EVERYTHING you need to know about the PASTOR PROTECTION ACT

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EVERYTHING you need to know about the PASTOR PROTECTION ACT (HB 757)

State of Georgia A BILL to be entitled an Act to protect religious freedoms;

Georgia House passes ‘Pastor Protection Act’

Texas governor Abbott Signs “Pastor Protection Act” Into Law

FLORIDA Churches or Religious Organizations (Effective Date: July 1, 2016): Provides that churches or religious organizations, related organizations, or certain individuals may not be required to solemnize any marriage or provide services, accommodations, facilities, goods, or privileges for related purposes if such action would violate sincerely held religious belief; prohibits certain legal actions, penalties, or governmental sanctions against such individuals or entities. http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=54856

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