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A friend of mine, Pastor Eli Garza, recently shared with me some links about Latino evangelicals in the US.

Image: Ismael Paramo
First up is a podcast from the National Association of Evangelicals. Their introduction is: “Hispanics make up nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population. They have played a major role in driving population growth in our country and in revitalizing our churches over the past decades. In Today’s Conversation, Dr. Gus Reyes offers thoughtful and pastoral insight into this community, including generational dynamics and subsequent implications for ministry and outreach.”
“The Heartbeat of the Hispanic Community”
Pastor Eli says: “This is a great 40 min podcast on what US Latino evangelicals are like and the challenges we face.”
Next up is a 4-minute broadcast news story, about which Pastor Eli says: “This is a great report by NBC News on US Latinos who speak English. Sadly, this is a divisive matter in the US Latino community and including most US Latino evangelical churches. The majority lose their 2nd generation and beyond because they do not use English as part of their ministries.”
Are you Latino if you don’t speak Spanish?
Pastor Eli is right, the audience of needs to connect with these matters.
If you want to connect with Pastor Eli, try these links:
In sound biblical hermeneutics & exegesis there is no allegorizing, no spiritualizing and no replacement theology.
It has been wisely said, do not present your eschatology until you master Zechariah.
God has one Redeemed people, but He deals with the saints in various ways from generation to generation.
God also has unique distinctions for ethnic national Israel and for the Church.
The Church is not, in any way, Israel.
The Church has dealt with error from its beginning, 2000 years ago.
The churches got some things wrong and some things right.
Paul would establish local churches, then he would turn around and issue correction and even rebuke.
The Church fathers got some things wrong and some things right.
Premillennial eschatology is taught in Scripture and was believed in the early Church (Chiliasm).
The Pretribulational Rapture is taught in Scripture and was believed in the early Church.
The Church has mistakenly been moving away from sound biblical eschatology since the first century.
Amillennial and Post Millennial beliefs have no exegetical biblical support.
There is no biblical or historical fulfillment yet of Daniel’s 70th week. God has future plans for ethnic national Israel, to purge and cleanse that people in great tribulation, her time of Jacob’s trouble.
To get prophecy and Scripture right we must embrace God’s unique distinctions for ethnic national Israel and for the Church.