Is God delivering His wrath right now on us?

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Paul writes in Eph 5:6:

for the indignation of God is coming on the Sons of unpersuadableness (loosely translated)

The verb is present tense, middle/passive voice which indicates that these people are already suffering the wrath of God.

Can someone explain what that wrath might be? It most certainly is not hell fire. The use of middle/passive voice intrigues me, what is Paul trying to say here? I was taught that this verse meant future punishment but the tense obviates that flawed religious teaching.


  • Reply October 22, 2018

    Jim Price

    This is a question that is almost impossible to answer in any definitive way. Sure major storms have raged parts of our nation and in other parts of the world as well. Yet a thousand years ago nature might have been just as destructive but most of that destruction would not have been known by people even of that generation. As Eric Hoffer has observed, most of mans struggles have been against nature itself. To cold, to dry, to wet, to unpredictable and to hot might lead us to think that humans have been punished since the beginning. Yet it is this discomfort that has led to millions being employed to help us cope with nature and sickness.

  • Reply October 22, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    This is seems very probably right now Ricky Grimsley Gary Micheal Epping IF the church will indeed go through God’s wrath. Prevailing during the Tribulation HOWEVER will be a whole different story.

    The Tribulation does NOT contain even simple conditions for church existence and operation. It does contain some for Israel Maybe that’s why all verses saying anything about believers coming from the Tribulation contain but small numbers

    for example
    WHERE would a church worship during the Tribulation?
    home? – hardly possible If mark of beast is not received one cannot sell or buy therefore no market and no city life is possible Properties will be taken away or sold out short There will be no home to worship in. Left behind ppl will hide into caves at best – so does the Bible say. They will have to pray for the rocks to cover them from the Beast How is this in any way possibly a church? It is a remnant at best and a small number too – certainly does not describe 2.5 billion believers today

    Also, Would all those believers go and live in Israel? The Bible does not say anything about America during the Tribulation Would believers in America be just fine with the beast enthroned? No is the simple answer The Church simply cannot remain The Church if left during the Tribulation For this reason are also ALL the warnings in Revelation so NO one have to be left behind
    Repent while there is still time
    Stay rapture ready

    • Reply October 22, 2018

      Ricky Grimsley

      We will have the Holy Ghost?

    • Reply October 22, 2018

      Jim Price

      Troy its helpful to remember that John was put on an island because he was making trouble with the authorities ( probably because he had dementia , he was after all in his nineties.) What else had he to do but jot down his visions and dreams? I talked with a man at our church Sunday that was well on his way to having such dreams and visions. Also remember that some on the KJ committee ( 1611 ) voted not to include Revelations in the Canon. Just some thoughts.

    • Reply October 23, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Come again Ricky Grimsley

    • Reply October 23, 2018

      Ricky Grimsley

      Is Jim price saying revelation is the babbling of a mad man?

    • Reply October 23, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Ricky Grimsley Did you say: We will have the Holy Ghost? – what is that even mean ?

    • Reply October 23, 2018

      Ricky Grimsley

      You make it sound like people won’t be able to worship or serve God but we will have the Holy Ghost and we will overcome by our testimony and by the blood of the lamb. We will not love our lives until death.

    • Reply October 24, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      ofcourse they would – as long as they receive the Mark of the Beast they can do whatever they want I am afraid Jim Price may be right on this one Ricky Grimsley

    • Reply October 24, 2018

      Ricky Grimsley

      Lol. You need to read more. Your eschatology is jumbled my friend.

    • Reply October 24, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      OK then let’s read together Revelation 13:16 And the second beast required ALL people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.…

      Let’s start by asking this:
      Does YOUR BIBLE say ALL people in Rev 13:16?
      Who is included in ALL people?
      Are you?

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