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In the recent video, MacArthur ends his announcement with a mind-numbing statement about why he is so supportive of this conference he’s not personally attending:
“I want to say also that I support that conference 100 percent. I’m deeply committed to the tremendous importance of proclaiming the true Gospel in the Spanish speaking world. We all understand that people in the Hispanic world know about Jesus Christ. They know about the Bible. They know about God. They know about salvation– at least, in some ways. They have biblical terminology because of the impact, historically, of the Roman Catholic church. But they don’t know Christ. And they don’t know the Gospel of grace. And they don’t know the full revelation of Scripture. So, this is a critical, God-ordained conference.”
Varnel Watson
Expected much more response from our fellers in the greater TX area Roger David John Conger Ricky Grimsley for it almost seems MacArthur is joining the Trump wall doctrine here Stan Wayne
Stan Wayne
No people group knows Christ
Roger David
I’m not sure John MacArthur knows Christ.
Ricky Grimsley
Im not sure john macarthur knows jesus either. As you can tell by his strange fire conference stuff he has a huge problem with over generalizing.
Stan Wayne
He is saved – just an angry old man
Roger David
Not only that but he is a Calvinist who teaches you can take the mark of the beast and be fine.
Ricky Grimsley
He qualifies as heretic in my book.
Varnel Watson
So what say ye? Is MacArthur building a great wall for illegal Spanish speaking Christians now?
Ricky Grimsley
He is building the wall that helps keeps the sheep and goats separate.
Nora Neel-Toney
That does not include all Hispanics.
Robert Erwine
Awful awful man
Steve Losee
I know quite a few who do. This guy needs to get out of his ivory tower and live life a little bit before he says any other scholarly-ignorant things.
Bishop Bernie L Wade
Well, consider the source
Angel Ruiz
As a Hispanic myself, I am disgusted by what this man just said. He demonstrates clear ignorance of what is happening in the Hispanic world. One of the world’s biggest Awakenings to the gospel is happening in Hispanic countries. Even if we just focus on the Baptist denomination in Hispanic Nations, they are a growing group in the Hispanic world. Please someone educate this man he needs it ASAP
Christina Rotaru
You guys are freaking out about nothing. The same can be said of any culture and nation. We’re saturated with a Christless Gospel but we don’t have the true Gospel that is the power to save. In 2011, 67% of the Canadian population was reported to be Christian. Does anyone actually believe that? It would be right to say “the Canadian people don’t know Jesus and need the Gospel.” Now, that’s not an all inclusive statement. That doesn’t mean no Canadians know Jesus. In the same way, MacArthur wasn’t saying no hispanics know Jesus. But Roman Catholicism and combinations of occult spirituality and Christianity are rife throughout Latin America. They do need the Gospel, just like we do in North America.
Find something real to be outraged about.
Angel Ruiz
Christina Rotaru any basic study show the growth of Evangelical in most Hispanic countries…
Christina Rotaru
Angel Ruiz that’s great! Is it enough? Should we stop desiring the Gospel to be preached to Latin America? Or does Latin America continue to need the Gospel just like every other region in the world? His desire for the Gospel to go throughout all of LA is hardly disgusting. It should be all of our desires.
Angel Ruiz
Christina Rotaru in no way am I saying that the Great Commission is over. But also John MacArthur is demonstrating ignorance of what the gospel is doing in the Spanish countries
Christina Rotaru
Angel Ruiz I don’t see how he’s showing ignorance…the majority of professing believers in LA are still in bondage to Rome. Of course that’s true of the majority of professing Christians worldwide.
I think you’re reading into it too much. We should strive to be charitable to one another, always assuming the best and taking each other at our word (particularly in such minute things).
Link Hudson
Well, that shows us that his practice of speaking with a ridiculously broad brush at times is not just aimed at Charismatics.
Rico Hero
Christina Rotaru My understanding is that MacArthur is a cessationist and believes that speaking in tongues is demonic.
Christina Rotaru
Rico Hero yes he is a cessationist and doesn’t believe glossolalia as practiced in many modern churches today (a private prayer language versus unknown to the speaker human languages). What does that have to do with this? Just because we have disagreement with someone doctrinally doesn’t mean we should search to widen the chasm by finding offence where none exists.
Rico Hero
Christina Rotaru I think his views ( cessationalist and the suggestion that speaking in tongues is demonic )is what he was referring to when he said :. But they don’t know Christ. And they don’t know the Gospel of grace. And they don’t know the full revelation of Scripture. So, this is a critical, God-ordained conference.”.
Christina Rotaru
Rico Hero that’s quite the assumption. MacArthur doesn’t believe that all Charismatics and Pentecostals don’t know Christ. He’s shared the pulpit with charismatics in the past. I doubt he’d do that if he believed they were preaching a Christ-less Gospel. He definitely comes down hard on Charismatics but he doesn’t deny the salvation of those that believe the true Gospel. Sign gifts are a secondary issue.
Rico Hero
Christina Rotaru That and unconditional salvation seems to be the major difference taught by MacArthur as the true Gospel. Otherwise, I have no idea in what he was talking about
Christina Rotaru
Rico Hero what is the Gospel?
Rico Hero
Christina Rotaru The Gospel is the good news concerning Christ and the way of salvation…. MacArthur said “We all understand that people in the Hispanic world know about Jesus Christ. They know about the Bible. They know about God. They know about salvation– at least, in some ways. They have biblical terminology because of the impact, historically, of the Roman Catholic church. But they don’t know Christ. And they don’t know the Gospel of grace. And they don’t know the full revelation of Scripture. So, this is a critical, God-ordained conference.” What do you think MacArthur was referring?
Christina Rotaru
Rico Hero that doesn’t answer my question. You were saying that his denial of the continuation of the gifts and his belief in eternal election means he doesn’t teach the true Gospel. So I asked, what is the true Gospel then? Because those two doctrines, while important, aren’t the Gospel and we can fall on opposite sides and still both be Christians.
I believe MacArthur meant exactly what he said. That because of the mass influence of the RCC in Latin countries, many people are born into a nominal Christianity. They claim to know Christ because they were baptized once as a baby and go to church on Christmas and Easter but they don’t know the Gospel. They’re not saved and not born again.
Christina Rotaru
“The gospel is good news—the good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ.
The Bible depicts human beings, all human beings everywhere, as in revolt against God, and therefore under his judgment. But although God stands over against us in judgment because of our sin, quite amazingly he stands over against us in love, because he is that kind of God—and the gospel is the good news of what God, in love, has done in Jesus Christ, especially in Jesus’s cross and resurrection, to deal with our sin and to reconcile us to himself.
Christ bore our sin on the cross. He bore the penalty, turned aside God’s judgment, God’s wrath, from us, and cancelled sin. The brokenness of our lives he restores; the shattered relationships he rebuilds in the context of the church; the new life that we human beings find in Christ is granted out of the sheer grace of God. It is received by faith as we repent of our sins and turn to Jesus. We confess him as Lord, and bow to him joyfully.
The gospel is good news—the good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ.
One day he will make all things new. The good news culminates in a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness, where neither sin nor any of its effects can survive, and where we enjoy the presence of God forever in the context of resurrection existence.
And we announce this good news to people everywhere, entreating them with the words, “Be reconciled to God!” by repenting of sin, asking God for his mercy, and trusting Jesus Christ.”
Rico Hero
Christina Rotaru Thanks Christina , I think I get what he is saying. I personally disagree with Catholicism, but Catholics believe what you just laid out. As far as I know, JW and Oneness is about the only denominations considered a cult.
Christina Rotaru
Rico Hero they don’t believe reconciliation comes through Christ alone, the faith alone through grace alone. They believe they’re saved by grace through faith and works.
Usually JWs and Mormon’s are at the top of the list and traditionally SDAs as well but a large group have reformed (they use to be Unitarian). Oneness groups as well as others that deny some element of the Godhead or Christ’s divinity (whether preincarnate or after) are on that list as well. There are a lot of lesser known cults. In my area, there’s one known as Christidelphia but I haven’t personally come across them, just their literature.
Rico Hero
Christina Rotaru Here in Vancouver Canada , I have come across JW and the Anglican Church down the street from me has a Gay Priest living with his partner, but I am pretty sure Catholic believe reconciliation comes through Christ alone, but they also understand ( as we Pentecostals do) snip James 2:22 English Standard Version (ESV)
22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works;”. end snip. Good meeting you!
Varnel Watson
I understand considering the source and all
as well as great Latin America revivals Angel Ruiz
BUT do we simply say that ALL latin American Catholics know Jesus and are truly saved?
Angel Ruiz
Troy Day no… But he can pick up a study and find that Evangelical are on the rise in the Hispanic world
Varnel Watson
True but to what % Is he right that most latin americans who profess to be Catholic are not really saved?