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Post by Franklin Graham.

In 1992, Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order.

Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1978) Graham stated, “I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost–were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God–through nature, for instance.” Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature.

Update: I got a copy of the article with the transcript of the interview of Billy Graham by Robert Schuller in Christian News newspaper of 1997 p.15. Librarians are great to help one get a copies of sources like that. I also found the other quote about Pagan getting ‘saved’ through nature in the McCall’s magazine of January 1978 (not 1987, that was a typo on your website) on pg. 156-157. The title of the McCall’s article is “I can’t play God anymore” and the writer is James Michael Beam. At the library, I also found a book that Billy Graham published in 1961 (Word Books Publisher. Call # 234.2G76). The title is “How To Be Born Again” and on pages 56 and 57 he alludes that you can be saved without knowing Christ or His name, just by seeing God’s attributes in Nature. I photocopied all that and showed them to my church friends. That convinced them, and they reluctantly agreed that Graham’s has unbiblical beliefs about salvation. And his heretical beliefs are consistent over time too, because those documents are from 1961, 1978, and 1997. Sent in by (Anonymous)

This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America, Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views. Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isnít concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth.

After reading a email posted to a large email discussion group that demonstrated how The Cutting Edge’s website had cast many doubts that Billy Graham is a 33rd Degree Freemason, I decided to take action against this great deception and upload a whole 2 hour audiocassette series on Billy Graham’s deception. The Cutting Edge played a big role, first to expose Graham as a Freemason and then to retract their statement based on a high double standard. I have now uploaded the first two parts of the tapes and will upload the rest very soon. As you have noticed these last 3 days I have done more work on my pages then in the last near 2 years. Expect a flood of new articles and much more audio files exposing these men.


  • Reply November 23, 2019

    Varnel Watson

  • Joseph Gunter
    Reply July 12, 2020

    Joseph Gunter

    False Christian, free mason, Graham is a deceiver, like his father, before him was, and destroys all, that insanely follow and support him, as millions do, ignoring Christ’s warning of Matthew 24:5!!!! No Sunday, clergy serve GOD, is fact!!! Amen!!! So be it!!!

    • Peter Cooper
      Reply July 12, 2020

      Peter Cooper

      That’s quite a list of claims. The freemason thing is just a rumour I think – do you have any evidence.

    • Joseph Gunter
      Reply July 12, 2020

      Joseph Gunter

      Peter Cooper If you, do not, know that Sunday keepers are not, Christians, that is your own fault as Jesus, Forever, LORD of the 7th Day Sabbath, Matthew 12:8, Mark 2;28, Luke 6:5 who always, kept the Sabbath, as his custom was,Luke 4:16, makes clear!!! Jesus, created the Sabbath, Genesis 2:3, John 1:1-4 and Jesus, never changes Hebrews 13:8, as Jesus, is eternally, perfect!!! Do your own research and you will find that Graham and his deceased Father, are free-masons!!! Amen!!! So be it!!!

    • Dan Fitzgerald
      Reply July 12, 2020

      Dan Fitzgerald

      Joseph Gunter,You’re about as insightful as a basement Cornerstone in a basement building. You need to get out sometime and face real life. I see from your comments in other post that you’re nothing but a socialist liberal Democrat and you will get the results of that very soon if Trump loses the election. I must say you probably I don’t like feedback on anyting you post, “believing your opinions correct and everybody else is wrong”, due to the fact that you don’t allow anyone to comment back on any of your pages…!

    • James Rogers
      Reply July 12, 2020

      James Rogers

      Joseph Gunter you, sir, are, quite, a, ranting, looney, bin,aren’t,you?,,, Amen!!! So be it!!!

  • Robert James Heibel
    Reply July 12, 2020

    Robert James Heibel

    Does your church teach all what the Apostles taught?
    If not (Galatians 1:6-9) Tells us such a church that does not is cursed/condemned.

    (1 John 3:5-6) “Now you know that he appeared in order to abolish sin, and that in him there is no sin; anyone who lives in God does not sin, and anyone who sins has never seen him or known him.”

    (Matthew 5:39) “You have learnt how it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ But I say this to you: offer the wicked man no resistance.”

    (Luke 14:33) “So in the same way, none of you can be my disciple unless he gives up all his possessions.”

    (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) “You know perfectly well that people who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God: people of immoral lives, idolaters, adulterers, catamites, sodomites, thieves, usurers, drunkards, slanders and swindlers will never inherit the kingdom of God.”
    Does your church teach all what the Apostles taught? If not (Galatians 1:6-9) Tells us such a church that does not is cursed/condemned.

    Apostle John taught: What Jesus Christ taught.
    (1 John 2:4 -6) “Anyone who says, ‘I know him’, and does not keep his commandments, is a liar, refusing to admit the truth.” but when anyone does obey what he has said, God’s love comes to perfection in him.” We can be sure that we are in God only when the one who claims to be living in him is living the same kind of life as Christ lived.” Jerusalem Bible

    (1 John 3:5-6) “Now you know that he appeared in order to abolish sin, and that in him there is no sin; anyone who lives in God does not sin, and anyone who sins has never seen him or known him.”

    (1 John 3:9) “No one who has been begotten by God sins: because God’s seed remains inside him, he cannot sin when he has been begotten by God.”

    (John 14:21) “Anybody who receives my commandments and keeps them will be one who loves me; and anybody who loves me will be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and show myself to him.”

    Apostle Matthew taught
    (Matthew 5:44) “But I say this to you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you;”

    (Matthew 5:39) “You have learnt how it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ But I say this to you: offer the wicked man no resistance.”

    (Matthew 6:19) “Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and woodworms destroy them and thieves can break in and steal.

    (Matthew 5:48) “Even the pagans do as much, do they not? You must therefore be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

    (Matthew 23:8-12) “You, however, must not allow yourselves to be called Rabbi, since you have only one Master, and you are all brothers. You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor must you allow yourselves to be called teachers, for you have only one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you must be your servant. Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted.”

    Luke taught
    (Luke 12:33) “Sell your possessions and give alms. Get yourselves purses that do not wear out, treasure that will not fail you, in Heaven where no thief can reach it and no moth destroy it. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

    (Luke 14:33) “So in the same way, none of you can be my disciple unless he gives up all his possessions.”

    Paul taught
    (Romans 6: 11) “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. … “

    (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) “You know perfectly well that people who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God: people of immoral lives, idolaters, adulterers, catamites, sodomites, thieves, usurers, drunkards, slanders and swindlers will never inherit the kingdom of God.”

    (1 Corinthians 5:11) “What I wrote was that you should not associate with a brother Christian who is leading an immoral life, or is a usurer, or idolatrous, or a slander, or a drunkard, or is dishonest; you should not even eat a meal with people like that.”

    • Jay Jonson
      Reply July 12, 2020

      Jay Jonson

      I like your list! I would further clarify that the apostle taught what Jesus taught… people just need to preach from the red letters in their Bibles. Jesus is our cornerstone.

  • Reply July 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Joseph Gunter do you have proof Graham was 33 degree Mason I have heard this 1 2 many times from 2 3 witnesses

    • Joseph Gunter
      Reply July 12, 2020

      Joseph Gunter

      Irrelevant, you wish to support him, as millions support many false ministers just as Jesus, warned would happen, Matthew 24:4-5 so do what you want and never contact me again as you do not, seek truth, just acceptance which cannot be given!!! you have no question, as google and other easily available sources, more than answer this question, move on, all Sunday keepers are fakes, yet you miss that, by choice to ignore Bible Truth!! Next!!!

  • Reply July 13, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Peter Cooper After reading a email posted to a large email discussion group that demonstrated how The Cutting Edge’s website had cast many doubts that Billy Graham is a 33rd Degree Freemason, I decided to take action against this great deception and upload a whole 2 hour audiocassette series on Billy Graham’s deception. The Cutting Edge played a big role, first to expose Graham as a Freemason and then to retract their statement based on a high double standard. I have now uploaded the first two parts of the tapes and will upload the rest very soon. As you have noticed these last 3 days I have done more work on my pages then in the last near 2 years. Expect a flood of new articles and much more audio files exposing these men.

  • Reply July 13, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    In 1992, Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order.

    Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1978) Graham stated, “I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost–were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God–through nature, for instance.” Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature.

    Update: I got a copy of the article with the transcript of the interview of Billy Graham by Robert Schuller in Christian News newspaper of 1997 p.15. Librarians are great to help one get a copies of sources like that. I also found the other quote about Pagan getting ‘saved’ through nature in the McCall’s magazine of January 1978 (not 1987, that was a typo on your website) on pg. 156-157. The title of the McCall’s article is “I can’t play God anymore” and the writer is James Michael Beam. At the library, I also found a book that Billy Graham published in 1961 (Word Books Publisher. Call # 234.2G76). The title is “How To Be Born Again” and on pages 56 and 57 he alludes that you can be saved without knowing Christ or His name, just by seeing God’s attributes in Nature. I photocopied all that and showed them to my church friends. That convinced them, and they reluctantly agreed that Graham’s has unbiblical beliefs about salvation. And his heretical beliefs are consistent over time too, because those documents are from 1961, 1978, and 1997. Sent in by (Anonymous)

    This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America, Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views. Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isnít concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth.

  • Tim Spangler
    Reply July 13, 2020

    Tim Spangler

    How do you know MOST of what Jesus taught was not recorded?

    • Reply July 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      who is saying and why is this important to the discussions Are you saying Jesus taught masonry that was not recorded? What is your exact point – pls elaborate

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day It’s not my point. It’s the point of the one making the claim

    • Reply July 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler where is this claim made Pls give direction to its exact location as I do not see it or claim it BTW I’ve copy pasted the sources so you can get oriented faster

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day I may have posted in the wrong sub thread

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day I’m curious as to what is the salvation message and method you preach

    • Reply July 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler why are you making this about me? Obviously you made a mistake NOW can we talk about OP?

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Sure. What about it?

    • Reply July 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler Read OP and carry on

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day I thought you wanted to discuss it.

    • Reply July 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler Sure and thats why I posted it but it presumes you read it before you comment and actually know what you are talking about Otherwise is waste of time

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day I am pretty aware of the issues.

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Why do you claim we are deceived? My salvation is Christ based..and has nothing to do with my view of Billy or Franklin Graham

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day ??

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day I guess not

    • Reply July 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      OK why not? pls read again Tim Spangler In 1992, Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order.

      Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1978) Graham stated, “I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost–were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God–through nature, for instance.” Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature.

      Update: I got a copy of the article with the transcript of the interview of Billy Graham by Robert Schuller in Christian News newspaper of 1997 p.15. Librarians are great to help one get a copies of sources like that. I also found the other quote about Pagan getting ‘saved’ through nature in the McCall’s magazine of January 1978 (not 1987, that was a typo on your website) on pg. 156-157. The title of the McCall’s article is “I can’t play God anymore” and the writer is James Michael Beam. At the library, I also found a book that Billy Graham published in 1961 (Word Books Publisher. Call # 234.2G76). The title is “How To Be Born Again” and on pages 56 and 57 he alludes that you can be saved without knowing Christ or His name, just by seeing God’s attributes in Nature. I photocopied all that and showed them to my church friends. That convinced them, and they reluctantly agreed that Graham’s has unbiblical beliefs about salvation. And his heretical beliefs are consistent over time too, because those documents are from 1961, 1978, and 1997. Sent in by (Anonymous)

      This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America, Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views. Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isnít concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth.

      After reading a email posted to a large email discussion group that demonstrated how The Cutting Edge’s website had cast many doubts that Billy Graham is a 33rd Degree Freemason, I decided to take action against this great deception and upload a whole 2 hour audiocassette series on Billy Graham’s deception. The Cutting Edge played a big role, first to expose Graham as a Freemason and then to retract their statement based on a high double standard. I have now uploaded the first two parts of the tapes and will upload the rest very soon. As you have noticed these last 3 days I have done more work on my pages then in the last near 2 years. Expect a flood of new articles and much more audio files exposing these men.

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Do you embrace the new order of the thousand year reign of Christ? Did you prove any New Age type of New world order is what he is talking about?

    • Reply July 13, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler First off you seem to be mistaken As stated several times you need to read the sources I posted – I am not the author of those sources. Simply citing them No connection to new age or new world order on my part I am a simple Biblical scholar Pls comments on the sources instead after reading them first Thank you

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day From YOUR article: During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order.

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Simply citing them No connection to new age or new world order on my part

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 13, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day ?

  • Reply July 14, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Tim Spangler have you any proof YET?

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 14, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day proof of what?

    • Reply July 14, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler why you trolling again? Read your own words IF you have proof bring it else get out

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 14, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day You coming out of nowhere with a broad brushed “Have you any proof YET? question isnt trolling..but me asking what issue we are talking about IS trolling. ?? Bye

    • Reply July 15, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler I do not come from no where and I have the degrees to back it I present a BIBLICAL case with solid proof to the OP in question Now pls quite with your constant babling and state your logical reasoning if you have one

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 15, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Reasoning for what issue?

    • Reply July 15, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler speak to OP pls Have you got anything to say

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 15, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day I already did. My salvation is about Jesus and the cross…not necessarily about my viewpoint of Franklin Graham

    • Reply July 16, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler so you are fine by high degree masons occupying the message of salvation #GREAT

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 16, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day I already told you my viewpoint. Ya think i’ll go to Hell?

    • Reply July 16, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler your are OFF topic – This is not about you or yours IT is about a much higher reasoning

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 16, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Sue me

    • Reply July 16, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler what for? you sue yourself

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 16, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Interesting concept

    • Reply July 16, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Tim Spangler you undermining the masonic influence in the church is interesting enough IMO

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 16, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day YOU are underminging the Masonic influence in the Church. undermining
      Learn to pronounce
      See definitions in:
      Military History
      Civil Engineering
      the action or process of lessening the effectiveness, power, or ability of someone or something, especially gradually or insidiously.

    • Tim Spangler
      Reply July 16, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Troy Day Why would you castigate me for what YOU are doing?

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