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Joseph L. Arnold | PentecostalTheology.comAny suggestions for sources that highlight divine healing as a foretaste of the physical body’s eschatological redemption?
Pentecostal Theology [02/28/2015 2:51 PM]
Steve Webb [02/28/2015 2:57 PM]
One of the best best works on healing that I have seen is a section in the book “Transforming Power: Dimensions of the Gospel”. The book is credited to Dr. Yung Chul Han, but the section on healing, Section 4, “The Doctrine of Healing” is by Dr. Terry L. Cross. If you can get your hands on a copy I would highly recommend it.
Joseph L. Arnold [03/05/2015 7:56 PM]
Thanks, Steve! I would really like a copy, but alas it’s Amazon price is out of my price range! 😉
Terry L. Cross [03/05/2015 8:03 PM]
Joseph, email me at Lee university and I’ll send you a copy of that chapter. Terry
Joseph L. Arnold [03/05/2015 8:04 PM]
Thank you! Dr. Cross!
Thangsan Hisfootstep [03/06/2015 5:55 AM]
Can I also get a copy, Dr Cross ( Terry L. Cross)? I’m collecting data on divine healing.
Terry L. Cross [03/06/2015 9:13 AM]
Sure. Let me know how to email you.
Thangsan Hisfootstep [03/06/2015 9:34 AM]
Thanks. Will send u my email ad in personal message.