Will Trump Sign the National Sunday Law?

Will Trump Sign the National Sunday Law?

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National Sunday law is a conspiracy theory which alleges that the United States government is on the verge of enacting a national blue law that would make Sunday a day of rest and worship. The theory is based on the idea that the Pope is the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast is worshipped on Sunday. Sinister forces (read: the Vatican) are conspiring to enact a national Sunday law in the United States, which would be the trigger that unleashes the fulfilment of the prophecies found in the Biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. In addition, this law would outlaw worshipping on Saturday, thus beginning a period of persecution of those who worship on Saturday, or Sabbath. This idea originated within Seventh-day Adventism (which considers the Sabbath to be Saturday), and some on the fringes of the SDA church have taken a handful of failed Congressional bills and papal writings and inflated them into the trigger of the apocalypse. This is quite ironic considering that you would think blue law opposition would come from more secular groups.

Also consider

  • Blue laws already exist in many states/counties/municipalities, restricting anything from the sale of alcoholic beverages to, in the past, businesses being open at all on Sunday. What is so special about a national Sunday law that would make it the trigger that sets off the fulfilment of Bible prophecy, when the U.S. was already blanketed with state and local blue laws?
  • The trend over the past four decades has been to repeal those blue laws. Any attempt today at introducing such a bill in the U.S. Congress for a national law would be laughed at.
  • Such a law would be blatantly unconstitutional under the Establishment Clause. Even if such a bill passed Congress, it would be immediately stayed by the courts and struck down soon thereafter.
  • A law requiring businesses to close? In the United States? That might cut into corporate profits! Think of the idle rich job creators, somebody. It seems politically impossible.
  • Such a law would be widely viewed as antisemitic as well as anti-Seventh-day-Adventist.
  • Belief that such a law is inevitably coming is based on a peculiar interpretation of Bible prophecy and fears dating from the late 1800s that have ossified into a persistent conspiracy theory, not on any real legislative priorities in Congress. A quick look at thomas.loc.gov shows nothing of the sort introduced in Congress in recent years. The closest things have been bills mentioning Sunday premium pay or designating certain Sundays “Drive Safer Sunday” or “Parent’s Day”.
  • What is so special about the United States that a national Sunday law in the U.S. would trigger the end times? Would a national Sunday law in Thailand, Ukraine, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo also trigger the end times?
  • Where they get Sunday worship as the mark of the beast is anyone’s guess. (The number of the beast is described in Revelation 13 as 666, and the mark of the beast is described as a physical mark on the hand or forehead.)


  • Reply June 2, 2019

    Nora Neel-Toney

    I remember when the Blue Law was in effect. People got along fine with businesses being closed on Sunday. They had more family time together.

  • Those socialists will fight this with everything they got!

  • Reply June 3, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Jerome do you mean the socialists that wants to wall off our open border economy, tax with import tarifs our free markets and so on? Kelly Crites I see you jumping on the Trump band wagon – more to come soon

  • Reply July 7, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    HE IS doing it Nelson Banuchi Philip Williams

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day is this an SDA forum?

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams its a forum about the truth – it will break Tom Steele if he does

  • Reply July 7, 2019

    CW Sellers

    Sunday is for worship and family! Time America had that back!

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      CW Sellers do you ever go shopping on Sunday?

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers


  • Reply July 7, 2019

    Nora Neel-Toney

    Why not?

  • Reply July 7, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Because he will FIRST have to be re-elected Nelson Banuchi

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      I don’t agree with making such a law and, hopefully, it is a “conspiracy theory” w/o any basis on fact.

      For the GOP to even consider it shows how religious rather than truthful a political party it has become.

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers

      Troy Day, Oh he will, have you watched the Democratic debates? Question, Can Democratic Socialist Party member’s be Christians?

  • Reply July 7, 2019

    CW Sellers

    Troy Day, Oh he will, have you watched the Democratic debates? Question, Can Democratic Socialist Party member’s be Christians?

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      the new ones OR the 2016? dont really concern myself with the dems if I can hep Nelson Banuchi

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      “Can Democratic Socialist Party member’s be Christians?”

      Why not? Is now political party an acid test for being a Christian?

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers

      Not an acid test, but a challenge of Godly character. Name one with that character! The Godly do not promote Immorality and disrespect! It’s a simple process.

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      CW Sellers Where in the Bible do we see one’s political affiliation a test of character? That would surely suggest a lot of doubt as to whether evangelical Christians in the Republican party are saved!

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers

      Nelson Banuchi, maybe you should research Paul the Roman (political party of the day) similar to the Democratic Socialist Party!

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      CW Sellers What? You think the Republican party is no different from the Roman “party” then or the Democrats today?

      Respectfully, and without any intention to put down, but I really can’t spend my time responding to comments that, from my view, are so biased as to be ridiculous, so I will end my comments to you here.

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers

      Just a question, it revealed what I wanted!

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Jim Price

      CW Sellers Democrats were never socialists and never will be, yet they are for the working class and those held back by prejudices and /or forced into dominion by the rich.

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      Nelson Banuchi

      CW Sellers Cool…

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers

      Romans = Democratic Socialist Party!

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers

      Jim Price you have been eating from the propaganda tree Sir! Is that why the Democrats voted against freeing the slaves? They were the save owners!

    • Reply July 7, 2019

      CW Sellers

      Oh Jimbo, the Democrats also created and kept the KKK going for decades. Nice! Pull out your history books, its obvious you flunked history somewhere along the way or you grew up in Berkeley, CA

  • Reply July 7, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    CW Sellers Nelson Banuchi NOT too sure if a Sunday law will be the solution here Philip Williams heard the Pope wanted one too

  • Reply July 7, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    Saturday social events rely on Christian and secular accommodation businesses cleaning their rooms sometime on sundays; ready for Christian retirees needing accommodation sunday night in their travels to admire God’s creation.

  • Reply July 8, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    RichardAnna Boyce you ever go to a restaurant on Sunday /

    • Reply July 8, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      on sundays i help cook and serve all our members a free lunch; as it often the only proper meal they have all week. In Australia i help clean my Resort bedrooms on sundays, so we can entertain Christian strangers on sunday nights.

    • Reply July 8, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      i might also pray for blind men from birth to receive their sight on Sundays; but dont tell the Pharisees here lol

    • Reply July 8, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher would like to visit as a Christian stranger but Australia is long long ways

    • Reply July 8, 2019

      Joe Absher

      I’m sure its a fine establishment.

  • Reply February 23, 2020

    Christine Keough

    I can see this coming about in the guise of a world wide day to combat climate change. There will be a Sunday law alright where no one will be able to work and business will not be allowed, by law, to continue on that day to combat greenhouse gas emissions. It will be a law and the United States will enforce it. The Pope has invited all heads of state to the Vatican on May 17 2020 to discuss an emergency plan to combat climate change. The hidden agenda and always has been to enact a Sunday law, to get all countries to recognize the need for this law and eventually order by law that all should worship on Sunday to bring the family together. Those that refuse to worship on the Sun Day, the Venerable day of the sun, that was dedicated for Pagan worship, Will be prosecuted by law, and unfortunately all the people’s of the world will be on board with it. In the guise of course to save the planet.

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