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Invite Me, Says the Lord – Ray E Horton
It’s about invitation, the Lord spoke to my heart this morning. With My incarnation as a vulnerable human child, I restored the Kingdom of God to the world. I died, taking your sin, and arose, making the Kingdom available to you. And, just as you received Me for eternal life, I want you to receive all of My Kingdom – right now!
How, you ask? By surrendering your whole life to me. I am the King, and I came to reign. And I want to reign in every part of your life.
But your flesh has no power to make Me reign in you. Don’t say, I will make Jesus Lord. You can’t! Rather, invite Me to be Lord – it’s all about invitation, for I will not take charge unasked.
Invite Me to reign in your life, spirit, soul, and body, and I will. I will to the degree that you allow Me in, welcoming Me to take control and to live through you. I became Lord of your spirit with your rebirth, but I want to be Lord of all of you, mind, will and emotions, your very soul, and your body as well.
You say Jesus is Lord, but am I Lord in your life
If you want Me as Lord, invite Me to reign in your life. You did once for salvation, and it was accomplished. Now daily invite Me to be Lord of every area: all that you think, all that you say, all that you do. Invite Me to reign in your emotions and your decisions. Invite Me to be Lord of your relationships. Say, be Lord of my health and Lord of my wealth. And I will, says the Lord.
As you choose to surrender your way for Mine and invite Me into each area, welcoming Me with trust in My great love, My heart will rise up big in you. The fire of the Lord will kindle a flame in those around you. And you will serve Me with joy, fulfilled in the fruit of the overflow of My Spirit.
But you can’t do it. You can’t make Me Lord. It’s My work. Invite Me, says the Lord, and I will reign in your life.
Ray E Horton
While simple, I believe this is one of my more significant messages. Many of us have invited the Lord to be Lord of our lives, then gone about doing our own thing.
Joe Absher
this is not the voice of Jesus Christ it’s auto suggestion . but what’s the use ?
Tim Anderson
Thank you – shared it on my wall for those who are stuck…