CONTINUE YOU IN MY LOVE. John 15:9 As the Father…

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Dy Gist |


My love for JESUS will not go dim but shall wax hotter and hotter in JESUS name.


John 15:9
As the Father has loved me, so so have I loved you: continue you in My love.
It is obvious that the LORD JESUS CHRIST loved us perfectly, and He wants us all to abide in Him and continue in His love without turning away from His love. CHRIST knew that in the nearest future some would turn away from the love of GOD which will leads to their own damnation but being a great and merciful GOD He told us we must continue in Him and stand firm.

Matthew 22:37-38
The first great commandment of GOD to all humans.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the first and great commandment.

What is the love of GOD which He said we should continue in it?

1. Abiding in Him without turning to the right nor to left.
2. Keeping all His commandments.
3. Praying always without fainting nor weary.
4. Obeying His voice whenever He speaks to you.
5. Enduring whatever comes your way in CHRIST JESUS.
6. Loving Him always
7. Preaching His words without fear of anyone at anytime and anywhere.
8. Bringing the body under the subjection of the spirit. ( fasting)
9. Denying Him not during the time you are being persecuted.
10. Holding on to JESUS CHRIST even when people revile you and say evil against you.
And many more.

There is a great assurance for us in JESUS CHRIST if we obey and abide in Him and at the end we shall be with Him in His kingdom.

I beseech you my fellow brethren in CHRIST, keep your love in CHRIST and let it wax hotter and hotter. We are in the world of weakness and we are surrounded by the things that can make one stumble on earth, but if we focus on our LORD and abide in Him without looking at the world we shall not fall.

I pray that the Lord shall uphold us with His right hand and keep us alive in Him until He returns.


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