Dear children keep yourselves from idols.

Rev. 9:11 whose name in Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, in Greek tongue, Apollyon.

Rev. 20:1-12 White Throne Judgement is place of the judgement of the damned.

Rev. 22:9 The angel warned him only to worship God.

Old Testament (Secondary Scripture)

Gen. 3:21, 4:17-24 and 67, 6:2-3, 10:8-9, 11:4-8, 29:23, 41:45-50

Exo. 3:22, 20:2-7, 20:13, 25:31, 26:35, 34:13

Lev. 10:1-3, 17:7, 18:21, 20:2

Deu. 6:4-7, 23:2, 32:16-17

Josh. 24:15

Jud. 3:7, 11:29-40

1 Sam. 15:22

1 King 16:29-33

Neh. 9:2-3

Job 1:6-12

Psa. 64:8, 19:7-8, 48:2, 106:6-7, 118:22, 139:13-14

Prov. 11:29

Ecc. 10:8

Isa. 14:13, 43:10, 44:6-8

Jer. 2:13, 32:34-35

Eze. 1:4, 8:3 and 13-14, 18:4

Dan. 9:5-6

Hos. 4:6

New Testament (Secondary Scripture)

Mat. 2:2, 4:10, 5:34-37, 6:24, 7:15-20, 10:32-37, 12:25-30 and 43-45, 16:15-19, 18:6 and 18, 20:16, 21:42, 23:8-10, 26:28, 28:19-20

Mark 12:10, 16:15-17

Luke 14:28

John 1:1-14, 3:16, 8:12, 10:10

Acts 4:12, 8:9, 10:15, 10:25-26, 16:31, 17:11, 19:18-20

Rom. 1:22-24, 3:10 and 23, 6:4 and 20, 8:15-17, 12:1-2

1 Cor. 3:16-20, 6:15-20, 7:14, 10:21, 11:3-10

2 Cor. 6:14-18, 10:4-5

Gal. 1:8

Eph. 2:6-9, 4:15 and 27, 5:11, 6:4 and 12

Phil. 2:5-9, 3:13-14, 4:2 and 8

Col. 1:15, 2:9 and 14

1 Thes. 5:22

1 Tim. 2:1-5, 3:12-16, 4:2-3

2 Tim. 3:16

Heb. 4:15

Jam. 1:5-8, 4:7, 5:12-14

1 Pet. 2:9

2 Pet. 2:1

1 John 1:7-9

Jude 6-7

Rev. 2:4, 3:16, 7:3, 12:10, 13:8, 17:15


This lesson could be applied to any type of secret religion or to religious practices which are practiced in secret. It could be applied to those people taking ungodly oaths to an organization or individual. A Christian should practice his Christianity on the rooftop for the world to see. A Christian should not take any ungodly oaths which bind him to an organization or to an individual. God gives us a free will and we are only bound to Him through JESUS CHRIST.

PREFACE (Excerpts) – Freemasonry is a secret organization of men (the women belong to the Eastern Star) with secret rituals and oaths. It is not a Christian organization. Christians who hold high positions in churches, such as pastor or deacon, are involved in the Lodge because they do not understand that Freemasonry has its roots in mystic religions and have been deceived by Satan. If your family background includes membership in Masons, Eastern Stars, Rainbow Girls, or DeMolays, there is a generational inherited curse on you and your descendants. To stay free, you must not have anything to do with Masonry and follow the Christian life.

MASONRY – BEYOND THE LIGHT (Excerpts) – Masonry is a religion and has a ritual. Christians who are Masons are serving two masters. Masonry has a generic god that is common enough for everyone. The true name of the god of Masonry is JAR-BUL-ON. The JESUS of the lodge is a counterfeit CHRIST. Masonry has a flawed doctrine of salvation requiring abominable oaths. The Bible forbids these oaths that places Masonry superior to country and God. An evil tree, which hides the real truths, cannot bring forth good fruit. It is a mystery religion which worships sexuality. JESUS CHRIST is denied as the true Son of God. Masons are connected with Rosicrucians, and Knights Templar. There is an immense amount of cross-pollination between the Illuminatti and Freemasonry. Masonry is connected to witchcraft in a spiritual pyramid. The Devil takes the weak and ignorant. Pre-marital sex, abortion, illegal drug use, and dabbling in the occult and satanism by children of Masons is a by-product of their parents following idolatry.

HIDDEN SECRETS OF THE EASTERN STAR (Excerpts) – Order of the Eastern Star is the women’s auxiliary for the Lodge. Kindergartens for satanism are Order of DeMolay for boys and girls, and Rainbow Girls and Job’s Daughters for young women. The Eastern Star is shrouded in mystery and, has been revised and altered. Blood oaths are taken and was established to appease the women. It is a religious facade and has discrepancies. This is a Luciferic initiation. Hermes is Masonic redeemer. Mason conjures up demons. Masons are intentionally misled. Masons are sworn to secrecy. Pentagram is sacred. Divinity of man is considered. Masonry, Satanism and New Age are related. Masons are present day Druids. Worship of the phallus is indicated by circle and point within circle. Scriptures are used as a chant. Masonry tries to usurp Christianity; it is back to paganism. There are Eastern Star goddesses. Cabalistic Motto is an important part of the Eastern Star. Sex is the central root. Masonry has a plan of salvation; it is not CHRIST. You agree to a perpetual covenant; it is not a legal oath. There are many sexual connotations in Masonry. Plants are sacred to the goddess. Rainbow Girls sound innocent but the Bible is only symbolical. Apron has roots in paganism. DeMolays is a kindergarten for Satanism.

SYMBOLS (Excerpts) – There are many Masonic trinkets and tokens, and jewels and regalia which cause trouble for Christians. Symbols are disguised. Baphomet is the satanic “Goat of Mendes” and the best known representation of Lucifer in all occultism. Caduceus is an emblem of the Supreme Deity of the Masons and represented the active power of generation and the passive power of production conjoined. Inverted pentagram is to call up the power of Satan and is one of the main symbols of witchcraft and occultism. Square and compass symbolize the human reproductive organs, locked in coitus. Crescent moon and star are used by witches. Lambskin apron is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason. Hexagram is a powerful symbol to witches, sorcerers and magicians.

FROM PAGANISM TO CHRIST (Excerpts) – The origin of Masonic Oaths is identical to Hindu Temple worship. The Masonic rite of circumambulation came directly from the Hindu Temple worship. Christians are yoked with unbelievers when they join the Masonic Lodge. The Masonic god is JAH-BUL-ON: JAH is supposed by some to be short for Yahweh, the God of the Christian and Jew; BUL is a rendering the name BAAL or BEL, the ancient name of the Canaanite god; and ON or LUN was supposed to be the Chaldean name of God. These are deeds of darkness and the occult; they bring bondage on Christians. Any god will do for the Masons. It is salvation by works. The Secret Doctrine teaches that JESUS CHRIST is not the only begotten Son of God, but that each Mason may become a CHRIST through a process known as Masonic Initiation. The Secret Doctrine teaches that since he may become a CHRIST, each Mason is his own Savior – if he does not save himself, he will not be saved. The greatest bondage in the world today is the occult organization of Freemasonry. It is Anti-Christian and it has, by occultic means, greater control over human beings than any other demonic organization.

EVICTING DEMONIC SQUATTERS and BREAKING BONDAGES – Chapter 10 – Freemasons Curse Themselves, Their Families and The Churches – Summary (Excerpts)

  1. Freemasonry rightly claims to be a religion. Lodges are regarded as “holy ground”, and are supposed to face due East. Its quest is for knowledge of union with God, its standards of worship and prayers are to a divine person, and its members are prepared for the “Grand Lodge in the sky”. The largest % of its membership have been deceived concerning its central deity which is anti-God and anti-CHRIST.
  2. The central deity of Freemasonry is an object of Satanic syncretism in which the Jehovah of the Bible is blasphemously linked with mythological demonic deities. Worship is therefore idolatrous, and brings Freemasons directly under the curse of God.
  3. Holders of the highest degrees in Freemasonry are committed to the belief that Lucifer alone is God. They exalt the one whom God has thrown out of his presence, and for whom the lake of fire has been prepared as eternal punishment.
  4. Freemasons who profess to be Christian cause the curse of God to fall also upon their families and their churches because of their gross and blasphemous idolatry
  5. Demonic bondages and dominations in families of Lodge members emphasizes the great need for the visible church to be cleansed from all Freemason associations, and all family members delivered from demonic oppression.
  6. “The assurance given to candidates that the name Great Architect of the Universe can be applied to whatever Supreme Being they choose is worse than misleading: it is a blatant lie. It is no overstatement to say most Freemasons, even those without religious convictions, would never join the Brotherhood if they hadn’t been victims of this subtle trick” (from The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight).

CURSES (Excerpts) – Curses that come from ancestors, curses that come on the wife or sexual partners from the husband or lover, curses brought on the children by the parents should be broken.

CURSED OBJECTS (Excerpts) “Believers who have broken with Freemasonry and renounced their vows, should write to the lodge asking that their names be deleted from the membership roll. It is also important that all personal regalia (or those handed down in the family) should be destroyed. Associated clothing should be burnt, and metal objects including swords defaced, or smashed and disposed of. Relatives are sometimes superstitious about disposing of these family relics, but they are cursed, and if retained will bring the judgment of God upon the household.”

Demons may try to prevent Masonic objects from being destroyed by hiding the means of destruction or preventing the objects from being destroyed such as preventing the objects from catching on fire.

HIDDEN SECRETS OF THE EASTERN STAR – THE MASONIC CONNECTION (Excerpts) – “From acquaintance with a large number of Christians who have been released from the dominant spirits of Freemasonry over recent years, a clear pattern of demonic activity has emerged. The results have been the same, whether the counsellee has been a lodge member, or is the descendant of a member. The following demonic powers need to be dealt with after personal or family Freemason vows and curses have been specifically renounced (in addition to the general renunciation of all Satan’s bondages and dominations):

SUMMARY – The key to the lesson is that no Christian (or for that matter a heathen) should belong to any type of Masonic organization. The heathen will have a hard time accepting CHRIST with this type of satanic influence. If this is not the situation, there is still hope through JESUS CHRIST. The Christian can pray and get his demons cast out. Then he can go about eliminating any remaining influence that Masonry has over him and his loved ones.

PATTERN FOR PRAYER – 1) repent for your ancestral ties to Freemasonry. 2) forgive the family members for handing down the curses. 3) pray a prayer to break the curses. (This is upward.)

If you have been personally involved with the Masons, you need to repent of your sins. Then break the curses on you. (This is inward.)

If you have a wife, children, grandchildren, etc., repent for bringing curses on them and ask them to forgive you. Then break the curses on them and have them break the curses on themselves. (This is outward.)

Renounce the Masonic organization and break soul ties with it. Destroy all Masonic objects in your possession.

The pattern is to identify the sins, pray and get right with God, break curses and demonic ties, CAST OUT THE DEMONS, and change the way you think and act.

PRAYER FOLLOWING THE ABOVE PATTERN – Lord JESUS CHRIST I forgive my ancestors for the sins that they have committed by being associated with Freemasonry in any way either by direct participation or by being in the ancestral lineage. I especially forgive my parents for their involvement with Freemasonry. I now break the curses from my ancestors that were put upon me.

Forgive me for being personally involved in the Masons. I now break the curses that I have brought upon myself by my sins.

Forgive me for cursing my wife, husband, children, grandchildren, and descendants. I pray that they will forgive me. I now break the curses placed on them. I also break all curses from the Masons that have come upon me even though I am innocent of any personal sin of association.

I vow to destroy any cursed objects associated with Masonry. no matter where they came from, in my personal possession. I ask that you show me and help me to break with objects that have sentimental value or financial value.

I renounce any connection with the Masonic organizations. I will resign and not attend any meetings. I break any soul ties with these organizations that have a hold on my life.

I forgive my ancestors and ask that you forgive me of any sins brought about by Masonry. Please place these sins under the Blood of JESUS CHRIST. I break all curses and demonic ties associated with Masonry. Help me Lord to change the way I think and act that has been imparted to me by Masonry. Please give me the knowledge to discern the evil of Masonry and the discipline to act against it. Help me to get rid of the demons that reside in my body due to these sins.

Thank you Lord for the knowledge to repent and discipline my life. Thank you Lord for the right to break curses placed on me. I now command any demons that came in through Masonry to leave me. I also command any other related demons or families of demons to leave me. I ask this prayer in JESUS Name. Amen.

PRAYERS (Excerpt of a Short Prayer) “In the Name of JESUS I break the curse of Freemasonry upon myself, my family and my children and children’s children even to the fourth generation and I ask you to cover me in the Blood of JESUS, for it is only through the shedding of your blood that the curse is broken, I AM NOW FREE FROM THE CURSE. PRAISE GOD.”


  1. The spirit of Freemasonry and the curse of the Luciferin doctrine.
  2. A spirit, or spirits of Anti-CHRIST
  3. A spirit of idolatry.
  4. Spirits of witchcraft and occultism (In severe cases, a spirit of poltergeist may be troublesome.)
  5. Spirits of mockery.
  6. The “all seeing third eye” in the forehead (an Illuminatti symbol) may manifest if there has been heavy family involvement.)
  7. A spirit of mental confusion.
  8. A spirit of spiritual apathy.
  9. A spirit of emotional hardness.
  10. Spirits of doubt, skepticism, and unbelief.
  11. Spirits of infirmities, sicknesses, and allergies (a most frequent manifestation) . Where family membership has been handed down for a long time, and there has been special dedication to the lodge, spirits may cause special destruction in health or financial matters.
  12. A spirit of false religion.
  13. Spirits of confusion, bands around the head. loss of consciousness, mental shock, arrogance, financial difficulties, extreme lethargy, death, accidents.

REFERENCES – Audio tapes, books and booklets, tracts and comics, series of articles, and video tapes may be obtained from these sources. I would recommend the purchase of the following books

Masonry Beyond The Light by William Schnoebelen

Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star – The Masonic Connection by Cathy Burns

Evicting Demonic Squatters and Breaking Bondages by Noel and Phyl Gibson

From Paganism to CHRIST – Islam, Hinduism. Freemasonry by Mick Oxley

Breaking the Generational Curses by Marilyn Hickey

Curses and Blessings by Derek Prince



Beware of ‘Another Gospel {Gal 1:6-9|IICor 11:3-15|IITim 3:1-16|IITim 4:3-4|Col 2:8-23|Prov14:12.

The ‘Marks’ of a Cult     How YOU can Know One When You See One:

  1. DEIFY MAN Man may become a god, only needs to ‘progress’ (as defined by the cult and only with the cult’s help) to become like God.Gen 3:1-13 |Is 14:9-19 [same sin Satan was guilty of]II Thess 2:3-4
  2. HUMANIZE GOD Deny that God is ONE eternally. Deny the Trinity. There are ‘many’ gods, and redefine God to Man’s image. Romans 1:21-25 | Isaiah 43:10-11 and 44:6-8 | Psalm 90:2.

III. MINIMIZE SIN Instead of man’s very nature being separated from God, sin is only specific acts that through good works can be perfected. Hell is redefined into bland or non existent punishment. Romans 3:23|I John 1:8-10 | Gal 3:10|Revelation 20:14-15.

  1. OSTRACIZE THE SCRIPTURES They will add additional scripture and claim that there is error in God’s Word. There will be a continual change of meaning in scripture. Luke 21:33|Revelation 22:18-19 | Isaiah 40:8 |Acts 17:11.
  2. A DIFFERENT JESUS JESUS is not the Son of God, but son of A god or just a prophet or created god or our elder brother or just a good man or a teacher.Is 9:6-7|Jn 1:1-14|Col 1:15-20|Heb 1:1-12.
  3. A DIFFERENT SALVATION Deny Salvation by Grace, by the shed blood of JESUS on the Cross at Calvary and by true repentance of sin by a sinner. Usually will not see a cross on the cult’s structures.

Salvation must be by works, and quite often by a system dictated by the cult. Eph 2:8-10 | Gal 3:1-26 | I Peter 2:24.

VII. DIFFERENT SPIRIT The Holy Spirit is changed into a ‘good force’ or impersonal entity. Deny God the Spirit. Spiritism is, generally, rampant by having visits from spirits, counterfeit miracles, etc. I Timothy 4:1|Deut 18:9-14 |John 14:17.

VIII. MODERN DAY PROPHET  Founded by man, followed by others, who claim to be God’s one true spokesman on Earth. Accountable to no one but God. Gives revelation and scripture. Jeremiah 23 |Matthew 24:24|Hebrews 1:1-2|Deut 13:1-10,18:20-22.

  1. THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH Their group is the only true way to perfection. The word ‘truth’ used over and over. Unless you are active part of their organization, you are lost. Deny the spiritual union of believers. Col 1:18|Eph 1:22-23 |Romans 12:1-8.
  2. SECRETS CLOSED TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD Secret rituals, temples and doctrines. Finances not public. No communion with Christian body. All others are outsiders. No one knows the truth as they (and their prophet) do. Persecution complex.
  3. CANNOT LEAVE Always testing loyalty of followers. Obedience (blind) is primary. Leaders have all power – are followers intermediary with God – not JESUS. Only way to leave is by excommunication, threats. Spiritual bondage, fear and guilt most common. If you leave, you are cut off from all in cult.



Gen. 3:15 It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Deut. 27 Curses are pronounced.

Deut. 28 Blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.

Ester 2:1-4, 8-9, 12-17 And she obtained grace and favor in his sight.

Book of Job: Disaster falls into our lives because God is testing our faith.

Isa. 62:1-4 No more be Forsaken neither shall thy land any more be desolate.

Mart. 9:22 Daughter be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.

Matt. 13:21 When tribulation or persecution ariseth, by and by he is offended.

Luke 13:1-5 Think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jer.?

Luke 22:31-32 Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter.

John 16:33 In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer.

Acts 3:6 In the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth rise up and walk.

Acts 14:7-10 Steadfastly beholding him, perceiving he had faith to be healed.

Rom. 5:3 We glory in tribulations; knowing that tribulation worketh patience.

Rom. 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love.

Rom. 8:35 Tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword?

Rom. 12:12 Patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.

I Cor. 8:2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing.

I Cor. 13:12 For now we see through a glass darkly, now I know in part.

II Cor. 1:4 Comforteth us in all our tribulation; we may be able to comfort.

Eph. 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; it is the gift of God.

Eph. 4:11-13 Till we all come unto the measure of the stature of the fullness.

Phil. 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches.

Col. 1:27 which is CHRIST in you, the hope of glory.

I Thes. 3:4 We told you before that we should suffer tribulation.

I Thes. 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in CHRIST.

I Tim. 5:23 For thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.

II Tim. 2:15 Shew thyself approved unto God, rightly dividing Word of Truth.

II Tim. 3:14 Continue in the things which thou has learned and been assured of.

II Tim. 4:20 But Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.

Heb. 2:8 But now we see not yet all things put under him

Heb. 11 what faith is, without faith we cannot please God.

James 5:20 Shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

I Peter 2:24 Should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

I Peter 4:1-2 CHRIST suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise. Rev. 2:10 Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

Rev. 3:14-21 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore.

As you know, Earline and I have been in the DELIVERANCE ministry for about fifteen years. We have worked with thousands of Christians in the area of healing and DELIVERANCE.

Recently, Earline was stricken with kidney failure. Otherwise, she is in fine shape for a woman who is fifty-nine years old

We have known personally, or have known of men and women of God who have been stricken physically with infirmities. They may have even died before becoming seventy years old. These were people that we felt really tried to fol~ow God and were doing a fine work in His Vineyard. They were also people that believed in the Whole Word of God.

Generally speaking, the ministry teaches the blessings of God and not the justice of God. We get the “bless-me club” personality. Generally speaking, the ministry does not teach about what Christians will go through as they follow CHRIST and obey His Word. The impression is “Once I become a Christian, I will have no more problems.” This seems to be an area of the Bible that is primarily ignored. Many times Christians are taught this philosophy; then when it doesn’t work, they leave the church.

My question to you is “why are these godly people stricken before their time of seventy years?” In other words what should we as Christians expect in the battle for the Lord? If we are living a godly life, should we expect to go through life without having any mental, physical, spiritual or material problems? What does the Bible teach about the lives of Christians? A good example is Paul. with the Love of CHRIST, Gene and Earline

We received replies from the following people to whom we are very grateful: Jo Anne Nystrom, Glen and Erma Miller, Dorothy and Harlan Deem, Ted Haggard, Edwin Edgerton, Frank Hammond, Lorraine A. Kupper, Buz Milosh, Dennis Mulder, Blanche Reynolds, Linda Sutter, Al Dagger, Norman Parish, Martin and Janice Thornbull, and Ann Pigg. We kept the letters and records of telephone conversations. It was quite an effort for those to try to answer our difficult questions. Thank you for your love and concern

We want to express our heartfelt thanks for those who have prayed and interceded for us through the years. It is wonderful to hear that we are being prayed for our well being by those who love us and have compassion on us. Only God knows how your prayers may have helped to sustain us.

We have now been in the DELIVERANCE ministry for about twenty years. It has been about five years since Earline had her kidney failure. God has seen us through all the difficulties that we have faced in our lifetimes. We have seen God do many wonderful things around the world using us as his servants. Even though we have probably cast out thousands of demons, Satan does not leave us alone. In fact, he probably attacks those very active even more–they are a greater threat to his kingdom.

The wind may blow in your face to stop your progress now, but may be behind you in the future after you have worked your way through the problem. Move forward with the Lord. Our God is faithful and we must relinquish control to Him. Praise breaks certain bondage’s put on us by Satan. By all means repent, it is a way of life. We are comforted by the Word of God; stand fast and trust in JESUS. Keep on ministering by faith and depend in the leadership of the Holy Spirit. God loves us and cares about us; He has all power and authority to direct our lives.

Earline and I have discussed, thought and prayed about this subject, both before and after Earline’s failure of her kidneys, a considerable amount of time. There are many lessons to be learned by us and other Christians in this difficult area. The communications of others helped us to understand what we were going through. It is a real blessing to see what others go through in real life. It is an untruth to tell the Christian world that you, and your family, business and ministry have no problems, and that you are perfect just like JESUS CHRIST. We are still praying for answers for ourselves and for others. When Earline was in the hospital initially, we read the Book of Job seeking answers. Pay attention to what Job says as well as his so-called comforters

Do you believe that you have all of the answers to the problems we face here on earth? Are you living a perfect life in complete accord with the Bible? We don’t believe that anyone has a complete understanding of the Bible. Everyone has problems; if you don’t now, you will later. This includes those in the ministry and their families. God is sovereign and we can’t change that fact of life. ~est assured that God’s Word is a wonderful source of strength and comfort to suffering, hurting, poor people, as well as to those who are wealthy, all around the world. If we want life, we must keep His Commandments. We are all aware that if there was an easy answer, everyone would already know. Volumes could be written to properly answer the question raised, even in a general sense. Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge and Discerning of Spirits could be God’s way of answering specifically for each of us. Inwardly, there might be the sins of the fathers or some break in Job’s hedge; outwardly, there might be an onslaught from some coven or occult source that is getting through; and these are just a few possibilities. There are some valid truths coming from the “bless-me club” but they need to be balanced: God’s love balanced by God’s justice. There are no pat answers

It may be God’s purpose, not some other cause. What lessons can be learned? God can turn it around eventually; the future is in his hands. God understands and is rooting for us. We accept God’s dealings with us and resist the Devil. Do not doubt God, who knows what we need. JESUS was not spared from suffering and has Compassion on us. He gives us grace and sense to learn; God is teaching us. It may be for our good for life and death situations. God can do whatever he chooses for greater glory and purpose. JESUS intercedes for us while we are going through the fire. Our peace comes when we rely on JESUS, even~if it means that we die.

Satan is not in control. Satan will retaliate; we get wounded. There are occult attacks by witches and warlocks. We must know our enemies. There are curses, hexes and spells that are inherited, as well as received in the nasty now and now. Satan can’t kill our spirits or souls, even if he is able to kill our bodies.

What about repressed feelings, used to being blessed, many causes of diseases and judgmental? We are susceptible, sickness is common, not immune to suffering and there are hindrances which may be mysterious or harmful. Do not get impatient. Control your emotions; we can not control the events. Keep our spirits clean before God. Do not go on a guilt trip. It may be a simple lesson of trusting, not just an exercise of faith. We are not immune to attack. It rains on the just and unjust. How do we respond to tragedy? We must have faith ~hat all things work together for good. We will learn or not learn. Wait before God without doubting; die triumphantly. Sometimes it is nothing we do. Good comes out of our experiences. We are more understanding, compassionate and patient, not judging others. Our faith is joined with others. Have conviction that God heals and does recreative miracles.

God allotted seventy years to all humanity, not just Believers, which is about the average age at death. Life may be lengthened or shortened; our body is not redeemed. It is subject to the curse of sin, old nature, physical defects and curse applies to body. Perfect health will come in Heaven. We must relate to the world, demonstrate our faith, believe in redemption and maintain hope. The environment effects our bodies. The dead are all right in God, sleep in CHRIST and awake to resurrection. Walk by faith; don’t worry about tomorrow. God meets our basic needs, not our wants. Food, clothing and shelter are blessings by God’s grace. Our bodies are subject to failure. Death has its way with all flesh; God can intervene if He chooses. Pray for God’s Perfect Will in our lives. Have an overcoming attitude and draw close to God. There is more to life than just having perfect health. God wants to cleanse us from sin, get our attention and test us to strengthen our faith. Sickness is not immoral and will be in the Millennium. Our spirit and soul are redeemed; our body is not resurrected. Sometimes we may recover from sickness through prayer. It is difficult in dealing with Cod; his ways are not our ways. Acknowledgment of reality of life is faith. Age brings susceptibility to disease and death.

Lord, what do you want us to learn from our trials and testings? Certainly the Bible nowhere promises that Christians will go through life without problems. In fact, a careful reading of the Bible indicates that Christians will face many difficulties and trials. There are at least two biblical reasons as to why Christians suffer. One of them has to do with the fact that we are a fallen human race. The effects of sin, including illness, will come to Christians as well as non-Christian people. The fact that we suffer physical ailments, disease, etc. in some sense has little to do with the fact that we are Christian, it is simply the state of the fallen human race. It is the effects of sin in the world in which we live. Christians are not immune to those effects.

Secondly, there are times when disaster falls into our lives because God is testing our faith. He allows the Devil to have relatively free reign. While at the same Lime promising that He will never give us a burden too heavy to carry. An obvious example of that would be Job. The Book of Job teaches the above very clearly. Certainly the apostle Paul is a good example. He struggled with a thorn in the flesh all of his life. God chose not to remove that. We may never know the exact reason why, but God had a purpose in doing what He has done.

The Bible does not promise health, wealth and prosperity to all who believe in CHRIST. There are many Christians around the world who live in poverty. The Bible talks about taking up our cross and following JESUS CHRIST. In many parts of the world that cross is big and heavy, even to the extent of having to pay for faith, on occasion, with their lives. Those are the kinds of demands and sacrifices that the Scriptures place upon us as Christians. Without question we have been blessed in this country, living in relative freedom and prosperity. God has certainly not promised that we are immune from suffering. In fact, the scriptural teaching is that suffering brings with it many benefits. It is sometimes for those benefits that God allows us to go through these things.

Any Christian who thinks that they will not face tribulation or persecution in this life is sadly mistaken. Satan asked to sift Job and Peter, and he asks to sift the Body of CHRIST. Consider Job’s attitude as well as that of his wife and friends.

It takes faith to believe in healing, DELIVERANCE and salvation; everything we receive from the Father comes through the Grace and Mercy of God and the Lord JESUS CHRIST with the interaction of the Holy Spirit. God answers prayer; things happen when we pray that don’t happen when we don’t pray. We interact with God through prayer. He acts according to His predetermined will and purpose as we enter into communication with Him through silent and vocalized prayer.

The Lord JESUS CHRIST is a repository of virtue and righteous power, to meet our needs. It has already been bought and paid for at Calvary; the victory is assured. But it is not automatic without conflict or effort of mind, will, emotions, body strength and spiritual involvement. For instance: fasting, prayer, worship, praise, spiritual warfare, meditating, reading the Word, and submitting to God and one another with a determination to glorify God.

Consider the woman with the issue of blood. The virtue deposited in JESUS for this woman was released through her faith. It brought about the desired results of her being made whole. Consider the man at the gate beautiful. He wanted alms; he didn’t appear to have faith for healing. Was anyone else interceding for him? He was caught off guard. Peter reached down and lifted him up. Peter’s and John’s faith had to be sufficient. Sod’s purpose was to show Himself alive by doing the miraculous. Consider the man crippled from his mother’s womb. He heard Paul speaking and Paul perceived he had faith to be healed. He needed to be healed and God purposed a revival.

Christians are not any better or worse than anyone else. Job’s friends knew that there must have been something wrong in his life, or why else would he have to suffer? Was there a tradition around Israel that the Galileans who suffered such things and the eighteen upon whom the tower of Siloam fell must have been worse sinners than others? But, this is not ‘what CHRIST taught. We haven’t come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of CHRIST. We have hope for the coming of CHRIST and his kingdom.

Do you believe that we are living in the Laodicean Church age? We think that we are so increased with goods, have need of nothing and we’re so rich in the things of God. We don’t realize how great our spiritual need really is. Are you prepared for physical death? Which group of the ten virgins do you belong to: those whose lamp is full or those whose lamp is empty? This is an hour that we must use wisely. Return to the simplicity of true devotion to CHRIST. We should be warriors for CHRIST.

JESUS has limited His visits to us in relationship to how obediently we provide Him that opportunity by being His Body for Him to fill with His Spirit and presence. As we yield to Him to be locally in fellowship with the other regenerate ecclesians, under His Headship proper and potent healing, etc. will be present in much greater fullness than we presently experience. The problem is we are churchgoing instead of being the local ecclesia and membered together with others by the Holy Spirit. The body is dismembered by locality, hence all the confusions, weaknesses, etc. If we ourselves don’t live to enjoy the restored Ecclesia, we should be working on it for our posterity.

The church is full of people who are not well but they are praising God. He is in their midst polishing lively stones for His Tabernacle. God is building a rock house with narrow mortar joints which is pleasing to Him. Have peace in God; there is tribulation in the world.

Earth is earth, and does not become Heaven for anyone when one gets saved. In other words, God’s perfect plan, the full manifestation of His Kingdom, is fully manifested in Heaven. When we get saved, a ray of his Kingdom shines through our hearts with the provision for that glow to provide healing, DELIVERANCE and other manifestations of His Will. Certainly, He wants all to be saved, healed, delivered, filled with His Spirit, etc. and that will all be complete in heaven. Here on earth we get a taste, but not the entire package.

We need to seek God, live saved, be filled with His Spirit, walk in His Fullness all that we possibly can, be as healed as we can, and walk in the greatest degree of freedom and DELIVERANCE as possible. But, until JESUS physically returns, we will struggle, suffer and strain for the full manifestation of redemption in our lives.

The Bible reveals God’s perfect plan for us in CHRIST. Now, CHRIST is here only by His Spirit. Soon we shall see Him face to face. When that happens, all of His Plans for His People will be fulfilled.

So, what should we Christians expect in the battle for the Lord? Exactly that -a battle. As for victory; absolutely. As for timing; some now, the balance later.

Not having any problems is neither biblical nor practical. Living a godly life means that a person can expect to live a godly life. As for mental, physical, spiritual and material problems, those all come in varying degrees to all who live. Living a godly life should minimize those problems and it certainly should open the door for the operation of the Holy Spirit which will help with the solution. But the problems will remain until JESUS settles the sin nature and Satan problem.

This is not defeatist. The powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit does remarkable things in all of our lives. The authority of the Word of God can do powerful things. The enforcement of God’s plans during this present age takes constant prayer, faith and involvement of the Holy Spirit. Hope is there and power is there; but so is the enemy and the world

Each person must seek for himself for a clear understanding of what he believes and how God works in each conflict. We ministers must be careful we do not add to the confusion and minister condemnation.

  1. God can and does heal His people.
  2. It is God’s Will that we be healed for the Glory of God. Therefore, glorify God in your body.
  3. There are only two things: blessings and cursings. You are either increasing or decreasing.
  4. The pure Word of God without mixture.

The non-pure Word of God with mixture.

  1. God’s medicine for us is His Word for us. God is love.
  2. God loves you.
  3. You are healed because you were healed by the Stripes of JESUS.
  4. Bottom line is agape love in the Master’s Service.

Fasting is a way to crucify the flesh and seek God. It is also a way to rid the body of toxins which can kill you. Depression will lower your resistance to disease. We are also required to follow other practices for Christians outlined in the Bible. Doctors may not make any difference if it is time to go and be with the Lord. Fasting may cause the burden to be lifted. Nutrition is a function of healing and a walk of health.

Many have served God faithfully and are in the call of God’s purpose for their lives. They know the Gospel, have on the full armor of God, doing spiritual warfare, teaching and demonstrating biblical principles, and are faithful servants. Now the test is on; God removes the consciousness of His presence. The heavens are brass and you can’t seem to rouse Him to ‘work for you. You hear condemnation, failure, guilt, what have I done to deserve this, I thought God had a hedge around me and I was untouchable, and on and on until we become filled with despair. Our life is passing from us and there is nothing ‘we can do except turn to the arm of flesh.

We search our souls, examine ourselves and try to find the key that will unlock the mystery of God’s Grace. For all we are in CHRIST, all we do in the kingdom and our ability to stand in the face of the enemy is by God’s Grace. The walk we walk is by God’s grace: love, mercy, ministry, peace and health. God chose us in trespasses and sin, and seated us in CHRIST JESUS. He has given us a walk worthy of that Name and armed us to stand against the wiles of the Devil. No one can pluck us out of His Hand. We will not see the death angels, for God’s angels will come for us that belong to Him. We will ever be with the Lord.

We can not earn that grace, keep it, improve on it, add to it, take from it or embellish it. Wages are earned and gifts are received. Just praise God and thank Him for Grace. When we are not established in grace, we go into confusion as did Job. He thought he did everything right and believed his works would keep him and his family protected, but it was God who had him hedged about. He could not understand why these things were happening to him and was overwhelmed by confusion.

A DELIVERANCE worker is a front-line warrior. The front line warrior receives the first strength of any attack. In the case of a couple, it is usually the wife who is attacked first as she is the weaker vessel. Sometimes, it is the man who is called into the ministry and not the wife. She goes along to support her husband, who leans on her for support. It takes a special couple to minister together for years avoiding or defeating Satan’s attacks.

Sometimes we get puffed up in the idea of who we really are. We think that we are undefeatable and press on without really taking the time to stop and think that we are just His Servants by grace. We are ministering in His Name, Power. Strength, Might, Suffering, Love and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Then comes Satan’s attack and we get mad at God. This is not supposed to happen to God’s warriors. We warriors get wounded. When we fail to turn to the Lord in praise, we stumble. Have you a hole in your armor? Are you spending time in prayer and in the Word everyday? Have idle thoughts found a way to get you to stop praying without ceasing? Have vain imaginations penetrated your armor? Examine your armor for weaknesses.

Continue on to the goal of hearing JESUS say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” It could be that God is getting ready to do a greater work in your ministry once you overcome this trial. We must praise God in every circumstance. It is the praise, even unto death, that lifts the bonds that hold this earthly body in captivity. No one can separate us from the Love of God except ourselves. Regardless of what happens, we must always follow the Lord in spirit and truth.

The apostles suffered, were God’s saints, were persecuted, weak in body and had infirmities. Consider what Paul and Timothy went through. There are little things that affect the body. It is not a reflection on our spiritual condition if we get sick. Those with bodily weaknesses have been effective witnesses for CHRIST. The world can identify with their infirmities. They can be strong in the spirit. We are not perfect; we age, die, suffer sickness, are attacked by germs, our cells die every seven years and we are susceptible. Ask God for discernment and do not go on a guilt trip. Do not judge others outwardly; there is only one righteous judge. Show love and compassion; help others who are weaker. The church was persecuted. All apostles were martyred except for John in exile. God’s heroes endured by faith even to torture and death.

God needs to cleanse our lives. Pride stands in our way of obtaining the blessings of God. We need God’s wisdom and understanding. We must seek God and search our souls. We will always battle the forces of evil in this world. We need to try to live a balanced life: mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Anything you neglect in life will cause you problems. Anything you omit in the Bible will cause you problems. Don’t be puffed Up; pride opens the door to demons.

Many Christians are confused about this subject. Why do they have to suffer in life when it seems that the heathen do not have to suffer? What are God’s provisions and promises of healing? The concerns as to why terrible things happen to good people are quite natural and occur to us all. We must have faith and trust in our Heavenly Father, and know that we are loved by Him. The Scriptures are a source of comfort, strength and hope. What lies have we been told by our parents, spouses or children that we believe and affect our lives?

We hear of stories of those who read the scriptures every day, stand on them and are healed of terminal illnesses. We also hear of those ‘who did the same thing and die. Can you judge and say that one person did not have the faith – absolutely not! There are those who seek the Lord for healing over some period of time, finally yield to surgery and are doing well. Can you condemn them for going to the doctors – absolutely not!

We need to stand with each other, not only as Christian brothers and sisters, but also with other ministries. We are not in competition; there is plenty of work for everyone. This is especially true in the ministry of DELIVERANCE; there are few who perform this service. Ministers, just like everyone else, may have a difficult time with stability.

Ministers have a variety of styles and methods of ministry. Just because they don’t perform the ministry just like we do, doesn’t mean that we can not fellowship with them or support their ministry.

Have respect for your wife for her forced labor in the ministry. Don’t put burdens on her so great she can not bear them. Repent to your wife for forced labor. Put her on the altar. God is faithful to honor the husband’s proper relationship to the wife.

Husbands and wives please stand together and hold hands. As your husband, I ask you, my wife, to forgive me for forcing you to labor in this ministry and to do things that God did not call you to do. Forgive me for placing burdens on you that were so great that you could not bear them. Forgive me for not showing the respect for you that you deserve as my wife. I place you on the altar of God and ask that He forgive me for sinning against Him in the way that r have misused you. Lord, help us to have the proper relationship as husband and wife in all walks of life including the ministry. Will you, my wife, forgive me? In JESUS CHRIST’s name we pray. Amen.

We give credit for this lesson to those who comforted us during our time of illness. We give credit to those who have prayed for us over the years when we have been faced with injuries, illnesses and tragedies. We give credit to everyone who called, wrote or provided material for this lesson. However, we all give credit to the Father, Son and holy Spirit for working through each of us to bring about God’s purpose in our lives. We have taken some editorial liberties with the input to make this into a lesson for others.

We bind the spirit of infirmity. We command you and all your underlings to leave our bodies now in the name of JESUS CHRIST. We break every curse of sickness, infirmity and organ failure. We command our bodies to respond to the blessing of healing and health. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We desire a clean temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. Father, we confess to you our sins, weaknesses. failures and lack of faith. We ask you to make your grace strong in our weaknesses. Help us to trust you in the things we don’t know. We command the spirit of confusions to leave now in the name of JESUS CHRIST.

Lord, we ask you to grant us the blessings of long life and good health in the service of the kingdom of God. The seventy years, plus blessings, and the abundant life JESUS came to bring is your purpose for Believers. We cancel out the purpose and plan of the Devil to kill. steal and destroy. We refuse any part of his plan and send all his curses back to the sender now in the name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST. In the name of JESUS CHRIST, we command the body’s detoxification system to be healed and every spirit that is working to be destroyed or cause to fail. You must leave us now. All doubt and unbelief must leave. We rebuke you now in the name of JESUS CHRIST. We loose the ministering spirits for the heirs of salvation to come and minister to us now.

Thank you Lord JESUS for providing us victory over hell, death and the grave. and power over the spirits of sickness and over all the power of the Devil. We ask to live to accomplish all the God has purposed in our lives. Let us be a positive influence for CHRIST each day.

We break the curses of sickness, infirmity, organ failure, godlessness, nests of demons, doorways for demons, idolatry of possessions and ungodly holidays.

We break the curses listed in Deuteronomy 27 and 28, in the rest of the Bible, from diseases of Egypt, of every sickness and plague in Book of Law. and every curse and disease not written in this Book of the Law that we have the legal right to do so. Lord we ask that you show us any legal rights that Satan has in our lives so that we may repent and break these curses. In the name of JESUS CHRIST, we pray.


We command that the demonic characteristics and spirits leave in the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth as your name is called along with your family of…..

repressed feelings, judgmental, impatience, uncleanness, guilt,
lack of faith, doubt, unbelief, seat of emotions, hidden spirits,
beast nature, bestiality, uncleanness, immorality, unreality,
condemnation, failure, despair, idleness, pride,
ego, vanity, lying, confusion, overindulgence,
selfishness, lust, perversion, greed, lesbian,
lawlessness, iniquity, preying, witchcraft, jealousy,
dolls with pins, Voodoo, enchantments, serpents in weight. thin veil,
poison emotions, demonic reins, retardation, incest. pride,
idolatry and condemnation

Come out spirits of diseases, susceptible to disease, sickness, poor immunity, death, illness, infirmity, poisons, poor elimination, spirits in stomach

liver kidney bladder and other organs, hormone imbalance and related spirits.

Verse 16. cursed in city, in field,
17. cursed shall be basket, store,
18. cursed shall be children, crops, cattle, sheep,
19. cursed going in, coming out,
20. cursing, confusion and failure in job and work, destruction, perishing,
21. plague. pestilence, sickness, death,
22. consumption (wasting disease), fever, inflammation (blood poisoning), extreme burning (high fever), madness (encephalitis), wars, crop failure, famine, pestilence, pursue until perish (harassment),
23. Heaven as brass, no rain (hot sun), earth as iron (hard dry ground),
24. land becomes powder and dust, dust shall cover you (dust storms), eye trouble from dust, asthma, emphysema, heart trouble,
25. defeat and terror before enemies, 26. body shall not be buried, ‘wild beast will eat it,
27. botch (skin ulcers and boils), itch, scurvy, pellagra, beriberi, psoriasis.
28. madness. blindness, astonishment of heart (terror. amazement), tumors. hemorrhoids,
29. groping at noonday, poverty, oppression, robbed, no DELIVERANCE,
30. wife in adultery, raped, home stolen, wages stolen or lost,
31. ox slain, ass stolen, sheep taken, none to rescue,
32. son-daughter run away from home, taken into bondage for sex(eye, heart fail waiting for return)
33. enemies will take your wages and property, oppression and destruction (crushed).
34. madness, helpless, hapless, powerless,
35. boils, ulcers (from sole of feet to top of head). impetigo, eczema,
36. foreign rulers and gods,
37. astonishment, a proverb among nations, laughing stock, ridicule, belittlement,
38. worms will eat grapes, crop failure, job failure,
39. locust will eat crop, crop failure,
40. olive tree shall fail, job failure,
41. sons and daughters go into captivity, drugs, witchcraft, sex, harlot,
42. crop failure,
43. foreign oppression, debt, poverty,
48. hunger, thirst, nakedness, poverty, destruction.
49. defeat by foreign nation,
50. unmerciful enemy,
51. destruction of cattle and crop, robbery of all possessions,
52. siege of cities, destruction of defenses, conquest of land,
53.-57. cannibalism, famine, distress, complete poverty,
59. wonderful plagues. plagues on children. long chronic illness,
60. all diseases of Egypt,
61. every sickness and every plague in book of Law,
62. destruction of race (genocide),
63. plucked off land (exile),
64. dispersion among the nations (exile),
65. no rest, fearful, terror, blindness. depression, heaviness,
66. fear of death, no assurance.
67. fretting and worry always. constant danger,
68. bondage, slavery

** Finally, everything (every curse and disease) not written in this Book of the Law!



Read the whole chapter of Ezekiel 8. Ezekiel in a vision of God at Jerusalem is shown the image of jealousy, the chambers of imagery, the mourners for Tammuz, the worshippers towards the sun and God’s wrath for their idolatry. “Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eyes shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them” (vs. 18). II Cor. 5:17 (A new creature in Christ.)

II Cor. 6:16-17 (What agreement can there be between the temple of God and idols? Leave idolatry and heathen worship; touch not any unclean thing!)

Eph. 4:25 (Reject all falsity.)

I Thess. 1:9 (Ye turned from idols to God.)

I John 5:21 (Keep yourself from idols.)


Certain holidays got into the Christian church by way of the Catholic Church. To keep the country united, Roman emperors began to give Christian meaning to pagan rituals.

Ex. 22:18 (Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.)

Ex. 23:13 (Make no mention of the name of other gods.)

Lev. 19:31 (To be defiled by familiar spirits and wizards

Duet.18: 9-14 (The abominations of the nations are to be avoided.)

Jos. 23:7 (Neither make mention of the name of their gods.)

I Sam. 28:7-28 (The witch raised Samuel; Saul fainted.)

Micah 5:12-13 (Cut off witches, soothsayers, and images.)

Acts 13:6-11 (Elymas the sorcerer was struck blind.)

Acts 16:16-19 (Casteth out a spirit of divination.)

Romans 12:2 (And be not conformed to this world.)

Gal. 5:19-21 (He reckoneth up the works of the flesh.)

Eph. 6:12-13 (He sheweth what they intend that preach circumcision.)

II Tim. 1:7 (For God hath not given us a spirit of fear.)

James 4:4-10 (God resisteth the proud.)


Some holidays do not appear to have any evil practices that are contrary to the Word of God. They are Columbus Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.

Good Friday is kept on the anniversary of the crucifixion. Encyclopedia Britannica says that the origin is somewhat obscure. Jesus could not have died on Friday and risen on Sunday in three days.

Common Jewish holidays include Passover, Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah. These are apparently harmless holidays taken from the Old Testament practices.

Most of the remaining holidays are American in origin and celebrate birthdays or special events. They include Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Flag Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Election Day and Veteran’s Day.

NEW YEAR’S DAY (Encyclopedia Britannica)

Participation in New Year’s Day observances as well as in the Saturnalia of December was from the first discouraged by the church. Christians were expected to spend the day in quiet meditation, reading Scripture and performing acts of charity. In 567 A.D. this began to change.

Romans’ god Janus (for January) was worshipped by exchanging gifts. Druid priests gave branches of mistletoe which grew on their sacred oaks, to the people for charms.

  1. VALENTINE’S DAY (World Book Encyclopedia & The Two Babylons)

Ex. 20:3-6 (You shall have no other gods except me.)

Ex. 20:7-17 (The Ten Commandments.)

Matt. 18:5-6 (Woe to those who mislead children. We need to ask God and our children to forgive us.)

John 14:15 (If you love me, keep my commandments.)

John 15:12 (Love one another just as I have loved you.)

Rom. 11:22 (Consider therefore the goodness and severity of God.)

In 296 B.C. there is found a record of Pan worship in Lupercal, a cave in Palentin Hills. To purify themselves, priests sacrificed and ate goats and dogs, cut shins in strips for lashes, and used these to strike women.

Cupid is the Latin name of god of sexual love, Eros. Kamadira is Hindu for Cupid; name was shortened to Kama. Cupid is also another name for Nimrod, Baal is another name for Nimrod, and so this is Baal worship.

Here we get erotic demons. Many children conceived in Christian homes are conceived in lust. So, from conception enters lust and other sex spirits.

  1. PATRICK’S DAY (Webster’s Dictionary)

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. Patron saint: a saint that is supposed to protect and promote the welfare of a particular person, community, state or institution.

Jehovah-Jarieh, the Lord will provide (Gen. 22:14). Casting the whole of your care upon Him (I Peter 5:7). Don’t worry, God knows what you need even before you ask (Luke 12:22-31).

So, St. Patrick is an idol you are depending on. We are told not to try to communicate with the dead – necromancy (Deut. 18:11).

ORTHODOX LENT (The Two Babylons)

The forty days abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from worshippers of the Babylonian goddess, Ishtar or Eastre. Such a fast is still observed in the spring of the year by pagan Devil worshippers of Koordistan. Pagan Mexicans, three days after the vernal equinox, begin a solemn fast of forty days in honor of the sun.

In 519 A.D. the council held at Aurelia in the time of Hormisdas, Bishop of Rome, decreed that Lent should be kept before Easter. Three days after the vernal equinox began, a solemn fast of forty days was held in honor of the sun. The sun god has many names: Adonis, Asiris, Bacchus, Liber and Tammuz.

Lent was brought into the church to keep the pagans from leaving it. The church said the fast was for Christ’s crucifixion? In reality it had been in effect before Christ was born in the heathen spring festivals. Ash Wednesday is celebrated on the first day of Lent.

PALM SUNDAY (Realen Cyklops)

It was originally to commemorate Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Later on it was combined with pagan activities; today the palm and willow are blessed and carried in the procession. It is ascribed to a pagan holiday where olive and willow are blessed.

Powers attributed to the palm are exorcizing evil spirits, healing diseases, warding off devils, protecting homes from lightning and fire, and protecting fields against hail and storms. The olive has had healing powers attributed to it since antiquity.

EASTER SUNDAY (Babylon Mystery Religion & Encyclopedia Britannica)

I always thought it was strange that Easter came on a different day each year. If Christ arose on March 10, that would be the anniversary every year. But I found that Easter’s date is established by astrology according to the vernal equinox. The spring festival of pagan worship of the sun and the renewed season was also set on the same date.

The Druids had a sacred symbol – an egg. The word Easter comes from the name of a pagan goddess – goddess of rising light of day and spring. Easter is the modern form of Eastre, Ostera, Astarte or Ishtar. Another name for Astarte is Diana of Euphrates. Easter in King James Bible means pascha or Passover.

Astarte was hatched from a big egg which fell from heaven. Druids (Satan worshippers) in Europe used eggs as symbols of goddess of spring. The rabbit is associated with the moon in ancient Egypt. It is a fertility symbol of sexual significance.

Hot cross buns are raisin cakes with a “T” on them baked for: queen of heaven, Tammuz, (Jer. 7:18).

God talks about sun worship in Ezekiel Chapter 8. The sunrise service was a part of ancient sun worship. Baal was the sun god and still is today. Shinto pilgrims pray to the sun as they climb the mountain sides. Mithrists meet together at dawn and honor the sun god. At the time of the Old Testament, the Jews got into practices of picking up sticks and feathers to build fires, making raisin cakes, and crying for Tammuz (Josh. 23:7 and Eze. 8:14). Don’t mix with these heathen practices; don’t even mention the names of their gods!


It is derived from Maia, Mother of Mercury, to whom the Romans sacrificed on the first day. From April 28 to May 2, a festival is held to Flora, goddess of flowers. The celebration was so across in England that the parliament suspended it in 1644 but restored it in 1661. Winding the May pole is part of the celebration.

HALLOWEEN (The Truth About Halloween)

Trick or treat comes to us by way of pagan cults – worshippers of Satan. The earliest celebrations were held by Druids in honor of Shamhain, lord of the dead. They believed that Shamhain called together wicked spirits, fairies, witches and elves to harm people. To exorcise yourself of these ghosts, you set out a food treat. If you didn’t, they would trick you. Druids might even ask for your child to sacrifice.

Jack-o-lantern is the ancient symbol of a dammed soul. Today Satan worshippers have their highest Sabbath mass on the eve of October 31st; it ends on November 1st. To obtain the greatest power, perform the greatest sacrifice; humans are preferred above animals. This is the time to proclaim powers for control and leadership of the satanic realm of world systems.

Haunted houses are good places to get demons of fear, rebellion and unclean spirits. Orange, black and red are considered to be the Devil’s colors. Children get demons and so do you when you surrender to Satan and partake of his worship!

To mask is to obscure the true identity of the reveler so that he/she can commit sin in secret. In 800 A.D. All Saints Day was established on November 1 to honor all dead saints; pretty clever of Satan! If we pray to dead saints we are into necromancy which God forbids us to do.


This is a reign of evil: Baal, Bacchus and Saturn worship.

  1. JOHN’S EVE (The Two Babylons)

This is the custom of lighting fires at night. Very evil activities go on at this time. The pagans had a festival to Oannes (Tammuz or Nimrod). The Papacy using John the Baptist (Joannes) for Oannes adapted mid summer’s day to St. John’s Fires. Fragments from the fires were used for casting spells. Druids made blazing fires to Baal on June 24.

CHRISTMAS (Babylon Mystery Religion & Christmas Almanac)

Christmas means a mass for Christ. Does Christ need a mass? Mass is the celebration of the Eucharist. In transubstantiation, the Catholic priest says that the bread and wine do not remain but the entire substance of the bread and wine is changed into the body of Christ and into his actual blood respectively. How can this be when He is seated besides the Father in Heaven?

In ancient times there was already a celebration in December. From December 17 until January 6 was their Saturnalia. The first day public ceremonies were held honoring Saturn or Baal. The second day pigs were offered by families. Trees, fires, cedars and oaks were worshipped.

Jesus Christ is truth (John 14:6)! Almost everything associated with Christmas is a lie. It is not a mass for Christ. Santa Claus does not exist. The date of December 25 as Christ’s birth is most likely a lie. The brotherly love at Christmas is fake. Some can hardly wait for it to end.

The tree was worshipped and decorated by many ancient pagan groups. In the Bible at least ten times, the green tree is associated with idolatry and false worship.

Druids used holly and mistletoe in their ceremonies. They worshipped the oak tree. Gilded nuts and balls or ornaments symbolize the sun.

The yule log is the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun god, but cut down by his enemies. The Christmas tree is Nimrod come to life again. Nimrod was so evil, that at his death, the leaders cut his body in 12 pieces–sent them around the world so that his body could not be recovered and worshiped!

“For the customs and ordinances of the people are false, empty and futile: for one cuteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck the idol with silver and with gold: they fasten it with nails and with hammer that it move not” (Jer. 10:3-4). These customs show how good and evil became mixed, and worship of the true God became polluted.

Missionaries in the sixth century were sent to the pagans in the Roman ford. Finding June 24 very popular, they sought to Christianize this day by calling it John the Baptist’s birthday. Jesus’ name was easily fitted into this holiday six months later on December 24. Romans exchanged presents for Saturnalia in pagan Rome.

If God wanted us to celebrate Jesus’ birthday, I believe He could have given us the date and told us how to do it. We are only told to commemorate His death and resurrection with the Lord’s Supper until He comes. The early Christians did this at every meeting. God gave exact instructions to the people for every feast, celebration or sacrifice; that includes dates and activities.

God really got specific in Exodus and Leviticus. He came down hard on all occult practices. He even said to kill those that practiced them.

America was later in receiving from its Puritan influence than England. Christmas was outlawed in New England until the mid nineteenth century. In 1856 Bostonians were required to be at work or they were dismissed. School classes were held until 1870.


Idol Worship, Saturn, Occult Practices, Oannes, Image of Jealousy, Janus, Halloween, Joannes, Chambers of Imagery, Druids, Wicked Spirits, Fairies,
Mourners for Tammuz, Sacred Oaks, Queen of Heaven, Elves, Sun Worship, Charms, Baal, Ego, Idolatry, Misleading Children, Jack-0-Lantern, Astarte,
Heathen Worship, Eroticism, Haunted Houses, May Pole, Unclean Things, Lust, Rebellion, Ishtar, Falsity, Conception in Lust, Unclean Spirits, Sun God,
Pagan Rituals, St. Patrick, Devil’s Colors, Liber, Witchcraft, Necromancy, Reveling, Ostera, Familiar Spirits, Abstinence of Lent, Reign of Evil, Tammuz,
Witches/Wizards, False Healing Powers, Easter, Adonis, Abominations, Eastre, Futility, Bacchus, Soothsaying, Satan Worship, Fear, Nimrod,
Demonic Images, Casting Spells, Mass for Christ, Santa Claus, False Worship, Fertility Symbols, Diana of Euphrates, Sacred Egg, Divination, Asiris Eucharist, Vanity, Sorcery,
Worship of Rabbit, Hot Cross Buns, Dead Stock of Nimrod, Pride, Sacrifice to Satan; Worship of Firs, Cedars and Oaks; Honoring Dead Saints; Goddess of Flowers (Flora); Blessed Palm, Willow & Olive; Black Sabbath Mass;
Transubstantiation; Saturn Worship (Saturnalia); Goddess of Rising Light of Day; Lord of Dead (Shamhain); Mother of Mercury (Maia)



Read the whole chapter of Ezekiel 8. Ezekiel in a vision of God at Jerusalem is shown the image of jealousy, the chambers of imagery, the mourners for Tammuz, the worshipers towards the sun and God’s wrath for their idolatry. “Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eyes shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them” (vs. 18). II Cor. 5:17 (A new creature in CHRIST.)II Cor. 6:16-17 (What agreement can there be between the temple of God and idols? Leave idolatry and heathen worship; touch not any unclean thing!) Eph. 4:25 (Reject all falsity.) I Thes. 1:9 (Ye turned from idols to God.) I John 5:21 (Keep yourself from idols.)

Certain holidays got into the Christian church by way of the Catholic Church. To keep the country united, Roman emperors began to give Christian meaning to pagan rituals. Ex. 22:18 (Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.) Ex. 23:13 (Make no mention of the name of other gods.) Lev. 19:31 (To be defiled by familiar spirits and wizards.) Duet. 18: 9-14 (The abominations of the nations are to be avoided.) Jos. 23:7 (Neither make mention of the name of their gods.) I Sam. 28:7-28 (The witch raised Samuel; Saul fainted.)

Micah 5:12-13 (Cut off witches, soothsayers and images.) Acts 13:6-11 (Elymas the sorcerer was struck blind.) Acts 16:16-19 (Casteth out a spirit of divination.) Romans 12:2 (And be not conformed to this world.)Gal. 5:19-21 (He reckoneth up the works of the flesh.) Eph. 6:12-13 (He sheweth what they intend that preach circumcision.)II Tim. 1:7 (For God hath not given us a spirit of fear.) James 4:4-10 (God resisteth the proud.)

To Murmur (in anger): (imagine, mourn, mutter, roar, take away). See Strong’s Concordance for murmur, murmured, murmurers, murmuring and murmurings. Isa. 8:11-22 (Israel’s idolatrous practices) Isa. 8:19 (Wizards that peep and mutter) Isa.10:10-17 (Chirping – chatter, peep, whisper) Isa. 10:14 (Or opened the mouth or peeped) Isa. 59:3 (Tongue hath muttered perverseness)

One of the purposes of the Lord JESUS coming to earth was to establish His Church. We all know that He was successful and we also remember the record of how the early church walked full of boldness and power, having their words confirmed with signs and wonders. Today the majority of the church is a far cry from the church the Lord JESUS started, both in life-style and power.

Shortly after JESUS’ death, persecutions of the Believers began as Satan began his plan to pollute what God had begun. Years later the Devil began a religious system that he hoped would replace the true church. The persecutions were temporarily stopped, and a deal was offered to both the Christians and pagans It went something like this: let’s stop fighting over our religious differences and just Christianize the pagan gods and holidays. Both sides gave a little so they could all live in peace. By doing that, the Christian commitment and dedication to JESUS CHRIST only would have been seriously damaged. I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that you approach this material with a heart and mind seeking the truth, and that you will prayerfully consider the facts contained within these pages. Remember that after the big compromise, the true Believers didn’t accept the new system, but chose to go into hiding rather than deny their Lord and Savior.

Most people say that Christmas is the celebration of JESUS’ birthday, even though more non-Christians participate than Christians. JESUS told us that those who were like Him, Christians, would be hated by all nations for His name’s sake (Matt. 10:22, 24:9; Mk. 13:13 & Lu. 21:17). Please note that JESUS said that His followers would be hated by the world because of Him. If they hate us because of Him, why do they celebrate His birthday?

Let’s look at what it means to celebrate one’s birthday. The word celebrate means to perform (a sacrament of solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites, to honor by solemn ceremonies or by refraining from ordinary business, to demonstrate satisfaction in festivities or by other deviation from routine. Could we say then, that in order to celebrate someone’s birthday, we should participate in activities that reflect the person’s life? Could we, at least, say that in commemorating one’s birthday our activities should be restricted to such things that the honoree would be pleased with?

A large majority of the activities employed by people involved in the supposed celebration of JESUS’ birthday are public, yes; but neither appropriate or solemn. So much of it is outright sin; how can sin exhibit satisfaction in JESUS CHRIST who is right the opposite of sin?

There are many arguments concerning the date of JESUS’ birth. I personally believe that God purposefully did not give us the day and date. Let’s examine the few clues we do have, in the Word of God, and see if we can determine the season.

In Palestine, December 25th is during the coldest time of the year. “In Palestine winter includes part of autumn and the seasons of seedtime and cold, extending from the beginning of September to the beginning of March. The cold of winter is not usually severe, though the north winds are very penetrating from the middle of December to the middle of February. Snow and hail during the most winters fall on the hills.” The weather during Hebrew month Tebeth (December-January) is “…coldest month; rain, hail and snow on higher hills, and occasionally at Jerusalem” (Ungers Bible Dictionary, pp. 1170). What the weather was like during this time of the year is important in order to answer two questions. Did Caesar Augustus have everybody to return to his home town for a census during the coldest time of the year? Tithing time was harvest time according to the law of Moses (Ex. 23:14-19, Le. 23:1-10 & Deut. 16:16-17). Some say that tax time was harvest time throughout the Roman Empire. It does seem logical that the Roman governor would collect taxes at the time of harvest (Lu. 2:1-7). More importantly, with the weather being as it was during that time of year, would the shepherd be in the field at night as recorded in Lu. 2:8? We know that they were in the field on the night of JESUS’ birth, but was that night during the middle of December? The Jews built special places to house their flocks during the cold and winter storms (Isa. 24:3, Nu. 32:16,24 & 36). “It was an ancient custom among Jews of those days to send out their sheep to fields and deserts about Passover (early spring), and bring them home at commencement of the first rain,” says the Adam Clarke Commentary (Vol. 5, pp. 370).

These important facts cast shadows of doubt over the traditional teaching concerning the time of JESUS’ birth in the light of the Biblical account of the events that took place during that time.

There are those who say that they know that JESUS wasn’t born on December 25th, but they set that day aside to celebrate the birth of their Savior. They also say that they don’t celebrate it with sinful activities, but with things that would please the Lord as an expression of their love for Him. Please don’t get caught up in your personal feelings, let’s remain honest, open and objective about this position as we test the Scripture.

There is absolutely no Scripture in the entire Word of God to support celebrating JESUS’ birthday at any time. However, we are told in the Word to keep the commandments that the Lord has given us and not to add anything to them nor take anything from them (De. 12:28-32, Mt. 5:17-19). If Christmas is being celebrated because of real love for JESUS, why are His commandments not being kept (Jn. 14:21, 23 & 24)? John 13:34 commands us to love one another, as He loved us. We are to love each other the same way: black, white, rich or poor. He commanded us to make miracle workers out of others and to teach them to guard His words from loss or injury (Matt. 28: 18-20). Check out the word, observe, found in Matt. 28:20 in the Greek. He also commanded us to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils – for free (MT. 10:5-8).

If the motive for celebrating Christmas stands on real love for the Master, then according to His own words, that same love will motivate you to keep His sayings. He gave us specific instructions of what to do to remember Him by (Lu.22:19). Most people begin preparing for Christmas months in advance with unparalleled zeal and enthusiasm. I wonder if they get half as excited when it’s time to take communion or if they even know when the next time communion will be given at their place of fellowship? The point is obvious. The excitement and enthusiasm manifested during the Christmas season is not an expression of love or gratitude directed towards JESUS CHRIST. If it were true love and gratitude to Him, you would be just as enthused about doing the Word. Obedience is better than sacrifice (Isa. 15:22-23).

Another very important point we must explore is the fact that those who celebrate Christmas didn’t set December 25th aside as the date to celebrate JESUS’ birth. This date was chosen about 1700 years ago. The sad part about this is that billions of people are following this tradition with very little, and in most cases, no knowledge as to why and how Christmas came about.

Have you ever wondered why people give presents at Christmas? What about the Christmas tree and lights on trees and houses? Have you ever wondered where they came from? – Is it because the wise men brought gifts to JESUS? If this is the case and you are following their examples, then why do you give gifts to each other?

Let us continue our search for the roots of this celebration the world calls JESUS’ birthday. The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 5, 1768 edition, says: “December 25th in Rome is the date of a pagan festival chosen as the birthday of the unconquered Sun (natalis solis invicts) which at the winter solstice begins again to show an increase of light. At some point before A.D. 336, the church at Rome established the commemoration of the birthday of CHRIST, the ‘SUN’ of righteousness on this date.” The evidence is contained in the chronography of A.D. 354 (an almanac for the use of Christians). The same encyclopedia says on page 705 that, ‘The traditional customs connected with Christmas have been derived from several sources as a result of the ‘coincidence’ of the feast of the Nativity of CHRIST and the pagan agricultural and solar observances at mid-winter.” In the Roman world, the Saturnalia was a time of merry-making and exchange of presents. Christmas festivities were indirectly influenced by these customs. The fact that Christmas was celebrated on the birthday of the unconquered sun gave the season a solar background connected with the (kalends) of January when houses were decorated with greenery and lights, and presents were given to children and the poor. To these solstitial observances were added the Germanic-Celtic yule rites when the Teutonic tribes penetrated into Gaul, Britain and Central Europe. Yuletide brought its own tradition of feasting and mortuary customs to combine with Roman solstitial and traditional New Year rites. Special foods and good fellowship, the yule log and yule cakes, greenery and fir trees, wassailing, gifts and greetings all commemorated different aspects of this festive season. Fires and lights, symbols of warmth and lasting life, have always been associated with the winter festival, both pagan and Christian. Evergreens, as symbols of survival, have long association with Christmas festivities, probably dating from the eighth century when St. Boneface completed the Christianization of Germany and dedicated the fir tree to the Holy Child to replace the sacred oak of Odin.

The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 6, 1826 edition, says, “The reasons for establishing December 25th as Christmas is somewhat obscure, but it is usually held that the day chosen was to correspond to pagan festivals that took place around the time of the winter Solstice, when the days begin to lengthen, to celebrate the ‘rebirth of the sun.” Northern European tribes celebrated their chief festival of Yule at the winter solstice to commemorate the rebirth of the sun as the giver of light and warmth. The Roman Saturnalia (a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture, and to the renewed power of the sun) also took place at this time. And some Christian customs are thought to be rooted in this pagan celebration. It is held by some scholars that the birth of CHRIST as “Light of the World” was made analogous to the rebirth of the sun in order to make Christianity more meaningful to pagan converts.

The Christmas Almanac, 1944 edition says, “Saturnalia and the Kalends were celebrations most familiar to early Christians, December 17-24 and January 1-3. But the tradition of celebrating December 25th as CHRIST’s birthday came to the Romans from Persia. Mithra, the Persian god of light and sacred contacts, was born out of a rock on December 25th. Rome was famous for its flirtations with strange gods and cults, and in the third century the Aurelian established the festival of Dies Invicti Solis, The Day of the Invincible Sun, on December 25th. Mithra was an embodiment of the sun, so this period of rebirth was a major day in Mithraism, which had become Rome’s latest official religion with the patronage of Aurelian. It is believed that the emperor Constantine adhered to Mithraism up to the time of his conversion to Christianity. He was probably instrumental in seeing that the major feast of his old religion was carried over to his new faith.”

As you have just read, we got the celebration of Christmas from the Church of Rome, or as it is called today, the Roman Catholic Church. The Church of the Lord JESUS CHRIST has received many abominable customs from the Catholic Church. After Constantine’s makeshift conversion from sun god worship to his form of Christianity, the mixture began. Before that time, Christians were being severely persecuted. Constantine Christianized his entire army with one motion and stopped the persecutions. Instead of doing away with the old pagan customs, the names were changed to make them attractive to the real Christians.

The Christians who did not conform to the new state religion were persecuted as pagans, and in later years as heretics. See Foxes Book of Martyrs.

This is a brief history of the birth of the Catholic Church. Now let’s see what the Catholic Church has to say concerning the birth of Christmas. In The Catholic Encyclopedia under the heading of Christmas, “According to the hypothesis suggested by H. Userner developed by B. Potte (Les Origines) and accepted by most scholars today, the birth of CHRIST was assigned the date of the winter solstice (December 25th in the Julian calendar; January 6th in the Egyptian), because on this day, as the sun began its return to the northern skies, the pagan devotees of Mithra celebrated the Dies Natalis Solic Invite (birthday of the invincible sun). On December 25th, 274 A.D., Aurelian had proclaimed the sun god principle patron of the empire and dedicated a temple to him in the Campus Martius. Christmas originated at a time when the cult of the sun was piratically strong at Rome. This theory finds support in some of the church fathers comparing the birthday of CHRIST and the winter solstice. Indeed, from the beginning of the Third Century ‘Sun of Justice’ appears as a title of CHRIST (Botte, Les Orgines, p. 63). Through the substitution of Christmas for the pagan festival cannot be proven with certainty, it remains the most plausible explanation for the dating of Christmas.”

The festival celebrated throughout the known world was called Saturnalia before the name was changed to Christmas. The name underwent several changes before finally becoming Christmas, which means Mass of CHRIST. As a matter of fact, before being Christmas, the festival was called CHRIST Mass. Let’s take an historical look at this festival, Saturnalia, and see if it is in any way similar to what is traditionally celebrated today as the birthday of JESUS CHRIST.

The Encyclopedia Americana, 1826 edition, says, “The great festival, the Saturnalia, became the most popular of Roman festivals, and its influence is still felt throughout the western world. Originally on December 17th, it was extended first to three and eventually seven days. The date has been connected with the winter sowing season, which in modern Italy varies from October-January, remarkably like the Greek Kronia (see Cronnus), it was the gayest festival of the year. All work and business was suspended. Slaves were given temporary freedom to say and do what they liked, and certain moral restrictions were eased. The streets were infected with a Mardi Gras madness, a mock king was chosen (Saturnalia pinceos). The seasonal greeting ‘I O Saturnalia’ was heard everywhere. Presents were freely exchanged, principally wax candles and little clay dolls (sigillaria). The cult statue of Saturn himself, traditionally bound at the feet with woolen bands, was untied, presumably to come out and enjoy the fun. The influence of the Saturnalia upon Christmas and the New Year has been direct.”


  1. All work and business was suspended. 2. Slaves (employees) were given temporary freedom. 3. Moral restrictions eased; alcohol consumption even by children. 4. Sexual favors were given as presents. 5. The mock king (Good Ole Santa) is set up. His chair is elevated in department stores. 6. “I O Saturnalia” was heard everywhere. Merry Christmas is heard everywhere. 7. Evergreens were used for decorations (symbols of rebirth and fertility). 8. The boar (male pig) was killed and eaten (symbol of Frey, god of regeneration). Is pig the main meat on our Christmas table? 9. Yule log also was symbol of continuing life. 10. Lights used to dispel the growing darkness of the winter solstice.

Encyclopedia Americana, 1826 ed: “Burning the Yule log was adapted to English custom by ancient Scandinavian practice of kindling huge bonfires in honor of the winter solstice. The idea of using evergreens at Christmas time also came to England from pre-Christian northern European beliefs. Celtic and Teutonic tribes honored these plants at their winter solstice festival, gave properties to the mistletoe (kiss under) in particular. Evergreen holly was worshiped as a promise of the sun’s return.”

The Christmas Almanac also says about the boar’s head that, “The association of the boars head with Christmas probably dates back to pagan times when the Germanic god Frey, who cared for the fertility of the herds, was symbolized by a boar. Therefore, at mid-winter to ensure new calves and lambs in the Spring, a boar would be sacrificed to the god. The sacrifice was carried over into Christmas tradition as a non-religious custom.”

Notice how similar Father Christmas of today is to the god Saturn of the Roman Saturnalia. He is also very similar to our Santa Claus. The Christmas Almanac says, “Although he is the English equivalent of Santa Claus, Father Christmas is rather different from our jolly elf and even further removed from the original ascetic and holy St. Nicholas. Father Christmas developed from several pagan predecessors. The Roman Saturnalia celebrated the brief return each year of the Golden Age when the god Saturn returned to rule over Italy. Saturn was a giant who came bearing good food and wine, joy and revelry, and equality of all people. When carried into the northern regions of Europe, Saturn probably combined with the wild figure of Odin and his raging host of spirits who swept across the land during the winter. Thus, Father Christmas was never a Christian religious figure, but symbolized rather, the arrival of those secular pleasures which came from elsewhere than the Christian tradition. He was always portrayed as a giant, wearing a scarlet or green robe lined with fur; crowned with holly, ivy or mistletoe; and carrying the Yule log and a bowl of Christmas punch.”

There is nothing Christian about Christmas. Sure, religion has tried to make it appear Christian, but anything like CHRIST must line up with the Word of God and Christmas doesn’t. It is full of lies and hypocrisy, from Santa to the giving of gifts to the nativity scene. The most popular scene at Christmas, the nativity scene, says that when the wise men presented gifts to JESUS, He was in a stable. The bible says He was in a house (Matt.2:11) and could have been as much as two years old (Matt. 2:7-16). Why do you think Herod had babies killed from two years old down? Most of the gift giving is only to get something in return and the small portion that is given to the poor is not motivated out of real love; for if it was, the people would give to the poor in the same manner all year long.

Did you know it was against the law to celebrate Christmas in the United States for many years? The truth has been hidden from us throughout the years but our forefathers knew of its roots and who actually receives the worship during this celebration.

The Christmas Almanac says,”America was later in recovering from the Puritan influence than England. Christmas was outlawed in New England until the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1856 Christmas Day was still an ordinary work day in Boston and failure to report to a job was grounds for dismissal. Classes were held in Boston public schools as late as 1870. It was probably the influence of immigrants from Germany and Ireland that finally convinced the Yankees that Christmas could be a harmless, pleasant, and even religious festivity. The first state to declare Christmas a legal holiday was Alabama in 1836. The last was Oklahoma in 1890.”

In Christmas written by Allen, page 108, “In 17th century England when Puritans were in power, Christmas was illegal. Markets were ordered to stay open and even the baking of fancy pies and plum pudding were banned. On December 25th all church doors were locked.”

In 1659 a New England law barred all Christmas observances. Many Yankees did not accept popular Christmas festivities until well into the 19th century.

The Puritans objected to Christmas on these grounds: (1) it detracted from the significance of the Sabbath, (2) they objected to the fact that many of the customs associated with Christmas had heathen origins and (3) many people became riotous and drunken.

Year Book of Customs by Allen, page 174, “Mistletoe was especially connected with the winter solstice rites in pre-Christian times, so much so that it is one evergreen never allowed in the church. Yule log was used in Scandinavia to honor the god, Thor.”

Star in the East, by Holzer, page 36: the fact remains that the use of any form of greens in the Christmas service is entirely pre-Christian and has nothing to do with the nativity. The Druids sang chants to create a harmonious atmosphere among the celebrants. The chants entered into Christmas tradition and became caroling. Also on page 38, “Bringing the tree inside the house and dressing it in lights and other glitter really stems from pre-Christian times. The tree ceremony is Scandinavian rather than Celtic.”

I know that many Christians say that they disassociate themselves from all of the lies and paganism of Christmas, but that, my friend, you can’t do. If you take the lies and paganism out of Christmas, you’ll have no Christmas, for that’s what it is made of. Remember (De. 12:28-32), you have no right to add to the commandments that the Lord has given; you only have the right to obey them.


They are bound by the same Christmas spirit. If you say that the Spirit of God motivates you to celebrate Christmas, then what motivates the man who rejects God and everything He offers, to celebrate the same Christmas in very nearly the same manner?

Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath CHRIST with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement has the Temple of God with idols? For ye that are of the Temple of the Living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them; and be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty (II Cor. 6:14-18).

Many people wonder why the church of today does not manifest the power of the early church. One reason why is because of idol worship. Too many Christians refuse to become new creatures according to II Cor. 5:17-18 and hardly anyone is willing to deny themselves, and those close to them, the pleasure of things like Christmas, as they are commanded to in Luke 14:20-35. If you don’t, you cannot be a disciple of JESUS CHRIST. We must be separate from the world. Yes, we are in it but we are not of it. Our religion must be pure and undefiled before God the Father (James 1:21-27).

This little booklet was written to expose one of Satan’s traps and I hope that I was able to shed some new light on an old subject. It is important if we are going to worship God in a manner that will be pleasing to Him. Meditate on John 4:19-24. Can we worship anyway we choose or has God prescribed a specific way? Consider the case of Cain in Genesis 4.

In a course called Origins of Religions at the local university, our daughter was informed that the pagans used the tree as a sacrificial pole. During the winter solstice celebration, nine of everything was hung on the tree including people. Purpose of the sacrifice was to appease the sun and get it to return.

CHRISTMAS (Babylon Mystery Religion & Christmas Almanac) Christmas means a mass for CHRIST. Does CHRIST need a mass? Mass is the celebration of the Eucharist. In transubstantiation, the Catholic priest says that the bread and wine do not remain but the entire substance of the bread and wine is changed into the body of CHRIST and into His actual blood respectively. How can this be when He is seated besides the Father in Heaven?

In ancient times there was already a celebration in December. From December 17 until January 6 was their Saturnalia. The first day public ceremonies were held honoring Saturn or Baal. The second day pigs were offered by families. Trees, fires, cedars and oaks were worshiped.

JESUS CHRIST is truth (John 14:6)! Almost everything associated with Christmas is a lie. It is not a mass for CHRIST. Santa Claus does not exist. The date of December 25 as CHRIST’s birth is most likely a lie. The brotherly love at Christmas is fake. Some can hardly wait for it to end.

The tree was worshiped and decorated by many ancient pagan groups. In the Bible at least ten times, the green tree is associated with idolatry and false worship.

Druids used holly and mistletoe in their ceremonies. They worshiped the oak tree. Gilded nuts and balls or ornaments symbolize the sun.

The yule log is the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun god, but cut down by his enemies. Christmas tree is Nimrod come to life again. Nimrod was so evil, at his death, the leaders cut his body in 12 pieces and sent them around the world so that his body could not be recovered and worshiped!

For the customs and ordinances of the people are false, empty and futile: for one cuteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck the idol with silver and with gold: they fasten it with nails and with hammer that it move not (Jer. 10:3-4). These customs show how good and evil became mixed, and worship of the true God became polluted.

Missionaries in the sixth century were sent to the pagans in the Roman ford. Finding June 24 very popular, they sought to Christianize this day by calling it John the Baptist’s birthday. JESUS’ name was easily fitted into this holiday six months later on December 24. Romans exchanged presents for Saturnalia in pagan Rome.

If God wanted us to celebrate JESUS’ birthday, I believe He could have given us the date and told us how to do it. We are only told to commemorate His death and resurrection with the Lord’s Supper until He comes. The early Christians did this at every meeting. God gave exact instructions to the people for every feast, celebration or sacrifice; that includes dates and activities.

God really got specific in Exodus and Leviticus. He came down hard on all occult practices. He even said to kill those that practiced them.

America was later in receiving from its Puritan influence than England. Christmas was outlawed in New England until the mid nineteenth century. In 1856 Bostonians were required to be at work or they were dismissed. School classes were held until 1870.

Definitions – Mummer: n. (1) A person who wears a mask or disguise for specifically, in England, any of the masked and costumed persons who travel from house to house, as at Christmas time, acting out short pantomimes. (2) Humorously, any actor. Mummery: n.; pl. mummeries, (OFr. mummery, from momer, to mum.) (1) Performance by mummers. (2) Any show or ceremony regarded as pretentious or hypocritical.

History – “Bands of men and women in medieval and later England and elsewhere, who, during periods of public festivity, particularly at Christmas, dressed in fantastic clothes and wearing masks or disguised as animals, serenaded the people outside their houses or joined in the revels within. In a more restricted sense the term is applied to the actors in the old English rural folk plays of St. George, etc.; and ‘mumming’ thus becomes a contemptuous synonym for any form of stage-playing. The origin of the word mummer (older spelling ‘mommer,’ Fr. momeur) is not satisfactorily explained, but the verb ‘to mum’ means both to mutter and to be silent, and ‘mummer’ apparently comes from one or both of these senses. Mumming seems to have been a survival of the Roman custom of masquerading during the annual orgies of the Saturnalia. ‘The disguising and mummying that is used in Christmas time,’ Langley writes in his synopsis of Polydore Virgil, ‘in the North parties came out of the feasts of Pallas, that were done with visors and painted visages, named Quinqatria of the Romaynes.’ Aubanus, writing of mumming in Germany, says that ‘in the Saturnalia there were frequent and luxurious feastings amongst friends, presents were mutually sent, and changes of dress made; that Christians have adopted the same customs, which continue to be used from the Nativity to the Epiphany: that exchanges of dress too, as of old among the Romans, are common, and neighbors by mutual invitation visit each other in the manner which the Germans call mummery.’ Christmas was the grand season for mumming in England. Some were disguised as bears, others as unicorns, or wore deer’s hide and antler’s or ram’s horns. Mumming led to such outrages that Henry VIII issued a proclamation declaring the wearing of a mask or disguise a misdemeanor. Stow gives an account of an elaborate mummery held in 1377 by the London citizens to amuse the son of the Black Prince, then living at Kennington (Survey, 1603, p. 97). In Scotland, where mumming still exists at Christmas, Hogmanay, New Year’s Day and Handsel Monday, mummers are called ‘guisards’. They usually present on these four nights a rude drama called Galatian, which, in various versions, is common throughout the Lowlands of Scotland.”

Comments: The above was taken from dictionaries and encyclopedias with the scripture from the Bible. The practices refer to idolatrous and ungodly conduct. Some of the key words researched are chirp, murmur, peep and mutter uttered by people practicing the occult or talking against God. Mummery is regarded as pretentious and hypocritical. It is described as contemptuous, mutter, annual orgies of the Saturnalia, unicorns, outrages, rude drama, etc.

Since I am older and have observed several of my mistakes in child rearing and training, and have seen a few of the consequences of them, I’d like to submit some of my observations and conclusions to you for your consideration.

One of the best occasions to teach selfishness to children is Christmas. Along with selfishness comes a myriad of other demonic traits. Here’s how it usually goes. On his first Christmas he observes the occasion. He gets many gifts; most don’t interest him at all, but he senses he is supposed to act like he wants and enjoys everything. We act hurt if he does not love everything. He learns to pretend he likes everything. During the year there are other occasions to turn him in on himself. At Easter: get all the eggs you can, be the best, get the most, feel bad if someone gets more than you, the tooth fairy will leave you something. Then we really confuse him by telling him to share.

We neglect him by allowing him to watch television programs he should not see. Do you realize how difficult it is to remove anything from your mind once you have seen it? Look at the demonic infilling today’s children get from the programs they see. There are numerous acts of violence in almost all children’s cartoons today: hate, fear, distorted reality (some teach that good is bad and that bad is good, Isa. 5:20), violence, murder, manipulation of others, greed, wanting, idol worship, witchcraft. You say those are cute cartoons? Look at them and see for yourself.

Long before Christmas we start asking, “What do you want?” We go to the toy store with them; they sense that it is very important that they be pleased. We ask over and over, “What do you want?” Each time we ask the question, we send selfishness plus all his family of demons to our children. Each year this ritual continues until the young person gets the idea that his wants are the most important thing in the world. When he is confronted with the real world, he cops out – enter mind altering substances, etc. We take other occasions to teach selfishness: what about his birthday, tooth fairy,Valentine’s Day, etc.?

My School-Teaching Observances – As the holidays draw nearer, the children begin to express the tensions they feel. They lose self-control, and become restless, aggravated and agitated. They fight and argue more, and show more selfishness, laziness, day dreaming, pretense and procrastination. They brag about what they will get; they intimidate those they know will not get as good or as much as they will. The competition between them becomes somewhat hostile. By the time you’ve added your bit to their already loaded mind, you are glad to see them off for a few days.

When I was a young teacher, I did not have any idea what was going on. After I received some DELIVERANCE, I returned to the classroom for a few years and was amazed to understand more of what was really going on. The first year I was surprised to see my usually obedient, resourceful workers acting strange and not at all their usual selves. I was reminded to bind and loose in our morning prayers. We would bind up all the obvious demons (stupid, fighting, lazy, sloppiness, fantasy, etc.) and it helped. The breakthrough did not come until we began to take authority over idolatry, bind up all the authority that idolatry held over them, and loose upon them true worship of God (plus spirits of strength, power, might, self control, loving kindness, good learners, being smart, etc.) Then we saw a gradual turning back to good work habits and good, healthy attitudes.

Also, I would like to share some results of my erroneous teachings. When our daughter was about 6 to 8 years old, the lies we had told her became exposed. For several days I noticed she was acting strange. She seemed to leave the room when I came in and made every effort not to talk to me. She would still talk to her brother. I asked him to see if he could find out what was wrong. When he reported his conversation with her to me, I was stunned. She had decided that I could not be trusted. She had gotten a little upset when she caught me in the first lie but now I had told her more than one. How could she tell when I was lying? He tried to explain that Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny were just pretending for children. Her next question was, “How do I know when it’s pretending?” It looks like lies to me and it hurt when I found out the truth. The worst thing was that she told me not to lie. The results of this was that she always questioned my advice and usually had to test things to see if I had told her the truth. I had reaped the results of lies and deception but the worst part was to watch her struggle with believing me. I hurt someone very dear to me; something I would never have done on purpose. Satan paints his lies beautifully, never shows one dying of lung cancer in the cigarette ads.

What can we do? – Father is the leader and the responsibility is his. Mother should play on father’s team. Ahabs and Jezebels love traditions. Traditions hold people in bondage. If you follow tradition, you don’t have to think or take responsibility for your actions and failures. Maybe a new tradition should be started in your family. How about living the Christian life in such a way that (if I may use the word Christmas) Christmas is everyday? If gifts are given, why don’t parents hold a conference and decide what the children should have now. New interests, maybe a life’s career, can be generated by the proper gifts given at the proper time. A child cannot know what is best for him. He only knows what he wants; if he gets all his wants, he usually ends up bad. Pro. 29:15, A rod and correction bringeth wisdom, but a child left to himself brings his mother to shame.

God is total reality; there is no fantasy or play-acting in God! There is no unreality in the Bible! Christians should not deal in any spiritual fantasy. Fantasy is very simply a lie that is not from God. God does not need any human circus or side shows to sell and promote the kingdom of God! All it takes is a straight forward application of the Bible with signs, wonders and miracles following the true teaching of the Word of God to attract people to church. JESUS said if you don’t believe me then believe my miracles.

1. Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged, Second Edition, 1970. The unabridged dictionary is the best type of dictionary to use to study spiritual origins of words and practices.

  1. The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in the authorized King James version along with “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible” with Greek and Hebrew Dictionary.
  2. The Encyclopedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition, 1910. The best type of encyclopedia to study spiritual origins is the older ones. The newer encyclopedias leave out more and more about spiritual things.
  3. The World Book Encyclopedia and The New Family Encyclopedia.
  4. This lesson was adapted with his permission from Christmas – Pagan Holiday or Christian written by Walley Naylor. It also includes portions from lessons by Gene and Earline Moody.

LIST OF DEMONS FOR HOLIDAYS to be cast OUT as JESUS commanded in Mark 16:17:

Abominations, Abstinence of Lent, Adonis, Ahab, Asiris Eucharist, Astarte, Baal, Bacchus, Black Sabbath Mass, Blessed Palm, Willow & Olive, Bragging, Casting Spells, Chambers of Imagery, Charms, Confusion, Cruel, Dead Stock of Nimrod, Demonic Images, Demonic Manipulation, Depression, Devil’s Colors, Diana of Euphrates, Disappointment, Distrust, Divination, Doubt, Druids, Easter, Ego, Elves, Embarrassment, Envy, Eroticism, Estre, Evil Competition, Fairies, False Healing Powers, False Worship, Falsity, Familiar Spirits, Fantasy, Fear, Fear of Failing, Fertility, Futility, Goddess of Flowers (Flora), Greed, Halloween, Harshness, Hate, Haunted Houses, Heathen Worship, Hot Cross Buns, Hurt, Idol Worship, Idolatry, Image of Jealousy, Ishtar, Jack-O-Lantern, Janus, Jezebel, Joannes, Laziness, Liber, Lord of Dead (Shamhain), Lust, Lying, Mass for CHRIST, May Pole, Misleading Children, Mother of Mercury (Maia), Mourners for Tammuz, Necromancy, Negative, Nimrod, Oannes, Occult Supernatural, Occult Practices, Ostera, Pagan Rituals, Pouting, Pressure, Pride, Queen of Heaven, Rebellion, Reign of Evil, Reveling, Sacred Oaks, Sacred Egg, Sacrifice to satan, Santa Claus, Satan Worship, Saturn Worship (Saturnalia), Saturn, Selfishness, Shame, Sorcery, Sun Worship, Tammuz, Traditions, Unclean Things, Unclean Spirits, Unhappiness, Vanity, Violence, Wanting, Witchcraft, Witches/Wizards, Worship of Firs /Cedars and Oaks Honoring Dead Saints, Worship of Rabbit



(Exodus 20, Joshua 23 and Deuteronomy 28) Ex. 20:3 You shall have no other gods before or besides me. You shall not make yourself any graven image (cupids are graven images)–to worship it–, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. Exodus 20:6. But showing mercy and steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. Rom. 11:22 Parallels Ex. 20:5-6.

John 14:15 Proof of real love is keeping commandments. John 15:12 Two commandments.

Ex. 20:3-6 Love God. Ex. 20:7-17 Love fellow man.

Matt. 18:5-6 Speaks of dangerous relationship we have to God if we offend one of His children.

Valentine’s Day came about this way.

As far back as 296 B.C. according to World Book Encyclopedia, there was worship of the god Pan, also called Faunus and Lupercus. The rites were centered at Lupercal, a cave in the Palatine Hill. Priests sacrificed goats and cut their skins into strips for lashes. Then they ran around the Palatine Hill striking all the women they met. These ceremonies also involved purification through sacrifice of a dog. (Aren’t Christians purified by the blood of JESUS?) In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius changed this ceremonial rite from February 15 to February 14 and called it St. Valentine’s Day instead.

Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910 Edition, reports that in 296 B.C. a bronze she-wolf was placed in the cave of Lupercus. Faunus, also called Lupercus, institution is attributed either to Arcadian Evander or to Romulus and Remus. The festival began with a sacrifice by the Luperic priest of goats and a dog. After the sacrifice, two priests were led to the altar and their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife. The blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk. Then the ritual required that two young men should laugh. (I wonder at what—perhaps God?) The smearing of blood on the forehead probably refers to human sacrifice originally practiced at the festival. The sacrificial feast followed; after which the Luperic cut throngs from the skins of the victims and ran in two bands around the walls of the old Palatine City striking people who were near. The throngs were called februa, the festival Februatio, the day Fabruare to purify. The festival survived until 496 A.D. when it was changed by Pope Gelasius into the Feast of Purification. World Book Encyclopedia says Cupid (cupido = desire) is the Latin name for god of sexual love (Eros). Encyclopedia Britannica says Kamadeva in Hindu mythology is the god of love. He is variously stated to have been the child of Brahma or Dharma. Later Kama simply became the Hindu Cupid. While attempting to lure Siva to sin, he was destroyed by a fiery glance of the goddess’ third eye. Kama’s wife Rati (voluptuousness) mourned him so greatly that Siva relented and he was reborn as the child of Krishna and Rukmini. The babe was called Pradyumma (Cupid). He is represented armed with a bow of sugar cane strung with bees. Its five arrows are tipped with flowers which overcome the five senses. A fish adorns his flag and he rides a parrot or sparrow—emblematic of lubricity (lasciviousness, lewdness, lechery, instability and trickiness).

Britannica says Eros or Cupid is the god of sexual passion, son of Aphrodite and Zeus. Chief gods associated with Eros and Pathos are Himeros (longing and desire), and Peitho (persuasion). Athenians changed him from goat man to fat youth with bow and arrow. World Book in Pan-Greek mythology says Cupid is son of Hermes and one of the daughters of Dryaps (Oak Man), or of Zeus and the nymph Callis to, god of shepherds, flocks and forests. He is said to be born with horns, a goat’s beard, feet and tail, and covered completely with hair. Hermes took him to Olympus where he became a favorite of Dionysus. His appearance struck terror in hearts of men, hence the expression “panic fear”. Associated with Panisci are a number of male and female forest imps, his wives and children who send evil dreams and apparitions to terrify mankind. His original home was Arcadia. His cult was introduced into Athens, at the time of the Battle of Marathon, when he promised his assistance against Persians if the Athenians would worship him.

The story of the pilot Thamus, who was sailing near the island of Paxi in the time of Tiberius, was commanded by a mighty voice to proclaim that “Pan is dead” is found in Plutarch.

This story coincides with the birth (or crucifixion of Christ). Reinach suggests that the words uttered by the voice was (Tammuz, Tammuz the all-great, is dead) and that it was merely a lament for the “great Tammuz or Adonis”.

Deut. 32:16-17, I Cor.18-21. Compare these two scriptures and notice that God has not changed at all in his opinion of what constitutes devil worship. Ezekiel 8:14. Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the Lord’s house, and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. (According to Ezekiel, the Spirit of God called this an abomination to God. He also called Tammuz an idol.) Jer. 7:16-18. God told Jeremiah not to pray for people of Judah because the children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods; they provoke me to anger!

According to “The Two Babylons”, page 5, Semiramis is mother of gods; page 21, mother of Tammuz; and pages 62-63, Tammuz is Nimrod (see Gen. 10:8-11). When traced back, Valentine’s Day is the worship of Semiramis and Tammuz-Nimrod.

Can you as a Christian promote this day or bring children under its curses?

II Cor. 6:14. Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers-do not make mismatched alliances with them, or come under a different yoke with them (inconsistent with your faith). For what partnership hath right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light fellowship with darkness? II Cor. 6:15. What agreement (can there be between) a temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; even as God hath said, I will dwell in and with and among them, and will walk in and with and among them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people (see Ex. 25:8; 29:45, Lev. 26:12, Ezek. 37:27 and Jer.31:1). II Cor. 6:17. So come out from among them (unbelievers), and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not (any) unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor (see Isa. 52:11). II Cor. 6:18. And I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters says the Lord Almighty (see Hos. 1:10 and Isa. 43:6)

God showed me some years back that to serve a god meant to work and plan for him. That every time I spent time and money on this day, I worshiped these gods and denied JESUS.

How could I ask God to bless me when I have just risen up from idol worship (see Joshua 23:6-16 and 24:20)? I’d like to propose a few questions to you:

Since Nimrod worship is Baal worship, and Baal worship required child sacrifice, could it be possible that by serving gods like Lupercus, Baal and Saturn, we have brought the Biblical curses upon our families and our nation such as abortion, child abuse, homosexuality, unprovoked murders, financial loss, etc?

It seems that God really got upset at the Jews for worshiping other gods. Why would He not do the same with us? How can we as Christians encourage our children in satan worship with Valentine’s Day activities? Could it be that we focus our children’s minds on erotic ideas in the guise of sweetheart day? Then we wonder why they are promiscuous? It would seem to me that we are double minded (James 1:4-8). What can we expect to get from God? For those who say we can use old idol worship days, etc. and be all right with God, how do you explain Matt. 9:17, Mark 2:22 and Luke 5:37?

Break curses of idol worship, conception in lust, and those who call good evil and evil good. Ruler spirits are Rejection, Rebellion and Bitterness. (ALL THESE DEMONS SHOULD BE CAST OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS.)


Idol Worship, Hermes, Kama,
Abortion, Witchcraft, Adultery,
Brahma, Rock Music, Pan,
Bastards, Diorama, Unholy Sex,
Pining Away, Pain, Let Yourself Go,
Sorcery, Goats, Despondency,
Dryaps, Unholy Music, Dog,
Cheating, Zeus, Cain’s Religion,
Sadism, Panic, Rainbow,
Fear, Patron Saints, Unbelief,
Romulus, Desire, Imp,
Sensuousness, Remiss, Seduction,
Evil Dreams, Despair, Zodiac Signs,
Murder, Kamadeva, Ahab,
Anti-Christ, Mockery, Krishna,
Druids, Fantasy Sex, Human Sacrifice,
Rukmini, Harlotry, Broken Hearted,
Erotic Love, Rape, Pradyumma,
Pierced Heart, Perverted Love, Eros,
Five Arrows, Lying, Voluptuousness,
Guilt, Lust, Olympic Dissatisfied,
Shame, Depression, Fantasy Lust,
Dionipus, Killing, Abortion,
Longing, Panic, Callisto,
Rati, Siva, Tammuz,
Dejected, Jezebel, Third Eye,
Semiramis, Nymphs, Rejection,
Bestiality, Jealousy, Envy,
Bitterness, Pierced Five Senses, Inferiority,
Lupus, Rebellion, Spirit of the Wolf




Dear Editor:

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I was wondering if anyone knew the origin of this day we celebrate as a day of love.

Cupid (cupido) is the Latin name for god of sexual love (Eros). The arrow and the heart have sexual meanings and goes back to worshiping babylon gods.

Pagan Romans celebrated February 14th and 15th as an idolatrous, sensuous festival called Lupercalia, in honor of one called Lupercus, the hunter of wolves. Names of young women were put into a box and drawn out by men during this festival. The custom of exchanging Valentines arose from this name drawing.

These ceremonies involved purification through sacrifice of a dog. After the sacrifice, two priests were led to the altar and their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife. The sacrificial feast followed; after which Luperic priests cut throngs from the skins of the victims and ran in two bands striking the people. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius changed this ceremonial rite to February 14 and called it St. Valentine’s Day to appease people who did not want to give it up.

Does this sound like love? Exodus 20:3 says, You shall have no other gods before or besides me. You shall not make yourself any graven image to worship it, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. It’s amazing that most of the major days we observe have pagan worship backgrounds.



  1. Isa. 8:11-22 (Israel’s idolatrous practices)
  2. Isa. 8:19 (wizards that peep and mutter)
  3. Isa. 10:10-17 (chirping – chatter, peep, whisper)
  4. Isa. 10:14 (or opened the mouth or peeped)
  5. Isa. 59:3 (tongue hath muttered perverseness)
  6. To Murmur (in anger): (imagine, mourn, mutter, roar, take away)
  7. See Strong’s Concordance for murmur, murmured, murmurers, murmuring and murmurings.


  1. Mariolater: n. one who worships the Virgin Marry: opprobrious term.
  2. Mariolatry: n. (Gr. Marie, Mary, and Latreia, worship.) Worship of the Virgin Mary, regarded as carried to an idolatrous extreme: opprobrious term.
  3. Marionette: n. (Fr., from mariolette, dim. of mariole, a name formerly given to little figures of the Virgin Mary.)

(Probably from Ital. morio, a fool or buffoon, but also said to be derived from the mariolettes, or little figures of the Virgin Mary), fantoccini (from fantino, a child) or puppets (Fr., poupee, Lat. pupa, a baby or doll), the names given to figures, generally below life-size, suspended by threads or wires and imitating with their limbs and heads the movements of living persons.

The high antiquity of puppets appears from the fact that figures with movable limbs have been discovered in the tombs of Egypt and among the remains of Etruria, they were also common among the Greeks, from whom they were imported to Rome. Plays in which the characters are represented by puppets or by the shadows of moving figures, worked by concealed performers who deliver the dialogue, are not only popular in India and China, but during several centuries past maintained an important position among the amusements of the people in most European countries. Goethe and Lessing deemed them worthy of attention; and in 1721 LeSage wrote plays for puppets to perform.

The earliest performances in English were drawn or founded upon Bible narratives and the lives of the saints, in the same vein as the “morality” plays which they succeeded. Popular subjects in 16th century were “The Prodigal Son” and “Nineveh, With Jonah and the Whale”. And in a pamphlet of 1641, describing Bartholomew Fair, we read, “Here a knave in a fool’s coat, with a trumpet sounding or a drum beating, invites you to see his puppets. Here a rogue like a wild woodsman, or in an antic shape like an incubus, desires your company to view his motion.” In 1667 Peys recorded how at Bartholomew Fair he found “My Lady Castlemaine at a puppet play, Patient Grizill.” Besides the “Sorrows of Griselda”, other puppet plays of the period were “Dick Whittington”, “The Vagaries of Merry Andrew”, and “The Humors of Bartholomew Fair”. Powell’s noted marionette show was the subject of an article in “The Tatler”, 1709, and again in “The Spectator”, 1711. The latter refers also to Pinkethman, a “motion-maker,” in whose scenes the divinities of Olympus ascended and descended to the strains of music. An idea of the class of representation may be gathered from an advertisement of Crawley, a rival of Pinketham, which sets forth—“The Old Creation of the World, with the addition of Noah’s Flood”, also several fountains playing water during the time of the play. The best scene represented “Noah and his family coming out of the ark, with all the animals two by two, and all the fowls of the air seen in a prospect sitting upon trees; likewise over the ark is the sun rising in a gorgeous manner; moreover a multitude of angels in a double rank”, the angels ringing bells. “Likewise machines descending from above, double, with Dives rising out of hell and Lazarus seen in Abraham’s bosom; besides several figures dancing jigs, sarabands, and country dances, with the merry conceits of Squire Punch and Sir John Spendall.” Yates showed a moving picture of a city, with an artificial cascade, and a temple—with mechanical birds in which attention was called to the exact imitation of living birds, the quick motion of the bills, just swelling of the throat, and fluttering of the wings. The puppets were wax figures 5 feet in stature. Toward the end of the 18th century, Flocton’s show presented five hundred figures at work at various trades. Brown’s Theatre of Arts showed at country fairs, from 1830 to 1840, the battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon’s army crossing the Alps, and the marble palace of St. Petersburg; and at a still later date Clapton’s similar exhibition presented Grace Darling rescuing the crew of the “Forfarshire” steamer wrecked on the Fern Islands, with many ingenious moving figures of quadrupeds, and, in particular, a swan which dipped its head into imitation water, opened its wings, and with flexible neck preened and trimmed its plumage. In these mechanical scenes the figures, painted upon a flat surface and cut out, commonly of pasteboard, are slid along grooves arranged transversely in front of the set scenery, the actions of legs and arms being worked by wires from the hands of persons below the stage, though sometimes use is made of clockwork. In recent days the literature for the marionette stage has had an important literary recruit in the person of the Belgian author Maurice Materlinck.


  1. Mummer: n. 1) A person who wears a mask or disguise for specifically, in England, any of the masked and costumed persons who travel from house to house, as at Christmas time, acting out short pantomimes. 2) Humorously, any actor.
  2. Mummery: n.; pl. mummeries, (OFr. mummery, from momer, to mum.) 1) Performance by mummers. 2) Any show or ceremony regarded as pretentious or hypocritical.

Mummers were bands of men and women in medieval and later England and elsewhere, who, during periods of public festivity, particularly at Christmas, dressed in fantastic clothes and wearing masks or disguised as animals, serenaded the people outside their houses or joined in the revels within. In a more restricted sense the term is applied to the actors in the old English rural folk plays of St. George, etc.; and “mumming” thus becomes a contemptuous synonym for any form of stage-playing. The origin of the word mummer (older spelling “mommer,” Fr. momeur) is not satisfactorily explained, but the verb “to mum” means both to mutter and to be silent, and “mummer” apparently comes from one or both of these senses. Mumming seems to have been a survival of the Roman custom of masquerading during the annual orgies of the Saturnalia. “The disguising and mummying that is used in Christmas time,” Langley writes in his synopsis of Polydore Virgil, “in the Northe parties came out of the feasts of Pallas, that were done with visors and painted visages, named Quinqatria of the Romaynes.” Aubanus, writing of mumming in Germany, says that “in the Saturnalia there were frequent and luxurious feastings amongst friends, presents were mutually sent, and changes of dress made; that Christians have adopted the same customs, which continue to be used from the Nativity to the Epiphany: that exchanges of dress too, as of old among the Romans, are common, and neighbors by mutual invitation visit each other in the manner which the Germans call mummery.” Christmas was the grand season for mumming in England. Some were disguised as bears, others as unicorns, or wore deer’s hide and antler’s or ram’s horns. Mumming led to such outrages that Henry VIII issued a proclamation declaring the wearing of a mask or disguise a misdemeanor. Stow gives an account of an elaborate mummery held in 1377 by the London citizens to amuse the son of the Black Prince, then living at Kennington (Survey, 1603, p. 97). In Scotland, where mumming still exists at Christmas, Hogmanay, New Years’s Day and Handsel Monday, mummers are called “guisards”. They usually present on these four nights a rude drama called Galatian, which, in various versions, is common throughout the Lowlands of Scotland.


  1. Puppet, n., (Fr. poupee; L. Pupa, a puppet.) 1) A small figure that is a likeness of the human form; a doll. 2) Such a figure moved by attached strings or wires, or actions, ideas, etc. are controlled by another.
  2. Puppeteer, n., a person who operates, designs, or costumes puppets, or produces puppet shows.
  3. Puppetish, a., like a puppet.
  4. Puppetmaster, n., one who manages or performs in a puppet show.
  5. Puppertoon, n., (puppet and—oon as in cartoon.) a motion picture made by arranging jointed puppets into the successive stages of some motion and photographing each stage separately.
  6. Puppet Play, same as puppet show.
  7. Puppet Player, one who works puppets in a puppet show.
  8. Puppetry, n., 1) Puppets on their actions; mummery. 2) The art of producing puppet shows.
  9. Puppet Show, a play or performance with puppets.


Puppet: Puppets are figures usually in imitation of life, under an operator’s control. They are used for dramatic presentations.

Types of Puppets: There are many different kinds of puppets. Some are worked by strings. Others are worked by rods or held over the hand and fingers, and there are combinations of these types. String puppets are often called marionettes, a word of French origin. It come