
1249: Arming For War

Arming For War

Sermon given by Win Worley in 1988. © WRW Publications. Pastor Worley’s books, booklets, CDs/DVDs available at

Hebrews Lesson 38: Price for Rejecting Jesus’ Salvation :: By Sean Gooding

Hebrews Lesson 38: Price for Rejecting Jesus’ Salvation :: By Sean Gooding

Chapter 10:26-31 “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two […]

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God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages

God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages

Worldwide, more than 7,000 languages are spoken in 195 different countries (Genesis 11:7). Wonderfully, the Bible—or portions of it—has been translated into more than 3,000 of these tongues; in some form. Christians are found in most of the nationalities. They dress differently, speak a myriad of languages, and worship in their own cultural ways. Even […]

Prophecy Update: Hitler Template for Antichrist, Pt 1 :: By Gary W. Ritter

Prophecy Update: Hitler Template for Antichrist, Pt 1 :: By Gary W. Ritter

Update 9-7-22 One of the conundrums in Revelation is how the rider on the white horse of the 1st Seal of Judgment – presumably the Antichrist – wins such acclaim that the world seems to instantly love him. However, on the heels of this lovefest, the 2nd Seal is broken, and the rider on the […]

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