Is Banned Immigration #BIBLICAL?

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Is Banned Immigration #BIBLICAL?

With the fledgling nation on the edge of the Promised Land, God instituted a permanent ban (“forever”) on immigration into Israel from two nations, Ammon and Moab.

“No Ammonite or Moabite may enter the assembly of the LORD. Even to the tenth generation, none of them may enter the assembly of the LORD forever.” ~ Deut. 23:3 (ESV)

Now obviously exceptions could be made and were made on a limited basis. Ruth, for instance, was allowed to immigrate into Israel from Moab. Ruth rejected the ancient hostility of her people toward Israel and embraced its culture and its God. “Your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:17)


  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    I wasn’t aware that the Bible had much to say on the issue of immigration (see, I learn something new every day!). However, from a purely logical perspective, unlimited immigration will destroy the meaning and sense of what a nation, a country, is. 1. It will change the demographics of the population (that was already the Globalists’ and America’s goal since the Founding itself. It was not to be a purely British, Anglo-European country but ultimately an aglomerate). 2. It will drain the financial resources of said country. 3. It will weaken the cohesion of its’ people. 4. It will ultimately result in a controlled babel of mish-mashed nations. This is what the New World Order is trying for. it’s the old story of “Divide and Conquer”.
    The Globalists are already successful in points #1-3. Historically, you could tell what a Frenchman was, as well a German or a Ugandan, a Chinese etc. There were strange exceptions like white South Africans (who didn’t belong there). There were less strange but equally mystifying items like Black Frenchmen or Brits. These were recognized as minorities and could be called “French” or “British” only because they spoke the language or fully participated in the culture. But can someone please tell me what an American is? Our country, even racially (for sheer diversity and the swelling numbers of immigrants we’ve accepted) has turned, not into a “melting pot” or even a “salad bowl” but into a plain mess! And there are now (and have been growing for a while) little isolated pockets of nations within this nation. Russian neighborhoods (such as the one I live in), Korean, Hispanic (lots of those!) and of course whole areas of African-American dominated blocks. Of course, this is only natural as people feel most comfortable with those similar to themselves. We have some modicum of interaction in society at large (in the work world) and, as English still remains dominant, cohesion and some type of unity are still possible. But what happens further down the line?

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Seriously 🙂 I am a foreigner and stranger among you (Genesis 23:4 )

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    Troy Day: Thank you for the Bible Study Tools tab. It’ll be worth my time to do a more thorough study on this issue. Still, while God does teach (both in Exodus and Deuteronomy) that His people be kind to the stranger in their land, He also has some words to Israel about the consequences of not being faithful to Him. One of these include the fact that if they aren’t faithful the STRANGER and ALIEN will overtake them in their own land. This is precisely what happened until they were carried away into exile. When they finally returned to their land, they were no longer in charge of it. This is precisely what is now happening to America.
    Consider the following. We, White Americans of European origin talk about our “Founding Fathers”, i.e., those who assembled our government and created both the Declaration of Independence as well as our Constitution. They were, of course, “Anglos”. All later Anglo-Americans called them their “Founding Fathers” for so they were. Still later, in the 1920’s when a wave of Western, Central and Eastern European immigrants came to America these people could STILL call Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Jay, Washington their “Founding Fathers” because they were still linked by virtue of being European. However, the growing African-American population, the equally increasing Latino population, and now more recently the growing numbers of Asians, Indians, Pakistanis, those from the Pacific Rim, Koreans and others….what shall they say? They have no obligation to call those white men their “Founding Fathers” because they have no resemblance to them, either racially or culturally. African-Americans can’t call them their “Founding Fathers” because the very men who instituted the nation they lived in also enslaved them. Thus it was and continued to grow for a while. Now, some estimates say by 2050 some by much sooner, America’s demographics will shift so radically that White, European-Americans will be a MINORITY in the country they FOUNDED. All talk of hate, racism, and any kind of un-Christian malice aside here but logically: what will happen to the nature of the country when these STRANGERS redefine what it is to its’ very core? Shall I be a stranger in my own land then?
    BTW, this is happening in Europe too now. If it continues, Italy shall cease to be Italy, France to be France ….but China shall continue to be China, Uganda to be Uganda, Iran to be iran. Interesting. As Pat Buchanan warned, are we seeing the “Death of the West”?

  • Reply November 6, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    • Reply November 6, 2016

      Walter Polasik

      I note that at the bottom of the summary is plugged in Leftist criticism because the Mainstream IS left these days. I gave the summary anyway because (the top) is good anyway.

    • Reply November 7, 2016

      Varnel Watson

      Walter Polasik What do you mean – Is Banned Immigration #BIBLICAL?

      With the fledgling nation on the edge of the Promised Land, God instituted a permanent ban (“forever”) on immigration into Israel from two nations, Ammon and Moab.

      “No Ammonite or Moabite may enter the assembly of the LORD. Even to the tenth generation, none of them may enter the assembly of the LORD forever.” ~ Deut. 23:3 (ESV)

      Now obviously exceptions could be made and were made on a limited basis. Ruth, for instance, was allowed to immigrate into Israel from Moab. Ruth rejected the ancient hostility of her people toward Israel and embraced its culture and its God. “Your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:17)

  • Reply February 10, 2017

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply February 11, 2017

    Ira Huth

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