Pentecost in China

Pentecost in China

The Holy Spirit has been making Jesus known in China. Veteran missionary Dennis Balcombe shares what he has seen unfolding during his more than fifty years of ministry in China. Bible teachers believe that many prophecies will have a double fulfillment. The first fulfillment was in the Biblical days and subsequently the last days before […]

I Did Not Come to Abolish but to Fulfill

I Did Not Come to Abolish but to Fulfill

Do we adequately know the background of the Jewishness of the Gospel of Matthew? Dr. Schaser helps us understand the extra biblical literary sources that illuminate how Jesus is portrayed in the gospel; from festivals to the Sermon on the Moun…

Do All Abraham’s Children Worship Abraham’s God?

Do All Abraham’s Children Worship Abraham’s God?

Pastor-scholar Tony Richie says there is no Jewish-Christian-Muslim God. Nor is there a simple answer to the “Same God” question. When people realize I participate in interreligious dialogue and cooperative efforts they often ask me some version of the question in the main title of this post.[1] If I manage to mention that I have […]

Daybreak Gathering :: By Lisa Heaton

Daybreak Gathering :: By Lisa Heaton

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:23-25). Do you ever feel […]

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A Hero of the Civil Rights Movement

A Hero of the Civil Rights Movement

He served as spokesman for Natchez Deacons for Defense and Justice By Roscoe Barnes IIISpecial to The Natchez Democrat(Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023, pages 1A, 6A)James Lee Stokes (1928 to 2023) was an Army veteran, a
businessman, deacon, minister, an…