How Jesus dealt with fake news?

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John-Mark Neal Hales |


So we were just reading last night and learned Jesus had to deal with fake news as well!

“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:18-19‬ ‭ESV‬‬


  • Reply January 18, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    How could filled from the womb with the Holy Ghost John have a demon? We know he did not, but seems like Hebrew theology allowed that a saved under the covenant and a prophet man could be demonized? David Lewayne Porter Robert Borders A.J. Bible

  • Reply January 18, 2018

    A.J. Bible

    Troy, do you have a source for that statement? The Pharisees and Sadducees often made accusations without any truth.

  • Reply January 18, 2018

    David Lewayne Porter

    A.J. Bible,
    Sometimes Troy gets bored and trolls.
    He also will focus in on a statement or two that was made within a conversation and use them out of context.
    He will also switch your stance for his.

    I have come to ignore him during these times.

  • Reply January 18, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Often times demons have to be cast out. The people in Matthew’s text believed that a covenant-saved Jewish person could have a demon. They assumed not only John but at one time even Jesus to have a demon. We know this not to be the case, however, their theology seems to have allowed such belief. It is a valid question to explore at this time. Failing to give the answer could allow demonized people in our churches, Christian communities or even online discussion groups to usurping control

    When people are interested in theology they ask valid questions like this one. When the people that are asked dont have theology to back up their praxis they attack the person, not the issue. Resorting to name calling is not Christian and even Jesus spoke about name-callers risking to go to a very hot place. So we’ve learned to put such in a time out.

    The theological issues however remains unsolved. Name calling only side tracks from the issue – does not provide theological solution. People who lack theology and Bible to explain their stand do the same. But we will stay focused on the Bible and theology until we reach a valid theological perspective. It is the Christian thing to do and we have learned to follow it to the dot in this group since it was established 4 years ago.

    Now with this resolved, we ask again: WHY did the community of John and Jesus believed a covenant-bound Jew who may be even a prophet could be demonized? Was it just name calling or was it in fact a possibility?

  • Reply January 18, 2018

    A.J. Bible

    It obviously wasn’t based on scripture. True Hebrew theology is the Law and the Prophets and there is no such thing stated as teaching.

  • Reply January 18, 2018

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply January 18, 2018

    Dan Irving

    What part of that was “fake news?”

  • Scotty Searan
    Reply February 13, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    I am going to throw a curve.
    If Jesus being a glutton and a drunkard is a lie then is him being in friend to Sinners and tax collectors also a lie
    One of the teachings nowadays is that Jesus is a friend to sinners.
    It was even made famous more in the song recently but is it scriptural?
    John 15 verses 13 through 15 appears friendship a different life with Jesus Jesus said you were his friends if you kept his Commandments he told her to seiples they were his friends because they knew what he would I told them
    Yes Jesus had friends Mary Martha and Lazarus work is friends those people served Jesus and followed.
    Even as today you may be invited into a person’s house to have a meal as a guest but that doesn’t mean you are a friend to them you can be an acquaintance or they could be having a party but that doesn’t make you a friend to them
    Jesus loves sinners but he is not a friend of sinners James chapter 4 verse 4 bears that’s out
    If he was a friend to sinners he was a man a enemy to himself

  • Varnel Watson
    Reply February 13, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    If invited for a good healthy steak meal, I will ask no #FakeNews questions. I will even take Joseph D. Absher along and leave all “healthy theology” to Walter Polasik #AllYouCanEat

  • Joseph D. Absher
    Reply February 13, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    Is it fat Tuesday? Maybe after lent? lol

  • Varnel Watson
    Reply February 13, 2018

    Varnel Watson


  • Reply June 14, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    tell us how he ever did it William DeArteaga

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