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Obum Chigoziri |

If we prepare for RAPTURE
The way we prepare for CHRISTMAS,
hell fire will be empty on the last day.
It's Inside You
Yeah. So much depends on where our affections and our heart is at. Jesus said that wherever our money, or our treasure, is, there our heart would be too. (Matthew 6:21)
Joseph Kisha
Hell was prepared for the fallen angels. How will it be empty then?
Onyii Happiness
True talk
Lorna Taitano
No because men love heir sins and wide is the road that leads to destruction and many are on it.
Lori McCool
We win, when the day of the rapture dawns half of the worlds population will be marked for transport.
Kay Crick
Most people, even most Christians, will be left behind. The Bride is a remnant. Many are called, few are chosen.
Between the Rapture and Christmas, at least the Rapture is biblical.
John Snow
If there even is a rapture.
Rocco Hoon
I believe in a post trib rapture give me 1 good scripture to make me believe there are 2 different events?
John Snow
Step 4 of Project Blue Beam is to setup a fake rapture. And a fake Alien INVASION. Project blue beam is lead by the ANTICHRIST. You should look into it. Pray for discernment when you do. Ask God to confirm it.
Celestine Harper
Elie Kiaku
Baitseng Ntembe
I agree
Eddy Comu
Second coming!
Chollom Simon Botsha
If you said hell will be empty I agree With that, but remember hell will still get those who are destined to be there like Satan and his cohorts
Timothy Gibson
Oops, sorry looks like ya can’t get consumed in the fire of hell!
Apparently they ran out the day B4!lol
Benny Senamela
Barth Emeka Ikeagwuonu
What of the millions, if not billions who have been there before Jesus came?
Zainab Sule
My friend that is not true, do you know that many celebrate Christmas in immorality? Do you you the evil going on right now l mean among Christians that are not born again?Today l was meditating on hour some people celebrate Christmas and new year.JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.
William Gibney
And Christmas is definitely not biblical Christmas was, concocted way back by the Catholic church, when we do things for GOD we must do them in spirit and in truth, and when it comes to celebrating christmas then those who do are not doing it in truth or the spirit because its not biblical, and to make it worse its held on the same day as pagans ritual the 25th dec, that is without doubt an abomination to a holy God.
John Prewett
William Gibney
christmas is fake another story made up by man
Oscar Valdez DTS must prepare