BLACK FRIDAY: Demon possession

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BLACK FRIDAY: Demon possession

“Usually there’s a an outbreak of demon activity when truth and light are the strongest…”


  • Just makes sense if you think about it.

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Alan N Carla Smith

    Troy, Black Friday got its name because it is the one day of the year that stores have the best chance to get out of the red. Thus named black friday..selling merchandise for Christmas.

  • Reply November 24, 2016

    Tom Steele

    Yeah, this looks about as silly as the claims I have seen that Black Friday has its origins in racism.

  • Reply November 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Sure – getting you out there midnight to waste all your blessings from God for China made goods. Not demonic at all. Yes sir David Lewayne Porter

  • Reply November 25, 2016

    David Lewayne Porter

    I do not do black Friday.
    I don’t fight crowds.
    I have already finished most of my Christmas shopping on line.
    Demonic activity. …. depends on the heart and attitude of the individual.
    Troy Day

    Define your (waste all your blessings from God).

  • Reply November 25, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    David Lewayne Porter If I may agree with your comment from
    6 months ago “Just makes sense if you think about it.”

  • Reply November 25, 2016

    Ken Manley

    If any thing is demonic about “Black Friday” it is the naked, ungodly craving of more and more material possessions after just supposedly taking the day before saying how thankful we are for what we have and we don’t want or need anymore.
    In other words, the day before was all just a big lie and that is shown by what we do, not by what we have said, the day after.
    And lying is demonic. He (the Devil) is the “father” of it (John 8:44).

  • Reply November 24, 2023


    YES William DeArteaga Oscar Valdez Isara Mo Wangure’s Reflections

    • Reply November 24, 2023


      Troy Day Did you expect something peaceful in the world full of greed?

    • Reply November 24, 2023


      Oscar Valdez AUGUSTINE was paid good moneyS ALL his life to produce a catholic theology which justifies the EMPIRE

      the ONLY way a-mil exist is by denying REV 20 is literal
      this is a very lame theological response to the BIBLE
      IT is pretty clear JOHN saw REV 20 as literal and physical
      SO saw it the early church and church fathers

      it was LAME for Augustine to state that Rev 20 from the BIBLE was not literal and deny the mil BUT claim Byzantine was the Millennial Kingdom to take over the world for GOD – over 2 mils later it is clear Augustine was wrong
      1st mil passed and nothing
      2nd mil passed and nothing
      to say that the 3rd mil we are ion now is the mil from Rev 20 which was also claimed for the 2nd mill in the 1900s is plain lame – NO mil literal or not = 2 mils

    • Reply November 27, 2023


  • Reply November 24, 2023


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