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Leonard J Ransil:
On the website below is a rebuttal by Carol Swain entitled Mark Galli’s Unchristian Attack on President Trump from an Evangelical Perspective, offered as a follow up to my lead article. I have also included a listing of her credentials below. Though published on December 23, 2019, I think it constructively contributes to this most important and relevant discussion facing our nation.
In her article she also makes mention of rebuttals by other believers such as historian Jim Garlow, Franklin Graham, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Everett Piper, Edward Bauer, and Dr. James Dobson – which I list again here for your convenience. Obviously, this is an ongoing debate that will continue to at least the election in November. Leonard J. Ransil
Professor Swain earned a magna cum laude B.A. in criminal justice from Roanoke College and a master’s degree in political science from Virginia Tech. While an undergraduate at Roanoke College, she organized a scholarship fund for black students that by 2002 had an endowment of $350,000. She finished a Ph.D. in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1989. In 2000, she earned a Master of Legal Studies from Yale Law School. She received tenure as an associate professor of politics and public policy at Princeton University. From 1999 to 2017, she taught political science and law at Vanderbilt University. She retired from her post at Vanderbilt in 2017.
Her first academic book, Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress, was published by Harvard University Press in 1993. The book was cited by Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O’Connor, two Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. It was the recipient of the D.B. Hardeman Prize as well as the American Political Science Association’s Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award.
Ray E Horton
Leonard J. Ransil
Varnel Watson
come on Lenny
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton he is again NO where to be found Guess there was absolutely NO need for the rush last night
Leonard Ransil
Thank you Ray and Troy for your help in posting the above URL of an on-line article by Carol Swain who offers a rebuttal to the anti-Trump article in Christianity Today posted on this site before Christmas. Also above is a summary of professor Swain’s impressive credentials.
To repeat what I wrote above: “In her article she also makes mention of rebuttals by other believers such as historian Jim Garlow, Franklin Graham, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Everett Piper, Edward Bauer, and Dr. James Dobson – which I list again here for your convenience” – in case you want to read why they each support president Trump, despite his obvious failings.
One thing is for sure, he is honest enough to boldly declare his thoughts and opinions for all to see and critique. Consequently, the Leftists, who have hijacked the Democratic Party, have never been as challenged and exposed by such a warrior before. And as he shines the light on them, we see how Dark their anti-American, Socialistic agenda really is.
Since the Mainstream Media will never list ANY of president Trump’s amazing accomplishments over the last three years, here is one of many sites that do. Let his actions speak louder to you than his rabble-rousing rhetoric.
Leonard J. Ransil
Thank you Ray and Troy for your help in posting the above URL of an on-line article by Carol Swain who offers a rebuttal to the anti-Trump article in Christianity Today posted on this site before Christmas. Also above is a summary of professor Swain’s impressive credentials.
To repeat what I wrote above: “In her article she also makes mention of rebuttals by other believers such as historian Jim Garlow, Franklin Graham, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Everett Piper, Edward Bauer, and Dr. James Dobson – which I list again here for your convenience” – in case you want to read why they each support president Trump, despite his obvious failings.
One thing is for sure, he is honest enough to boldly declare his thoughts and opinions for all to see and critique. Consequently, the Leftists, who have hijacked the Democratic Party, have never been as challenged and exposed by such a warrior before. And as he shines the light on them, we see how Dark their anti-American, Socialistic agenda really is.
Since the Mainstream Media will never list ANY of president Trump’s amazing accomplishments over the last three years, here is one of many sites that do. Let his actions speak louder to you than his rabble-rousing rhetoric. ????
Ray E Horton
Leonard J. Ransil “Actions speak louder than words.” Thanks for posting this archive page of the President’s many accomplishments. Quite impressive – a thorough list. Mostly unarguably positive. Some, like deregulation, etc., may be interpreted negatively, but some research into the reasoning invariable shows these to be positives.
Here is a quote from that website, following the thorough list:
“The Mainstream Media’s news outlets have completely ignored President Trump’s accomplishments and all of the positive things he has achieved while in office. They’ve instead decided to focus all of their time and effort waging a war against President Trump, his supporters and the MAGA agenda.
“Donald J. Trump has achieved more for America in 3 years than any other President in history. It really makes you wonder if past presidents have even been trying at all!”
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton half of those are not checked
Ray E Horton
Troy Day As you will! Who’s the checker, the liberal media?
Ray E Horton
Leonard J. Ransil “Actions speak louder than words.” Thanks for posting this archive page of the President’s many accomplishments. Quite impressive – a thorough list. Mostly unarguably positive. Some, like deregulation, etc., may be interpreted negatively, but some research into the reasoning invariable shows these to be positives.
Here is a quote from that website, following the thorough list:
“The Mainstream Media’s news outlets have completely ignored President Trump’s accomplishments and all of the positive things he has achieved while in office. They’ve instead decided to focus all of their time and effort waging a war against President Trump, his supporters and the MAGA agenda.
“Donald J. Trump has achieved more for America in 3 years than any other President in history. It really makes you wonder if past presidents have even been trying at all!”
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton can ANYONE pls tell me what is the point of this anecdote? It certainly has NO theological value for the group While I understand the intro to her article, this is 3 months late response Its all gone by now While I didnt take sides in the CT issue as I believe they are mostly fake news William DeArteaga I do remember Jentzen renouncing Trump on those countries and Dobson warning evangelicals against Trump – what did I miss ?
Ray E Horton
“Three-months late? Evangelical response to the President is an ongoing issue, and will be through the time of the elections, at least.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton today is 3/1 we are addressing last years article as relevant and time sensitive – sorry I just dont get it
Ray E Horton
As Lenny wrote, and I agree: “Though published on December 23, 2019, I think it constructively contributes to this most important and relevant discussion facing our nation.”
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton that being true (which I am neither nor sure that it is either way) the text is partial neither time sensitive nor theological The professor’s article linked was a cheap shot playing the race card – granted played very well BUT YET to see anything theological from this poster SO even if Trump is SO great what is it to the evangelical vote? James P Bowers Nelson Banuchi I still feel William DeArteaga explained it so much better theologically in his article
Ray E Horton
Troy Day I very much disagree. How was this article a cheap-shot or non-theological any more than other articles that have been posted here? Or is it that you just disagree politically. I though you were looking for balance, the reason you asked for a pre-state-of-the-union article from the pro-Trump position. I see this as no different.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton I read it over and over but still NO theological value Once again I would like to see of theological interpretation from the poster Otherwise is just talk
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Guess I need a better understanding of just what you mean by “theological interpretation” and “theological value.” I personally have seen little I could relate to theology in the CT Galli article, or other follow-ups here.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Wow! What a read!
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton for lazy minds if you ask me but oh well NOW then what are the TOP 3 theological emphases in Lenny’s article?
Varnel Watson
@Leonard J. Ransil what are the TOP 3 theological emphasis in your article here? Ray E Horton
Troy Day
naaah Ray E Horton there is the option of opinion but then as Jim Price sad when a man has missed the point he has missed it all
what is @everyone still think on this here great post in our group
Troy Day happy birthday
Happy Birthday!!
Larry Dale Steele hey there you still here?
I am for now
we had 8 and half week revival
Where were you ?
Politics is not a personality contest. Ideally, as Christians (not just Pentecostals), we want leaders who have good character (ideally Christi-like character) and wisdom in addition to good policies coming from a wise political worldview that conforms to Scripture.
But reality doesn’t often match ideals.
In the end, the question of Trump or Biden boil down to which person’s policies will best conform to the teachings of Christ.
I believe that Trump’s policies better conform.
I say all of this despite my objections to Trump’s character and how he often carries himself.
Greg Jones I’m not great fan of Trump, but I really worry about Joe Biden.
It does seem like Trump is the lesser of the evils, at least under him there was no wars started.
He is more in line with pro-life policy than Biden.
But over all I don’t think any leader is going to be too christ like, it’s not just them that makes policy unfortunately.
Greg Jones Exactly … a lot of Republicans & Evangelicals dislike Trump & his behavior. That’s a no-brainer. … It’s a matter of which donkey🫏 will better serve The Lamb🐑 & His priority called the kingdom of God.
A great illustration is imagine you need heart surgery and you only have 2 surgeons available.
One is rude, crass and a narcissist, with poor a bed side manner, but he is skilled, experienced and accomplished.
The other is a more civil, sometimes grumpy grandpa ,who thinks you need an appendectomy and has never performed a heart surgery in his life.
Greg Jones we can’t get confused. Christ Puts who he wants,not for our Christian beliefs but for prophesy to be fulfilled. It’s not about us and our Christian comfort on earth
Carlitos Way you ever heard of the saying, “pray as if everything is dependent upon God. Act as if everything is dependent up you?”
Well, God has His plan. We can’t be presumptuous about it. And it is unstoppable.
As for us, we need to vote in candidates who’s policies are best for our country. And none of that necessarily has to do with comfort either.
Greg Jones it was never about us,but about his plan. You can vote however makes you feel better but understand that whoever God allows to become president won’t have our best interests in mind. Even if that person does,the global community will press him. Look at the global state and global plans. Nothing but bad politics is coming. We will literally vote in who God wants. And we can cancel the idea that that country or that the global community is gon a get better. Its only gonna get worse. I just hope people understand that
Carlitos Way you sound like a 5 point Calvinist who might say, “don’t bother witnessing because of predestination”.
Throw out the speculations, the presumptions on God’s will and the hypotheticals.
The cards we are given as Christian voters are to prayerfully vote for the wisest policies.
It surely isn’t to vote in for the most foolish policies, OR to act like policies don’t matter for the reasons you are giving.
Greg Jones believe as you wish. I know what Revelation says. If a believer doesn’t believe that certain things have to happen so the prophesy comes true,I would reevaluate my belief. If we think we can vote against God’s will,we ain’t all there. Yall keep going on self will.
Carlitos Way this is not a dispute over whether or not to vote against God’s will.
It’s to battle the insanity of “because we can’t vote against God’s will, we should do nothing”. That’s insane!
Vote wisely and let God prevail anyway He wants. Sometimes He’ll veto human actions and sometimes He’ll work through them. And since we can’t know which, we should act (and vote) wisely.
Geesh! If you live your entire life like this, you have no reason to do anything in life!
But I’m sure you don’t live like this. Let your actions be the final word on this subject.
Greg Jones I totally agree that Trump would definitely line up with more Christian values than Biden
Kevin Shick Trump’s narcissism doesn’t align with Christ at all. Neither does his crass “eye for an eye” mindset.
However, his policies better align with Christianity, where Christianity provides guidance on political issues. I say it that way because for many political issues, Christianity either does NOT provide guidance, OR only does indirectly.
In those gaps, I believe I can make a case where Trump’s policies are wiser and more expedient.
It shouldn’t be rocket science, especially for Christians to understand that men can’t have babies, there are differences between men and women, in the name of empathy mixed gender sports doesn’t work, racial quotas ultimately undermine minorities and even contribute to racism, equity (really equal outcomes) is a misguided approach and meritocracy is the ideals expressed in MLK’s “content of character” speech, strong borders are necessary for any country to function, always follow the money, you can’t just give free stuff away in the forms of college debt forgiveness and health care without a price tag to be paid in the end, etc……..and I could go on and on and on………
To surrender all these things because the guy’s personality is a fool’s errand, IMO.
Greg Jones who claims otherwise?
Troy Day those Christians saying they aren’t voting for him because of his narcissism. Scroll up……
Greg Jones so vote for catrholic Biden you say?
Troy Day no………. And there’s no reason to bring Catholicism into the conversation…….
Please read more before you type more.
Greg Jones why not? Philip Williams is devoted to the pope catholic but he did not vote dem or biden or else
Troy Day because, as I stated earlier, it’s about policies.
Greg Jones policies by demS or who?
Swain is wrong, and the swell of Trump love we’ve become accustomed to is a function of idolatry. Trump is immoral and incompetent and it’s certainly not unchristian to say so. He was the worst President in US history and blindly stumping for him will once more bring dishonor to the faith and hurt our witness.
Jack Marsh what saint is running for President?
Basic competence and character is not sainthood. The reason Swain is wrong is that Trump is incapable of even minimal truth-telling or any behavior that elevates the good of the country above his own immediate interests. Support for Trump now – after everything, leaves one in the position of having to explain our own competence and character to both a watching world and also our grandchildren.
Jack Marsh I will choose President Trump over lien Biden any day. During the Trump years I could buy groceries and clothing for 40 percent less than what I have to pay under Bidennomics.
Moses, you were enjoying the effects of Obama-era reparative economic policy. But note: you’re telling everyone that money means more to you than what’s right, and than the long-term good of the country.
Jack Marsh if you really believe that I have 10,000 acres of ocean front land in the middle of Arizona I would like to sell you. You probably sit in your parents basement playing games on your computer and don’t live in the real world, and will fall for anything. I could be wrong but I seriously doubt that I am.
Jack Marsh oh look…another white progressive telling we people of color what to think. I agree Trump in all likelihood is not a believer but yiu cannot say we haven’t prospered under Trump. You’re letting your emotions rule you.
Mark Aponte It always amazes me how that the liberal Socialist/Communist Democrats believe that people of color are unable to think for themselves. If you are a person of color, don’t you dare stray off the progressive plantation. There is nothing progressive about the Socialist Democratic Party.
Moses Tipton The differences between progressives/ communist’s and socialist’s then?
Jack Marsh you’re right that blindly stumping for him is foolish.
But so is blindly objecting to him.
In the end, it’s about the policies, not the personality.
We are faced with the choice of the equivalent of either an immoral school bus driver who will get us home or a nice bus driver who will instead drive us off a cliff.
The conversation has to be focused on policies and the ideas/worldview they are connected to, not personality or morality.
Of course as Christians, we ideally want a moral leader but that’s not in play.
What’s in play are these choices:
1. Stronger borders or open borders
2. Restrictive energy policies or productive/constructive ones
3. More conservative pro-life justices or more liberal pro-abortion justices
4. Peace through strength or appeasement
Just to name a few…….
Moses, thank you for demonstrating ad hominem ignorance for all here.
Greg, my comments are based on an actual assessment of his record and continual public behavior. That he claims to support good policies is almost totally irreverent. He is a habitual lier and his incompetence is plain for all to see. Moreover, so-called ‘Christian’ support for him is a function of a principality, namely: the deception of American civil religion in its right-wing form. Its left-wing forms are obviously wrong, but it is also not as popular within the church. Trumpism is thoroughly demonic; and it’s done more damage to the church’s witness than any other issue over the past decade.
Mark, you’re using left-wing “racist” talk to accuse. Check. Trump inherited an economy benefiting from Obama’s reparative economic policies. Trumpist idolatry is a function of a demonic principality held together by the undiscerning emotions of deceived Christians. Trump is clearly and uncontroversially an emblem of Christian unfaithfulness to the gospel and the whole counsel of scripture, which is why I speak up here. And this is true no matter what race we happen to be. So stump for the incompetent and uncharachtered Trump if you like, but know: you’re engaging in idolatry while doing so, and saddling next generation Christian witness with scars to repent of and account for, black and white.
Jack Marsh let us know about the politician who tells the truth. One and all we will vote for him. What’s his name?
Did you vote for Biden? Or who?
Jack Marsh you said, “good policies is almost totally irrelevent”.
There is where we disagree.
Policies are almost everything.
If you have only two choices for a heart surgeon. One has good morals but wants to give you an appendectomy when you need heart surgery and the second one is immoral but is a skilled heart surgeon, there’s only one obvious choice.
Greg, but my point is that, due to his incompetence: Trump doesn’t understand the policies he claims to support. Take his China policy: his ideas weren’t wrong, but he immediately began alienating our allies and countries in other markets, sabotaging the possibility of the united front necessary to force changes in Chinese economic policy. So whatever policy *he claims to support* is what doesn’t matter, his actual actions are incompetent and make those policies ineffective. That’s why he’s incompetent. And he’s incapable of recognizing that some policies transcend party in importance, such that voting for would itself be an act of incompetence. So one both moral and practical grounds he is bad choice, and the only reason people can’t see it is that they exist in media bubble that only tells them what they want to hear (and this part of the reason I claim that parts of the church function under a principality). Trump is incapable of even basic self-discipline for the good of others and literally acts like toddler. Vote for him if you must, but please don’t attach the Name of Jesus to your vote!
I’m no expert on Trump’s China policy but to quote you, “his ideas weren’t wrong”.
If they weren’t wrong, then your critique doesn’t make any sense on this subject.
I’m not attaching Christ to Trump. We agree there.
But policies DO matter. You tried to use China as an example.
If I use Iran as an example. Trump was hard-nosed against appeasing them. That kept them quiet.
NOW, we’re under a different administration who’se policy for them has been appeasement. And as a result Iran is a waging proxy war through the Houthis (sp?).
On immigration, that wall would have almost stopped (certainly greatly reduced) the problems we’re seeing at our border now.
But the current administration has been opening up the border, been lax on enforcing existing laws and in the beginning announced that they were reversing Trump border policies. And look at the mess we’re in as a result.
Policies DO matter.
We don’t have tie Christ to it. But let’s be wise.
I’m sure you and I would surely agree that we’d take the immoral airline pilot over the moral guy who doesn’t even have his flying license.
Politics, in the end is about ideas (worldview) and that connects to policies. Yes, we both agree that we’d love and greatly prefer someone who is moral and humble but we don’t always have such options.
But we’d be fools to vote for the bad policies as a form of virtue signalling.
Jack Marsh
“Mark, you’re using left-wing “racist” talk to accuse.”
Answer: Yes I am. How does it feel?
“Trump inherited an economy benefiting from Obama’s reparative economic policies.”
Answer: And when Obama was asked how he did it, he did not have an answer. So he just lucked out. Before then the economy was very shaky. In my book Obama was the 2nd worst President.
“Trumpist idolatry is a function of a demonic principality held together by the undiscerning emotions of deceived Christians.”
Answer: I’m not a Trump loyalist. I’ve criticized President Trump on several issues. I’m still waiting for an abolishment of the IRS, the federal income tax and a total repeal of Obamacare.
“Trump is clearly and uncontroversially an emblem of Christian unfaithfulness to the gospel and the whole counsel of scripture, which is why I speak up here.”
Answer: While I do agree that if he is a Christian, he may not be a consistent one, you cannot deny that we were prospering under his leadership.
“So stump for the incompetent and uncharachtered Trump if you like, but know: you’re engaging in idolatry while doing so, and saddling next generation Christian witness with scars to repent of and account for, black and white.
Answer: 1. Like the left, you’re simply name calling without any facts. Again, your letting your emotions rule you.
2. Remember. We are not voting for a pastor or an elder. If Trump was running for elder in my church, I would not vote for him. But for President, no problem
Mark, your ‘translations’ are quite revealing.
I’m a missionary teaching at an Evangelical Christian school in Guatemala who has constantly been forced to field questions about Trump’s racism and “Christians” implicit support of him. Play to the crowd as you like. Don’t worry: others will answer for it.
Jack Marsh…. cast the first stone brother.. He who was qualified to cast stone didn’t. They are all the same… but different styles of politicking.. Decisions of American presidents has killed millions of innocent people in unwarranted wars.
Femi, what should I tell my Guatemalan students and colleagues who ask me why their American brothers and sisters support Trump in light of Trump’s consistent record of morally questionable and practically incompetent statements and actions?
The most reasonable and biblically sound conclusion I’ve come to is this: Trumpism is idolatry.
Philip Williams so vote for the candidate that is against all the Biblical beliefs,supports and promotes abortion ,LGBT policies and transgenderism,and mutilation of children and teens … What was Clinton’s , Obama’s morals and especially Biden
Jack Marsh. While I appreciate your support for other politicians, to describe support for Trump as idolatry is terribly absurd. .. this assertion of yours will equally describe support for any other Politicians… and I think that’s going over the the elastic limits. This isn’t the biblical definition of idolatry.. You are using the definition of a mountain to describe a molehill. We all as Christians can’t support a particular politician… we all support politicians for particular issues..not all
Jack Marsh whats your point with this Link
Troy Day Femi considers my contention that Trumpism is idolatry to be ‘absurd,’ and as such seems unaware of what is and has been actually happening since 2015; and that is crystal clear to brothers and sisters in the global South where I happen to live and minister. As such, this pic is not strawmaning or a ‘red herring,’ but speaks precisely to the matter under debate.
Jack Marsh spoken like a true demoncrat Trump did more for this country than anyone in recent history
Jack Marsh why so?
I don’t like Trump either. But the other side is 100 times worse. Maybe we need someone who in a bully to clean up Washington! I don’t like election fraud either.
Robert Davis I’d vote Libertarian if they had a chance of winning..
God puts people in power for His
Purposes. Respect that!
Terry Wiles Did God put Hitler in power?
I don’t think President trump is truly a believer. Nevertheless, he’s the best President we’ve had. Let’s pray for him.
Mark Aponte They all deserve the prayer portion.
Mark Aponte no no no. We pray for God’s will. This is how the antochriat will deceive many.
Carlitos Way I don’t agree with your eschatology. (With respect)
But yes, we should be in prayer for those in power.
Mark Aponte is not my esthology. God literally has a plan. It’s in revelation lol. It can’t come to pass on our will for President.we even need bad Presidents,cause the global e onomy has yo b run down before one world government can take over
Carlitos Way I know who the Antichrist is.
Mark Aponte and who is that?
Carlitos Way The Antichrist is Satan. It’s not a political world leader. I’m open to correction.
Mark Aponte well it’s gonna be a trinity. And the face will be a political leader
Oh and my grandmother that passed was aponte
Carlitos Way my condolences brother.
Mark Aponte how come?
Troy Day because of the way he conducts himself.
God decides who gets in office. It’s his will,not ours. We have no control of politics locally or globally. God has a plan. Is his chess board