Should evangelicals ally with Romney again?

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Mitt Romney’s Honorable Stand Reaffirmed the Wisdom of Impeaching Trump … It would end the “impeachment hoax” and march into 2020 firmly … but also to investigate the president’s pet conspiracy theories about the 2016 election Mitt Romney, R-Utah, broke with his party in voting to convict … OpinionWhite evangelicals love Trump and aren’t confused about why. No one should be. … on the moral character of those who govern, whereas many Evangelical … Party is difficult to ignore — especially after Romney’s own presidential run BUT BUT BUT The Theological Differences Behind Evangelical Unease With RomneyThe … “I don’t have any concerns about Mitt Romney using his position as either a … talks asserting that human beings would become like gods and inherit their own planets … But it’s as though we feel we have a broader circle of truth. If you think that Glenn Beck (a Mormon) is someone that you can trust…. Beck’s only agenda is the Mormon agenda. This was not only demonstrated by his support for Romney over Gingrich (in 2008), but in his push for Mormon theology (e.g. his false prophecy concerning the collapse of the world systems, thus pushing the Mormon theology of hoarding goods in preparation for the end times).


  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Ray E Horton

    Honorable? I think not!

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Todd Griffin

    So what’s so honorable about this?

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      we are not voting for an honorable and moral pastor but for a president remember? Ray E Horton Nelson Banuchi

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Todd Griffin

      Troy Day And I’m Not Voting, endorsing, sponsoring Abortion, The LGBT, The Atheist Either. It seems as though the Democratic Partly has the support right now of All the Atheist, The muslims, abortion doctors and anybody else that is 100% Against God, His Word, and Jesus Christ and his Followers. So maybe this man should just switch parties. Just sayin.

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Todd Griffin what does any of this has to do with Romney? he aint for none of what you listed

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Todd Griffin

      Troy Day Well all that may be true But right now we have a President that so far has looked out after us , God’s True People, probably in a way no other has. That pulls a lot of weight at the polling station. One day the Democrats will get in . Their beliefs , goals are the same as The World’s overall. They will be totally OPPOSITE of what we have right now. I wish we did have a good Holy Ghost filled President , I do.

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Nelson Banuchi

      Troy Day I agues they’re voting for a dishonorable and immoral POTUS… I guess that might have been what the Christians in 1936 Germany thought and I think that I didn’t work out too well.

      Todd Griffin: “we have a President that so far has looked out after us”?

      Perhaps, but only when it suits his own interests and purposes (of course, I can’t see how firing LtCol Vindman and his twin (especially, his twin) has anything to do with having “looked out after us.”

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Todd Griffin

      Nelson Banuchi Well I guess you can vote Democrat if that’s what you want right?

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Nelson Banuchi

      Todd Griffin I will not vote for Trump, neither will I vote Democrat.

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    John Crilly

    He has integrity ….plain and simple….it’s hard to find..

    • Reply February 8, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      John Crilly Or calculated to look that way!

    • Reply February 8, 2020

      John Crilly

      Ray E Horton no from what I have heard from most Republicans that really know him his fear of God is real….and it shows…he’s not afraid of Trumps vengeance . Behind closed doors is where the rubber meets the road…..and some of the people around Trump are fearful …why is that.

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      John Crilly Ray E Horton has has also run business without corruption unlike Trump… #justsayin

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Nettie Miller

    No No & No

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Timothy Macon


  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Dwayne Faircloth

    And if I were the President, I would remove everyone that did not 100% support him!
    The democrats would do the same but the left wing and dems want to make a deal of Pres Trump doing it

    • Reply February 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      you are not the president – wake up

  • Reply February 8, 2020


    I see it as INTEGRITY no matter how you spin it. if it was switched the story would be different

    The church is focusing on a few issues and not “rightly dividing” the issues


  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Louise Cummings

    I haven’t seen anything honorable about him. He made the trip down with intentions of putting Trump down. I believe.

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth

    No ! Nevah!!!

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    IDK Ray E Horton William DeArteaga why NEVER? Jerome Herrick Weymouth you supported Trum much more strange faith

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth

    I ain’t supporting those who I disagree with. I agree with Trump, and if Romney is siding with the Pelousi-ites then I don’t support him either.

    • Reply February 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      so you are making this personal and NOT about whats BEST for America

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Darryl Forbes

    If we can’t bear to deal with Romney, then it’s strange that we’d have no problem with Trump. Remember this. Trump ain’t God. Romney ain’t God. Pelosi Ain’t God. They’re humans. And as humans we support them when they are right. We oppose them when they are wrong. I believe it’s more important WHY you oppose or support a particular politician than WHO you actually support or oppose. There are valid reasons a Christian to oppose or support any particular politician depending on what particular issue you focus on.

    • Reply February 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      you will have to deal with Hillary too

    • Reply February 9, 2020

      Darryl Forbes

      Troy Day I’m not making a complete list, EVERY politician will be on it.

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Darryl Forbes that is quite obvious but after all said what is your final position on the OP?

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Darryl Forbes

      Troy Day we should do as our conscience dictates. But even if we choose to support him, we should not be afraid to oppose him when he’s wrong. The same should be true concerning whomever we choose to support. Support does not mean blind loyalty.

  • Reply February 8, 2020

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth

    Then it is the idealogies that they sprout, I can not vote for the person or party that goes against my beliefs. I will vote for my canidate and if I can’t vote for him I will not vote for the other parties canidate at all.

  • Reply February 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Jerome Herrick Weymouth is quite wrong indeed again IF Romney is planning to get on the Democratic ticket he will have no choice but Hillary as his VP – that right there is his only move

  • Reply February 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply February 12, 2020

    Neil Steven Lawrence

    Romney’s was a wimp weasel move!

    There’s no honor in agreeing with people who break the 10 commandments which say you shall not bear false witness. Their entire impeachment hoax was about false witnessing.

  • Reply February 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    it is quite sad Neil Steven Lawrence that you are just repeating what you’ve heard on FoxNews In another realm he could have been a hero standing against the political status quo However this time he actually took a stand for his own political agenda

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Todd Griffin

      Troy Day Kind of like all those Abortions down threw the years. Who knows, one of those could have come up with a cure for cancer or some other fatal disease. Or been just the President we all could agree on. Who knows.

    • Reply February 12, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day Obama – Benghazi… Ring any bells?

    • Reply February 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Todd Griffin Neil Steven Lawrence pls explain HOW your comments relate to Mitt please?

  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Steve Losee


  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    there is a lOT of this going on Neil Steven Lawrence

  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Ivan John D. Sopko


  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    why YES? Ivan John D. Sopko

    • Reply March 29, 2020

      Ivan John D. Sopko

      i said no. why Romney? His Mormon faith background? his longtime hatred of Trump? What is his appeal to Evangelicals?

  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Joey Avila


  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Cameron C Smith

    They never should have.

  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Bill Cleghorn


  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Scott Lair


  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Vicki Mart

    what do you mean by again. I understand the scriptures calling us not to be unevenly yoked.

  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    I dont know Jon Sellers may give a good alternative

  • Reply March 29, 2020

    Moses Tipton

    NO WAY he fooled us once shame on him. If we let him fool us again then it will be shame on us.

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