Adam & Eve: The Whole Story Doesn’t Make Sense, Until Now

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  • Reply April 3, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Here it is just for you all fully Bonnified theologians in group Timothy Carter Jerome Herrick Weymouth Joshua Nielsen CrossTheology Tom Steele Want to learn more? Book a Chassidic walking tour with Jewish Brooklyn NYC

    • Reply April 3, 2018

      Timothy Carter

      This is an interesting perspective. I am unclear as to where this man get some of his information.

      1) He says that it was only one hour from the time God said, “do not eat from this tree” until Adam-and-Eve both ate from the tree.

      2) He says that Adam-and-Eve were in Heaven before they were put on Earth.

      3) He says that Adam-and-Eve had a discussion as to the best way to fulfill God’s plan. Their conclusion is to eat from the tree and experience death.

      4) He says that God told Adam not to eat then told him you will eat from the tree.

      5) Adam, Eve and the serpent do not experience punishment for sin because there was no sin.

      Where does he come up with this information?

      I do like the way he explained that each time we deny our sin nature we are drawing closer to God.

    • Reply April 3, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      The only thing he did not say that Eve was taken from Adam’s back side Rabbis believe that in some way

    • Reply April 3, 2018

      Timothy Carter

      Troy Day I didn’t here him may a reference to the rib.

    • Reply April 3, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Back side is a common assertion I’ve heard

    • Reply April 3, 2018

      Timothy Carter

      Troy Day I too have heard this. Because the ribs are attached in the back they do not meet in the front. I did not hear this man make a reference to the rib.

  • Reply April 3, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Not clear either Timothy Carter Maybe Tom Steele can give insight and then Derrick Stokes can compare to Piper 🙂

  • Reply April 3, 2018

    Scott Phillips

    what a bunch of horse hockey.

    A fine demonstration of why the Jews are Democrats. They can just twist/turn and dismiss whatever suits your fancy.

  • Reply April 3, 2018

    Scott Phillips

    I took hebrew classes from a local Synagog. It blew my mind at how they do not believe in absolute truth. Truth is in the interpretation, not in the written word.

  • Reply April 3, 2018

    Timothy Carter

    Notice that he says There is no punishment because there is no sin. He believes that these 3 characters do not have a sin nature.

    The apostle Paul already explained to us that they did commit a sin. 1 Corinthians 15.

  • Reply April 3, 2018

    Timothy Carter

    The man in the video says that the serpent did not contradict what God said. I can’t read Hebrew, but in English the Bible plainly states that the serpent reply to Eve “no you will not die.”

  • Reply April 3, 2018

    Scott Phillips

    It is the epitomy of demonic justification of sin/the serpent/disobedience.

    • Reply April 4, 2018

      Timothy Carter

      It is deceptive because he is saying this is the way to draw closer to God.

      He does say that we shouldn’t intentionally commit a sin with the excuse of drawing closer to God.

      But, he is attempting to rewrite the very foundation of the relationship between God and humanity. He said that God wanted Adam to this obey God’s Word. God knew that Adam would not disobey Him by himself. So God-created Eve for the purpose of leading Adam to the best choice which is to disobeyed God’s Word. Even go so far too plain that God told Elohim Adam will disobey because he is smarter than we are.

      Then he went on to explain that the serpent only person at the facts. This is completely ignoring that the Bible tells us that the serpent is more “crafty” and that Eve told God “the serpent deceived me.”

      To believe God wanted Adam to reject His Word is completely contrary to everything we know about God throughout the rest of the Bible.

      Scott Phillips from your experience in seminary, Do you know where this guy gets the idea that Adam-and-Eve were in heaven before God-created Adam from the dust of the Earth?

  • The story allways make since to me

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