PASSION WEEK Friday: Was Christ crucified on Friday or Thursday?

PASSION WEEK Friday: Was Christ crucified on Friday or Thursday?

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PASSION WEEK: Friday This day is known as “Good Friday” because on this day Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world. His trial, death, and burial all took place on this day. (Matthew 27:26) Jesus spoke His seven last words from the cross.

“Christ was dead for three full days and for three full nights. He was put in the grave Wednesday just before sunset and was resurrected at the end of Saturday at sunset. Good Friday should be changed to Good Wednesday. No statement says that He was buried Friday at sunset. This would make Him in the grave only one day and one night, proving His own words untrue (Mt. 12:40). The sabbath of Jn. 19:31 was not the regular weekly one, but the special sabbath of the feast.” Matthew 12:40 Note. See note, Jn. 19:31; note, Lk. 9:22.
Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible


  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    The darkest day in history was when Almighty God laid on His Son the sins of all mankind. And Jesus Christ, who knew no sin, carried our sins to the cross, suffered, and died. He paid the “wages of sin”—death. Even though it was midday, the world went totally dark for three hours as the Savior surrendered His life and died. He did it all so that those who trust in Him wouldn’t have to live in the darkness, bondage, and death sentence of sin. When He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30), it was really just the beginning…
    The brightest day in history was coming—in just three days.

    Franklin Graham #GoodFriday

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Henry Volk Vlad Stepanov What do you think about FB using TODAY #GoodFriday a picture from an Eastern Orthodox church related to the Orthodox Easter which falls on May 1 this year? Happy #GoodFriday Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Henry Volk

    It was probably just a slip up on the editor’s part.

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Vlad Stepanov

    It doesn’t bother me. If it’s Easter, it’s Easter, whether someone celebrates it in April or May, it doesn’t bother me. It’s like Thanksgiving – most Slavics celebrate it on different days, so that they can visit each other’s churches. I do wish that they’d celebrate it on Thanksgiving Day if they’re living in the U.S.

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Right on Brody Pope #LoL So Thursday or Friday on the OP?

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Brody Pope

    I’m more of a Friday type of guy.

    • Reply March 25, 2016

      Vlad Stepanov

      Oh yeah? Most people do like Fridays too. Off work, paychecks 🙂

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Maybe Tom Steele can tell us more about the Great Sabbath and Good Friday preparation day (paraskeue)

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Tom Steele

    Maybe… or Alan N Carla Smith can. I’ve been tied up a bit lately, so we’ll see,

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Maybe… or Ricky Grimsley Did God know beforehand it was going to be a 3 day thing?

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Ricky Grimsley

    Of course he knew itwas going to be three days. He said “only the sign of jonah…” It was three days because jesus said it would be three days and did it for a sign not because he saw it in advance.

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Are you saying Jesus was crucified on Thursday then?

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Ricky Grimsley

    At least. Thursday maybe Wednesday if you believe The Dake teaching about the extra sabbath of passover. For sure not friday. Matthew 12:40 KJVS
    [40] For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

  • Reply March 25, 2016

    John Conger


  • Reply March 25, 2016

    Vlad Stepanov

    Monday, it was Monday!

  • Reply April 14, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Maybe Tony Conger would rescue us all with an explanation here

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Rico Hero

    Crucified Wednesday. The High Sabbath

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Rico Hero

    For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Wednesday? Where does it say this in the Bible?

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Rico Hero

    Matthew 12:40. snip
    a [as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly] This indicates that Jonah was dead for three days and was resurrected as a true type of Christ. If this is not the case, then he could not be a true sign of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nothing is said about Jonah being preserved alive in the whale’s belly. It would be just as easy to believe one as the other. See notes, Jonah 2.
    b [three days and three nights] Christ was dead for three full days and for three full nights. He was put in the grave Wednesday just before sunset and was resurrected at the end of Saturday at sunset. Good Friday should be changed to Good Wednesday. No statement says that He was buried Friday at sunset. This would make Him in the grave only one day and one night, proving His own words untrue (Mt. 12:40). The sabbath of Jn. 19:31 was not the regular weekly one, but the special sabbath of the feast. See note, Jn. 19:31; note, Lk. 9:22.( Dake). Bro Day, I have a brand new Dake Bible I can send it to you . IM me your address

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Rico Hero

    Wednesday Sunset to Thursday sunset Day 1 . Thursday sunset to Friday sunset. Day 2. Friday sunset to Saturday sunset day 3. Saturday Sunset starts Sunday or the first day of the week

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Tony Conger

    Wednesday at 3pm. 6pm began high Sabbath so they took him off the cross. Friday also high Sabbath (num 28) sat normal weekly Sabbath. Sunday wad the first day women were allowed to anoint body which is why they waited 3 days. When they got there tomb was empty

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Wednesday not mentioned nowhere in the BIBLE, now is it?

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Tony Conger

    Neither is Friday

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Day before the Sabbath is usually Friday

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Tony Conger

    Unless it’s a high Sabbath.

  • Reply April 15, 2017

    Rico Hero

    Jn 19:31,snip a [sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day)] This was Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset. The next day was a “high day” (Jn. 19:31), a special sabbath of the feast, not the ordinary weekly sabbath, which was two days later (Lev. 23:6-11).(Dake)

  • Reply April 16, 2017

    Larry Ray Talley

    Why do you guys do this? I’m 70 and I’ve grown up being taught the “Good Friday” Crucifixion. Now you’re telling us it was on Wednesday. When you do this, even if it could be true, you create confusion about what credentialed ministers taught us for so long. Then you argue back and forth, creating even more confusion! The truth on which we need to focus is that our Saviour was Crucified, died and was resurected!! I try to follow your logic, but it’s rarely that clear and certainly NOT thorough. At best you get our attention, but the result is usually confusion and even doubt in doctrine that has formally been settled in our hearts!!!

  • Reply April 16, 2017

    Tony Conger

    I’m confused. This page is for a discussion of theology. For those who study and question, Not for laymen who simply learn from others. Respectfully why don’t you study it out and tell us what you think. Many things traditional are unbiblical or have become convolutedover the years

    • Reply April 17, 2017

      Larry Ray Talley

      Wow! You sure put me in my place! I didn’t know I was intruding. Ill no longer participate, since I’m a STUPID layman. Sorry.

    • Reply April 17, 2017

      Tony Conger

      Larry Ray Talley I mean no disrespect and I certainly didn’t mean to imply you’re stupid. I apologize if that’s how it came across. I was merely pointing out that this page is a place for discussion about those types of things of which you are speaking

    • Reply April 18, 2017

      Scotty Searan

      Secular history, such as the encyclopedia Britannica can trace back through history and will show that the Roman Catholics and Constantine did a lot changing and teaching to help it coincide with a pagan holiday. Easter eggs and Easter Bunnies are not mention in the Bible, but they are included in Easter ceremonies. Easter name itself came from a sex goddess name ISHTAR. How can sacred nize a pagan practice? How can we continue in celebrating these things and call our selves Christians, when we are shown what happen and what is the light? This is not legalism. When the Jews would make an altar to a false god, they would not sacred nize it to the Jewish religion when they returned to God. They tore down the altars. Today we would have sacred nize them. I do believe that Jesus Christ was crucified and was in the tomb 3 nights and days. As for myself I will not say Easter Sunday no more or participate in pagan practices. I will celebrate RESURRECTION SUNDAY. I will not condemn you if you continue on as before. That is up to God and you. But wouldn’t it be awful at the JUDGEMENT SEAT that Jesus said you worshipped not me correctly in honor of my resurrection; DEPART FROM ME.

  • Reply April 16, 2017

    Rico Hero

    Are we not to rightly divide the word of truth? No statement says that He was buried Friday at sunset. This would make Him in the grave only one day and one night, proving His own words untrue (Mt. 12:40). That is why , Larry Ray Talley

  • Reply April 16, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    The crucifixion occurs ONE time in history.
    Enough to redefine history

  • Reply April 17, 2017

    Rico Hero


  • Reply March 29, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Give us the hebrew scoop here Tom Steele Just plain talk No links pls

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Let’s talk about this Philip Williams Link Hudson Tom Steele

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Philip Williams

      I just heard today that he ate the Passover according to the Essene (Jubilees) calendar, but was crucified on Passover according to the Temple calendar. If so, he would have been crucified on Thursday.

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Jeff Latham


    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      oh tell us more on this much important matter

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Jeff Latham according to what I heard, he ate the Passover on Wednesday.

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    David Miles

    Matthew 12:40 (NKJV)
    For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday morning doesn’t fit this

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      so was Matthew wrong about this then?

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      David Miles

      Troy Day I was about to link the graphic you linked below, lol

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      yes there is a video too we will post later on

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    Tom Steele

    My best guess at the present time leans toward Thursday evening, not because it was Thursday but because the way Hebrew calendars work days change over at sunset, so Thursday evening would have been Friday, technically, at that time.

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    Link Hudson

    Maybe the evening of the 5th day of the week by Jewish reckoning like Tom Steele said.

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    ha-ha Thursday evening would have been Friday STILL dont account for 3 full days and 3 full nights – simple math

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      David Miles

      Troy Day I found this same graphic to be the best explanation that fits the gospel accounts

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I dont know if its the best but it shows Wed and makes most sense like you said The TH hypothesis does not add to 3 full days and nights anyway

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      David Miles

      I remember studying it one day and realizing, after all these years of celebrating Good Friday that Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning wasn’t 3 days! I was kinda shocked! So I began to look into how others had tried to explain it, and nothing I found really sat right with me. Then as I started digging deeper, the High Sabbath concept surfaced and that’s when things started to line up with the gospel accounts and the word of Christ almost seamlessly.

      So yes, makes the most sense to me.

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      DAKE stated Wed long time ago Rico Hero

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      Link Hudson

      I don’t really have a dog in this fight. I’ve read the three days and three nights is sort of idiomatic. It could have been the evening of the fourth day of the week. (Trying to stay away from pagan words to describe the Lord’s Supper.)

    • Reply April 19, 2019

      David Miles

      Link Hudson what about here?

      John 2:19-21 (NKJV)

      Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
      Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?”
      But He was speaking of the temple of His body.

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    Some say Thursday , because of Jonah being in the belly of the whale. Three days and nights. If Jesus had been Crucified o Friday it would have been three days. To Rise on the first day of the Week. But I hold to Friday. But thinking about it. That’s a good question. I’ve got a message on that. But it’s at home. Bro. Douglas Small explains it perfectly. Was it two Sabbaths back to back. I would like the answer for sure.

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    I will try to find my tape on it. But you can explain from the Bible. You just explain it to us.

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    David Miles

    It was a High Sabbath, not the weekly Sabbath:

    John 19:31 (NKJV)

    Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

    Leviticus 23:4-8 (NKJV)

    “These are the feasts of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times. On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the Lord’s Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord; seven days you must eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no customary work on it. But you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord for seven days. The seventh day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no customary work on it.’ ”

  • Reply April 19, 2019

    Ray E Horton

    Who cares?

    • Reply April 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      oh WOW Ray – many through the ages have

    • Reply April 20, 2019

      Ray E Horton

      Yeah, but I just don’t think it is important. I’m sure the Lord doesn’t care whether it was Thursday or Friday. It’s the substance that counts.

    • Reply April 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      You dont think its important
      what the Bible says its true?

    • Reply April 20, 2019

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day Of course I do, but that is not an issue of significance to waste our time over when we could be seeking and studying the deeper things of God and sharing the Good News.

    • Reply April 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      well He had to have gone somewhere for 3 days

    • Reply April 20, 2019

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day That’s true! The article on the other thread on that is pretty convincing.

  • Reply April 21, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Looks like lots of people care Ray what do you think?

  • Reply April 21, 2019

    Ray E Horton

    For me, His Passion and Resurrection are every day and can be celebrated whenever.

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    aint NO one has been able to tell us just YET? Peter Vandever Jim Price Jimmy Pearson Ray E Horton William DeArteaga Doyle Rogers RichardAnna Boyce

    A.J. Bible can you copy paste us DAKE’s note – it is the greatest explanation ever and even Vicki Mart may actually like what he has to tell her

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    A.J. Bible

    “Christ was dead for three full days and for three full nights. He was put in the grave Wednesday just before sunset and was resurrected at the end of Saturday at sunset. Good Friday should be changed to Good Wednesday. No statement says that He was buried Friday at sunset. This would make Him in the grave only one day and one night, proving His own words untrue (Mt. 12:40). The sabbath of Jn. 19:31 was not the regular weekly one, but the special sabbath of the feast.” Matthew 12:40 Note. See note, Jn. 19:31; note, Lk. 9:22.
    Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      look here Vicki Mart Jireh D Hormann

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Jireh D Hormann

      A.J. Bible 100% correct. Passover was Tuesday at sundown, and HE died on the cross at 3pm Wednesday, They needed Him off the cross for “the day of preparation” because sundown was the “Feast of Unleavened bread”.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Jared Cheshire

      A.J. Bible bingo

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Jireh D Hormann

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Jireh D Hormann are you saying:

    Nisan 14, 3790 A.M. April 3, 30 A.D. Wednesday

    This disregards the 4 yrs OFF for Herod
    the 0 year
    the 33 years of JESUS ?

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Jireh D Hormann

      Troy Day Did you read the article? It explains everything in there including the birth of Jesus

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jireh D Hormann yours or mine? read them BOTH – so what is your final answer after all?

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Jireh D Hormann

      As in the birth, I have not come to a conclusion. As His death, All research, bible studies (Including Leviticus 23 and 3 sabbaths the final week) I’m am confident that it was a Wednesday. Not positive on the year since the birth is in the air still.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      to give you 3 full days and night? TH FRI SAT? A.J. Bible will you post the snippet from DAKE pls

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      A.J. Bible

      Already did Troy Day. Pleas refer above.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Riccos Herodotou

      Troy Day

      In Josephus’ account, Herod’s death was preceded by a lunar eclipse and followed by Passover. There was one in 4 bce but there was also some in Ad .the ad has tto be the correct date, not the 4 bce

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Riccos Herodotou A.J. Bible this must be a Catholic conspiracy to hide DAKE Bible references 🙂

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Jireh D Hormann

      Troy Day Wednesday Night(1), Thursday day(1)night (2) Friday day (2) Friday night (3) Saturday day (3). He rose after sundown on Saturday night. The women went to the tomb WHILE it was still dark. He would have had to be there for that to be night 3.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jireh D Hormann you believe they went about closely after 6 PM on saturday and not closer to 6 am on Sunday?

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Jireh D Hormann

      Troy Day No, but in order for the Jewish night to be complete, the sun had to have come up. “Still dark” means it could have been 5 am but Jesus was still not there.

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    The Sun that God created controls the day of Easter.

    The annual Christian festival in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is observed on the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the vernal equinox, on the Gregorian calendar.

    The Vernal (spring) Equinox is when the day and night becomes the same.

    The autumnal (fall) equinox is in the fall. When the day and night becomes the same.
    We find no problem among our early church father about what day Christmas falls on.

    1. No one knows the real birthday of Jesus! The Bible gives us no date, so why do we celebrate it on the 25th December?

    In 336 A.D., was the first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th. This was under the leadership of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). A few years later, Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on December 25.

    Many suggested the reason for this date being chosen, was,

    According to tradition, Mary was told she would conceive a child, that was on March 25, nine months later would be December 25. Many other reasons exist but nothing is for sure.

    The change from Worship on Saturday to Sunday worship officially started in 150 A.D. And in the 5th century it became law.
    However we find references in the New Testament that seem to relate their rest day (Sabbath) being on Sunday instead of Saturday.

    One reason why the church came to together on the first day of the week as their day of rest and worship is that the Lord of the Sabbath rose from the dead on the first day of the week (John 20:1).

    The work of the first creation was finished on the seventh day of the week, the work of the new creation in Christ, 1 Corinthians 5:17, was finished on the first day of the week by the resurrection of Jesus. From the very earliest days of the church they set aside the first day of the week as their usual day of rest and worship.

    Until His Resurrection, Jesus Christ and His disciples honored the seventh day as the Sabbath. After His Resurrection, Sunday was held sacred as the Lord’s day in remembrance of His Resurrection on that day (see Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2). From that time on, His followers observed the first day of the week as their Sabbath. In both cases there were six days of labor and one for rest and devotion.

    Now we look at the problems in the early church that comes from out side the church.

    Problems in the early church without:

    The early church was fighting a battle on two fronts.

    Fighting to preserve its existence. The Roman state was out to abolish it.

    They were fighting to preserve pure doctrine.

    Legalistic Heresies developed in the early church.
    Circumcision or not to Circumcise. This even spread over in to some modern churches.

    In some cities, even countries today have outlawed circumcision.
    Some held to Gen. 17:14 “If not circumcised they would be cut of from Israel.” {Interesting information on circumcision, “If circumcision is a sign of the Jewish covenant, why is it hid from public view?” For the answer and more information view my post on 1/31/2014}.

    Where to sit in church became another problem? Women had to sit in the rear of the church or on the opposite side of men, some churches still hold to this.

    Women and hair covering some held that women could not enter the church with out her head being covered, yet others it made no difference.

    In some parts of our world this is still a problem.

    Amazing what church people argue over.
    33 AD – 324 A.D.

    The rapid growth and persecution of the early church caused it to be scattered across the known world.

    Acts 11:19 “Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution…) KJV


    Scattered, (????????) (1289 & 1291) [diaspeiroo], our English ward dispatched comes from this. The disciples were scattered (dispatched). This was a way God had to get them out of there comfort zone, they were happy at home.

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    did the radical catholic popes got Good Friday wrong? Daniel J Hesse Dan Brent Irina Arce

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Neil Steven Lawrence

    The Bible is clear. The evidence is rock solid and will hold up in any court room. Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday to correspond with the exact time when all Jewish households were slaughtering their passover lambs.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      A.J. Bible

      John 19:31 (KJV) 31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      A.J. Bible

      This was Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset. The next day was a “high day” (Jn. 19:31), a special sabbath of the feast, not the ordinary weekly sabbath, which was two days later (Lev. 23:6-11). See note, Mt. 12:40.
      Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      GREAT Sabbath could fall on Passover

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Neil Steven Lawrence that would not allow for 3days and night’s

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Poppy Thompson heard that Neil Steven Lawrence Poppy is telling you to not be sloppy with your math

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Troy Day How? The Passover is 14 days post new moon and always followed by the feast day of unlearned bread.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Poppy Thompson dont know but in 2020 strawberry moon was right on Passover

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Passover is always a full moon

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Unlearned bread, my apologies, unleavened

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      me loves me some unlearned bread during Passover 🙂

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day so we eat strawberries this year?

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    all right now Neil Steven Lawrence give us those clear BIBLE references before you get banned again from groups

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day Jewish Sabbath is always Saturday no matter how you slice it.
      The Passover feast lasted a week like most of the feasts.
      This particular “high day” I believe was representing the year of Jubilee.
      The day of preparation was always Friday – the day when all Jewish households were preparing their Passover lamb by slaughtering it.
      I’ve never read Dake’s Bible and I’m not gonna start now!

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Neil Steven Lawrence except actual GREAT Sabbath could fall on Passover

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Poppy Thompson

    Wednesday, on the full moon, the day before the 1st day of unleavened bread.

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    but was it strawberry moon? Poppy Thompson

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Troy Day Irrelavent

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Poppy Thompson you said full moon and left it open for my question Dont see it irrelevant

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Troy Day I’m not into Strawberry Moons. The give me hives. Seriously though I have read about them and yes they are always full.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Troy Day How many people were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentacost?

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Poppy Thompson at least 150 we’re filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. It could be more but that is a minimum.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Neil Steven Lawrence how do you come to that ?

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Poppy Thompson

      Tho bible says many signs and wonders were wrought by the hands of the apostles and yet it mentions only tbem

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Poppy Thompson you can only write so much about events that are happening using a scroll. The Holy Spirit was moving all over the Roman world even if the book of Acts only talked about the apostles.

      Just like today there are more miracles happening on the earth because there are more believers on the earth interacting through the gospel with the unsaved. Just because we don’t see lightning strike the earth every three seconds doesn’t mean it’s not happening every three seconds. Miracles are like that happening all over the world all the time!

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Poppy Thompson I believe the book of acts says there were 150 in the Temple on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out for the first time on the believers thus creating the church. (on a sidenote: they were meeting in the temple for prayer not the upper room, as many confuse).

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Poppy Thompson

    Good Friday is man made.

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    unfortunately more like pope made but not poppy made

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Jared Cheshire


  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    which one? Jared Cheshire

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Jared Cheshire

      Troy Day Jesus Christ was crucified on Wednesday and buried prior to sunset. I have biblical proof but don’t have time to go through it all right now. Keep in mind that there are 2 Sabbaths on Passover week. The High Sabbath of Passover, and the weekly Sabbath. That is key to understanding the timeline.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Jared Cheshire

      Also look at Luke 24:1, it seemingly contradicts Matthew 28:1, does it not? But only when veiwed from our western mindset. The English tanslations for the most part missed the hebraic concept of what a day was.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jared Cheshire none of them say Wednesday though

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Jared Cheshire

      Passover always talked on the 5th day of he week based on Hebrew calendar, which begins at sunset on Wednesday on the Gregorian calendar. Matt 28 states that the women headed to the tomb while it was dawning towards the 1st day of the week. The word for dawning can be used as dusk as well based on context. Since it said towards the 1st day, it was not yet the 1st day. But the sun was beginning to set. In Luke 24 the translators used morning because of the western mindset. The word translated as very early had the definition of descending. Used in context with the word translated as dawn, which could be dusk, the context shows that the sun was setting. Further context is that they would have been keeping the Sabbath and not touching the body on the Sabbath but would want to handle a dead body as quickly as possible so it is logical to assume they would be prepared and on site as soon as the Sabbath ended at sunset. When they arrived at the tomb, Jesus had already risen, meaning He rose on the weekly Sabbath, or our Gregorian Saturday prior to sunset. Jesus also said that as Jonah was in the belly of fish for 3 days and tree nights, so would he be in the grave. 3 days and 3 nights is 72 hours matter how you slice it, not 36 hours as claimed by the RCC Easter story. That puts his burial on Wednesday just prior to sunset which was the High Sabbath of Passover. The lambs for the Passover sacrifice were always slain and prepared prior to sunset on the 4th day, Wednesday prior to sunset. With God being so particular about times and seasons, why would anyone who studied His plan of atonement under the Old Covenant, the foreshadowing of atonement in the New Covenant, think that He would alter that plan when the true Sacrifice was made?

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Neil Steven Lawrence

    Check out one section of this message to answer the above question: 31:04–34:10
    This shows the exact timeline according to the scripture :

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Poppy Thompson

    Can we stick to scripture.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      which one Poppy Thompson book chapter verse that says Wednesday pls

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    tell us what Scripture says Poppy Thompson a verse that uses the word Wednesday – there aint none

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      I get tired of believers who always want to “return” to Jewish “roots” and emphasize some nuanced ideas that few have heard, and then hold it over Bible believers, as if their missing something. It often turns into legalism or a religious spirit. I like details that enhance the faith we have, but I don’t like feeling beat over the head with them. When so called ministers emphasize those Jewish details to the exclusion of all of us “stupid” Christians, this is what 1/4 of Paul’s letters where about – confronting the Judaizers who where confusing the believers!!!!!!!! I’m not saying that’s what is going on here. What’s going on here is total confusion and loss of historical reality. Watch the 3 minute segment of my message I posted in this thread and clarity will reign down from heaven.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Neil Steven Lawrence I dont see it that way BUT waiting on Poppy Thompson to give us the WED verse He may need King JAMES to write him a new one for that 🙂

  • Reply April 15, 2020

    David Levendusky

    God to say something it does not say. The bible says Jesus rose on the third day. He did not rise on Saturday. He rose on Sunday the first day of the week. Mar_16:9 
    Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.” So please quit saying he was risen on Saturday evening. The first day of the week is Sunday. If he rose on Sunday and Sunday early in the morning can be called one day, then the day before would be Saturday, two days, and the the day before that would be Friday (3 days buried.) Three days buried (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.) Jesus rose on the third day. The thrid day was Sunday in which He appeared in 5 post resurrection appearances. The two on the road to Emmaus state the same fact. It was Sunday night and they called Sunday the third day. Luke 24:21  But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done. ” If they called Sunday nite the third day, Then Saturday would be the second day and Friday would be the first day. So again according to the two on the road to Emmaus, Friday day he was crucified and buried, Saturday the second day, and Sunday the third day. If you say he was crucified on Thursday then you make Sunday the 4th day. I will show you about 30 other verses showing you it was Sunday – the third day. Saturday the second day and Friday the first day. FB message me or email me And I will show them to you.

  • Reply March 29, 2024

    Troy Day

    semes like Philip Williams John Mushenhouse THAT Brian Copeland has resorted to some sort of calvinator reform doomed to hell which even Kyle Williams dont believe when it comes down to good Friday

  • Reply March 29, 2024

    Troy Day

    not even Link Hudson knows this one of any @followers

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