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Israel’s new government under former Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to be very conservative (Netanyahu won 64 seats, and his new government will include members from the far right that want to change things on the Temple Mount and the West Bank).
Biblically speaking, the U.S. should eagerly support equal rights for Jews on the Temple Mount (the right to go there, pray there, etc.), Israel’s annexation of all the West Bank (at least some of the Jewish settlements), and more, but White House officials are panicking over changes on the Temple Mount.
They are already criticizing people that may be in Netanyahu’s government, and on Nov. 8, 2022, it was reported that America’s ambassador to Israel said the U.S. will aggressively fight Israel’s annexation of all or part of the West Bank.
Those in the White House are opposing what the Bible says about God’s restoration of Israel, but they do not believe the Bible, so they ignore what it says.
America’s rejection of Jehovah and the Bible, its celebration of perversion, and its desire to divide Israel are major reasons why America is in trouble.
The situation on the Temple Mount will change, God’s Word will be fulfilled, the Jews will rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices, and the worthless hissy fits (displeasure, anger, temper tantrums) of unbelievers in the White House before the Netanyahu government is even formed will not stop that.
Here are some recent events that recently made the news.
One, concerning world government: on Nov. 10, 2022, Human Events posted an article by Ethan Peck that says:
- The leaders of all the G7 nations (7 major industrialized nations) took up the same slogan: “Build Back Better.”
- The CEOs of the 3 American pharmaceutical companies that developed a vaccine for Covid-19 are frequent attendees of World Economic Forum (WEF) meetings.
- The founders of Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Google have all attended WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) training events.
- Several of the most recognizable people in the media are graduates of the YGL school.
Peck astutely points out that all these people have one common denominator: the WEF.
(Question: What are the odds that all 7 major industrialized nations would adopt the same slogan in the same year?)
Two, concerning financing world government and wealth redistribution: on Nov. 8, 2022, a report was released at the COP27 meeting that calls for “developed countries” to start giving one trillion dollars a year before 2030 to “emerging markets and developing countries,” plus it was suggested that they also cut subsidies on fossil fuels and impose “carbon taxes” to raise about $1.4 trillion dollars more.
I cannot predict what world leaders will do, but these fanatics want control of everyone on earth and more than two trillion dollars of financing pouring in every year before 2030.
(Note: A recent poll found that more than 40% of highly respected climate scientists do not believe that climate change is settled science. The high level of skepticism among experts is one reason why many Bible prophecy teachers believe climate change is a scam to justify the establishment of a world government.)
Three, concerning a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to eventually track all buying and selling: on Nov. 15, 2022, the NY Federal Reserve Bank announced a pilot program to explore the use of CBDCs for the next 3 months.
Several large banks and Master Card will participate in this pilot program.
I cannot predict what they will do, but I expect them to test the CBDC for the next 3 months and put it into use in at least some places early next year (unless the House or God stops them).
This will be a major step toward a new global economic system and the Mark of the Beast.
Four, concerning the decline of America: on Nov. 14, 2022, the Washington Examiner reported that Pres. Biden implied that the mid-term elections were a repudiation of former Pres. Trump’s “America First” foreign policy agenda.
In a past speech, Biden said “America First” is dead.
Biden’s goal is “Globalism First” (cause the decline of America and Build it Back Better with the New World Order), and he wants the U.S. to lead it.
(My Opinion: On Nov. 15, 2022, former Pres. Trump announced that he will run for president again in 2024. I believe we can expect Biden and America’s shadow government to do everything they can to lock the U.S. into a world government before the election.)
Five, concerning the mid-term elections in Pennsylvania: State Rep. Tony DeLuca was running for re-election, but he died on Oct. 9, 2022 (one month before the vote).
It was too late to change the ballots, so DeLuca’s name was still listed when the election took place.
Pennsylvania will now hold a special election to replace the deceased man that more than 85% of the people voted for.
(Note: Concerning corruption in the election: a Rasmussen survey on Nov. 8-9, 2022, found that 30% of likely voters believed that cheating was “very likely,” and 27% believed it was “likely.”)
(Note: Following the collapse of Crypto Exchange FTX, there have been reports that the head of the company gave more than $38 million of stolen money to Democrats to help them win the mid-term elections, and we may never know the truth, but one report said he was running a gigantic slush fund that was funneling money that was appropriated for Ukraine to selected Democrats.)
(My opinion: Those who do not believe there is corruption in the elections probably believe our border with Mexico is secure, we don’t have a drug problem, inflation is under control, Hunter’s laptop was disinformation, men can get pregnant, our border patrol agents beat immigrants with the reins of their horses, etc. Sadly, it looks like a strong delusion has come upon America.)
Six, concerning COP27: a reader asked this question, “I would like to know what that means to you in the prophecy world?”
Here is my slightly altered answer:
- In essence, globalists are worshipping Mother Earth, the creation instead of the Creator (they are transforming climate change into a religion).
- Globalists are replacing God’s Ten Commandments with ten commandments that have nothing to do with God.
- They are seeking to make their commandments global law, and that would empower them to persecute those that do not keep those global laws.
- Attacking the Ten Commandments is an attack on Christians and Jews.
- Globalists are replacing the Commandments written by the finger of God on stone tablets with commandments written by humans or a machine on paper.
- The world religion is shaping up at the same time that globalists are working to establish a world government and world economic system.
- All of this means the Rapture is close.
Seven, in a Nov. 12, 2022, American Thinker article, author Eric Utter reported that the UN and World Economic Forum (WEF) are working together on ways to dramatically reduce the population of the earth as part of the Great Reset.
Notice that Utter said “reduce” the population of the earth, not “maintain” the population of the earth.
According to Utter, the goal is to reduce the population of the earth by 50% or more by 2050.
Utter asks, “Who gets to decide which humans are expendable, unneeded?”
Eight, concerning a population reduction on earth: on Nov. 14, 2022, it was reported that the Australian government is now saying the danger of vaccinated males age 16-40 getting myocarditis (an infection in the heart that hinders the heart’s ability to pump blood) may be greater than the danger of getting Covid.
According to the report, citizens were told the Covid shots are safe, but they are not.
From now on, the Australian government will advise citizens under thirty not to take the fourth shot.
(More: On Nov. 15, 2022, it was reported that Covid vaccinations have caused an increase of death in all age groups by almost 300,000 people in the 27-nation EU during the first 44 weeks of 2022.)
Nine, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: it is being reported that Russia has lost more than 100,000 troops and many weapons in its war against Ukraine.
This is terrible for the Russian troops and their families, and God can destroy Russia’s military no matter how many troops and weapons they have, but He may be weakening the Russian military before it attacks Israel.
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
The post Worthless Hissy Fits :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready.